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    All content is consensual and is acted out by models of legal age.
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    10 minutes

Custom *

Customer’s Review:

«Thank you this is exactly what I wanted. Very well done video».

MODELS: Angelina, Alex


Foot Fetish, Manual Strangulation, Strangling, Choking, Death Stare, Leg Fetish, Topless, Gasping


The girl (Angelina) was strangled from behind by intruder. The video has many foot fetish elements

*The script, model choice and fetish elements list were done by customer who donated some funds and got the clip the customer wanted to see!

You can do your custom order too! Inside the video you will find custom-ordering instructions!

    10 minutes

Models: Pola and Nadya

Video Game Simulator from the 3d person

If you like shooter games like Lara Croft, Hitman, Max Payne, GTA and you dream about playing for sexy ladies and killing them – this clip is for you!


Two sexy girls have mission to kill bad guy. But this game is not kind for them. They are shot and killed. You will see 9 levels of this game and 18 deaths! Game over for these girls!



Nadya is seldom guest of our project! She’s so sexy!

Very good game imitation!

Great poses and death reactions
    21 minutes

Fetish Elements
Neck Massage, Neck Tortures, Neck Strangulation with a cord, Neck choking, Choking, Strangling, Strangulation from behind, Strangulation to being knocked out, Strangulation to the death, Long Strangulation

A lady invites neck-massage master after her hard day in the office. But he is a maniac! First he starts to do some pleasant movements, relaxes her and then suddenly catches her neck very hard. She thinks it’s medicine procedure but after his choking is very hard she asks him to stop. He ignores and continues to strangle her very hard. Long strangulation begins until her death!
NECK HEALING (Long Garrote!)  Cruel Games
    20 minutes




Starring: Angelina, Juliana and Victoria


*******, two ***** ******* one ****, *************, legs in stockings kicking, sexy maid uniform, high heels, shooting, fear, panic, emotions, slow shooting scene, long deaths, *****,  agony, neck-breaking, 3 ***** death.
     Unhappy Birthday 4 Bodypile
    23 minutes
      Unhappy Birthday 4 Bodypile - Crime house summer season: unhappy birthday

4 young women ********* one by one, bodies are stripped and lift to one place for 4-women’ mega sexy bodypile!

it’s the most sexy crime house clip.

introdusing new model – anna rose.

 luiza celebrates her  birthday in the cottage and invites her 3 best friend. They have fun, but they don’t know a maniac-strangler is walking near the house.

he attacks poor g...Rls one by one and brutally ********* the, with his strong deadly hands. His first ****** was angelina. She came to the kitchen for some water when he surprised her, grabs to the floor and ********* slowly. Angelina makes very sexy agony and dying face.

luiza goes to the first floor to have a little rest. She takes off her shoes and massages her feet. Maniac surprised her, attacks and after a fight he ********* her. She does active legs kicking, her tongue  out from her mouth. Dead one! Her topless body in black stockings is lying on the bed.

hass goes outside to have a smoking break. Smoking kills! Maniacs ****** her and snaps her neck.

ann  doesn’t understand where are the *****… in this time the maniac is carrying bodies to the living room, stripes them and makes a bodypile of young *****’ corpses. Ann comes back and sees her friends naked and dead  in pile of corpses. She is in panic but too late. Maniac grabs her and strangler to her death. He takes off her clothes and puts her in the bodypile. 4 dead g...Rls in one pile now!

-          all ********** scenes are long and very sexy – different angles and body views. Death stares, naturalistic death reactions,

-          all *****’ dead bodies are carried and lift

-          -all body is stripped

-          great ultra sexy bodypile


fetish elements:

**********, death stare with open eyes and tongue out, death stare with clothed eyes, lifting bodies, carrying dead *****, black stockings, bare legs, foot fetish. Short party’s dresses, many dead poses, fear, fighting for life, sounds of *******, underwear, stripping bodies, playing with bodies, touching bodies, smoking ****, 4 ***** bodypile.  

price: 24.00
run time: 23:00 minutes
file size: 462 mb	format: .Mp4
category: strangluation, *******, dead play, necro  CALL OF DUTY
    12 minutes


"this is another breaking point in the history of these videos. 

All is just perfect. The parts when the girls put their guns on and then they search the stairs or show police badge are very hot. Especially the part when they wait in front of the door, look at eachother and then with their directing guns and self assured look enter the room is superb. I always wanted to see this moment with two female cops.

Also the clothes is precise: I like the elegant Judy's dress and
more casual Louise's wear - her tight jeans are excellent, exactly how it should be and it is very erotic when she puts them on.

And girls' acting is definitely the best element: both girl cops are very tender and neat. Not only when they
speak and listen to each other but also their gesture like smiles, poses and look in her eyes perfectly show their self-confidence and as well their little naivity that is quite unexpectedly and briefly cut just with two brief bastard's  shot.  Before it Judy's strict but also neat talk to Louise after Judy finishes her lipstick application is very nice. 

In the final part the guys are cynical and in some way very awfull when they laugh and humble the girls. This 
behaviour is in strict contrast with the previous girls' tenderness and self-confidence and all this gives to the whole video 
very harsh flavour."
From Customer's Review 

Police, White shirt, Black Skirt, Police Form, Police Story, Head Shot, Shot to the chest, Sudden Death, Death in firefight, Death of brave girls, Death Stares, Criminals have fun stripping dead cop girls


The story starts in a car where two young female cops talk about the plan how to accomplish their mission. The task is to catch a criminal but all this action is a little bit sudden. At the beginning of today shift both policewomen supposed that this day will be really calm. But at the end of the shift when they were driving back to the police station they received a phone call from their informant who announced them that the dangerous criminal surprisingly hides in a house which was at the moment of phone call very close. At just this place they now have stopped their car. 

The first female cop is new in the police department but despite this she is extremely self confident. She replaces her absenting experience with her arrogance. Because after the shift the weekend is starting she wants to go out. Probably to some good cafeteria. So she wears a very tight and elegant satin white blouse like a secretary in the office, unfastened widely on its top and fully revealing her gentle throat, smooth chest and just an upper lace of her neat black bra. Then she has tight black leather trousers, black belt and shoes on the high heels. 

Her female partner has been in the service about two years longer so she is a little bit more experienced. Therefore she is worried. She considers this unexpected mission to be very risky. 

Moreover she has fallen in love with her new colleague and is really afraid of her. But about this she still has not said a word to her. Actually nobody knows it. So her feelings are strictly secret and platonic. This late summer afternoon she is also prepared for some night life in a prestigious club so she wears formal tight blouse with a tight grey vest and extremely short black skirt with black nylons and boots. Similar to her partner she more likely reminds a business woman than a police officer being in the line of duty. 

Both girls sit in the car, the arrogant rookie is behind the wheel. Their sitting poses are very comfortable and relaxed when they have their legs apart  because they are alone and there is no use to behave innocently and properly. 

They discuss the plan of mission. The rookie things that the criminal being in the house will be suprised, unarmed and alone. But the more experienced officer suggests that they should call some backups because the criminal is extremely dangerous. They will be vulnerable if they try to get this guy just themselves. 

But the  rookie refuses to wait. She wants to catch him just now, dead or alive, because it is a case of urgency and there will be no other and so easy opportunity. He has already killed two their colleagues and she wants to revenge them. So she persuades her partner to go inside the house immediately.

After this words there is a tense short pause between them. They look at each other in a complete silence. And just at this time the experienced officer cannot resist her feelings. She suddenly approaches to her mate, lays her hand on her cheek, strokes her tenderly and tries to kiss her.

They touched with their lips very timidly for a short but really sweet moment but the rookie finally shakes her head and moves her face back with a hesitate but flirty smile. 

"I... I want you... I could not stand if some bad thing happened to you" says the commander to the rookie passionately.
The rookie looks at her partner, a little bit surprised, embarrassed but also in some way pleased. She likes her attractive colleague too but does not consider it as love. The rookie so far has thought that these lesbian fantasies she has about her commander are just unimportant erotic game. 

But almost immediately the rookie gets serious. "Well.... we cannot do this. We have to go and accomplish this mission", she says in a reserve way but still a little bit excited, even horny. "It is nice that you are worried about me... Maybe we can have a talk later" she says to her devoted partner with a little bit promising and somewhat encouraging smile. 
"So are you ready?" the rookie asks finally one hand on the door handle. "I am sure we will manage it easily" she continues with excited eyes. "OK" finally agrees the second female cop.

They both get out of the car and look around. Then they approaches the house. A rookie has a one hand on her hip when she walks. The house has unlocked door. Both females at first take out their guns out of the holsters and then carefully enter the house.  "Police, go out with your hands up. We are armed" the rookie shouts when they are in. 

There is no answer so they discuss the way to search the house. The rookie whispers her intentions calmly and still without no fear, like she would be an officer in command. "We should split" she suggests - the rookie girl will go upstairs and the other female cop will search the ground floor. 

So rookie carefully goes up the stairs, her gun still ready in one hand, she creeps around the wall (similar to your clip Failed Mission Part One you sent me). When she reaches the second floor she stops besides the open door and waits for a while. She leans on the wall with her back, her legs spread, now she holds her gun in both hands in front of her face directing the gun barrel upwards. Her head is turned towards the door. She tries to hear some movements or sounds from the beside room. Her heart is beating wildly. Finally she breathes deeply and steps out the wall in order to stand between the door. 

The criminal is really in this room. He is prepared but the rookie not because she actually expected (or maybe hoped) that he will be in the next room which is not so exposed. 

There is a very short action, just one shot. The rookie sees the bastard but she is in a some way shocked so she only directs her gun at him but cannot fire. She cannot even move, she is completely paralyzed by this sudden and fatal situation. 

On the contrary his one shot is brief and very precise. The girl is shot through her heart, the bullet throws her on ground on her back. She gasps and gurgles for several seconds with puzzled and terrified expression but after this short agony she dies with staring eyes from which her young life up to now full of eagerness quickly evaporated. 

Her partner  rushes to the bottom of stairs when she hears a gunshot. At the bottom of the stairs she slows down and also creeps  around the wall with her gun ready although she goes up the stairs a little bit faster . When she calmly approaches to her dead mate, she puts her fingers on the dead girls throat trying to feel some pulse but she only finds out that she cannot help her. She is desperate and totally broken. "You fucking bastard. Get out! I will kill you!" she shouts furiously. There is a shootout again, but a little bit longer, this girl is after all more skilled. She bravely fights with her gun, fires at the criminal but finally she loses and is shot too. She dies besides her colleague with whom she was in secret but very intense love. 

Later two police victims of the cruel war against crime are found by their male colleague. This policeman was also driving close to the house when he was informed by the headquaters that the local people heard a gunfire in a nearby house. 

In the final part of the movie he just stares at the tender bodies with no emotions at all. "I found them. It is too bad. He killed them both. I am sorry about that" he says shortly to the phone and stops the call. "They were too careless" he whispers now just for himself. 

Finally he cannot deny to touch the beautiful bodies. A year ago he started a romance with the more experienced officer. But they just spent one night together and then she finished it without any explanation.... After this brief relationship a rookie entered the office. He liked her innocent face and body but could stand her arrogant behaviour.  Anyway she ignored him totally ... 

Props/elements/plot I would like to see: 
- females sitting in the car at the beginning, 
- gun holsters (shoulder or at the waist), 
- leather tight black trousers with belt and tight satin elegant white blouse unfastened on top of the rookie girl, high heels,
- elegant but tight dress of the second girl (white blouse, formal tight vest, short black skirt, belt, black nylons, boots), 
- girls legs apart frivolously while they are sitting and talking in the car. 
- rookies self-confident smile and sureness about the mission and on the other hand the worries of the second girl,
- short and gentle love scene in the car, 
- getting out of the car, approaching the house, one girl with one hand on her hip when walking, 
- taking the guns ouf of the holsters before they open the door of the house, 
- whispering the orders how to search house, rookie searching the house slowly with pistols ready, going upstairs, creeping around the wall, waiting before the rookie steps out the wall to be in contact with a criminal, 
- two shootouts  - the first one very brief and a second one a little bit longer, 
- blood on the clothes, death stare, mouth open, leg show,
- bodies found by policeman.





     Moscow Strangler
    10 minutes
      Moscow Strangler - MOSCOW STRANGLER 3

Custom Movie

Starring: Mila and Den


Fetish Elements

Strangulation, Stockings, Death Stares, CSI, Taking Off Jewels, Putting on stockings, Putting off stockings

«Thank you for the movie !

I do not have enough words to say how talented your company is. Honestly your are the best»

Customer Review

Mila is a beautiful and famous student girl waiting her boyfriend at her student room for tonight. She prepares herself. She wears a sexy shirt still open with a bra, panties and stockings. Her hair are tied and she wears a watch.

She receives a call at phone from her best friend (Maya sit down on a bed) who warns her because some pretty girls have been strangled in the town these last weeks. Mila does not care and says to her friend laughing that if she does not hear news from her tomorrow she will know why …

Suddendly the masked killer introduce at the room when Mila prepare herself. He approach behind her and wraps a tie (or other tool) around her neck. Mila is surprised and screams !

They fall on the ground !Mila struggles very violently, she tries to hit him. Her eyes are wide open and crossed and she drools.

After few time, her hands falls and she dies with eyes open and mouth open. The killer

checks her pulse but she is gone. He drags Mila on the ground and throws the dead body on the bed. He dispose the dead girl and tie her hands with one of her stockings

He makes a node with the tie around the neck of Mila and leaves the house.

Dead Pose

CSI PART : Some hours after the detective is called by the school… He enters in the dark room he lights his flashlight and sees the dead face ofMilain the darkness. So he finds the light of the room and discover Mila lying on the bed and murdered ! Her eyes wide open. Her hair are disheveled and legs crossed and her shirt is open. Her hands are tied and she has a sexy dead pose.

Her mouth is white

She has been strangled with a tie. The detective remove the tie and see a horrible mark of

strangulation on her throat

 He examines and caresses her neck.

He drags the body for examines her. He moves her head from left to right, she is still very

soft and hot !

He takes and checks her nails for discover some clues... After removed the stocking tied around her wrists he plays with her beautiful hands/fingers and lets drop them…

He roles the body many times for examine her.

He takes some pictures of the crime scene, the dead body, face, hands, neck...

The detective removes the shirt and the stocking staying on her leg until she wears only her sexy lingerie. He removes her jewelry and put it on a little plastic bag (rings, watch...).

He moves Mila in a body bag (or cover her with a sheet).

At the and he leaves the crime scene.  BLOOD HEEl Dark Room
    17 minutes
      BLOOD HEEl  Dark Room - Blood Heel: Dark Room

Custom by Evil Geek






Nude, claustrophobia, immurement, garrote strangulation, girl strangles girl, blood from eyes during strangulation, red-blue face during strangulation, wrapping up a corpse in cellophane, corpse disposal, percussion, count in the vagina, pantyhose




It's amazing how you can feel as though you are kings or queens of the world and that all changes within 3 day. That is exactly what happened to two lovely young women. Their names were Megan and Katie.They awoke in a small room. Metal walls, floor, ceiling and door. A camera mounted on the ceiling. Smell of death in the air. Not remembering how they got in there. Being knocked out by a knock out dart would have that effect on you. They were Nude. Their sexual assets exposed to each other. Megan replied you know what I have to admit. You have a lovely vagina. Katie replied "you crazy bitch but thanks for the compliment. We need to figure out why we are in here and how to get the fuck out of here."  Well they were there because weren't innocent! They recently robbed one of the Coltanier City banks. That pissed someone off to hire to teach them a lesson. That someone was watching them through a camera. Their killer. Also in the room besides those two young women was one pair of hose hanging on a hook to incase someone's sexy bare legs. To incase someone’s painted toe nailed feet.  There was no other piece of clothing. There was only one meal on a plate. It was a torture room basically.They screamed at the top of their lungs to be let out. They got no reply.  They didn't turn on each other right away but that was soon to change. 

Two hours went by. The yelling of let us out of here can still be heard. Not met with any replies. Megan couldnt take it anymore. She saw Katie as a road block to her survival, freedom, and a pair of pantyhose to put onto her sexy legs for that matter. She grabbed the pair of pantyhose from the hook. She started to knot them around her hands to get ready to wrap them around Katies neck. Katie replied “Megan what the fuck are you doing with those? Please don’t do it. We will find a way out of her. Please don..." She wasn’t able to finish the sentence as Megan wrapped the black colored pantyhose around Katie's neck. She pulled tightly. She turned on her best friend. Katie's eyes rolled back into head. Her tongue was protruding with drool dripping down her face. Then she was limp. Megan let her body drop to the cold floor. She unwrapped the hose from Katie's neck and put them on. She then heard a female voice say "you just won your freedom. Just stand on the marked spot on the floor and you are free to go." Megan thought to herself that she had to kill her friend for her own survival and freedom. The killer pressed a button and then a metal like bar came through the mark on the floor and it impaled Megan. The speed and force of it impaled her. She gavce out a loud scream of pain that went silent quickly. It penetrated the crotch area of the pantyhose and entered her vagina. Blood dripped down to the floor. Then the killer pressed another button and the metal bar exited her vagina and traveled back into the floor. Megan dropped to the floor dead. There was an expression of shock on her face. Blood dripped down her mouth and her eyes were rolled back into her head. The door to the room opened and her killer walked in. She replied "hmm now that's beautiful view to see. Wups now where is my mannors. I forgot to introduce myself. Im blood heel. Greedy bitches will believe anything and are fun to murder." Afterwards she left and called the "tidy up service" to clean up the mess.  That torture room was a room that was built during ww2. Designed by the company for their hit  men and hit women to use. Over the years it was modified. The room was a favorite to blood heel.
     Foot Fetish Maniac
    19 minutes
      Foot Fetish Maniac - FOOT FETISH MANIAC

When a woman was sleaping in her bedroom, foot fetish maniac entered the room. He touched her feet and tickled. First she enjoyed it ******** but when she  **** up she was in panic, but he catches her legs. Attacked her and ckoked. Then he started to caress her dead body, her legs and feet. He opened a wardrobe, found her cocks, white stockings  and stockings with flesh color. She was his dead doll, just a toy and he started to try to her socks and stockings, massage her dead feet…

All  19 minutes you can enjoy ************* scenes and much dead games with leg-fetish and foot-fetish attention!

Fetish elements:

*************, red sexy lingerie. ******** ****, dead ****, death stare, legs kicking, different dead poses, foot fetish, white stockings, stockings, socks, dead feet massage, body touching, playing with dead body.  

DON’T miss our another ************* great work with many fetish surprises –


Price: 14.00
Run Time: 19:00 minutes
File Size: 450 MB	Format: .MP4  4 Women Execution
    11 minutes
      4 Women Execution - This clip has no description.
    21 minutes


Ksusha Zaichik as an assassin and JUDI, TATIALA, LI, SALLY

Fetish Elements

Realistic Scenes of Strangulations, Garrote Strangulation, Choking, Sudden Attacks, Killing Innocent Victims, Killing Contract Killers, Female Domination, Girls Killing Girls, Strangulation Realistic Make Up

Tatiana and Judi are talking, Tatiana is worried that the two new tenants in their apartment are hired assassins\\\' and they\\\'re using both her, Judi and their apartment for something nefarious. Judi shoots her down saying she\\\'s known Sally for years and that they\\\'re just staying for a week. This angers Tatiana and she storms off after exclaiming that something isn\\\'t right. She unknowingly walks by a shadowy figure in the corner that follows her, the figure is the famous assassin Ksusha Zaichik who\\\'s been tasked with eliminating the rival hitwoman. Ksusha knows that Tatiana isn\\\'t one of her targets but she can\\\'t risk her compromising the mission, not to mention the fact she simply enjoys killing too much to resist. Once in a secluded spot the Ksusha quickly wraps a thin metal garrote around Tatiana\\\'s neck and crosses it tightly from the back, Tatiana lets out faint breathless gasp. Ksusha Shushes her as she backs into a wall out of sight and continues to pull the garrote (still standing). Tatiana starts to struggle fiercely and claws at the garrote squeezing her neck (Squirming and trying to wriggle out too), whenever she attempts to scream it comes out as a silent gasp and all she can muster are squeaks and the occasional gasp. Ksusha is clearly aroused by the sweet innocent girl fighting for her life and starts quietly moaning. Tatiana\\\'s neck starts bleeding from where the garrote is squeezing and she starts to panic, she continues to poke and claw at the wire as well as Ksusha\\\'s face. Ksusha quietly says \\\"Knock it off bitch\\\" and tightens the garrote even more around Tatiana\\\'s soft neck. This causes both of her clawing hands to go back to the garrote around her throat. She then starts trying to attack This causes Ksusha to moan slightly louder, she pulls Tatiana closer and continues to tightly pull on the garrote. Tatiana starts to lose strength and continues to claw and poke at her neck with one hand while the other drifts down eventually resting on ksusha\\\'s thigh, giving her almost infinite pleasure while finishing her victim off. Eventually Tatiana\\\'s eyes start to drift off and her arms droop (She drools as well), realizing her victim is dead she uncrosses the garrote from Tatiana\\\'s bloodied neck and quietly drops her corpse to the floor. Before Ksusha can fix herself, a cold garrote wraps around her throat and she finds herself in the same bitter struggle as her victim. The rival assassin\\\'s were using Judi and Tatiana as bait to lure out Ksusha and she walked right into it. One of the rival assassin\\\'s Li, was taking full advantage of the situation and quickly wrapped her own garrote around Ksusha\\\'s neck, turns her back to her and pulls the garrote downward lifting Ksusha slightly off the ground and onto her back and starts thrusting her hips upward digging the garrote into Ksusha\\\'s throat and violently strangling her. Ksusha is surprised by Li\\\'s technique and claws at her neck while gasping for non-existent air, the garrote is already causing bleeding. Ksusha starts to kick her legs causing Li to pull down on the garrote more getting closer to the ground continuing to violently strangle K. This almost immediately slows Ksusha\\\'s struggle as she\\\'s in a much tighter position than before. She continues trying to squirm and wiggle her way out of the deathhold to no avail and keeps clawing at her neck, this goes on for a while until Li attempts to change positions again but she fumbles due to Ksusha\\\'s struggle and they both fall to the ground. Ksusha quickly kicks Li in the face, stunning her, giving her a chance to catch her breath. Once relieved Ksusha quickly mounts Li and starts brutally strangling her with her bare hands. Li attempts to pull K\\\'s hair and waist trying to shove the assassin off but it is too late, K is dug in.  Li claws  at the hands squeezing her neck trying to dig her fingers and in her struggle pushes on K\\\'s breasts in an attempt to shove her eventual killer but this causes K to once again become aroused and she starts to faintly moan as Li\\\'s hands desperately slide up and down her body. Eventually Li\\\'s neck starts to bruise from K\\\'s Tight grip and she starts to fade, K hears a loud snap and slowly lets go of Li\\\'s now bruised and lifeless corpse. K taunts Li\\\'s lifeless body, calling her a slut as she fixes herself. She enters another room where she finds Jodi, she knows that this is another decoy but her bloodlust gets the better of her and she quickly wraps the garrote around Judi\\\'s neck and brings her to the ground.  Judi struggles just as fiercely as the other girls, she kicks wildly, grabs at K\\\'s hair, clawing desperately at the wire. She almost breaks free by headbutting K causing her to temporarily let go of the garrote and giving her a bloody nose. \\\"Not so fast bitch\\\" K Says as she once again grabs ahold of the garrote and Yanks Judi back towards her, she is now looking into Judi\\\'s eyes as she pulls the garrote Judi\\\'s struggle starts to slow and she stops kicking and squirming so frequently. K starts to shush Judi and she starts to stroke her hair with one hand while continuing to pull the garrote with the other, Judi starts to fade and eventually stops moving. K gives her a kiss on the forehead and pushes her corpse off of herself. She stands up but before she can fix herself Sally, the final assassin, puts K in a Tight Chokehold. K immediately grabs the assailant\\\'s arm with both hands but is too winded from the previous fights to do anything more than shuffle her feet, squirm and claw/latch onto Sally\\\'s arms. After a long faint struggle from K, she starts to go limp and Sally starts taunting her calling her a bloodthirsty fool and that she\\\'s enjoying squeezing the life out of her. Sally then starts to seductively rub K\\\'s body a little enjoying her form, after a few moments of this she says \\\"Time to end this little game\\\" and pulls back on K\\\'s neck making the choke hold higher and tighter causing K to stand on her tippy toes. K Starts to struggle a little more fiercely and starts hitting Sally\\\'s sides with her palms and pulling her clothes eventually she gets lucky and elbows Sally in the stomach and follows up with a headbut this stuns Sally and before she can recover K quickly wraps her trusty garrote around Sally\\\'s throat and she pulls tightly, she decides to take her time with Sally loosening and tightening the garrote and letting Sally struggle and claw at her clothes and body. K can\\\'t help but be aroused at how close she was to death and no longer hides it. She fully shows her arousal in her facial expressions and moans.pan  Once Sally\\\'s struggle slows K slowly drops her to the floor where she continues to tighten the garrote until she hears a crunch. She unravels the garrote and lets Sally\\\'s body fall to the floor. She stands up, fixes herself and leaves. Mission Accomplished!

BONUS: Some different versions of murders scenes (some extra angles and takes in the end of the movie)

    19 minutes
My New Fetish
Fetish elements:
-	Girl choking girl scene
-	Girl is stripping dead girl with MANY LIMP fetishes and NECRO PLAYING
-	Man strangles his wife
-	Man strangles woman
-	Stripping bodies 
Starring: Juliana, Pola, Angelina, Kit
Man invites call-girls from escort agency when his wife isn’t at home. But when wife returns home ans sees him with another woman she looses control, rushes to the call-girl and strangles her to death. 
Then she becomes to play with her body – open her mouth, her eyes, touch her face, legs, tits. Ass and says:
 «Did you want to fuck this pretty girl? Did you want to put your dirty dick to this young wet mouth?»
The husband enjoys this show and realizes he has new death fetish. 
He attacks his wife, strangles her to the death. 
When another call-girl comes he kills her too. He is happy in dead girls’ society. 

Fetish elements and tags: stockings, strangulation, limp fetish, postmortem, Necro fantasies, death fetish, playing with body, lesbian necro petting.
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    Welcome To The Crime House Studio on Kinky Clips
    Crime House Fantasy Studio (also Crime House & Crime House and Dark Rooms) is independent production company with female death fetish orientation. Crime House does very erotic stuff, but not porn. Why we advice to offer our videos? 1. SEXY VICTIM-ACTRESSES ONLY 2. REALISTIC DEATH SITUATIONS 3. GREAT ACTING 4. CSGFX EFFECTS 5. NEW MODELS EVERY WEEK 6. ALL DEATH FETISH GENRES 7. NOT PORN BUT VERY-VERY EROTIC AND HOT 8.RUSSIAN AND EAST EUROPE HOT MODELS 9. WE DO KNOW HOW TO PLAY SEXY DEATH 10. ALL MOVIES ARE MADE IN VERY HIGH QUALITY

    Featuring 965 Clips / 16587 minutes of video!

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