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    26 minutes
CAST: Mira Green and Billy Brag

 	1. She is in a bathroom taking lipstick and parfum on. Now Mira takes a latex leggins/black leather leggins on, leather boots and a black leather jacket.  If she doesn't mind smoking, she could enlight a cigarette afterwards and we see her smoking in the bathroom while watching herself/her outfit in the mirror. We see the villain (in another room). He is looking at his mobile phone: on the screen of his mobile phone (close-up) we see a picture of Mira (probably in different clothes). Now we see him taking the gas mask over and taking chloroform bottle and cloth. Villain knocks on the door and we see him soaking the cloth with plenty of chloroform, Mira goes to open the door. She is attacked from front and driven with her back to the bathroom door. The villain presses the cloth on her face, after some struggeling and moaning her eyes begin to flutter, she goes out moaning, running down the bathroom door with the cloth still pressed on her mouth and nose. Bad Guy goes on his kneee and carries her over the shoulder. Mira is put on a sofa. The villain is soaking the cloth again and presses it over mouth and nose again  to keep her under (closeup of their faces). Than he takes pictures of the girl with his mobile phone and leaves the room. 

 	2. Mira wakes up slowly  and gets on her feet (she is still drugged and tired). The bad guy soaks the rag again with a good dose of Chloroform and approaches her. Mira recognizes him and is begging: "Please. You don't have to chloroform me again". She turns around and tries to get away, but stumbles. He catches her and presses the cloth over her mouth and nose. Mira tries to fight it, but after a short while her eyes flutter again and she goes out with a nice Little last moaning. The bad lifts her (cradle carry) and carrys her back to the sofa. The guy gags her with black tape and also ties her Hands with the tape. Meanwhile Mira wakes up slowly. she gets aware that she is tied and gagged. She stands up, leaves the sofa, and tries to open the door. But the bad guy has locked it. He soaks unhurriedly the Cloth again. Mira turns around and sees it. she knows what's coming and groans under the gag. The bad guy takes a step towards her, she tries to fend him off with her duct taped/tied hands, but he just pushes her arms away. Then he presses her (from the front) the cloth on mouth and nose, with his index finger and his middle finger framing her nose. She looks straight into the masked face, but after a short while her eyes are blurred, her eyes begin to flutter and she loses consciousness with a moan. Her head falls against his chest. He turns her over (with her back to her), constantly pushing the rag on her face until she slides to the floor. He puts the rag in his pocket, raises her and carries her back to the sofa. There he loosens the gag. Mira moans half unconscious and opens her eyes a crack wide. He takes the oxygen mask, tube and gastank. He turns the gas on. Mira meanwhile recovers more and more, the bad guy presses the mask over her mouth and nose, Mira tries to fight him off but has no chance. The mask is pressed over her face. She tries to hold her breath, but in her panic she sucks the gas in. After four to five breaths her eyes start to flutter again and she looses consciousnees. The bad guy keeps the mask for a few more seconsds on her face (close-up). The he turns the gass off (Hissing sound stops) and removes the mask. The villain leaves the room.

3. After a while Mira regains consciousness, she slowly sits up on the sofa, still groggy. The villain comes back, sneaking up from behind. Mira does not see him. He soaks the cloth and attacks her from behind. The are fighting (Mira on the sofa, her leaning over it from behind, to give you an idea, it should look like here:  He is groping her tits and puts her bra down. After some struggeling she is  nearly put to rest again (she is half unconscious). Mira is dragged back to the sofa. The villain puts the cloth on her face again and soakes it with lots of chloroform (while the cloth is already on her face). After some helpless struggelling Mira goes out moaning (close-up of her face). Now the villain carries Mira over the shoulder to a bedroom and starts to undress her. She awakes and he chloroforms her again, while she fights it as good as she can. Then he continues to undress her (she is still wearing her boots, leggins and bra). Then he gags her with a ballgag, he soaks the cloth again and presses it for a few seconds over her gagged mouth and under her nose (close-up of her face). The villain goes back to the living room. He takes an oxygen mask, tube and gastank. The villain returns to the bedroom. Mira wakes up again slowly and moans. She tries to crawl from the bed. Heturns the gas on (we here the hissing sound and see the gas escaping), puts it the mask over Miras mouth (with ballgag) and nose. Mira tries to hold her breath and fight it, but after a while she has to breath and after four to fives breaths she goes out like a light with a moan (close-up of her face). The villain keeps the mask a few more seconds o her face to make sure she is out. Then he turns the gas off (Hissing sound stops) and removes the mask. continues to undress Mira (takes her bra down, not off) and plays with her limp body. After a wile, she regains conscioussness. The villain chloroforms her again (only with the cloth, the oxygen mask is lying on the bed). Mira tries to fight it but goes out again (close-up of her face). Now the villain ties her ankles with duct tape. Meanwhile Mira recovers. The villains soaks the cloth again and chloroforms Mira another time. She struggles, but is put to rest again with a moan. At the end, the villain ties her hands with duct tape and presses the cloth for a few seconds over her  face. He continues playing with her limp body and takes another pictures with his mobile phone. After a while Mira awakens again and starts moaning. The bad guy takes the oxygen mask again, turns the gas on, puts it over her mouth and nose to keep her under. Then he fixes the straps of the mask behind her head and leaves the gas on to keep her under.  He takes some more pictures with his mobile phone and leaves.  VICTIM ON BIKE
    12 minutes


GREAT DEAL FOR 10$: many location, Great Stalking and Long Death Scene!

«As usual I am very pleased with your interpretation of my story line; Stels performs an excellent job and Alex always looks the part».

From Customer’s Review


Starring: Steals and Alex

Fetish Elements:

Stalking Scene (innocent girl in sexy jeans shorts riding her bicycle) and contract killer watching her from his car

Last minutes of unsuspecting victim’s life (coming home, redressing, showering)

Attack with surprise – appearing in her room when she’s gone from the shoer only in her panties and towel

Shooting 3 times

Control shot

Spectacular throwing a rag on her dead face

Great acted reactions, good make up wounds, death stare, some manipulations with dead body





The assassin has been contracted to kill the witness, a young girl who will be testifying in the boss's trial; she must disappear.

He drives his car slowly close behing his target as she rides her bicycle regularly home from work on the same route. The assassin takes reconasance photos before the day of the hit. For the hit, she is wearing very short tight denim shorts and the assassin enjoys the view as the cheeks of her ass press out from the bicycle saddle. her top is tight and we can clearly see she is not wearing a bra. She is wearing short socks and sneakers.

She arrives home very quickly and the assassin drives past her as she get off her bicycle and goes into her apartment.

We see her running the shower and watch as she begins to undress sexily. We see the assassin enter the apartment quietly, his silenced weapon at the ready. We hear the shower turn off and watch as she reaches for her towel and dries herself off briefly, she places her clean panties on and we watch the assassin prepare for his assignment in the next room.

The girl is wrapped in her towel as she enters the room, we can see her panties below the towel wrapped around her chest. As she walks into the room she is shocked to see the stranger sitting on her couch waiting for her.

"Who the Fuck are you" She shouts angrily as she grips her towel to her breasts.

The Assassin lifts his weapon into view pointing it at her stomach.

She has enough time to cry out "No No No" and grabs at her stomach as the bullet blasts through the towel in an instant.

The girl bends gripping her stomach wound and stares at her killer with her mouth wide open; she staggers towards the door and the towel drops to her waist as she holds her wound. her breasts are naked as she tries to make it to the door. The assassin takes aim shooting her in the back and the girl grunts loudly clutching at her back wound and the towel drops to the floor. She turns gripping her stomach wound with one hand and trying to hold herself up with the other. Her eyes are pleading for mercy, her mouth is open, the assassin fires.

The third bullet rips into her breast (not the nipple) and her breasts and body shake violently as she slams backwards against the door/wall she immediately goes still and drops like a stone to the floor.

The assassin begins his pleasure, rolling her body playing with her panties and squeezing her breast. He prepares his phone, takes his pictures then sends his message. He throws the towel over the girls body and moves towards the door; suddenly he notices her hand move and stops. He takes aim shooting her twice more in the breasts through the towel and we see the holes as the bullets penetrate the towel. he walks back to her body removing the towel to check his work then covers her face with the perforated towel before moving to the door.










    30 minutes
      AS HE SAID - AS HE SAID (8 Girls Killed!)

Premiere Discount
Just 20$ for this Great Movie!
Regular price is 27$!

The best movie we ever shot!
Maya, Yana, Annabelle, Nata, Kat, Luiza, Lilia, Lara, Alex, Edward, Den
One strange family decided to rent their house to guests. Why was this family strange? Their God was Snowman. Father started family sect around snowman and his sons and daughter were obedient novices. Morality, austerity prayers and snowing of the snowman were the basic rules of the family.
When a group of young girls came to house to celebrate the birthday and behaved vulgarly Family decided they must kill them all to ask forgiveness from the snowman for the desecration of his lands and sacrifice them to the snow god.
Maya was strangled by Old Man (great reaction!)
Yana was strangled (great reaction!)
Luiza was hit by fire extinguisher
Kat was killed by shovel with great postmortem winter scene and body carrying
Lara was drowned at the swimming pool (underwater camera view), great kicking and jerking reaction
Lilia had her neck snapped while she was making selfie (great shock reaction on the phone)
Lilia was frozen in the snowman
Annabelle and a male-dancer were shot together by the arrow and stayed dead in sexy pose with his hands on her ass
Nata was shot outside with great death stare
Maya also acts nun-daughter, a killer
    11 minutes
Cast: Angelina and Den
«Wow! You have way exceeded my expectations! Angelina is a real beauty and I haven't ever seen someone playing and reacting so perfectly. Her vocal reactions were also outstanding!
Thanks a lot for the professional work for all of you involved! Dan was also perfect in his role.
Flow of every scene:
No text is needed but as you feel.
First she is visible alive, sometimes neutral, resigned or depressed, sometimes fearful or thrilled.
Then comes the execution itself by an off camera squad and gun(s) and she dies. All are relatively quick deaths, no or very short agonies. We see the execution always from front (but not as a POV shooting) but not necessarily from the middle.
Facial expression varies: surprise, shock or pain, please keep it relatively natural and realistic.
She always dies with open eyes. Sometimes wide open, sometimes only a bit open, sometimes looking up, down, or front.
Her mouth ends also open, as it is natural after the reaction and relax of the muscles.
After the execution there is a guy to check if she is dead. By checking her neck vein or grabbing her hair and lifting up her head to see her death stare.
He always shoots control shot(s) into her already dead body:
one to her head from distance or by holding it by her hair. At least in one scene he shoots her dead body 6-8 times all over including lower leg, head, an arm
Every scene ends with a very short view on her dead body or face.

There are 3 set ups (all can be indoor or outdoor, it does not matter to me, which one fits better to you):
1. Tied to a chair.
The girl can die by leaning once forward, in another execution backward, another one can go sideways as well. Let's the chair stay standing always and the girl is tied so that she cannot fall from it either. Arms tied back, legs are free. Her upper body is roped to the chair.

2. Tied to a pole tight.
Tied so that she cannot fall, e.g. her knees cannot bend much and her upper body cannot bend forward either. Her arms are tied back.
Her head falls sometimes forward, sometimes backward when dead depending on how her body ends naturally.
When shot she shakes or twitches for the bullets depending on the length of the bursts. Then her dead body relaxes sometimes slowly (dies quickly but relaxes slowly), sometimes very quickly. And ends as the ropes let it, in different standing positions. It is important to see that she does not hold herself but the ropes.

3. Tied to a pole so that she can bend forward.
Similar to #2 but she dies so that her upper body bends forward. Her hands are tied back behind the pole so it keeps her body from falling fully forward. Her legs are also tied so that her knees cannot bend much so she stays standing.

Execution style varies, some examples (guns and squad not visible):
- one uzi with one quick burst (6-8 bullets), instantly dead, then other quick burst or bursts in the dead body
- one uzi with a long burst (not longer than 2 secs); dies realisticly quickly but her dead body continues to shake to the bullets
- one AK-47 in slower machine gun mode, different styles like the uzi cases
- a firing squad of 6-8, all shoots at once
- a firing squad of 6-8, shooting criss-cross the 6-8 bullets
- a firing squad of 6-8, shooting in a mess but not longer than 2 secs

Nude or in lingerie
Hair in pony tail, in a bun or her mouth is tied so that her hair cannot fall to hide her face when dead.


Or go to

    13 minutes

Starring: Mira Green, Angelina, Max

The killer returns to the empty house to dispose of his first victim. He goes to the closet where he hid her body. Her body has been folded and jammed into a closet (soles of feet exposed to camera). She is wearing only a bra and light grey/mist grey sheer-toe pantyhose. Her face is very pale and grey from being dead for a week. She has dark circles under her eyes along with the single bloody bullet hole in her forehead and dried blood around her nose. The killer drags the body out of the closet and into another large room where he plans to wrap her body up in clear plastic. It is at this point that the real estate agent enters the house carrying a purse and some folders. The real estate agent is wearing a business skirt with tan/beige/nude colored sheer-toe pantyhose and slip-on wedge shoes similar to the photo above (if not available, regular business-type high heels will work). She enters the room very innocently and stops dead in her tracks when she sees what is going on. She is so shocked she cannot even say anything. The killer pulls out a silencer pistol and points it at the real estate agent. She starts back-stepping to the wall saying “no, no…please no”. The killer fires one shot that strikes the real estate agent in the neck. The force pushes her back up against the wall. She drops the folders and grabs her neck. One of her shoes slides off as she is forced up against the wall. She is gurgling and blood is coming from her mouth. In complete shock and agony, she turns away from the killer to brace herself against the wall. She is having trouble standing up. The killer then fires 2 more shots into her back and the real estate agent immediately drops dead to the floor…no witnesses! The killer now goes back and wraps the first victim’s body in clear plastic wrap, leaving her panty-hosed feet sticking out of the wrap. The killer then goes to the real estate agent’s dead body. He drags her by her arms over to the first victim. Her shoes slide off if they haven’t already come off from the kill scene. (I want the shoes to fall off very naturally…not forced). The killer then wraps the real estate agents body in clear wrap leaving her feet sticking out. He then drags both bodies out of the room. The killer now needs to dispose of both bodies. Both bodies are loaded into a pick-up truck, van, or SUV. The killer then drives them to a remote location to dispose of both bodies. While driving, the camera is viewing the panty-hosed soles of both victims as the dead bodies shake and bounce from the roadway bumps. The killer arrives at the remote location and drags both victims into a wooded area. He unrolls both bodies out of their clear plastic wrap and leaves them there for someone to eventually find them.  PRISONER ABUSE 2
    21 minutes
Starring: Angelina, Max

Prisoner Abuse 2
The Interrogator roughly escorts Angelina.  He wears a dark shirt, cargo pants, and dark shoes/boots (similar to Max’s outfit in “Prisoner Abuse”).  Angelina wears a white tank top, dark shorts, and black high heel boots, her hair in a ponytail, light make up/natural look, and no nail polish unless it’s, clear, white, or black.  Her hands are cuffed behind her back.
As the Interrogator escorts her, Angelina protests, saying things like “You can’t just arrest me like this,” “What did I do?” “I have a right to know,” etc.  The Interrogator ignores her.  He shoves her into the room and sits her in a folding chair.  The room is open with a lot of space and the floor is covered with a tarp or plastic.  (Similar to the room where “Prisoner Abuse” takes place)
Angelina looks up at her Captor.
ANGELINA: Whatever you think I did, you have the wrong person-
The Interrogator suddenly punches her in the head.  Angelina is surprised by the attack.  He grabs her by the hair and leans in close to her.
INTERROGATOR: We know you’re a Spy for the Resistance.  We have proof, so don’t bother denying it.
As he speaks, Angelina glares at him.  The Interrogator lets go of her hair.
INTERROGATOR: I suggest you answer my questions truthfully.  Otherwise…
The Interrogator suddenly punches her in the head again.  Again, Angelina is surprised by the attack, but this time she immediately stares back at him without fear.  He punches her again, and then a third time.  Angelina takes the pain and again stares back at him without fear.
INTERROGATOR: You can take a hit.  Good.  Makes it more fun.
He punches her several more times in the head in a few different ways.  Sometimes he hits her with left and right hooks, other times he holds her with one hand while punching her with the other, and a few times he hits her with straight punches to the face.  One final hook knocks her out of the chair and onto the floor.  She pants and groans in pain.
INTERROGATOR: Come on, get up!
He kicks her in the gut.
With her injuries and her hands cuffed behind her, it’s a struggle, but she manages to get back to her feet.  The Interrogator pulls out a knife and cuts her tank top, so it falls from her body, exposing her naked breasts.  He puts the knife away and punches her in the head again, causing her to stumble back against the wall, but she manages to stay on her feet.  The Interrogator then batters her with several hard punches to the abdomen that knock the wind out of her and make her double over, but every time she is about to fall, he catches her or holds her up (maybe he holds her up by the throat).  He switches and hits her with more rights and lefts to the head.  The final punch knocks her to the floor.  He walks away.  Angelina tries to breathe and fight through the pain.
The Interrogator returns with a baton.  He forces her back to her feet baters her abdomen with the baton many times.  Every time he hits her, it knocks the wind out of her and makes her double over, groaning/moaning in pain, but every time, the Interrogator catches her or holds her up (maybe he holds her up by the throat).  After one final blow, he finally lets her drop to her knees. He grabs her by the hair, sitting her up, and hits her with more punches to the face.  With every punch, Angelina’s eyes become more dazed until she is knocked out.  He shoves her to the floor, and she lands on her side
Angelina’s limp body is now strung up, her hands cuffed/tied above her head (similar to how Xena was strung up in “Prisoner Abuse”).
The Interrogator throws some water in her face to wake her up.
INTERROGATOR: Have a nice nap?
ANGELINA: Are you actually going to ask me some questions this time?
INTERROGATOR: That was just a taste of what waits for you if you don’t cooperate.  Tell me the location of your Cell’s headquarters.  Who is your Commander?  How many soldiers are there?  And what kind of weapons do they have?
Angelina remains silent.  He grabs her by the throat and leans in close to her face.
INTERROGATOR: Go ahead.  Stay silent.  I love hurting people.  Especially pretty rebel bitches like you.  But, if you answer my questions truthfully, I’ll have no choice but to stop.  We’ll treat your wounds and give you a nice meal.  No more pain.  Or you can die slowly.  I would love nothing more than to beat you to death.  It’s your choice.
Angelina takes a moment to consider his words.
ANGELINA: You really enjoy hurting me that much?
INTERROGATOR: More than you can imagine.
ANGELINA: Then you’d better savor every second of it, because soon you’ll be dead as well and your Empire will fall, you sick fuck!
She spits blood in his face.  The Interrogator chuckles as he cleans his face with a rag.
INTERROGATOR: I was hoping you’d say that.
He hits her with a mixture of rights and lefts to the head and body.  Sometimes he throws a few punches quickly.  Other times, he briefly pauses between punches, so she can feel every hit.  After many punches to the head and body, he switches to the baton.  He takes his time as he batters her body with the baton, making her feel every hit and knocking the wind out of her each time.  If not for her hands being strung up, she would have fallen many times.
He grabs a shock-stick (the same one from “Bloody Interrogation” and “Prisoner Abuse” if possible).  As he holds it close to her body, we finally see fear in her eyes.
INTERROGATOR: Answer my questions and it all stops.
Angelina buries her fear and glares at him with resolve.
He shocks her in the belly, then one of her nipples, then the other nipple, and then finally her pussy.  Each time he shocks for several long seconds, causing her eyes roll back as her body spasms (similar to her reactions when she is shocked in “Bloody Interrogation”).  The last shock knocks her out.
The Interrogator uncuffs/unties her hands and her limp body collapses to the floor.  He rolls her onto her back then throws some more water in her face to wake her up.
As she gets her bearings back, he stands between her legs and lifts them.  Realizing what he is about to do, Angelina’s eyes widen in fear.
INTERROGATOR: I’ll give you another chance.  Answer my questions or I’ll destroy your pussy.
After a few deep breaths, Angelina glares at him with resolve.
ANGELINA: I never wanted children anyway.
The Interrogator stomps on her pussy several times, causing her to cry out in agony.  He takes a second or two between each stomp so she can feel every hit.  Eventually the pain causes her to lose consciousness.  The Interrogator continues to stomp on her pussy a few more times for good measure.
He taps her face and shakes her head to wake her up.  Angelina grabs her sore pussy and rolls onto her side groaning/moaning in pain.
INTERROGATOR: Get up!  Come on, get up!
Summoning all of her strength, Angelina slowly stands.
INTEROGATOR: Impressive.  I’ll make you a deal.  If you can get past me, you’re free to go.
ANGELINA: (Exhausted) Liar!
INTERROGATOR: (Chuckles) Maybe.  What do you have to lose?... Unless you’re finally ready to talk.
Angelina puts up her guard, though she can barely lift her arms.  She throws a couple punches.  They are wild and sloppy, and the Interrogator easily dodges them and pretends to applaud her effort.  She throws another punch, and the Interrogator easily blocks and counters with a hard punch to her head.  She is unable to defend herself as he continues to pummel her with several more punches to the head, mostly right and left hooks, a few straight punches to the face, and punches to the body.  Every punch to the head rocks her and some of the body shots double her over.  Every time it looks like she’s about to fall, he catches her and stands her back up.  Sometimes he holds her as he punches her.  A final right hook knocks her to the floor (she lands on her back).  She is barely conscious.
The Interrogator straightens her out and gets on top of her, straddling her.  He taps her face and shakes her head to wake her up.
INTERROGATOR: This is your last chance.  You won’t have another opportunity after this.
ANGELINA: Good.  I’m tired of hearing your stupid voice.
INTERROGATOR: (Chuckles) Defiant till the end.  I like that.
The Interrogator hits her over and over with many brutal ground n pound rights and lefts to the head.  He alternates a few times, sometimes he holds her with one hand while punching her with the other, sometimes he holds her while hitting her with straight punches to the face, sometimes he hits her with hammer-fists, but he always goes back to ground n pound rights and lefts.  After a few minutes, she eventually dies.  The Interrogator doesn’t notice at first and when he does realize that she is dead, he continues to punch her in the head several more times.  This sequence lasts for about 2-3 minutes.
He decides to take a break from punching and decides to brutalize her pussy some more by doing several running soccer (football) kicks to her pussy.
He then straddles her and goes back to hitting her with several more ground n pound rights and lefts for about another 2 minutes. (Similar angles as before)
The Interrogator finally decides to stop, smiling in satisfaction as he looks down at Angelina’s battered body and gets a sip of water.  Suddenly, gunfire is heard off-camera. The Interrogator grabs his gun and goes to investigate.  The camera pans Angelina’s dead body as more gunfire is heard and the Interrogator is killed off-screen.
Possible POV: Another Resistance Fighter enters, gun drawn, (their face doesn't need to be seen) walking past the dead body of the Interrogator, they discover their dead comrade.
RESISTANCE FIGHTER: Commander.  I found her.  We’re too late.  She’s already dead.  Looks like she didn’t tell them anything.
COMMANDER (V.O.): Copy that.  Finish sweeping the area, then bring her home.
RESISTANCE FIGHTER: Yes sir… (To Angelina) You did good soldier… You did good.
Final body pans ending with a close up of Angelina’s face.
The End

    12 minutes


«Your Work Is Excellent»

From Customer’s Review

Starring Angelina and Alex

Blood bath in MOTO KILLER style AGAIN!!!!

This time With Angelina!


We couldn’t count how much bullets hit her! I think about 50!!! Her corpse became a bloody minced meat!!!

A girl (Angelina) went to a man’s room to steal some important data from his computer and send back to her leader. She got in the room with her hand bag, and at first, the man was not in the room and the mission went well. When it was nearly finished, the man came back but the girl didn’t noticed him. The man shoot the girl on her back 5 times using his handgun, then the girl turned around and the man shoot the girl on her belly and chest 5 times. The girl fell to the ground with her face up. She struggled for a while on the ground, and vomit a lot of blood from her mouth. And soon she lost her life. At the same time, the man check his computer and found that most data had already been send to the girl’s leader. The man is very angry, he get his handgun and want to shoot the girl again, but he found that the bullets is empty. So he went to another room to get a submachine gun, and came back to shoot the girl on her dead body. He shoot many times (>20) until the bullets is empty again. The girl jerked and her shirt was steeped by the blood and crashed by the bullets. Then the man checked the girl’s bag, and found a small gun. The man took off the girl’s pants and panties, put the gun into her pussy and fired 8 times. The bullets penetrate her body and come out from her belly and chest, the girl jerked and a lot of blood came out from her mouth  and her pussy, and her belly and chest was filled with holes and fresh. At last, the man turn the girl around, let her hip up, and empty the bullets on her back.


If you like this movie please check out


    32 minutes

«Thank you--I just finished watching the movie, and it was great! The actresses were beautiful, and they all gave wonderful performances. The music was a nice "bonus" that I hadn't even thought to ask for. You did a great job of taking the script and making it work. The final result is even better than I had imagined, so thank you (and Li, Mira, and Nadya!) for the excellent work! Nadya is always a great actress, and she did a super job as the "bad girl" in this movie. Mira did a great job acting frightened, and Li was able to convey the sense of being resigned to her fate just like I had imagined. I really appreciate everyone's hard work!»
	Customer’s Review

CAST: Nadya, Mira Green, Li

No Witnesses

Overview: A ruthless gang has captured a rookie female cop who was snooping around one of the warehouses where they store their drugs. An unfortunate college student saw her abduction, so they kidnapped her as well. The two unfortunate women were brought to the female gang boss to be eliminated. The gang boss orders the two to strip, then strangles the cop—giving the college student a preview of what she has to look forward to. After forcing the poor girl to spend some time manipulating the body of the dead police woman, the gang boss slowly strangles the young woman—pausing frequently to extend her suffering. Finally, the college student begs the gang boss for death. Satisfied, the cruel woman grants the girl her wish. She then calls her subordinates and arranges for the bodies of her two victims to be preserved as dolls—to serve as a warning (or an example of what awaits) other women who are brought to her. 

Rookie Cop (played by Li): A young police woman with more enthusiasm than skill. She knows of the gangs reputation and realizes that she and the schoolgirl are going to die.
Costume: A police uniform, preferably with a skirt and black stockings. She removes the uniform early in the video and dies nude.

College Student (played by Mira Green): An unfortunate young woman who happened to be in the wrong place at the wrong time.
Costume: (First Choice): The “sexy schoolgirl uniform” from “Gunshot Cocktail Mira”(with a pair of white stockings) would be perfect, preferably with the sexy red underwear from Mira’s gallery image underneath. Like Li, she strips nude early in the video and dies naked. 

Gang Boss (played by Nadya): A cold hearted criminal who enjoys “playing” with her prey.   

A hotel bedroom used as a safehouse by the gang. There are two chairs in the room. Nadya is sitting in one, facing Li and Mira. The other armchair is positioned facing the bed. On a stand / table next to Nadya are a pair of silken cords. 

    15 minutes
Marina and Masha
Custom Film
Fetish elements: boots, nude, shooting, blood, stomach, bellybutton, pain, traumas, wounds, blood, gore
Two next-door girls were shot by nail-gun and bolt-gun by maniac who was in their apartment. 
Marina was shot twice by nails – once in her stomach and the second time in her head – deadly. When her neighbor founded her corpse she cried and put her hand near mouth in her fear – maniac shot and chained her hand to her mouth. Then he shot her to her stomach and to her breast. 
He left two bloody nude bodies together. 
If you like this clip please also check out
    26 minutes
      SCENES OF SHOOTING WITH NO BLOOD - Many scenes acted by Annabelle and invited actress in "shot dead cocktail" style. Movie was shot in 2018, appeared here only now first time. Girls dressed in different outfits in ths scenes and also topless. 25+ minutes!
    16 minutes

Cast: Sally and Alice M

Great job.  The ladies did a wonderful job.  They worked hard and were faithful to the script as you always are!  Thank you.

Customer’s Review 

Fetish Elements
Shooting (6 bullets total)
Stabbing (Stabbing to the back, Stabbing to the Belly, Stabbing between breasts)
Death Stares
Cop VS Bandit Script

          Sally is a cop. Alice M is a drug dealer. Sally visits Alice M, shows her badge and enters Alice's residence. Sally tells Alice M she is there to find the illegal drugs and arrest her. Alice M is surprised but is not frightened. Alice M stays calm and cool. Sally tells Alice M to sit down while Sally proceeds to search for the drugs and money. There is piece of fruit and a knife on the table in front of Alice M which Alice M picks up to cut a piece from the fruit. .  Sally is searching the drawers/desk/cabinet.  Ultimately she finds cocaine. Alice M is now angry that the cocaine was found. She grabs the knife and while Sally has her back turned to her, Alice M stabs Sally in the back. Sally screams in pain, stands up, turns around, pushes Alice M away. Sally takes out her gun and shoots Alice M one time. Alice M is stunned but then moves towards Sally. Sally shoots Alice M one time again. Alice M is in pain and Sally wobbly from her knife wound. Alice M now charges towards Sally and their bodies now touching, Alice M stabs Sally in the belly. She pulls out the knife, Sally now places the gun barrel flush against Alice's body and fires two shots. Alice M then stabs Sally between her breasts. Leaves knife in Sally (if possible) then Alice M staggers back. Sally shoots Alice M two more times. She screams in pain. Sally now moves towards the wounded Alice M with the knife in her chest. "No knife in your hand now bitch". Sally points the gun again at Alice M and fires two more times. Alice M now falls back, eyes staring at the ceiling, moaning in pain until she dies eyes open. Sally now bleeding weakens, tries to leave but cannot.  Falls on her back and dies eyes open. Both deaths should be slow and dramatic

POLICE STORIES  You39re Not My Family
    15 minutes
      You39re Not My Family - This clip has no description.
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    Welcome To The Crime House Studio on Kinky Clips
    Crime House Fantasy Studio (also Crime House & Crime House and Dark Rooms) is independent production company with female death fetish orientation. Crime House does very erotic stuff, but not porn. Why we advice to offer our videos? 1. SEXY VICTIM-ACTRESSES ONLY 2. REALISTIC DEATH SITUATIONS 3. GREAT ACTING 4. CSGFX EFFECTS 5. NEW MODELS EVERY WEEK 6. ALL DEATH FETISH GENRES 7. NOT PORN BUT VERY-VERY EROTIC AND HOT 8.RUSSIAN AND EAST EUROPE HOT MODELS 9. WE DO KNOW HOW TO PLAY SEXY DEATH 10. ALL MOVIES ARE MADE IN VERY HIGH QUALITY

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