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    Please Note: All content on Kinky Clips is Role Playing Fantasy only. All content is consensual.

    Crime House - KNIFE DUELING

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    Fetish Elements
    Knives, Stabbing, Cat fighting to the death, Battle, Diver Outfits
    It's one of the hottest yet! Those surf suits are SO sexy and the acting is great.

    Many thanks»

    Customer’s Feedback

    The man is seated in the chair, holding his gun and facing the rest of the room. There is a little bell on the armrest of his chair.

    One team of girls is standing against one wall, the other stands against the opposite wall. The camera pans over the girls and you can see a mixture of fear and excitement on their faces. On a table against the third wall are two pairs of knives.

    The man gets up and walks over to the black team with two straws in one hand. He offers them one girl. She draws the long straw, so that the other, with a resigned expression, walks over to the table, picks up two knives and takes up her position. He walks over to the blue team, and this time the first girl to draw gets the short straw, so that she too takes up a pair of knives and takes up her combat position opposite the first girl.

    The man sits down and rings his bell. The girls begin to fight. You can have them give one another flesh wounds before the black team member lands a knife in her opponent's belly. The blue girl cries out, dropping one knife. The black girl withdraws the knife, and the blue girl staggers drunkenly, raising her remaining knife to attack. But the black girl easily knocks it out of her hand and lands a knife below the blue girl's left breast. This time she leaves the knife there. the blue girl clutches it, and falls to her knees, coughing blood. The black girl gives here a kick and she falls on her back, still clutching the knife, and lies writhing, spasming and coughing blood until she dies. The black girl pulls out the knife and raises both arms above her head in a victory gesture. She resumes her place beside her team mate.

    This time the remaining two team members know that it is their turn. They take up position and, when the man rings the bell, they begin to fight. Again you can have them inflict flesh wounds. But this time it is the blue girl who lands an upper thrust above her opponent's left breast. She follows through with a belly wound. The black girl drops both knives and falls drunkenly to her knees. The blue girl gets behind her, pulls her head back by the hair and cuts her throat. The black girl falls forward, spasming and coughing lots of blood until she dies. Now it is the blue girl who raises her arms in triumph.

    Now the surviving girl from the black team gets up to face her new opponent. Both girls are disheveled, with flesh wounds. After some sparring and some more flesh wounds, the black girl, stepping backwards, trips against one of the dead girls. The blue girl seizes this moment to slash her opponent's side below the ribs. But the black girl regains her balance, attacking and landing two thrusts to the blue girl's belly. The blue girl falls on her back, her body shaking, apparently all but spent. Throwing one knife aside the black girl sits astride her. She throws her head back back in savage triumph and raises her remaining knife high with both hands, preparing to plunge it into her opponent's chest. But the blue girl, in a lightning gesture with her remaining strength, plunges a knife in below her opponent's left breast. The black girl's expression changes from triumph to pain to puzzlement, Her upper body rocks slightly forward and she coughs blood. The blue girl tries to laugh but only manages to cough blood. The black girl's expression goes blank and she falls forward. Both girls spasm, shiver and die. The camera pans over the four corpses.

    The man lines up the corpses on their backs. The camera pans over them fully clothed. One by one he unzips their uniforms, revealing their breasts. Another camera pan. Then he strips their bodies for one last camera pan.

    Clip Duration:      11 minutes
    Format Size
    mp4683.44 MB

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    Crime House - KNIFE DUELING

    Crime House - KNIFE DUELING

    Crime House - KNIFE DUELING

    Crime House - KNIFE DUELING

    Crime House - KNIFE DUELING

    Crime House - KNIFE DUELING

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