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    18 minutes


Starring: Samantha, Lena, Sammi, Veronika, Stevie, and Carmen w/ Abe and Alex

As the smoke clears the two cops go in search of the rest of the gang with orders to shoot to kill. Good luck with these two lousy shots. They finally swing back around to the warehouse and find Stevie, Carmen, and Sammi, trying to escape with all the loot, and they start firing on them. The two groups exchange rounds as they are pinned behind a metal lift, and the girls behind a motorcycle. Countless rounds fly through the room and hit everything but flesh as they shoot towards each other. After several misses, Veronika�s gang comes up from behind to ambush the entire group. When the 3 hot killers come around the corner they open fire and shoot the cops in the back, the two officers fall to the floor dead. The ruthless gang steps on the cops, shoving them aside to get a better position behind the big steel lift. The 6 girls let it all out, the first bullet to land a blow grazes Carmen�s arm. She yells in pain but quickly gets back to short bursts with the M-83, keeping the other gang pinned behind the lift. Samantha is crazy and runs out into the open wielding a Mac-11. At the same time Sammi rushes at her shooting her silenced pistol landing a shot in Samantha�s belly. She screams in pain still trying to fire her weapon as she runs out of ammo for the Mac. She takes two more rounds to the breasts as well as a hot one above her tit, near the collarbone. Samantha goes to her knees gasping, wrenching in massive pain from the multiple rounds. She jerks and heaves and blood leaks from the holes in her sexy body. She goes to the floor, blood seeping from her mouth, twitching, with spasms, until she is done.

Sammi looks down after the swap of hot lead and realizes she took one in the belly, at this same time she takes 3 more bullets to her chest. She is astonished and blood pours from her mouth as she stares with disbelief. She even tries to pick up the empty gun again to get a few more off before she dies, but doesn�t realize that she is out of ammo. It is too late, she is done for and after crawling towards Samatha, she falls to her death. After her lovely body is examined with body pans, as the action insues, Lena rushes at Carmen saying, "It ends here bitch". She puts two rounds in Carmen�s right breast. This stuns Carmen as she stumbles to find ground, with the empty M-83. She falls to her knees, grabs Sammi�s empty gun, and tries to fire. She stands but then falls back into the Hair dryer chair against the wall. The tough broad jiggles and jerks as she goes into dead land. Pow Pow! Stevie lands two shots on the defenseless Lena, one in the gut and one in her upper thigh. Stevie hit an artery so the blood pumps out of Lena�s leg and she tries to make herself stand, but looses footing and slides to the floor. She bleeps from her guts, leg, and mouth as she expires with some twitching, hip bucks, and a classic stare to finish.

Then there were two! Stevie feels confident that she will prevail, seeing as she has a half full clip left, and Veronika, with her 357 six shooter needs to reload. Thinking she has timed it right by counting shots fired to make a break, Stevie grabs the drugs and cash and heads to the exit. Veronika is a sneaky one though and has 3 rounds stashed in her gun. She gives Stevie one to the belly as she crosses in front of Veronika. She fires her last round at Veronika, landing it right in her navel. Veronika lunges backwards from the impact. She screams in pain, but looks up at Stevie and her spent pistol and says, "ha, out of ammoï"? "Rookie mistake", and shoots two red hot rounds to Stevie�s chest hitting the target square. Stevie hits the door, sliding down the wall and hitting the floor. She starts to moan and cry in pain. Her legs twist and twirl around and she bucks her hips so high that you lose sight of everything but her perfect crotch and ass momentarily before you see blood dripping from her mouth. She finally dies twitching and slumped, spread eagle against the front door.

Veronika has a gut wound but is still alive as she walks to her nemesis and grabs the duffle back full of contraband and cash. She turns and walks towards the back door, but stops to deliver the final line in a smug way. "Well, I guess you could say this Boutique is closed". As she is finishing her cocky comment, Alex raises his gunhand and sends his last bullet directly into Veronika's sternum. She yells in pain, hitting the floor and giving the best death performance (I have ever seen) well next to the one Samantha does a few minutes prior, haha. As the smoke clears we see the entire boutique, dead on the floor, from every angle with a focus on each body.  BACKDOOR DELIVERY
    36 minutes
Starring: Treasure w/ Johnny Wood

Finally the parents let Treasure stay at home while they go to a dental convention in Toronto. She is excited, talking to her friend, telling her she can't come over, this is the first time and she wants to behave..She already spent most of the money they left her but has just enough to get some Pizza Delivered. When the delivery guy gets there he is clean cut and smiling, she invites him in and thanks him for delivering to the back door, she has no idea that today she will also be getting it in her virgin back door! She accidentally drops her wallet and when she bends over to grab it, the pizza guy grabs her cunt, and ass, she turns and tries to slap him but he blocks her and punches her in the stomach. He punches her in the gut again, but harder, knocking her to the floor, he grabs her hair and says that she better just go with it or she is going to die. She is scared, and as he pins her to the floor he starts to finger her roughly, she struggles, then gets free, she runs, but he grabs her by her legs and pulls her hard to the floor. The man is rough with her slapping her and punching her, he also wants her to know that he is not fucking around..He slaps her again before he rips her shirt all the way open, exposing her huge titties, then twists, abuses, and has her way with them. He wants more, so he goes to the kitchen rifling through the drawers for something to bind her, Gaffers tape is the best option so he takes her to the floor, rips the rest of the shirt off and tapes her arms behind her back with great force. She is crying but his knee is in her neck holding her to the floor so she cant do a thing. He picks her up by the hands and hair, and sticks his dick in her face, she objects so he forces her with a sharp knife to suck, lick the shaft, and balls, of his cock..He gags and chokes her while he mouth fucks her hard. He gets bored and wants more so he grabs her up and throws her on her mattress on the floor. He jumps on her and forces his cock into her pussy, raping her over and over while she begs him to stop.. he does her every which way, then he tells her she is going to have a rough day, and is going to pay with her ass, he fingers her ass, then rapes her ass with his huge dick. She screams and pleads for him to stop, he is too big, and her ass hurts. He fucks her harder in the ass and does for a while, then he heads over to the kitchen to grab some cash before he leaves..He sees she only has $14 and change, it makes him so mad, so he grabs a rope in the drawers and heads to her room, where she lies in the fetal position, in pain and disgust.

he comes back to the room very upset and grabs her again and forces her to give him oral, sucking and licking the balls and shaft till he cums all over her face and eye. H then grabs the rope and says they are not finished, he is in a rage and strangles her hard, in many different positions around the room, upright, on the floor, the couch, and the bed. He strangles her so hard, she fights, gags, drools, and chokes more from the tight rope around her neck. She kicks, and grabs for the rope, twitching and gasping, eyes wide open, tongue fishing for air. He fights her hard and wins, after she is dead he removes the rope, showing the amount of friction and tightness around her neck. He then moves her around, carrying and positioning her for the body pans...Long pans and different views of the poor dead girl, as he leaves he calls his boss and tells him they were shorted and someone didn't answer at the house...

    17 minutes
Starring: Belle Fatale as: Detective Martin and Freya as Spider Woman

A long list of missing persons from this area has detective Erica Martin coming the specific region where the disappearances have all occurred. She is alone, only her service weapon, a radio, and dressed in heels and skirt, with a button down top, not really the best attire for traipsing through the woods looking for a killer, who leaves no trace of the victims. As she moves tactically through the woods, down an old service road, Erica encounters all kinds of bugs and webs, one thing she really does not like is spiders, and spider webs. Ironically enough, moving behind her without a trace, A Spider Woman, moving quickly like a shadow through the woods from tree to tree without a noise. Erica is freaked out by all the bugs but keeps her composure. The spider playfully grabs a stick from the ground, snapping it loudly so it startles the Detective, and she spins around pointing her gun. The spider loves to have fun with her prey before ever feasting on her. There is a process, and to feed on this woman's juices and fluids, she must get her ripe and ready. Part of that process is the chase and the on set of fear and adrenaline pumping through her veins increasing the blood flow. The spider moves again, and Erica makes a call on the radio, sounding confident, but also mentioning there are a shit ton of bugs and it is creeping her out. After she tells HQ she needs NO Backup, the spider licks her chops and spills copious amounts of saliva readying her mouth for the feats of blood, cum, and plasma. She breaks another stick startling Erica who spins around and sees something out the corner of her eye. She is freaked out but keeps her stance, the Spider advances and breakneck speed and is upon her, shredding the detective's top with one swipe of her sharp claws, and disappearing into the brush, only to reappear and do the same thing to her bottoms skirt, and biting her on the ass twice, sinking her fangs and getting the first dose of venom in the detective's body, then vanishing into thin air. Erica trips staggers and falls face first in the dirt, writhing in pain from the bites. She moves around in agony, then quickly jumps up with blurred vision from the toxic venom that renders the victims helpless, but still fully aware, awake, and with enhanced physical feelings. As Eric spins around firing of her pistol at thin air, the spider makes herself seen and the Detective starts to back up pointing the gun but not being able to fire for some reason, the toxins are in full effect. She keeps backing up and the spider taunts as Erica backs straight into the web, immediately being entangled in the web and flailing freaking out as the spider laughs and taunts Erica. As she gets caught even more into the web trying furiously to escape but just making it worse every time she tries to break free. The spider knows this is part of the process and it is time to stimulate the body to bring forth the juices. She moves around to her back behind the web, reaching through and twisting and pulling on the detective's nipples to get the blood flowing. The spider moves around and takes a big bite into Erica's breasts, immediately the detective moans in pain and pleasure, sounding like she is having sex, slowly getting more and more into it as the spider sucks her breast, then massaging the nipples with her bloody tongue, almost vampire in nature. Erica moans in pleasure and pain as the venom takes effect more so in her sexual organs. She starts to buck and heave, moving around and breathing heavily as the spider has her way with her. She bites her breasts again and sucks them hard, leaving bite marks and tons of blood and plasma leaking out. After she sucks the breasts and the Detective is in full swing of her first assignment as a feast for a spider, and definitely her last. She asks the Spider, "what are you and what do you want from me?" "You are my food, and I am preparing you for my feast." the spider relied with a chuckle, then returned to her, but this time she was focusing on her panties, then removing them with a shred of her sharp claws. She starts to touch and massage her clit, stimulating the pussy to make the blood and juices taste best. She flicks her tong, biting the detective's pussy, blood and cum start to leak out as she is going full bore on her pussy. Erica is in convulsions orgasming and going into shock at the same time, her eyes rolling back in her head as the spider drains her body of its juices. She is relentlessly sucking and getting as much as she can, Erica is fading quickly and starts to buck and shake hard, then dies, but the spider keeps going and revives her for one last orgasm and final spurt of blood and juices to take in for her feast. As Erica's body revives, her eyes stay wide, but her body shakes and orgasms hard as the spider drains her of everything she desires, the cream of the crop. The Spider pulls back checking her work and laughing maniacally, removing the shell of a woman left on the web. The detective is limp and drained, and falls to the ground as she is released from the web. The Spider will continue to take what it needs over the next few hours and days, so she rolls the body over and drags her off into the woods to her pile of bones and hair.

HOLY MOLY! THE ACTING IS SO WELL DONE! You already kno0w Belle but she is on some times 100 stuff in this wow! Crazy good and so well worth it. I spent over 30 hours editing this with the 3 camera set up and f/x. Wow! This is what sets us apart. Thanks! CB

Run Time: 17:00 minutes
File Size: 795 MB 	Format: .MP4
    14 minutes
Starring: Willow Brooks & Lilith

A young lady is sleeping in her bed, having dreams of slaughtering her girlfriend in a role play scenario. Her as the master and her girlfriend Lilith as the animal meat. She dreams then wakes to find her girlfriend in the shower waiting for her, before she gets in, Willow shows her the hot dream as they kiss, make out with each other and the knife. She directs her, ties her up, plays with her tits and ass with the knife, kissing her soft, and then with full tongue. She does her favorite position and puts Lilith on her knees, she plays with and kisses her neck before she teases with the blade, then with one quick slice she opens her throat, surprise in Lilith's eyes but she seems to die content, eyes wide open, and bleeding from her neck wound. Willow plays with her body, then puts away the knife before hopping in the shower to cool off and rinse the blood off while her gal lay dead, still on the bathroom floor.

This is a hot slaughter, great chemistry! CB
    40 minutes
Starring: Belle w/ Nick and Chris B.

A young woman's car runs out of gas because of bad signage. She wanders up to some country folks house to use their phone and finds out that unless you are desperate, don't mess around in the country. Two brothers receive her as a guest until she says something rude, then it's all bad from there on out. The two brothers beat her, rape her and take turns tormenting her throughout the day and night. They beat her up and knock her out. They hog tie her, then Billy spanks her with daddy's belt across the ass, leaving red welts. The brothers then force a large 22 oz. beer bottle in her pussy, then Bubba wakes her up with a face fuck, screwing her mouth raw with lots of drool and spit coming out, gagging her with his large member. He fucks her in her pussy hard, raping her from behind. Billy jerks off and watches, but his brother won't let him have any, just tells him to get more rope. Well, he comes in after a nap and Billy is messing with his toy, I mean Billy got the last two. He face fucks her some more till he serves her up a tasy facial telling her to suck it, open her mouth and clean it off. After she cleans him off Billy face fucks her then adds to the Glaze, a double facial for her to deal with until they decide what to do. "Well brother, I think it is time to do what you do best, and that magic with the rope." He knows it means a good long strangle with lots of drool and spittle, he also loves to catch and release, to watch them die slower, and harder. He lets her off the rope for a couple times and she gasps, then after a laugh, he pulls tight again and she drools all over herself. After a long, bloodshot strangle, she dies her last death. Her eyes are blood red from the asphyxia, and her neck is raw from the rope burn. He lets her fall face forward into the rug, then after he checks her out from above, he sits, then checks her ass out, with her hands tied up. Then he kicks her on her side, to see her death stare. They are hungry so they head to grab a bite. Bubba comes back pushes her on her back, and grabs a chunk of her hair for his collection. They leave and we see her crossed eyes and dead stare. Hair fucked up and matted from all the abuse and cum.

Well, that's what happens when you don't use manners in the country!  A TOUGH DECISION
    29 minutes
Starring: Salang w/ Chris B.

Chris is a con man, drifter, and womanizer. he is on his next victim, a very sexy, beautiful investment firm's accountant. Her name is Salang. Since he met at the bar after her nasty break up, he has convinced her to embezzle large sums of money and send them to an offshore account, so that they can live happily ever after. They enter their hotel room 3 hours from home, after eating a nice dinner to celebrate the last deposit and their departure to somewhere tropical.  Chris is vague about the whereabouts of their paradise, but is elaborate in his plans. He fills her inn, soothing her worries, and getting her ready for the last ride of her life. They start to make out as he undresses her slowly. he pushes her back on to the bed then removes her shoes, kisses her breasts, licks her pussy and fingers her to get her hot, then she returns the favor by taking his clothes off of him and sucking his dick, She licks and sucks him, enjoying every bit. After a nice BJ, Chris pushes her back on to the bed and puts on his condom, claiming kids would ruin their plans, and plunges himself deep inside her. They have sex in many positions, and when he is fucking her hard from behind, pulling her hair, she claims she wants it, "harder, harder!" Chris obliges then flips her over to finish his fuck He cums inside of her and they both climax, and fall limp. He is laying in her arms when he says he needs some water. "Would you like some too dear?" She says yes. Chris goes to the bathroom and puts a poison pill in her cup, claiming he was taking his meds. When she drinks the water she immediately says, "this water sure tastes funny here." "I agree" says Chris. After a big swig she starts to cough and gag, saying that she couldn't breathe very well and she was feeling sick. She tries to go to the bathroom and falls down, she gets back to the bed and really starts to curl up and cough. He encourages her to drink more water, it will help. She downs the cup of poison water and goes into twitches and asks him what is wrong with her. He explains, "I had no choice, I couldn't be too safe, I did what I had to do."..."But I thought you loved me?" "You poisoned me?" she exclaims while choking. He explains more then says they should do one last round. He pulls her by her hair towards his body, whips out his cock and forces it into her mouth. He fucks her face as she gags, drools, and chokes on his hard cock. He cums in her mouth and tosses her head to the bed. She is fully twitching, eyes rolling back in her head, and then straight again. She foams at the mouth and jerks into a convulsive, then still state as she dies, eyes wide open, mouth open. He throws her spread eagle onto the bed, then exits to get things packed up. Right before he leaves he tells her he will miss her but will bury her deep in the desert on his way to his fortune in paradise. "You were good, but I will find another." Slow pans and views of her sexy dead corpse.

Run Time: 28:15 minutes
File Size: 700 MB	Format: .WMV
Category: POISONING/Poisoning
    26 minutes
Starring: Lexxi w/ Jackson

Story by: Silk Knot

A young woman is off work and ends up at a small lounge to get a couple glasses of Champagne and hope to meet some stranger who might bring her some chit chat or small talk. When she gets to the lounge it is around shift change and very dead, only the barkeep polishing crystal at the end of the bar. She walks in wearing a nice pencil skirt, white button down shirt, and lacy black high heel pumps, no stockings, and sits a the bar chair. The barkeep let\'s her settle in, nonchalant, checking her out while she gets seated and looks down at her phone. She orders a glass of bubbly and he pours at the bar, in the nice crystal. When he serves it she looks flushed and embarrassed, asking him if they take checks because she forgot her debit card. He says \"sure, no problem\" and goes back to his side work, while she sips her glass and looks at her phone and randomly dangles her high heel shoes, letting them slide almost off and then on again as she sips her drink and palys with her phone. The more he looks at her sexy figure, perfect legs, and cute smile, the more he wonders what is underneath, but keeps his mind on work. At the same time she is playing with her shoes, dangling and dipping them up on the stool, when the right one falls to the floor, he immediately notices she is wearing red toenail polish and has sexy pedicured feet and toes. Now he must find out what she is like. He let\'s her know he is taking off and the next bartender would be there in a few minutes to serve her again, so she decides to pay her check. She signs the check and hands it to him, as he looks at it he sees her address in the upper corner, he quickly memorizes it, already knowing that part of town on the West Side, he would have to make it back quickly to beat her back to her place, so instead of making her cash the check, he hands it back to her and says the drink is on the house. She blushes and and smiles with a Thank You as he exits after he clocks out. She smiles and almost seems disappointed he is leaving after making a connection. The loneliness of a single working girl, living in a tiny apartment, barely any furniture, but she did have a bedroom and a full length mirror. As he beats her back to her place and goes through her room, he ties some fishing line to a scarf hanging on a lamp so she would have to pick it up and he could have his way. As she is just finishing up at the bar, only a couple miles away, he gets in place to watch her undress and then...

As she returns from her drink, back to her lonely life and small abode, she walks in her bedroom, not knowing a thing, just another lonely night. She starts to undress, removing her shirt, revealing a sexy black bra, and slowly with her heels, rubbing her feet and admiring her own sexy toes. She stands up and slinks her skirt off, looking in the mirror the entire time focusing on how sexy and fit she is, not even knowing the bartender is in the closet checking her out. As she removes her panties, she dangles them off her toe for a a few seconds before tossing them with a lunge of her pointed toes. She checks out her tits in the mirror, feeling them and smiling, pushing her hair up with her hands to show the sexy form of her torso and fine neck. As she is looking she notices something moving in her peripheral vision and looks to see the scarf on the floor, when she picks it up and turns around to run it across her back and buttocks, she is lassoed around the neck by his thin necktie and the force of him pulling her upward cinches down the knot to start choking her out. She grabs at the tie and grabs his arms ad tries to free herself, but in his rush of adrenaline he lifts her body off the floor, holding the tie that is wrapped in his fist up high while he holds her under her breasts with the other arm. He slowly gets her over in front of the mirror so he can see more of what is going on as he does his deed. She is strong and fights back but is in shock and awe of the power. When they get squared up to the mirror and she gets a chance to see who is doing this to her, her eyes go wide with fear that just shortly before he was the gentleman behind the bar who gave her a drink on the house. He says absolutely nothing as he does his deed. You could tell he knew what he wanted by the way he strangled her, pulling her up then finally slamming her feet to the floor so he could set the ligature tight around her neck and get a few more tugs in so he could play with her and have her dancing for him in front of the mirror.  As he got a bit more intimate, sitting on the edge of the bed so he could see her in the mirror, and also have some fun with her. He holds her up, by the neck, her heels kicking on the floor in the mirror as she struggles he twists and pinches her nipples and gropes her breasts. As she starts to pass out he moves her chin to see how close she is as her eyes roll back and she tries for air. He spreads her legs apart so he can finger fuck and rub her pussy while he strangles her to death. As he starts to finger her and let\'s up a bit with the other arm, tightly holding the ligature up so she will dangle, he let\'s he sip small amounts of air while she is orgasming repeatedly as he strangles her a few times to almost unconscious, playing with her like it was a game, or a dance. He switches hands roughly letting her head swing from one shoulder to the next like a ragdoll head. After he makes her cum a few times, her gurgles and moans in the same voice render a bunch of her cum and juices to drip from her pussy and run through his fingers. Her wetness is apparent by sight and sound as he pumps her with his hand, and strangles her harder and harder because he needed her dead now that she is wet and ready to go. Her eyes go wide as he lifts her up and pulls her back to the wall so he can get some leverage and lift her off the ground again with an arm under her breasts. Her legs kick wildly at first but then dangle and kick slowly, almost down to a twitch. He moves her still dangling body over to the end of the bed and falls on top of her with all his force and weight, pushing what air was left in her out with one umph.

He pulled up and moved the hair from her face so he could see her in the mirror as he killed her. Straddling her lower back so her feet could barely reach his back with feeble and weak kicks and her tongue and eyes bulging out, face red from the lack of anything but pain. After a hard fight, she goes limp and her head dangles for a second before he lowers it to the bed again. He wants to be sure she is dead so he lifts her head up and snaps her neck a couple of times to be sure, the audible crack and crunch sounds tell him she is done. Now she is dead he dismounts her and plays with her ass, sensually rubbing and squeezing her ass, spreading it. He admires her ass and feet, then rolls her over, watching her body twitch and quake again with her death aftershocks. He stands up and gets behind her grabbing up her feet and looking and admiring her painted toes that are driving him wild with sexual passion. He rolls her over onto her back and drags her up. He sees her ass twitch after death, as well as her toes and feet. He lifts her head up from the necktie noose and her head dangles back as he checks out her tongue and then rubs his fingers across the ligature marks on her neck, checking the bruise and his handywork. He needs her now. He grabs her ankles throwing them up over his shoulders so he could taste and smell her sexy painted toes as he fucks her. He bangs her hard and rocks her body over and over, watching her tits and body jiggle and rock until he cums hard, finishing passionately inside her. After he is done he kisses her on the forehead and positions her in front of the mirror so she is posed for his finale\'. He let\'s her feet dangle off of the bed and puts her shoe on her right foot, and dangles her panties from the other sexy toes. He takes one last look as he exits her place, smiling like they had the greatest time ever. He did!

Very well written and I think we did the story justice and added our own flair. Mirrors are like my briar patch, please throw me in!!! Nice to use this wide beveled full length to show the other side of the views. So many different angles and the neck snaps and strangles are amazing. Lexxi is a vet and there really no one who has worked with me longer. Show her love by checking out some of her films, it gets back to her. Thanks. Great Job Jackson, very fucking good for your first strangle. CB
Price: 20.00
Run Time: 25:30 minutes
File Size: 590 MB 	Format: .MP4
    9 minutes
Starring: Belle Fatale and SaraLiz

FULL 1920X1080 HD

This is a new series of pantyhose clad females, killing pantyhose clad females, in different stages of dress, sheer toe suntan pantyhose, stocking masked, and fully encased for a few. If you love pantyhose and female killers, you will love these short and very aggressive ambush kills.  

FPK2. An Agent lays on the floor; encased in suntan pantyhose and suntan mask, gagged with a pantyhose ball gag, out cold, or so you think. When the other cocky agent is reporting back, about to dose her with more chloroform soaked pantyhose, she springs into action using a scissor leg lock to choke her victim to death. Even bound, the agent lay there waiting for the right moment to ambush the counter agent, who is dressed in business attire and black satin gloves, wearing suntan pantyhose. When the agent goes to \"get a taste\" before she puts her out cold, the encased, sleeper, springs to life strangling her victim with her encased legs, hands tied behind her and gagged. She still takes out the fighting agent who thrashes about showing off her sexy sheer toes and feet through the pantyhose. The agent fights hard, moving them both all over the floor, even letting out some drool from getting her air cut off with the pantyhose covered legs of the sexy killer. After she makes sure she is dead, she frees herself, takes a few looks of the dead agent and leaves in a hurry, still a bit woosey from the chloroform. Body pans and long views of the sheer feet in suntan hose, and eye open death stare. Her neck is red from the pantyhose friction and shows in her face. She is still and dead. 

This one is so spectacular, especially for the price. This ambush and kill has to be one of my favorites. I am so fortunate to work with the handful of models and actors I am so honored to direct. Thanks again! Part 3 and 4 coming next! CB

Run Time: 09:30 minutes
File Size: 425 MB	Format: .MP4
    20 minutes
Starring Ryanne(NINJA) and Steevie as THE NINJA AGENT

**FULL 1920X1080 HD**

The N.A.A. or Ninja Assassin Agency has been clearing the West coast on a sting operation to take out Rogue Ninja Spies who are invading the land, and stealing information, sometimes killing the ones they steal from. The Ninja creeps around the house looking for information. She sneaks around looking in doors, peering around corners and looking out windows to make sure no one is around, and doesn't notice the Agent sneaking up behind her when she looks through a chest. It is too late when she realizes there is enemy behind her, and when she starts to make a move the agent is behind her getting her in a choke hold from behind. The agent is in full control as the Ninja flails, kicking and twisting trying to get out of the Agent's grasp, but the agent takes her back and tightens the hold. The ninja tries an elbow to the ribs but it just makes the agent mad and takes her to the sofa, wrenching on her neck, all the Ninja can do is try to pry the hold away but the agent is taller and stronger. The Ninja rolls some and bucks her hips high but eventually she loses and her eyes flutter. They go wide and flutter even coming back in and out but she is out in a matter of minutes. The Agent goes to work and flops the out cold Ninja to the side.  The Agent starts to caress her and slowly undress the ninja starting with her hood, she feels the Ninja up squeezing her big breasts through the suit and bra. She flops the ninja around on the sofa even removing the large pillows to have more room. She enjoys her smooth skin. This is one of the perks of the job, sometimes the Ninjas are hot! She rolls her and rag dolls the Ninja and undoes her bra, then she gets the suit down to her legs and plays with her ass, squeezing and slapping her ass to see if she will wake and have some fun in the mean time. She pulls the suit off, leaving only the mask, socks, and panties. She removes the bra and plays with her tits, squeezing them and pinching her nipples. The Ninja barely reacts to the petting. She straddles the ninja and licks her from her tummy to her ear, spending more time by the ear and the Ninja starts to breathe heavy and unconsciously enjoy the kissing and petting by the Agent. The Agent gets behind the Ninja, doing more of the same, flopping her limbs and playing with her sexy and more than ample portioned body. The Ninja reacts by sighing, lightly moaning and scrunching between her eyes when the erogenous zones are touched or kissed, or even licked. The Ninja is getting a bit too close to being back awake so the Agent prepares for the few last minutes. She gets on her knees, getting the ninja up in her lap so she can break her neck by twisting it around so fast it kills her instantly. She gets a firm hold and does a few turns to test where she needs to go to break it well. After a few turns she snaps her neck with speed and grace, the Ninja slumping down to her chest and arms going limp. The Agent lets her flop to the sofa, getting above her checking her pulse. She is dead but there can be no what ifs. The agent takes one hand around her neck and crushes her windpipe, and the rest of the vertebrae breaking  a few with two hands. She checks the pulse again and know her helicopter is here, she must go. She caresses her face and moves her hair aside , and takes her suit for a souvenir. She leaves the dead Ninja on the sofa for someone else to clean up, and enjoy. Her body is seen from many different angles and views.

Ryanne and Steevie were Amazing in this, looking forward to editing the one Where Ryanne Kills a Ninja Steevie. Chris

Run Time: 21:21 minutes
File Size: 500 MB 	Format: .MP4
    17 minutes
      A SPIDERS PREY - A long list of missing persons from this area has detective Erica Martin coming the specific region where the disappearances have all occurred. She is alone, only her service weapon, a radio, and dressed in heels and skirt, with a button down top, not really the best attire for traipsing through the woods looking for a killer, who leaves no trace of the victims. As she moves tactically through the woods, down an old service road, Erica encounters all kinds of bugs and webs, one thing she really does not like is spiders, and spider webs. Ironically enough, moving behind her without a trace, A Spider Woman, moving quickly like a shadow through the woods from tree to tree without a noise. Erica is freaked out by all the bugs but keeps her composure. The spider playfully grabs a stick from the ground, snapping it loudly so it startles the Detective, and she spins around pointing her gun. The spider loves to have fun with her prey before ever feasting on her. There is a process, and to feed on this woman's juices and fluids, she must get her ripe and ready. Part of that process is the chase and the on set of fear and adrenaline pumping through her veins increasing the blood flow. The spider moves again, and Erica makes a call on the radio, sounding confident, but also mentioning there are a shit ton of bugs and it is creeping her out. After she tells HQ she needs NO Backup, the spider licks her chops and spills copious amounts of saliva readying her mouth for the feats of blood, cum, and plasma. She breaks another stick startling Erica who spins around and sees something out the corner of her eye. She is freaked out but keeps her stance, the Spider advances and breakneck speed and is upon her, shredding the detective's top with one swipe of her sharp claws, and disappearing into the brush, only to reappear and do the same thing to her bottoms skirt, and biting her on the ass twice, sinking her fangs and getting the first dose of venom in the detective's body, then vanishing into thin air. Erica trips staggers and falls face first in the dirt, writhing in pain from the bites. She moves around in agony, then quickly jumps up with blurred vision from the toxic venom that renders the victims helpless, but still fully aware, awake, and with enhanced physical feelings. As Eric spins around firing of her pistol at thin air, the spider makes herself seen and the Detective starts to back up pointing the gun but not being able to fire for some reason, the toxins are in full effect. She keeps backing up and the spider taunts as Erica backs straight into the web, immediately being entangled in the web and flailing freaking out as the spider laughs and taunts Erica. As she gets caught even more into the web trying furiously to escape but just making it worse every time she tries to break free. The spider knows this is part of the process and it is time to stimulate the body to bring forth the juices. She moves around to her back behind the web, reaching through and twisting and pulling on the detective's nipples to get the blood flowing. The spider moves around and takes a big bite into Erica's breasts, immediately the detective moans in pain and pleasure, sounding like she is having sex, slowly getting more and more into it as the spider sucks her breast, then massaging the nipples with her bloody tongue, almost vampire in nature. Erica moans in pleasure and pain as the venom takes effect more so in her sexual organs. She starts to buck and heave, moving around and breathing heavily as the spider has her way with her. She bites her breasts again and sucks them hard, leaving bite marks and tons of blood and plasma leaking out. After she sucks the breasts and the Detective is in full swing of her first assignment as a feast for a spider, and definitely her last. She asks the Spider, "what are you and what do you want from me?" "You are my food, and I am preparing you for my feast." the spider relied with a chuckle, then returned to her, but this time she was focusing on her panties, then removing them with a shred of her sharp claws. She starts to touch and massage her clit, stimulating the pussy to make the blood and juices taste best. She flicks her tong, biting the detective's pussy, blood and cum start to leak out as she is going full bore on her pussy. Erica is in convulsions orgasming and going into shock at the same time, her eyes rolling back in her head as the spider drains her body of its juices. She is relentlessly sucking and getting as much as she can, Erica is fading quickly and starts to buck and shake hard, then dies, but the spider keeps going and revives her for one last orgasm and final spurt of blood and juices to take in for her feast. As Erica's body revives, her eyes stay wide, but her body shakes and orgasms hard as the spider drains her of everything she desires, the cream of the crop. The Spider pulls back checking her work and laughing maniacally, removing the shell of a woman left on the web. The detective is limp and drained, and falls to the ground as she is released from the web. The Spider will continue to take what it needs over the next few hours and days, so she rolls the body over and drags her off into the woods to her pile of bones and hair.
    23 minutes

Detective Ana Molly has been on an undercover assignment for almost nine months. In that time she took on the role of an accountant with her own private firm specializing in underground clients. This of course attracted one of the crime captains of Metro City J.D. He has always mixed business and pleasure so this was the perfect fit for him. He took the time to make sure she wasn't a cop, taking her to parties, forcing drugs and witnessing crime, but she never cracked. The plus for J.D. and his minions was that this little bean counter was also sexy and willing to go to all lengths to do her job. Being a detective was an important part of her life and she took it seriously.

Today is the day that she will finally get all the information she needs to take him; his family and all the other scumbags, drug dealers, bookies, and prostitution rings affiliated with him  when he comes over to deliver the ledgers for her to begin working on. When she walks through the door into her modest apartment, dressed like a numbers nerd, she smiles knowing this will be the day. She sets down her keys and brief case, then goes straight to her bedroom where her .45 service weapon, 2 magazines, and a pair of cuffs lay on the dresser in her closet. She calls her boss Chief Tracy and tells her she is about to take him down and deliver the information back to headquarters. She laments to her about the long journey and stuff she had to endure for this day. She slips a loaded magazine into her glock and puts it and all other items in the drawer to execute her plan. She tells Chief Tracy that she will definitely miss J.D. and especially his sex. He is the only man to truly satisfy her and got her into anal sex which she now craves everyday. As she gets undressed into just panties and her button down work shirt, she hangs up the phone knowing he will be there soon with the envelope full of all the dirt on the major crime in the city. She also has a plan because he is very predictable when it comes to pleasure first, then business. It helps him to relax. She also knows he is like a rabbit and falls asleep after a good nice sexual encounter with her. She has her steps all planned out and will take him down. This plan is foolproof.

When he arrives she whisks away to the door in her panties and shirt, greeting him at the door warm and lovely. She is grinning from ear to ear seeing the envelope and him dressed in a nice shirt. He greets her with a loving kiss and as she says, "shall we do business?", he says first things first as he kisses her forehead. She leads him by his belt to the bedroom and pushes him to the bed. She takes the envelope and puts it on top of the dresser right above the drawer with her weapon so as soon as he goes to sleep, she can confirm the information is detailed, and arrest him thereafter. She starts undressing him and then herself. He is definitely ready to go, and doesn't mind letting her ride him for a change. She goes right into sucking his dick and balls, slathering his rock hard dick with spit to lube it up and get it stone hard for her ass. She sucks him like a pro, giving it her all taking it all the way down through her throat. He tells her she knows what he really wants so she climbs on handling his cock with one hand and holding herself in place with the other. She first slides him into her pussy, lubing it up more with a few strokes, watching him disappear into her pussy a few times then grabbing his hard dick and putting it into her ass slowly, working it in, little by little until she is all the way down riding him faster and faster. She gets her feet up and crosses them, grasping and clawing his chest leaving marks from the deep plunges into her tight little ass. She rides him faster and faster slamming down on his pelvis as he grits his teeth. She is going wild leaning back grabbing his balls while he takes it. She knows this is the last time she will have him and wants him really tired for her plan. She turns on the afterburners and goes fast slapping his lap with her ass and cumming extraordinarily hard with her orgasm. She takes her time to milk him with her ass and take it all in. She takes her time before removing him, seeing that he is already falling asleep. She climbs off using her hand to remove him. She gets up and tells him, I need to use the ladies room, I am sure you will be asleep when I get back, jokingly. His eyes close as he heads to the bathroom to clean up. As she does her thing, his eyes open wide and he moves towards the dresser, and as she looks in the mirror at herself, prepping for a possible fight, she breathes and says in a soft voice, "you got this detective."

She quietly moves back into the bedroom and just as she planned he is sleeping like a log and she checks him over, then moves to the dresser and grabs the envelope. She slowly peels back the sticky flap and looks back at him sleeping to make sure. She looks back down into the envelope and it is old wanted ads and newspaper. She says "what the....?" and goes for her weapon in the drawer, but it is gone and when she turns around he has it drawn on her. She quickly backpedals along the wall towards the door pleading with hi that he can still make this right and she will get him a plea deal. He is silent and not too happy, and she knows that her boss Chief Tracy is a crooked career cop that is obviously tied to the mafia. She makes it to the door and as she tries to plead for her life, he pops her in the right breast, knocking her back(viewed from a couple angles)through the doorway and to the wall of the hall. As she starts to moan and wail from the burning of the .45 and the shock, she looks down at the blood leaking from the huge JHP slug that ripped through her tit. She gathers herself quickly remembering her training and tries to convince him he can still call her an ambulance, then he could get a deal with the feds or something. He tells her "The only person i am calling is a cleaner."  He aims for her dome standing over her and pops her in the forehead, blowing her head back to the wall and blood pouring out of the hole as she slides down the wall to the floor, eyes wide open. As she lays on the floor and bleeds out he puts away the gun on the nightstand and drags her body into the room. He takes some wipes and cleans the blood around the wounds so he doesn't get too bloody as he fucks her again. He goes to the bathroom and her body is panned and viewed, then he returns to fuck her corpse. He screws her nice and slow remembering the good times and moves her body to the side, her legs up so he can see himself going in and out of her body. He admires his work as he pumps harder and harder, then as he is just about to cum, he pulls out and shoots his load all over her stomach and pussy. He knows his cleaners do a great job taking care of everything so he enjoys his time. After he gets it all out, he stands up and puts on his clothing. When he finishes dressing and her body is panned and viewed, he takes her phone and calls Chief Tracy, telling her she is done and never had a chance. He tosses the phone onto her body and heads for the door. Last views of the sexy dead detective follow.

Very well done and acted. Hot sex, man I wish I had some like that hahaha. Full sound, blood, and f/x..CB  TO KILL A DETECTIVE
    20 minutes
Starring: Starli w/ Johnny Wood and Thor

A female assassin(Starla) comes to get revenge on a cop who killed her Twin sister(Starli), and her partner Belle. She comes into the office and Detective Thor's assistant detective is next to the desk, pacing, trying to get to the bottom of what happened more than a week ago when two girls armed and dressed to kill ambushed his boss, shooting him in the chest, and leaving him for dead before they were both shot in the pussy, and then in the clit. 

She has the gun drawn when she enters, and she fires hitting him in the shoulder and wounding him. She kicks the gun away and puts a bead on him. "So detective", she says in a sexy voice, "You know who I am right? I am here to assassinate you". "Get on your knees and lick my pussy, then fuck me hard"! He obliges her by doing so and continues to eat her pussy till she tells him to lay down on the floor. he does and she rides him hard fucking his dick, slamming hard into him, with the gun to his head. when she cums she squirts so hard it hits his face, then she shoots him between the eyes, he goes dead limp... She climbs off and makes a phone call. The head detective heads into the office as Starli tells her boss about how she finished off the detective. He grabs her hair and puts a gun to her head. He forces her to suck him off and have sex, he fucks her every which way and then when he cums, he forces her back to the desk where he shoots her in her pussy as she begs him to, she is orgasmic by getting shot in the cunt. He pops another one into her clit, she bleeds a trickle of blood out her snatch and also out of her clit hood. She twitches, bucks and heaves in so much pain and ecstasy, before twitching and writhing to death. The detective positions her on the table before exiting. 

Awesome job by all acting and the fx are great! Enjoy! 

Run Time: 20:00 minutes
File Size: 440 MB	Format: .WMV
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