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    23 minutes
Starring: Sinn Sage w/ Drake

FULL 1920X1080 HD

A young woman who is in the witness protection program is heading to a safe house before she is a key witness in a mafia boss trial. The private cop who unloads her cuffed, from the van is not even remotely interested in her flirting or advances. He brings her in the house and pushes her to the couch. She is pretty salty about having to testify, but if she doesn't she will go away for a long time. She starts by acting like a brat, asking for things she is not allowed to have and writhing in her cuffs, pouting. He tells her he is not interested in her or her advances. He clues her in to the reality that the detective that was supposed to be guarding her is in a dumpster. As he tells her he puts on skin tight black rubber gloves. He tells her that he is here to enjoy what he does for a living which is a killer. She goes for broke and offers herself sexually, even saying she will suck his dick so good he will never know a better BJ. He says he is not interested and chokes her, letting her feel some pain and know he is serious. The hired assassin plays into it a bit, and lets her up as she continues to talk sexy to him. "You like it rough huh? I can take it rough"  He takes the cuffs off and tells her she can do one thing for him, maybe a strip tease. She says she can do that and anything else he wants. He tosses her against the door and chokes her again, telling her to dance and no funny stuff or he will blow her jaw off. She works it, stripping and dancing, giving him dirty sexy looks. He pulls out his Glock and starts to play with her as she is finishing stripping. He uses the gun on her tits, and on her pussy burying the nose of the gun into her snatch. He gets her thinking she will be fine and seduce him but as she is almost fully undressed, and her slacks are down to the boots panties down, he pops her in the belly right between the button hole and the mound. She looks up in shock, wondering why as she slides down the door and blood leaks from her belly. She is in shock and goes down to the floor, smearing blood on the wall from her hand that was clutching the belly wound. She looks at her wound again, squirming on the floor and as she looks up to him to ask for help and a hospital, he points his Glock at her breast and goes pop hitting her in the heart and blood pours from the wound. She flounders around kicking her black Knee High boots. He feels her up as she slowly expires from the mortal heart shot. When she is dead and he is ready, he scoops her up and carries her to the sofa. He feels her up and removes her slacks, leaving the boots on her feet. He inspects her sexy body and legs in the boots. He lifts her legs to see the curve of her perfect ass, then squeezes her tits. He plays with her limbs and fingers her pussy, slowly checking out her still warm body. He spreads her pussy lips to see what he is getting into ready to fuck her and his phone rings. It is the boss and he needs him on another job fast. He is instructed to leave the scene and let the cleaners to come to finish. Money is money so he says "yes sir" and hangs up. He takes off, leaving his gloves on until her gets out the door. Her body is panned and viewed from many angles, close and wide.

Sinn Sage is a sexy gal. She is hot! This is a great acting and shooting vid.

Run Time: 22:20 minutes
File Size: 400 MB 	Format: .MP4
    17 minutes
Starring: Belle Fatale as: Detective Martin and Freya as Spider Woman

A long list of missing persons from this area has detective Erica Martin coming the specific region where the disappearances have all occurred. She is alone, only her service weapon, a radio, and dressed in heels and skirt, with a button down top, not really the best attire for traipsing through the woods looking for a killer, who leaves no trace of the victims. As she moves tactically through the woods, down an old service road, Erica encounters all kinds of bugs and webs, one thing she really does not like is spiders, and spider webs. Ironically enough, moving behind her without a trace, A Spider Woman, moving quickly like a shadow through the woods from tree to tree without a noise. Erica is freaked out by all the bugs but keeps her composure. The spider playfully grabs a stick from the ground, snapping it loudly so it startles the Detective, and she spins around pointing her gun. The spider loves to have fun with her prey before ever feasting on her. There is a process, and to feed on this woman's juices and fluids, she must get her ripe and ready. Part of that process is the chase and the on set of fear and adrenaline pumping through her veins increasing the blood flow. The spider moves again, and Erica makes a call on the radio, sounding confident, but also mentioning there are a shit ton of bugs and it is creeping her out. After she tells HQ she needs NO Backup, the spider licks her chops and spills copious amounts of saliva readying her mouth for the feats of blood, cum, and plasma. She breaks another stick startling Erica who spins around and sees something out the corner of her eye. She is freaked out but keeps her stance, the Spider advances and breakneck speed and is upon her, shredding the detective's top with one swipe of her sharp claws, and disappearing into the brush, only to reappear and do the same thing to her bottoms skirt, and biting her on the ass twice, sinking her fangs and getting the first dose of venom in the detective's body, then vanishing into thin air. Erica trips staggers and falls face first in the dirt, writhing in pain from the bites. She moves around in agony, then quickly jumps up with blurred vision from the toxic venom that renders the victims helpless, but still fully aware, awake, and with enhanced physical feelings. As Eric spins around firing of her pistol at thin air, the spider makes herself seen and the Detective starts to back up pointing the gun but not being able to fire for some reason, the toxins are in full effect. She keeps backing up and the spider taunts as Erica backs straight into the web, immediately being entangled in the web and flailing freaking out as the spider laughs and taunts Erica. As she gets caught even more into the web trying furiously to escape but just making it worse every time she tries to break free. The spider knows this is part of the process and it is time to stimulate the body to bring forth the juices. She moves around to her back behind the web, reaching through and twisting and pulling on the detective's nipples to get the blood flowing. The spider moves around and takes a big bite into Erica's breasts, immediately the detective moans in pain and pleasure, sounding like she is having sex, slowly getting more and more into it as the spider sucks her breast, then massaging the nipples with her bloody tongue, almost vampire in nature. Erica moans in pleasure and pain as the venom takes effect more so in her sexual organs. She starts to buck and heave, moving around and breathing heavily as the spider has her way with her. She bites her breasts again and sucks them hard, leaving bite marks and tons of blood and plasma leaking out. After she sucks the breasts and the Detective is in full swing of her first assignment as a feast for a spider, and definitely her last. She asks the Spider, "what are you and what do you want from me?" "You are my food, and I am preparing you for my feast." the spider relied with a chuckle, then returned to her, but this time she was focusing on her panties, then removing them with a shred of her sharp claws. She starts to touch and massage her clit, stimulating the pussy to make the blood and juices taste best. She flicks her tong, biting the detective's pussy, blood and cum start to leak out as she is going full bore on her pussy. Erica is in convulsions orgasming and going into shock at the same time, her eyes rolling back in her head as the spider drains her body of its juices. She is relentlessly sucking and getting as much as she can, Erica is fading quickly and starts to buck and shake hard, then dies, but the spider keeps going and revives her for one last orgasm and final spurt of blood and juices to take in for her feast. As Erica's body revives, her eyes stay wide, but her body shakes and orgasms hard as the spider drains her of everything she desires, the cream of the crop. The Spider pulls back checking her work and laughing maniacally, removing the shell of a woman left on the web. The detective is limp and drained, and falls to the ground as she is released from the web. The Spider will continue to take what it needs over the next few hours and days, so she rolls the body over and drags her off into the woods to her pile of bones and hair.

HOLY MOLY! THE ACTING IS SO WELL DONE! You already kno0w Belle but she is on some times 100 stuff in this wow! Crazy good and so well worth it. I spent over 30 hours editing this with the 3 camera set up and f/x. Wow! This is what sets us apart. Thanks! CB

Run Time: 17:00 minutes
File Size: 795 MB 	Format: .MP4
    1 minutes
Starring: Ryanne w/ Ryan Renault

"If the trailer is rocking, don't come a knocking"

**FULL 1920X1080 HD**

A young woman gets all made up for her hairdressing job at the mall. She don't have much but she has her trailer, and her old beat up car to her name, but she still goes to work every day to find her piece of the American dream. She grabs her purse, and phone in hand she walks to the car. As she is digging for the keys she hears footsteps in the gravel, it is a strange man with a crazy look in his eye walking briskly towards her. She tries to hurry into the car but he catches her, spins her and grabs her from behind by the throat, and arm around her torso pushing up her breasts. She kicks her legs in her wedges, and her tight jeggings flex as she tries to fight, elbow, and claw away from the crazy guy. As she fights he gets her up off the ground. He continues to choke her and finally she gets too out of hand. He gets her in a choke hold and lifts her up in the air, but holds extra firm and her neck breaks as her body comes down. She goes from fighting to limp and dead, eyes wide open in less than a second. He picks her up and cradle carries her back to her trailer. He takes her inside, sets her on the floor, then drags her under her arms to the bed. He drags her up on the bed and starts to check her out. He plays with her and plays with her body a bit caressing and touching her. He goes for the shoes to expose her feet, he rolls her over to feel her ass in the jeggings for a while, enjoying her perfect ass, and afterwards unsnaps her bra. He rolls her over and finishes removing her shirt and bra. He handles her breasts, squeezing them a bit roughly. He takes his time but then moves to roll her over again to remove the jeggings. As he slowly peels them off, he sees her sexy pink panties and wants to dig in. Her soles are a bit dirty, but still sexy. He goes back to her ass, massaging and kneading it like bread. He is ready to get deeper into it so he removes her panties after rolling her over again so he can see her pussy. It looks so inviting he spreads her out, legs wide and starts to want to fuck her corpse. He gets even more intimate with her tits, biting, sucking and licking them as he continues to get hard. After his own foreplay fun he fucks her. Starting slow and passionate, but getting faster and harder, to where he is shaking the trailer. He goes for a bit but all the excitement was too much to handle and he unloads inside, grunting and sweating as he finishes his pumps. After he is done he is exhausted, gets off of her and gets her posed in a nice position, moving the hair from her eyes. He leaves and steals everything in her car and purse, driving the beat up car away from the scene. She is viewed and panned from different angles to appreciate the perfection of this trailer trash babe.

I don't have much, but I am lucky and blessed to have great actors and help. Thanks for the support. Chris

Run Time: 17:38 minutes
File Size: 770 MB 	Format: .MP4
    18 minutes
Starring: SaraLiz and Freya

**FULL 1920X1080 HD**

Special Agent Sara Liz is a member of a missing persons task force in the Pacific Northwest. She has been actively looking for Freya Davis for a while, and finally feels like she is on her tail. She arrives at the address an informant gave her, and draws her pistol. She slowly checks the door knob and it is open. Inside Freya hears the door knob and the clack of the high heels on the porch. She grimaces like, "what now?" and goes back to reading her book. Agent Liz comes in waving her gun telling Freya to drop what is in her hands. Freya is playful but agrees and stands up. Agent Liz is nervous but still cocky and thinks her training can send her in without backup, but having something to prove to your colleagues will get you in trouble, especially if you don't follow protocol. She just wants to haul Freya in by herself and be a hero in the task force and Agency. Bad idea. Freya smiles and tells the agent she has no clue what she is talking about, a missing girl? She informs the agent that her safety is still on and Liz scoffs, but looks down and Freya knocks the gun out of her hand and across the floor, a shot goes off, then she immediately chokes her neck with both hands. They struggle and Freya has the upper hand, but Liz is fighting back, choking but fighting back, eventually she knocks Freya back to the floor, and Liz gets on top of her but Freya is crazy strong and bucks her off. The two square up and and Freya throat punches her, knocking her back to the sofa, but Agent Liz digs her heels into Frey and kicks her off of her. Liz gets up and punches Freya making her mad, and Freya delivers a combination knocking her back and bloodying her lip. She feels the blood on her lip and and tastes it, pissing her off, but when she goes to punch Freya, she gut punches her knocking her to the floor on her knees. The agent crawls for the gun but Freya kicks it further away from her grasp. Freya gets on top of her back and straddles her, putting her in a figure four choke hold, which Liz fights but can't do anything but struggle. Agent Liz tries to pry, kick, and even roll, but Freya just laughs and taunts her for not having back up. Freya keeps a tight hold and the agent fades out hard, knocked out cold. Freya gets up and pops the clip and empties the chamber, grabbing her phone to call her boss and let him know the feds are there. In the other room SaraLiz is out, but she is stirring and coming to. When she gets up she grabs her throat, it is sore from the choke hold. She tries to look for her weapon but it is gone, she pats herself down then remembers it is probably gone with the collar. Just as she thinks she is in the clear, Freya comes around the corner, holding her gun, but when Agent Liz throws her hands up, Freya throws the gun and clip in the trash and smiles as she advances to her to have some fun. SaraLiz squares up with Freya but a few attempts to punch her are fruitless and Freya knocks her down and gets on top of her, she grabs a phone charging cable and quickly fashions a garrotte and strangles Agent Liz. She straddles the agent on her midsection, feeling her kick her heels and legs in her tiny skirt. The agent fights back but is already exhausted from the beating she has taken so far, but that does not stop her fight, she chokes hard on the cord as it digs into her neck and her face turns red, then purple, tears flowing from the pain and excitement. She tries to fight back, even bucking Freya off but Freya just uses the move to get behind her and strangle her from behind. The Agent is fully exposed now, kicking and digging her high heels into the carpet. She tries to fight and grab but she is losing her motor skills. and eventually looks up at Freya, blank stare and goes limp. A tear rolls down as she lets out the last bit of air and dies. The cord was so far dug into her neck it stays there and peels off. Freya gets up and checks out the Agent, telling her when her boss gets here, he is going to have fun with her, but firs she wants to get her undressed and take some pics and selfies with her first Fed kill. She unbuttons her shirt and opens it up, showing the sexy agent's bra. Then she drags the agent to the couch, setting her up on the edge and starting with caressing her face and neck as he plays with the Agent. She takes off the shirt and blazer, then slides the skirt, leaving the heels on. She takes the bra off and caresses her tits before she takes selfies with her for her collection of dead cops, and now Federal agents. After pics and a caress goodbye, she leaves her there as the boss drives up and she goes outside to meet him. Body pans of the sexy dead agent follow.

Wow, this is some great fetish film excellence. Hot gals, great wardrobe, guns, badges, and fighting, a choke out, and a garrotte strangle to death after another fight, then stripping, dragging, and pictures... This is really wonderful custom film. CB

Run Time: 18:00 minutes
File Size: 668 MB 	Format: .MP4
    43 minutes
Starring: Belle w/ Alexander & J. Wood

A television reporter has a few informants on her side, and she is holding out for the big story to expose a militant group that trades weapons, and is involved with major organized crime in the city. The reporter thinks she is home free and comes to her hotel room where she is in hiding. The two men that are in charge of alleviating these types of problems are waiting outside her place plotting their plans. They break into her room, set up and hide to surprise her and get some answers. When she arrives she settles in, then calls her editor, explaining how she is ready to finalize the story, and when she hangs up and goes to the table, the two men surface and grab her. The boss asks her who her informant is, she says she does not know so he punches her in the gut. The woman is stunned and cries "please no"! The man asks again while his partner, known as "The Ass Man", holds and taunts her. The boss grabs his tazer and zaps her for a few seconds, making her body jerk and heave. He asks her again, but she does not supply anything so he knocks her out with the tazer.

The two men take her to their room and tie her up to the top of the pantry door, hands above her head. They ask again, removing the black sack from her head, covering her from knowing the location. The two men beat her, tazer her body and then rip her dress off. They fuck with her while she cries that she knows nothing. The boss grabs a couple beers from the fridge, they enjoy them while she squirms and cries. The Ass Man puts a bottle to her pussy and fucks her with it as she begs to please stop. She can't fight because her hands are duct taped together. After she still will not give up her source, they take her to the bedroom, fucking her face till she gags and spits up drool and fluids. Both men force her to suck them off, then the "Ass Man" takes over. he fingers her from behind then rapes her vagina from behind. She cries in terror as the large cocked man fucks her hard. Then he pulls it out, fingers her ass then takes her anally, very rough from behind. Then he flips her over, screwing her ass from the front as he looks in her eyes. Then he pulls out grabs her hair and serves her up a large facial, cumming all over her, then re entering her mouth for a swabbing. He throws her to the carpet as the boss takes over, he too fucks her face and then cums in her mouth deep throat, after he finishes, he throws her to the side and goes to grab the rope. He puts the rope around her neck, keeping her upright so the Ass Man can finger fuck her while she is strangled hard; drooling, gagging, choking, gasping, and bucking her hips and trying to claw at the garrote. She fights hard twisting, eyes bulging as the rope digs into her neck. After she fights for a while she slows, then twitches till she is still, dead, eyes ope, tongue out. The two men discard her and go to the fridge for the rest of the beers. We are left to pan and view her dead corpse.

Run Time: 42:15 minutes
File Size: 650 MB 	Format: .WMV
Category: ANAL RAPE/RAPE/STRANGLE  Fetnoir Hotel Ep 1
    27 minutes
      Fetnoir Hotel Ep 1 - Fetnoir Hotel Ep 1
Starring: Savannah Costello
w/ Rex and Chris B. as "The Red Toes Strangler"

Stunning 1280 x 720 HD Mp4

Story by: Silk Knot

Savannah has a death fetish profile and loves to hit the death fetish boards looking for great role play collaborations, and of course buy fetish clips that have all of her favorite things in them such as: Strangulation, Necro Sex, Neck breaks after the strangle for good measure, Stockings wrapped tight around her neck, and of course being rag dolled around the bed and screwed over and over. Getting herself filled to the brim with the killer's offerings, and it running down her chin, and dripping off of her painted toes. She had the biggest fetish appetite so when she saw an ad for "Fetnoir Hotel" and what their fantasy packages involved, she decided to book a stay at the old Hotel and what transpired after she checked in, was a wild ride ending in complete and utter......

Savannah arrived soon after check in to the 5th floor, she had to walk down to the end of a very long, and empty hallway to her room which was one of the last in the row. It was quiet and eerie, a great start to this escapade. She entered her room and set her stuff down, she was dressed in a short skirt, and sheer white blouse, and stiletto heels that showed off her long, sexy legs. She immediately looked over to the bed and there was a note, and a pink lap top, her favorite color. She opened it up and the hotel computer prompted her to type some additional info, she did not know that this was already part of the plan. The keys on the computer had a drug that makes you sleepy, and lose all inhibitions, making your dreams lucid and sexual feelings mounting. She started to read about her particular package.
"The Red Toes Strangler?" It was starting to make sense as to why they had her dress a certain way, very specific, as well as painting the toes with red polish. She started to get the picture a little, but she had no idea what was to happen next. As she read further she started to get sleepy, because of the drug, she also started to feel very aroused from the story of "The Red toes Strangler" and his many victims, the last being very similar to her. As she got comfy removing her shirt and bra, then putting the sheer, long sleeve shirt back on like described in the story on the lap top. She dozes off and right away she is in dreamland, dead, stocking wrapped tightly around her neck, and dead, eyes wide, tongue protruding to the side. She imagined the strangler choking her to death as she lay on the bed, then roughly grabbing her breasts and fucking her corpse that moved to and fro, while her eyes were wide and tongue was out. She was loving it and speaks about it in her dreams(voice over) She imagines him atking her in many ways from behind, then strangling her to death upright, behind her until she drooped and her arms went limp to her side. He snapped her neck and she imagines it, acting it all out in her dream, on the bed, choking, and being screwed with no visible killer. In her dreams though he is strong, sexy, young and virile, giving her dead body what it craves with sex. After she moves around on the bed, imagining herself being mouth sexed, and screed silly, and the Red Toes Killer sucking on her painted feet, she blacks out and crosses to another dream of her laying on a desk, face to the mirror, dressed with one shoe dangling off. She wakes up to sleep walk to the bathroom, remembering it a couple ways and her brain adjusting it correctly. She imagines herself in the bathroom, looking down at her red toes, and scrunching them a bit then looking up to horror and strangling she is receiving is intense, he strangles her in the bathroom, then putting her in the tub, she imagines he is screwing her many ways in the tub and bathroom, and him sucking on her painted toes and sexy soles being licked. She is in ecstasy, feeling light as a feather dreaming about the different ways he would strangle and fuck her body afterwards. Suddenly she is startled and woken, by her phone in the room. She answers and it is a message asking her to meet a tall dark man in the lobby bar of the hotel, she accepts knowing this is her strangler, taking her out after a few drinks and seduction. She grabs her bag with the sexy new dress and slides she bought for this special occasion. She straightens her toe rings and anklet as she puts on the sexy slide, slowly checking it out as she shoe plays. She brushes and fixes her long, blonde hair. She applies lipstick to match her toes and fingers red. She is ready and takes one last look in the mirror to make sure she is good top to bottom, grabs her purse and heads to the door. She opens it to leave but is shocked when a man is there with a stocking at eye level and heading quickly towards her neck. He rushes in and wraps the stocking aro0und way faster and tighter than the guy in her dreams. This man was a bit older and stronger, and taller, he had amazingly strong hands and right away had her wrapped tightly in his clutches and soon was under her and she was on top of him on the edge of the bed. The "Red Toes Strangler" made quick work of the her and strangled her hard, tightening the stocking around her neck tighter as she fights for her life, kicking so he can see her red toes. He finishes her off after a few minutes and she dies, tongue out to the side of her mouth, eyes wide with expression and shock. The man tosses her to the floor, grabbing and swooping her in his arms, then tossing her like a rag doll on to the bed. He goes to work removing the dress, rolling her over flopping her dead limbs like match sticks. He rolls her again and then picks her up, not caring about her dead body or how he flops her hard. He grabs her up and positions her for his fuck. He screws her hard, fucking her and her tits jiggling hard back and forth. He is so aroused by the strangle and build up he pulls out, cumming on her pussy, mouth and then cumming again on her sexy painted red toes. After glazing her mouth, pussy, and toes, he kisses her forehead, then exits. She wonders if this is a dream or real, but she knows after a while, she is not coming back from this fantasy any time soon, at Fetnor Hotel, we have one strict policy, if you are female and checking in, you will not be checking out. Her sexy dead corpse, covered in the cum of the Red Toes Strangler from head to toe, is panned and viewed from many angles and so sexy. What a pleasant stay! Thanks for staying at Fetnoir Hotel!

Thanks to Silk Knot for his wonderful writings and Savannah for her excellent ability to take direction and make it way better. This is a very intricate script with lots of details, voice overs, dream sequences and a few different death scenes as well as a great strangle at the end...what a crazy thing but we did it! More episodes to come soon, stay tuned! CB

Run Time: 26:15 minutes
File Size: 512 MB 	Format: .MP4
    36 minutes
Starring: Treasure w/ Johnny Wood

Finally the parents let Treasure stay at home while they go to a dental convention in Toronto. She is excited, talking to her friend, telling her she can't come over, this is the first time and she wants to behave..She already spent most of the money they left her but has just enough to get some Pizza Delivered. When the delivery guy gets there he is clean cut and smiling, she invites him in and thanks him for delivering to the back door, she has no idea that today she will also be getting it in her virgin back door! She accidentally drops her wallet and when she bends over to grab it, the pizza guy grabs her cunt, and ass, she turns and tries to slap him but he blocks her and punches her in the stomach. He punches her in the gut again, but harder, knocking her to the floor, he grabs her hair and says that she better just go with it or she is going to die. She is scared, and as he pins her to the floor he starts to finger her roughly, she struggles, then gets free, she runs, but he grabs her by her legs and pulls her hard to the floor. The man is rough with her slapping her and punching her, he also wants her to know that he is not fucking around..He slaps her again before he rips her shirt all the way open, exposing her huge titties, then twists, abuses, and has her way with them. He wants more, so he goes to the kitchen rifling through the drawers for something to bind her, Gaffers tape is the best option so he takes her to the floor, rips the rest of the shirt off and tapes her arms behind her back with great force. She is crying but his knee is in her neck holding her to the floor so she cant do a thing. He picks her up by the hands and hair, and sticks his dick in her face, she objects so he forces her with a sharp knife to suck, lick the shaft, and balls, of his cock..He gags and chokes her while he mouth fucks her hard. He gets bored and wants more so he grabs her up and throws her on her mattress on the floor. He jumps on her and forces his cock into her pussy, raping her over and over while she begs him to stop.. he does her every which way, then he tells her she is going to have a rough day, and is going to pay with her ass, he fingers her ass, then rapes her ass with his huge dick. She screams and pleads for him to stop, he is too big, and her ass hurts. He fucks her harder in the ass and does for a while, then he heads over to the kitchen to grab some cash before he leaves..He sees she only has $14 and change, it makes him so mad, so he grabs a rope in the drawers and heads to her room, where she lies in the fetal position, in pain and disgust.

he comes back to the room very upset and grabs her again and forces her to give him oral, sucking and licking the balls and shaft till he cums all over her face and eye. H then grabs the rope and says they are not finished, he is in a rage and strangles her hard, in many different positions around the room, upright, on the floor, the couch, and the bed. He strangles her so hard, she fights, gags, drools, and chokes more from the tight rope around her neck. She kicks, and grabs for the rope, twitching and gasping, eyes wide open, tongue fishing for air. He fights her hard and wins, after she is dead he removes the rope, showing the amount of friction and tightness around her neck. He then moves her around, carrying and positioning her for the body pans...Long pans and different views of the poor dead girl, as he leaves he calls his boss and tells him they were shorted and someone didn't answer at the house...

    22 minutes

Starring: Nicole Oring w/Zander, Abe, and SWAT Will

Monica Chen is a spy for the Chinese Government, she has been trying to get some information from the Senator to return to her government. She thinks she has everyone fooled. Not Jack young, he is deep cover CIA and has been tracking her plan for sometime. They have been dating for several years, and working together for many. They have sex as soon as she comes home, then jack gives her a new tight white dress and high heel sandals for a gift. He also knows very soon when US Swat comes through the door, it will be her last pair of shoes, she changes, we see her perfect breasts and ass as she changes, then has jack assist putting on the shoes, then a little foot worship.


He goes to the bathroom, moments later 2 masked gunmen, one with 2 9mms, another with a Mac 11 fully auto. They come in guns blazing and fire away. Monica takes cover and gets several shots off, as she calls for Jack, telling him to get the car ready. When the smoke clears, Monica is left unscathed, with two masked gunmen on the ground. Jack comes through the door, cocking his gun, when she asks if it is him, he lets one fly to her belly, she is shocked but asks if it is him, “Jack, is that you”? He fires twice more, hitting her in her abdomen, she turns the gun over her shoulder and fires into Jacks arm, he falls to the floor. “Cia Jack”? I knew something was fishy. As she goes to point the gun at him, another masked backup swat team member rushes the door bearing another Mac 11, he fires a few bursts, hitting her with several shots in the stomach and chest, she is bleeding bad now and stumbles to the floor, her knees hitting the ground with a thud. She has blood in her lungs so she spits blood landing next to a large glass table, blood splats everywhere.


Monica is hurt bad, Jack tells her that he can call it off, if she gives up the chip with the stolen information on it, she tells him, “over my dead…” He obliges her giving her several more in the chest, as well as a few rounds from jack’s partner, with the machine gun. She is Swiss cheese by now and tells Jack she will never help him. He points the gun between her eyes and says, “Now you can go fuck yourself”, and lets one fly, blood splats all over the clean white wall and as her head slides to the table, it leaves a blood trail.

Long pans of her dead body go on for a good amount of time before the agents make it back 24 hours later, finding that the Chinese Government still has not located the body, or the memory chip. They look around her body, manipulating the hot dead girl and then find a second chip that falls out of the new shoe he purchased for her. His partner asks if he would like to spend a few last minutes with the hot dead Chinese spy, and he says yes, so the two men give it to her, one in the mouth, the other in her pussy. They have their way with her dead body on the glass table, then leave her for more body pans.


Run Time: 23:00 minutes
File Size: 480 MB	Format: .WMV
     GRACE X A Spy To Kill and Fuck
    18 minutes
      GRACE X A Spy To Kill and Fuck - GRACE X A Spy To Kill and Fuck
Starring: Belle Fatale as Grace X w/ Jigsy as Jay


Agent Grace Xavier is on a long assignment to infiltrate and kill an agent that is by the book and knows she is playing both sides. As the two busy spies, both under deep cover, agree to meet at a back alley coffee shop on the outskirts of town, still pretending to be in love with each other from an old recurring affair, and this is the "one last coffee". Before Jay arrives Grace waits in the coffee shop, ordering from the waiter and handing him a very handsome tip, along with a baggie of something who knows what. As he agrees and answers with respect, he leaves to brew the coffee as Jay enters. The two greet and have nice things to say to each other. They are both a bit gun shy, but that is why they like the corner table, and not the booth, so they can split if things go down. As she tries to seduce him with a last "one night stand", he replies that he is busy and has a big job to do tonight. She says she also has work to do but could make time to be with him. He tells her they should just start with coffee. The waiter brings the two cups of Turkish blend and sets the coffee down and asks if there is anything else, Grace excuses him with a thank you. As they are about to go for their cups her shoe falls off and she looks down to get it back on, not paying attention to Jay switching her cup with his in anticipation of her antics. She replaces her shoe and grabs her coffee and sips it, knowing that he has switched the cups, but she already planned and knew he would do exactly that. He slurps his coffee with a smug unawareness that he is drinking the drugged coffee. He even mocks Grace as to why she is not drinking hers, and her excuse is the distraction of their love. As he realizes what is going on, Grace is already asking him closely, "are you sure you don't one to spend one last night together?" In a last ditch effort top possibly have some edge me mumbles, "Maybe you can take me to my house.." and passes out in the palm of her hand, and though she tipped the waited, asks for her "check please".

A little while later she is carrying him to a chair that has straps and a rope anchored to it. She toys and taunts him as he sleeps off the initial phase of the drugs characteristics; such as passing out, waking up disoriented, but clear, and very thirsty for sexual contact, meaning basically a hard on pill in the last phase. She undoes his buttons on the top of the shirt, then undoes the neck tie he is wearing. She fashions the tie to his neck again in a Windsor not, but this time it won't be for dressing. She kneels before him and unbuckles his belt, opening his pants and talking about memories of how it used to be. Soon she is sucking and slurping up his cock as it gets harder and harder, and she gets hornier and more into what she plans to do. She sucks him good, licking his shaft and deep throating his cock before letting it pop out with a slurp. She knows he will wake up soon so she grabs the handcuffs and cuffs him to the strap and thick rope on the back of the chair. This keeps his arms overhead so he cant grab her as she does what she wants. She sucks him off some more, as he starts to wake up licking and sucking him and giving him a hand job in between as she tells him his fate. When he is fully awake and fully aroused she moves to behind him and pulls on the neck tie and he reacts. He is still drugged but tries to get free of the cuffs which just tighten down harder and she pulls harder. She sticks her high heels up on the chair for leverage and pulls his face turns red and his eyes pop out as she stands over him and kills him for pleasure and her job. After a long bout with him he is dead and his cock is at attention so she goes over and sits on his clock, guiding it in with her hand then slamming him when she gets it in deep. She is so aroused and turned on she rides him as he lays there dead, eyes open. She fucks him up and down moaning and orgasming multiple times as she finishes his her fun part and reward of the job. She knows the ins and outs of the spy game and she got the drop and the kill on her mark, and got to go out with a bang. After climaxing hard then telling the corpse a few things he didn't know she climbs off his still hard dick and straightens herself up, grabs her sexy dress and bra, then heads to the bathroom to freshen up before checking in with the office. The dead man lays in the chair, still cuffed and wide eyed dead.

Okay I will admit that I was a bit worried about shooting this type of scene and how it would effect me and my customer and fan base, then after seeing what we came up with and how everyone performed, and how Belle just constantly amazes me, I thought again, wow this is fucking hot. A killer woman is hot. I definitely prefer to (fantasy) kill a sexy woman myself or have another guy do it, or a girl kill girl, sure, but this is new to me and it really got me excited! I hope some other people find the video hot in their own way, for me it was Belle and how she nailed the Grace X spy character, and kept my attention the entire time, regardless of hwo she was killing... Drool. What a sexy woman. CB 

Run Time: 17:30 minutes
File Size: 450 MB 	Format: .MP4
    9 minutes
      AIR P  P Pow and Pop - Starring: Belle Fatale, Ryanne, and Lexxi

w/ Chris B.


This is a bit different, similar pacing and action, just seen from different angles and points of view for the shots and kills, as well as the aftermath. We also left deleted scenes and some outtakes to show our skills and attention to making the fans happy with their product. We do love feedback. Nothing fancy as far as sfx goes, gun sounds, bullet hits and muzzle flash with small wounds and a tiny bit of blood. Enjoy!

Three webcam porn stars sit around after a shoot, still in socks, panties, and nothing else, discussing the place they rented for the shoot and their plans for the evening. Things are juicy like the gossip and details of their ideas for a party, but the guy who is renting the place out on Air P & P, isn't too happy about it and comes in to take care of these bitches trying to throw a socks only sausage fest at the rental house. The guy comes in gun blazing with marksman's precision and accuracy. He checks the bodies over to make sure the are dead afterwards and leaves. The bodies are also viewed and panned after the action and the absence of thew killer.
    14 minutes

Starring SaraLiz and Chris B.

FULL 1920X1080 HD

I tried to do some digital f/x for the bullet hit on this one too, i will get better. CB

A rebel leader is being detained for crimes against the state. She is very coy and confident that she will not be executed, but she opts for the cigarette and asks for a light. She smokes to hard and long, taking big drags and rolling it off her lips and through her nose as she discredits the state having some pretty harsh words for the powers that be. As they wait for the call all she can do is talk about that she is too valuable and they are bluffing. She smokes a cigarette all the way through before the call comes, she is surprised but still has no fear. As the guard takes the call it is very short, the word is in, you have been charged with treason and will be executed. She still laughs until he shoots her right below the belly button, and a splat of blood shoots out as she takes on in the gut. She grasps and clutches the wound and remains standing in pain, shock and disgust as she looks up at him and asks "why in the belly?" He says "because it is the place that will make you feel the pain and suffer like those you killed and made suffer" She stands trying to stay up, acting not so tough now. She goes down to one knee, then to the floor backwards with her belly stretched out and her legs behind her. She is in so much pain she is writhing and moaning, grasping for her belly but afraid to touch the painful, bleeding hole. She is panicking now as she starts to feel her blood rushing out into her cavity, and feeling colder and colder. She gets her legs out from under her with painful strides, then spasms and dies, with a few postmortem twitches and jerks. He goes to the body to make sure she is dead, checking the pulse. She is gone so he sits her up so that he can get a pic. He checks out her boobs and body saying it was a shame she was an enemy, then he leaves to get the cart.  BREAKDOWN RIDGE
    20 minutes
Starring: Freya w/ Chris B.

A hot young woman is on a long road trip to visit a boy. She just bought a used car for cheap she could trash on her journey. She takes a long windy cut off road towards the valley, but her car dies on breakdown ridge and she is stuck. She looks under the hood to see what is wrong but has no clue, and no service on her phone. After a couple minutes a man walks down the road towards her. She asks him for help and he is very courteous and soft spoken. He tries to start the car but it won't go so he tells her he will hike back to his place and get his truck to tow her to a fix. He tells her to sit on the car and wait for him to return because she is in high heels and a short skirt. She is so happy that he is doing her a favor, she is also blown away by the trees and the beautiful scenery so when he points out his favorite tree and she stares off at it in the distance, he surprises her with a clear plastic bag quickly over her head and cutting off her air. She goes into a completely crazy, frenzy to get free, but he is so strong and has done this before. She bucks and kicks on the hood of the car, causing dents in the hood as she bounces up and down, her legs spreading wide and kicking, then rolling on the hood so her ass is totally visible, and her panties show. She fights him hard all over the hood of the car, her high heels clacking on the gravel road as she fights for anything, but gets nothing, no air to breathe. She rolls all over fighting hard but to no avail, he finishes her off and takes a bit extra just in case. His goal is to get her while she is still warm and wet so he flops her around like a ragdoll on the hood after he removes the bag from her face. He strips her down, removing her tight sweater and sexy panties and bra so he can have his way with her before he leaves her on Breakdown ridge to be found. After he gets her nude he plays with her body limp playing with her ragdolling her on the hood of the car. He sucks her pussy and tits to get hard then whips out his cock and plunges straight into her wet pussy. He fucks her corpse slowly, then rapidly until he cums inside of her. After getting all of it out, he pulls his wet dick out and puts it back in his pants, then uses his shirt to wipe off the cum from her pussy. He rag dolls her on the hood of the car more, then starts to re dress her to set up the scene. He sloppily gets her dressed enough to make due, then carries her back to the car and sits her up in the seat. He puts one of her hands into her panties, and one on her breast, then puts the bag back on her head to make it look like she did herself in AutoErotic style. He gives one last bit of wisdom then heads back up the road to his cabin. Her body and bagged face are viewed and panned from many angles. The death stare through the bag. Wow!

Man, I really love Freya, can't work with her enough. We are working on a very cool scene we will release in a few weeks with lots of hardcore, etc. Thanks! CB

Run Time: 20:00 minutes
File Size: 670 MB 	Format: .MP4
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