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    18 minutes
      SUPERGIRL ORIGINS 1 - Starring: Savannah Costello w/ Rex

Linda is the head security officer at the agency, and she is home after a long day working her beat, and doing stacks of paperwork. Today she is in for something new, and as soon as she starts to unwind, a man rushes in with a baton and slams her in the ribs, then in the back, and finally a blow to the head that knocks her to the floor. He picks her up and takes the baton, using it to punch her in the pussy hard, three times, causing her to lose control of her bladder, and she pisses all over the floor. She is humiliated, and in much pain. She is off duty and unprepared for the strength of this guy, who seems to have great power in every punch he delivers. Linda is being beaten, and she grunts hard after each punch. The man continues his humiliation of the officer by grabbing her ass, and forcing his hand down her skirt. He rubs her pussy through the panties and she wildly reacts and cums twice before almost collapsing. The man over powers her and starts to beat her more, and tosses her on to the table. He fondles her hard as she resists, he is too powerful so he flips her over and takes out a knife. He cuts a hole in her crotch of the panties so her can take her from behind. He rapes her hard from behind for a minute, then flips her to see her face and rapes her from the front. He twists and tatters her clothing as he works her over. When he has had enough he tosses her across the room over the sofa, then punches her in the face and body, she tries to get up but it is too late and he is too quick and strong. He beats her around the room with multiple punches and kicks, each one leaving a bruise, or cut. She is starting to be beat up, he rips her top and skirt, he punches her hard, knocking her to the ground. She thinks quickly and picks up the discarded baton. She surprises him with a shot to the head, he rolls away stunned, she gets control for a moment, beating him hard with the wooden baton. She goes to raise up for her final blow to his head, and he pulls out a knife, stabbing her through her skirt, right in her mound. He holds it for a second, then removes it. He then comes around and stabs her right in the gut, holding it in to cause pain and trauma, then removing it quickly to see the blood leak. He then gets on one knee and sticks the knife to her pussy lips, he stabs her in the clit, then removes it as she cries and moans in pain.  She goes to her knees and he stabs her in the side, then the ass, a couple times, methodically. She is on her tummy, moaning in great pain from the stabs to her tummy, pussy, ass, and kidney. She is hurting bad, mortally wounded. He kicks he over to her back and steps down on to her pussy wound, grinding his foot in he says, "Redrick told you to stay out of his business, if you live through this, maybe you will listen?" He then gives her a coup de grace and punts her in the pussy, she loses breath and is in excruciating pain.  He exits, leaving her on the floor to die. She moans in pain, losing consciousness, but the crystal her father gave her, the one she always kept in her pocket, moves off the table, and towards her, ending up in her hand all on it's own power. She passes out and goes into a deep sleep. Several hours later she wakes up and her wounds have all healed, there is only a spot or two of blood left, no scars or cuts, and only cuts and tears in her clothing and thigh highs. She is dazed and sees the crystal in her hand. She is confused and asks herself why, only to hear a deep voice from far away telling her she is the chosen one, and she must now fight for good and protect the weak without killing. Behold the power of the crystal. She stands up and looks over to see three costumes that show who she is supposed to be, showing her destiny, her fate, and the origin of her life as a fighter of crime, and a doer of good. The first costume appears on her, in perfect fit, she holds the crystal deep to her heart and soul, knowing her destiny is finally here.  THE GREEN CITY STRANGLER 2
    23 minutes
Starring: Belle Fatale w/ Jigsy as The Green City Strangler(GCS)

**FULL 1920x1080 HD**

It's been nearly two years since we heard anything about the Green City Strangler, but that is about to change this evening. As the Strangler sleeps in his crappy storage unit, in his moth eaten blanket and old lounge chair, he tosses and turns, sweating and facial expressions mocking his dream of his last victim, Awesome, in his clutches, the sweat beading down her face and the rope digging into her neck, her scream that is cut off to choking as she is taken by him. He is obsessed and this evening he will make his mark again. As he finishes his sleep and his dream, the death stare of the first victim is embedded in his mind as he comes to and gets ready for his big day.

He stands behind some trees, just out of sight from his new victim, he has been stalking er for a while and his dream influenced his actions as he watches the new victim getting out of her car from work and heading through her gate into her yard towards the door. As she goes through the gate she is distracted by the phone ringing and heads in the house to get out of her clothes and talk to her BF before they go out for dinner. The GCS waits for the coast to clear and heads to the gate, which didn't latch and is open, he has his ski mask on so just in case, he won't be made. He has his small day pack slung over his shoulder with his tools for the trade, some cord, rope, lock and window tools, and of course the only thing he owns which is a fancy smart phone to document his future victims, since he only has a memory of the first. While he sneaks and looks through the windows, he sees the young woman, in a silk robe and talking on the phone in a big chair with her sexy feet on the ottoman, crossed and rubbing her feet after a hard day. She talks sexy to her man and tells him she needs to shower before he gets there in a couple hours. As she heads to the shower the GCS is at the window with his tools, breaking in and coming through the window. As the shower starts the young woman sings beautifully, a rendition of a very good song as he cleans up and washes herself for her date and sexy time with her man. She is very content and happy as she finishes up her shower and song ready to have a fun night. She wraps in a towel and heads to the bedroom where the strangler has already made his way to. He has a thin black cords and waits unseen inside the door. The young woman sets her phone on the counter top in the kitchen as she heads toward her room, when she reaches her door, the phone rings, she hesitates and turns toward the phone and a black cord and a masked man are barely seen offscreen and take her down to the floor with lassoing his cord around her neck. Her feet kick and flail in many directions as they stick out of the door of the room. She fights but he is playing with her this time and he chokes her until she passes out, then drags her into the room placing her on the bed. He folds her arms across her chest mummy style and he sets the right leg over the left at the feet crossed. He gets his phone out and takes a few pics of her and her feet. After a few snaps of pics he slowly makes his way sitting next to her side and caresses her face and slowly down to her feet. He rubs, sniffs, and kisses her sexy feet and toes, taking his time with each foot separately then together. He is very meticulous about the feet and she has the nice ones, similar to the last victim. The GCS is feeling it now so he slides underneath her, positioning himself to be comfortable and pulls out a nice black section of rope. He slowly wraps the rope around her neck and gets his hands nice and solid so he can pull tight and make it a nice long strangle to the death. As he slowly squeezes and tightens the rope until she comes to, eyes going wide and after a millisecond pause starts to flail and kick her feet, grabbing at the rope with both hands, clawing them hard and with no success, she bucks her hips and points her toes out. She is definitely a fighter and he needs to win this one, but he is calm and in control, this is his wheelhouse, not the asylum where they keep you hopped up on Thorazine and can't feel. The struggle is long and every angle in fact his point of view is often reflected on and it wins big! He strangles her to death and as she is almost gone she mouths,

He is thinking yes and keeps a nice firm rope taught on her neck as she changes colors and tries to gasp but gets nothing , losing the use of her limbs and where they go leaves her helpless, he continues to compress the rope on her neck as she dies. After she is dead, but still twitching he plays with her a bit, sliding down to smell her feet and caress her again. He puts her head on a pillow and closes her mouth,  folds her arms mummy style again, and  sits down next to her by her feet, enjoying them again one at a time, kissing, smelling, and rubbing them in his face. He is satisfied for a while now, but he has seen some hot women around town, he will build up his energy for the next one, maybe this brunette name Hannah...?

He takes plenty of photos of her to remember her by. He exits after taking the rope from her neck and making sure he left no physical evidence. Body pans and views of the aftermath are done in great fashion.

I had a blast doing this, I spent a very long time getting it ready and did a few different things to mix it up, hope you all like it. CB

Run Time: 24:30 minutes
File Size: 850 MB 	Format: .MP4
    24 minutes
Starring: Belle Fatale, Hannah Perez, Ryanne, Genetica, and Kiki

Genetica's twin sister Jessica has been trying to find her sisters killer for a couple of months, after the Detective won't return her calls, and there are no leads, she knows she can't go out on the town to get answers, and it is too soon to0 have fun. She decides to invite a few friends over to have a few drinks and socialize. Jessica is still too distraught to go out. Some friends even drive a long way to come stay the weekend, but After killing the detective Freya, Belle found some numbers in the phone and called Jessica to introduce herself as Genetica's friend who was trying to connect with Jessica to try and find some answers. Belle shows up early for the get together to introduce herself and help out before guests arrive. As they hug and chat about Genetica, Belle offers to help make coffee, Jessica shows her how and as she is grinding the beans, Belle is taking off her g-string to strangle Jessica with and takes her from behind. She pulls hard getting her turned around and strangling her hard. Jessica tries to grasp at the g string and Belle just pulls harder, yanking on the panties to get a tighter grip. Jessica chokes hard and they make their way to the floor, Belle behind her as Jessicas ass hits the floor and her feet kick hard, making her heels come off and she is bare foot. Belle is pulling and making it very tight. Jessicas eyes bug out and her tongue tries to get air but all she is getting is strangled to death. The sister tries to grab at Belle and slowly fades as she continues to free herself to no avail. It is too much for her and she slows down, twitching and bucking her hips slower, spreading her toes and slamming her ass to the floor. No matter how hard she tries Belle gets the upper hand and Jessica dies, eyes wide open. She wants to check her out, and see if she is identical to her twin, so she frees the gals boobs and confirms the sexy tits. 
She picks her up and drags her to the room to stash the body. She undresses her except for her panties, then rag dolls her around before hearing a car coming up the drive. She closes the door and gets herself together before the two gals Hannah and Ryanne knock on the door. She answers and they immediately start to hug and introduce each other. Ryanne asks if she is Geneticas friend and she nods and they give her condolences. Ryanne is needing to go to the bathroom after the long ride and disappears to the back, while Belle leads Hannah to the sofa to chat. Belle quickly diverts her attention to coffee and so she sits on the sofa while Belle goes to brew a cup. She knows she needs to figure out a way to get them both, but there isn't enough time. She talks to Hannah as she sneaks up behind and before she knows it, Belle has her in a choke hold, and the she fights hard, kicking her pantyhose clad legs and her pussy showing through under her skirt as she fights. She grows weaker and weaker, eventually passing out from being choked. Belle is just saving her for later. She rolls out from under her and goes to check her out. She immediately starts to mess with her legs and removes her shoes so she can sniff and suck her pantyhosed toes. Hannah is sexy, choked out cold, and Belle wants to use the pantyhose to strangle her and her friend so she slowly removes them, checking her pussy before Ryanne interrupts her coming out of the bathroom. Belle grabs the hose and hides quickly by the door. Ryanne comes to the living room and sees her friend Hannah unconscious and half naked on the sofa and starts to panic. She is so stressed out she doesn't see Belle until it is too late and she is behind her with the stocking leg of the pantyhose wrapped tight and pulling hard. She pulls so hard Ryanne comes off the kneeling position to upright on her feet, her heels flailing off as Belle pulls her back. Ryanne is a real fighter and Belle is hip, she even says that Redheads fight better she hears. The pantyhose is so stretched out, it is a foot and a half away from Ryannes neck and Belle pulls her back to the chair, on top of her strangling her to death. Ryannes eyes bug out of her skull as she protrudes her tongue way out to fish for some kind of air. Ryannes sexy legs kick and her toes flex as she fights for her life but Belle is just too much for her to handle. She slowly fades, twitching and bucking her ass, then still. Eyes going from wide and stressed, to dead and still. 
Now she knows there is one more guest to arrive any minute so she looks around, seeing Hannah she pushes Ryanne to the side like garbage, rolling her on her side and flopping her on the floor. She goes to Hannah and picks her up, over the shoulder carries her to the bedroom, getting her next to Jessica in the bed. She arranges them and makes sure there is room for two more corpses, even though they are not dead yet. She goes out to grab Ryanne and rag dolls her body to get her into position to drag her by her underarms and into the bed. She pulls her up and on top of her flopping the dead body on top of her in the bed. She lays there for a moment sizing up what she has done with an evil smile, then gets up and the bodies arranged adjacent in the bed. She gets herself straightened too and goes into the living room, grabbing all the shoes and purses, tossing them into the bedroom and closing the door as she hears the car pull up. She rifles through the drawers and finds a piece of thin cord and tucks it in her bra for the newby. She straightens the furniture and the rug too so the new arrival can be persuaded to sit down. Belle looks in the mirror as she straightens her hair and says. "You can do this Belle, you can do this." Right as the door knocks. She answers and OMG it is Kiki, the real party girl, all blonde and bubbly. They introduce and Kiki doesn't even notice the other girls are gone, but Belle tells her they went to grab booze, but she would concoct a drink from her special stash. The scene fades out to credits.....TO BE CONTINUED  PART 5 TOMORROW WITH KIKI AND HANNAHS STRANGLES AND BODY PILE MOLESTATION. BELLE IS VICTORIOUS AND LIVES TO KILL AGAIN!

Run Time: 24:30 minutes
File Size: 610 MB	Format: .MP4
    12 minutes
      FEMALE PANTYHOSE KILLER 4 Encase Her Face - Starring: SaraLiz and Belle Fatale

FULL 1920X1080 HD

This is a new series of pantyhose clad females, killing pantyhose clad females, in different stages of dress, sheer toe suntan pantyhose, stocking masked, and fully encased for a few. If you love pantyhose and female killers, you will love these short and very aggressive ambush kills. 

A female pantyhose obsessed woman lays on her bed and masturbates, fully encased from head to toe in suntan pantyhose. As she writhes around the bed rubbing one out, she smells and rubs other pairs of random pantyhose all over herself, sniffing, and inhaling the dirty pantyhose as she really jerks off. A counter spy, fully encased from head to toe sneaks into the house, finding a couple extra pairs of suntan pantyhose to smell on the sofa arm. She grabs them and picks one out to do the deed. She watches as her victim gets closer and closer to climax. As if she knows she needs to get into position to die, she sits upright to feel different and finishes rubbing her clit as she starts to cum. The killer takes the full pair of hose, wraps the cum dumb womans face with the pantyhose, then wraps the legs of the hose around her neck to cut off her air. The woman goes nuts trying to get out of the deathtrap, flailing and slapping her arms. trying to get the hose off her head, but to no avail. The encased spy is having fun, standing up as she pulls on the long logs of the hosiery to kill her. The woman breaks free for a moment trying to escape but she is quickly reined back in and choked to death with the pantyhose. As she slows down, she flexes her pantyhose covered legs and toes. She tries hard till the final seconds, then she dies. The spy makes sure by keeping the pressure on as she finishes her off. She lets the womans head drop on to the bed. She takes time to kiss her encased body and face, then her feet, checking out the still wet woman. She flips her back over onto her back and checks her breasts then kisses her face. She decides she should loot the place so after kissing and petting her fresh kill, the agent steals some stuff and then leaves. Body pans and views of the dead, sexy, woman follow.

Some really great kills in this series. Two real professionals whether they are dying or killing. Thanks to everyone who grabbed a copy of one or all of them, so worth every penny. For the fans of real fetish! CB
     FIGHT CLUB The Newbie
    23 minutes
      FIGHT CLUB The Newbie - FIGHT CLUB The Newbie
Starring: Belle Fatale and Hannah Perez

Club Captain and grand champion Belle is cleaning up after a long week hosting Fight Club and about to lock up when a woman comes to the door asking around, saying she knows Coco and a couple years back she gave her the address to the club and said, "If you ever want the best fighters in a death match, go visit PDX Fight Club. Belle lets her know she is closing and she must have an appointment, but when she hears that Coco sent her, and then hears the name Hannah, she gets a look in her eye and a lump in her throat. She has heard about Hannah for years, a muy Thai kick boxer that has been working the UFCW circuit and winning all across the board. Belle can not resist a fight and has never lost, obviously because she is still standing with a heart beat.

The two start stretching and immediately you can telle Belle is a bit salty and is putting her game face on. As they stretch and get ready Hannah tries to make small talk but Belle shuts her down in a second. As they square up and start talking smack, Hannah lunges a like she is going to punch, then surprises Belle with a couple of side kicks to the hip, knocking her back. The two go at it and trade blows. They really brawl and Belle uses her boxing skills and length to get in good punches while Hannah kicks and punches to gain ground. After a good brawl and change of power Hannah surprises Belle with a combination and uppercut to the jaw knocking her out cold. She smacks her around a bit, toying with her, then to humiliate her then takes her clothes off, leaving only the g string. She claims she could kill her with a neck snap but wants to fight more. She drops her and grabs water. As her back is turned, belle wakes up and grabs her hair punching her. The two get back to fighting, trading blows, but Belle gets the upper hand punching Hannah hard and knocks her to the floor.  Belle mounts her and starts pounding her face, then pounding her head in the floor over and over like she saw Coco do. She hits with a combo left and right, then Hannah bucks her off then punches Belle over and over again with a combo. She punches her with an uppercut before Belle comes back at her and uppercuts her to the sofa, knocking her out cold, her body slightly twitches as her open, fluttering eyes shut as she goes KO. Now it is Belles turn to have her fun humiliating Hannah. She gets behind her, flopping her around removing her sports bra exposing her huge tits. Belle smacks her tits around a few times hard, then again a few times more to check them out and to hang over her head when she wakes up, more humiliation for Hannah. She moves her head around and flops her a few times. She drags Hannah out to the middle of the floor and as she is talking more trash, Hannah comes to and kicks her right square between the legs, knocking her back a few feet stumbling. Belle gets punched, then kicked a few times, even with a running front kick that is brutal, but she uses her reach to punch Hannah with her bony hands and cause damage. Belle punches her again and knocks her silly, Hannah tries to recover but belle gets her by two handed drop to the back , knocking Hannah on the floor that is when Belle attacks. Belle has fun too as she slaps Hannah and the ass and pushes her down, just her G string in tact. She rolls the stunned Hannah over and punches her over and over right left combos to the jaw then feels like she wants to be done with the whole thing and chalk up another Win, she grabs Hannah behind the head and pulls her up, choking her out from behind. She chokes her hard while she lifts her up then breaks her back and the young woman starts to go limp, but still manages to use one of her arms so Belle just finishes it with the neck snap. She breaks her neck pulling up and twisting it to the side with much roughness causing an awful break, leaving Hannah limp and dead. She drops the fresh corpse and Hannah crumbles to the floor, eyes open and belle removes the hair from her face to show her sexy eyes and dead stare, mouth open from the shock. Belle tells her she should have waited and made an appointment then goes to freshen up. Body pans of the sexy dead woman fighter follow. When Belle comes back to the room she says she is glad to get rid of the rug in the room so she piles all of Hannahs stuff in with her dead body and rolls her up in the rug to take to the dump. Time to call the maid. What a hot roll of fight club meat, yum!

I am absolutely impressed with the young ladies and their skills to help me get some great fight content. Belle is awesome and Hannah is such a special treat to have here, looking forward to seeing her back soon. This fight is absolutely great in every way! KO! CB

Run Time: 22:49 minutes
File Size: 605 MB 	Format: .MP4
    11 minutes
      AGENT DRUTHERS v Jolene Hexx - AGENT DRUTHERS v. Jolene Hexx

Starring: Caroline Pierce

Introducing: Jolene Hexx

**Full1920x1080 HD**

Agent Druthers enters her flat dressed in a long, sheer Peignoir, g string, heels and a scarf. She walks to the desk and sits down, she admires the knife for protection and puts it within reach as she starts to type on the computer, sending a message to the director about a possible breach. As she stretches and thinks what to say next, a double agent sneaks up behind her, looking at the knife, but seeing she is wearing a long scarf, so she uses it to strangle her. As she unravels the scarf and uses it like a garrote, wrapping it tight and right as she strangles the special agent. Both asses jugle and shake as the strangle ensues. Agent Druthers fights for her life but can not seem to take control, no matter how much Druthers tries to get away, Jolene follows with a brilliant move and bearing down harder. She grabs both ends of the garrote with one hand freeing the other for fondling and groping. Jolene gets her fill laughing and loving every minute of Druthers demise. After a long strangle where they change positions a few times, Druthers weakens and slowly dies with her ass up and head hanging from the edge of the bed. After making sure Jolene takes her time feeling up and fondling her ass and tits, as well as her crotch. When she has her fill of groping and grinding on the dead agent, she licks the knife clean and takes it with her, taking one last look as she leaves. Agent Druthers lies there dead and her sexy body is panned and viewed from every angle.

I love working with these pros, and wow Jolene Hexx is absolutely stunning and wow, charismatic. Caroline is always looking hot and a wonderful performer. This is her first ever scene in any type of Erotic Death Fetish.
    32 minutes
Starring: Ryanne w/ Chris B.


Ranne works for the county in a portable building off campus. Her coworker Chris is a pretty quiet guy who does surveys and enters the data in the office opposite her desk. Ryanne wears a sexy top, skirt, high heels and an assortment of anklets and toe rings. She always plays with her shoes, flexing them, dangling the heels from her feet, even sliding them off and standing bare foot on the tops of the shoes, curling and flexing her toes while she types on the laptop at her station. Her perfect toes are always painted with some sort of red, this week it was a deep plum, and matched her outfits every day of the week. Chris also wonders whether Ryanne wears a bra or not, until Thursday came and she was wearing a VERY SHEER blouse that reveals the answer to his question. He knew she probably didn't but had to investigate while she worked away furiously to meet the deadline. Chris also gets caught up in her sexy face, especially when she thought hard about what she was doing, she would stick her finger slightly in her mouth, resting it on her lips, which always matched her painted fingers and toes. Every once in a while a tiny string of spittle would stretch out from the tip of her finger to her lips, driving him wild and losing ground on his work. At the end of the day, after seeing her in the sheer blouse, dangling her shoes, fingering her luscious lips, Chris was entranced by her sexiness, imagining what he would do if she wasn't such a big wig in the county office, even in charge of hiring and firing employees. His fatal mistake, which would end up being hers, is looking up from his trance with Ryanne catching him in the act of staring at her feet, looking her up and down, while touching himself in a sexual way. After the long stare, she closed her laptop, grabbed her bag, and stormed out of the room with, "You are SO fired!" Chris has already had his bouts of sexual harassment and probably can't get a job after this one, so he thinks of a plan. Luckily for him, the big boss is on vacation until Monday so he has time. While Chris is home, he concocts a mixture of drugs that will put her in a trance, and give him time to have his fun with her and dispose of her. This is perfect for what she needs. He will wait until her final break Friday and dab some of the drugs on her keyboard, then when she puts the drug coated fingers in her mouth, she will be dosed and he will get his opportunity. 4:52 was the time when Ryanne went on her final break before she headed home, and it was a long, quiet, awkward day, but she still dressed sexy in heels and skirt. Chris dabbed a liberal amount of drugs on her keys, especially the space bar that she always liked to push with her thumb, then think with the thumb on her lips. After dabbing the drugs and closing the laptop, Chris clocked out and headed to Ryanne's place to hide and wait. Sure enough she shows up right after work, walks straight to the sofa and starts to work on her laptop, and just as predicted fingers her mouth as she types and thinks hard. Soon the drug takes affect and her eyes start to get heavy, then she is in a trance, not knowing who or what is going on, only reacting to touch and sound, and certain key words which become obvious. Chris walks in and double checks, waving his hand in her face. She is pretty unaware and he tells her his commands. He tells her to stand up and remove her panties, he grabs and feels her ass, then tells her to sit down in front of him. He checks out her pussy and she is already wet, the drug is working well. Now he has to see these tits he has been wondering about so he grabs and fondles them, squeezing the tits and nipples hard. She starts to breath a little heavy, enjoying the senses. He tells her to show him her feet. She lays back and sticks her feet up, he sucks her toes and licks her soles, he is in heaven. He starts to call her his little office slut, which seems to make her react each time. He touches her pussy and it is sopping wet, he calls her office slut again and it sends her into a sexual frenzy, rubbing her tits and pinching her own nipples. After he says it one last time she sits up pushing him back and unzips his jeans, grabbing his cock out and stroking it until it is hard and lubed up by his own excitement. She jacks him fast and he becomes very erect. He is so excited that when she goes to suck him off he is ready to cum on her tits and face to humiliate her and she snaps out of her drug induced trance. He is caught off guard but remembers having the stockings in his pocket he grabbed off of the chair to tie her up with so he takes it out of his pocket and wraps it around her neck, snatching her up from behind with his strong arms. He takes her down to the sofa so she can bounce up and down on his dick, so he can enjoy the strangle before he does what he pleases with her. She fights hard grabbing at the garrote but not being able to get free until she slaps him and it stuns him for a split second, but he gets control again after she gets a breath in and "You are so fired!!!" Chris is not messing around and says, "You are SO dead!" He strangles her hard as she flexes her feet and curls her toes, stiffening her legs and body as she bucks her mound upwards high. As she sprawls out trying to get free, she can only fight, weaken, and die, slowly until there is no movement, after a few twitches.  She is dead and he lifts her up off of him ragdolling her body around to get her up and into position to fuck her still sopping wet pussy from behind. He throws her over the chair arm and fucks her hard from behind, lifting up her head by her hair so her tits bounce and her tongue lolls. He gets close to cumming but he wants to save the finale for her sexy feet soles and toes. He pulls out of her and goes to her feet. He fucks her feet, rubbing and slapping his dick on her soles and fucking between her feet as she is frog legged. he gets her in position so he can cum on her sexy painted toes and does, coating her feet with a huge layer of cum. He Continues to pleasure himself with her toes sticking the head of his dick through her toes finishing off. He goes to get dressed but wants a souvenir, he removes her favorite toe ring ankle bracelet that is connected, also known as a slave sandal. He pulls it slowly from her toe as it is coated in cum. He leaves to wash it as the rest of the cum drips off of her sexy toes. He gest dressed and heads to find some plastic and such to get rid of her. Her sexy, strangled, used body is panned and viewed on display with extended views of the death stare and sexy feet. Good work Chris, now maybe you can be in charge of hiring!

Wow, even though I feel like heck, I must say that strangling and cumming on Ryanne was the best feeling in a awhile. Vacation soon, that is what Chris needs. Thanks! CB

Run Time: 31:20 minutes
File Size: 600 MB 	Format: .MP4
    27 minutes
Starring: Belle Fatale & Kiki w/ Chris B.

Belle and Kiki are hanging out at Belle's Apartment. They are dressed in sexy short dresses and high heels, toes painted, ready to hit the party in a bit. Belle's controlling boyfriend Chris, is so obsessed that he makes his way over to her place and hides. Kiki finally talks her into breaking things off, but Belle knows it wont stick, he will come back and try to run things again. Belle calls him to break up, but he won't take that as an answer. She doesn't realize he is in her bathroom talking to her on the phone when she does the breakup. He is so mad that he tells her she is crazy and hangs up. Still scared, Belle decides to change dresses, just in case Chris shows up at the party uninvited, and makes a scene about her tiny sequin dress that shows her ass. Kiki puts in her headphones and starts to listen to some loud disco, and smoke her e-cigarette, so she is oblivious to the sounds that are about to happen. As Belle gets her dress and top off, Chris sneaks out behind her with one of her stockings from work, stretched out thin, and pulls her down to the bed for a long, hard strangle. One of the things Chris loves about his Girl is she is a fighter, and very spirited, which shows in the way she claws at the tight stocking around her neck. She kicks hard, bucking and trying to get air, but she is choking and losing her breathe. Her eyes bug out and her tongue protrudes fishing for air, but she can not win. He strangles her long and hard, she fights hard but slowly goes still and cross-eyed, not moving a bit. During her strangle, Kiki is rocking out and doesn't know her BFF is getting torqued in the bedroom. When Chris is done killing Belle, he flops her off of him and rolls her over, heading to the living room to kill Kiki who has been an anti Chris advocate for a while now, so he is revenge minded. She feels heavy steps coming her way and starts to remove the ear piece headphones, and turns her head to see Chris and his scowl of death. He grabs her headphones and wraps the thin white cord around her neck and starts to choke her hard.  She kicks and bucks, reacing almost orgasmically as she fights him. Her sexy legs kick and jolt as he pulls hard on the thin wire. She claws and grabs at her neck trying to get the garotte, but to no avail. Chris is way too strong and very pissed off at this point. He is mad because she was trying to salt his game by cock blocking and being a bitch. As she bucks and kicks in her bare feet, kick the couch and pillows, she slowly winds down to still, wide eyed, and stone cold dead. Chris is very happy now, and in the moment he thinks, "well i have them here, so why not fuck them both." Two of the hottest chicks he has been hanging out with and now they are quiet and speechless, which to Chris is the best kind of sex. He carries Kiki to the bedroom and arranges them together. He takes turns molesting and fucking their dead bodies in a couple different positions, until he finishes in his now Ex girlfriend. After he nuts up he arranges the bodies so they are next to each other on the bed, face up, eyes open. He says a couple words then exits through the door, on to his next new girlfriend. Hell there is a party to attend, and It's all mine!

Freaking awesome hot gals, great story and strangles! Both gals are so sexy and great at this. Strangles!!! Thanks again for choosing Chris' Corner and Taboo Cinema! CB
    18 minutes
      SLAUGHTER DIARIES Lexxi - Starring: Lexxi and Tessa

Two good friends from Prep School connect again after a few years, prompting them to write in their diaries about the times when they were young and free, role playing with each other. Both ladies have their favorite blades, and both like to switch seats when it comes to getting their throats sliced erotically. These are Slaughter Diaries.

Lexxi writes in her diary: Done in voice Over

Dear diary,


 "Tonight felt strange working a banquet at the country club, especially since the every chef at the big carving table had this large scimitar, it had to be at least ten to twelve inches, and shimmered through the room, catching my attention. I almost dumped an entire tray of champagne when I saw the edge on the blade. I made my rounds and stopped behind the table so no one was going to notice that I was staring at the knife. I had to go to the closest private bathroom and masturbate. It made me think of my favorite times with my ex dorm mate in college, how we would use the knife on each other in our slaughter role-play. I especially loved to use the knife on Tessa as her neck was extended, and offered herself to me as a ritual slaughter, pushing me to the point of complete ecstasy.

 "We spent so many snow days, and skipped class a multitude of times just to play with each other and live out our fantasies."

  "I often lie in bed at night and close my eyes, dreaming about my fingers touching her elongated neck, and wishing that our fantasy would continue when I opened them. I really do miss Tessa, but her memory lives on in my mind as my perfect animal for slaughter."

As she lays in her be, masturbating, flashing back to the times when she would play with Tessa, and how Tessa would use the straight razor, with the rose wood handle, she took from her grandpa's shaving kit, running it over her neck ever so slightly until Lexxi would burst into orgasm. Prep school had great memories, especially the ones Lexxi writes about in her diary. As she would play dead, she would imagine herself with a thin cut through her neck, with one quick pass of the razor, leaving her speechless, and full of good feelings, then stillness, and eyes wide open in death, the way that Tessa handled her and untied her from the chair, caressing her and handling her with care. They are kindred spirits that share something special in dreamland. It's time for bed and a good feeling that tomorrow is anther day, and another entry in the "Slaughter Diaries". 

This was so much fun. I must warn you be prepared for Lexxi's masturbation scenes, holy mole she is such a ridiculously gorgeous woman. Cop this one!Irma's blood f/x are way better, getting great!  BOUTIQUE OF CRIME PT 2
    18 minutes


Starring: Samantha, Lena, Sammi, Veronika, Stevie, and Carmen w/ Abe and Alex

As the smoke clears the two cops go in search of the rest of the gang with orders to shoot to kill. Good luck with these two lousy shots. They finally swing back around to the warehouse and find Stevie, Carmen, and Sammi, trying to escape with all the loot, and they start firing on them. The two groups exchange rounds as they are pinned behind a metal lift, and the girls behind a motorcycle. Countless rounds fly through the room and hit everything but flesh as they shoot towards each other. After several misses, Veronika�s gang comes up from behind to ambush the entire group. When the 3 hot killers come around the corner they open fire and shoot the cops in the back, the two officers fall to the floor dead. The ruthless gang steps on the cops, shoving them aside to get a better position behind the big steel lift. The 6 girls let it all out, the first bullet to land a blow grazes Carmen�s arm. She yells in pain but quickly gets back to short bursts with the M-83, keeping the other gang pinned behind the lift. Samantha is crazy and runs out into the open wielding a Mac-11. At the same time Sammi rushes at her shooting her silenced pistol landing a shot in Samantha�s belly. She screams in pain still trying to fire her weapon as she runs out of ammo for the Mac. She takes two more rounds to the breasts as well as a hot one above her tit, near the collarbone. Samantha goes to her knees gasping, wrenching in massive pain from the multiple rounds. She jerks and heaves and blood leaks from the holes in her sexy body. She goes to the floor, blood seeping from her mouth, twitching, with spasms, until she is done.

Sammi looks down after the swap of hot lead and realizes she took one in the belly, at this same time she takes 3 more bullets to her chest. She is astonished and blood pours from her mouth as she stares with disbelief. She even tries to pick up the empty gun again to get a few more off before she dies, but doesn�t realize that she is out of ammo. It is too late, she is done for and after crawling towards Samatha, she falls to her death. After her lovely body is examined with body pans, as the action insues, Lena rushes at Carmen saying, "It ends here bitch". She puts two rounds in Carmen�s right breast. This stuns Carmen as she stumbles to find ground, with the empty M-83. She falls to her knees, grabs Sammi�s empty gun, and tries to fire. She stands but then falls back into the Hair dryer chair against the wall. The tough broad jiggles and jerks as she goes into dead land. Pow Pow! Stevie lands two shots on the defenseless Lena, one in the gut and one in her upper thigh. Stevie hit an artery so the blood pumps out of Lena�s leg and she tries to make herself stand, but looses footing and slides to the floor. She bleeps from her guts, leg, and mouth as she expires with some twitching, hip bucks, and a classic stare to finish.

Then there were two! Stevie feels confident that she will prevail, seeing as she has a half full clip left, and Veronika, with her 357 six shooter needs to reload. Thinking she has timed it right by counting shots fired to make a break, Stevie grabs the drugs and cash and heads to the exit. Veronika is a sneaky one though and has 3 rounds stashed in her gun. She gives Stevie one to the belly as she crosses in front of Veronika. She fires her last round at Veronika, landing it right in her navel. Veronika lunges backwards from the impact. She screams in pain, but looks up at Stevie and her spent pistol and says, "ha, out of ammoï"? "Rookie mistake", and shoots two red hot rounds to Stevie�s chest hitting the target square. Stevie hits the door, sliding down the wall and hitting the floor. She starts to moan and cry in pain. Her legs twist and twirl around and she bucks her hips so high that you lose sight of everything but her perfect crotch and ass momentarily before you see blood dripping from her mouth. She finally dies twitching and slumped, spread eagle against the front door.

Veronika has a gut wound but is still alive as she walks to her nemesis and grabs the duffle back full of contraband and cash. She turns and walks towards the back door, but stops to deliver the final line in a smug way. "Well, I guess you could say this Boutique is closed". As she is finishing her cocky comment, Alex raises his gunhand and sends his last bullet directly into Veronika's sternum. She yells in pain, hitting the floor and giving the best death performance (I have ever seen) well next to the one Samantha does a few minutes prior, haha. As the smoke clears we see the entire boutique, dead on the floor, from every angle with a focus on each body.
    13 minutes
Starring: Ryanne w/ Jigsy


After drugging, fondling, photographing, and strangling the flighty redheaded model to death, the photographer takes his time with his freshly dead corpse. He slowly checks out her neck and the stocking still tied to her long, slender neckline. He starts slowly checking out her large and perfect breasts with his fingers, rubbing and pinching the still erect nipples. He grabs them one at a time then together. He wants more so he moves around the sofa to get a frontal view. He kneels down and plays with the huge mounds more, then licks and sucks them both thoroughly. He sticks his face in between them and rubs them all over his face and head. He pulls the dead girl up to him and undoes his pants, he takes her feet up over his shoulders one at a time and then grabs the pair of pink high heeled pumps from her bag. He puts the shoes over her toes so they dangle and smells her sexy feet and shoes. He is infatuated with her feet and worships them in his face and mouth. He starts to fuck her and gains his rhythm banging her so her big tits jiggle to and fro. He goes deep, then flips her over to check out her ass and her soles, sizing her up for a bit of doggy style. Her soles are perfect and her ass is spectacular. He fucks her burying her head in the sofa. He fucks her doggy for a bit slamming her ass hard as he fucks her. He then flips her back over, now really interested in the feet for the rest. He gets her ready for some foot loving as he wrestles her dead body on the couch rag dolling her and posing her in a sexy death pose so he can cum. He gets her feet up on the arm of the sofa and sniffs her soles and her painted toes. The deep red is his favorite and it shows. His mouth is open and he is panting, licking his chops for the feet. He once again dangles the pink pumps from her feet and then lets them drop, reposing them on the feet, then standing up to mount her feet he gets rid of the heels and fucks her bare feet until he cums all over them, shooting his cum on her toes so the paint on them sparkles. He lets her have it all on her feet and when it subsides, and after rubbing his dick all over the feet, he slowly exits to get cleaned up. Body pans follow as the sexy, dead, and posed redhead model lays feet up on the sofa arm, covered in cum. After viewing her sexy dead body and face, feet, eyes, tongue, and breasts, he comes back in and grabs the envelope with the check and tears it up and of course has something smart to say. A couple more views follow with the ripped up check on her breasts.

Ryanne is so hot, even as crappy as I feel she still gets me going. Not many like her. Lot's of customs coming up with her in the coming months. Thanks. Chris

Run Time: 13:45 minutes
File Size: 290 MB 	Format: .MP4
    20 minutes

Starring: Ryanne w/ voices of demons in hell
Narrated voice overs by Ryanne


After being attacked and abducted, Ryanne wakes up the next day to more beatings and more torment from the demons and their devices. When she comes to, she is marked up, bruised up, bleeding, and still in her stockings and garter. As she fearfully crawls and creeps around the room, she finds a long sheer white nightgown. As she puts it on over her huge breasts and down over her perfect ass, which has lash marks from the whip, the sweat and blood make her shine. She feels against the wall frantically looking for the trap door escape hatch the demons told her was there. After looking for a bit she hears the demons coming, with a cattle prod and the demons shock her over and over on her tits and her midsection and after she falls to the floor and rolls the demons shock her ass. After so much pain and suffering the day before, she eventually passes out from the electrocution. After being out she wakes up with her hands tied behind her and sitting on a stool. The demons torment her with promises of more beatings and whipping. A demon's arm pulls down the bodice of the nightgown and exposes one of her tits. The demon fist comes in and punches her in the face over and over, splattering blood all over the wall. The demon fists come in and punch her big tits as the swing back and forth from the punches. She screams in pain, asking to be saved from her torment. Begging, pleading for the demons to stop hurting and tormenting her. After beating her bloody the demons bring out the cattle prod and shock her breasts over and over again. She tries to move away but the demon keeps her tied on the stool and shocks her vagina over and over again with the cattle prod as she shakes uncontrollably from being shocked over and over with the prod. After much electrocution she slumps off of the chair out cold, falling to the floor on her side, hands still tied behind her. When she comes to, she pulls the bodice of the nightgown up over her breasts trying to cover herself but soon the demon voices call to her and say they are going to whip her tender flesh with the tail of the whip till she is bloody. She cries and pleads, begging to not be whipped again, because she can't take anymore pain. As the whip comes down hard on her it tears her nighty up and slashes her breasts, as each stroke from the whip leaves a slash of bleeding welts on her tits and sides, even on her face. The whipper is relentless and punishes her flesh with the whip while she screams in anguish. The whip eventually slashes the nightgown off sliding down to the floor. As the final whips land, she falls to the floor on her knees, crawling around, beaten and broken. The pain makes her pass out and she lays on the floor, bleeding and beaten, naked except for the stockings and garter. When she wakes up again they throw water on her again, she is so sore, now only wearing a loincloth that is made of a piece of cord and a chunk of the nightgown she was wearing that was whipped to shreds. She crawls around the floor trying to stand up but is too sore and in pain to stand. She musters up enough energy to feel over the wall again and find the spot that has the trap door, but soon the demons are upon her telling her what they will do next. They will beat her with clubs and slash her with knives. The demon arm comes in and whacks Ryanne in the head with the club, knocking her almost down each time, whack to the face, to the head, and then over and over on her tits. The demons beat her with clubs as she tries to cover herself. The demons bring out a large knife and slash her body over and over with the knife, shinging and slashing the knife across her body, leaving openings with blood pouring out of her wounds on her tummy, chest, and breasts. Knowing she is at her breaking point the demons use the cattle prod again as she cries pleading in a poor and painful voice to let her go, she can't take the pain any longer. The demons use the cattle prod on her, shocking her all over as she convulses wildly, eyes rolling in her head and shaking eyes crossed, she is so overboard in pain that she passes out on the floor, almost dead but barely clinging. Laying passed out, broken, beaten, whipped, shocked, clubbed, and slashed, then shocked again until her body shuts down. Body pans of the beautiful but broken woman laying on the floor covered in blood and marks.

What a performance by a great actor and model Ryanne. Man can she sell that she is being tormented and I love the voice overs showing her pain. Lot's of time spent meticulously editing and soundtracking this gem. Enjoy! Back to our favorite shootings and strangles next week. Thanks! CB 
Price: 18.00
Run Time: 20:20 minutes
File Size: 600 MB 	Format: .MP4
Updated: April 10 2016 11:55 am
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