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    Please Note: All content on Kinky Clips is Role Playing Fantasy only. All content is consensual.

    Crime House - BAD TEACHER

    Clip Description





    Starring: Maryann, Xena and Billy Brag

    «I got the custom video, and I have watched it a number of times already :-)

    All in all, a very, very nice video, I must say :-)
    However (as usual...hehe) a couple of notes...

    I'm not sure which of the girls is Mary Ann and which one is Xena...
    Both girls looked very nice, especially the shortest one, and I really loved her hair. :-)

    The acting was very good, allthough the reaction to impact of bullets could have given a little more "body jerking" upon impact, and also a little more sound from the girls in that moment. Regarding the vocal performance, in general very good, but the tall girl could maybe have toned the screaming a little bit.
    It was a bloody mess, allright...hehe Especially the stabbing scenes :-) I wish there had been a bit more blood in the shooting scenes, though.

    But all in all, I am very happy with the outcome of this clip, Ugine :-)
    please give my best regards to the girls and a job well done! ;-)»
    Customer’s Review

    Alex, the hitman has taken a job as a substitute teacher at a high class college, because he has been hired to kill two girls attending that particular school.

    The two girls, Lena and Maria are two senior graduates at this college, but they are happily unaware of the fate that awaits them when they meet the new, charming, substitute teacher ...

    Alex is going through his plans for the assassination of the two young beauties.
    He thinks to himself: How about a stabbing...?

    Alex asks the girls to come to his house, because he has something he wants to talk to them about. Lena is the first one to arrive to Alex' apartment. She is wearing a really nice, white, ruffled dress, and her long, pretty, blonde hair is flowing down from her head, she indeed looks likes a soft, romantic dream.
    Alex tells her to sit down in the sofa, while he goes to the kitchen to get a drink for Lena.

    Lena looks around the living room, and eventually sits down.
    Alex returns to the living room with a couple of drinks and sits down next to the young, blonde beauty. They talk a bit of how she likes the school and what classes she is taking etc. Then, after a while, Lena says that she needs to use the toilet. Alex directs her to the toilet and while she is there, Alex prepares for the kill.
    He finds a knife and hides it behind his back when he hears Lena coming back into the living room.
    Alex says: Lena, my dear, I have a little surprise for you. Lena smiles , but her lovely smile quickly disappears when she feels a sharp, burning painm just below her small boobs. She makes a sweet, high-pitched little cry of pain as Alex drives the knife deep into the poor girls body. He pulls the knife back out, and Lena grabs the blleding wound with both hands, blood seeping between her fingers and down her pretty, white dress. Tears are running down her lovely face, as she feels the sharp pain spreading through her body..
    She has no way of defending herself when she sees Alex raise the blade, and she gives out another little pain filles cry of pain as the blade sinks into the center of her chest.
    More blood splatters onto her dress as Alex pulls out the kinfe and stabs her 3 more times in the chest, . Then, poor Lena sinks to the floor, ending up on her back in front of the sofa.
    Alex gets doen on top of the now heavily breathing, mortally wounded, lovely young girl. He raises the blood stained knife over the blleding Lena, and stabs her 3 more times right in her heart, even more blood splattering all over her white dress...
    He then rams the blade deep into the center of her chest, and leaves it there. Lena just lies there, knife in her cvhest and her beautiful dress soaked in her own, red blood. A pool of blood is also spreading out under the poor, dead girl.

    Shortly after, Lena's best friend, Maria arrives. She is wearing a pretty, knee-length schoolgirl-like skirt, and a lovely, white blouse. Also sheer, white knee-stockings and schoolgirl like shoes. Her hair is, just like Lena, flowing pretty from her head, like a blonde dream. Maria looks absolutely stunning.
    She thinks she is supposed to meet the charming teacher and her friend for a nice evening of chats and some fun. But her idea of fun is no where near what the teacher has in mind for her.
    Maria comes inside and and is greeted by a smiling Alex. They both enter the living room, where Maria suddenly sees her best friend, Lena, lying dead.
    She screams, but as she turns around to run away, she runs right into the other knife that Alex is now holding as he stands behind her. Maria lets out a cry of pain, just like the one Lena did, as the sharp blade enters her soft, young body, just below her boobs. She stmbles back a couple of steps, desperately trying to pull out the knife. Her pretty, white blouse is starting to turn red around the blade sticking out of her. Alex grabs the knife and pulls it out of the crying girl as more blood is flowing down Maria's blouse and her skirt.
    He grabs the poor, sweet girl and pushes her up against the wall, and proceeds to stab her several times in her chest and just below her boobs. After 5 stabs Alex takes a few steps back and observes poor Maria. She is holding her hands to her heavily bleeding, deadly wounds, and she is crying in pain and fear.
    Alex approaches her again, pointing the knife at Maria's heart. She cries and begs for her life. But Alex has no intention on letting her live. He slowly pushes the knife into Marias lovely chest, and into her heart. He then lets her sink to the floor, coming to rest on her back. Her white blouse is soaked with blood, and blood is also flowing under her body as well.

    Alex takes a look at his work.

    What about the shooting...?

    This time, Lena is the one dressed like the schoolgirl, with a lovely, white blouse, a knee-length schoolgirl like skirt, white knee stockings and school girl shoes.
    Similar opening as in the stabbing sequence.
    When Lena returns from the tiolet, Alex is ready with a hidden silencer equipped gun. He slowly places the gun between himself and Lena, without her noticing, and pulls the trigger from point blank. Lena makes a short jerk and gives out a soft, sweet little cry of pain as the bullet rips through her lower chest.
    Alex steps back and looks at the young girl. She puts her hands over the already bleeding bullethole in her blouse. She feels her hands getting warm, wet and sticky nd looks down. She sees the red blood flowing between her fingers and down her white blouse. She looks up and sees Alex standing there, gun in hand, pointed right at her.
    Lena says, crying in pain and fear: What are you doing...?!? Please, no... But her pleads for her life makes no impact on the cold blooded killer, and he epmties the gun into poor Lena's chest. She gives out more of the small, sweet cries of pain for each bullet that rips through her soft body. She evntually stumbles towards the wall, and Alex finishes her off with two more shots in her heart. Her body jerks, and she slowly sinks to the floor, leaving a red trail of blood on the wall behind her.
    She comes to rest next to the wall, blood soaking her blouse and spreading on the floor beneath her.

    Then Maria arrives. Also here, her soft, blonde hair is hanging all lose and beautiful. She is dressed in a lovely, white, ruffled dress.
    Alex greets her, and brings her inside. He has reloaded the gun already, and is waiting for the moment to kill poor Maria as well.
    Maria enters the living room, and discovers her best friend, Lena in a pool of blood on the floor. She turns around, and sees Alex with a gun, pointed right at her.
    She says: What have you done...? Please, no...Ple...! That's as far as she comes before the gun goes off and she feels a sharp, burning pain in her chest. She gives out a small, soft cry of pain at the same time as the bullet rips through her soft body. She looks down and sees a small hole in her pretty dress. The next second, the hole nearly explodes with red blood. Then 3 more bullets hit her in the chest, and more blood spreads onto her beautiful white dress.
    Maria stumbles backwards from the impacts, crying in pain and fear. She pushes her hands at her wounds, desperately trying to stop the bleeding, but to no avail.
    Alex raises the gun, aiming at poor Maria's chest, and puts another 3 bullets right through her innocent heart, finishing her off.
    She sinks down to her knees, and then finally comes to rest on the floor, on her back. Blood is flowing onto her dress, and onto the floor under her lovely body.

    Alex then takes his time inspecting both girls.

    Then, the day comes when Alex gets a chance to actually do the hit on Lena and Maria.
    He meets them in a classroom after class. Both girls are dressed in lovely, white blouses, and schoolgirl like skirts, white, sheer knee stockings, and cute shoes.
    He sits behind the desk, and tells the two girls to sit down. by the desks right in front of him.
    The girls look at Alex, and then at each other, wondering what this is all about.
    Suddenly, Alex gets up and pulls out a gun, with a silencer attached to it. Before the girls have time to react, he puts 2 bullets into the cest of both of them, One in the centre of the chest, and one just missing the girls' heart by a fraction of an inch.
    Both girls gives out small, sweet little cries of pain and jerks a little from the impact of the bullets.
    Blood quickly starts spreading on their pretty blouses.
    He grabs Maria and pulls her up, he places the gun just below her chest and fires twice. Maria jerks as the hot lead rips through her soft body. She gives out another sweet little cry of pain at the same time. She stumbles backwards and is finished off with two more bullets right through her heart. She sinks to the floor, first to her knees, and then she finally comes to rest on the floor, face up.
    Alex then turns his attention to poor Lena. She is still sitting by her desk, bleeding from the two holes in her chest. Alex pulls her up, and places her against the wall. he then aims at the poor girl's chest, and empties a full clip into the defenseless, young girl. She gives out sweet little cries of pain and jerks a little from each shot that rips through her lovely chest. her pretty blouse is getting full over blood-flowing bullet holes as she slowly sinks to the floor, finally coming to rest half sitting, half lying up against the wall.

    Alex then takes a look at the two young victims, before making his exit and disappears.


    Clip Duration:      22 minutes
    Format Size
    mp41153.31 MB

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    Crime House - BAD TEACHER

    Crime House - BAD TEACHER

    Crime House - BAD TEACHER

    Crime House - BAD TEACHER

    Crime House - BAD TEACHER

    Crime House - BAD TEACHER

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