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    32 minutes
Starring: Ashley Lane and Odette DeLacroix
w/ Jigsy as Frank

This clip is an experiment in expanded dialogue, almost to the point of a stage play, and consequent enhanced emotional complexity, though with plenty of passionate death too.

Story: Involved in a trafficking gang for whom life is cheap and death comes free, Ashley and Odette have for months been engaged in a hot but erratic love affair, in defiance of organization policy. Following their most recent, worst breakup, Odette, on a self-destructive impulse, has stolen valuable contraband and sensitive, incriminating data in a desperate, misconceived ploy to break free. But her betrayal is soon discovered and retribution will be swift, cruel and absolute.

In the opening scene, Odette comes home drunk from a night of unsatisfying dissipation and masochistically masturbates before a portrait of Ashley and then falls into a troubled, drunken sleep. Meanwhile, Ashley, finds out what's to happen. Driven by pity, vestigial love and irrational guilt over their failed romance's role in Odette's sealed fate, she decides to act, barely in advance of the gang's retaliation. She pays Odette a nocturnal visit to offer, not salvation, but relatively merciful, sensual deliverance vastly preferable to the torments Odette will suffer at the enforcer's hands.

Going to Odette's side on her bed, Ashley first uncovers and then touches the sleeping girl and, becoming increasingly aroused, brings her to climax. Odette wakes up in confusion, which soon turns to horror as she learns her fate. But Ashley offers to deliver her from the gang's justice, and offers her a quick death on the point of her knife. Odette, stalling for time, tries to seduce Ashley into erotically strangling her instead, to which Ashley agrees, but has hardly begun when Odette breaks away and produces a hidden gun, with which she unsteadily menaces Ashley.

Ashley slyly reasons with and seduces Odette to distraction and, with a sudden lunge and grab, tries to get control of the gun. They struggle over it, and it goes off. For long moments, it's uncertain who's been shot, at last revealed to be Odette, grievously wounded in the lower chest, her life slowly ebbing away. Unable to help in any other way, Ashley toys with her sexually. Odette's weakness grows, along with her intensity of erotic sensation, until finally, as she climaxes, Ashley crushes her throat and brings her to a doubled final orgasm as she dies.

Preparing to leave, Ashley is seized by a strange fascination with Odette's inert body and, only partially clad,  climbs back onto the bed to embrace the corpse, then falls asleep.  A dream comes upon her in which Odette, wounded and throttled, but full of life, seduces her into an erotic strangulation in which, after a sensually ambivalent struggle, Ashley dies, only to be called back to life by Odette – "time to wake up, pretty girl" (what movie's that from?) -- still in her dream. "Am I dead now too?" Ashley wonders." "No," Odette tells her, tapping her on the center of her forehead, "There's one more veil to be lifted."

Ashley wakes up with a jolt to find herself in bed with dead Odette and confronted by the gang's enforcer. She begs for her life, trying to seduce him, picks up Odette's hand and masturbates with it, trying in vain to get a rise out of the killer. Letting her know her final moment is at hand, the killer slowly takes aim and shoots her in her forehead where Odette tapped. With a last cry "Odette!" Ashley flops onto the bed, exhibiting decerebrate and then decorticate posturing, the musculoskeletal physiologic signs of massive brain trauma. Then with an explosive bladder release, she's gone.  Pans of wide-eyed corpses complete the scene.

Ashley and Odette, two perfectly opposite embodiments of both beauty at rest and grace in action,  provide, along with their accustomed fine physical acting,  erotic intensity and emotional authenticity that give this rendering of the fantasy its passionate dynamism. Highly recommended for fans of the complex and unusual.

Fetish elements: Masturbation, sleep molestation, knife menacing, garotte strangling x 2(at least!), catfight over weapon, low chest (nonfatal) and forehead (fatal) gunshot wounds, tracheal crush with ligature, traumatic abnormal posturing (decorticate and decerebrate), dream death, corpse hand masturbation, bladder release, body pans, spectacularly beautiful women, more....

This custom took a long time to shoot and edit, what a beautiful writer. Thanks! CB

Run Time: 32:00 minutes
File Size: 590 MB 	Format: .MP4
    18 minutes
Starring: Freya and Kiki

Coco's sister and Detective Freya, is hunting down her sister's killer and has a great lead. She was pointed towards a serial killer Kiki by local law enforcement who say they are too busy to catch up with Kiki, who is very elusive. Freya sneaks up on Kiki's hideout, with her pistol, and a switch blade knife, using the knife to pick the deadbolt, then heading through the door quietly trying to sneak up on Kiki. Kiki is sitting in her living room finishing her coffee as Freya approaches gun drawn. Her high heels click clack on the hardwood floor as she approaches. Kiki stands up and Freya confronts her about killing Coco. "Which one was she? Oh I remember, yeah she was fun to kill, and if you didn't have that gun or knife, you would end up the same." The detective thinks about it, and as if it were a challenge. She sets her gun down then the knife and starts to up and down Kiki as they pace each other around the table, talking smack on how they are going to kill one another. Kiki suggests Freya remove her high heels or Kiki would have an unfair advantage. Kiki acts nonchalant but bum rushes Freya, who uses her training to deflect and put Kiki in a choke hold. Kiki has always choked her victims by hand, and is how she has killed all of her victims. Freya would love nothing more than to inflict the same demise on Kiki. The struggle ensues and each girl gets the upper hand and there is lots of change of power, with Freya on top choking Kiki, then Kiki choking Freya with lots of hands on slapping and clawing of the arms trying to free themselves. Freya gets Kiki good and has her for a long hold and both hands wrapped around her neck. After a long battle Kiki retains the upper hand, breaking free and wrestling Freya to the table, then kicking Freya in the pussy to stun her so she can catch her breath. Freya leans back into the sofa, bucking her hips in pain, and at the same time grabs a long cord from the sofa. She pounces hard and gets some great choking in, Freya dropping the cord just out of reach, but after some struggle, hair pulling and wrestling, Freya has Kiki across the table, straddling her and choking her hard with two hands. She chokes Kiki hard and kiki fights but she loses the battle, going out and limp. Frey celebrates her victory by raising her arms in the air and saying Yes, it's done. She does not see Kiki has grabbed the long cord as she was pretending to lose, and just when Freya least expects it, Kiki flings the long cord up and wraps it around Freya's neck. She takes control, like the reins of a horse, hanging on tight and picking Freya up by the cord and getting her to the cou7ch. She strangles her with the cord as she straddles Freya, telling her she can't wait for her to die to compare her tits and pussy to Coco's. After she strangles her a while with the cord she let's it go, and Freya gets a deep breath in before Kiki hand throttles her hard with both hands. She goes hard pinning her down she she can't fight as much, as well as talking smack. Freya struggles, bucking her hips spreading her toes, sticking her sexy pussy mound in to the air.  She slows down to just twitches and her eyes flutter as her death rattle approaches and she goes limp. Kiki is not done with her and starts to undress her a bit to compare and yes she has better tits than her sister, she checks her pussy and confirms the same thing. She flops her around and checks her out feeling her up and letting the dead hands caress her breasts too. What a phenomenal struggle that ends in another one down to the serial Killer Kiki.

Whoa what a great struggle and fight scene. You already know Kiki is a fighter but Freya will have to go down a few times. Looking forward to some other fight movies with more punching and such(Fight Club style) coming soon! One more custom video down making the list grow shorter! CB

Run Time: 17:46 minutes
File Size: 425 MB 	Format: .MP4
Category: CATFIGHT/Multi Strangle/NECRO
    18 minutes
Starring: Coco w/ Rex

Agent Coco has been the best new recruit to the Agency in many years. Her partner Agent Rex has been trying to soften her up a bit, but like his former partner, Kiki, she is a cold ass bitch who gives no fucks and always gives him guff for being a douche bag womanizer. Being on a stake out for days with minimal food and crappy coffee makes Coco a bit punchy, so when they discuss certain issues, and strategies, Coco gets mean and starts in on him, telling him what a tool he really is. Rex let's her know that the Director has instructed them to head down to the studio apartment they have been watching and see why there is no activity for many hours. They end up in a bedroom sneaking around trying to find out why it is so quiet, and still. When Coco enters she notices a cell phone, in fact it is a Blueberry, which nowadays is only used by the Agencies, and politicians. They argue who will check the phone, and Coco takes it and starts to look through the numbers. Rex says he is heading to the bathroom, and puts his phone in the bathroom, and heads out the door to the hall looking into the bedroom. When Coco sees a number she recognizes, she calls, to her surprise and chagrin, she hears a phone ringing in the bathroom and draws her service weapon smelling a rat. She grabs the still ringing phone, and heads back to the bedroom, where Rex is now by the window, with his weapon drawn. When she finally figures it out and looks up, it is too late, she tries raising her 9mm pistol but he fires 3 rounds into her right side, sending her up against the wall. She looks at him puzzled, then pissed off, and tries to dive and roll across the bed while trying to fire, but he plugs her with 2 rounds, one in her back close to her spine which furthers the immobility of her gun arm. He hovers over her as she starts to bleed out of 5 holes, burnt through her white dress shirt. He gives her a chance to stand up, and when she does, she tries to raise her gun with the help of her left arm. He shoots her once in the upper arm above the elbow, making 6 holes total, which knocks her pistol out of her hand and onto the bed. After some back and forth dialogue, and Agent coco starting to be in shock, he fires on her 4 more times, riddling her left side, chest, breast and shoulder, and sending her into shock. She is bleeding from all holes, and her white shirt is starting to look red and white. She starts to slide down the wall and he catches her, trying not to make too much mess on the wall from the wound on her back. He tosses her to the bed, and hovers over her. He tells her she is the Coldest bitch ever and has plans for her body afterwards. She starts to cough up blood and looking tough still. He plugs her one last time in the side breast, right through the heart. She convulses wildly, but then goes wide eyed and still, dead from the final fatal wound. Agent Rex knows now is his time, so he fucks her sexy body, checking out her sexy feet in the strappy high heels that show her sexy legs and toes. He fucks her hard, as her body bounces back and forth, still bleeding from all the shots. After he cums hard inside her, he moves her over to face him again, on the bed. He gets out his pointer pen and counts the wounds, the fatal one from coco's service weapon, and the other 10 shots from his throwaway pistol. He carefully notes how many shots are counted, and even tells her dead body again how cold she was. Now he has to create a crime scene that works for him. As she is panned, he shoots himself in the shoulder with Coco's 9mm, in obvious pain he puts the gun back in Coco's hand, and finishes off the call to the Agency, saying Coco went Rogue, shots fired, and Agent down. He tries to control his pain, and still wants to see something, her breasts. He opens her shirt aggressively, and the buttons pop off, revealing her sexy bra, which he lowers and shows her perfect breasts, with a couple holes in them. After he pinches her nipples, and sees the blood coming out, he exits, waiting for the Ambulance to arrive. What a cold ass Agent Coco.  HUNG DEAD LOVER
    29 minutes
Starring:  Ashley Lane w/ Jigsy


A man has captured, tormented, and hung a beautiful young woman to death in his house. She is still strung up on the noose, dangling, only wearing knee high, high heeled BLACK LEATHER BOOTS. The man admires his handywork as he circles the freshly dead young woman. She has been through the gambit, but still looks unbelievably hot and sexy, dangling from the noose. He will end up spending the whole day and night doing exactly what he wishes to her, his Necro Lover. He caresses, kisses, sucks, and licks her entire body, including her boots, slowly. He kisses her mouth, fondles her breasts, and fingers her pussy. He spends lots of time checking to see if she is limp, doing limp hand and arm drops, as he fingers her pussy. He gets very excited and continues to massage and caress her body all over, spending lots of time fondling her ass and tits, and fingering her so furiously, the slaps to her pussy from the fingering make it loud, and she flops and dangles as she is being finger fucked. After he gets her nice and ready, he puts her hand on his crotch as he fingers her to get him ready. He pulls out his dick and enters her pussy from the rear, as she is still dangling. He fucks her hard, his big cock sliding in and out, as he fumbles to keep it in her. He fucks her for a while as she dangles limp, and her head bobs, and the rope bites into her sexy, elongated neck. A rash  is there from where the rope burned her neck as she struggled. Her eyes are open and mouth slightly agape. He decides to try from the front side so he can see her face and suck her breasts as he fucks her dead body. He gets his dick in and starts to slam her, lifting one of her legs to get maximum penetration while he fucks her dangling. After a bit of a rest he lets her down from the rope, she crumbles to the floor as he lets the rope go. He heads to her removing the noose from her neck, her eyes wide open. He kisses her passionately, holding her hands intertwined with his. He rolls her over onto her back. He plays with her limp arms, dropping her limbs to see them flop, rag dolling her over and over. He sits her up, rag dolling her body, he drops the limp arms one at a time, then drops her to the floor before rolling her over and over, back and forth, rag dolling and checking her limp body. He kisses her thighs, legs and boots, he spreads her legs and licks her pussy then flips her onto her tummy and licks and gets his face all in her beautiful ass. He is so into it, he flips her back over and gets her legs up so he can get maximum penetration into her pussy. He sticks his big cock into her wet, pink hole and starts to fuck her, getting harder and faster as he fucks her faster and harder. He does her in a few different positions as you see his dick going in and out of her pink hole. He really wants to fuck her face and give her what he has been saving to blow all over inside her mouth. He gets her up to her knees, letting her limp arms dangle to the side as he rams her mouth harder and harder. His dick goes in and out, sounding like a dead person gagging on the big dick. He gets her in the perfect position upright on her knees and blows his load all in her mouth, there is so much he has been saving, it oozes out her mouth around his dick, dripping onto her tits and all over her chin. He pulls his dick out and rubs the cum all over her face and rubs his cock on her cum soaked tits as he catches his breath. He lets her drop to the floor and he positions her laying on the ground, rag dolling her a bit. He leans down to cress her thigh and her bladder releases. SHE PISSES HERSELF ALL OVER THE FLOOR. He exits to go get cleaned up and ready to dispose of her body. He had his way, just as he likes it, and now he wants to dispose of her. Her body is panned and viewed from many angles as well as close up death stare.

I am just going to say...Holy Moly Geez what a freaking hot young lady. Her acting and being dead and limp is superb. I can not say enough about how awesome this film is, wow! CB

Run Time: 30:00 minutes
File Size: 588 MB 	Format: .MP4
    38 minutes
Starring: Freya w/ Chris B.

**FULL 1920X1080 HD**

Classic tale of a soccer mom who notices flirting eyes at an all day soccer tournament, from a parent of the opposing team, and doesn't have the slightest she is already a part of an evil scheme that she falls right into. This story of a sex starved and 24/7 soccer mom who is used to doing everything, while her hubby works, travels, plays golf, and goes on fishing trips with his pals. She is still quite faithful and a good girl, after sewing the wild oats at a young age, but she knows fantasy is what gets her through till the next day, and more duties.

After arriving home to re supply the snacks and drinks for the teams afternoon rounds, she wants to share her flirting encounter from the soccer field with her friend. She talks to her about how she noticed him and then proceeded to show her ass to him in her tight jeans from a better angle, even rubbing her own leg and cheek for him as he gazes across the field. She talks about her sexy new jeans that are so not mom jeans at all and show all the curves and crevices. After her glowing conversation with her friend, she hangs up at the same time the guy from the soccer field is soaking a rag in chloroform and sneaking up behind her without a sound. He quickly covers her mouth and nose holes with the rag and keeps her at bay with the other arm. She thrashes about, fighting him off but he is too strong and she goes out, eyes fluttering in and out until she collapses. The supposed soccer dad let's her down to the floor and immediately goes to work getting behind her and undressing her so he can do his thing, have his ritual fun of: undressing, rag dolling, squeezing sucking, touching, fingering, ball gagging, tying her up so her feet and arms are tight together and everything is tethered so she can fight, but not get him or get away. He is obsessed with watching it during and after.. He enjoys knocking her out with one punch when she wakes up the first time, then the second time, after he is set up behind her with the stocking tight and wrapped around his hands and her neck,  strangling her to death with a nylon stocking, while he gets footage of it to have in his collection of favorite soccer moms. Of course after he kills her he is going to spend time with her feet, and have sex with her perfect figure and kiss her body from head to toe. He is going to rag doll her and get her in different positions so he can get maximum penetration and see her sexy soles, that are all natural and no polish. He is going to carry her body around and drag her here and there, before and after he strangles her beautifully. It is all part of his control and ritual after simple flirting seduction that soccer moms usually blow off or find cute and funny. The ones that get mad he doesn't bother with, he doesn't want them to be too uptight. After he finishes his ritual, he gets his things and calls his lovely wife to tell her he will be home soon and loves her very much. He is sincere, he does love her, like a fish wife, but he is infatuated and obsessed with soccer moms that dare to give him just the right eye.

Great story from one of my favorite writers. Freya is special lady for sure. So perfect in every way, and wow does she die so beautifully, some of the best eyes I have worked with. So much, and like I said I figured out the encoding tweak so I can do a 30 minute film in one file. Thanks! Chris

Run Time: 33:19 minutes
File Size: 770 MB 	Format: .MP4
    10 minutes
      VAMP HUNTER Caroline v Tomiko - VAMP HUNTER Caroline v. Tomiko
Starring: Caroline Pierce w/ Tomiko

Caroline is a Vampire Hunter in town for a convention and looking or her mark. She comes into her room wearing boots that go all the way to her ass, a very tiny leather skirt and a tube top showing underboob. She slinks in with her pistol tucked into her boot and goes to her desk where she types on a computer after setting her pistol on the desk. As she types away to her boss, the Vampire moves her way to her from behind, in skirt and knee high boots, short skirt revealing her ass and sexy legs, and a tank top. She moves sneakily and sexily to the hunter. She pulls her hair to the side and starts to kiss her ear and neck sending the Vampire hunter into a frenzy of passion biting her lip and rubbing herself. She reaches for the gun but the vampire pulls her hand back, still kissing her but deeply with her tongue, biting the huntress tongue and kissing her. The huntress is lost in the moment and the vampire grabs the gun caressing the huntress body and pulling up her top with the gun, kissing on the huntress nose and face. She runs the gun between her legs and then goes to the belly. She carefully places the pistol on the huntress belly and pulls the trigger. The Vamp hunter squirms and writhes while the Vamp kisses her and then moves the gun down to her belly firing again, leaving two perfect small holes in her belly, almost resembling large bit mark. The Vamp Hunter bucks and writhes and the Vamp kisses away and then pulls her chair back so she can get in front of her as he kisses and caresses the huntress. The Vamp takes off her top and plays with herself pinching her own boobs and rubbing her crotch, aroused by the dying huntress. As she dies, the Vamp sits her up and rubs herself over the dead body. She plays with her more and then kneels down in the huntress belly and goes to feed.....

What a blast working with Caroline and Tomiko, and can't wait to see them later this year! CB

Run Time: 10:15 minutes
File Size: 345 MB 	Format: .MP4
    12 minutes
Starring: Steevie w/ Jake

Special Agents Steevie Paine and Jake Evans are on a special operation, meeting an operative for a drop. As they clear the last room Agent Evans tells Paine they need to have a chat, and asks about something that happened, or was supposed to happen, in Bulgaria in May of 2014, but never did. She has betrayed the Agency and he has his orders to kill her. She seems taken a back by this but quickly uses her special training and starts to try and make a deal with him. She asks him if he remembers what he has always been after since they started working together many years ago. Yes he has always wanted her sex, but he is the ultimate professional, so when the director tells him to take her out and retrieve the missing thumb drive, with all the information she has been selling to the enemy, he must follow through. He figures he will have a little taste and knows she could never take him out so he makes her drop her service weapon, and raise her hands high. She is fully stretched out in her sexy black skirt and tight turtle neck, thigh highs and black leather boots. Her nipples protrude through her white turtleneck and become even more rigid as he slinks up behind her, feeling her breasts and letting her know he will put a slug in her brain if she tries anything funny. She agrees and they both fall into passionate caressing, her hands still above her head, but eventually start to rub his arms and cheek. As he starts to get lost in her scent, sexiness, and slight breaths that escape as she bites her lip and licks her upper lip in ecstasy. She has him nearly seduced but keeps her cool. Right when he least expects it she disarms the silenced pistol from him and turns the tables. Now with the gun on him, he starts to back peddle, letting her know he really wasn't going to kill her, he just wanted to get some. She doesn't believe him and makes him kick her gun, that is on the floor, back to her. As he does he does a sweeping move and grabs her, taking her to the ground and wrestling the silenced pistol back from her clutches, and at the same time she frees herself and goes for her service weapon. They both roll out of their moves into perfect position, guns drawn on each others vitals, Agent Evans has the silencer pointed right between her eyes. She questions him, "I thought you weren't going to do it?" and he quickly responds with, "I lied.", "So this is it huh?" she asks him in desperation, "yep" he retorts followed by the sound of the suppressed forty five caliber slug hitting Agent Paine right between the eyes. Her eyes go wide and head snaps back a bit as she loses all expression and goes backwards to the floor.(Shown a couple times for good measure) She is immediately dead, no movements just still. The bullet wound is round and deep, bruised all around immediately from the impact. Barely any blood shows as it is all escaping into her brain, so there is no mess. Agent Evans immediately and slowly goes to her side, checking for a pulse, and confirming her demise. She is wide eyed and still as he searches for the information and the thumb drive. He knows that she keeps things in her boots, but he wants to check every other place first to make sure she is not hiding anything else, or any boobie traps. He feels her breasts, and then her legs in the thigh highs. He clutches her hair, and rolls her on her side to feel her buttocks. He has always wanted her but is the most professional Agent. After checking and patting down her entire body, as well as feeling and fondling her through her clothing, he starts on the boots taking time to feel and examine each boot, and when he confirms there is a thumb drive in her right boot up by her shin, he unzips the boot, secures the drive, and zips her sexy boot back up. Thank god the agency has new slugs that stop inside the scull and do not cause too much mess, her body and all of it's beauty are in tact on the floor, and her sexy death stare is beautiful. He tells her they could have been a great team, and exits with both weapons.

Her beautiful body in boots is panned and viewed. I will say this now, you will never buy a clip for this price with better acting and production quality. What a pair these two make. Much more to come, but I had to give my head shot fans some action! from the mind of CB

Run Time: 12:07 minutes
File Size: 250 MB 	Format: .MP4
    7 minutes
Starring: Samantha & Belle Fatale
w/ Chris B.

Two sexy roommates share a shower, washing each others bits and pieces and discussing their plans for the evening. After a nice wash, they dry each other off, sharing a towel, drying their perfect tits and ass. A random psycho comes in and surprises them, and with no time to get away, they each take 4 shots to their breasts. They slam up against the shower wall and the blood starts to flow. They grunt and moan in pain, sliding down into the tub and convulsing, bleeding and dying from the shots to their boobs. First Samantha dies, then Belle follows suit after the shock of seeing her besty and roommate dead. They both twitch a bit then lie still in the tub, bleeding from the hot lead to the titties. They are panned and viewed from many angles, and their beautiful, and shocking death stares are showcased.
     FetNoir Hotel Episode 2 Double Exposure
    27 minutes
      FetNoir Hotel Episode 2 Double Exposure - FetNoir Hotel: Episode 2: Double Exposure
Starring: Saraliz as: Sara and Farah
w/ Rex as \"The Foot Strangler\"

Sara’s twin sister, Farrah, had become another victim of a serial strangler. The killer is vicious and strangles his victims mercilessly then uses their body for his sex toy. He is especially heinous in that after the murder, he takes photos of the woman, close ups of her face in contorted pain, and photos of his cum all over the victim’s body. He sends the photos to the police to taunt them—but the body of the victims themselves are never found.

Sara has tried to be patient but she has lost confidence in the police department as the investigation has grown cold. Her love for her sister has caused her to set out on her own to find the killer, and take justice into her own hands. Sara has roughly identified the area where her sister disappeared and has taken a room at the FetNoir Hotel nearby.

As she checks in, the hotel, as the management’s usual practice, provides each guest with a “specially treated” lap top computer to use for her stay. Sara has smuggled in a police department thumb drive containing a video of her sister’s last known appearance plus the murderer’s own photos of her dead sister’s body.

As she begins to relax from her long trip, Sara opens her bag and removes the revolver she brought for her revenge. Then she removes the thumb drive and begins to strip down to just bra and panties. She puts the drive in place, fingering the ‘treated’ keys as she does so.

As the video of her sister Farrah starts, Sara stares at the screen. Sara has long known her sister was an incurable flirt. And as she watches her sister’s last moments alive, she nods and sobs, knowing Farrah may actually have invited her own murder.  Sara is shocked as the video ends, but forces herself to look at the photos the killer took of her sister, dead and raped repeatedly.

Sara has been so intent upon the video, running and re-running the photos, that she has spent a great deal of time in contact with and touching the key board---the magical keyboard that induces dream sequences and also heightens sexual feelings in the user.

Sara begins to breathe heavily and rolls her tongue over her red lips. One hand slips inside her panties and massages her pussy. Suddenly, her expression changes.  She realizes this is wrong!! All wrong!!  . . . To get off sexually at her sister’s murder. Sara shakes it off.

She gets up---from the bed and studies herself in the dresser mirror. Is she not just as sexy and attractive as her twin? Of course she is. She decides to offer herself as a lure for the killer. Draw him to her. Suddenly, she thinks she sees a masked man in the reflection of the mirror. She is horrified, pulls out her revolver and . . . starts on the dream sequence that will “end” as it had to . . . Sara would have it no other way.

Wow, the films keep getting better and better, things to come oh my! Enjoy and thanks! CB

Run Time: 27:00 minutes
File Size: 550 MB	Format: .MP4
    21 minutes
Starring: Coco w/ Hugh

A lovely model has agreed to do a shoot with a new photographer in town. When she arrives she asks about the plastic sheeting on the floor in front of the backdrop. As he sets his lights up he explains that it helps him make the floor look like water in post production, so the bikini shots will look better. She says ok and they begin. He takes a few shots of her in her skirt and tank top but quickly starts to dress her down. She takes off the clothing slowly, sexily, and with confidence. The shoot is progressing well as she loses an article of clothing, he tells her where to pose, eventually getting her nude, and taking some truly sensual shots. Coco poses in so many sexy ways, finally the photographer asks her to put on the bikini, and she abides. She looks so sexy in the black bathing suit, and he tells her he wants to pose her. He sets down his camera and heads to the stool where she is seated in front of the backdrop. He gets behind her, posing her arm with one hand, and fishing his Italian switchblade out with the other hand. He puts it to her face and opens the blade, startling Coco. She immediately becomes frightened. 

The photographer taunts her with his sharp blade, and a slight grin of enjoyment as he pushes the knife into her navel, he pokes her to where the point isn't breaking the skin, but then quickly jabs her in the navel with the blade, twisting it around in her belly. Coco is in unbearable pain and shows it in her face and the sounds she is making. He removes the blade quickly showing the blood covered steel, and a trickle of blood leaks from her belly. He pulls her hair back as she tries to hunch over and clutch her wound. He sticks the point in her right breast poking the skin where it barely scratches her, then jabs her swiftly in the breast. She screams out in orgasmic pain and pleasure, but with great fear. She starts to weep and plead for her life as he removes the bloody knife from her breast. He taunts her showing her the blood then heads the knife down to her pussy where he plays with her pussy with the knife, then stabs her pussy hard. He wrenches it around, screwing her with his knife, mushing in and out. After he removes the knife blood leaks on to the plastic, he lets her go and she falls face first on to the plastic, she bucks her ass up to the air, grinding and bucking her ass toward the ceiling.

After she moans, writhes, she flips over on to her back. He sees that she needs to be finished so he kneels over her and stabs her in the heart, she bucks hard, knowing it will end soon and does the greatest death twitch sequence. After she dies, he covers her with plastic and begins to fondle her, then flipping her over, kneading her ass, pussy, and breasts over the plastic. He flips her over, and back again for us to see.

*very light blood*


Run Time: 22:00 minutes
File Size: 310 MB	Format: .WMV
     FETISH DIARIES Ashley Lane
    28 minutes
      FETISH DIARIES Ashley Lane - FETISH DIARIES Ashley Lane
"The Rope"
Starring: Ashley Lane as herself
 w/ Chris B.

Chris offers a service to film, direct, and safely supervise ladies who have particular death fetishes and want to watch themselves in the act, carrying out different things on video. They don't know that sometimes it turns him on to watch them go all the way, and since they have signed the waiver, he is not responsible. These are the Fetish Diaries and each girl is different. Ashley lane is the first to have her own video made, and she is turned on by the rope, around her neck, tight in a noose, while she masturbates with different vibrators, mainly her wand. She loves to be bound, cuffed, and choked until overflowing with orgasms. She also loves to smoke, which she does with an elegant holder while she explains what she loves and why. More females, all different in many ways will document themselves, and some will not ever be able to watch, it will be for his private viewing pleasure, and yours...

A young, attractive supermodel gives her candid explanation, as she elegantly smokes with a fancy holder, of what turns her on, and how she gets off by a; thick, coarse, rope around her neck, hanging and dangling, while handcuffed and using her magic wand. Many variations are done until she keeps asking for more and more after each orgasm. Chris works the wand and the rope, also cuffing her from behind and in front. She is so sexy in her long opera gloves and stockings, as well as purple bustier lingerie and black high heels. She wants "more, harder, more, tighter" more and more often, until Chris decides to give her more than she bargained for and let her go all the way. He puts her up on a riser, ties off the rope to a nice cleat, and cuffs her in the front so she can use her wand until she loses functions. She cums and almost passes out a few times, kicking her shoes off revealing the white stockings on her soles and toes. She kicks and tries to flail, but Oslo enjoys the tightness of the rope on her neck, as her body dances. She gets her final big O, then drops the wand as her hands become useless, then she slowly dies, twitching and then eyes wide, tongue barely lolled. He lets her down and carries her off to his studio.........  HER PARTY GIRL APPETITE 4
    24 minutes
Starring: Belle Fatale, Hannah Perez, Ryanne, Genetica, and Kiki

Genetica's twin sister Jessica has been trying to find her sisters killer for a couple of months, after the Detective won't return her calls, and there are no leads, she knows she can't go out on the town to get answers, and it is too soon to0 have fun. She decides to invite a few friends over to have a few drinks and socialize. Jessica is still too distraught to go out. Some friends even drive a long way to come stay the weekend, but After killing the detective Freya, Belle found some numbers in the phone and called Jessica to introduce herself as Genetica's friend who was trying to connect with Jessica to try and find some answers. Belle shows up early for the get together to introduce herself and help out before guests arrive. As they hug and chat about Genetica, Belle offers to help make coffee, Jessica shows her how and as she is grinding the beans, Belle is taking off her g-string to strangle Jessica with and takes her from behind. She pulls hard getting her turned around and strangling her hard. Jessica tries to grasp at the g string and Belle just pulls harder, yanking on the panties to get a tighter grip. Jessica chokes hard and they make their way to the floor, Belle behind her as Jessicas ass hits the floor and her feet kick hard, making her heels come off and she is bare foot. Belle is pulling and making it very tight. Jessicas eyes bug out and her tongue tries to get air but all she is getting is strangled to death. The sister tries to grab at Belle and slowly fades as she continues to free herself to no avail. It is too much for her and she slows down, twitching and bucking her hips slower, spreading her toes and slamming her ass to the floor. No matter how hard she tries Belle gets the upper hand and Jessica dies, eyes wide open. She wants to check her out, and see if she is identical to her twin, so she frees the gals boobs and confirms the sexy tits. 
She picks her up and drags her to the room to stash the body. She undresses her except for her panties, then rag dolls her around before hearing a car coming up the drive. She closes the door and gets herself together before the two gals Hannah and Ryanne knock on the door. She answers and they immediately start to hug and introduce each other. Ryanne asks if she is Geneticas friend and she nods and they give her condolences. Ryanne is needing to go to the bathroom after the long ride and disappears to the back, while Belle leads Hannah to the sofa to chat. Belle quickly diverts her attention to coffee and so she sits on the sofa while Belle goes to brew a cup. She knows she needs to figure out a way to get them both, but there isn't enough time. She talks to Hannah as she sneaks up behind and before she knows it, Belle has her in a choke hold, and the she fights hard, kicking her pantyhose clad legs and her pussy showing through under her skirt as she fights. She grows weaker and weaker, eventually passing out from being choked. Belle is just saving her for later. She rolls out from under her and goes to check her out. She immediately starts to mess with her legs and removes her shoes so she can sniff and suck her pantyhosed toes. Hannah is sexy, choked out cold, and Belle wants to use the pantyhose to strangle her and her friend so she slowly removes them, checking her pussy before Ryanne interrupts her coming out of the bathroom. Belle grabs the hose and hides quickly by the door. Ryanne comes to the living room and sees her friend Hannah unconscious and half naked on the sofa and starts to panic. She is so stressed out she doesn't see Belle until it is too late and she is behind her with the stocking leg of the pantyhose wrapped tight and pulling hard. She pulls so hard Ryanne comes off the kneeling position to upright on her feet, her heels flailing off as Belle pulls her back. Ryanne is a real fighter and Belle is hip, she even says that Redheads fight better she hears. The pantyhose is so stretched out, it is a foot and a half away from Ryannes neck and Belle pulls her back to the chair, on top of her strangling her to death. Ryannes eyes bug out of her skull as she protrudes her tongue way out to fish for some kind of air. Ryannes sexy legs kick and her toes flex as she fights for her life but Belle is just too much for her to handle. She slowly fades, twitching and bucking her ass, then still. Eyes going from wide and stressed, to dead and still. 
Now she knows there is one more guest to arrive any minute so she looks around, seeing Hannah she pushes Ryanne to the side like garbage, rolling her on her side and flopping her on the floor. She goes to Hannah and picks her up, over the shoulder carries her to the bedroom, getting her next to Jessica in the bed. She arranges them and makes sure there is room for two more corpses, even though they are not dead yet. She goes out to grab Ryanne and rag dolls her body to get her into position to drag her by her underarms and into the bed. She pulls her up and on top of her flopping the dead body on top of her in the bed. She lays there for a moment sizing up what she has done with an evil smile, then gets up and the bodies arranged adjacent in the bed. She gets herself straightened too and goes into the living room, grabbing all the shoes and purses, tossing them into the bedroom and closing the door as she hears the car pull up. She rifles through the drawers and finds a piece of thin cord and tucks it in her bra for the newby. She straightens the furniture and the rug too so the new arrival can be persuaded to sit down. Belle looks in the mirror as she straightens her hair and says. "You can do this Belle, you can do this." Right as the door knocks. She answers and OMG it is Kiki, the real party girl, all blonde and bubbly. They introduce and Kiki doesn't even notice the other girls are gone, but Belle tells her they went to grab booze, but she would concoct a drink from her special stash. The scene fades out to credits.....TO BE CONTINUED  PART 5 TOMORROW WITH KIKI AND HANNAHS STRANGLES AND BODY PILE MOLESTATION. BELLE IS VICTORIOUS AND LIVES TO KILL AGAIN!

Run Time: 24:30 minutes
File Size: 610 MB	Format: .MP4
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