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     Pandora Gets the Chair
    10 minutes
      Pandora Gets the Chair - Pandora is in jail. She's having a fever dream about her execution that's due to happen the next the dream, she dies a painful death in the chair, and the executioner opens up her blouse and plays with her tits. This disturbing dream is about to become a reality.

The masked executioner wakes her up. She begs and pleads with him to let her contact her attorney. Or at least, a BETTER attorney. She got railroaded.  She HAD to kill her husband..he was abusive! She's desperate for one more chance to live, and the executioner takes glee in her suffering. He tells her it's too late.

He forces her hands behind her back and cuffs her. She plods along slowly and reluctantly as he leads her to the chair. The chair is a  big wooden beast. She shakes in fright as she sits down in it.

The executioner belts her in..taking his time and enjoying her whining. He straps in her hands and feet. The last step is to put the conductor on her head. That's when she really starts to struggle, and squirm.  But there is  no escape for her. She has to take her punishment.

The executioner flips the switch...soon, Pandora is twitching and writhing in the death takes several minutes of twitching and frothing at the mouth, before she is finally done.

The executioner is aroused at the sight of limp Pandora. Eyes rolled back..tongue sticking out.  Shocking Debbie
    11 minutes
      Shocking Debbie - Featuring Debbie D

Debbie D is an innocent woman waiting for her turn on the electric chair.  When the executioner enters her cell and handcuffs her, Debbie begs for her life, but he won't listen.  Finally Debbie is dragged to the chair, and as she is strapped in, she professes her innocents to def ears.  One the head piece is connected the lever is pulled and several thousand volts course through Debbie's body.  She struggles and fights against the chairs straps, but they hold her tight and the electricity slowly kills her.  Finally Debbie's back arcs one last time, and she drops back into the chair twitching.  The executioner cuts the power and checks her.  he removes her shirt showing some nice cleavage before carrying the body away.

Features: Electrocution, begging, handcuffs, electric chair, undressing, carrying, sandal and foot shots.
     The Letter
    1 minutes
      The Letter - Pandora has met a guy at a bar. The next day, she wakes up on his couch, feeling drugged. There's a letter on her breast..the letter says that there's a Hitachi under her pillow. She's being filmed..but she won't know where the camera is.

The letter says, she needs to give herself 10 orgasms with the Hitachi within a certain period of time..if he doesn't the drug is set up to kill her. She's confused and scared, but takes the Hitachi and puts it between her thighs..  Fayth Gets The Chair
    9 minutes
      Fayth Gets The Chair - Featuring: Fayth On Fire, and Sam Archer

Fayth was a naughty girl and murdered her best friend, and now Sam is going to make sure she fries for it.  Fayth begs for her life and insists she is innocent, but Sam has heard that all before.  He mocks Fayth and fondles her breasts a bit before finally strapping her into the chair.  Once she is strapped in Sam moves off to the switch.  Fayth begs for her life one last time before Sam throws the switch.  Fayth begins to convulse as the current runs through her body.  After a long agonizing execution, Fayth finally slumps dead on the chair.   Sam cuts the power and moves up to Fayth to examine her body.  Sam unstraps Fayth and carries her body off to the morgue.

Features: topless nudity, electrocution, begging, bondage in the chair, flip flops, bare feet, lift and carry.
     Electrocution Switcheroo
    14 minutes
      Electrocution Switcheroo - Featuring: Pandora Jones, Fayth On Fire

Its time for Pandora to go to the chair, and officer Fayth is there to molest her one last time before she fries.  Fayth taunts her first and then enters the cell to play with her prisoner.  They both wrestle for a while, with Fayth doing some face sitting on Pandora.  Finally Fayth manages to get Pandora to the cell entrance, but she forgot one thing, the handcuffs.  Pandora turns on Fayth and manages to know her out.

Fayth wakes up in the electric chair just as Pandora finishes strapping her in.  Fayth tries to beg for her life, but it is Pandora's turn to taunt her.  She opens Fayth's shirt to expose her cleavage.  Pandora moves off and hits the switch.  Fayth's body convulses as the electricity shoots through her body.  As Fayth struggles Pandora plans her escape and what she'll do when she is out.  Finally Fayth stops twitching and slumps over.  Pandora shuts off the power and walks up to her body.  She takes off one of Fayth's shoes to play with her stocking covered foot.  Next Pandora takes off Fayth's closes and puts them on before leaving her there in her underwear.

Featuring: Electrocution, face sitting, wrestling, cat fighting, prison cell, police uniform, undressing, black stockings, knock outs.  Executed For Drugs
    7 minutes
      Executed For Drugs - Featuring: Nyssa Nevers

The Hangman Has Nyssa's body on a table, and plays with her body for a while before leaving it there and moving off to his next execution.  Nyssa suddenly begins to breath.  Her eyes open and she tries to flee when she sees the Hangman.  His orders are clear, if hanging doesn't work then they get the chair.  The Hangman drags Nyssa to the chair as she begs for her life.  She is forced to sit and is quickly strapped in.  The Hangman fondles her breasts one last time before throwing the switch.  Nyssa's eyes bug out and she begins to convulse as the electricity courses through her.  After a few minutes her eyes stay open as the current makes her body twitch.  The Hangman cuts the current and check Nyssa's body, this time she is done.  He plays with her breasts and leaves her there with her eyes open wide in a death stare.

Features: Electrocution, electric chair, full nudity, death stare, begging, breast fondling, posing, bare feet.
     But Im Innocent
    15 minutes
      But Im Innocent - Lovely Lauren Sophia is locked up in jail. She's sitting in her cell, upset..not sure what her fate will be. Pandora, the executioner's assistant, enters and tells her it's time to die.  "But I'm innocent! I didn't do anything!" Lauren protests. "That's what they all say," Pandora scoffs.

Pandora ties Lauren's wrists together with rope, makes a leash, and leads her into the electrocution chamber. She sits her down at the electric chair, and binds her with the straps. Lauren is still pleading for her life, to no avail.

Pandora is putting electrodes on Lauren's feet and notices how pretty they are. She has a foot fetish. Lauren also has nice toe rings, and pretty pink polish. Pandora can't resist worshipping her feet, under the guise of making them wet to help the current run. When she's had her fill, the prepares to crank up the voltage and give Lauren just enough current to make her uncomfortable, but not enough to end her yet. 

Lauren hums and screams, and thrashes about. She begs Pandora to just turn up the voltage and be done with it. The electrodes are coming off Lauren's feet, so Pandora takes the opportunity to lick them again. Then she gives Lauren what she wants. She cranks the voltometer up to maximum voltage. Lauren thrashes. Her feet and toes curl up, and vibrate. Soon she is slumped over in her chair.

Once the lovely lady has expired, Pandora goes  back to the chair to play with her feet again, but she's interrupted by the executioner, in his long black cloak and devil mask. "I told you to let her go! She was innocent!" He booms.

Pandora shrugs, "I always wanted to kill someone. Just had to prove to myself I could do it. Plus, I get off on it." The executioner is livid. "Now YOU must die!" He grabs Pandora by her wrists.

Next we see Pandora in jail, dressed in orange prison garb. The executioner arrives to take her to the chair. "If you kill me, who will help you?" "I'm sure I'll find someone," the executioner says. He leads her to the chair, just like she led Lauren. When he sees Pandora's feet, complete with French pedicure and toe rings, he also can't resist worshipping her feet. "You're sick," Pandora says. "Just let me go." Pandora tries to bargain with him, to be his foot slave. It's no use. He straps her into the chair, turns the current up as high as it can go, and leaves her there to fry.


Foot fetish, foot worship, toe rings, 2 girls electrocuted, jail cell, prison uniform,  electric chair, execution, wrist rope bondage, flip flops, heels  Amazon Thief Part 4
    10 minutes
      Amazon Thief Part 4 - Featuring: Christina Carter

See Amazon Thief Parts 1,2,3 on Gallows Games

The Hangman places Christina's unconscious body in the electric chair and begins to strap her in.  Once the Hangman is finished he wakes Christina up so she can have a few minutes to panic.  Christina tries to fight, but the Hangman throws the switch and the current shoots through Christina's body.  Her body arches and she struggles against her bonds.  She makes fists and her toes curl as the electricity surges through her.  Finally Christina dies with her body still twitching.  The Hangman cuts the power and her body slumps back against the chair.  The Hangman plays with Christina's feet and breasts before leaving her body in the chair.

Features: Full nudity, breast fondling, straps, electrocution, electric chair, bare feet, sandals.
     Kerri Gets The Chair
    15 minutes
      Kerri Gets The Chair - Featuring: Sapphire, and Kerri Taylor

Kerri is waiting in her cell to be hanged at midnight for a robbery gone bad.  Officer Sapphire approaches the cell to let Kerri know there is no more appeals.  Kerri asks if she can wear something more feminine when she is hanged, but Sapphire tells her that she might kick to much and make her execution obscene.  Kerri sits down depressed.  Officer Sapphire pretends she is hanging to make fun of Kerri before leaving.  later the warden approaches and tells Kerri she can test the new electric chair if she wants, and wear any clothing she would like.  Kerri is told it would be quicker than hanging and less painful.  Kerri agrees and later she is given a dress.  At midnight Kerri is handcuffed and taken to the electric chair.  She is made to sit down and officer sapphire straps her in.  The warden reads off the charges and then Kerri apologizes to the families of everyone she killed.  Sapphire connects the electrodes and Kerri is electrocuted.  She struggles in the chair until her breasts are exposed.  The warden lied about it being quicker, and Kerri is shocked for times before she finally foams at the mouth and dies.

Features: Electrocution, prison uniforms, prison cell, sexy cop, begging, body pans, bare feet, topless nudity.  Death of The Pyro Pornstar Part 2
    16 minutes
      Death of The Pyro Pornstar Part 2 - Featuring: Kaya Lin & Jasmine

In part one it looked like Kaya was finished on the gallows.  She pissed herself as she slowly hanged, but just before she could expire the warden received a phone call to stop the execution.  Hours later Kaya is naked and wrapped in a blanket in her cell.  Another inmate smuggled in a newspaper article calling her a coward for pissing herself on the gallows.  A sympathetic guard informs Kaya that she will be given a private execution on the electric chair if she wishes.  Kaya accepts and she is lead naked to the chair.  She asks the guard how the chair works, and after a lengthy explanation Kaya is blindfolded and the last electrode is connected.  The guard flips the switch and Kaya is electrocuted.  The first jolt fails so the guard does it again causing her to foam at the mouth.  The second jolt fails and she is shocked again.  This fails too, and Kaya begs the guard to stop.  The guard shocks her again and this time her mind is destroyed.  He body still twitches so the guard gives her one last jolt to finish Kaya off.  Once Kaya is finished her body is put on display for warden Jasmine.

Features: Electrocution, boy/girl sex, blowjob, full nudity, begging, hanging, bare feet, and body pans.
     Batgirl Interrogation
    9 minutes
      Batgirl Interrogation - Batgirl has broken into Catwoman's lair and is snooping around. Little does she know, Catwoman's Joker Wannabe henchman is watching.  He comes up behind her, chloroforms her, and picks her limp body up.

When she wakes up, she is tied to Catwoman's electric chair. Henchman starts to interrogate her. Why is she here? What does she want? She brattily refuses to answer.

So Henchman gives Batgirl a few electric jolts, watching her writhe in agony after he flips the switch on the chair.  Then he returns to her side.

What does she want? Why is she here? She still won't give anything but snide, sarcastic answers.

He jolts her again.

This goes on, until finally she admits..she is looking for the special invisibility cloak Catwoman stole from Batman.

Henchman calls Catwoman and asks what he should do..should he pop a cap in Batgirl with his gun? Or fry her...

Catwoman says "fry the bitch."

Stars the FAMOUS Evangeline Von Winter in her first role for Pandora Horror!!  Execution Groupie
    18 minutes
      Execution Groupie - Featuring: Nadia White

Nadia is a prison psychologist writing a paper on the soon to be executed.  Really she is a Hangman groupie.  The Hangman approaches and Nadia she only wants to hear about the morning hanging, talking about it in front of the condemned.  When the Hangman leaves the victim complains that she only wants to see her die.  Nadia tells her how long she is going to take die, and that Nadia would be there watching.

Afterward, Nadia meets the Hangman in the cell and she seduces him.  They take off their clothes and Nadia gives him a long blowjob,  Next, they fuck each other missionary style.  Nadia asks the Hangman to choke her just like the victim strangled to death and he obliges.  It is too much and Nadia passes out.

Nadia wakes up in the electric chair, and after a brief conversation, the Hangman fucks her in the chair, and afterward, tells her that the electricity can cause great orgasm.  The Hangman connects the electricity and shocks her, but it is on too long and finally kills her the minute she has an orgasm.

Features: full nudity, electrocution, hand choking, missionary sex, chair sex, blowjob, undressing, soles, bare feet, and sandals.
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    Welcome To The ELECTROKUTIES Studio on Kinky Clips
    Watch voluptuous vixens have a shocking experience in the chair. They’ll be electrically stimulated to the point of no return.

    Featuring 16 Clips / 174 minutes of video!

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