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    21 minutes
Starring: Coco w/ Hugh

A lovely model has agreed to do a shoot with a new photographer in town. When she arrives she asks about the plastic sheeting on the floor in front of the backdrop. As he sets his lights up he explains that it helps him make the floor look like water in post production, so the bikini shots will look better. She says ok and they begin. He takes a few shots of her in her skirt and tank top but quickly starts to dress her down. She takes off the clothing slowly, sexily, and with confidence. The shoot is progressing well as she loses an article of clothing, he tells her where to pose, eventually getting her nude, and taking some truly sensual shots. Coco poses in so many sexy ways, finally the photographer asks her to put on the bikini, and she abides. She looks so sexy in the black bathing suit, and he tells her he wants to pose her. He sets down his camera and heads to the stool where she is seated in front of the backdrop. He gets behind her, posing her arm with one hand, and fishing his Italian switchblade out with the other hand. He puts it to her face and opens the blade, startling Coco. She immediately becomes frightened. 

The photographer taunts her with his sharp blade, and a slight grin of enjoyment as he pushes the knife into her navel, he pokes her to where the point isn't breaking the skin, but then quickly jabs her in the navel with the blade, twisting it around in her belly. Coco is in unbearable pain and shows it in her face and the sounds she is making. He removes the blade quickly showing the blood covered steel, and a trickle of blood leaks from her belly. He pulls her hair back as she tries to hunch over and clutch her wound. He sticks the point in her right breast poking the skin where it barely scratches her, then jabs her swiftly in the breast. She screams out in orgasmic pain and pleasure, but with great fear. She starts to weep and plead for her life as he removes the bloody knife from her breast. He taunts her showing her the blood then heads the knife down to her pussy where he plays with her pussy with the knife, then stabs her pussy hard. He wrenches it around, screwing her with his knife, mushing in and out. After he removes the knife blood leaks on to the plastic, he lets her go and she falls face first on to the plastic, she bucks her ass up to the air, grinding and bucking her ass toward the ceiling.

After she moans, writhes, she flips over on to her back. He sees that she needs to be finished so he kneels over her and stabs her in the heart, she bucks hard, knowing it will end soon and does the greatest death twitch sequence. After she dies, he covers her with plastic and begins to fondle her, then flipping her over, kneading her ass, pussy, and breasts over the plastic. He flips her over, and back again for us to see.

*very light blood*


Run Time: 22:00 minutes
File Size: 310 MB	Format: .WMV
    32 minutes
Starring: Ashley Lane and Odette DeLacroix
w/ Jigsy as Frank

This clip is an experiment in expanded dialogue, almost to the point of a stage play, and consequent enhanced emotional complexity, though with plenty of passionate death too.

Story: Involved in a trafficking gang for whom life is cheap and death comes free, Ashley and Odette have for months been engaged in a hot but erratic love affair, in defiance of organization policy. Following their most recent, worst breakup, Odette, on a self-destructive impulse, has stolen valuable contraband and sensitive, incriminating data in a desperate, misconceived ploy to break free. But her betrayal is soon discovered and retribution will be swift, cruel and absolute.

In the opening scene, Odette comes home drunk from a night of unsatisfying dissipation and masochistically masturbates before a portrait of Ashley and then falls into a troubled, drunken sleep. Meanwhile, Ashley, finds out what's to happen. Driven by pity, vestigial love and irrational guilt over their failed romance's role in Odette's sealed fate, she decides to act, barely in advance of the gang's retaliation. She pays Odette a nocturnal visit to offer, not salvation, but relatively merciful, sensual deliverance vastly preferable to the torments Odette will suffer at the enforcer's hands.

Going to Odette's side on her bed, Ashley first uncovers and then touches the sleeping girl and, becoming increasingly aroused, brings her to climax. Odette wakes up in confusion, which soon turns to horror as she learns her fate. But Ashley offers to deliver her from the gang's justice, and offers her a quick death on the point of her knife. Odette, stalling for time, tries to seduce Ashley into erotically strangling her instead, to which Ashley agrees, but has hardly begun when Odette breaks away and produces a hidden gun, with which she unsteadily menaces Ashley.

Ashley slyly reasons with and seduces Odette to distraction and, with a sudden lunge and grab, tries to get control of the gun. They struggle over it, and it goes off. For long moments, it's uncertain who's been shot, at last revealed to be Odette, grievously wounded in the lower chest, her life slowly ebbing away. Unable to help in any other way, Ashley toys with her sexually. Odette's weakness grows, along with her intensity of erotic sensation, until finally, as she climaxes, Ashley crushes her throat and brings her to a doubled final orgasm as she dies.

Preparing to leave, Ashley is seized by a strange fascination with Odette's inert body and, only partially clad,  climbs back onto the bed to embrace the corpse, then falls asleep.  A dream comes upon her in which Odette, wounded and throttled, but full of life, seduces her into an erotic strangulation in which, after a sensually ambivalent struggle, Ashley dies, only to be called back to life by Odette – "time to wake up, pretty girl" (what movie's that from?) -- still in her dream. "Am I dead now too?" Ashley wonders." "No," Odette tells her, tapping her on the center of her forehead, "There's one more veil to be lifted."

Ashley wakes up with a jolt to find herself in bed with dead Odette and confronted by the gang's enforcer. She begs for her life, trying to seduce him, picks up Odette's hand and masturbates with it, trying in vain to get a rise out of the killer. Letting her know her final moment is at hand, the killer slowly takes aim and shoots her in her forehead where Odette tapped. With a last cry "Odette!" Ashley flops onto the bed, exhibiting decerebrate and then decorticate posturing, the musculoskeletal physiologic signs of massive brain trauma. Then with an explosive bladder release, she's gone.  Pans of wide-eyed corpses complete the scene.

Ashley and Odette, two perfectly opposite embodiments of both beauty at rest and grace in action,  provide, along with their accustomed fine physical acting,  erotic intensity and emotional authenticity that give this rendering of the fantasy its passionate dynamism. Highly recommended for fans of the complex and unusual.

Fetish elements: Masturbation, sleep molestation, knife menacing, garotte strangling x 2(at least!), catfight over weapon, low chest (nonfatal) and forehead (fatal) gunshot wounds, tracheal crush with ligature, traumatic abnormal posturing (decorticate and decerebrate), dream death, corpse hand masturbation, bladder release, body pans, spectacularly beautiful women, more....

This custom took a long time to shoot and edit, what a beautiful writer. Thanks! CB

Run Time: 32:00 minutes
File Size: 590 MB 	Format: .MP4
    23 minutes
Starring: Belle Fatale w/ Chris B.

**FULL 1920X1080 HD***

This is a raw and rough lift up strangle. Perp wearing tight black leather gloves and a double hand throttle lift up, with kicking and dangling feet and lots of postmortem carrying, OTS, Cradle, and a few others, Rag Dolling and Limp play with the corpse. Customer specific with something for everyone.

Belle and Chris work together at an large environmental firm and are closely bonded in the workplace. One evening after a big meeting Belle gets a call at home from Chris. He asks her if she has time for a dinner later in the week to discuss some personal and work stuff. Immediately Belle gets defensive thinking he is hitting on her and trying to get in her pants, so she shuns him in a nice way and tells him "I don't date coworkers". She says she will see him at work, reiterating she doesn't date who she works with regardless of who else is doing it, obviously Chris has been silenced by her rambling accusations since the call began, so he hears her out and hangs up. She is single, home alone with her kitty, and says she "doesn't need anyone, especially from work". Well her kitty isn't impressed with her clingy nature to things other than men, so he runs away from her with a get away from me work. Belle shrugs it off and heads to the kitchen for some wine. She sees she is out so she grabs whiskey and an icy tumbler to pour it into. As she pops the cork and pours her glass, a figure appears behind her in tight leather gloves. When she spins around to set her glass on the counter he is already reaching for her neck, grabbing her throat with two hands and lifts her off of the ground. He chokes her as she fights with him slapping his arms and face as she kicks and thrashes about. He keeps her up off the ground with brute strength and thoughts of rejection and misunderstanding. He throttles her and starts to walk with her in the air to the counter. He sets her ass on the counter and lays her back getting a good grip as she straddles him kicking with her bare feet and legs, then wrapping them around to get leverage. He throttles her but wants to get the job done so he spins her as he walks around the counter to the living room and lifts her up again. He walks to the middle of the room and continues throttling her hard up off the ground. Her face gets red and her feet kick as they dangle off the ground. She tries to fight him but she is getting weaker and her arms are having a hard time doing anything to pry or claw. Her face gets redder and eyes bloodshot as she is now twitching and her feet pointing to the floor. After she is hanging there dead, dangling feet barely twitching postmortem, he drops her to the floor like garbage. He gets over her and checks her out, rolling her over and checking her limbs to see if she is dead. He picks her up like she is a small sack of potatoes and throws her over his shoulder. He carries her around a bit, back and forth letting her body sway back and forth limp as he holds her legs. He continues to carry her, then lets her down partially turning to a cradle carry and doing a few laps around the room slowly carrying her limp dead corpse, freshly strangled to death. After he carries her he takes her to the counter top. He lays her out lifting up her blouse and feeling her breasts with his tight kid leather gloves on, then pinching the nipples, then lifting her skirt and seeing her bare shaven pussy. He is not the type of man that wants sex on the first date, in fact she had him all wrong. If she wouldn't have been such a bitch, she would have met him for dinner to find out he was opening a new firm and asking her to be senior partner. So much for that plan, so Chris drinks a nice pull from her smoky whiskey and then puts her legs over his shoulders, then grabs her up in his arms, carrying her folded up with her ass on his chest and head on his shoulders in a frog position. He takes her to the sofa and sits down so she falls into his lap straddling him. He lets her arms and torso go back and to the floor then lifts her again repeating, pulling up her skirt to expose her sexy ass, then pushing her shirt up to show her tits. After a few times and rag dolling he picks her straight up legs dangling and carries her to her bed. He tosses her like rubbish on to the bed, but then straightens her up, flopping her around, rolling her over, undressing her while he caresses her perfectly toned body. He knows she was a total bitch and nobody will have to worry about her any longer. He will still move away and open his own firm. He plays around with her and then gets her set up on the bed, spread eagle, one arm up one down in a nice pose. She looks so beautiful and naked. Before he says goodbye he puts a blanket over her legs so she looks like she is sleeping with her eyes open. He tells her corpse about where she went wrong and the opportunities she missed. Then says, "thanks for the whiskey" as he heads back to the kitchen to finish the tumbler of smokey whiskey on the rocks. Her body is viewed and panned from different angles.

Belle Fatale. This young woman never ceases to amaze me with her ability to do just about anything. Lifted off of the ground and strangled over and over again takes so much strength and conditioning. I mean when you look at her abs geez you can really tell. What a great talent, we are really fortunate to have her with us, doing things others won't do. This year is going to be amazing film wise. Lots of fetish! CB

Run Time: 24:30 minutes
File Size: 700 MB 	Format: .MP4
    17 minutes
Director's Cut
Starring: Andi, Melody, Feather
 Belle Fatale, Bree, Dani V., Fallon, London, Starli, Treasure, Zoey

W/ Johnny Wood and Adrian

As I thumb through my classics I am re editing/re mastering old material. With 4 years of added experience and vision, this is a gem. Corrected color, all new soundtrack and edit. Never seen angles, footage, and less cuts, more butts, bullets, and brawling with guns. Spending 12 hours on a reedit is so worth it.

This is a straight out turf war and times are tough in the hood right now. Belle's gang which used to run things have been overtaken by a much smaller, more devious faction, and Dani Valentine runs the show. She is a rogue that survived the last war and split off from the main group together her own minions and run the crime in the borough.  Belle gathers the troops, having them meet at the hideout dressed to kill, and ready for action. She gives the girls a little pep talk before sending them down to meet their fate, or at least knock them down a bit till reinforcements arrive. She gets volunteers and sends them down across the way to the building adjacent. In the Boiler room, Dani, Bree, and Starli, the three aces left over from the West side connection click. They are around because they are the best, and have great cover. Even though they are out gunned, and outnumbered they feel confident that they will prevail. Unfortunately no woman will be left standing when the smoke clears. First treasure and Zoey bum rush the boiler room, but the cover is too good and Zoey catches a hot slug in her button hole, she grunts out in pain flying back by weight of the slug. Then Treasure comes running but Dani scoops her up and puts a lead nugget it her side boob, point blank. Two gals are on the ground grunting and moaning in terror from the pain of the wounds. Two more gals creep down the steps through the mangle of piping and conduit, only to see their sisters on the ground gagging and grunting from hot lead. Mandy runs in yelling "Zoey" and takes two slugs to the chest and stomach, hitting the door and sliding down, but she manages to get one good shot off to wound Dani V. in the tit, then bucks and heaves giving a sexy death, in her thigh highs. Feather comes in and catches a hot one in the back and it goes though her and she falls face first into Mandy's legs. Starli runs to grab her gun and turns her over to see if she has expired, but she gurgles and goes quick. Just then they hear the stomps of the troops, the rest of the girls are coming, guns blazing. Fallon runs in first, diverting to the cover, getting off a round that misses, but covers the others. Andi runs in and hits Dani with two more slugs, and Dani returns the favor. Both women fall to the floor and die courageously. Bree has had the best spot but sees that Fallon has a bead on Starli, who just shot Fallon in the belly button, but it is too late Fallon puts the mark between the lovely eyes of Starli, she slides down the wall and is immediately wide eyed and dead. Her gun slouches to the floor with a crack. Bree runs toward her popping Fallon in the side boob, which hits her heart, Fallon twitches and groans on her way out. Bree now raises up and delivers the final shot to London's throat, she goes down bleeding and gurgling. Her eyes go wide and her hips buck as she does a lovely death scene. Bree stands alone yelling, "Where is your boss, where are your friends now"? Just then Belle shows up, looking disgusted, but tries to compromise saying they should slit the loot, everyone's stuff and call it good, but Bree is not cool with that. They both fire, shooting each other multiple times, the both die as the two Detectives arrive. Thor says, "Looks like we are too late, well might as well search them and pile them, you know how the Captain loves his body piles.

They strip their tops exposing their wounds and breasts, while gathering up all the weapons. After they are all piled, they are viewed and panned, with individual montage of each girl too. Enjoy! We had fun and this has action and lots of movement! Thanks CB

Run Time: 17:20 minutes
File Size: 395 MB 	Format: .MP4
    28 minutes

With: Kyra and Nathan w/ Chris B.


It is a beautiful warm summer day on the mighty river. A great day for two friends to spend some time laughing and enjoying the solitude of the forest before going off to college. Nathan has a plan though. Bring his best friend who he has built a great friendship with and tell her he loves her and wants to follow her to the University she is attending. He hints that he wants to “talk about something”, and that he brought her to his favorite remote spot to break the news. She doesn’t know how to respond at first, so she avoids the conversation saying she needs to change into her new bikini. He obliges and we watch her switch from her jean shorts and Ugg boots, to a hot V.S. bikini she got for graduation gift from Nathan. She looks hot in the swimsuit, and he nestles up to the young girl to give her some attention. She says, “Hey, it looks like we do need to talk”. “I think I know what you are getting at, but I don’t see you that way, we are best friends”. He leaves it at that and says, “oh you are right” “Let’s go swim” she interjects. They hug and then head down the trail to the River. It is so spectacular as they frolic like best buds in the water. He helps her over the big rocks and climbing over the logs. As she cools her feet in the stream, Nathan goes to fix the blanket he put in the shade, and his back up plan, A LARGE CELLOPHANE BAG TO SUFFOCATE HER WITH!


As Kyra returns to the shady spot, she lays down on the quilt in the sand and takes a nap. After he knows she is really sleeping, he starts to caress and lightly fondle her. He knows form experience she is a heavy sleeper, especially after a long night of partying, so he goes a little heavier, sucking and pinching nipples, then migrating his fingers into her twat. She starts to respond with light breathing and little moans of ecstasy. She is starting to subconsciously enjoy the foreplay she is getting in her dreamland, she moans a little louder, but still so soft, sexy, and sleepy.


Nathan can’t help himself, he has planned this for a few months and has it working out in his head, either way he will get what he wants, or she will die. He forces his already hard dick into her mouth easily as she is still sleepy. She starts to stir but responds by sucking his dick, then she wakes up and realizes her best friend has his huge dick in her mouth and is grabbing her head and forcing her so take it all down her throat. She starts to vocalize the gagged words telling him to stop, and asking why, but they are only tones due to her full mouth and throat. He fucks her face hard for a while, then when she starts to bite and drag teeth, he grabs the bag and throws it over her head while she is still being face fucked against her will. He closes the bag off so no air can get in and still continues to ram her with his shaft. After a while he pulls his prick out and flips her face up so she can fight. He has the bag pressed to her face tightly, then she tries to breathe but only sucks the plastic and her own exhaust in each attempted breath, you hear her last words before she goes into panic. “Why”?


She fights hard and long, slapping at him, kicking and digging her sexy bare feet into the sand, and quilt. She bucks her hips, locks her muscles, all the while wide eyed and moth agape to try to muster some air. She fights hard but to no avail. She knows she is defeated so her attempts top free herself are feeble, and she lapses into a death stare. He removes the bag after he is sure she is lifeless. It is time for the prize. If he can’t have her, then no one will, or so he thinks. He takes her bikini off, and like a kid in a candy store, goes to town on her, fondling, sucking, fingering, oral, then he puts on a condom and does her nice and slow. Her body softly rocks as she takes the sex. She looks so serene and lovely.


After getting off, he gets up, grabs her shoes and bikini, plus any trash, and cuts. We see her still lifeless body in slow pans, until Chris, the crazy forest dweller comes through while hunting for some squirrels. He can’t believe his eyes when he sees the freshly dead, hot, young, co-ed. He walks to get a closer look and says “Forget the squirrels, I found me some squirrel bait” He fondles the hot girl in many ways before pulling her to him while he sits against the tree. He grabs her hair and makes the lifeless little lady suck him, while guiding her head in a forced, hard, necro bj. After using her mouth to get himself prepped for her tight snatch, he puts it in her, and gives it to her hard and rough.


 He doesn’t mind sloppy seconds, it’s way better than his crazy, fat cousin he is used to having sex with every month when she comes down from the hills to bring them moon-shine. After fucking her hard he pulls out and leaves a nice deposit on her tits and stomach just to make it even more enjoyable. After pulling up his britches, he goes back to hunting squirrel meat for supper. Yee haw!



Run Time: 26:00 minutes
File Size: 409 MB	Format: .WMV
    21 minutes
Starring: Anyanca, Savannah Costello, and Stacie 
w/ Chris B.(The Hitman)

Lisa Weston is a high powered attorney that is mixed up with the wrong business, and the wrong people. She is prosecuting a big time crime boss and has no clue that she is vulnerable, in fact she is on top of the world after getting convictions on all nine counts, and putting Detweiller away for good. When she returns to her fancy hotel suite, she decides to unwind and celebrate. Her hubby is on the phone and she explains how well she did and how they are taking her out for steaks at a fancy place at 8:00 sharp. She get's out of her heels and suit jacket, and into a nice glass of Champagne. She also calls her favorite escort service to see if her sexy, loveable, favorite is working. Since she won big she wants to add a friend, so she orders her regular plus one. When the two call girls arrive, Lisa is happy and invites them in to play, not knowing that she has been marked for a hit. The two gals start the show, undressing each other, then doing a dance to warm up. savannah sips the bubbly and starts to get wet. She stands up and orders them to remove her clothing, then they all move to the bed for some hot lesbian sex, eventually making everyone cum, and then Stacie decides to finish herself off for a second nut. They fall into a steamy pile and take a nap. Lisa wakes up and sees it is 7:00 pm on the dot, she jumps out of bed, leaving the other two snuggling and snoozing. She puts on her robe and heads to the bathroom to get freshened up. The two girls are awake and cuddling, wondering what is taking so long. The hitman stealthily moves to the hall, seeing the mark of lipstick on the door, knowing that was Stacie's color, and this was definitely the place. He lets himself in with a credit card and proceeds to the hotel suite bedroom. He looks into the bedroom and sees Stacie who points to the bathroom. He shrugs and wonders why there is another girl, she nods and says she is ok, so he sighs and turns to the door where Lisa is getting ready. The door opens and he ducks behind the wall, but she goes back in the bathroom forgetting something, so he approaches. When she looks up she sees him in the mirror. She freaks, dropping her robe, and her eyes widen as he explains why he is here, then opens a folding knife with a long sharp blade. He stuffs it into her belly, pulling upwards to make sure her guts are wrecked, and there is no return. He wrenches it around doing damage then pulls it out, leaving her on the white tile to bleed out. He quickly heads to the bedroom, pulling his silenced 45 caliber pistol, and aiming it. He tries to get info from the girls, asking the new girl for her ID. The girls try to seduce him but they know he is business, and think they have a chance to be free. The hitman makes a call, to Detweiller, giving her name, and explaining the situation. He nods his head and says, "Both of them?", "OK Mr. Detweiller", the new girl automatically pisses her jeans, which turn from blue to dark blue as the pee spreads through the denim. Stacie runs to the new girl using her as a shield, the hitman orders her to take her jeans off and she obliges, smiling that maybe he wants to get some instead of killing, but he explains that, "It is hard to get wet jeans off a dead girl." This sends both girls into a panic and he fires the first round into the New Girl's gut. She is stunned and stumbles back from the large caliber slug. The hitman follows them to the corner of the room, pulling the trigger and sending a hot lead chunk through both gals, he likes using the second and third bullet in the clip to not be hollow points, just in case he needs to kill two birds. This time the bullet goes right in between her belly button and sternum, striking hard and going through her, and into Stacie's belly button. Both girls are hurting and moaning, but the new gal is in shock, shaking and trembling. He heads back to the bathroom, checking on the Lawyer, and sees she is still dying, so he finishes her off with two more slugs, both in each breast, she fights, gurgling blood, wrenching from pain, then dies. The hitman heads back into the bedroom, and finishes off the new girl with two more slugs right in her belly, and on the pantyline of her belly. Stacie begs him to be spared, saying she could make it with the one shot, and she is his favorite, well used to be. He shoots her in the fatty chunk of her belly, then right in the heart, she shutters then dies. The hitman follows orders, positioning them for a photo. He takes pics of the dead bodies just to send to the client. He exits as the clock reads 7:59, and when it turns to 8:00, there is a knock at the door, "Mrs. Weston, here to pick you up for dinner" knock, knock...Mrs. Weston.....Then it fades to body pans of the lovely dead gals, and the crime scene.

This is so much fun. I may not be the king of S/F/X, but please show me one producer that spends as much time and energy preparing, directing, acting, shooting, and editing...We care! Thanks for your undying support, we will do the killing for you! Another VERY HAPPY custom customer!!

Run Time: 20:00 minutes
File Size: 550 MB	Format: .WMV
    15 minutes
      RANDOM COED BELLY STABS Belly Stab - Two sexy coeds are dressed in their long white socks, revealing tops, and short shorts, showing their lovely butts. They clean the kitchen and discuss the evening's shenanigans, which will include drinking, lusting, and random hook ups. They also disclose the fact that a random dude is going around their dorms stabbing young women's bellies, and disappearing. The two gals are confident that their building has superior security, but they are mistaken. When they show off their sexy belly buttons, they break apart, belle heads to the shower, where she turns it on and when she turns around, the hooded man stabs her right in the belly with a butcher knife. He looks at her as he puts it 2/3rds of the way through her belly button. He then removes it quickly with one movement and stands back to watch her suffer for a sec before heading to the kitchen for his next victim. Belle is in major pain, falling to her knees in shock then falling back and extending her sexy, sock clad legs. She writes and bucks, clutching her wound, and then she starts to convulse, sickened by the pain and shock. She twitches and falls back to the floor with a thud. She has a few twitches in her before she is still, and still bleeding from her tummy. The killer is on his way and surprises Samantha with a plunge into her button hole, it goes deep, 23rds of the way and right in her belly, she is too in shock and looks at the killer with dismay. He removes the knife and leaves the scene. Samantha looks at her wound and falls to the floor, she is very painfully groaning and grunting, scared in shock from the violent stab to the midsection. She clutches her bloody gash and falls flat, bucking and heaving, grasping and clutching, blood on her hands. She can tell she will die soon and her eyes show the fear and knowing she will be dead, some twitches and bucks and she is still, dead from the traumatic wound to the belly button. The views and pans go back and forth to each dead gal, belly stabbed and on the floor of the bathroom and the kitchen. Hopefully they catch this psycho soon. The killer lives another day to sew more seeds of death.

Starring: Belle Fatale and Samantha  DEAD PROFESSIONALS
    23 minutes
Starring: Belle Fatale, Ryanne(SHAVED), Lexxi
w/ Chris B.

Three absolutely gorgeous professional young women lounge around in their button down dress shirts, nude on the rest of their bodies, and completely shaved and clean pussies. They talk about the projects they have going on and decide their plans for the evening. One has a deposition early in the morning so she takes a nap, the other has a case study she is prepping so she studies her emails and reads, and the other has a big deal to close downtown, trying to lure the others for drinks, but the two want to stay and be good. The redhead takes a nap on the sofa while Belle heads to the bathroom to blow dry and do makeup, while Lexxi sits in the chair and studies. Behind her the door creaks open and a man comes through the door with a black stocking wound around his hands, he loops it over Lexxi's head and pulls back hard. She fights him and claws at the tight stocking cutting off her air. He keeps her at bay using all his might to pin her to the chair with the stocking around her neck. She straightens out her legs and bucks her hips, pointing her toes, looking at her killer to try to see who it is, but it is a random crazed man who just wants to kill her and get to the redhead he is obsessed with. She claws at his arms and the stocking but he is too much for her and after a long bout she is finished and her tongue tries, eyes go vary wide then relax. He lets the stocking go and grabs another from his back pocket, slowly moving toward the redhead. He studies her and caresses her with the back of his hand as she sleeps, and she stirs a bit asking Lexxi to give her a few more minutes to sleep. All of the sudden Belle comes out of the bathroom trying to convince them to go with her one more time, the killer hides and crouches so she doesn't see him. He lunges at her using his stocking to pull her back, she grabs his arms coming off the ground a few feet into the air and kicking, kicking hard. She kicks and is making too much noise. He wants his way with the redhead and so he drags her by the stocking to the middle of the room so she doesn't wake the redhead. He strangles her hard and she bucks up and down smashing his pelvis and balls. He is getting irritated with her making too much noise grasping and clawing at her neck and bucking trying to fight her way out. The crazed killer puts his one hand with the lace top of the stocking over her mouth as he continues to strangle her. She claws and tries to reach out for her friend but is barely too far away. She bites at his palm as he tries to quiet her down so he snaps her neck like a dry branch and she dies instantly, eyes wide open tumbling to the floor like a mass of flesh that has just expired. The redhead is stirring buts till barely asleep. He gets up rolling the dead sexy woman off of him, he moves towards the redhead, finally alone with her. He caresses her face and touches her thigh, knowing he is about to see her go all out. He grabs another stocking from his back pocket, stretching it out and holding it to her neck, he gets it fashioned. He gets it crossed and wrapped in his hands as she wakes and figures out what is going on. Her eyes go wide in terror as she goes absolutely bonkers trying to get free from him but he pulls so hard he lifts her from the sofa. He strangles her hard as she bucks her bare pussy towards the ceiling. She tries to claw him but can't get free but she elbows him square in the balls right at the perfect spot and he lets go of the stocking with a grunt. She tries to get away crawling fast scurrying towards the door but he grabs her leg and pulls her back towards him, the stocking still tied around her neck so he gets over her and pulls, then leaps over the sofa using his feet as chocks to pull back, using his body as leverage. The air is cut off from her and she goes wild thrusting he bare shaved pussy towards the sky, bucking her sexy hips and her huge, breasts bouncing and jiggling as she tries to grasp at the stocking digging into her sexy long neck. The harder he pulls, the weaker she gets and eventually he is way too much for her. The crazed man finishes her off as he pulls extra hard, her beet red face and bloodshot eyes are wide in despair, then to nothing. He lets go and rubs his sore hands, moving around to see her in the flesh, looking at her sexy shaved mound and sexy breasts. He feels her up and raises her legs to check her feet, and sexy red painted toes. He looks over at the other sexy broads, lifting up Belle by her pelvis and setting her on the sofa next to the sexy redhead. He checks her out, looking at her feet and then checking out her pussy and caressing her face and hair. He goes to Lexxi and picks her up in a cradle carry. He carries her around for a few moments then sets her on the other side of the redhead, caressing her pussy and checking her sexy breasts. He spends some time checking their feet, then opening their mouths so their death stares are similar. He looks at their all shaven pussies and the fact they are wearing button down dress shirts and nothing else, Belle does have a skirt but it is hiked up. He touches them again then exits out the door, leaving them there to be discovered, hopefully soon. The killer got what he wanted and is complete, until the urge strikes again for a professional round of strangles.

WOW this is history! Ryanne has never shaved in her life until now and we have exclusive first dibs. Get it while you can! She looks so sexy too, not to mention these two sexy stars she is working with, talk about pros! I am lucky to work with all of these sexy stars. Chris

Run Time: 22:30 minutes
File Size: 420 MB 	Format: .MP4
    19 minutes

Starring: Genetica w/ Vlad

**FULL 1920X1080 HD**


A young woman has no idea what today brings forth. She is taking a shower, enjoying herself as she lathers up her breasts, cleans her whole body in hopes that her man will come over later and give her what she needs, what she is missing. This poor beauty has no idea that at the same time she is taking a shower, a sociopath is breaking and entering her home, and setting up the rounds for his game. Even as she finishes washing her hair and stepping out of the tub, he is finishing securing his hanging rope, and putting on his mask to conceal his identity just in case something goes wrong, and not in his favor. As he heads up the stairs to wait, she is toweling off her perfect breasts and drying herself. As she wraps the towel around her sexy figure, she has no clue, he is outside the door waiting for her, with the whole game planned. As she steps out of the doorway he greets her with a punch to the gut, folding her over and dropping her with no breath, and only escaping air. In one swoop he removes a stocking from his pocket and swiftly wraps it around her neck and pulls her up to the sitting position, not giving in at all, just strangling her out. She kicks and flails as the towel comes off and she seems to start fighting hard. His relentlessness and vigor win the battle as she slowly passes out from lack of oxygen. He quickly goes to work using the stocking as a gag and letting her down to the floor in spread eagle so he can eat her pussy out while she is unconscious, getting himself hard as he licks away at her freshly showered snatch. After a minute of pussy licking and lapping, he whips out his hard cock and shoves it in her, pumping away and banging her hard missionary. She is passed out and oblivious, but she reacts a bit to the fucking as he pumps her, slamming her into the floor as he beats it up. As he feels himself starting to climax he pulls out and shimmy's up to her face and tits, squirting his hot load on her face and chest. After cumming all over her face and neck, he heads downstairs to get things secured for the next move in his game. Her body is ravaged but not yet broken, and it is viewed and panned to show her in her demise, well the first part at least. Fade in to the poor young victim hanging from the upstairs banister, on her tip toes trying not to drop any lower as she is already choking, trying to stand on the tips to get a tiny bit of air, just enough to keep her alive and trying to fight, especially since she is gagged still and her hands tied behind her back. She tries to look around to find him, but he is upstairs rifling through her stuff to make it seem like a burglary. When he comes down the stairs she panics and for good reason as he wastes no time taking out his cock and putting it in her ass as she hangs from the banister, choking and crying as he rams her virgin ass. He is forceful and brutally harsh as he pounds her ass from behind, not bothering to lube her up. He gets tired of that quickly, having to use too much energy to get to the height he needs to be successful. Instead he puts himself away and whips out the switchblade which he uses to cut the rope and she falls to the ground gasping and crying. As she gets louder he reminds her who is boss and what will happen if she doesn't cooperate. He pulls her up by the rope to a chair, which he ties her legs to the back of the chair so she has to sit forward and doesn't have control. He again whips out his already hard cock and grabs her head from behind, face fucking her hard as she gas and drools all over his hard cock. She is reluctantly sucking and not wanting this at all so he just forces her and goes harder fucking her face harder until he is about to climax. When he feels the tingle he pulls out, ordering her to stick her tongue out to receive the load. She is already gagging from the thought of the double dipping dirty cock in her mouth and now she has to take all of his cum in her mouth and tongue. He shoots his load, popping off on her tongue, as well as her chin, neck, and on her lap where the residual drips. As he finishes and puts his dick away, he leaves to the other room as she moans and wales, disgusted by the cum soaked face, hair, and chin. He quickly returns with his duct tape in hand. He looks over and sees a garbage can with a fresh, clear bag. He removes it throwing the trash on the floor and puts it over her head, cutting off all the air. He uses the duct tape to secure that she will get no air and starts to grope her tits and pussy as she struggles against her bonds, and trying to suck in air, but only sucks in the bag. She fights for a while as he watches her die. After he last twitch, and she goes still, he grabs his phone and takes some pics for his own personal collection. He gathers his backpack, leaving her face bagged, and the rope still around her neck as she is slumped sideways, dead, defiled, cumsoaked after being strangled out cold, raped repeatedly, hung, facefucked, and bagged to death. The whole thing, aside from the trash can providing a bag already in the house, was calculated from the beginning and is all the "Intruder's Gambit".  WIFE SWAP STRANGLE FLOP
    22 minutes
Introducing: Dani and Jasper w/ Ana Molly and J.D.

**FULL 1920X1080 HD**

Two couples meet on a fetish site and decide to spice it up a bit with some extra marital, sexy swinger, fun and games that they are used to playing with each other. Stuff like chloroforming their partners, then feeling them up, and having their way with the limp, chloroformed beauties body. When the chloroformed sexy ladies wake up they love to have a stockings, or thin rope around their necks, while they enjoy the lack of oxygen while they flop around on the floor and their partners pull harder and harder. Tonight they want to be with others, trade spouses and perform those same desired fetishes. Both couples are very happy to meet each other, deciding to meet at Ana and Jaspers place the first time and rotate if they enjoy the evening and want another round. J.D. is proud of his wife Dani who he claims can take it the hardest, of course Jasper lobby's for his girl's skills to take a tight garrote and it almost seems their is already competitive action ensuing. They discuss what they are going to do; swap spouses, start off with the big bottle of chloroform after getting comfortable, and put a soaked rag over the traded wife's mouth and nose while they flail on the rug, facing each other to make sure they are safe. Both ladies take it well, doing a nice job of flailing, but also enjoying it a bit, getting high and horny from the chloroforming, and thought of what gets done to their body afterwards. Both kick in their heels, one in a skirt, one in tight red jeans, both with sexy feet in heels and wedges. After a nice fluttering of the eyes and twitching out, the two are still after a long chloroform bout, maybe a twitch here and there but not much. The two guys decide to have some fun while they are out and each undresses the traded spouse, enjoying them, commenting and complimenting on how sexy they are. As they undress, they caress, pinching nipples, and squeezing breasts, ass cheeks, feet and legs. They flop them over and roll them on the floor to see their asses, lift arms and legs to see their limb arms and feet. As they enjoy the sexy wife swap, the wives start to stir a bit and the two men agree to get set up with the choice ligature their wives prefer, and wrapping them tight as they wake up. The two face each other on opposite sides of the rug and pull a bit. They pull a bit harder, getting some coaching from the other. As the two sexy, naked beautiful wife trades come to the hubby's are strangling the swaps tighter and tighter. They both enjoy it as they start to lose oxygen and get the rush in the first stage, Ana even finds her nipples and inner thigh as she plays along with the strangle which is tight like she likes it. Dani is obviously loving it as she flops and slams her sexy ass on the floor, grabbing for the thin rope she loves that came with her, but the new strong hands are doing some good as her face is red and her pale complexion contrast each other. They kick their feet and legs and buck their hips. Ana seems to still have confidence this isn't going to be a competition with two losers and two winners, instead of four satisfied lovers of the strangle. The guys get a bit to into it and competitive and after they tell each other to pull harder, and my girl can take it harder than anyone, it gets out of hand. The two gals start to flounder and flail, seeming to feel in danger now, not ecstasy and a lovers fulfillment.

The two men fail to pay attention that their wives are dying and on the losing end of their competitive nature. When they look down the two women are wide eyed, mouth ajar, and barely twitching. JD asks Jasper if his wife ever passes out with her eyes closed, and Jasper says, no, does yours? The two men are surprised but Jasper lends a, "Oh no not again". He admits it is his third time he has gone too far, but never with someone else wife, but his own. He smiles and tells JD it will be okay and he will show him how to dispose of the body. He also suggests they enjoy each others wives a bit since they are still warm, then go have a beer and find a couple of new ones to see if they like it tight, and love to be chloroformed too. They do just that; getting the two sexy ex wives they just swapped each other on the rug side by side, fondling, and flopping them around for some limb play and to get riled up for later, and so they could drag the stiffs out to the van after a nice round of beers. They leave and make way for nice body pans of the sexy ex wives.

Great wife swap film, two wonderful chloros, strangles and the new gal Dani is so freaking hot I can't wait to get her into some sexy new scenes coming up. We did so damn good with limited time and resources. Thanks for your support! More to come!! CB

Run Time: 21:28 minutes
File Size: 410 MB 	Format: .MP4
    21 minutes
      AMAZON TWINS v THE BROTHERHOOD - The eternal battle of warriors: The New Amazons vs The Brotherhood. The amazons are very sensual and hot blooded women. They focus on lust and blood. They live (and die) only for this. Members of the Brotherhood appear cold, but they canīt hide that they are attracted to them. The amazons have a deep desire of death in them and some actually WANT to be killed in a fight to the death and please their killer with a very sexy death. They may not know it, but itīs in their soul. Thatīs why The Brotherhood has an advantage sometimes.

Belle talks to her twin sister on the phone that their location was spotted by an assassin of The Brotherhood and to be prepared. The twin undresses for battle, she canīt wait to fight the assassin. As she senses his presence, she gets a pistol and shoots, but gets immediately shot in her bellybutton and dies an agonizing death.

Belle, who is spiritually related to her twin, experiences her fate, too. She gets more and more aroused as the assassin enters her room. At first it looks like her magic powers can save her, but in the end she gets up stabbed in the bellybutton and dies and even more outrageous death as her twin sister. The assassin is very pleased with her death struggle and the Brotherhood can detract two amazon warriors off their list.

Written by TS Solstice (Amfight), Belle gives the performance of her life as two wild amazon sisters who experience her ultimate sweaty, bloody demise. A MUST for all lovers of amazon warriors and bellybuttons!  NEVER FORGET
    21 minutes
Starring Lexxi
Video Diary/Reenactment/Narration


Sexual assault is a constant reality for Lexxi as she reenacts her brutal rape and near death experience with her attacker, and explains why she is ruined sexually and can only orgasm by reliving her attack and rape.

A year ago tonight, Lexxi was brutally attacked and raped at knife point and although her attacker let her live, he did not let her forget. He waits for her as she enters her bedroom, still dressed in her skirt, sheer blouse, high heeled pumps and nude, lace top thigh high stockings, sexy matching bra and panties. She not only describes but goes through the motions as her attacker has his way with her, she even uses a realistic dildo resembling his cock and balls as she forces it in and out of her mouth and then ramming it into her pussy as her juices flow, but hey, let Lexxi tell you and show you how it actually went down that summer evening. Lexxi sizzles in this feature. From cutting her sexy panties with a knife, ripping her blouse, choking her with his hand and with a zip tie, definitely takes control! This is a must see for any Lexxi lovers the orgasms are laced with conviction.

WOW. This is something new to me as far as the way we approached the filming and direction we chose to switch up perspectives from narration, to first person, and all while reenacting the brutal attack down to every detail. Some of my best work to date. CB

Run Time: 20:08 minutes
File Size: 420 MB 	Format: .MP4
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