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    20 minutes

«It’s outstanding! Your team and the actresses did a superb job - it’s a very classy production and edit  (love the music too!) and it’s my favourite custom so far. Thank you!»
Customer’s Review 

Fetish Elements:
Strangulation with a cord
Lifting while strangulation
Expressive Death Stares

 	Judi is a successful businesswoman - smartly dressed, hair up, wearing thick framed glasses (same pair as in Persecution Mania). She walks down the street on her way home from work. She arrives at her flat. She puts some music on - opera - and sits down to read some work papers. Medium close-ups of her face.  She then goes to her wardrobe and picks out an elegant, low-cut evening dress and underwear (including elegant, low-cut bra) ready for an evening at the opera. She removes her business clothes and underwear, and puts on her new underwear.  

 	Judi sits in front of a mirror, takes off her glasses and does her make-up for her evening at the opera. Then she puts on her evening dress and her glasses. She arranges her hair - it is still up but with a few carefully placed  strands hanging down. Finally, she puts on dangling earrings.

 	As she is giving herself a final check in the mirror she hears a noise and goes to check what caused it.  Standing there is a figure in a hockey or Halloween mask.  There is a look of absolute shock on her face.  The intruder pulls out a cord.  Judi's expression turns to fear. The intruder moves towards her. From his POV we see her terrified face as he approaches. "Oh God no, please no" she cries.  When he is in front of her she lashes out and knocks him off balance. She runs to her front door. As she begins to turn the handle the intruder appears behind her. The film goes into slow motion. Judi reacts in horror as she sees the cord appear in front of her and then in total surprise as it wraps around her throat. 

 	The film returns to normal speed as Judi struggles violently, trying to loosen the cord, clawing at the killer's arms (he is still behind her).  We see close-ups and medium close-ups of her face as it contorts in agony, desperation and wide-eyed surprise, her mouth wide open and tongue protruding from time to time.  During the struggle her bra is exposed, and later one of her breasts falls out.  The killer swivels Judi round and pins her against a wall. Again we see his POV as Judi looks at him, her eyes pleading for mercy. He lifts her off the ground (if possible), her legs kicking. Her dress falls to the floor and both her breasts have now fallen out of her bra. After a long struggle she begins to weaken. Her arms fall to her side and they and her legs begin twitching, she looks at her killer in terror and disbelief.  Her eyes bulge even wider and her mouth is gaping open in a final expression of shock and disbelief as she realises that there is no more breath, that this is the moment of her death. She is cross eyed and her tongue is fully extended. Her body twitches a few times and goes limp.

 	The killer slowly lowers her to the floor.    He carries her to a chair (or bed) and places her upright, her head supported so that she is staring straight ahead, her eyes wide and cross-eyed in total surprise, her tongue fully extended. He removes her bra and panties and stands looking at her. He hears the front door open, takes Judi’s bra and goes to hide.

 	Annabelle enters the flat. She is dressed for the opera in an elegant dress and hair and make up. She calls out: “Hello, are you ready?” There is no answer. She goes  into the bathroom and checks herself in the mirror. Suddenly, in the mirror she sees a figure appear behind her. She only has time to gasp in surprise before the killer wraps Judi’s bra round her throat. Her eyes bulge in shock, she struggles violently, clawing at her neck. The killer forces her to look at her own reflection in the mirror, her face contorted in wild cross eyed expressions of struggle, terror and disbelief, her mouth wide open, gasping and moaning loudly.  Her own hand , clawing desperately, pulls her dress off one shoulder, exposing her bra. As she struggles her naked breast falls out of the bra. Annabelle fights hard but the killer pulls even tighter and her eyes bulge even wider, even more cross eyed, her tongue fully extended. There is fear in her eyes as she realises she is losing the fight. She gives one last gurgle and goes limp, cross eyed, tongue protruding. The killer keeps her upright, pulls off the other shoulder of her dress so that it falls to the floor and surveys her body (one breast still in her bra) and dead expression in the mirror. 

 	He carries her to the bedroom and places her body next to Judi’s. He removes her bra and panties, Judi’s bra is still wrapped around her neck. She is placed upright, head supported so that she is staring straight ahead, like Judi. The killer produces a piece of paper and places it on one of the bodies. On it is written one word: “DIVAS”. He leaves and the camera surveys the women’s dead bodies.  1920s Sdc
    10 minutes
      1920s Sdc - SHOT DEAD COCKTAIL 1920s

Shooting scenes set in Great Gatsby style.  USA 1920s.

Two ladies (rich young wife and her friend  - golf-player) are shot many times by gun.

Fetish elements
Elegant retro dress, black gloves, white gloves, retro-location, shooting several times to the chest, sitting pose deaths, falls to back, falls bottom up, short shorts, black stockings, bare legs, high heels, sport shoes.
    11 minutes
Starring: Keila, Tilda (New Actress!), Annabelle, Sally, Billy Brag
Janine, internet influencer turned into a doll
agent Charlotte Lindholm, smart ass FBI agent, later turne into a doll
Owner of the wax museum
Scene 1 - Janine speking into the camera
"Hi fans, Janine here, Today I'm visiting a creepy wax museum on the outskirts, It's full of very live like dolls, strange poses and goofy looking faces. Like that." Janine making a few funny poses and faces. "I'll report later."
Scene 2 - agent Lindholm and the museum owner, later with Janine
Agent Lindholm tok a huge sip from a cup of coffee. "Great, I needed that let's investigate."
She was getting into the museum to snoop around, a gun I both her hands. Suddenly the owner entered the room. "Agent Lindholm, I presume. May I help you?" 
"Sure you can. I'm searching for that famous internet influencer, Janine. She vanished after she visited your museum."
"Oh, yes. Janine. Well, she decided to stay." The owner opend a door and there was Janine, naked (or lingerie, whatever is comfortable), holding a mannequin like pose, eyes wide and mouth open with an o-face. "DoesnnÄt she make a great doll?"
"What the ...." Agent Lindholm went over to the stiff Janine, patting her on the cheek, checking her eyes and mouth. "She's totally out of it and rigid. What did you do to her?"
"Well she was drinking a cup of coffee and suddenly turned stiff. I just took advantage of that Actually, it was the same coffee you drank, agent Lindholm."
"Wait, what?" She was about to get over to the owner when she stopped in her tracks, sporting a very suprised o-face herself.
"Agent Lindholm? Charlotte? Anybody home?" The owner knocked on Charlotte's forehard and made the agent fall back rigidly onto a sofa.
Scene 3 - the owner with the two naked (or lingerie wearing) dolls
The Janine doll was standing there, holding the same pose. The owner dragged the stiff agent back in, her feet scratching across the floor. Charlotte was sporting the same facial expression, spaced out o-face.
The girls were now getting posed in different situations with goofy, off-guard poses, getting photographed, for example:
pretending to dance around, being in a debate, pen in mouth, blowing a kiss, dancing around the room etc. and funny facial expressions like slacked mouth, o-face etc.
(Please do this very important part with some close ups etc.)
molding their faces in a lot of different expressions, mostly goofy, comically exaggerated, like:
- Wide open mouthed grin
- Eyes open and closed, with/without glasses etc.
- open mouth and mouthplay being very essential 
While shooting he was shouting encouragement and speaking to them, as if they would notice. The photo shoot ended with the owner posing them sitting on the couch, holding a coffee mug with both hands, mouth slcked open and big eyes.

MANNEQUIN MAKER  Invisible Strangler
    10 minutes
      Invisible Strangler - Invisible strangler
two great strangluation reactions!

two friends (angelina and anna rose) rent a house in dark village for rest. But strange and mystery things happened. There was a ghost in a house  - invisible strangler. He appeared quickly and grabbed anna to her throat and ********* her for death! Later he did the same with angelina. Who is he? We will never know it, but both women are dead now!

fetish elements: *************, very strong agony, cooking faces, death stares, black stockings, legs.
    13 minutes
CAST: Mira Green and Max
«Great movie, as expected! Most of the things I've asked are there, so I'm more than happy and amazed from the final result! Mira also did a great job, her eye-play was exceptional. Great work from all of you guys! Thank you for this, hope I'll be able to do another work with you in the future»
Customer’s Review


Same as in Hitman 4.0 (especialy the blouse), only difference that she is going to wear tights instead of stockings (and if possible a little more longer skirt).
Also, she'll wear high heels (please don't remove them during all video). The heels should be simple/professional, check the attached image for reference.
Finally, have a police badge on the skirt.
Check the attached screenshot for reference.

Mira is a tough police detective, that tries to hunt down a criminal at his lair. She proceeds quietly with her gun raised, but the guy is waiting for her.
He grabs her from behind, while with the other hand drops her gun down. He tries to strangle her from behind, but after a few seconds she hits him on his ribs.
The criminal releases her, and then Mira starts beating him confidently. When she thinks that she has defeated him, he manages to kick her at her crotch. Mira screams in pain while her eyes cross due to the shock.
Then the guy manages to grab her from her throat with one hand and with the other hand starts punching her at her belly multiple times. At thease point, it would be great if she could make sounds like trying to scream from pain but there is no oxygen. Also, her eyes should (try) to remain open.
After a few more punches on her face, she falls down to the floor. Then the criminal goes above her and strangles her (first long strangle with crossing eyes and tongue extended) until she is unconscious.
The criminal decides to keep her alive, so he ties her hands behind her back, her feet and her mouth with duct tape. He then grabs his phone in order to call someone (probably his boss, or a buyer).
On the meantime, Mira wakes up and manages to take her gun and shoot him. While the criminal is down, she releases her bonds and makes an attempt to leave.
The criminal though is not dead, he grabs her from behind and then starts beating her (multiple punches on both face and belly). Blood starts running from her nose and lips.
Mira tries to stay still but she is dizzy and collapses. Her face is looking down to the floor and her feet are facing each other. The criminal raises her head from her hair and then we see Mira trying to speak while being exhausted.
The criminal lets her head to fall down to the floor once again and leaves.
A few moments later, Mira wakes up and tries to crawl away, but then the criminal returns.
He forces her to stand up. He takes a chord and starts strangling her one last time from behind, when she is still standing on her feet (second long strangle with crossing eyes and tongue extended).
He doesn't let her fall down, while Mira is fighting to have her neck released. After a few minutes, her hands start to fall down, while her feet start betraying her as well.
After she is dead, he lets her fall on the floor, with open crossed eyes and the tongue extended.

During the video, don't remove the clothes or the shoes.

    21 minutes
Starring: Annabelle, Max

«Thank you for your excellent work on this custom. Please thank Annabelle  for her excellent work - I’ve never seen her looking so fit and appreciate that she is open minded enough to act out my fantasy.

Thank you!»
Customer’s Review and Feedback 

Cannibal, Splatter, Gore, Gory, Hanging to the hand, Guts, Gutting, Bloody, Very Cruel

Scene 1

Annabel going for a run, dressed approximately as per the picture. Hair  in a high ponytail, makeup as if she was going out for the night. Camera lingers on her breasts bouncing as she runs and her abs, leg muscles. She stops in a park to do some ab exercises (sit ups, crunches, focus on her belly – please ask her to do hard ab exercises to really strain and burn her ab muscles) She gets up and keeps running. Hurts her ankle and knocks on the nearest door for help. 

Scene 2 

Max (or another male actor) opens the door for her (it’s the dungeon where you filmed Tender Meat, or similar) Max knocks her out as soon as she is inside and ties her down to the bench (like she is tied in Forbidden Film Slasher) preferably stretched a little tighter and with a block under her back to make her back arch more and stick her ribcage out more. Max uses a meat skewer to wake her up by pushing it deep into her thigh muscle, shocking her awake. Max uses a 20cm kitchen knife to cut away her running clothes please cut her running top away by cutting up the middle, between her breasts(running shoes can stay on) then uses the knife to trace her body and scare her (breasts, ribs, lots of attention to her belly, thighs..) She should be writhing in terror, lots of arched rib cage shots and show her belly muscles as she fights. Max says (English or subtitles) “thank you for taking such good care of your body, fit girls look so much better being butchered. Try to relax so you don’t make your  flesh too tense and tough..”

After teasing her with the knife, he takes a marker pen and draws the cuts of meat on her body like in the picture. Please make sure the names for the cuts of meat are realistic, and go all around her body so it looks good and can be read when she is hanging upside down..  Make sure there is a dashed line down the middle of her belly and please show this line being drawn..

Once her has finished drawing the cuts of meat on her body, he takes a bottle of Extra Virgin Olive Oil and rubs it all over her body (please be very generous with the oil – show it running down her breasts/ribcage and her thigh muscles.. He should be as rough as she can handle when massaging the oil into her breasts. Please knead her breasts like dough when making bread (if she can withstand it) (I’m not sure how will you stop the oil from making the pen markings on her skin run – hopefully you can work it out)

Scene 3

Once she has been oiled down he says ‘lets get you strung up and gutted like a fish’ (can be English or subtitles) He uses the ankle spreader bars (just like in Tender Meat) to suspend her directly off the table she has been tied to. He suspends her so her mouth is at waist height. Show her breasts jiggling as her hoists her up, lots of struggling and back arching from Annabelle. Reapply oil if required. I want to see her oiled ribs exposed and her ab muscles working as she sobs and fights. (my ideal video is Cameron Richardson suspended in Rise Bloodhunter if you need any ideas..) Once she has been suspended, pan the camera over her struggling body then please tie/handcuff her hands behind her back. Max says “hanging you like this makes your body look incredible, I can see every muscle and count every rib.. this is going to be fun” Then he takes the butchers knife and teases her belly with it before roughly gutting her from sternum to pelvic bone like in Tender Meat. Remove her guts (she is still completely conscious as she is being gutted) Once all her guts are removed he can finish her with a slice to the thoat, (please try to make the spurting blood realistic with the neck slice – it should really spurt out under pressure, pulsing with her heart rate) more struggling until she is still. 

Movie ends with her stretched out on the table like this with an apple in her mouth. She should still be covered in lots of oil. Max grates fresh cracked pepper all over each part of her body. Close up of her arms, breasts, ribs, belly and thighs being covered with cracked pepper.

TENDER MEAT (all parts)
    5 minutes
Cast: Lara as a victim, Maya as a killer
Foot Fetish, Strangulation, Garrote Strangulation, Postmortem Body Agony, Tongue Out
A woman was strangled from behind and after her death she continued to do postmortem agony (especially with her feet)  WHEN THE HOUSBAND DRINKS
    28 minutes


CAST: Mira Green and Max



Man stabs Girl, Girl Stabs man to his Death, Very Long Agony and trying to survive.

If you want to imagine the girl is dead just stop the video when she is dead.

If you want to imagine she survives just watch longer and she will save her life…


«This is very good work! The filming and bloodwork is excellent. Mira Green acting was very dramatic, energetic, and sexy.»

Customer’s Review

Scene 1 (2 to 5 minutes)


Husband comes home drunk one late night. He finds wife in kitchen. He comes yells at her telling her how tired he is of her. She tells him: "Shut up you drunk failure. You need lots of tough punishment to turn you into a man. Go sleep outside in the cold." pointing to the door. He punches her in the face. She pushes him back away from her. He picks up kitchen knife and yells at her telling her he will kill her and take her life insurance policy. She get scared and picks up another kitchen knife and yells at him to back away from her. He makes slashing attacks and slashes her in both of her thighs. She backs away from him telling him to stop. He charges her and slashes her across her stomach. She looks down at her injury in disbelief and gets angry. She lunges herself forward towards him and plunges the knife in his heart. He falls dead to the ground.


Scene 2 (20 minutes or more)


5 Minutes


The wife is in shock to what she did. She is in shock and pain from her injury. Her heart is racing. She is shaking and moaning painful cries. She looks down at her injury and realizes she is bleeding. She clutches her arms over the stomach wound to slow the bleeding. She starts to walk towards the bathroom to get bandages. However, the slashes in her legs make it very hard to walk. So she has to sit down and uses her arm to crawl to bathroom.


5 Minutes


At the bathroom, she find some medical bandages on a shelf. She tries to stand up to reach the bandages. Several times her legs fail her. She falls to her knees due to the weakness and injury in her thighs/legs. After several attempts she is able to stand by using the sink for support to help her stand. She takes the bandages and sits on the ground again. She takes of her camisole so she can bandage the stomach. She then applies medical tape/gauze and ties several layers of it around her stomach slash and thigh slashes. This successfully stops the bleeding.


5 Minutes


By then, she had lost some blood. Her blood pressure and heart rate dropped. There is blood around the injury area on her stomach, blood on her shirt, blood lines going down her legs all the way to her ankle. She feels weak and sits down on the ground on the bathroom against the wall. She clutches her stomach and pulls her knees to her face. She is afraid she will die. She realizes she must call for help. She crawls back to the living room and calls for medical help from her cell phone.


5 Minutes


Her heart rate slowly drops. She withers and moans in pain for several minutes. She suffers in pain and agony for several minutes making pain sounds.  She then slowly slides to the ground and passes out. Screen fades to black.


Scene 3 (10 minutes)


Scene 3 starts with her in cardiac arrest. She is lying on the ground. There is pillow under her head. Her eyes are wide open staring at the ceiling. Her mouth is open in shock. There is nasal cannula line connected to her nose for breathing. There is medical electrodes on her chest and stomach to deliver shocks to her heart. She is shocked by the electrodes every 30 seconds. The actress will simulate this by moving her chest and stomach up then down in a shock pattern. The shocks will become gradually stronger with time. Finally, one of the shocks will bring her pulse back. She wakes up. She sits up scared and breathing heavily as if she just woke up from a nightmare.



     Legend Of Jack 1 Paradise
    21 minutes
      Legend Of Jack 1 Paradise - LEGEND OF JACK 1: PARADISE
Super sexy long movie with 3 scenes of mass murder and 1 strangluation scene!
Stangluation, Mass strangluation, shooting with no *****, shooting with *****, bodypiles!
According to the story, Stingy Jack invited the Devil to have a ***** with him. True to his name, Stingy Jack didn’t want to pay for his *****, so he convinced the Devil to turn himself into a coin that Jack could use to buy their drinks. Once the Devil did so, Jack decided to keep the money and put it into his pocket next to a silver cross, which prevented the Devil from changing back into his original form. Jack eventually freed the Devil, under the condition that he would not bother Jack for one year and that, should Jack die, he would not claim his soul. The next year, Jack again tricked the Devil into climbing into a tree to pick a piece of fruit. While he was up in the tree, Jack carved a sign of the cross into the tree’s bark so that the Devil could not come down until the Devil promised Jack not to bother him for ten more years.
Soon after, Jack died. As the legend goes, God would not allow such an unsavory figure into heaven. The Devil, upset by the trick Jack had played on him and keeping his word not to claim his soul, would not allow Jack into hell. He sent Jack off into the dark night with only a burning coal to light his way. Jack put the coal into a carved-out turnip and has been roaming the Earth with ever since. The Irish began to refer to this ghostly figure as “Jack of the Lantern,” and then, simply “Jack O’Lantern.”
Crime House and Dark Rooms productions decided to tell this story about Halloween Stingy Jack in death fetish way:)
One Day Jack was drinking with Devil and Devil promised he would never take him to Hell.
When Jack comes to paradise four sexy angels met him and said «go away!»
Angry Jack imagined massacre in paradise. In his dreams he ********* angels, shot them with machine gun (no ***** effects) and shot them nude with machine gun (with great and realistic ***** effects).
Episode includes 4 death scenes:
1)      Before meeting with Devil Jack imagined how he ********* a waitress when he had no money for beer.
2)      When Jack is in paradise he ********* four sexy angels  and made great DEAD ANGELS BODYPILE.
3)      Jack killed 4 angels with Russian Second World War  machine gun
4)      Jack killed 4  nude angels and made bloody dead angels bodypile.
 Jack was shunned from Paradise.
Fetish elements:
Sexy angels, Oktoberfest waitress, *************, mass *************, dead angels bodypile, ********* angels, shooting without *****, shooting with *****, stockings, legs, death stares, playing with bodies ******* reactions, shooting reactions, great Halloween atmosphere  GAS
    41 minutes
      GAS - GAS!
Marianna, Tora, Anastasia, Hass, Pola, Mary, Christy, Nata, Kit, Serge
40 minutes long!
New Crime House model Anastasia (available for customs!)
About 50 deaths and knocked outs! 
8 girls were poisoned by gas 
8 bodies  were carried by two men to the sofa one by one
8 girls were killed by gas in the bed
8 girls were knocked out by choking 
8 girls were chloroformed and poisoned by gas one by one 
8 girls had their necks broken 

Fetish elements: 
Short dresses, high heels and summer shoes, pantyhose
Death way:
Knocked out, chloroform, gas poison, neck break, choking 
Other fetishes: 
Plenty of carrying, leg touching, limb fetishes

Two photographers invite 8 supermodels to the photoshoot but men has dark plans for this shooting – to poison girls by gas and have fun. 
The set includes different attacks.
    19 minutes

 CAST: Bella Lenina, Mira Green, Sally, Max


«The girls did an amazing job as expected, please thank them, all great actresses for this piece; Also Alex of course played the part nicely.

I might add that I like Alex in the part as I can extend my customs into longer films but it is sometimes a problem with continuity because Alex always has a different beard or hair length. 


This is a really good story scenario for me, very different to my normal ideas. It makes me interested in a camping scenario with a basic sniper theme similar to this story»

Customer’s Review



Sniper rifle, sniper, chest shots, surprise shots, bodies rolling downhill, body inspection, control shots from a silenced pistol, treasure map search on dead bodies, death stares


Girls arrive near the location in a car and begin the short walk to the forest.

We then see the assassin arrive dressed casually. He has a sniper rifle in a bag over his shoulder and checks out the car to confirm it belongs to his targets. He too begins to creep towards the forest.

The girls are in the wooded area trying to understand the map. They do not seem to know how to read it.

The assassin watches from a distance and decides to find a good place to set up his rifle.

We first see the girls from a distance (from the assassin’s angle) then we see the assassin looking through his telescopic sight, watching the girls checking around the area.

We see the girls separate; they begin to search the bushes and go in different directions. One picks up a branch to use to search the bushes.

We see a short cut to the rifle barrel as the assassin takes aim.

The first victim is partially up a grass bank on one knee searching the grass and bushes. We hear a sound of a silenced shot and victim number one drops immediately to the bank slumped to the ground and begins to roll a couple of times until she lays still spread on her back with legs wide apart at the bottom of the bank. We see a small wound in the side of her chest A second shot rings out and we see the body jolt as the bullet hits the bottom of her breast.

The second victim is standing at the top of a small slope; she bends to search the bushes and another shot rings out. She arches backwards and drops to her knees immediately still. She falls backwards over the slope to slide to a stop on the side of the slope with a small wound in her back.

The assassin raises from his sight to check the area for another victim.

We then see the next victim check for a signal on her phone; she has got bored of looking and sits at the edge of a small hill as she waits for her friends. A shot rings out and she drops backwards arching and hanging on her back over the hill. A bullet wound is clearly seen in her left breast (NOT NIPPLE) She kicks her legs two or three times until a second shot is heard and her body jolts violently and becomes still.

The camera views each victim in turn; their clothes are untidy showing most of their ass and legs or groin. We see the details of their dead faces for the first time, their mouths and eyes partially open as if they had not expected death. The woods are now quiet again and the assassin raises from his hiding place, leaving his rifle hidden.

He begins to walk to his targets and upon reaching the first (any of the victims) he looks around to check for any sound of passing people. He pulls out his pistol and begins to screw a suppressor to it.

With each victim in turn he rolls them over and checks for signs of life. He enjoys raising their skirts/dresses and plays with their panties, dragging them partially down. He lightly slaps their ass and rolls their heads holding their chin as he brushes their hair to view their dead features.

Before moving to the next victim, he aims his suppressed pistol and shoots them twice each through the heart (either through the back or the chest).

He searches each one in turn and finds the map tucked in the waistband of the last body. He also finds the keys to their car and we see him getting in their car to drive away and enjoy a final view of each victim.


    16 minutes
      COWGIRLS SHOOTOUT - Cowgirls Shootout
Starring: Angelina, Luiza, Tora, Marina
12 chapters
12 scenes of 4 girls death
48 deaths total
Firefights, much shooting, exotic poses and agonies reaction

Chapter 1 Country Killer. 4 country girls are shot by cowboy 
Chapter 2 Firefight near gallows. Cowboy and 4 cowgirls had a firefight near gallows. Cowboy won. The scene was shot in the same location where «Hanging-3 (Virtue Vice)» was shot (surprise for fans).
Chapter 3 Shooting in their bacs. Girls run away from farmer with a gun and take bullets to their backs one by one
Chapter 4 Cowboy VS Cowgirls. Girls run away from crazy cowboy and try to shoot them. They all die. 
Chapter 5. Sudden attack. Innocent country girls were shot by cowboy. 
Chapter 6. Town murder. Another shooting variation of 4 country girls deaths by shooting methods with shouting, agonies, great fallings, death stares and bodypile
Chapter 7. No rest for farm girls. 4 Country Girls were relaxing in the garden when  a man with gun went and killed them. They tried to ran away but they couldn’t. Good bottom-up dead poses
Chapter 8. Well. 4 Country girls were going to put water from the well but suddenly was shot by gangster. Angelina failed to the well, other girls died on the ground. 
Chapter 9. Country Racket. Cowboy kills 4 country girls to attack their farm. 
Chapter 10. Assassin. Cowboy kills 4 girls in the garden. 
Chapter 11. Assasin-2. Another variation of cowboy VS cowgirls firelight
Chapter 11 The last battle. Coiwboy wins the firefight with 4 cowgirls. He puts bodies to the bodypile and strip they nude

If you like this video please also check 
«4 girls shooting execution»
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    Welcome To The Crime House Studio on Kinky Clips
    Crime House Fantasy Studio (also Crime House & Crime House and Dark Rooms) is independent production company with female death fetish orientation. Crime House does very erotic stuff, but not porn. Why we advice to offer our videos? 1. SEXY VICTIM-ACTRESSES ONLY 2. REALISTIC DEATH SITUATIONS 3. GREAT ACTING 4. CSGFX EFFECTS 5. NEW MODELS EVERY WEEK 6. ALL DEATH FETISH GENRES 7. NOT PORN BUT VERY-VERY EROTIC AND HOT 8.RUSSIAN AND EAST EUROPE HOT MODELS 9. WE DO KNOW HOW TO PLAY SEXY DEATH 10. ALL MOVIES ARE MADE IN VERY HIGH QUALITY

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    | | Studio 0001069 | | Studio 0001069 | | Studio 0001069 | | Studio 0001069 |
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