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    18 minutes
Starring: Coco as Grace X
Awesome w/ Belle Fatale

Four scenarios, each one with two gals that are struggling with some sort of dilemma, for doing something dirty or underhanded to their boss, or someone in crime. Grace X the hitwoman sneaks up on them, says something clever, and continues with the precise placements of her slugs. Two scenes are silenced head shots with quick deaths, and two scenarios are not suppressed. One scene she has dual 9mm pistols, and another the handy model 92A to do the deeds. Head shots, breast shots, pussy shot, belly shot. Full sound and gun fx, bullet holes, but no blood. Enjoy!

Scene 1: 
Strip to death..
Two stupid strippers are getting dressed to make some money, but the owner of the club is tired of them being indecisive and stupid, so he sends in Grace X, his trusty Hitwoman to tie up a couple loose ends. Grace sneaks in and when she is in position, unannounced to the two sluts, she waits o get a word in edgewise which is, "Hey Cunts", thweep, thweep..they hit the floor from gunshots between the eyes and die instantly. Grace mulls over the dead gals, checking pulses and kicking their legs open. After inspection she exits to hit the ATM to cash her huge check! Body pans of the lovely dead slutty strippers follow. 

Scene 2:
The Long Trip...

The two hot, scantily clad and topless coeds sit on the sofa discussing their trip to the islands. they seem content until they realize why the have to leave, and it hits Belle, she needs to be off the mainland because of a hit out on her. She smiles when she thinks she is home free, but around the corner comes Grace X, with two 9mm pistols, right and left handed she tells them, "You aren't going anywhere bitches", and bam bam, each gun hits each gal, Awesome right in the heart, and one in the right breast of Belle, purposely, so she can watch her suffer a bit before she finishes her off with a mouthful of one of the guns. After Belle tries to crawl away, Grace X grabs her, flips her over, and sticks the gun inside, deep into her mouth and pulls the trigger after some squealing, Belle dies instantly, mouth wide open. She checks them a bit then exits to cash out! Body pans of the sexy bitches follows.

Scene 3:
No Sick Days...

That is exactly what the boss says at the accounting firm, during tax Season, no days off, and absolutely no sick days. His two careless secretaries do not give a rat's ass, so they are laying in bed, talking about nipples, sipping on some beers, with their long socks on, just relaxing. Much to their chagrin, Grace, the bosses, "Acuntant" is in their flat and listening to them talk smack about her. She slowly moves to the room with her briefcase, and reaches in for the silenced pistol. The gals notice her audacity and question what she is there for and how she got in the flat. Grace is stone cold and just says, "The boss has a message for you, and taps them each with a shot to the head, they both die instantly on the bed, in their sexy long socks. The sexy hitwoman puts the gun back in her case and says, "No Sick Days you dumb bitches" and exits, leaving the two sexy babes to be panned and viewed for a bit. 

Scene 4:
Slip poker....

Someone forgot to tell these two idiots that they should not gamble with the bosses money, especially playing poker with the rival gang, that just left with their whole case of cash. They plot on how they are going to win it back by organizing another game and credit card scamming to get the down ante. They have no idea the boss has them tapped and now he is going to have them double tapped, but in a different way. The hitwoman comes in and wastes no time sending a message that you can't steal from the boss, she shoots Belle twice, once in the tummy and once in the left upper breast, killing her pretty quickly, she twitches and writhes a bit while the scared Awesome looks in shock as the Hitwoman grace kneels down and puts the gun against the scared bitches pussy and fires, sending the gal back in her chair a foot. She dies soon after and the hitwoman heads off into the sunset to collect her loot. The tow scantily clothed gals are slumped in their chairs by the table. They are viewed and panned with their lovely death stares. The End...

Well after all the outtakes, can't resits to show how we do it! The gals enjoy this stuff, and do prefer it over degrading porn! Thanks! CB

Run Time: 18:10 minutes
File Size: 324 MB	Format: .WMV
    17 minutes
Starring: Belle Fatale as: Detective Martin and Freya as Spider Woman

A long list of missing persons from this area has detective Erica Martin coming the specific region where the disappearances have all occurred. She is alone, only her service weapon, a radio, and dressed in heels and skirt, with a button down top, not really the best attire for traipsing through the woods looking for a killer, who leaves no trace of the victims. As she moves tactically through the woods, down an old service road, Erica encounters all kinds of bugs and webs, one thing she really does not like is spiders, and spider webs. Ironically enough, moving behind her without a trace, A Spider Woman, moving quickly like a shadow through the woods from tree to tree without a noise. Erica is freaked out by all the bugs but keeps her composure. The spider playfully grabs a stick from the ground, snapping it loudly so it startles the Detective, and she spins around pointing her gun. The spider loves to have fun with her prey before ever feasting on her. There is a process, and to feed on this woman's juices and fluids, she must get her ripe and ready. Part of that process is the chase and the on set of fear and adrenaline pumping through her veins increasing the blood flow. The spider moves again, and Erica makes a call on the radio, sounding confident, but also mentioning there are a shit ton of bugs and it is creeping her out. After she tells HQ she needs NO Backup, the spider licks her chops and spills copious amounts of saliva readying her mouth for the feats of blood, cum, and plasma. She breaks another stick startling Erica who spins around and sees something out the corner of her eye. She is freaked out but keeps her stance, the Spider advances and breakneck speed and is upon her, shredding the detective's top with one swipe of her sharp claws, and disappearing into the brush, only to reappear and do the same thing to her bottoms skirt, and biting her on the ass twice, sinking her fangs and getting the first dose of venom in the detective's body, then vanishing into thin air. Erica trips staggers and falls face first in the dirt, writhing in pain from the bites. She moves around in agony, then quickly jumps up with blurred vision from the toxic venom that renders the victims helpless, but still fully aware, awake, and with enhanced physical feelings. As Eric spins around firing of her pistol at thin air, the spider makes herself seen and the Detective starts to back up pointing the gun but not being able to fire for some reason, the toxins are in full effect. She keeps backing up and the spider taunts as Erica backs straight into the web, immediately being entangled in the web and flailing freaking out as the spider laughs and taunts Erica. As she gets caught even more into the web trying furiously to escape but just making it worse every time she tries to break free. The spider knows this is part of the process and it is time to stimulate the body to bring forth the juices. She moves around to her back behind the web, reaching through and twisting and pulling on the detective's nipples to get the blood flowing. The spider moves around and takes a big bite into Erica's breasts, immediately the detective moans in pain and pleasure, sounding like she is having sex, slowly getting more and more into it as the spider sucks her breast, then massaging the nipples with her bloody tongue, almost vampire in nature. Erica moans in pleasure and pain as the venom takes effect more so in her sexual organs. She starts to buck and heave, moving around and breathing heavily as the spider has her way with her. She bites her breasts again and sucks them hard, leaving bite marks and tons of blood and plasma leaking out. After she sucks the breasts and the Detective is in full swing of her first assignment as a feast for a spider, and definitely her last. She asks the Spider, "what are you and what do you want from me?" "You are my food, and I am preparing you for my feast." the spider relied with a chuckle, then returned to her, but this time she was focusing on her panties, then removing them with a shred of her sharp claws. She starts to touch and massage her clit, stimulating the pussy to make the blood and juices taste best. She flicks her tong, biting the detective's pussy, blood and cum start to leak out as she is going full bore on her pussy. Erica is in convulsions orgasming and going into shock at the same time, her eyes rolling back in her head as the spider drains her body of its juices. She is relentlessly sucking and getting as much as she can, Erica is fading quickly and starts to buck and shake hard, then dies, but the spider keeps going and revives her for one last orgasm and final spurt of blood and juices to take in for her feast. As Erica's body revives, her eyes stay wide, but her body shakes and orgasms hard as the spider drains her of everything she desires, the cream of the crop. The Spider pulls back checking her work and laughing maniacally, removing the shell of a woman left on the web. The detective is limp and drained, and falls to the ground as she is released from the web. The Spider will continue to take what it needs over the next few hours and days, so she rolls the body over and drags her off into the woods to her pile of bones and hair.

HOLY MOLY! THE ACTING IS SO WELL DONE! You already kno0w Belle but she is on some times 100 stuff in this wow! Crazy good and so well worth it. I spent over 30 hours editing this with the 3 camera set up and f/x. Wow! This is what sets us apart. Thanks! CB

Run Time: 17:00 minutes
File Size: 795 MB 	Format: .MP4
    7 minutes

Starring: Genetica w/ Gun Hand

**FULL 1920X1080 HD** **FULL BLOOD AND F/X**

A very sexy young lady is hanging out in her bed, about to get up and go out on the town. She stretches her legs, still in her long socks, boy shorts, and sexy top, then slowly walks to the bathroom so she can get ready. She brushes her long, beautiful hair as she looks in the mirror, checking herself out as she does so. She puts on some lipstick and looks at herself in the mirror seeing what she wants to fix. She pulls off her blouse up over her head, then her boyshorts, and her bra. She keeps her socks on intact.She looks in the mirror noticing how perfect she is from head to toe. Perfect belly, perfect tits, and everything else in place. She cleans the mirror and is about to toss the towel when she sees something in the reflection. She drops her towel and her jaw as she sees a man in the background holding a pistol on her. She spins around and pleads with the man holding the gun. "What do you want with me, why are you holding a gun?" The man says, "That is none of your concern, please raise your arms above your head." He is calm and she is starting to be hysterical. He makes sure her hands are not in the way and tells her, "Let me just put one in your belly" Pop and then also shoots a second shot to her left breast but missing the heart. She flies back against the vanity and looks down in shock to see the wounds leaking blood fairly rapidly. As she starts to leak blood the man asks her to move over towards the tub and move her hair out of the way so he can see her bloody wounds. He gets her to writhe her way up to the tub edge, and as she sits on the edge of the tub, he pops one in her heart and she flies back into the tub with a jolt and a thud, slamming her ass in the tub. She starts to moan and grunt, crying a bit from the pain and anguish of her wounds. She lays in the tub, flopping and floundering losing blood and energy from the gunshots. Blood continues to leak out of her breast and belly. She is in so much pain she moves herself around the tub finally laying flat inside the bottom of the tub where she twitches and jolts from the pain and shock. She shutters and is in shock, eyes wide as she goes still and dies. The killer looks over her, identifying her as his mark and checking her body out a bit. She lays naked, except for her long socks, in the bottom of the tub, mouth slightly open, still bleeding from her wounds into the tub. Her sexy figure is viewed and panned from a few angles.  HER PARTY GIRL APPETITE
    40 minutes
Starring: Belle Fatale as: Party Girl Serial Killer
Lexxi as: Club Girl #1
Genetica V. as: Club Girl #2

This has extra strangle views with killer and victim perspectives, added to the full views and other angles, making this extraordinary for all who love asphyxia!

Belle has been attracted to the opposite sex since she can remember. She played the game with her family, getting married, but was never satisfied with her life. After her husband left a couple years back, Belle has been flirting with her desires. Not only to meet some young ladies, but some deeper, darker cravings to take one home, get her even more tipsy, make out with her and when she least expects it, boom she wraps her stocking around their neck and strangles them to death. What really makes her tick is controlling the situation from start to finish, putting all of her muscle, passion, and character into each and every step, move, and of course going with the flow when things are just right.

In the early morning hours; after spending all night at 2 different clubs in Anchorage, until finally meeting a sexy young hottie, dressed to the T in a cocktail dress, and open toed high heels, she buys her a few drinks, strikes up conversation, and gets them to come back home with her. This is the first time she will follow through with her plan, and the improvisation of her next few hours will determine the rest of her serial killing life, and how things will fare in the future.

Her first choice and sexiest female she has landed in the club is Lexxi, a young bank teller that loves the women that hang out in the clubs and want to take her home to have sex and drink more after the party. Lexxi is already a bit tipsy and when they come through Belle's door, they are making out. Belle offers Lexxi a drink and she says for sure, because in Alaska, it is never to early, or late to drink. As things progress they undress each other kissing, and fondling each other, Belle always in control and giving the directions. When Lexxi has a few more drinks of her glass she gets into the heavy petting and as soon as she least expects it Belle has her looped around the neck with a silk stocking she keeps in a pair on the arm of the sofa, just in case she has company, andf wants to follow through. Well tonight she is following through and has already started the ball rolling to a new life of serial mischief and sexy young ladies that will die by her hands, and the warm bodies will be prime for sex. As she strangles Lexxi hard, Lexxi fights back, slapping and clawing Belle as she tries to free herself. They move all over the chase lounger and even to the floor, Lexxi is strong but Belle is stronger, more dominant, and has a psychotic edge that comes with her dark secrets. She finishes Lexxi off and even after she is dead she continues to strangle the body as it twitches, then finally still. When she releases the stocking there is a red line where the silk dug into her neck, as well as evidence of the struggle. Her sexy neck is dead and ready to be kissed and sucked on, then move down to the breasts then lick her pussy as she lay dead on the floor. As she tastes her sexiest gal yet, Lexxi's phone rings. Belle is startled but an idea pops into her head. When she goes to the phone she sees it is Lexxi's hot friend Genetica, who was another choice, though she was a bit standoffish at the club, but she looked like she was worthy. Belle makes up a story that her sexy friend came home with her, but got sick and passed out in the bathroom, Belle asks Genetica if she can come pick her friend up and give her a ride home. Genetica obliges and agrees to be there in 20 minutes. Belle quickly stashes the evidence, rolling Lexxi and her things into a rug and dragging her off. She then gets the place ready and re dresses so she looks like she is fresh from the club. When Genetica arrives she comes in, looking around for Lexxi. Belle asks her if she wants a drink, but Gen is really looking for her friend and wanting to go home. Belle says, "well the bathroom is down the hall, she is passed out in there.." As she moves towards the bathroom Belle grabs the stocking from her knee high boot and wraps ity around her sexy pale white neck, pulling her to the chase lounger so she can get a tight grip. Genetica unleashes her fight and oh my! Belle is taken by surprise, but handles Genetica like a pro. The hot sexy gall, dressed in a red fuck me dress, and tall stiletto red heels, toes painted fire engine red, and her make up light and glamorous. She fights so hard, digging her heels in the floor as Belle stretches her out fully, yarding on her neck like a twenty mule team pulling a load of old growth timber. Her muscles flex, veins popping out in her arms, her face beet red from all the exertion. Genetica fights and rolls around trying to get free, her eyes and mouth wide and expand as Belle pulls tighter and tighter on the stocking. After pulling her around a bit trying to kill her, Genetica loses her steam and starts to twitch and spread her toes in the heels. She dies and is completely still, eyes wide and tongue out. A look of shock in her eyes changes to nothing as she dies. Belle immediately starts to get her undressed, removing her dress, then her stilettos, and playing with and sucking her red polished toes. After checking her feet, she removes the panties and goes in for some pussy, but not neglecting her tits and sexy neck with the red mark from the friction of the stocking. As she sucks her pussy the phone rings again, she looks up kinda miffed being disturbed a second time, but a light goes off in her head. She answers the phone, obviously talking to another party girl looking for her two friends. Well, we know where the after party is going on in Alaska this morning. Belle smiles and winks to herself as she says, "yes, I'll text you the address..."

WOW!!! DOUBLE WOW!!! I usually like to promote my films, but this one is so damned hot and sexy, I had to take many breaks in editing process, serious breaks and cold showers. I have never seen a woman strangle two hotter gals with NO TATTOOS OR PIERCINGS in this film or these gals at all. The acting is absolutely phenomenal and goes to show that the collaborative films between my loyal customers and friends usually render something special and this is no different! MY GOD GENETICA STRANGLE! ;-0. Of course plenty of pans and views of the hot dead beauties. She will kill more, especially if you tell her to by grabbing this...CB

Run Time: 27:00 minutes
File Size: 690 MB 	Format: .MP4
    29 minutes
Starring: Vivian Jade w/ Hero Wood

Our hero was in a freak accident and has been incarcerated to nurse him back to health. His beautiful physician Dr. Vivian Pederson is in early to make sure he has his Freeze Drug that makes him incapacitated. This time she mixed in a drug to Freeze him and kill him forever so she can use him for her pleasure. He is frozen when she arrives, she sees he is in better health lately so she wants to see if his cock can freeze solid stiff too. It does work as she gives him a great stiff blowjob, licking his shaft, as he smiles, frozen. After she is done sucking she decides she wants more, but needs to give him the dose. She preps the needle, tapping it so no air gets in and shooting a little into the air to get it straight. She heads towards his neck with the syringe, but he wakes up and puts it into her neck instead, she is immediately frozen dead, stiff as a board.
Our Hero poses her in so many different ways, doing facial molding and giving her a hard time during. She looks magnificent frozen and posed like a stiff doll. he gets his jollies to, spreading her pussy and getting to finger and lick her pussy and suck her cute little tits.
When he is done he poses her and takes off to escape from the institution.

One of my favorite Freeze Pose customs to date...Vivian Jade is just hot, there is no doubting this! Chris  DREAMY STRANGLER Coco
    13 minutes
Starring: Coco w/ Ryan Renault

**FULL 1920X1080 HD**

This is a dreamy dream for Coco as she prepares for bed one afternoon and is lonely. She dreams of her sexy, dreamy strangler to come in and when she is playing with a nylon stocking on her neck, he appears and strangles her to death, as she masturbates, and dies orgasmically. She imagines the strangler as a wiry, but good looking young man, who is as fierce of a killer as he is a passionate lover of her strangled body.

Coco gets on her knees and offers herself to her dream killer, holding the extended stocking up high, stretched so she can hand him the reigns, and he can pull tight and savagely bring her to orgasm and a lovely death. She knows he will pull hard and put a deep red mark on her neck from the ligature. She knows he will strangle her to death in many positions, then her fresh, warm, barely twitching corpse will be offered at no extra expense to his desires, which are truly hers as well. She is in ecstasy and as she dies, she cums and goes still, only a couple of death twitches after the rattle, then he goes to work, doing exactly what she wants him to do. In her mind she is dead, and he is having his way. After he ravages her body passionately, then rough handles her perfect breasts, kisses her cheek and disappears, she lay for as long as she can take not exploding again just from the thought of him disappearing but coming back whenever she wants him. He dream killer and lover is there for her desires. After she plays dead for a while longer, making sure he is gone from her mind, she comes to life with a huge breath and a hum from being fully satisfied by her imagination and the killer she has perfected over the years. She tastes her fingers and knows she will see him again and be fully satisfied.

I will say it again. Coco. That is all. Wow! CB

Run Time: 12:55 minutes
File Size: 422 MB 	Format: .MP4
      he busts such a huge load on her, and she is defeated, she falls back on the bed, ashamed, hurting, and in pain. Doc says, "Well we cant keep her here so"...He grabs a wire rope from his pocket and wraps it around her neck and pulls tight. She wakes up immediately and fights for her life, thrashing and hitting the guys, clawing at the cable around her neck. She bucks her hips high and her lace top thigh highs slide down on one leg, the other remaining high. She fights hard but loses the battle with two men, one with a side, each with cord in hand, pulling tight. She fights very hard but ends up losing. She twitches and drools on her way out. When she is done, they let go of the wire rope and she slumps on to the bed, head cocked. The two men plot to get rid of her when Johnny realizes he has an uncle in the construction business, so there is no problem. We see her sexy body spread eagle on the bed. Another great custom by Lexxi! CB" title="CLOSING COSTS - CLOSING COSTS Starring: Lexxi w/ Johnny Wood and Doc Chavez Lexxi is a real estate agent who sells lots of properties, one of which is a house that was taken over in a bitter divorce where the wife took everything. She is dressed in a black skirt, white button down shirt, and thigh highs, bra, and panties, all matching.Doc calls his friend Johnny over to talk about what is going on, and why he is so desperate to get the house back, and in fact he paid every mortgage payment, property taxes, and even did all the repairs himself, and has scars to prove it. Johnny finds out that he knows the realtor and when this revelation occurs he get's an idea. He calls Lexxi and says he wants to bid on the house, and she informs him that there is a bid on the table and they want to close first thing in the morning. He tells her that if he offers more, and has his financing set up, she must honor the bid. "It would mean more commission right?" She says, "True". As he talks to her at the property Doc(Ex Husband) walks in. She immediately tells him his wife has issued a restraining order and he is not to be at the property at any time. "Well I am here to see my friend, he is right behind you." At this point Johnny reaches from behind and grabs her, she struggles but he over powers her and takes her to the floor. They both wrestle with her and Doc slaps some sense into her, knocking her to the floor. He cuffs her arms behind her. He pulls her up and they both grab limbs, putting her on the couch. They mess with her body, Johnny pulls out a knife and takes her top and bra off, then moves her panties aside for some fingering. They grope her and interrogate her about the house and why she won't return calls. She won't talk so Johnny whips out his cock and shoves it in her mouth, fucking her face and mouth till she drools and chokes, spitting up stuff on to the floor. He rams her mouth and Doc gets an idea with the wine bottle on the table, "Let's celebrate." He shoves the bottle in her pussy ramming her vagina with the neck of the wine bottle, she begs and pleads in between gurgles of the deep throating. Doc says they should move to the bedroom to get more comfortable so they pick her up under each arm and carries her to the bed throwing her face down. Johnny starts to remove her panties and skirt, then forces his cock into her from behind. She screams in pain, "No you are too big, stop, you are hurting me". The two men continue to hold her down and force sex in several different positions. After a hard fucking in many different ways with the poor girl screaming and moaning, Doc suggests they check out the "Back Door", so Johnny puts it in her ass, forcing it hard into her butt hole. She screams loud and cries out in pain. He rapes her hard from behind and when she tells him to stop after a while he says, "What, you want to to put it in your mouth bitch?". He pulls his dick out and fucks her pussy some more, then puts it in her mouth, face force fucking her so hard that she gas and drools all over his dick. He commands her to lick his balls, then his shaft, then he cums all over her face, mouth and chest> he busts such a huge load on her, and she is defeated, she falls back on the bed, ashamed, hurting, and in pain. Doc says, "Well we cant keep her here so"...He grabs a wire rope from his pocket and wraps it around her neck and pulls tight. She wakes up immediately and fights for her life, thrashing and hitting the guys, clawing at the cable around her neck. She bucks her hips high and her lace top thigh highs slide down on one leg, the other remaining high. She fights hard but loses the battle with two men, one with a side, each with cord in hand, pulling tight. She fights very hard but ends up losing. She twitches and drools on her way out. When she is done, they let go of the wire rope and she slumps on to the bed, head cocked. The two men plot to get rid of her when Johnny realizes he has an uncle in the construction business, so there is no problem. We see her sexy body spread eagle on the bed. Another great custom by Lexxi! CB" >CLOSING COSTS
    40 minutes
Starring: Lexxi w/ Johnny Wood and Doc Chavez

Lexxi is a real estate agent who sells lots of properties, one of which is a house that was taken over in a bitter divorce where the wife took everything. She is dressed in a black skirt, white button down shirt, and thigh highs, bra, and panties, all matching.Doc calls his friend Johnny over to talk about what is going on, and why he is so desperate to get the house back, and in fact he paid every mortgage  payment, property taxes, and even did all the repairs himself, and has scars to prove it. Johnny finds out that he knows the realtor and when this revelation occurs he get's an idea. He calls Lexxi and says he wants to bid on the house, and she informs him that there is a bid on the table and they want to close first thing in the morning. He tells her that if he offers more, and has his financing set up, she must honor the bid. "It would mean more commission right?" She says, "True". As he talks to her at the property Doc(Ex Husband) walks in. She immediately tells him his wife has issued a restraining order and he is not to be at the property at any time. "Well I am here to see my friend, he is right behind you." At this point Johnny reaches from behind and grabs her, she struggles but he over powers her and takes her to the floor. They both wrestle with her and Doc slaps some sense into her, knocking her to the floor. He cuffs her arms behind her. He pulls her up and they both grab limbs, putting her on the couch. They mess with her body, Johnny pulls out a knife and takes her top and bra off, then moves her panties aside for some fingering. They grope her and interrogate her about the house and why she won't return calls. She won't talk so Johnny whips out his cock and shoves it in her mouth, fucking her face and mouth till she drools and chokes, spitting up stuff on to the floor. He rams her mouth and Doc gets an idea with the wine bottle on the table, "Let's celebrate." He shoves the bottle in her pussy ramming her vagina with the neck of the wine bottle, she begs and pleads in between gurgles of the deep throating.

Doc says they should move to the bedroom to get more comfortable so they pick her up under each arm and carries her to the bed throwing her face down. Johnny starts to remove her panties and skirt, then forces his cock into her from behind. She screams in pain, "No you are too big, stop, you are hurting me". The two men continue to hold her down and force sex in several different positions. After a hard fucking in many different ways with the poor girl screaming and moaning, Doc suggests they check out the "Back Door", so Johnny puts it in her ass, forcing it hard into her butt hole. She screams loud and cries out in pain. He rapes her hard from behind and when she tells him to stop after a while he says, "What, you want to to put it in your mouth bitch?". He pulls his dick out and fucks her pussy some more, then puts it in her mouth, face force fucking her so hard that she gas and drools all over his dick. He commands her to lick his balls, then his shaft, then he cums all over her face, mouth and chest> he busts such a huge load on her, and she is defeated, she falls back on the bed, ashamed, hurting, and in pain. Doc says, "Well we cant keep her here so"...He grabs a wire rope from his pocket and wraps it around her neck and pulls tight. She wakes up immediately and fights for her life, thrashing and hitting the guys, clawing at the cable around her neck. She bucks her hips high and her lace top thigh highs slide down on one leg, the other remaining high. She fights hard but loses the battle with two men, one with a side, each with cord in hand, pulling tight. She fights very hard but ends up losing. She twitches and drools on her way out. When she is done, they let go of the wire rope and she slumps on to the bed, head cocked. The two men plot to get rid of her when Johnny realizes he has an uncle in the construction business, so there is no problem. We see her sexy body spread eagle on the bed.

Another great custom by Lexxi! CB  GRACE X SISTER SPIES
    33 minutes
Starring: Coco as Grace X & Xander X
W/ Rex as Spy Rex
& Chris B. as Boss X

Grace is sitting in her office awaiting news of her sister's demise. She gets a knock at her office door, it is Boss X with a DVD that was sent by the Double Agent spy who killed her sister Xander, who was a fledgling Agent who was on her first mission. Grace plays the disk and it shows Xander seducing Agent Rex, and as things get hot they kiss, and Rex is groping her, kissing her lips and neck. They fall to the bed, getting hotter as Rex lowers his hand to her pussy and starts to rub her. He gets her going and soon he thinks he is in control. GRACE WATCHES AND STARTS TO GET HOT. Rex is fingering Xander and she starts to get off and as she cums, she sneaks the gun under the bed and slowly brings it up then tries to shoot him, but misses and he disarms her. They exchange blows, and some punches, Rex tries to slam her but she rolls out and gets free, running towards the gun and grabbing it up, she points it at him but he grabs it and points the revolver at her belly and fires into her waistline at close range.WATCHING THIS GETS GRACE REALLY GOING... It throws her back to the bed and she sinks down to the floor. Spy Rex is in control and he heads over to her, punching her a couple times, then he undresses her shirt, then puts the gun to her right breast and fires, popping her tit, which starts to bleed. She is in shock and reacts with a groan and a yelp. He taunts her more and puts the gun to her other breast, punching her in the shot tit. He shoots her in the left breast and she is in major pain. GRACE CONTINUES TO WATCH THE VIDEO, FINGERING HERSELF IN HER THIGH HIGHS....He taunts Xander, smacks her a bit, and then taunts her more with the gun, putting it to her head, then mouth, then pussy. She tells him, "Just shoot me in the pussy so I can have my last orgasm as I die!", "Please shoot my pussy." He puts it, holding out for a second then POP, right in her clit, she reacts and cums hard, then after a few twitches and a buck or two she dies.GRACE CUMS WILDLY, OVER THE MOON WITH DESIRE TO KILL THE SPY AND AVENGE HER SISTER'S DEATH.... Eyes wide and mouth open. Spy Rex loves to fuck them while they are warm so he goes right in and strips her panties, just leaving the black boots and fucks her bloody pussy with the shot clit. He screws her dead body as she bounces, he loves grabbing her tits and legs as he pumps. He cums on her mound and then gathers himself, tossing her to the side and exiting, leaving the gun to show she died by her own weapon. GRACE FINISHES UP AND GRABS HER GUN HEADING TO THE LOCKER ROOM...

Grace gets dressed to kill in her tight skirt and lacey tight top, black/red bra, red g-string, and lacey black thigh high stockings,  with high heels. She gets made up, brushes her hair and checks her sidearm. As she looks in the mirror she vows to get revenge. She heads to the spies house, late at night as he sleeps, she creeps down the hall. She gets to his room where he lies on a sofa, covered with a blanket. As she aims and readies her gun he does a diving roll and she fires trailing him, hitting him in the shoulder with the .40 s&w which causes him to be in shock for a moment. She gets over him and points the gun. She tells him he is done, and she is going to get off while he lies in pain, but she will make it slow and painful like Xander's death. She grinds him and tells him as she puts the gun on his dick that hse will fill his dick with lead if he doesn't take her heals off and suck her toes in the thigh highs. He does as he's told, enjoying her feet before she stands over him. She rubs one out over him with the gun first and then her fingers, which she licks clean before she points her piece to finish him off. As she is basking in the glow of a good orgasm, he has freed his extra gun from his waist and has it aimed straight at her clit. As she taunts him she realizes she is doomed and POW! He shoots her in the clit as she stands over him, making her lift off the ground, and let out a yelp and grunt. She goes down holding her crotch, dropping her gun and he kicks it out of the way. She is in great pain and showing it as she bucks and grunts and whines. He gropes and punches her, then removes her bra and top. He takes the gun and punches her tit with it before blasting her right breast. She shrieks in terror and pain, grabbing her wound, and then as he punches her shot tit, she screams in pain. He shoots her in the other breast and she grunts and cries out in pain. He squeezes her tit and the blood pours out of the hole in her tit. She is in major pain. He adds more to her plate and puts a slug right in her buttonhole, making her scream orgasmically. Then he kicks her in the side a few times to add insult to injury. She is bucking and spreading her hosiery covered toes, and he stands up over her, telling her she was an amateur like her sister and that her Agency is weak. He shoots her in the head, killing her instantly, and her body twitches a bit, plus a couple of jerks, and she is out. Her eyes are wide and a trickle of blood comes from her head wound. He knows it is time to remove her panties and fuck her warm pussy good. He screws the hot twin spy and blows his wad on her mound too, it is his signature move. He then rolls her and he takes off to round up some intel, and make a call. Her body is panned, and Xander's as well back and forth. The two dead, sexy spies loved their jobs and loved the final death being shot in their pussies. Rex comes back to Grace, she is a legend and he must take one last look. He grabs her face, looking her over, puts her face up and spread eagle, then exits to leave her for the viewing. Grace X and Xander X fought well, but they were no match for Agent Rex.

This is my best work to date, and the reason why people don't mind waiting for their finished product. CCC

Run Time: 32:33 minutes
File Size: 497 MB	Format: .WMV
    18 minutes
Starring: Lexxi and Tessa

Lexxi has a fetish that burns deep inside her, she loves to be tempted and sexually charged by throat slice and all the sexual tension that comes along with the build up. She knows her Roommate Tessa works late today, so she at least has a bit of free time after work to pleasure herself as she fantasizes about the knife against her neck. She turns on the screen and watches a fetish video of two sexy ladies, one with the knife, Kiki, and the sexy Coco who is nearing orgasm from the fantasy of knife across her throat and sexy body. As Lexxi closes her eyes and gets deeper and deeper into her fantasy, opening them just to see the video then getting deeper into her panties, finally pulling them aside to get in good. She is starting to work into a feverishly fine orgasm when Tessa comes home. The computer is loud so Lexxi doesn't notice her quiet and shy roomie and friend come in. Tessa hears noises coming down the hall so she tip toes over to investigate more. She peers through the crack of the door and is surprised to see what Lexxi is into, which is herself obviously, furiously rubbing her pussy and getting closer and closer to cumming. As she looks through the door, Lexxi gets way down arching her back as the knife on the video goes across the sexy Coco's neck and Lexxi loses it, cumming very hard, climaxing and slowly working her way back down. The whole time, Tessa is rubbing herself, starting with her tingling breasts, then sliding down to clutch the bottom of the dress and hike it up to tough herself. She walks into the room Lexxi still sitting there winding down from her climax. She taps Lexxi on the shoulder and it scares the crap out of her, she is immediately embarrassed that Tessa saw her masturbating so she begs her not to tell. Tessa surprises Lexxi when she tells her she has a fantasy of being the one holding the knife and has for a while. They start to relax a bit more and Lexxi pops the question, "would you want to lay with me?" The answer is of course "Yes" and so they start to play. Tessa spends lots of time touching and teasing Lexxi's sexy neck, tons of neck play from her to Lexxi's neck. As she plays with her Lexxi goes back into her fantasy world, thinking about how they would be, sitting in an open, well lit room, with tarps and a chair in the middle. In her visions Tessa and her are already naked, so Lexxi starts to remove her dress, asking Tessa to unzip her. Tessa obliges, checking out the back of her neck as she unzips the sexy dress. Lexxi's tits are so perfect, and Tessa is getting into it, so she removes her own dress, revealing a sexy thong on her perfect round ass. Lexxi opens her eyes and looks at the sexy, naked, and perfect beauty of Tessa. She starts to breathe a bit heavier due to her turn on getting way bigger. She closes her eyes and imagines Tessa running her finger across her arched neck, pulling on her pony tail to extend the veins and tendons in the neck. Lexxi flashes back to her fantasy of her on the stool in the middle of the open room, Now Tessa is grabbing the knife which sends Lexxi into a feverish pant of sex. She rubs harder as Tessa runs the blade across her neck to practice. The whole thing gets crazy as she is fantasizing about the slaughter from her perspective, while Tessa is doing the same. Their imaginations and attention to fantasy detail show they are really truly into it. As they both get closer to the final cut, they are both enjoying, Lexxi a bit more openly, moaning and cumming hard as Tessa runs the blade over her neck and cuts her deep all the way from one side to the next with one quick slice. Blood starts slow but then starts to pour and pump out of the artery. Tessa pulls the hair on Lexxi's head leaning her forward to drain the blood on to the floor, then sets her back again holding her pony tail to inspect her neck and body. She then kisses Lexxi on the forehead to seal the fantasy and Lexxi's sexy body is shown slaughtered, and in the chair in the computer room fantasizing and playing dead. After a minute Tessa asks her if she "enjoyed her fantasy", Lexxi comes to and lets out a huge breath. "Oh my gosh Tessa, that was the best orgasm ever!" Tessa agrees and tells her they need to go to the bedroom right away to finish the sex!

Wow, this is one of my favorite movies lately. I spent a great deal of time on it making sure it is perfect. Thanks to these two sexy gals who really do a fantastic job with this type scenario, hell any scenario. Thank you all so much for checking us out and seeing our attention to details with these customs. CB

Run Time: 17:44 minutes
File Size: 395 MB 	Format: .MP4
    21 minutes
Starring: Anyanca, Savannah Costello, and Stacie 
w/ Chris B.(The Hitman)

Lisa Weston is a high powered attorney that is mixed up with the wrong business, and the wrong people. She is prosecuting a big time crime boss and has no clue that she is vulnerable, in fact she is on top of the world after getting convictions on all nine counts, and putting Detweiller away for good. When she returns to her fancy hotel suite, she decides to unwind and celebrate. Her hubby is on the phone and she explains how well she did and how they are taking her out for steaks at a fancy place at 8:00 sharp. She get's out of her heels and suit jacket, and into a nice glass of Champagne. She also calls her favorite escort service to see if her sexy, loveable, favorite is working. Since she won big she wants to add a friend, so she orders her regular plus one. When the two call girls arrive, Lisa is happy and invites them in to play, not knowing that she has been marked for a hit. The two gals start the show, undressing each other, then doing a dance to warm up. savannah sips the bubbly and starts to get wet. She stands up and orders them to remove her clothing, then they all move to the bed for some hot lesbian sex, eventually making everyone cum, and then Stacie decides to finish herself off for a second nut. They fall into a steamy pile and take a nap. Lisa wakes up and sees it is 7:00 pm on the dot, she jumps out of bed, leaving the other two snuggling and snoozing. She puts on her robe and heads to the bathroom to get freshened up. The two girls are awake and cuddling, wondering what is taking so long. The hitman stealthily moves to the hall, seeing the mark of lipstick on the door, knowing that was Stacie's color, and this was definitely the place. He lets himself in with a credit card and proceeds to the hotel suite bedroom. He looks into the bedroom and sees Stacie who points to the bathroom. He shrugs and wonders why there is another girl, she nods and says she is ok, so he sighs and turns to the door where Lisa is getting ready. The door opens and he ducks behind the wall, but she goes back in the bathroom forgetting something, so he approaches. When she looks up she sees him in the mirror. She freaks, dropping her robe, and her eyes widen as he explains why he is here, then opens a folding knife with a long sharp blade. He stuffs it into her belly, pulling upwards to make sure her guts are wrecked, and there is no return. He wrenches it around doing damage then pulls it out, leaving her on the white tile to bleed out. He quickly heads to the bedroom, pulling his silenced 45 caliber pistol, and aiming it. He tries to get info from the girls, asking the new girl for her ID. The girls try to seduce him but they know he is business, and think they have a chance to be free. The hitman makes a call, to Detweiller, giving her name, and explaining the situation. He nods his head and says, "Both of them?", "OK Mr. Detweiller", the new girl automatically pisses her jeans, which turn from blue to dark blue as the pee spreads through the denim. Stacie runs to the new girl using her as a shield, the hitman orders her to take her jeans off and she obliges, smiling that maybe he wants to get some instead of killing, but he explains that, "It is hard to get wet jeans off a dead girl." This sends both girls into a panic and he fires the first round into the New Girl's gut. She is stunned and stumbles back from the large caliber slug. The hitman follows them to the corner of the room, pulling the trigger and sending a hot lead chunk through both gals, he likes using the second and third bullet in the clip to not be hollow points, just in case he needs to kill two birds. This time the bullet goes right in between her belly button and sternum, striking hard and going through her, and into Stacie's belly button. Both girls are hurting and moaning, but the new gal is in shock, shaking and trembling. He heads back to the bathroom, checking on the Lawyer, and sees she is still dying, so he finishes her off with two more slugs, both in each breast, she fights, gurgling blood, wrenching from pain, then dies. The hitman heads back into the bedroom, and finishes off the new girl with two more slugs right in her belly, and on the pantyline of her belly. Stacie begs him to be spared, saying she could make it with the one shot, and she is his favorite, well used to be. He shoots her in the fatty chunk of her belly, then right in the heart, she shutters then dies. The hitman follows orders, positioning them for a photo. He takes pics of the dead bodies just to send to the client. He exits as the clock reads 7:59, and when it turns to 8:00, there is a knock at the door, "Mrs. Weston, here to pick you up for dinner" knock, knock...Mrs. Weston.....Then it fades to body pans of the lovely dead gals, and the crime scene.

This is so much fun. I may not be the king of S/F/X, but please show me one producer that spends as much time and energy preparing, directing, acting, shooting, and editing...We care! Thanks for your undying support, we will do the killing for you! Another VERY HAPPY custom customer!!

Run Time: 20:00 minutes
File Size: 550 MB	Format: .WMV
    16 minutes
      HOBOS NECRO GARAGE - Starring: Belle w/ Muddy Beeks

Portland is filled with Hobo's, digging through garbage, collecting cans, and even sleeping in your garages!! A young, hot woman comes into her garage to get some fertilizer and encounters a Hobo, who has set up shop, he is smelling of booze, and has tipped over an old mattress and decided to make it his temporary place of residence!! Belle is furious and questions him, he just shouts obscenities and flips her the finger. She says she will call the cops and turns to leave. He grabs her hair and throws her down with one swoop onto the mattress. He grabs a full wine bottle he found, among others, and hits her in the temple, killing her dead, and leaving a nasty mark. He curses, but then realizes he will never get to have sex with a woman of this quality ever again, especially in his condition, so the crusty bum has his way with the lady, who was just gardening and now is a victim of a drunk ass in her garage. He slowly and ROUGHLY handles her, stripping her down mostly, leaving articles hanging, then he licks her pussy and ass, then sticks his cock in her mouth for a nice, warm fresh NECRO BJ. He fucks her mouth then he fucks her pussy every way, from behind, on top, then hard doggy, and even takes a quick snooze on her, then wakes up, sips the wine, and fucks more till he flips her over, fucks her hard and then, he turns her to face him and sprays cum on her chest and face. After he cums, he grabs the full bottle of wine and ttalks to the bottle saying, "you have never let me down wine". he exits with a grumble, and then her body is panned on the dirty mattress where she was necro raped for hours, and used up to toss away, like the old mattress.  RELIEVE COCO debt slaughter
    27 minutes
      RELIEVE COCO debt slaughter - Description and pics to follow
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