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    13 minutes




Starring: Angelina, Max  


Inspector Angelia follows the villain warlord to an abandoned warehouse. She had been following him since arriving at the location Super Annabelle had gone to, just in time to see him leave. She enters the abandoned building

She see’s the Warlord about to grab a pair of floating scissors, she yells at him to “Stop, put your hands up and walk to me slowly”

“I can’t…can’t you hear the voice, it’s telling me to pick up the scissors, I can’t stop” explains the Warlord

“I’ll shoot if you pick up those scissors.” Warns Angelina

He grabs the scissors and she shots him in the chest. He drops to the ground with the scissors in his hand. Inspector Angelia slowly approaches the Warlord who is either dead or dying, looking out for any of his gang members.

She approaches the body of the Warlord and is surprised to see the body of a man wearing a trench coat, his face is masked, only his eyes are visible. She can see a pair of scissors in his hand, the same pair of scissors he grabbed, and his other hand is now a claw. Suddenly he opens eyes, eyes that now have a haunting red glow.

He stabs her in the upper thigh of one thigh with his scissors and stabs her in the other upper thigh with the claw . He then pushes down on his weapons to help stand him up, causing a large gash to appear on both legs, dark red blood oozes from the wound

He lets go of her skirt; Inspector Angelia quickly pulls up her panties and her tights, causing more runs to appear. She lifts her skirt as she pulls up her panties and tights. He stabs her in the crotch with his scissors when her panties are exposed. Blood sprays from the wound.

She covers her panties with her skirt and keeps a hand on her crotch as she hunches over. The masked man then stabs her in the crotch again, with the scissors, going through her hand on her skirt, and her skirt. More blood sprays from the wound.

She screams in pain holding the wrist of her bloodied hand. She gets twirled around so her back is facing the masked man. He slashes her across the back with his clawed hand causing multiple gashes to appear on her back. dark red blood oozes from the wound.

He then stabs her in-between her legs, dark red blood sprays and then drips down from the wound. Inspector Angelia in a lot of pain, and in complete shock walks forward until she reaches a table and collapses onto the table.

The masked man lifts her skirt to get a clear view of her spectacular ass. He then begins to spank her in the ass until her ass is red and her panties are torn up. He then stabs her in both butt cheeks, dark red blood oozes from the wounds.

He roles her off the table and she lands on her back arching her back in pain from the deep gashes. He then kicks her in between the legs a few times and then pulls off her skirt and looks at her bloodied body. He roles her over and then looks at her bloodied body again. He then kneels beside her and says, “I’m taking this as a souvenir.” He laughs and leaves.

She lies there, unmoving, and barely breathing. Another police officer appears and see’s Angelina on the ground. He approaches her and checks for a pulse. Startled he stand up fast and pulls out a radio and says. “We have an officer down, send an ambulance right away, she won’t survive unless we get medical help right away, please hurry.” He stops talking on the radio, and then speaks to her, “Fight, please fight to say alive”.

At the hospital she is on life support, the two men talk about her saying that she will never move again if she ever regains consciousness. Then one doctor says “She has no next of kin, the world thinks she is dead, we can do with her what we want. Super Annabelle hasn’t been seen for in weeks now, there is a homicide maniac on the lose, we need a hero, we have the Super Annabelle formula, I think we should use it.

The other doctor replies” Are you mad, we have no idea what the formula will do, it could kill her or worse”

“It already is worse” he says, “and things are getting worse, we need a miracle, what do we have to lose.”


Elements: Police uniform, Blood and bruising effects, cloths tearing, Lots of blood on the legs, crotch, butt , back, arms, stomach, chest.  Cannibals 4
    21 minutes
      Cannibals 4 - DEADLY PRIVARE LESSONS

Full way from sexy girl to roast meat


Rich prelude before cannibal eating


Cut throat

Eating, bloody naturalistic eating

Full way from sexy girl to roast meat



Two sexy rich girl invite a student to their house. Poor girl thinks they are repetitors and wants to study Italian language. But they are cannibals
    20 minutes
      Nerd - 3 hot, long ************* scenes and great bodypile  Crazy Doctor
    9 minutes
      Crazy Doctor - Crazy doctor
one of the best emotional fetish ********** scenes we have ever seen!

new model: jenny!

please watch her talent in new ******* thriller «crazy doctor».

jenny plays a young womanl home alone. She is ill and calls doctor for help. Doctor comes her places but he is crazy and has split personality! His second side is a terrible maniac-choker. He puts a scary mask to become a killer and he brutally st...Angles poor ******! Jenny makes a perfect ch...Ng ****** – body kicking, sexy face reaction, death stare. When the doctor comes back to his normal side he says that his «college» has already been here and decides to play with dead body!

fetish elements:

medicine examination, home alone,  doctor and patient, underwear.
 st....Ling, fighting for life, legs kicking, agony, super sexy agony faces, surprise, death stare with tongue out, touching dead body.

 if you like this one please check , "you're fired!", "unhappy birthday" and "deadly home invasion-2"
    28 minutes
6 Girls in Boots were executed by hanging!
Professional Hanging Tricks! 

Starring: Marina, Anastasia, Pola, Nadya, Nata, Nika, Kit, Anatoliy 

Custom Clip


	Two fake producers invite 6 actresses for casting in  B-movie. They say it should be adventure film about bank robbers. Girls must cast topless. Young naïve actresses want to catch this roles and be famous! Producers suggest to shoot cast scene about hanging to show it to the director. Stupid girls don’t see anything suspection when procucer tie their hands and go to real noses. They realize they’re in gig peril too late when crazy maniacs start to hang them for real. 
Fetish elements:
Bondage, Hands Ties, Boots, Helpless, Peril, Hanging ine by one, Bodypile
Alll fetish elements for hanging clip are included:
Hanging views full-length
Jerking legs above the ground
Close ups of hanging daces with eyes wide opened and tongues out if the months  FILM SCENES REMAKES
    6 minutes
CAST: Ksyusha Zaichik, Max, Alex
Two iconic movie scenes:
Black widow(1987) director Bob Rafelson
Patriotic Games(1992) director Phillip Noyce
    13 minutes
Custom Movie
Starring: Irina (New Model), Annabelle, Mary, Pola

An agent gets a signal for help. Rich safe house with many females-agents in it is attacked by female assassin. He rushes for help but it was too late. He killed the bad girl but it was nobody alive to being saved…
If you like this clip please also check out:
    1 minutes
CAST: Tanya, Wes

Home invasion, Innocent Victim, Home Attack, Sudden Attack, Shot in the shower, Shooting, Shooting to the back, Shooting to the stomach, shooting to the chest, Blood, Shooting to the dead body, Death Stare, Machine Gun, Machine Gun reaction

       Tanya is just a young woman at hope who has her evening shower. What can be more safe and casual? But suddenly machinegun tra-ta-ta-ta-ta noises, hell pain in her back – WHAT? She is shot many times to her back by somebody terrible with a machine gun. She tries to do some steps to back but he executed her brutally to her chest, then shot her many times already dead and leaves her nude, wet, dead bloody body tin the bath…
    18 minutes
Starring: Nata and Hass
Custom Clip 
17 minutes 
10 scenes
20 deaths 
Exotic, grotesque poses, expressive reactions, deadly surprised emotions, agonies, bodypiles, bottom up bodypiles and ultra sexy poses
Stabbings and shootings!
Catfightings to the death!


FULL HD, Great CameraWork, Best DarkRoom traditions

100% death fetish clip!

Scenes detailed descriptions: 
Scene 1. 

Nata is holding a gun, her legs spread apart. Nata aims to shoot (at an off-screen, unseen enemy), but she is shot in her lower belly, making her gasp with her eyes and mouth wide open and she puts her hand where she was shot. She stumbles and then falls to the floor into this pose. Pictures show facial expression when shot, body reaction, and death pose.
Hass comes in and gets on her knees beside Nata and checks her, Hass\\\'s legs are spread apart while on her knees. Hass grabs the gun and aims, but she is also shot in her lower belly, making her gasp as her head and shoulder fling back (her face looking at the ceiling), her back curved and ass sticking back a little and she puts her hand on her lower belly. The camera shows a good profile view of Hass.  Hass then falls forward over top of Nata (do not cover Nata\\\'s crotch). Hass has her ass in the air and her legs spread apart.

Scene 2. 

Nata is aiming (similar to first sample picture) but gets shot in her belly and reacts (second sample picture) and she falls to the floor in this death pose (third sample picture) , with one knee forward propping up her hips and her legs still spread apart.

Hass is aiming and also gets shot in her lower belly.  Hass falls to the ground and begins to writhe, squirm and roll around slowly as she has her hand on her lower belly (keep hand on belly entire time).  While Hass is writhing, she rolls over face-down, lifting her ass up into the air (camera shows nice view of her ass), then rolls completely over onto her side and back. Hass moans and makes sexy sounds (moans and other sexy sounds) as she writhes, arching her back up, her legs spreading apart often (camera shows between her legs and good views of her belly, hips, and ass while she is writhing.
After writhing, squirming, and rolling over for about 15 or 20 seconds, Hass gasps very loudly with her eyes and mouth open wide as her back arches very high and her legs spread (similar to photo below), then after a pause for 2 or 3 seconds, she slowly exhales with a soft, sexy moan as her body slowly relaxes (not sudden drop), as her eyes roll back and she goes limp, her leg falls to one side into her death pose and has a good death stare. 

Scene 3. 

Hass is shot in her lower belly, making her react with a sexy squeal as her body reacts (ass and hips thrust back, her back arched) as she puts her hand on her lower belly.  She is shot again under her breast, making her body react (similar to first photo). She stumbles and then falls into this pose (second photo):

Hass has one final gasp, her hips lifting into the air a little, then she exhales with a sexy, soft sigh and relaxes her body, her hips sink back down.  The camera shows 3 good camera angles, one showing between her legs and her ass, from above her, and also of her face and ass in the background.
Nata walks in and gets on her knees beside Hass.  Nata checks on her, then slowly rolls Hass over (pulling on her hips). Camera shows Hass\\\'s hips and ass as she is rolled over, her legs still open.  These sample pictures show good camera angle of Hass, Hass being rolled over, and the new pose for Hass:

Nata is then shot in her lower belly, making her react, then she falls over top of Hass 
Scene 4. 

Hass and Nata are holding fake knives, and they get locked together (holding each other\\\'s wrists), and push up against each other, legs spread apart. Camera shows profile view and also behind as they struggle with knives.  Then the girls fall to their knees, similar to these photos:

Nata forces her knife between them, the knife low to the ground, both girls have their back curved and ass sticking out some, with legs apart.  Nata slowly overpowers Hass, forcing her knife upward, closer to Hass\\\'s belly, then she thrusts upward, stabbing Hass below her bellybutton, making her gasp and squeal as her back curves down more (hips thrust upward).  When Nata pulls the knife out, Hass exhales with a moan and goes limp, slumping onto Nata.  Nata holds her up for a few seconds, then lets Hass fall backward, her legs tucked under, into the pose in the sample picture.  One sample photo shows a good body reaction from an upward stab to her lower belly, her back curved down some, her ass out, and legs spread.  The second photo is the death pose after falling back.
Nata then rolls Hass over into this pose and several camera angles are shown, including between her legs and good view of her ass.
Nata gets on one knee in a victory pose over top of Hass (see sample photo).  Nata does not know Hass is still alive and has a knife.  Hass surprises Nata with a stab to her lower belly, making her gasp.  After reacting to the stab, Nata slumps to the side of Hass, with her leg over Hass.  See sample photos for victory pose as well as death pose (body pile where their ass is still showing):

Several camera angles are shown, showing good ass views and between their legs.

Scene 5. 

Nata shoots Hass in her lower belly, Hass puts her hands on her belly, and then Hass falls slowly to her knees, her legs spread (similar to first photo).  Then Hass\\\'s eyes go cross (cross-eyed, similar to second photo), and then she slumps forward, her hips and ass high in the air, her legs spread, similar to the third photo (her legs spread, back curved down):
Camera shows good angles, including between her legs, camera low to ground and looking up between legs, camera angle from over top of her looking down, profile view, and of face with ass in background (about 10 seconds).

Nata walks to Hass and nudges her hips , which very slowly makes Hass\\\'s hips sink down to the ground (camera from behind showing her hips sink down).  Then Nata uses her foot to slowly roll over Hass into a new pose. Pictures show camera angle after her hips sink down to the ground, being rolled over, and the new death pose for Hass.
Nata is then shot by off-screen, unseen enemy and she falls.

Scene 6. 

Hass and B are standing near a couch (or bed).  Hass is shot in her lower belly, making her react with a loud gasp (eyes and mouth wide open), then a sexy moan, then she falls forward (over the edge of the couch, or off the bed), so her upper body is off the end, her face and shoulders on the ground, but her hips and ass are propped up in the air and her legs spread (see sample pose pictures).  Camera angle showing between her legs, from above, at floow level showing her face with her ass and hips in the background, similar to these deaht poses and camera angles:
Nata is then shot, making her react in a similar way as Hass. Nata falls back and is either draped back over the couch arm, or draped off the edge of the bed, her legs spread far apart, her back arched over the edge. One leg can be propped up on back of couch or someting else.  Both Hass and Nata are close together, but not covering each other.  See these sample pictures for Nata, either one will work.  Both girls should have a nice death stare.

Scene 7. 

Nata is holding a knife and Hass walks in holding a gun.  Hass shoots Nata in her lower belly, making her moan and put her hand on her belly, then she falls to the ground on her back and is limp.  Nata is still holding the knife.  Hass does not know Nata is still alive.  Hass walks over and sits on Nata, similar to these pictures:

Nata is still holding her knife, she wakes up without Hass knowing.  Nata reaches around and stabs Hass in her lower belly (or in her side), making Hass react with a gasp, her back curved, her face looking toward ceiling, similar to this pose:

When Nata pulls the knife out, Hass exhales with a sexy moan and goes limp, slumping forward, her legs still straddling Nata.  Hass\\\'s ass still propped up into the air.  After camera gets several good camera angles, including between her legs and also floor level showing her ass and hips in the background, then Nata sits up, similar to these photos:     
To make sure she is dead, Nata stabs Hass in her lower back, making Hass softly gasp and lift her hips and ass up into the air a little, then exhale with a soft sexy moan as her eyes go cross and she dies. Nata then gently rubs her hands down Hass\\\'s body, and then fondles her ass some.  Then Nata very slowly rolls Hass off to the side into a new death pose with legs spread apart far and knee bent, similar to this pose:

Nata then holds her lower belly, falls back to the floor, and begins to write and roll around, her legs spreading apart, arching her back up, rolling on her side and twisting, rolling over and lifting ass and hips into the air, similar to these sample pictures:
Then, Nata suddenly gasps very loud and lifts her entire body up, her legs spread.  After a pause for a few seconds, she slowly exhales with a soft sexy moan and relaxes her body down as her eyes roll back (not a sudden drop or plop to the floor). 

Scene 8. 

Both girls are on their knees holding knives.  They get locked together, pushing against each other, then they fall over to the floor and begin rolling around, one girl on top, then the other, and sometimes both on their side, their legs intertwined.  These photos show the action:

Hass finally gets the advantage, she gets to her knees, Nata still on the floor, her legs spread apart.  Hass gets her knife free and with Nata\\\'s legs spread far apart, she stabs her below her bellybutton, making her gasp and arch her back up, her legs still spread apart.  Sample photos show Hass on her knees, Nata has legs spread apart, and her reaction to being stabbed:
When Hass pulls the knife out, Nata exhales with a sexy moan and her eyes roll back and she goes limp.  Hass gets beside her (opposite side as camera) and runs her knife across her body while camera shows good view of her belly and between her legs.  Hass does not know that Nata is still alive.  Hass gets on top of Nata straddling her (similar to first photo), and leaning forward so her face is close to Nata, similar to second photo (talking trash to her), Hass\\\'s ass is up in the air, her back curved downward.
Hass does not know Nata is still holding a knife.  Nata is playing dead, and without Hass knowing, she sneaks a knife underneath Hass.  Nata surprises Hass with an upward stab into her lower belly (below her bellybutton), making her gasp as her back curves downward more, her eyes and mouth wide open (camera must show her body when stabbed).  Camera shows view of her face with ass in background, a good profile view (showing knife in her belly), and a good angle from behind, showing her ass and up close between her legs.  After the camera views, Nata puts her other hand (opposite side of camera) on Hass\\\'s lower back, then pulls her downward onto the knife more, making Hass gasp and moan in a sexy way, then she exhales and  her eyes go cross and her tongue sticks out as she goes limp, slumping forward over top of Nata.  Hass\\\'s ass in the air.  Sample photos show facial reactions for Hass and her death pose on top of Nata.
Scene 9. 
Hass is standing guard, her legs spread apart.  Nata is holding a knife and sneaks up from behind.  Nata puts one arm around Hass\\\'s neck, then reaches around with the knife and stabs her below her bellybutton, making her gasp and arch her back, her ass pressing into Nata. Sample pictures show good pose while standing guard and sneak frorm behind, arm around neck and curving back, and good sample picture of lower belly stab and body reaction. The fourth sample picture shows a great camera angle looking up between her legs before she slides down and while she is sliding.  Other good camera angles are from the front, and also a profile view with the knife in her belly.
Hass moans, puts her hand on her wound, then Nata pulls the knife out, which makes Hass moan.  Hass then slowly slides down to her knees, her legs spread apart.  Nata then gets on her knees behind Hass.  Nata reaches around Hass again and stabs her in her lower belly again, with a similar reaction to this sample picture:
After Hass reacts to the second belly stab, her legs begin to spread apart as she slides down to closer to the ground. Nata then slowly pulls Hass back on top of her.  Nata stabs her in the bellybutton, making Hass gasp as her back arches upward, legs spread, then after a pause, she slowly exhales with a sexy sound and goes limp.  Sample pictures show Hass with legs spread and a great camera angle between her legs, and the final belly stab and reaction.
Nata then fondles Hass for a few seconds while camera shows between her legs and another good body view.  Then Nata slowly rolls Hass into a new death pose (sample pictures):
Nata is turned on.  She gets on all fours over top of Hass (who is dead), Nata\\\'s legs are spread apart.  Nata puts the knife in Hass\\\'s limp hand. Nata moves the knife up and down her body, then she stabs herself below her bellybutton (while Hass\\\'s hands are on the knife), making Nata react with a sexy moan and a little sensation of pain as her back curves downward. Camera shows view of her face with ass in background, a profile view, and a view from behind (showing ass and between legs).  Nata then pulls the knife out with a sexy moan. Nata is very turned on.  She then stabs herself again in her belly, making her gasp with eyes and mouth wide open, then she has a pleasureful look. She pulls the knife out and her eyes roll back as she exhales with a soft sexy moan and goes limp, slumping forward over the top of Hass.  Nata\\\'s ass is in the air, her legs spread (Nata should not cover Hass\\\'s crotch).
Scene 10. 
Hass and B have knives and get locked together.  Hass pushes Nata back over the couch cushion, Nata\\\'s back is arched over the cushion and her legs are spread far apart.  Hass is between her legs (there is a gap between them so camera can see Nata\\\'s belly and between her legs).  They push up onto the couch even more and Nata is over the couch arm, her legs spread apart, and Girl is is over top of her.  Nata\\\'s legs are spread apart, one leg on the back of the couch.  Sample pictures show pushing over couch, and up over couch arm while fighting with knives:
Nata drops her knife, and Hass pushes over the couch arm.  Hass then stabs Nata below her bellybutton, making her gasp as her back curves over the couch arm even more.  Hass pulls the knife out, making Nata moan.  Hass moves back (not blocking camera view) while Nata holds her belly and writhes, her back still curved over the couch arm, her legs spread.  Nata twists, lifts her body up, lifts her legs as she writhes.  Sample shows back arched over couch arm and also writhing, lifting legs, lifting body up.
Hass then gets near Nata\\\'s face and moves the knife up and down her body, then stabs her in the bottom cleavage of her breast, making Nata gasp loudly as she arches her back high and lifts her body up, one leg on the back of the couch as she lifts up, then when Hass pulls the knife out Nata\\\'s eyes instantly go cross as she exhales with a sexy sound and her body slowly sinks back down (not sudden drop) and she is left draped backward over the couch arm, one leg on the back of the couch, legs open wide. Sample pictures show arching back and lifting up when stabbed in breast, and several samples of death poses draped back, one leg up.
Camera shows 8 seconds of showing her dead body, with a good view between her legs, from above, and another showing her face with her eyes crossed.
Hass then pulls and pushes Nata off the couch, and Nata slowly rolls over and falls to the floor, one leg still up on the couch (see sample picture of new death pose).  Hass then puts one leg up on the couch into a victory pose (see sample picture).  Then Hass is shot in her lower belly by an off-screen, unseen person and Hass reacts with a gasp (eyes and mouth wide open) as her back curves.  Hass falls forward over the couch cushion, her legs spread apart, her ass in the air.  She rolls over with her back curved over the couch arm, legs spread, as she writhes, lifting leg, turning from side to side (showing views of her ass), her hips and legs are off the edge.  Hass is shot again in her lower belly, making her react, back curving over the cushion.  She then turns over, her legs spread far apart, ass in the air.  She wants to end it, so she grabs the knife on the couch cushion.  With her back curved downward, she stabs herself in the bottom cleavage of her breast, making her gasp, then her eyes quickly go crossed and tongue out as she exhales with a sexy sigh and goes limp, her ass still in the air.  Sample pictures show the new death pose for Nata, Hass\\\'s victory pose, Hass falling over the couch arm, Hass writhing, then final death pose and facial expression for Hass.



And check out
9 stabbing of Nata  When She Turnes Blue
    10 minutes
      When She Turnes Blue - This clip has no description.
    9 minutes
The video is very good, especially the blood vomiting scene
The actor and actress act very well too. Thanks the producers and the actors!
Customer’s Review 

CAST: Luiza and Ivan 
Shooting, Multi Shooting, Sex Scene, Very long bloody multy shooting, puling on a pike, stabbing, blood, shooting to the dead body, blood from mouth, carrying, stripping dead body 

 	A policewoman (Luiza) and a policeman are partners and companions. They were making sex when the policeman got a urgent mission. The mission asked him to search a place where was presumed to be an evil religious altar. It was a dangerous mission because the police station had received several reports of people lost and all the clues point to the room. The policewoman worried about her boyfriend, and asked to join in the mission, and the police station agreed. Then the companions ware their clothes   and go to the place. The place is very eccentric, there is an altar and some stairs in the middle, and there is a magic circle on the altar. A round the altar, there are some spears. They went onto the altar, and stand on the magic circle. It’s a trap ! The magic circle made the man suffering, the policewoman wanted to help him, but it is not work. Suddenly, the man was going crazy. He put his gun out, and began to shoot the girl. The girl was beaten back by bullets, and at last she stand near the edge of the altar. The policeman was still crazy, he struck the girl's chest and kicked her off the altar. There were spears on the ground ! The body of the poor girl is impaled by  spear, blood flowed out from the wound and flowed along the spears, she convulsed for a while, some blood came out from her mouth, and then she died. The curse on the man was still work, the policeman went to the edge, and shot the dead girl again and again till the bullets are empty. A lot of blood was puffed out from the girl’s mouth.  After all the terrible things, the policeman’s mind recovered finally. He saw the broken body of the girl and felt so sad. He went off the altar, and got the girl’s body off the spears. At last, the policeman decided to finish the thing they hadn’t finished before they joined in the mission. He took off the girl’s clothes and made love with her dead body. 

MOTO KILLER  Stepmother
    10 minutes
      Stepmother - Great news for shooting fans!

Fetish elements: a shot from a pistol with a silencer, shot in the back, frightened face, frightened look, slide the body on the floor, dying convulsions, shot in the stomach, shot in the chest, two shots in the chest, shot in the neck, a lot of *****, stripping the dead body , a lot of dead bodies.

Prominent rich businessman married. His young wife is a luxury beautiful woman.  His spoiled ********, Harvard student, doesn’t  like it because now *****'s money will go to her stepmother. Papa’s baby is not confused and hired killer.
The young woman admiring in the mirror. She needs to look gorgeous every day to keep her millionaire as her husband and not let him to look at another ***** from fashion industry. The killer crept into her room. She saw a young man in the mirror with a gun and was scared, and he shot her in the back, in the region of the heart. This shot was deadly, but the woman did not die immediately. She had some time to feel the pain and understand death, to turn around, startled look in his eyes cold-blooded killer with the question "Why?", slide down, writhing on the floor, roll over on your back and die with her eyes wide open.
The killer calls to say that the work is done. But the ******'s ******** was already there. Glamour **** studied the life of thriller and action movie and firmly learned the lesson that the  customers kill assassins. She stole *****'s expensive gun. Her wealth, beauty and cynicism have gone too far. Silly bad **** forgot that life is not a game. Professional hitman easily disarmed her and shot her in the stomach. Then he shot her with a gun two - twice in the chest.
Stunned **** fell on the floor and convulsed. That's all! No more money, expensive cars, nightlife and travel to Los Angeles! No more handsome guys and friends from the world of show business! She is suffering in agony, waiting  for her death in terror. But death can wait no longer. Killer makes the control shot her in the neck.
The killer wants to add a bit of sophisticated cynicism, because now no one will pay him the second part of the fee. He wants to posthumously dishonor bad **** that all the papers she looked obscene. He takes off her athletic shorts and panties, and puts on a dead stepmother. Killer walks away, leaving two dead women in the room to cool down.
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    Welcome To The Crime House Studio on Kinky Clips
    Crime House Fantasy Studio (also Crime House & Crime House and Dark Rooms) is independent production company with female death fetish orientation. Crime House does very erotic stuff, but not porn. Why we advice to offer our videos? 1. SEXY VICTIM-ACTRESSES ONLY 2. REALISTIC DEATH SITUATIONS 3. GREAT ACTING 4. CSGFX EFFECTS 5. NEW MODELS EVERY WEEK 6. ALL DEATH FETISH GENRES 7. NOT PORN BUT VERY-VERY EROTIC AND HOT 8.RUSSIAN AND EAST EUROPE HOT MODELS 9. WE DO KNOW HOW TO PLAY SEXY DEATH 10. ALL MOVIES ARE MADE IN VERY HIGH QUALITY

    Featuring 976 Clips / 16791 minutes of video!

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    BLACK CRANE part 2


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