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     GIRLS NIGHT 2 No Reservations
    13 minutes
      GIRLS NIGHT 2 No Reservations - GIRL'S NIGHT 2 No Reservations
Starring: Ashley Lane, belle Fatale, Genetica V. & Lexxi
w/ Bronson

Continuation of GIRL'S NIGHT. The jealous boyfriend drives the gassed out bodies around the woods, but needs to finish them off so he stops and unloads them from the truck, handling the bodies as he off loads them to the house. After removing all the gals the scene fades in to Genetica in the tub, still out from the gassing, the jealous man removes his shirt and grabs some paracord, he wraps it around her neck jiggling and jerking her around, slapping her face to wake her up. As she comes to he toy fully strangles her as she kicks and knocks all the shampoo bottles everywhere trying to get at the cord, he bends her back over the tub wall and finishes her off as she fights to live but is already dead. She twitches a bit and he removes the cord, heading into the laundry hall where Ashley is laying across the washer and dryer. He has her splayed out to see her long legs and her long neck extend as he wraps the cord and she wakes up simultaneously. She fights and kicks the wall, starting the dryer as her arm jerks to reach the cord. She fights but he pulls her extending her neck. As Ashley is being finished off Lexxi wakes up on the kitchen floor, realizing what is going on she calls out to Ashley and runs towards the man. With one arm he grabs Lexxis chin, still holding the garrote in the other hand strangling Ashley, and snaps Lexxis neck, and she slumps to the floor with a drop thump. She is instantly dead, eyes wide, and Ashley is finished off as she looks down at Lexxi, not having the strength or sense to mutter  thing. After Ashley is dead, the man fondles her and caresses her face, he did have a thing for her but he is enraged by his now soon to be ex girlfriends bullshit. He heads to the bed where he has his girl laying there. He takes the cord still wrapped around his hands and goes towards her neck. He looks at the cord and tosses it aside, he wants this to be close and personal, a hands on guy is he. He sits her up grabbing her by one hand throttle and starts to choke her as she comes to. He yells to her that he had reservations and now they are ruined. He chokes her as she tries to free herself, but he is so upset as he throws her to the bed he goes hard and crushes her wind pipe. Even breaking her neck in the process he still wants to get more. He throws her back down and fucks her dead body. He pounds her ard and fast letting her know he was the best and that he cant be replaced. He finishes up and then lays down on her. He spends a few moments then carries all the bodies across the field to a tarp where he will use them again later before disposing of her corpse. He adjusts them in a row so he can see them as the bugs and mosquitoes start to buzz around and the birds sing.

Very cool Horror movie type kills with lots of carrying and handling. Very cool video, the gals did so fantastic, proud of my cast and crew. Thanks! CB

Run Time: 13:00 minutes
File Size: 340 MB 	Format: .MP4
    21 minutes
Starring: Coco w/ Doc Chavez

Coco is getting ready for a date, brushing her hair in the bathroom mirror when there is a knock at the door. It is much too early for her date but she answers the door anyway and she asks the man at the door "can I help you". He says yes and comes through the door shutting it with his foot and covering her mouth with one hand and strangling her with the other. The man pushes her further into the room, she fights so he takes his hand off of her mouth and goes to her neck with both hands. She fights and he takes her to the floor slowly letting her down as she fights. The man is obsessed with her sexy neck and tries to choke her out. She kicks and flails but she starts to weaken, slowly going unconscious and when she is out, he continues to strangle her and play with her neck, giving her little bits of air and then playing with her neck, pinching, rubbing, and choking her neck as she lie unconscious. After he inspects her neck he sits her up, removing her clothing slowly revealing her sexy body, perfect tits and skin, lips, and eyes, but he is so into her neck he always reverts back. After checking her out he drags her around the room by her feet to see her body move and the neck tendons flex. He gets her to the coffee table, lifts her up to the table with her head and hair hanging off so he can check out her neck, her hair and choke her some more. He plays with her until she starts to stir. When she is aware he firms his grip and she fights knowing he is strangling her. She hits him and trys to pry away his strong hands but he is too firm and too obsessed with her sexy neck. After a long fight she weakens till death, wide eyed and tongue out she goes limp and dead.  He is not done and keeps choking her and shaking her neck and limp body. He is firm but loving with her body. After some neck play he cradle carries her to his bedroom for some more neck and body fondling, and some postmortem sex which he enjoys while he chokes her dead body a bit. Her bare feet are exposed so he checks her ass out, and her feet before he mounts her for his sex. He fucks her hard and quick so he can leave, but not before positioning her on the bed so her neck is exposed to him, he caresses, then shakes her neck a bit before he exits. Her body is viewed and panned.

Coco is so damn hot, her and Doc do such a wonderful job, mixed with natural lighting, and a great background location, this is such a great vid! CB
    43 minutes
Starring: Belle w/ Alexander & J. Wood

A television reporter has a few informants on her side, and she is holding out for the big story to expose a militant group that trades weapons, and is involved with major organized crime in the city. The reporter thinks she is home free and comes to her hotel room where she is in hiding. The two men that are in charge of alleviating these types of problems are waiting outside her place plotting their plans. They break into her room, set up and hide to surprise her and get some answers. When she arrives she settles in, then calls her editor, explaining how she is ready to finalize the story, and when she hangs up and goes to the table, the two men surface and grab her. The boss asks her who her informant is, she says she does not know so he punches her in the gut. The woman is stunned and cries "please no"! The man asks again while his partner, known as "The Ass Man", holds and taunts her. The boss grabs his tazer and zaps her for a few seconds, making her body jerk and heave. He asks her again, but she does not supply anything so he knocks her out with the tazer.

The two men take her to their room and tie her up to the top of the pantry door, hands above her head. They ask again, removing the black sack from her head, covering her from knowing the location. The two men beat her, tazer her body and then rip her dress off. They fuck with her while she cries that she knows nothing. The boss grabs a couple beers from the fridge, they enjoy them while she squirms and cries. The Ass Man puts a bottle to her pussy and fucks her with it as she begs to please stop. She can't fight because her hands are duct taped together. After she still will not give up her source, they take her to the bedroom, fucking her face till she gags and spits up drool and fluids. Both men force her to suck them off, then the "Ass Man" takes over. he fingers her from behind then rapes her vagina from behind. She cries in terror as the large cocked man fucks her hard. Then he pulls it out, fingers her ass then takes her anally, very rough from behind. Then he flips her over, screwing her ass from the front as he looks in her eyes. Then he pulls out grabs her hair and serves her up a large facial, cumming all over her, then re entering her mouth for a swabbing. He throws her to the carpet as the boss takes over, he too fucks her face and then cums in her mouth deep throat, after he finishes, he throws her to the side and goes to grab the rope. He puts the rope around her neck, keeping her upright so the Ass Man can finger fuck her while she is strangled hard; drooling, gagging, choking, gasping, and bucking her hips and trying to claw at the garrote. She fights hard twisting, eyes bulging as the rope digs into her neck. After she fights for a while she slows, then twitches till she is still, dead, eyes ope, tongue out. The two men discard her and go to the fridge for the rest of the beers. We are left to pan and view her dead corpse.

Run Time: 42:15 minutes
File Size: 650 MB 	Format: .WMV
    17 minutes
      A SPIDERS PREY - A long list of missing persons from this area has detective Erica Martin coming the specific region where the disappearances have all occurred. She is alone, only her service weapon, a radio, and dressed in heels and skirt, with a button down top, not really the best attire for traipsing through the woods looking for a killer, who leaves no trace of the victims. As she moves tactically through the woods, down an old service road, Erica encounters all kinds of bugs and webs, one thing she really does not like is spiders, and spider webs. Ironically enough, moving behind her without a trace, A Spider Woman, moving quickly like a shadow through the woods from tree to tree without a noise. Erica is freaked out by all the bugs but keeps her composure. The spider playfully grabs a stick from the ground, snapping it loudly so it startles the Detective, and she spins around pointing her gun. The spider loves to have fun with her prey before ever feasting on her. There is a process, and to feed on this woman's juices and fluids, she must get her ripe and ready. Part of that process is the chase and the on set of fear and adrenaline pumping through her veins increasing the blood flow. The spider moves again, and Erica makes a call on the radio, sounding confident, but also mentioning there are a shit ton of bugs and it is creeping her out. After she tells HQ she needs NO Backup, the spider licks her chops and spills copious amounts of saliva readying her mouth for the feats of blood, cum, and plasma. She breaks another stick startling Erica who spins around and sees something out the corner of her eye. She is freaked out but keeps her stance, the Spider advances and breakneck speed and is upon her, shredding the detective's top with one swipe of her sharp claws, and disappearing into the brush, only to reappear and do the same thing to her bottoms skirt, and biting her on the ass twice, sinking her fangs and getting the first dose of venom in the detective's body, then vanishing into thin air. Erica trips staggers and falls face first in the dirt, writhing in pain from the bites. She moves around in agony, then quickly jumps up with blurred vision from the toxic venom that renders the victims helpless, but still fully aware, awake, and with enhanced physical feelings. As Eric spins around firing of her pistol at thin air, the spider makes herself seen and the Detective starts to back up pointing the gun but not being able to fire for some reason, the toxins are in full effect. She keeps backing up and the spider taunts as Erica backs straight into the web, immediately being entangled in the web and flailing freaking out as the spider laughs and taunts Erica. As she gets caught even more into the web trying furiously to escape but just making it worse every time she tries to break free. The spider knows this is part of the process and it is time to stimulate the body to bring forth the juices. She moves around to her back behind the web, reaching through and twisting and pulling on the detective's nipples to get the blood flowing. The spider moves around and takes a big bite into Erica's breasts, immediately the detective moans in pain and pleasure, sounding like she is having sex, slowly getting more and more into it as the spider sucks her breast, then massaging the nipples with her bloody tongue, almost vampire in nature. Erica moans in pleasure and pain as the venom takes effect more so in her sexual organs. She starts to buck and heave, moving around and breathing heavily as the spider has her way with her. She bites her breasts again and sucks them hard, leaving bite marks and tons of blood and plasma leaking out. After she sucks the breasts and the Detective is in full swing of her first assignment as a feast for a spider, and definitely her last. She asks the Spider, "what are you and what do you want from me?" "You are my food, and I am preparing you for my feast." the spider relied with a chuckle, then returned to her, but this time she was focusing on her panties, then removing them with a shred of her sharp claws. She starts to touch and massage her clit, stimulating the pussy to make the blood and juices taste best. She flicks her tong, biting the detective's pussy, blood and cum start to leak out as she is going full bore on her pussy. Erica is in convulsions orgasming and going into shock at the same time, her eyes rolling back in her head as the spider drains her body of its juices. She is relentlessly sucking and getting as much as she can, Erica is fading quickly and starts to buck and shake hard, then dies, but the spider keeps going and revives her for one last orgasm and final spurt of blood and juices to take in for her feast. As Erica's body revives, her eyes stay wide, but her body shakes and orgasms hard as the spider drains her of everything she desires, the cream of the crop. The Spider pulls back checking her work and laughing maniacally, removing the shell of a woman left on the web. The detective is limp and drained, and falls to the ground as she is released from the web. The Spider will continue to take what it needs over the next few hours and days, so she rolls the body over and drags her off into the woods to her pile of bones and hair.
    21 minutes
Starring: Coco w/ Hugh

A lovely model has agreed to do a shoot with a new photographer in town. When she arrives she asks about the plastic sheeting on the floor in front of the backdrop. As he sets his lights up he explains that it helps him make the floor look like water in post production, so the bikini shots will look better. She says ok and they begin. He takes a few shots of her in her skirt and tank top but quickly starts to dress her down. She takes off the clothing slowly, sexily, and with confidence. The shoot is progressing well as she loses an article of clothing, he tells her where to pose, eventually getting her nude, and taking some truly sensual shots. Coco poses in so many sexy ways, finally the photographer asks her to put on the bikini, and she abides. She looks so sexy in the black bathing suit, and he tells her he wants to pose her. He sets down his camera and heads to the stool where she is seated in front of the backdrop. He gets behind her, posing her arm with one hand, and fishing his Italian switchblade out with the other hand. He puts it to her face and opens the blade, startling Coco. She immediately becomes frightened. 

The photographer taunts her with his sharp blade, and a slight grin of enjoyment as he pushes the knife into her navel, he pokes her to where the point isn't breaking the skin, but then quickly jabs her in the navel with the blade, twisting it around in her belly. Coco is in unbearable pain and shows it in her face and the sounds she is making. He removes the blade quickly showing the blood covered steel, and a trickle of blood leaks from her belly. He pulls her hair back as she tries to hunch over and clutch her wound. He sticks the point in her right breast poking the skin where it barely scratches her, then jabs her swiftly in the breast. She screams out in orgasmic pain and pleasure, but with great fear. She starts to weep and plead for her life as he removes the bloody knife from her breast. He taunts her showing her the blood then heads the knife down to her pussy where he plays with her pussy with the knife, then stabs her pussy hard. He wrenches it around, screwing her with his knife, mushing in and out. After he removes the knife blood leaks on to the plastic, he lets her go and she falls face first on to the plastic, she bucks her ass up to the air, grinding and bucking her ass toward the ceiling.

After she moans, writhes, she flips over on to her back. He sees that she needs to be finished so he kneels over her and stabs her in the heart, she bucks hard, knowing it will end soon and does the greatest death twitch sequence. After she dies, he covers her with plastic and begins to fondle her, then flipping her over, kneading her ass, pussy, and breasts over the plastic. He flips her over, and back again for us to see.

*very light blood*


Run Time: 22:00 minutes
File Size: 310 MB	Format: .WMV
    17 minutes
Starring: Gypsy w/Jack Raven & J. Wood

Two buddies are landscaping together, they are doing the account with the hot girl who is always home alone. As they rake the back turf, and beds around the daffodils, Jack makes Johnny a bet. " Bet you can't get inside to get a glass of water". The bets on, hands shaken, and now Johnny goes to the door. Gypsy just got home from school and she is sitting in the living room when he approaches the door. He taps on the glass, asks for water and she says, "get it yourself, just don't make a mess". His buddy tags along and she asks if he wants some too, he says please and the two men enter the house. They go upstairs, they cant figure out the sink so they call her up. When she gets upstairs, Jack is by the sink, but the other guy is not in site, as she goes for the doorway, he is there with a clear bag to suffocate her. She is so surprised, and starts to fight. Jack has no idea what is going on but grins and joins in, soon she is thump, on the floor and struggling. She fights so hard sticking her pantyhose covered bare feet in their faces, slapping, fighting and kicking to stay alive, but the bag is too tight and Johnny is a pro..Jack gets excited and he gets to bag, the transition is smooth as she fights hard to try and get away. After a very long bout with the bag, Jack, and johnny coaching him along on how it all works, and the fun to be had afterwards!!!!!NECRO!!!

After she has been dispatched, and the bag comes off, pantyhose is ripped out of the crotch, and they take turns on her, fondling, fucking, fingering, and flipping her over and over to different rag-doll positions. After lots of body manipulation and postmortem action, the throw her to the floor and wrap her in a white sheet to go in with the grass clippings in the truck!!

     DETECTIVE LIZBON Apology Accepted
    28 minutes
      DETECTIVE LIZBON Apology Accepted - DETECTIVE LIZBON Apology Accepted
Starring: Coco and Steevie w/ Rex

Almost a month has passed since Detective Lizbon was beaten, shocked with a taser, then raped by a diplomat, who's father runs the largest corporation in the first world, so he gets full immunity wherever he goes. The investigator for the Agency Detective Lizbon, who is still on the detail to protect the Diplomat wants a documented apology for the harm he caused her, and wants it to be mediated. Before arriving at the safe house to meet the Diplomat, Coco gets dressed up in a skirt and high heels, always wanting to look fashionable in public. With her badge tethered to her skirt, and her service weapon, .40 caliber pistol, tucked into the small of her back, she arrives. Before she got to the address, the Diplomat, and another crime friend of his, sex trafficker, and serial rapist Steevie, make plans to take her out, and have some fun in the mean time.

Detective Lizbon arrives, she comes in the door and is introduced to Steevie, not recognizing that she is the hoodlum that she tried to collar a few years back when she was a rookie, but never could finger. Steevie is very professional, explaining the apology, and how there are no weapons allowed at the safe house. She sees the Diplomat Rex, and his eyes bite right through her, she stammers back and gets frightened, covering herself, knowing that he has special vision powers where he can see under layers of clothing. She is very uncomfortable, but carries on, giving up her weapon, since they have none, and she is a strong fighter. She just wants the apology. As Steevie finishes the pat down, she takes the weapon to the safe, and offers Detective Lizbon a beverage. The sexy, and nervous agent says she will take some herb tea to calm her down, and so the disguised serial rapist makes her some tea, but adds a debilitating drug that will make her incapacitated for hours, which is more than they need to finish her off before she can go public with the apology. As she drinks the tea, and the Diplomat gives his spiel, patronizing her, and finally letting her know he is, well, sorry for what is to happen, and before long, she is staggering and falls in the arms of Steevie, who hoists her up so the Diplomat can take some shots to her face and body. The two take turns beating her down, punching her and kicking her all over her body, including the torso, face, tits, and pussy, they beat her senseless, making every shot count as planned. They beat her and toss her around, one holding her arms, while the other has their way groping and punching her.

After a long and tragic beating, Detective Lizbon, still trying to fight back, but drugged and helpless, gets knocked to the ground, then stripped and groped, including the vaginal claw, that makes her scream in pain. The diplomat asks her if she remembers their first meeting, and lets her know this is going to end way worse. After removing her panties, he sticks his dick in her and she screams out in pain. Steevie holds her down while he has his way, and she uses her fingers to gag Lizbon as she is being raped and defiled. He pounds her hard, forcing her legs high, her bare feet flexing and then limp with waves of drugged euphoria. He starts to choke her as he is about to climax, choking her hard as her face turns red, and her eyes roll into the back of her head. As he finishes cumming, she passes out, eyes half open and white from her eyes rolling up in her head.

The two perps get up, leaving her on the hard wood floor slightly moaning and out. The diplomat drags her up and puts her in a big chair in the corner, her pussy still oozing his cum, and her cunt glistening from all the juices. Steevei suggests a nice rope to finish her off, so she grabs one from the other room, and comes back to kill the Detective so she will not talk about what really happened. She starts to stir and try to fight back, but she is weak. They both grab one end of the rope and the middle is around her sexy neck, getting tighter as she tries to struggle. They pull super tight and it wakes her up a bit, she tries to fight and the adrenaline rushes into her body, she kicks her legs, but her arms are being held with the other hands not pulling on her death rope. She fights and tries to stick around but the strangle her hard, eventually letting her arms free so they can see her struggle a bit. Her arms are weak, and she is losing the battle. Her legs stiffen up and rattle with her whole body, her glistening vagina bounces up and down like a bobber in a lake, then finally going still after a lot of twitching. After a few seconds she is totally still, eyes open, tongue slightly protruding and swollen. She fought hard but lost the battle, and now she is dead. The two perps remove the rope from her neck leaving a scar and red burns on her neck. They leave to celebrate with a drink, and she is left in the chair, dead, and alone. Her body is panned and viewed in her sexy death pose.

This production is by far one of our best, and all that acted and helped with the scene did a wonderful job. Lot's of punching and kicking, a beat down and assault on Detective Lizbon, then her death, what a great vid. Enjoy. CB

Run Time: 28:00 minutes
File Size: 495 MB 	Format: .WMV
    18 minutes
      SLAUGHTER DIARIES Lexxi - Starring: Lexxi and Tessa

Two good friends from Prep School connect again after a few years, prompting them to write in their diaries about the times when they were young and free, role playing with each other. Both ladies have their favorite blades, and both like to switch seats when it comes to getting their throats sliced erotically. These are Slaughter Diaries.

Lexxi writes in her diary: Done in voice Over

Dear diary,


 "Tonight felt strange working a banquet at the country club, especially since the every chef at the big carving table had this large scimitar, it had to be at least ten to twelve inches, and shimmered through the room, catching my attention. I almost dumped an entire tray of champagne when I saw the edge on the blade. I made my rounds and stopped behind the table so no one was going to notice that I was staring at the knife. I had to go to the closest private bathroom and masturbate. It made me think of my favorite times with my ex dorm mate in college, how we would use the knife on each other in our slaughter role-play. I especially loved to use the knife on Tessa as her neck was extended, and offered herself to me as a ritual slaughter, pushing me to the point of complete ecstasy.

 "We spent so many snow days, and skipped class a multitude of times just to play with each other and live out our fantasies."

  "I often lie in bed at night and close my eyes, dreaming about my fingers touching her elongated neck, and wishing that our fantasy would continue when I opened them. I really do miss Tessa, but her memory lives on in my mind as my perfect animal for slaughter."

As she lays in her be, masturbating, flashing back to the times when she would play with Tessa, and how Tessa would use the straight razor, with the rose wood handle, she took from her grandpa's shaving kit, running it over her neck ever so slightly until Lexxi would burst into orgasm. Prep school had great memories, especially the ones Lexxi writes about in her diary. As she would play dead, she would imagine herself with a thin cut through her neck, with one quick pass of the razor, leaving her speechless, and full of good feelings, then stillness, and eyes wide open in death, the way that Tessa handled her and untied her from the chair, caressing her and handling her with care. They are kindred spirits that share something special in dreamland. It's time for bed and a good feeling that tomorrow is anther day, and another entry in the "Slaughter Diaries". 

This was so much fun. I must warn you be prepared for Lexxi's masturbation scenes, holy mole she is such a ridiculously gorgeous woman. Cop this one!Irma's blood f/x are way better, getting great!
    1 minutes
Starring: Ryanne w/ Ryan Renault

"If the trailer is rocking, don't come a knocking"

**FULL 1920X1080 HD**

A young woman gets all made up for her hairdressing job at the mall. She don't have much but she has her trailer, and her old beat up car to her name, but she still goes to work every day to find her piece of the American dream. She grabs her purse, and phone in hand she walks to the car. As she is digging for the keys she hears footsteps in the gravel, it is a strange man with a crazy look in his eye walking briskly towards her. She tries to hurry into the car but he catches her, spins her and grabs her from behind by the throat, and arm around her torso pushing up her breasts. She kicks her legs in her wedges, and her tight jeggings flex as she tries to fight, elbow, and claw away from the crazy guy. As she fights he gets her up off the ground. He continues to choke her and finally she gets too out of hand. He gets her in a choke hold and lifts her up in the air, but holds extra firm and her neck breaks as her body comes down. She goes from fighting to limp and dead, eyes wide open in less than a second. He picks her up and cradle carries her back to her trailer. He takes her inside, sets her on the floor, then drags her under her arms to the bed. He drags her up on the bed and starts to check her out. He plays with her and plays with her body a bit caressing and touching her. He goes for the shoes to expose her feet, he rolls her over to feel her ass in the jeggings for a while, enjoying her perfect ass, and afterwards unsnaps her bra. He rolls her over and finishes removing her shirt and bra. He handles her breasts, squeezing them a bit roughly. He takes his time but then moves to roll her over again to remove the jeggings. As he slowly peels them off, he sees her sexy pink panties and wants to dig in. Her soles are a bit dirty, but still sexy. He goes back to her ass, massaging and kneading it like bread. He is ready to get deeper into it so he removes her panties after rolling her over again so he can see her pussy. It looks so inviting he spreads her out, legs wide and starts to want to fuck her corpse. He gets even more intimate with her tits, biting, sucking and licking them as he continues to get hard. After his own foreplay fun he fucks her. Starting slow and passionate, but getting faster and harder, to where he is shaking the trailer. He goes for a bit but all the excitement was too much to handle and he unloads inside, grunting and sweating as he finishes his pumps. After he is done he is exhausted, gets off of her and gets her posed in a nice position, moving the hair from her eyes. He leaves and steals everything in her car and purse, driving the beat up car away from the scene. She is viewed and panned from different angles to appreciate the perfection of this trailer trash babe.

I don't have much, but I am lucky and blessed to have great actors and help. Thanks for the support. Chris

Run Time: 17:38 minutes
File Size: 770 MB 	Format: .MP4
    9 minutes
Starring: Belle Fatale and SaraLiz

FULL 1920X1080 HD

This is a new series of pantyhose clad females, killing pantyhose clad females, in different stages of dress, sheer toe suntan pantyhose, stocking masked, and fully encased for a few. If you love pantyhose and female killers, you will love these short and very aggressive ambush kills.  

FPK2. An Agent lays on the floor; encased in suntan pantyhose and suntan mask, gagged with a pantyhose ball gag, out cold, or so you think. When the other cocky agent is reporting back, about to dose her with more chloroform soaked pantyhose, she springs into action using a scissor leg lock to choke her victim to death. Even bound, the agent lay there waiting for the right moment to ambush the counter agent, who is dressed in business attire and black satin gloves, wearing suntan pantyhose. When the agent goes to \"get a taste\" before she puts her out cold, the encased, sleeper, springs to life strangling her victim with her encased legs, hands tied behind her and gagged. She still takes out the fighting agent who thrashes about showing off her sexy sheer toes and feet through the pantyhose. The agent fights hard, moving them both all over the floor, even letting out some drool from getting her air cut off with the pantyhose covered legs of the sexy killer. After she makes sure she is dead, she frees herself, takes a few looks of the dead agent and leaves in a hurry, still a bit woosey from the chloroform. Body pans and long views of the sheer feet in suntan hose, and eye open death stare. Her neck is red from the pantyhose friction and shows in her face. She is still and dead. 

This one is so spectacular, especially for the price. This ambush and kill has to be one of my favorites. I am so fortunate to work with the handful of models and actors I am so honored to direct. Thanks again! Part 3 and 4 coming next! CB

Run Time: 09:30 minutes
File Size: 425 MB	Format: .MP4
    26 minutes

Starring: Coco w/ Chris B

Sleepy, Chloroformed, limp play, rag-dolling, Face Play, tongue play, Pussy/Ass play, carrying, cradle & ots, limp hand drops, limb play, body views..

Coco's ex David is a real piece of work. He is a bit older and as she meets new people, and he gets older, she decides she wants to make it casual and date others. David has a real problem with this and has been trying to cope with the issue for quite some time. He knows that she was up late the night before, so he sneaks in her place, very quietly and watches her sleep for a minute, watching her stir, peacefully, happy. He checks her out for a while, then approaches her closely, grabbing his rag and chloroform, putting a liberal amount on the rag, then setting the bottle on the night stand, just in case he needs more. He places the rag over her nose and mouth, she wakes up suddenly, but not frightened, and flutters a bit before she loses consciousness. Her eyes are closed and she is fully sleepy, limp, and he is getting the most out of her before he plans to do away with her. This morning is all about what he never gets. Sure, he gets sex, but its usually quick and she is out and gone. He never gets to toss her around and play with her body, which is what makes him happy. He starts by checking her hands to see if they are limp, picking them up and shaking them, dropping them so the palms are down and wrists are limp. He also wants to check her face and mouth so he plays with her face, opening her mouth, and playing with her tongue, pulling her tongue out by his fingers to check it out as she stays limp, like a limp doll. He flops her around a bit on the bed, then keeps checking her limp body, always moving her about the bed. He puts her on her tummy them checks out her pussy, he rubs it, and opens it to look inside as far as he can. He sees how perfect, and pink she is, contrasting her brown skin, and pussy lips. She is exquisite, the hottest woman he had ever been with. He wishes to have her but he can't, so he will have his way, rag-dolling her, carrying her around the room, throwing her on to the bed, ragdolling and flopping her more. He throws her on the bed hard, flopping her naked body on the bed, and always checking her limp arms and wrists. He checks her ass and pussy again as he splays her out for her to wake up and wonder how she moved across the bed, she won't remember a thing because of the chloroform. She has no idea that he will be back later after she gets off of work to kill her, in fact he will be waiting for her..........

Part two will be called, "BROKEN LIMP EX COCO(Pt.2) with 30 mins of great: upright neckbreak rag-dolling, Carrying, limb play, face play, tongue play, mouth play, postmortem fondling and rag-dolling, and much much more...this is a great double feature!! Thanks! Coco's

Run Time: 25:34 minutes
File Size: 263 MB 	Format: .WMV
    11 minutes
Starring: Bree w/ a 16" Cable Tie

Bree is so horny and wants to fuck! She says a few things that make her tick. Talking directly into the camera with such a sexy voice, and sensual mannerisms, saying things like, "When I don't have a man, I like to choke myself, it isn't fucking, but it is a close second". She does a dance and struts around the room showing off her super stacked body in her tight skirt and top. She sits on the couch, puts her hair up, and slowly starts to finger her pussy over her panties, gently. She puts the ziptie around her neck and tightens it to the level of choking, but not all the way. She masturbates and chokes with her tongue sticking out, eyes starting to bulge and face turning red. She fucks herself harder and more furious as she chokes. Bree is in ecstasy feeling the lack of oxygen and the tingling of her clit, getting so close to exploding. She sits up further on the edge of the couch and reaches to tighten it a tiny bit more but she goes a few clicks too far and her eyes bulge as she panics. She is really choking to death and knows it but doesn't stop rubbing her clit, in fact she starts to bury two fingers into her vagina, pounding herself as she goes to her knees, then falls face down ass up, choking to death with the super tight zip tie.

She pounds her pussy from behind and she slips, going flat to the floor, pinning her arm down and her fingers inside her pussy as she cums and dies at the exact same time with twitches and bucks, then nothing.....

She lays there dead, ziptie around her lovely neck, ass up, and fingers inside. High heels still on.....

Part 2 will be the CSI/Morgue portion with some foot fetish action in the end. It was an hour of footage so I had to split it up, and also so the postmortem fans could get that separate.
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