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     DETECTIVE LIZBON Apology Accepted
    28 minutes
      DETECTIVE LIZBON Apology Accepted - DETECTIVE LIZBON Apology Accepted
Starring: Coco and Steevie w/ Rex

Almost a month has passed since Detective Lizbon was beaten, shocked with a taser, then raped by a diplomat, who's father runs the largest corporation in the first world, so he gets full immunity wherever he goes. The investigator for the Agency Detective Lizbon, who is still on the detail to protect the Diplomat wants a documented apology for the harm he caused her, and wants it to be mediated. Before arriving at the safe house to meet the Diplomat, Coco gets dressed up in a skirt and high heels, always wanting to look fashionable in public. With her badge tethered to her skirt, and her service weapon, .40 caliber pistol, tucked into the small of her back, she arrives. Before she got to the address, the Diplomat, and another crime friend of his, sex trafficker, and serial rapist Steevie, make plans to take her out, and have some fun in the mean time.

Detective Lizbon arrives, she comes in the door and is introduced to Steevie, not recognizing that she is the hoodlum that she tried to collar a few years back when she was a rookie, but never could finger. Steevie is very professional, explaining the apology, and how there are no weapons allowed at the safe house. She sees the Diplomat Rex, and his eyes bite right through her, she stammers back and gets frightened, covering herself, knowing that he has special vision powers where he can see under layers of clothing. She is very uncomfortable, but carries on, giving up her weapon, since they have none, and she is a strong fighter. She just wants the apology. As Steevie finishes the pat down, she takes the weapon to the safe, and offers Detective Lizbon a beverage. The sexy, and nervous agent says she will take some herb tea to calm her down, and so the disguised serial rapist makes her some tea, but adds a debilitating drug that will make her incapacitated for hours, which is more than they need to finish her off before she can go public with the apology. As she drinks the tea, and the Diplomat gives his spiel, patronizing her, and finally letting her know he is, well, sorry for what is to happen, and before long, she is staggering and falls in the arms of Steevie, who hoists her up so the Diplomat can take some shots to her face and body. The two take turns beating her down, punching her and kicking her all over her body, including the torso, face, tits, and pussy, they beat her senseless, making every shot count as planned. They beat her and toss her around, one holding her arms, while the other has their way groping and punching her.

After a long and tragic beating, Detective Lizbon, still trying to fight back, but drugged and helpless, gets knocked to the ground, then stripped and groped, including the vaginal claw, that makes her scream in pain. The diplomat asks her if she remembers their first meeting, and lets her know this is going to end way worse. After removing her panties, he sticks his dick in her and she screams out in pain. Steevie holds her down while he has his way, and she uses her fingers to gag Lizbon as she is being raped and defiled. He pounds her hard, forcing her legs high, her bare feet flexing and then limp with waves of drugged euphoria. He starts to choke her as he is about to climax, choking her hard as her face turns red, and her eyes roll into the back of her head. As he finishes cumming, she passes out, eyes half open and white from her eyes rolling up in her head.

The two perps get up, leaving her on the hard wood floor slightly moaning and out. The diplomat drags her up and puts her in a big chair in the corner, her pussy still oozing his cum, and her cunt glistening from all the juices. Steevei suggests a nice rope to finish her off, so she grabs one from the other room, and comes back to kill the Detective so she will not talk about what really happened. She starts to stir and try to fight back, but she is weak. They both grab one end of the rope and the middle is around her sexy neck, getting tighter as she tries to struggle. They pull super tight and it wakes her up a bit, she tries to fight and the adrenaline rushes into her body, she kicks her legs, but her arms are being held with the other hands not pulling on her death rope. She fights and tries to stick around but the strangle her hard, eventually letting her arms free so they can see her struggle a bit. Her arms are weak, and she is losing the battle. Her legs stiffen up and rattle with her whole body, her glistening vagina bounces up and down like a bobber in a lake, then finally going still after a lot of twitching. After a few seconds she is totally still, eyes open, tongue slightly protruding and swollen. She fought hard but lost the battle, and now she is dead. The two perps remove the rope from her neck leaving a scar and red burns on her neck. They leave to celebrate with a drink, and she is left in the chair, dead, and alone. Her body is panned and viewed in her sexy death pose.

This production is by far one of our best, and all that acted and helped with the scene did a wonderful job. Lot's of punching and kicking, a beat down and assault on Detective Lizbon, then her death, what a great vid. Enjoy. CB

Run Time: 28:00 minutes
File Size: 495 MB 	Format: .WMV
    20 minutes
Starring Ryanne(NINJA) and Steevie as THE NINJA AGENT

**FULL 1920X1080 HD**

The N.A.A. or Ninja Assassin Agency has been clearing the West coast on a sting operation to take out Rogue Ninja Spies who are invading the land, and stealing information, sometimes killing the ones they steal from. The Ninja creeps around the house looking for information. She sneaks around looking in doors, peering around corners and looking out windows to make sure no one is around, and doesn't notice the Agent sneaking up behind her when she looks through a chest. It is too late when she realizes there is enemy behind her, and when she starts to make a move the agent is behind her getting her in a choke hold from behind. The agent is in full control as the Ninja flails, kicking and twisting trying to get out of the Agent's grasp, but the agent takes her back and tightens the hold. The ninja tries an elbow to the ribs but it just makes the agent mad and takes her to the sofa, wrenching on her neck, all the Ninja can do is try to pry the hold away but the agent is taller and stronger. The Ninja rolls some and bucks her hips high but eventually she loses and her eyes flutter. They go wide and flutter even coming back in and out but she is out in a matter of minutes. The Agent goes to work and flops the out cold Ninja to the side.  The Agent starts to caress her and slowly undress the ninja starting with her hood, she feels the Ninja up squeezing her big breasts through the suit and bra. She flops the ninja around on the sofa even removing the large pillows to have more room. She enjoys her smooth skin. This is one of the perks of the job, sometimes the Ninjas are hot! She rolls her and rag dolls the Ninja and undoes her bra, then she gets the suit down to her legs and plays with her ass, squeezing and slapping her ass to see if she will wake and have some fun in the mean time. She pulls the suit off, leaving only the mask, socks, and panties. She removes the bra and plays with her tits, squeezing them and pinching her nipples. The Ninja barely reacts to the petting. She straddles the ninja and licks her from her tummy to her ear, spending more time by the ear and the Ninja starts to breathe heavy and unconsciously enjoy the kissing and petting by the Agent. The Agent gets behind the Ninja, doing more of the same, flopping her limbs and playing with her sexy and more than ample portioned body. The Ninja reacts by sighing, lightly moaning and scrunching between her eyes when the erogenous zones are touched or kissed, or even licked. The Ninja is getting a bit too close to being back awake so the Agent prepares for the few last minutes. She gets on her knees, getting the ninja up in her lap so she can break her neck by twisting it around so fast it kills her instantly. She gets a firm hold and does a few turns to test where she needs to go to break it well. After a few turns she snaps her neck with speed and grace, the Ninja slumping down to her chest and arms going limp. The Agent lets her flop to the sofa, getting above her checking her pulse. She is dead but there can be no what ifs. The agent takes one hand around her neck and crushes her windpipe, and the rest of the vertebrae breaking  a few with two hands. She checks the pulse again and know her helicopter is here, she must go. She caresses her face and moves her hair aside , and takes her suit for a souvenir. She leaves the dead Ninja on the sofa for someone else to clean up, and enjoy. Her body is seen from many different angles and views.

Ryanne and Steevie were Amazing in this, looking forward to editing the one Where Ryanne Kills a Ninja Steevie. Chris

Run Time: 21:21 minutes
File Size: 500 MB 	Format: .MP4
    14 minutes
Starring: Willow Brooks & Lilith

A young lady is sleeping in her bed, having dreams of slaughtering her girlfriend in a role play scenario. Her as the master and her girlfriend Lilith as the animal meat. She dreams then wakes to find her girlfriend in the shower waiting for her, before she gets in, Willow shows her the hot dream as they kiss, make out with each other and the knife. She directs her, ties her up, plays with her tits and ass with the knife, kissing her soft, and then with full tongue. She does her favorite position and puts Lilith on her knees, she plays with and kisses her neck before she teases with the blade, then with one quick slice she opens her throat, surprise in Lilith's eyes but she seems to die content, eyes wide open, and bleeding from her neck wound. Willow plays with her body, then puts away the knife before hopping in the shower to cool off and rinse the blood off while her gal lay dead, still on the bathroom floor.

This is a hot slaughter, great chemistry! CB  EX LOVERS TRAGEDY
    32 minutes
Starring: Ashley Lane and Odette DeLacroix
w/ Jigsy as Frank

This clip is an experiment in expanded dialogue, almost to the point of a stage play, and consequent enhanced emotional complexity, though with plenty of passionate death too.

Story: Involved in a trafficking gang for whom life is cheap and death comes free, Ashley and Odette have for months been engaged in a hot but erratic love affair, in defiance of organization policy. Following their most recent, worst breakup, Odette, on a self-destructive impulse, has stolen valuable contraband and sensitive, incriminating data in a desperate, misconceived ploy to break free. But her betrayal is soon discovered and retribution will be swift, cruel and absolute.

In the opening scene, Odette comes home drunk from a night of unsatisfying dissipation and masochistically masturbates before a portrait of Ashley and then falls into a troubled, drunken sleep. Meanwhile, Ashley, finds out what's to happen. Driven by pity, vestigial love and irrational guilt over their failed romance's role in Odette's sealed fate, she decides to act, barely in advance of the gang's retaliation. She pays Odette a nocturnal visit to offer, not salvation, but relatively merciful, sensual deliverance vastly preferable to the torments Odette will suffer at the enforcer's hands.

Going to Odette's side on her bed, Ashley first uncovers and then touches the sleeping girl and, becoming increasingly aroused, brings her to climax. Odette wakes up in confusion, which soon turns to horror as she learns her fate. But Ashley offers to deliver her from the gang's justice, and offers her a quick death on the point of her knife. Odette, stalling for time, tries to seduce Ashley into erotically strangling her instead, to which Ashley agrees, but has hardly begun when Odette breaks away and produces a hidden gun, with which she unsteadily menaces Ashley.

Ashley slyly reasons with and seduces Odette to distraction and, with a sudden lunge and grab, tries to get control of the gun. They struggle over it, and it goes off. For long moments, it's uncertain who's been shot, at last revealed to be Odette, grievously wounded in the lower chest, her life slowly ebbing away. Unable to help in any other way, Ashley toys with her sexually. Odette's weakness grows, along with her intensity of erotic sensation, until finally, as she climaxes, Ashley crushes her throat and brings her to a doubled final orgasm as she dies.

Preparing to leave, Ashley is seized by a strange fascination with Odette's inert body and, only partially clad,  climbs back onto the bed to embrace the corpse, then falls asleep.  A dream comes upon her in which Odette, wounded and throttled, but full of life, seduces her into an erotic strangulation in which, after a sensually ambivalent struggle, Ashley dies, only to be called back to life by Odette – "time to wake up, pretty girl" (what movie's that from?) -- still in her dream. "Am I dead now too?" Ashley wonders." "No," Odette tells her, tapping her on the center of her forehead, "There's one more veil to be lifted."

Ashley wakes up with a jolt to find herself in bed with dead Odette and confronted by the gang's enforcer. She begs for her life, trying to seduce him, picks up Odette's hand and masturbates with it, trying in vain to get a rise out of the killer. Letting her know her final moment is at hand, the killer slowly takes aim and shoots her in her forehead where Odette tapped. With a last cry "Odette!" Ashley flops onto the bed, exhibiting decerebrate and then decorticate posturing, the musculoskeletal physiologic signs of massive brain trauma. Then with an explosive bladder release, she's gone.  Pans of wide-eyed corpses complete the scene.

Ashley and Odette, two perfectly opposite embodiments of both beauty at rest and grace in action,  provide, along with their accustomed fine physical acting,  erotic intensity and emotional authenticity that give this rendering of the fantasy its passionate dynamism. Highly recommended for fans of the complex and unusual.

Fetish elements: Masturbation, sleep molestation, knife menacing, garotte strangling x 2(at least!), catfight over weapon, low chest (nonfatal) and forehead (fatal) gunshot wounds, tracheal crush with ligature, traumatic abnormal posturing (decorticate and decerebrate), dream death, corpse hand masturbation, bladder release, body pans, spectacularly beautiful women, more....

This custom took a long time to shoot and edit, what a beautiful writer. Thanks! CB

Run Time: 32:00 minutes
File Size: 590 MB 	Format: .MP4
    39 minutes
Starring: Molly w/ Chris B.
Camera and Direction by: Belle Fatale

Molly is super pumped for her date, she has been chatting with an older guy on a dating site for a few weeks and is going on a date with him. She talks to her friend on the phone about do's and dont's of a first date. After she hangs up she tries on some outfits and shoes, and after she has the perfect combination, the knock at the door breaks her from her concentration, but she smiles and heads down the steps. She opens the front door and invites Chris in. He is dressed nicely and has a bottle of wine, though it is open he claims he needed to let it breathe for an hour, and knows they need to be downtown in a short time. They sit on the bare hardwood floor, she has just moved into a new house and has no furniture. Chris pours her a small glass of the red wine, claiming he wants to be sober to drive and looks forward to having a night cap. The reminder on his phone says they need to leave soon, so she chugs the wine, then starts to blur immediately. He is asking her questions, how she is doing, etc. The scene spins and blurs as she is getting very dizzy. He tells her, "Of course you are it is all the drugs I put in your wine silly." She falls face first to the floor and tries crawling for the door.He laughs and when she gets close to the door, he pulls her by one ankle towards the stairs to her room. He lays her face down on the steps, sets down the wine bottle and plastic glasses on the hardwoods, and starts to check out her dress, and what is underneath. He fingers her pussy on the steps, then takes her upstairs to her room, by throwing her over his shoulder. When he get's to the top he flops her down and starts to play with her limp body, undressing her and touching her all over. He gets her in position for some fun and fingers her more, then he flips her over  to her face. he walks down to his truck to get his bag of rope, then comes back to her. he finishes getting her undressed, then he flips her on her belly, binding her hands behind her back with rope. When she is tied up he gets her in position to do oral sex on her. He slaps her face, sticking his fingers in her mouth, then her pussy, then her mouth, slapping her face to wake her up. He fingers her harder, raising her legs, as she winces and moans in pain. He then stands her up to her knees, then removes his pants, belt, and grabs her by her hair. He whips out his dick telling her to make it hard, and suck his dick. he tells her to lick the shaft and balls. He commands her to do a good job and suck him off. She is crying and gagging as he forces himself into her mouth, deep throating her, as she drools and spits all over his cock. She is not happy at all, and he then throws her down on the floor for a good fucking. He rapes her from the front, over and over, then from behind, grinding her into the carpet, he beats it up for a while, and flips her on her back, legs in the air pounding her as she cries in pain, saying, "Your too big, please stop!" He pulls out, takes his condom off and forces his dick into her throat again, she drools and gas as he fucks her face until he pulls it out, jerking it and getting her head tilted just right then, "OPEN YOUR MOUTH.." he serves a big facial all over her face, chest, mouth, and even in her eye, as her makeup smears into the semen and tears mixed. He laughs as he taunts her, "Stupid idiot, I can't believe you broke the rule of letting strangers into yooour home." "Serves you right, dumb bitch." He pushes her face first to the floor as he gets dressed, then sees a nice black thigh high stocking on the floor, he gets behind her and pulls her to her knees, then strangles her. He wraps the stocking around her neck and pulls her almost off the carpeted floor, and you can tell he is getting a rush from it too. Sweat drips on her as she drools and chokes all over herself, trying to wiggle free and kick out her legs, he then gets his knee in her back and strangles her harder, her eyes bug out and her tongue tries so hard to find air, but there is none, he has cut her off from being one of the the breathing, she winds down and he lets her slowly fall to the floor so he can watch her twitch and die. She slows to nothing but a blank, smeared make-up eyed stare. Dead, worn out, and covered in fluids, he slides her over to the blanket on the floor. positioning her with the stocking, which he lowers to expose the red ligature marks, then ties a knot in the stocking on her kneck in the front, then exits to get a beer before clean up. Body pans and views of the freshly dead young dater, follow.

I must say for her first film, BELLE DID FANTASTIC JOB, as you will all see. This is a great video, and the intensity and acting is very well done! Thanks!  BETRAYAL OF ASH
    17 minutes
Starring: Paige turner w/ Doc Chavez

A wife paces at home waiting for her husband to get home from work. He found out about her cheating on him with his co-worker, which was more than just painful, it was degrading. When he get's home she is dressed in only; bra, panties, black, sheer toe, thigh highs that have a bow on top of the leg, as well as her best Italian high heeled pumps. When they meet eyes, he looks down, she tries to explain, and say she is sorry, but he is very quiet. She starts to seduce him, to ironically take his mind from her infidelity, he obliges because he already has plans. She starts to undress herself and then helps him take off his pants, commenting on his attention. She gives him the eyes as she caresses him. He wants to be more in control so he pushes her to the sofa where he explores her tasty treat, and she grasps and moans. She says the magic words, "Please put it inside me"! He obliges giving her the cock. She thrusts and moans, reacting to his thrusts. They both fuck each other hard and then climax. She is satisfied sort of, and he surprises her by pulling her up doggy style and doing her from behind. She reacts feeling herself being filled. Then he pulls her hard by the legs so he can be flat on top of her for control. He grabs her panties and wraps them through the waist hole around her neck from behind, pulling lightly at first, she reacts as if he is getting kinky, she is oblivious to his intentions. He fucks and pulls harder, she starts to wheeze and choke harder, then reacting as if she is starting to realize what he is doing to her. he pulls back harder as she grasps and bucks her ass, but it just makes the sex better for both. She is so turned on, and in the process of crossing over at the same time. Her tongue protrudes as her noises turn to fully being choked. She fights, but she is pinned down, being fucked and strangled. He pulls hard, her eyes cross and her tongue sticks out, protruding to the side. Here eyes cross from lack of O2, and as they both climax, she fades away, eyes wide, crossed, tongue out. Her black stocking clad feet, and her sexy, still body lay on the couch. The man goes to the linen closet to grab a white sheet to use to dump her body with. He rolls her off the couch onto the sheet, he let's us pan over her sexy death stare and tall, sexy, frame before he rolls her in the sheet, waiting for dark to dump her. Pans of the wrapped body follow.

Cant say enough about Paige!! Awesome!

Run Time: 18:42 minutes
File Size: 365 MB 	Format: .WMV
    19 minutes
Starring: Ryanne w/ voices of demons in hell
Narrated voice overs by Ryanne


Ryanne was attacked and abducted by who she thought were muggers on the street and brought back to a secret location where she is tortured every day by demons and the henchmen that are controlled by them. She wakes up in a room that is covered in sheets and cloth with only a sheer nightgown on the floor. She is bruised and has whip marks on her from her first day of torment. The room is very hot and she is sweating on the floor crawling around to the sheer nightgown to put it on. The demons told her of a secret door in the wall, so she looks around trying to find it but to no avail. Soon the demons appear out of nowhere and torment her with their voices, explaining why she is there. The demons punch her in her face, knocking her around the room with invisible punches that land every time. The demons are relentless and continue to punch her in the face and tits. Slow motion of the breasts and face punches, lots of blood sprays and punches. The demons give her so much pain and she cries in terror and pain from the beating. The demons bring in a cattle prod and poke her in the pussy with it as she convulses uncontrollably at the shock from the cattle prod. The demons torment her over and over with the shocking cattle prod. She falls to the floor and convulses but the demons continue to shock her. The demons let her fall to the floor after a round of major pain. She writhes and crawls around trying to get herself put back together but she is bleeding and in lot\'s of pain. The demons continue the torment as they bring out a long nine foot bull whip. She screams in pain as the whip cracks and comes down on her flesh. They whip her body over and over again until she is marked and scarred with huge welts on her body. The demons continue to punch her and whip her over and over. Her huge tits jiggle and shake around as she is being beaten and shocked. After shocking her pussy more the demons whip her over and over on her body and tits. The whip comes down leaving bloody marks and scars from the beating. She is in so much pain being kicked in her side as she rolls on the floor, then stumbling to her feet in her disheveled, torn night gown but collapses and passes out from the pain. After being beaten, electrocuted, whipped, and kicked over and over, not to mention the tormenting from the demon voices, Ryanne passes out from exhaustion and physical trauma, but she is not finished, there are several more days of torment and pain to come.

I have to split these large files into two parts. Both films have tons of content, and are absolutely splendidly acted and performed. The FX and blood look so good. Ryanne is so out of control hot and good in this. What a great talent. PART 2 UP NEXT. CB
Price: 17.00
Run Time: 18:30 minutes
File Size: 500 MB 	Format: .MP4
    26 minutes
Starring: Belle Fatale w/ Chris

**FULL 1920X1080 HD**

Belle and Chris are lovers from way back and have always role played together, always trying new things, expanding to others, and sometimes pushing Belle to her ultimate limits, dangling her life before her, and always intertwined with orgasms and satisfaction. Since they both travel for work, the times they share are fewer, but always pack a lot of sexy fun role play into their meetings. This time Chris has a few things in mind that don't go along with the role play, at least not what she has in mind.

Chris arrives home after stopping at his postal box, excited to open his parcel, sent from Belle without instruction, only items to use in the games they will play. He opens it to find a zipper lock bag with white latex gloves, and a couple of clear cellophane bags, large enough to fit over her head to cut her off from the air, and a sexy card with, "see you tonight", signed with a kiss. It also has panty hose that can be used for encasement, her favorite brand, with some nice stockings for the both of them to wear over their faces as they pretend to be strangers. Chris reaches into his own bag full of tricks and comes out with a large bottle of chloroform and another pair of tan pantyhose to use as a chloroform rag. He prepares the room for Belle to come home and goes to hide as if he is not there.

Belle gets home a bit later, smiling as she comes through the door and seeing the room all ready with the pretty bed cover, flowers; lilies her favorite type that he would bring her when they first met. She walks into the room and looks into the mirror to make sure she still looks fresh before she gets totally encased in pantyhose. She feels the tan hosiery, one pair for her bottoms, one with the crotch removed for her top, and a tan knee high stocking large enough to not distort her pretty face so much. She slowly removes her high heeled pumps on the bed, showing and caressing her sexy legs and perfect feet. She gets encased, slowly sliding the hose on to her feet, then removing her sexy black dress as she fits the tight hose over her plump little rear. She does the same to the top, peering into the hose as she stretches them with her fingers so they don't run and sliding them over her hands and arms, then her chest. She gets her hair up in a bun and fits the stocking over her face, carefully so she doesn't mess up her lipstick and eye shadow, she wants to be perfect for her stalker. After she is encased she puts her high heels back on and gets into bed, reaching into the drawer to grab her small but effective vibrator that she loves to use while role playing so it can stay on inside her as she is being suffocated and groped. She lays back and starts to use the vibe, first over her pantyhose, all the while rubbing her tits and clit to get as much self stimulation so she can be ready for her attacker. As she goes more and more, she moans with pleasure her heels digging into the plush bed cover. Her thin and sexy legs toned with muscle, flexing to her desires. She puts the vibrator under her pantyhose and starts to get really in depth rubbing harder and faster, when she hears a sound in the background, it just makes her hornier and she looks away from the door where she can hear the faint sound of rustling cellophane giving her a signal to get into position for an attack. As she works her way up to her knees, still using the toy to get off, knowing soon she will be in ecstasy, Chris moves behind her and quickly has the bag sealed off and tight so she will get no air. This does not stop her from using the vibe, but after a minute and tumbling to the bed, she needs her hands to naturally fight. She is so turned on and moving her legs all over the bed, still wearing her high heels digging them into his legs as he gropes her breasts through the pantyhose and rubs her pussy on and off. Belle is struggling for air and Chris takes her to her first limit then removing the bag just in time for her to take a huge gasp. She embraces him and he kisses her body as she catches her breath a bit. Chris is relentless and soon gets her up to her knees again and when she is not expecting throws the bag over but not letting her topple, he keeps her upright as he bags her, she flails her arms and also feels up herself and him as she fights for air. He takes her to the limits again, a little further this time and as he removes the bag she gasps and reaches to touch him and grab through his pants, she wants sex but she knows he will take her further. He lets her fall and gets behind her spooning her and tosses the bag over her head again and she still catching her breath. She fights a bit and feels horny as he rubs her pussy and helps the vibrator do its part. He lets her go a bit shorter this time he knows what she wants and he knows the surprise is yet to come. As he removes the bag she reaches around to grab his dick, and he moves off the bed, she thinks so he can remove his jeans. She is vibrating herself on the bed still trying to catch her breath. Chris grabs another ziplock bag he had stashed that has a freshly soaked pair of tan pantyhose that she is unaware of. As he gets on to the bed her face changes a bit and she says, "whats that smell?" Immediately Chris covers her nose and mouth with the chloroform rag and she goes crazy. He straddles her as her legs kick and her eyes flutter over and over. She fights for quite a long time and Chris is so excited wanting to have chloroform sex with her, something he has wanted to try, but has never been able to get her to approve. After a few twitches of her feet, she goes limp, out cold from the chloroform. He grabs the bag replacing the chloroform hose into the bag so it stays live when he needs it again. He takes the scissors and cuts a slit in her crotch pantyhose so he can fuck her while she out chloroformed. He takes off his pants and gets on top of her, sliding his dick out through his underwear and going inside her. He starts slowly as he pulls her head up and looks at her limp and out as he pumps her already wet pussy with his dick. After doing her for a while she starts to stir and he reaches to the nearby bag and grabs the still soaked chloroform pantyhose, covering her nose and mouth as he continues to pump. She tries to fight but she has been through an arduous evening already, but she still kicks her legs and tries to fight but he keeps her pinned. She goes out again and he continues to fuck her limp encased body. He pulls her over to the bed side so he can get better leverage and after pumping her more she starts to stir. He takes the chloroform rag again and covers her nose and mouth. She has been through the wringer so she fights less, but shill moans and makes muted protests before going out again. This is exciting Chris so much that he starts to climax and continues to fuck her harder as she flops around from him pounding her. He cums inside of her, finishing strong as he sweats over her encased body. He lays on top of her for a moment, kissing her and thanking her for the best night of his life. He dismounts her and gets himself together as he does. Her pussy still dripping wet from the sex. She is out cold, exhausted, limp and not moving a muscle as he kisses her face and tells her thanks again. He exits the room and her body is slowly panned over to see her sexy body and face encased in pantyhose, the vibrator still humming close to her face. He wonders if she will be upset, but he will explain that she would be selfish not to let him live out his fantasy, especially when he has been attending to hers for so long.

Great video, great concept! I love pantyhose on a woman and never really got into the encasement thing. I obviously do I will say though that being the actor in this film, and along side Belle, it really got the juices flowing, damn she is sexy. I am so fortunate to have these great models. Some of the best! Thanks so much for checking this and other films out, we always go the extra mile for you. CB

Run Time: 25:30 minutes
File Size: 700 MB 	Format: .MP4
     AIR P P Pow and Pop
    10 minutes
      AIR P  P Pow and Pop - AIR P & P (Pow and Pop)

Starring: Belle Fatale, Ryanne, and Lexxi

w/ Chris B.


This is a bit different, similar pacing and action, just seen from different angles and points of view for the shots and kills, as well as the aftermath. We also left deleted scenes and some outtakes to show our skills and attention to making the fans happy with their product. We do love feedback. Nothing fancy as far as sfx goes, gun sounds, bullet hits and muzzle flash with small wounds and a tiny bit of blood. Enjoy!

Three webcam porn stars sit around after a shoot, still in socks, panties, and nothing else, discussing the place they rented for the shoot and their plans for the evening. Things are juicy like the gossip and details of their ideas for a party, but the guy who is renting the place out on Air P & P, isn't too happy about it and comes in to take care of these bitches trying to throw a socks only sausage fest at the rental house. The guy comes in gun blazing with marksman's precision and accuracy. He checks the bodies over to make sure the are dead afterwards and leaves. The bodies are also viewed and panned after the action and the absence of thew killer.  CHEAT FIGHT LOVE DIE
    26 minutes
Introducing: Savina
Starring: Belle, Willow, Scarlet w/ Doc Chavez as "Tony"

Strange housemates situation makes things awkward around the house already because Tony has been letting himself wander away from Belle, and to the roommates. Her is just trying to sell his place and move with Scarlet(secretly) somewhere there is no Drama. Belle is jealous of Willow and when she rubs it in Belle's face that she is also screwing Tony, it starts one hell of a CAT FIGHT!!! Dressed in Daisy Dukes cut-off shorts, and topless, the two girls get into a tiff and there is no way one of them is getting out alive. They trade blows, screaming insults at each other, clawing eyes, slapping, punching, titty twisting, cunt kicking, and punching, hand throttling and biting, no holes barred knock down drag out fight!! They go for a while, and when Belle gets the upper hand she puts her in a choke hold and bears down, Willow fights, but finally passes out from the arm bar. Belle drags her to the couch and props her up, grabs a stocking that is hanging over the couch's arm, and wraps it around Willow's lovely neck. She wakes her up and a strangle ensues. Willow fights harder than ever, not just for her man but now for her life. It is a long hard struggle but Belle prevails and Willow's neck shows the scars from the nylon stocking. She is dead, so Belle is very turned on and grabs the dead body, lays her on the floor and starts to grinding her crotch against the other girl. She grinds hard, making the seam of her denim shorts, rubs her clit so hard and with great pressure, she bursts into orgasm. She has no idea the other roommate Scarlet is home and has been watching her Postmortem Sexcapade, which she notes made her very wet. Belle coaxes her into playing with the dead gal, then noting that the realtor will be there soon for the appointment to show the house. Scarlet grabs the stocking and hands it to Belle, asking her to play but don't make her like Willow. Belle scoffs at the idea, saying how much she likes her, and Scarlet thinking that her affair with Tony is secretive, but the Daisy Dukes cut-off shorts and pony tails show Belle who she is trying to impress. Belle strangles Scarlet even harder, and Scarlet's face is red as the nylon digs deep into her skin. Her eyes bloodshot, and her face red, Scarlet pushes hard to live but doesn't get her wish. She dies with a couple twitches and a wide eyed look of defeat. Belle is in Heaven now that she has taken care of a couple problems and helped her urges to strangle and fuck dead sluts. She loses her edge though, forgetting that the realtor will arrive in a bit. She has no idea that Tony is back home and arrived with the Realtor, who is a very tall, BBW, dressed in a skirt, thigh highs and high heels. When they walk into the living room, Belle is there grinding on the dead gals, and the realtor comes into seeing this. The realtor knows Tony well but she freaks and mentions the cops and how a DOUBLE HOMICIDE will ruin her chances to sell. Belle and Tony think fast and know they need no trouble, so they try to calm her down by geting her to the couch, taking her phone and when she least expects, Tony throws the stocking around her neck and strangles hard!! She is a big fighter and flops all over, fighting so hard, and working so much that she fades faster than the thin broads. Her panties dig into her voluptuous mound as she bucks, but ends up twitching and pushing out her final air, then dead. Her eye makeup is smeared from the struggle and the tears of defeat. Tony gets up and starts in on Belle and how she really screwed up. She replies that he was doing everyone in the house, and that he probably fucked the realtor too. "Do blowjobs count?" he says and she flips...She is upset, but when he says it's ok and they can work it out, he leads her to the couch. "I can make you some tea." He says, trying to soothe the crazed woman. "We can get through this" she says as she surveys the carnage, and when she turns he is right behind her with the stocking, choking her the hardest because of the mess she left him in, and his herum of housemates and sexpots are all dead, on the floor including the Realtor, who Tony says gives the best Blowjobs..He strangles Belle so hard, her eyes bug out, tongue fishes for air and her mouth agape. Her face turns red and her neck is scarred from the garotte digging in. He finishes her off then gets them all situated, inspecting them, removing their shorts, playing with their bits and pieces, and starts with Willow, she was his newest and funnest, then he heads to the Realtor, which he had BJ's but never had a car big enough to give her a good fuck, and was waiting to sell the house for that "Big Bang", so he pumps her hard, then he moves to Scarlet, his girl on the side that was easy to hide because she was so scarce. He grinds her good before he moves to his Belle, the "Bottom Bitch" that let things go south because of jealousy. He screws her hard as her tits jiggle and her crossed eyed death stare wobble as he finishes inside her. Tony knows he muct clean, he only has a half hour before that cute Lesbian couple comes to see the house......Hmmm that gives Tony an idea....To be continued..
    21 minutes
      AMAZON TWINS v THE BROTHERHOOD - The eternal battle of warriors: The New Amazons vs The Brotherhood. The amazons are very sensual and hot blooded women. They focus on lust and blood. They live (and die) only for this. Members of the Brotherhood appear cold, but they canīt hide that they are attracted to them. The amazons have a deep desire of death in them and some actually WANT to be killed in a fight to the death and please their killer with a very sexy death. They may not know it, but itīs in their soul. Thatīs why The Brotherhood has an advantage sometimes.

Belle talks to her twin sister on the phone that their location was spotted by an assassin of The Brotherhood and to be prepared. The twin undresses for battle, she canīt wait to fight the assassin. As she senses his presence, she gets a pistol and shoots, but gets immediately shot in her bellybutton and dies an agonizing death.

Belle, who is spiritually related to her twin, experiences her fate, too. She gets more and more aroused as the assassin enters her room. At first it looks like her magic powers can save her, but in the end she gets up stabbed in the bellybutton and dies and even more outrageous death as her twin sister. The assassin is very pleased with her death struggle and the Brotherhood can detract two amazon warriors off their list.

Written by TS Solstice (Amfight), Belle gives the performance of her life as two wild amazon sisters who experience her ultimate sweaty, bloody demise. A MUST for all lovers of amazon warriors and bellybuttons!  GAME CONTROL EXTERMINATOR
    11 minutes
      GAME CONTROL EXTERMINATOR - A busy video game developer is trying to finish his final level so he can get paid for his mods. He asks his hot girlfriend to make him a sandwich, and she is too busy hanging around in her panties and half shirt, texting her friend Jenny. She brushes him off but she has no idea about his new mod he will unlock, code name: Eliminator, who is a real like life form that generates when you unlock the level, and does the dirty work for you. After getting no sandwich and a bunch of lip, he unlocks the shooter and controls him to the target. When he appears without any sound she is startled and just says, "Honey one of your weird gaming friends is here". The drone announces himself as Eliminator and steps to square up with her. He pulls out his long silenced .40 s&w, and raises it at belly level. From the other room, on his monitor the controller cocks the hammer, and pulls the trigger. She is stunned with a shot half way between the navel and the mons pubis. She clutches as the blood begins to trickle out, she looks up at the expressionless lifeform who is getting into position for the next shot, as she slides down the fridge to the floor. Eliminator bends down and points the silenced gun pointblank to her right breast, then the controller pulls back and pops her, the slug going through her tit out the other side leaving an exit wound. She is in much pain as she flounders on the floor, clutching her breast and her belly, bleeding good from all 3 holes. She squirms, bucks, and kicks getting her legs in the other direction. The Eliminator is controlled to get square for the next shot, which is right in the clitoris. He bends down, aims and shoots her point blank right in the snatch as she cries out in pain, grabbing her pussy as the blood comes leaking out through her panties. He steps up and says, "target eliminated" and disappears off screen. She bucks and heaves, clawing at her wounds until she spits and coughs up a bunch of blood, and then dies. Having finished his game with success, he heads into the kitchen to see his handy work. He grabs some scissors to cut her tshirt and panties off to see the marks. He adds that the shots and aim are right on, so now he can get paid for his game. Successful, he says that it's too bloody to make a sandwich so it's burgers again tonight and exits for more body pans.

Starring: SaraLiz

Theme: Shooting, Postmortem
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