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    7 minutes

Starring: Genetica w/ Gun Hand

**FULL 1920X1080 HD** **FULL BLOOD AND F/X**

A very sexy young lady is hanging out in her bed, about to get up and go out on the town. She stretches her legs, still in her long socks, boy shorts, and sexy top, then slowly walks to the bathroom so she can get ready. She brushes her long, beautiful hair as she looks in the mirror, checking herself out as she does so. She puts on some lipstick and looks at herself in the mirror seeing what she wants to fix. She pulls off her blouse up over her head, then her boyshorts, and her bra. She keeps her socks on intact.She looks in the mirror noticing how perfect she is from head to toe. Perfect belly, perfect tits, and everything else in place. She cleans the mirror and is about to toss the towel when she sees something in the reflection. She drops her towel and her jaw as she sees a man in the background holding a pistol on her. She spins around and pleads with the man holding the gun. "What do you want with me, why are you holding a gun?" The man says, "That is none of your concern, please raise your arms above your head." He is calm and she is starting to be hysterical. He makes sure her hands are not in the way and tells her, "Let me just put one in your belly" Pop and then also shoots a second shot to her left breast but missing the heart. She flies back against the vanity and looks down in shock to see the wounds leaking blood fairly rapidly. As she starts to leak blood the man asks her to move over towards the tub and move her hair out of the way so he can see her bloody wounds. He gets her to writhe her way up to the tub edge, and as she sits on the edge of the tub, he pops one in her heart and she flies back into the tub with a jolt and a thud, slamming her ass in the tub. She starts to moan and grunt, crying a bit from the pain and anguish of her wounds. She lays in the tub, flopping and floundering losing blood and energy from the gunshots. Blood continues to leak out of her breast and belly. She is in so much pain she moves herself around the tub finally laying flat inside the bottom of the tub where she twitches and jolts from the pain and shock. She shutters and is in shock, eyes wide as she goes still and dies. The killer looks over her, identifying her as his mark and checking her body out a bit. She lays naked, except for her long socks, in the bottom of the tub, mouth slightly open, still bleeding from her wounds into the tub. Her sexy figure is viewed and panned from a few angles.  BOUTIQUE OF CRIME PT 2
    18 minutes


Starring: Samantha, Lena, Sammi, Veronika, Stevie, and Carmen w/ Abe and Alex

As the smoke clears the two cops go in search of the rest of the gang with orders to shoot to kill. Good luck with these two lousy shots. They finally swing back around to the warehouse and find Stevie, Carmen, and Sammi, trying to escape with all the loot, and they start firing on them. The two groups exchange rounds as they are pinned behind a metal lift, and the girls behind a motorcycle. Countless rounds fly through the room and hit everything but flesh as they shoot towards each other. After several misses, Veronika�s gang comes up from behind to ambush the entire group. When the 3 hot killers come around the corner they open fire and shoot the cops in the back, the two officers fall to the floor dead. The ruthless gang steps on the cops, shoving them aside to get a better position behind the big steel lift. The 6 girls let it all out, the first bullet to land a blow grazes Carmen�s arm. She yells in pain but quickly gets back to short bursts with the M-83, keeping the other gang pinned behind the lift. Samantha is crazy and runs out into the open wielding a Mac-11. At the same time Sammi rushes at her shooting her silenced pistol landing a shot in Samantha�s belly. She screams in pain still trying to fire her weapon as she runs out of ammo for the Mac. She takes two more rounds to the breasts as well as a hot one above her tit, near the collarbone. Samantha goes to her knees gasping, wrenching in massive pain from the multiple rounds. She jerks and heaves and blood leaks from the holes in her sexy body. She goes to the floor, blood seeping from her mouth, twitching, with spasms, until she is done.

Sammi looks down after the swap of hot lead and realizes she took one in the belly, at this same time she takes 3 more bullets to her chest. She is astonished and blood pours from her mouth as she stares with disbelief. She even tries to pick up the empty gun again to get a few more off before she dies, but doesn�t realize that she is out of ammo. It is too late, she is done for and after crawling towards Samatha, she falls to her death. After her lovely body is examined with body pans, as the action insues, Lena rushes at Carmen saying, "It ends here bitch". She puts two rounds in Carmen�s right breast. This stuns Carmen as she stumbles to find ground, with the empty M-83. She falls to her knees, grabs Sammi�s empty gun, and tries to fire. She stands but then falls back into the Hair dryer chair against the wall. The tough broad jiggles and jerks as she goes into dead land. Pow Pow! Stevie lands two shots on the defenseless Lena, one in the gut and one in her upper thigh. Stevie hit an artery so the blood pumps out of Lena�s leg and she tries to make herself stand, but looses footing and slides to the floor. She bleeps from her guts, leg, and mouth as she expires with some twitching, hip bucks, and a classic stare to finish.

Then there were two! Stevie feels confident that she will prevail, seeing as she has a half full clip left, and Veronika, with her 357 six shooter needs to reload. Thinking she has timed it right by counting shots fired to make a break, Stevie grabs the drugs and cash and heads to the exit. Veronika is a sneaky one though and has 3 rounds stashed in her gun. She gives Stevie one to the belly as she crosses in front of Veronika. She fires her last round at Veronika, landing it right in her navel. Veronika lunges backwards from the impact. She screams in pain, but looks up at Stevie and her spent pistol and says, "ha, out of ammoï"? "Rookie mistake", and shoots two red hot rounds to Stevie�s chest hitting the target square. Stevie hits the door, sliding down the wall and hitting the floor. She starts to moan and cry in pain. Her legs twist and twirl around and she bucks her hips so high that you lose sight of everything but her perfect crotch and ass momentarily before you see blood dripping from her mouth. She finally dies twitching and slumped, spread eagle against the front door.

Veronika has a gut wound but is still alive as she walks to her nemesis and grabs the duffle back full of contraband and cash. She turns and walks towards the back door, but stops to deliver the final line in a smug way. "Well, I guess you could say this Boutique is closed". As she is finishing her cocky comment, Alex raises his gunhand and sends his last bullet directly into Veronika's sternum. She yells in pain, hitting the floor and giving the best death performance (I have ever seen) well next to the one Samantha does a few minutes prior, haha. As the smoke clears we see the entire boutique, dead on the floor, from every angle with a focus on each body.
     Clip 295
    16 minutes
      Clip 295 - COLDEST AGENT Ryanne
Starring: Ryanne w/ Jigsy

Two federal agents who have been partners for 9 years are on a stake out, but today the director really wants some action, she is tired of all the surveillance with no busts, Agent Ryanne Red is a 26 year old, "by the book" agent who irons her shirt everyday and make sure her badge is perfectly lined up on her skirt, which is a bit shorter and more fashionable than most of the other agents. Agent Jay Jameson is a salty crooked cop who always plays the undercover role, infiltrating the gangs or the drug houses by playing the role, and his partner does the paperwork and makes them look damn good. Their last attempt to bust some of the drug criminals, she was assaulted and nearly killed. She blames her partner, who she barely trusts anymore. As they sit in their rig and discuss plans to take out the dopers, the extra time digs up some old habits. Agent Jay has always wanted to fuck his partner, I mean who wouldn't? She is sexy, long legs, perfect d cups and a fine ass. He notices how she takes her time in the morning to look sharp for the world, and he thinks for him. She on the other hand is utterly disgusted by his advances, to the point of them getting in a heated argument about it. As he makes his way to try and cop a feel as he explains how he can't trust her unless they have sex, and what better time while waiting on a stake out. As they argue the phone rings and it is the director, sending a strong message that they need to take down the house now, even though Agent Jay thinks they need to wait for the next shipment to come in. He gets upset at being put on the spot and tells her he will go in and start the bust, then she follow up through the back door to back him up. He exits the SUV and heads to the door unholstering his glock and going to the door. As she waits for him to do the initial bust she pulls the rig up closer to the door, exiting slowly, her sexy feet in her strappy high heels are focus as she gets ready and checks her service weapon. She moves slowly around the building, checking for any signs of foul play along the way. As she creeps up the back stairs, and looks into the back window of the door, she sees or hears nothing so pops through the door gun raised yelling, "DEA Freeze!" She is surprised and bewildered that her partner is standing at the counter in the kitchen, typing on his phone and distracted. She asks him what is going on and he says, "holster your weapon Agent Redd, they aren't even here." He is distracted and when she comes up she leaves the back door open so they can clear the rest of the house. She talks smack to him asking how he screwed this one up and didn't even make the bust. He goes to call the director but she has a better idea. She says, "hold up a minute I have a better idea, I have the number of their burner I will just call one of them and we can locate the signal. He seems distracted and says he is going to shut the back door, because she is letting all the heat out. At this point she is looking around noticing the house is lived in and not by dopers, as the burner line rings, she hears the phone ring in the same room, with the same ring tone as her partner, she puts it all together in her mind as she turns to her partner. "It's you!" "It's been you the whole time!" Since she was dialing and trying to get the signal, she set her gun down and it was on the counter a couple feet away. He closed the door and walks towards her pulling the tab back on his holster quickly so he is ready just in case. She sees this is not going to end well and lunges for her gun, doing a spin move to possibly outmaneuver him. He draws fast and the two square up. She is bitter and still in disbelief over this issue, she tells him he would never shoot her and that he is just being an asshole. He surprises her when he fires and hits her in the left shoulder, knocking her back into the counter. His .40 S&W service weapon really does damage and she is in pain and is having a hard time even raising her gun with the other arm, but she tries and he shoots her in her right arm, obviously shattering the bone and breaking the arm and knocking the gun on the counter. She is in pain but is very tough and as he tries to feel her up and run his gun up her skirt, she tells him off and tells him the director is going to have fun taking him out and putting him away. He laughs and shoots her in the right breast, popping the hollow point through the bra and through her tit, popping a nice hole through the shirt and bra. He gets a phone call and is obviously stressed and mad, he tells the person on the other line he is "doing it now and will need an hour". She is in awe when she finds out it is the director who is as corrupt as her partner, giving in to the thousands of dollars and keys of heroin that she has been getting for years due to this racket. He hangs up and tells her who it was, she is flabbergasted and in major pain. He wants to have fun with her and as she insults him he pops her in the left breast, above the heart so he doesn't spoil his fun right away. The bullet packs a punch at close range and knocks her up on to the counter top. He plays with her legs and grabs at her tits roughly as she struggles and moans grunting in pain and anguish. He pops her shirt open and blood leaks from the exposed wounds. He feels roughly on her tits and pulls out her nipples. He pulls her struggling to the edge of the counter and ready to fuck her while she is still moving around. She fights him still in severe pain and he pops her in the belly above the button and below the breasts. The blood leaks from her body. Her shaved pussy bucks up and slams on the counter. She says her last words of disgust of her partner and the director. She is really in pain and weaving in and out. He gets her ready to fuck and then as he looks down to her face, he shoots her right under the rib cage at the heart, pooing a hole right through the middle and forcing a bunch of blood to splatter out of her mouth. She jerks and spasms as the she spits up blood and her eyes go wide as he starts to fuck her. Her tits bleeding, bounce back in forth as he takes this tight pussy for the first time since he started working with the clod bitch after she came out of the academy. As he pumps her hard on the counter, her heels clacking together and her sexy legs up high after letting them dangle low off the counter. He is getting close to climax as she expires and right as she dies it sends him into a frenzy and he pumps more, excited that he is fucking her finally and he doesn't have to duck and dodge or listen to her complain about his trust. As he finishes inside her, her body is dead and tongue out, eyes wide open, blood leaking from her wounds. After he is done he dismounts her leaving her on the counter, her legs dangling off the counter and her pretty shaved mound out in the open from her skirt riding up. He calls the director and tells her it is done, then goes to grab her pistol. He handles it safely and then pops himself in the shoulder, screaming from the pain and setting the gun back in her hand. He grunts and grimaces as he calls the shooting into the dispatch channel so everyone would think she went nuts and shot him, then he had to finish her off. Between him and the director, they both know they will get this pushed through as a cop gone mad, and continue their bad business and taking advantage of the drug war to line their own pockets. Body pans of the sexy dead agent follow, what a waste, but man she was a cold ass bitch.

Ryanne is absolutely freaking hot. She is on fire right now and this will be a pleaser for all the shooting death lovers and working class federal agents who dress sexy and wear high heels. We love them. I am very proud of my actors and they always go above and beyond for me and my business. Thanks again for letting them know you want them to do more by picking up their films and letting everyone else know how you liked it, or not. We love feedback it is what makes it better. Thanks! CB

Run Time: 16:30 minutes
File Size: 400 MB 	Format: .MP4
    28 minutes
      DETECTIVE LIZBON Apology Accepted - DETECTIVE LIZBON Apology Accepted
Starring: Coco and Steevie w/ Rex

Almost a month has passed since Detective Lizbon was beaten, shocked with a taser, then raped by a diplomat, who's father runs the largest corporation in the first world, so he gets full immunity wherever he goes. The investigator for the Agency Detective Lizbon, who is still on the detail to protect the Diplomat wants a documented apology for the harm he caused her, and wants it to be mediated. Before arriving at the safe house to meet the Diplomat, Coco gets dressed up in a skirt and high heels, always wanting to look fashionable in public. With her badge tethered to her skirt, and her service weapon, .40 caliber pistol, tucked into the small of her back, she arrives. Before she got to the address, the Diplomat, and another crime friend of his, sex trafficker, and serial rapist Steevie, make plans to take her out, and have some fun in the mean time.

Detective Lizbon arrives, she comes in the door and is introduced to Steevie, not recognizing that she is the hoodlum that she tried to collar a few years back when she was a rookie, but never could finger. Steevie is very professional, explaining the apology, and how there are no weapons allowed at the safe house. She sees the Diplomat Rex, and his eyes bite right through her, she stammers back and gets frightened, covering herself, knowing that he has special vision powers where he can see under layers of clothing. She is very uncomfortable, but carries on, giving up her weapon, since they have none, and she is a strong fighter. She just wants the apology. As Steevie finishes the pat down, she takes the weapon to the safe, and offers Detective Lizbon a beverage. The sexy, and nervous agent says she will take some herb tea to calm her down, and so the disguised serial rapist makes her some tea, but adds a debilitating drug that will make her incapacitated for hours, which is more than they need to finish her off before she can go public with the apology. As she drinks the tea, and the Diplomat gives his spiel, patronizing her, and finally letting her know he is, well, sorry for what is to happen, and before long, she is staggering and falls in the arms of Steevie, who hoists her up so the Diplomat can take some shots to her face and body. The two take turns beating her down, punching her and kicking her all over her body, including the torso, face, tits, and pussy, they beat her senseless, making every shot count as planned. They beat her and toss her around, one holding her arms, while the other has their way groping and punching her.

After a long and tragic beating, Detective Lizbon, still trying to fight back, but drugged and helpless, gets knocked to the ground, then stripped and groped, including the vaginal claw, that makes her scream in pain. The diplomat asks her if she remembers their first meeting, and lets her know this is going to end way worse. After removing her panties, he sticks his dick in her and she screams out in pain. Steevie holds her down while he has his way, and she uses her fingers to gag Lizbon as she is being raped and defiled. He pounds her hard, forcing her legs high, her bare feet flexing and then limp with waves of drugged euphoria. He starts to choke her as he is about to climax, choking her hard as her face turns red, and her eyes roll into the back of her head. As he finishes cumming, she passes out, eyes half open and white from her eyes rolling up in her head.

The two perps get up, leaving her on the hard wood floor slightly moaning and out. The diplomat drags her up and puts her in a big chair in the corner, her pussy still oozing his cum, and her cunt glistening from all the juices. Steevei suggests a nice rope to finish her off, so she grabs one from the other room, and comes back to kill the Detective so she will not talk about what really happened. She starts to stir and try to fight back, but she is weak. They both grab one end of the rope and the middle is around her sexy neck, getting tighter as she tries to struggle. They pull super tight and it wakes her up a bit, she tries to fight and the adrenaline rushes into her body, she kicks her legs, but her arms are being held with the other hands not pulling on her death rope. She fights and tries to stick around but the strangle her hard, eventually letting her arms free so they can see her struggle a bit. Her arms are weak, and she is losing the battle. Her legs stiffen up and rattle with her whole body, her glistening vagina bounces up and down like a bobber in a lake, then finally going still after a lot of twitching. After a few seconds she is totally still, eyes open, tongue slightly protruding and swollen. She fought hard but lost the battle, and now she is dead. The two perps remove the rope from her neck leaving a scar and red burns on her neck. They leave to celebrate with a drink, and she is left in the chair, dead, and alone. Her body is panned and viewed in her sexy death pose.

This production is by far one of our best, and all that acted and helped with the scene did a wonderful job. Lot's of punching and kicking, a beat down and assault on Detective Lizbon, then her death, what a great vid. Enjoy. CB

Run Time: 28:00 minutes
File Size: 495 MB 	Format: .WMV
    19 minutes
Starring: Candee, Coco, Lacey, and Mollie w/ Adrian

With excitement of working with Coco again, here is Coco's first film ever. Re edited, remastered, and retouched in a nice mp4 container. Still standard definition but well worth it!


A group of dancers hang out in the clubhouse after hours, getting drunk and shooting stick in their lingerie and high heels, bragging about the customers and how much they did or didn't make. Candee is her playful, funny self with Lacey instigating most of the conversation, Mollie, who Chris the manager left in charge is watching over and enjoying herself after a long night. They toast and talk with the new gal Coco, who is stunning and perfect from head to toe. As they get to know her after work they all take turns feeling her breasts which they can't believe are even real they are so perfect. As they drink Sparkling wine and Candee is getting drunker, she flashes her perky tits, laughing as she tries to shake them like Coco. When they get all riled up and start to strip pool game it up the phone rings and Mollie answers, talking to Chris on the other end. He is mad because she is still there and supposed to be closed and gone hours ago. She tries to smooth it over but Chris is mad and says he is going to come down hard on them this time. He is tired of stealing booze, money, and running up his already hefty electric bill. He hangs up with Mollie who tells the gals that Chris is upset. They laugh it off because all he does is yell and get angry when they screw up. This time Chris means business and hires an ex military guy who does security sometimes to go in and clean the place up so he can hire some new talent. As the gals clean up a bit and Candee goes upstairs to carry the glasses, but stays to drink them all of liquor. Coco heads upstairs too to get stuff from her locker and use the bathroom. Mollie racks up the pool balls on the table for some order. Lacey cleans the bar, sitting up on the bar as she wipes it. Out of nowhere a masked gunman carrying a military assault rifle with a suppressor comes through the door all in black and picking his shots and spots. He puts two in Lacey which throws her on to the bar and she grasps and grunts as her belly and chest get punched through. The .223 making a nice small entry wound and leaking a bit of blood. The gunman turns to get Mollie as she runs past him and up the stairs towards the others. Lacey is focused on as she goes through her death throws. She grunts and growls, grasping and grabbing at her wounds and the bar, bucking her hips as her heels hit the bar. She tries to fight it but she eventually kicks off her heels and dies, going limp and eyes wide, mouth agape. As she lays dead sprawled out on the bar, we go back to Mollie running up the steps to be popped twice in the back with exit wounds coming out the front. She barely makes it to the landing as she starts to expire, moaning and writhing around her glasses crooked and falling off. She bucks her hips and her long black boots clunk against the staircase. She bleeds from her chest and tummy and as the killer passes her on the stairs he puts another in her side lower, leaking blood more now than ever. She eventually dies and twitching turns still. Candee is in the kitchen just coming back from talking to Coco in the bathroom, hears Mollie as she yells for her to leave. Candee tries to run but the killer gets to her. As Mollie is dying in the background(this being real time again)Candee tries to use the refrigerator door to block the killer shots but as she hides behind the door she hears a couple of hits on metal, and when she realizes it she is slumping with two holes, one in the gut and one in the center of the neck, and the bullets that went through the cheap tin of the fridge. She falls to her side fridge door still open and falls to the floor from the two shots. The killer knows she is mortal so he steps over her and through the door to get Coco. Candee fights it as she gurgles and grunts, moaning in pain and twitchy as she loses blood. Her heels clack against the floor and she bucks her hips, her white cotton panties show a bit of her pussy as she bucks. As she dies, she lets out the last bit of breath and goes limp. Right after she is viewed Coco is in the bathroom finishing her break and looking in the mirror she checks her tits agreeing with the past statements of the other gals her tits are perfect. As she smiles and checks herself out she hears muffled gunshots and a thud on the ground. She rushes out of the bathroom to check and the killer is there popping her a couple times once in the breast and once in the tummy. She falls to her knees and bucks her ass up in the air, she rolls on her side and shows her wounds, arching her back and slamming her ass against the floor. She makes beautiful sounds as she expires, grunting and wheezing, looking over at her dead friend Candee who got her this job in the first place. She flops and dies, letting out the air and eyes staring perfectly into space. Her body is viewed and panned as she lays dead. The killer knows he still has work so he scoops them up one by one starting with Candee and ending with Lacey, carrying them to where Coco's body is on the wood floor. He lays them down one by one into a pile so they are close enough together for the cleaner to have a better day. The killer does not waste time and grabs his rifle and exits the front door. The gals are panned and viewed from many angles close and wide angles.

We have come such a long way since this footage was shot, and aside from the shaky camera and constant servo in and out, this is an awesome film. I am so glad I have learned to settle down a bit and focus on a shot for more than a few seconds. Thanks for all the feedback over the years that have helped me so much to become a better producer! I am excited to see what my protege does with her new studio. CB 

Run Time: 19:20 minutes
File Size: 260 MB 	Format: .MP4
    19 minutes
Starring: Ryanne w/ voices of demons in hell
Narrated voice overs by Ryanne


Ryanne was attacked and abducted by who she thought were muggers on the street and brought back to a secret location where she is tortured every day by demons and the henchmen that are controlled by them. She wakes up in a room that is covered in sheets and cloth with only a sheer nightgown on the floor. She is bruised and has whip marks on her from her first day of torment. The room is very hot and she is sweating on the floor crawling around to the sheer nightgown to put it on. The demons told her of a secret door in the wall, so she looks around trying to find it but to no avail. Soon the demons appear out of nowhere and torment her with their voices, explaining why she is there. The demons punch her in her face, knocking her around the room with invisible punches that land every time. The demons are relentless and continue to punch her in the face and tits. Slow motion of the breasts and face punches, lots of blood sprays and punches. The demons give her so much pain and she cries in terror and pain from the beating. The demons bring in a cattle prod and poke her in the pussy with it as she convulses uncontrollably at the shock from the cattle prod. The demons torment her over and over with the shocking cattle prod. She falls to the floor and convulses but the demons continue to shock her. The demons let her fall to the floor after a round of major pain. She writhes and crawls around trying to get herself put back together but she is bleeding and in lot\'s of pain. The demons continue the torment as they bring out a long nine foot bull whip. She screams in pain as the whip cracks and comes down on her flesh. They whip her body over and over again until she is marked and scarred with huge welts on her body. The demons continue to punch her and whip her over and over. Her huge tits jiggle and shake around as she is being beaten and shocked. After shocking her pussy more the demons whip her over and over on her body and tits. The whip comes down leaving bloody marks and scars from the beating. She is in so much pain being kicked in her side as she rolls on the floor, then stumbling to her feet in her disheveled, torn night gown but collapses and passes out from the pain. After being beaten, electrocuted, whipped, and kicked over and over, not to mention the tormenting from the demon voices, Ryanne passes out from exhaustion and physical trauma, but she is not finished, there are several more days of torment and pain to come.

I have to split these large files into two parts. Both films have tons of content, and are absolutely splendidly acted and performed. The FX and blood look so good. Ryanne is so out of control hot and good in this. What a great talent. PART 2 UP NEXT. CB
Price: 17.00
Run Time: 18:30 minutes
File Size: 500 MB 	Format: .MP4
    17 minutes
Starring: Tessa & Lexxi

Two beautiful young ladies are hanging out with each other. Lexxi invited Tessa, her best friend, over to help her out with an issue. She will be doing the once a year camping trip with her family, and this year it is her turn to slaughter the animal. She is very nervous and knows her brothers and dad will give her all kinds of guff so she wants to try it out on a friend. Lexxi leads Tessa to the table where she takes her clothing off and explains in more detail about the slaughter and how they will go about it. She takes her sandals off and then Tessa helps her take off her slides and dress. The two, perfect ladies are almost nude, and discussing the next step. She shows Tessa the rope and ties her feet, then her hands behind her back to keep them from grabbing at the knife. She explains why the knife is so sharp and how the animal is slaughtered. She plays with her neck and body with the blade. She runs the knife across her neck lightly because it is very sharp, then she does a practice run, slowly drawing the knife right over where she will cut her. Then she goes for real and cuts into her neck slightly, then sawing back and forth to cut into the arteries and veins. The blood begins to come out heavier as she cuts into the neck, going over the slice a few times for good measure. Tessa dies after a few twitches and gurgles, her eyes stay wide and open as Lexxi lays her body down on the table after untying her arms. She unties the feet then says a few words checking the dead body out! What a sexy slaughter partner and animal, I know she can't wait to be an animal too!  AGENT DRUTHERS v Jolene Hexx
    11 minutes
      AGENT DRUTHERS v Jolene Hexx - AGENT DRUTHERS v. Jolene Hexx

Starring: Caroline Pierce

Introducing: Jolene Hexx

**Full1920x1080 HD**

Agent Druthers enters her flat dressed in a long, sheer Peignoir, g string, heels and a scarf. She walks to the desk and sits down, she admires the knife for protection and puts it within reach as she starts to type on the computer, sending a message to the director about a possible breach. As she stretches and thinks what to say next, a double agent sneaks up behind her, looking at the knife, but seeing she is wearing a long scarf, so she uses it to strangle her. As she unravels the scarf and uses it like a garrote, wrapping it tight and right as she strangles the special agent. Both asses jugle and shake as the strangle ensues. Agent Druthers fights for her life but can not seem to take control, no matter how much Druthers tries to get away, Jolene follows with a brilliant move and bearing down harder. She grabs both ends of the garrote with one hand freeing the other for fondling and groping. Jolene gets her fill laughing and loving every minute of Druthers demise. After a long strangle where they change positions a few times, Druthers weakens and slowly dies with her ass up and head hanging from the edge of the bed. After making sure Jolene takes her time feeling up and fondling her ass and tits, as well as her crotch. When she has her fill of groping and grinding on the dead agent, she licks the knife clean and takes it with her, taking one last look as she leaves. Agent Druthers lies there dead and her sexy body is panned and viewed from every angle.

I love working with these pros, and wow Jolene Hexx is absolutely stunning and wow, charismatic. Caroline is always looking hot and a wonderful performer. This is her first ever scene in any type of Erotic Death Fetish.
    30 minutes


Introducing: Lacey and Thor Starring: Candee


Two girls are interested in their new coach and History teacher Mr. Johnson. He is just making a new start in this small town and his students want to make sure he is welcomed. Candee and Lacey are best friends and they have manipulated teachers over the years, milking them for their cash flow, relationships, and dignity. When they arrive at his home for their tutorial on “D-Day”, the two ladies seem only interested in how buff and hot the new coach is and how much they want to frame him, fuck him, and take his money. They picked the wrong guy to screw over and blackmail!


After taking some inappropriate pictures, while making him pose for a regular photo for the school newspaper, they start to come on to him. He tells them he is faithfully married and that he already has trust issues with his wife. They show him the pics and he lunges for the phone. Candee lets him know that she automatically uploaded them to a friend and until he complied with the plan, she would send them viral to everyone. He stays calm thinking of a plan, and stalling the two little hussies. They undress and make him lose his pants. The girls start fondling his dick through his shorts and they are very displeased when he can’t get an erection. They finally get to him by telling him he has a problem with his libido, and he flips, punching Candee in the head and dropping her to the floor. Lacey freaks out and tries to run,  so he lunges for her and grabs her sock, which comes off and she gets away. He finally pins her by the couch, grabs her pony tail and whips her around, clutching her string bra in one hand, looping it around her lovely neck and commences to strangle the holy geez out of her. She fights so hard punching and slapping his face and arms. She is so intense that she moves him around, being so aggressive, from the seat, to the floor, back upright and down again. She fights so hard and looks so hot you will not believe your eyes! After a long bout with Lacey the coach picks her up and carries her to his bedroom, and throws her on to the bed. Still very upset about the ordeal, he paces to Candee picking her up like she was a bag of laundry and carrying her to the bed. He drops her next to the first victim and prepares himself with the skimpy bra to strangle Candee. He readies himself and positions behind her, wrapping the weapon around her lovely neck and then waking her groggy little ass up. He slaps her face to get her to respond, and when she does come to, he bears down with his garrote. She starts slowly but then starts to pick up momentum and strength as she comes to the reality that she is powerless and this guy is really going to kill her for being a bad person! He strangles her hard, she lunges, bucks, tongue protruding the entire time. After a while, he gets her upright to finish the job, because now, as he finishes her off, his cock is hard as a rock! Must be strangling and necro! Well you know whats next! He finishes off Candee, then heads to Lacey to start putting his long dick into her pretty mouth. This is where he can be happy. A hot young nubile with a big dick in her mouth, and she is saying absolutely nothing! After a mouth fuck he heads to lick her pussy. He fingers and licks, sucks on titts and then drives his dick into Lacey, slamming and slapping her ass with his pelvis with a smack, smack, smack. He gets his fill of the hot little lady, then decides he will fuck Candee next. He sticks his long dick into the small frame and wrecks her body with a brutal postmortem fucking. After cumming inside her little snatch, he decides to pose them before he says a few words and leaves us with a nice view of the two dead, lovely ladies!



    14 minutes
      HER DEADLY DREAMS 1 Pillow Smother - HER DEADLY DREAMS 1 Pillow Smother
(4 Dreams)
Starring: SaraLiz and Belle Fatale


FULL RES 1920X1080HD

Belle is an adventurous woman that loves all of life's pleasures and especially PANTYHOSED FEET.
She constantly has dreams and day fantasies about her co workers, baristas, and everyday women on the street, in the throws of strangling, smothering, bagging, or choking out some hot chick in pantyhose, her favorite color being black. In most of her dreams and fantasies, she is dressed like a stealth assassin, clad in black, like a CAT, with black pantyhose, and a bandit mask, sneaking without shoes into the room where her victim is entranced, asleep, or even, distracted by what they are doing at the time. She always plays with them when she finishes, sucking on their pantyhose covered toes, sniffing and whiffing their bodies and especially the feet. Kissing and sucking all over their bodies, she makes her way out of the dream after a catchy line that mocks the victim. Every movement, cat like, feet arched and pointed, moving across the bodies taking in the pantyhose victims.

DREAM # 1 Pillow Smother

Belle starts to rub herself after a long day in the office, caressing herself, closing her eyes to imagine herself outside a door, peeking in, seeing a sexy young woman in her bed under the covers asleep. She moves stealth into the room like a cat, climbing on to the bed, checking to see if her victim is in deep sleep. She is out, just tossing and turning enough to see her pantyhosed feet, scrunching and flexing in the hoes. This drives her wild and she starts to remove the covers slowly from her feet and legs, revealing a sexy, long legged beauty, nude except for her pantyhose, fair game for the taking after some fun. She smells and kisses her belly and works her way down to the feet, smelling, licking and sucking the girl's toes and feet, slinking around the bed like a cat, passionately sucking and sniffing the sexy feet. As she works her way back up, she sniffs and bites on her clit lightly through the pantyhose, driving the sleeping girl wild as she moves her feet and legs around from pleasure. The young lady smiles and moans a bit in pleasure as Belle plays with her sexy body. As she nears closer the young woman wakes up and sees what is happening, a bandit in black, molesting her in her sleep. The Bandit swings into action, gaining control of her by pinning her down on the bed, then grabbing the closest pillow and covering the young lady's mouth and nose, pressing down hard on both sides so she cant move much. Her eyes go wide as she fights and screams beneath the pillow, lacking any and all air from Belle's persistence. Her feet stress and flex as she fights for her life. Belle notices that one of the tactics of escape for the poor young victim is to rub the Bandit's crotch, and this excites her, when she moves the free arm to try and fight more, Belle tells her not to stop, they were just starting to have fun. This obviously pisses off the young victim and she bucks hard enough to free herself momentarily. She gets a deep breath in before Belle gets back on top of her and puts the pillow back over her mouth and nose so she can see her eyes widen and in distress as she puts her down. The young victim is a fighter, just how Belle likes it and starts to wrap her legs around Belle's waist. She fights her hard but soon her legs start to lose their grip, and her arms stop working well, and she starts to fade. As she starts to go limp, her feet twitch in the pantyhose, then her arms, body, and legs goes completely limp, as she is dead. The Bandit removes the pillow slowly showing her lolled, smashed in tongue protruding, where the victim tried to get air using her tongue but the pillow made it impossible. She goes to the edge of the bed and pulls the victim by her feet to the edge of the bed so she can spend time sucking and licking her toes and molesting her dead body, licking all over smelling her parts and spending some time with her. After messing with her kissing her all over she positions her with one hand down to her pussy, under her pantyhose, and the other arm on her ass under the pantyhose, and goes to her face, kissing her on the tongue, and finishing her part of the fantasy, leaving excited and happy, dancing out of the scene, kissing the feet on the way out. Extended views and pans of the sexy, dead, woman, her feet and pantyhose.

This is only the first dream, there are 4 total in this series, each with a different kill method, different location, dress, and pantyhose, focusing on black and off black colors. This is true fetish my friends, the best quality too, full resolution. CB

Run Time: 14:00 minutes
File Size: 550 MB 	Format: .MP4
    29 minutes
Starring:  Ashley Lane w/ Jigsy


A man has captured, tormented, and hung a beautiful young woman to death in his house. She is still strung up on the noose, dangling, only wearing knee high, high heeled BLACK LEATHER BOOTS. The man admires his handywork as he circles the freshly dead young woman. She has been through the gambit, but still looks unbelievably hot and sexy, dangling from the noose. He will end up spending the whole day and night doing exactly what he wishes to her, his Necro Lover. He caresses, kisses, sucks, and licks her entire body, including her boots, slowly. He kisses her mouth, fondles her breasts, and fingers her pussy. He spends lots of time checking to see if she is limp, doing limp hand and arm drops, as he fingers her pussy. He gets very excited and continues to massage and caress her body all over, spending lots of time fondling her ass and tits, and fingering her so furiously, the slaps to her pussy from the fingering make it loud, and she flops and dangles as she is being finger fucked. After he gets her nice and ready, he puts her hand on his crotch as he fingers her to get him ready. He pulls out his dick and enters her pussy from the rear, as she is still dangling. He fucks her hard, his big cock sliding in and out, as he fumbles to keep it in her. He fucks her for a while as she dangles limp, and her head bobs, and the rope bites into her sexy, elongated neck. A rash  is there from where the rope burned her neck as she struggled. Her eyes are open and mouth slightly agape. He decides to try from the front side so he can see her face and suck her breasts as he fucks her dead body. He gets his dick in and starts to slam her, lifting one of her legs to get maximum penetration while he fucks her dangling. After a bit of a rest he lets her down from the rope, she crumbles to the floor as he lets the rope go. He heads to her removing the noose from her neck, her eyes wide open. He kisses her passionately, holding her hands intertwined with his. He rolls her over onto her back. He plays with her limp arms, dropping her limbs to see them flop, rag dolling her over and over. He sits her up, rag dolling her body, he drops the limp arms one at a time, then drops her to the floor before rolling her over and over, back and forth, rag dolling and checking her limp body. He kisses her thighs, legs and boots, he spreads her legs and licks her pussy then flips her onto her tummy and licks and gets his face all in her beautiful ass. He is so into it, he flips her back over and gets her legs up so he can get maximum penetration into her pussy. He sticks his big cock into her wet, pink hole and starts to fuck her, getting harder and faster as he fucks her faster and harder. He does her in a few different positions as you see his dick going in and out of her pink hole. He really wants to fuck her face and give her what he has been saving to blow all over inside her mouth. He gets her up to her knees, letting her limp arms dangle to the side as he rams her mouth harder and harder. His dick goes in and out, sounding like a dead person gagging on the big dick. He gets her in the perfect position upright on her knees and blows his load all in her mouth, there is so much he has been saving, it oozes out her mouth around his dick, dripping onto her tits and all over her chin. He pulls his dick out and rubs the cum all over her face and rubs his cock on her cum soaked tits as he catches his breath. He lets her drop to the floor and he positions her laying on the ground, rag dolling her a bit. He leans down to cress her thigh and her bladder releases. SHE PISSES HERSELF ALL OVER THE FLOOR. He exits to go get cleaned up and ready to dispose of her body. He had his way, just as he likes it, and now he wants to dispose of her. Her body is panned and viewed from many angles as well as close up death stare.

I am just going to say...Holy Moly Geez what a freaking hot young lady. Her acting and being dead and limp is superb. I can not say enough about how awesome this film is, wow! CB

Run Time: 30:00 minutes
File Size: 588 MB 	Format: .MP4
    24 minutes
Starring: Ana Molly w/ Belle Fatale as The Webcam Stalker


The Webcam Stalker moved to a new town, she needed a break from Baltimore where the cops were on to her and moved out West to Seattle where the pickens are way better and the gals are sexy. She has her type; on a webcam, long hair, short hair, shaved or bush, thin or super curvy, she loves them all. Her first victim is in the same building as her detective work finding out who is who in the building, and knowing the IP addresses to match with each apartment. She scored having a sexy coed that does webcamming on the side right next door. A sexy redhead named Ana who has a cam show every night except for the weekends when she has guests. She has flirted with her on her chat site and taken her for a couple of private shows just to see if she is her type and if she will do the type things she, The Webcam Stalker is into. Today will be her third session and before she logs on she lurks to see if anyone else is engaging for private shows. She goes by "Rogue One" on chat and when Ana sees her(Ana assumes it is a man)login and says hello. By then Ana is already massaging over her panties with her vibrator, and when Rogue One types her message, Ana pulls the panties to the side and starts getting more active sliding the metal vibrator in and out. Ana is wearing a super sheer lacy see through top, sexy panties with a bit of her fiery red bush poking out the sides, and high heels that are strappy and open toed. After Belle asks her to go private and gives her some extra tokens, it is on and the Rogue killer asks if she got the stockings she asked for and to put one around her neck and masturbate while she pulls on the thigh high stocking that is tied around her neck in a simple knot. As Rogue One chats and types what she wants, Ana continues to use the vibrator in and out and pull on the stocking garrote. Rogue gets a bit frustrated by Ana and her lack of going tight on the stocking, even though she is going hard on the vibrator just fine, sliding it in and out with a wet sound, being turned on a great deal by the new flirt who is actually paying her well, but like most Rogue is very demanding of her cam girl. She tells her to pull harder over and over again, typing like she is being sweet but in fact is pissed off that she is giving up the tokens and not getting the tight choking and red face. It frustrates Rogue so much she decides to help her webcammer neighbor out with the strangling part. Ana sees that Rogue One has logged off, it bums her out a bit, but Rogue already paid and paid well, plus Ana is feeling very horny and wants to at least finish and get an orgasm before she logs out for the night. Ana sits in the chair, letting go of the stocking and using both hands down below, one with the vibrator and one on the clit. She is in her own world oblivious that Rogue has already planned for her failure to fully please her and found a way into her apartment. She slowly sneaks up behind her, Rogue slowly starts to touch herself, checking out her own nipples, watching the redhead beat off with her vibrator moaning and going deeper and deeper. She closes her eyes and gets closer and closer to climax. As Belle gets closer and closer to Ana, hiking her dress up asnd touching herself, kneeling down and moving with Ana as she fishes lightly for the stocking ends, finding them and getting ready to pull tight when Ana feels something and looks up, seeing the reflection in her webcam, but it is too late the professional stalker and strangler has her up off of her chair from pulling so hard. The redhead goes ballistic fighting back and clawing at her arms but Rogue is so sharp and strong, not to mention sexy as anything out there. She strangles the redhead who tries to say Rogue One but is cut off from the garrote digging into her neck and voice box. She fights so hard, but Rogue chokes her out harder, the way she wanted to see it happen. Her grips are tight and her muscles flex as she commands the redhead to look at her in her eyes(POV) which she does and goes from fighting look to frightened even more look as she panics more, making her jump out of her chair and ass slam back into the seat as Rogue keeps her in the chair. She strangles her so hard that her face is a separate shade of red and her body pale, as she starts to lose steam. Ana fights kicking her high heels and spreading her legs with the panties still to the side from the vibrator wrenching herself with. After a long strangle and fight she starts to wind way down, lacking energy from no air and a hard fight. She twitches her thighs and legs, her arms and legs again as she goes from barely fighting to wide eyed, to limp and dead with a rattle and some twitching after she is gone. She fought so hard to stay alive but she is completely gone now. The Rogue Killer lets the stocking ends unravel from her aching fists, and she opens and fists her hands over and over to get the circulation back. She walks around to the front of the Ana still slumped on the chair and dead, mouth open, tongue barely visible and eyes wide. The killer slides her off and grabs her up so she can lay the dead woman on the floor. The Rogue killer feels her up, pinching her nipples and then removing her heels kissing and smelling her sexy soles as she plays with her over and over. She takes her time and enjoys the redheads feet and legs as she checks her out. She looks in Ana's bag of tricks and pulls out a couple of different vibrators and dildos, sticking them in Ana and rubbing herself until she finds the right one she can use to stimulate herself as she uses it on Ana. She climbs on top of her and uses the two sided vibrator, top and bottom, rubbing the dead girls pussy and sitting on the vibrating head as it touches her pussy too, she sits flatter until they are both getting use of the vibrator, even though Rogue is the only one to feel it. The Rogue Killer starts to moan louder and louder as she starts to climax moving down and laying flat to kiss the dead girl and take the stocking off her neck as she grinds the vibrator on the both of them. She has an earth shaking orgasm and cums very hard, falling down on to the dead body kissing it. She stays there for a few moments trying to finish her glow and then gets off of the body. She kisses the body then asks her if she doesn't mind stealing the bag of dicks and tricks. She also says she needs to use the girls room too. She looks her over a bit more then picks up the suitcase full of dildos and walks to the bathroom. The sexy Dead Ana Webcam girl is dead, wide eyed moth ajar and red necked from being strangled to death by someone who knows how. She will strike again if she can get some of the tokens back.

SO FREAKING GOOD!! I am so fortunate to have such a wonderful cast and crew. Always one hundred percent and extra to boot. If you like anything sexy, strangle, girl on girl stuff, you are going to have to add to the collection. If you are a Belle Fatale or her killer series fan, I had all of you in mind and the things you like to see. Brilliant! Chris

Run Time: 24:30 minutes
File Size: 720 MB 	Format: .MP4
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    HER DEADLY DREAMS 1 Pillow Smother


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