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     Good Buy My Love
    15 minutes
      Good Buy My Love - Good buy my love!
starring: pola and kit.

full nude content

it’s sad story about jealous young man and his pretty innocent girlfriend. She is in love, she is gong to marry him but once the usual domestic quarrel because of his jealousy went to far… first they fought ant then he started to ***** her. He got. He has gone mad. He ****** her very long. It took him 10 minutes long to kill his girlfriend! 10 minutes long! What a painful death! He pressed to her throat not very strongly to enjoy her trying to escape, kicking and agony more time. When she is dead he understood his terrible mistake. He striped her body for hugging and caressing her nude dead still warm body last time. Good buy, my love, good buy!

this clip made based on different fetish elements. You will see:

 - much foot fetish, feet in agony, feet kicking, dead feet

 - legs fetish, kicking legs in different position

 - face suffering  - eyes wide open, tongue out of the month, mimic, suffering, death stare

 - pov views of *************

 - dead body in different sexy poses

 - stripping dead body

 - caressing with nude corpse

 - very long ************* scene  Unrequited Love
    9 minutes
      Unrequited Love - Unrequited love
Custom video
Starring: Nadya and Helga
Fetish Items:
Summer dress, chest shooting, Death Stares? Shock Reaction, Professional Falling

Beautiful and stylish work, inspired by the scriptwriter story of Ivan Bunin "Light Breath", filmed in the best traditions of the independent film company DarkRooms Production.
A high school student and her friend were shot by an officer who understood forever that love is not possible.
    21 minutes
Cast: Angelina, Max

Destruction of Angelina
Angelina returns home, exhausted after a long busy day.  She wears a tank top, jacket, jeans (with a belt), and high heel boots, her hair in a ponytail, light make up/natural look, and no nail polish unless it’s, clear, white, or black. 

Eager to relax, she puts her purse to the side, removes her jacket, top, and bra and lies down on the couch.  Maybe she mutters something about her day and expresses relief when she takes off her clothes (not necessary, just an idea).  Within seconds, she is asleep.  
An Intruder comes out of hiding.  He’s been waiting for her.  He wears a dark shirt, dark pants, and dark shoes.  He silently approaches and crouches down in front of her.  Slowly and gently, he feels up her body, groping her breasts, abdomen, and rubbing her crotch, admiring her beauty and the softness of her skin.  She lightly moans and gently reacts to being touched but remains asleep.  She seems to like it.  He then pulls out his knife and slowly slides it up and down her body.  Her body reacts to the cold blade touching her skin, but she remains asleep.  He can’t wait to cut into her.  He remains serious during all of this but becomes more aroused. (Up close and intimate.  If this is too much, I can edit it) 
Gradually she wakes up.  The Intruder covers her mouth before she can scream.  He puts the knife to her throat, and she immediately freezes, her eyes wide with fear.
INTRUDER (calm yet serious):  Don’t scream and don’t move unless I tell you.  Understand?
Angelina nods.  The Intruder removes his hand from her mouth and Angelina remains silent and still.
INTRUDER:  Stand up.  Slowly.
As she stands, he keeps the knife on her throat.  He then moves behind her, gently yet firmly grabbing her and keeping the knife to her throat.
INTRUDER: Let’s go.
He walks her into one of the other rooms where part of the wall and floor is covered by plastic or a tarp (whichever is easier/looks better).  He puts her up against the wall on the plastic.
He slowly slides the knife up and down her body a few times, from her neck to her pussy.  Angelina, though terrified and trembling, remains as still as she can manage.  She can see a hunger in his eyes behind his serious disposition.
ANGELINA: Please… what do you want?  Whatever it is, you can have it.  Money, jewelry, whatever you want.  (She really doesn’t want to say this next part) You… you can even fuck me if you like… I’ll… I’ll let you fuck me however you want… just please don’t hurt me.
The Intruder leans in close to her.
INTRUDER: Do you really mean that?
Angelina nods.
ANGELINA: I won’t resist.
The Intruder smirks.
INTRUDER: I just might take you up on that.  But there’s something else I want first.
ANGELINA: What is it?
He suddenly stabs her in the abdomen.  Angelina looks at the knife and the Intruder in shock.  He twists the blade a few times, causing Angelina to groan/moan in pain.  
ANGELINA: Why? Why are you doing this to me? 
The Intruder remains silent and stabs Angelina in the lung.  It soon becomes increasingly difficult for her to breathe as her lungs fill with blood.
He then stabs Angelina in the chest with a downward strike.  Angelina starts to become dazed.  He holds it in for a few seconds. 
ANGELINA: Please… no more.
The Intruder ignores her plea and stabs her in the chest again.  He then stabs her in the chest a third time.  And then a fourth time.
He pulls out the knife, aims it at Angelina’s abdomen, and slowly drives it into her and then twists the blade a few times causing her to moan/groan in pain.
He pulls out the knife.  He then slowly yet roughly gropes her breasts, squeezing and slapping them hard.
He aims the knife at one of her nipples, and slowly drives it into her.  He then slowly drives the knife into the other nipple.  Each time the pain is almost orgasmic.
He stabs her in the chest in a downward strike four more times, taking a second or two between each stab so she can feel each one.
The Intruder pauses to take a good look at her (Possible Intruder POV).  Though she is still on her feet, she doesn’t have much strength left.  He leans in close to her.  
INTRUDER:  You’re stronger than I thought you’d be.  I’ll make a deal with you.  If you can walk out of this room without falling, I’ll let you go.
The Intruder backs off and invites Angelina to come on. 
Clutching her bloody chest and maybe her belly, Angelina manages to take a few staggering steps forward, but then she drops to her knees.  The Intruder smirks in satisfaction (he knew she wouldn’t make it), then moves behind her and kicks her in the back, knocking her on her belly.
Desperate to get away, Angelina tries to crawl away.  The Intruder crouches down on top of her, pinning her so she can’t move very much, and stabs her in the back over and over, about 15 times, pausing between stabs, taking his time.  Maybe sometimes when he pauses, he gently strokes her face.  He remains serious but is aroused.  With each stab of the knife, she gets weaker and weaker.    
The Intruder rolls her onto her back and crouches down next to her.  Angelina is barely alive.  (From this point onward, I really want to put us in The Intruder’s shoes.  Close ups of Angelina.  Very intimate.  Maybe even POV if possible.) 
The Intruder stabs her three more times in the chest, pausing between stabs.  It won’t be long now.
He then pulls out a cloth or rag and gently cleans the blood from her face and mouth.
INTRUDER (as he cleans): You asked me before why I am doing this.  The simple answer is I like destroying beautiful things.  And you are very beautiful.  But don’t worry.  I’ll eave some of your beauty intact.  Like your face.  I would never destroy that.  
He puts the rag away.  He then slowly slides the knife down her body until he reaches where the entrance to her pussy would be.
INTRUDER: You offered to let me fuck you earlier.  Well, I think a beautiful creature like you deserves one last good fuck.  It’ll be the last thing you feel. (Maybe he says this as he slides the knife down her body)
He suddenly drives the blade into her pussy.  She gasps and her eyes roll back and lets out a strained orgasmic moan.  He then fucks her with the knife
As he stares at her dead body, her dead eyes staring at him, his blood lust takes over and he stabs her 15 more times in the chest and abdomen.  
He then stabs the top of her pussy mound.  He then aims the knife at the entry of her pussy and drives the blade into her pussy and then fucks her with the knife again for a while.  He then stabs Angelina in the heart one last time and leaves the knife in her. 

DEPT COLLECTOR  Invisible Strangler
    10 minutes
      Invisible Strangler - Invisible strangler
two great strangluation reactions!

two friends (angelina and anna rose) rent a house in dark village for rest. But strange and mystery things happened. There was a ghost in a house  - invisible strangler. He appeared quickly and grabbed anna to her throat and ********* her for death! Later he did the same with angelina. Who is he? We will never know it, but both women are dead now!

fetish elements: *************, very strong agony, cooking faces, death stares, black stockings, legs.
    11 minutes
Starring: Mira Green and Luiza
Fetish Elements: 
Catfighting, Stabbings, Fighting With Knives, Much Blood, Great Stabbing Scenes 
Mira Green is an experienced cop. She has a very good reputation among her partners, but her good work has also made her several enemies that are dangerous. Mira´s does not use guns that often, instead, she has specialized in fist and sword fighting, and that is why she loves to collect them. That is the reason why she has 2 small swords on her apartment.
Her enemies are dangerous, and one of them decides to hire a professional killer, Luiza, who also specializes in sword fighting, because she loves to stab her victims through their bodies and watch them bleed to death (SHE IS NO PSYCHO, so no expressions like Max in “Stabbing in the Rain” PLEASE). She also carries 2 swords, in case she loses one for a moment during battle, just like Mira.
1. Mira arrives to her apartment back from work, she seems tired after a long day of paperwork and no action at all, she seems pissed about it and says: “What a boring day! I could not fight anyone. If only I had the chance to use my swords someday.”
2. Mira goes to her kitchen, serves herself a glass of water and takes a couple of sips while she looks at her phone. She smiles a little since she saw something funny.
3. Suddenly, Mira hears a noise that comes from the living room. She seems kind of curious and scared at the same time as she leaves her glass of water on the table (she makes the expressions from the pictures below as she walks towards the living room)
    When she hears the noise.
4. Mira walks inside the living room, and the first thing she sees is Luiza, who is holding one of her swords while the other is left on the couch.
5. Luiza says: “Finally, you notice that I am here.”
6. Mira responds: “Who are you? How did you get in here?”
7. Luiza points at Mira with her sword and says: “A good killer can get inside any place, and… well, I suppose that you know who I am now. I am Luiza and I am here to kill you. Just imagine this inside your body.” Mira makes the expression from the picture below.
8. Mira says: “I don´t know who hired you, but you are making a big mistake. Maybe we could reach an agreement?” While she says that, Mira slowly walks to the place where she has one of her swords.
9. Luiza responds: “I don´t think so. You will die today.” After that, Mira grabs her sword and challenges Luiza by saying: “I told you this was a mistake, I was saying that for your own sake, since no one beats me with swords. Let´s see who stabs who first.”
10. Luiza tries to attack first, going straight for Mira, while Mira defends herself using her excellent sword fighting skills. Both of them fight hard and get near each other with their swords clashing against each other. Mira smiles and says: “Not bad, but not good enough.”
11. Mira believes that she has the perfect moment to attack and stab Luiza, but the problem is that her rival has studied her techniques very well and knows what Mira is about to do.
12. Mira tries to stab Luiza on her chest, but Luiza wisely dodges the attack, spins and appears right behind Mira. Mira quietly says: “Shit!!!” as she knows what is about to happen.
13. Luiza strikes first, as she stabs Mira in her back, with the sword coming out of her chest, between her breasts, almost getting her heart. Mira is shocked, as she makes a face of surprise while she slowly turns her head down to see the sword that came out of her chest. (See the picture below to see the expression on Mira´s face and the place where the sword should come out from) The sword is fully red, full of blood. The blood is dripping from the sword and Mira´s shirt starts to turn red all around the wound. (Take a good shot of the sword that went through the chest of Mira.)
14. Luiza smiles and whispers on Mira´s right ear: “Not bad, but not good enough, Mira.” She says that as Mira is processing what just happened, static because of what happens, as blood starts to come out from her mouth.
15. Luiza leaves the sword inside Mira´s body, as she watches her walk a little, trying to breathe. Luiza just crosses her arms and watches Mira walk away to take some distance.
16. Mira is far from defeated, as she spits some blood and recovers her posture. She looks at Luiza and says: “Now you have no sword. It´s my turn.” 
17. Mira grabs her second sword and now has one sword on each hand, since she never dropped the one she had first. Luiza is scared, but she has no place to hide.
18. Mira goes straight for the attack, EVEN WITH A SWORD STUCK INSIDE HER CHEST, that does not slow her down and attacks Luiza.
19. Mira stabs Luiza in the belly, with the sword coming out of her back. Mira twists the sword as Luiza grunts and gasps for breath. (Luiza makes an expression like the picture below) The sword starts dripping the blood of Luiza, as the shirt turns red because of the blood from both sides of the body. The sword is also fully red, full of blood.
20. Mira leaves the sword inside Luiza, punches her in the face, making Luiza turn her back on Mira, who takes advantage and stabs Luiza with her other sword, in the back, with the sword coming out of her chest. (Literally same place where Mira was stabbed) Take good shots of the swords that went through the body of Luiza.
21. Mira whispers to Luiza´s right ear: “I want to see if you can resist as much as I can.” While she says that, Luiza spits blood from her mouth, as some of it falls on her shirt. She is stunned as she has the same expression as the one from the picture below for a few seconds.
22. Mira takes the sword out of Luiza´s back, and leaves the other sword stuck inside her belly.
23. Luiza knows she has no sword, and realizes that her only choice is to use the sword that is stuck inside her belly. Luiza slowly takes out the sword from her body, while she screams in pain and drops blood from her mouth nonstop.
24. Luiza finally takes out the sword, which is dripping blood, as she tells Mira: “I can still fight. No problem at all.”
25. Mira goes for the same attack, and successfully stabs Luiza in the chest, with the sword coming out of Luiza´s back (check picture below to see where I want the stab to be)
26. Luiza opens her arms, and drops her sword as the force of the stab pushes her a little. She coughs even more blood as she looks at Mira´s face in pain.
27. Mira was smiling at Luiza´s suffering face, but her reaction changes instantly, as she notices that Luiza is holding her arm, so she cannot take out the sword. (Take shots of the arms of both models at that moment, also from the sword, the shirts of both models red because of the wounds, as well as a good expression of doubt from Mira, like she does not understand what is going on)
28. Mira asks Luiza: “What did you let me stab you?”
29. Luiza just headbutts Mira, finally takes out the sword that was still stuck inside Mira´s chest, and then takes out the sword from her own chest. Now Luiza has 2 swords in hand and Mira has none. (Mira makes the following expression when Luiza takes the sword out of her body, as she also coughs blood that falls on the floor and her shirt.)
30. Luiza quickly reaches Mira and stabs her in the back, with the sword coming out of the left breast of Mira. (Mira is stunned as her clothes are even more red, full of blood. The sword is dripping blood and she makes the following face when she gets stabbed)
31. Mira tries to walk, but Luiza has a good grip on the sword and does not let Mira get away. Luiza takes the sword out of Mira´s body and Mira turns around.
32. Luiza stabs Mira again, with her 2 swords at the same time. (Check the picture below to see where she gets stabbed). 
Both swords come out of Mira´s back (have a good shot of both swords full of blood going through the back of Mira) Mira makes the following expression when she gets stabbed:
33. Luiza takes both swords out of Mira´s body, and says: “I know that is not enough.” Luiza is heavily injured too, and struggles to breathe, but can still get her job done.
34. Mira struggles to move, and grabs her chest, where she has the VERY FIRST WOUND, as it keeps squirting blood with no end. She tries to cover the wound with her hand, but the blood keeps coming out, dripping now over the hand of Mira. 
35. Mira cries and screams in agony, as she looks to Luiza and begs for mercy: “Okay, you won, you are the best. Please, let me live and I will pay you better than the man who hired you.”
36. Luiza drops the sword from her left hand, puts her hand on Mira´s right cheek, kisses her, smiles at her, and finally stabs her with the other sword right on the heart. 
37. Mira is left with her eyes wide open, as tons of blood flow from her mouth like a waterfall (exaggerate with the blood). Mira gurgles because of the blood.
38. Mira is done, she kneels down, but uses the last of her strength to grab the sword that Luiza dropped and stabs her very well. 
39. Luiza did not see that coming, as she puts an expression showing she is amazed. She did not expect that at all!! She cannot stop the blood that comes out of her mouth like a waterfall.
40. Luiza cannot stop panting and grabbing the wound, as blood cannot stop flowing out of her body. Her eyes are wide open too.
41. Luiza still has some energy left, and pushes Mira, who falls to the ground. By pushing her, the sword comes out of Luiza´s body, as Mira did not drop it.
42. Luiza realizes that she must finish Mira, so she uses one of her swords to stab Mira to death. (Luiza stabs Mira between 10 and 15 times, like the final scene from “Stabbing in the Rain”) 
43. Mira finishes like the picture below. Completely obliterated. (Leave her with much more blood on her mouth at that moment.)
44. Luiza struggles with the pain, drops her swords as she puts her left hand on the wound from her chest, due to the fact that tons of blood keeps coming out of her body.
45. Luiza grabs her phone, and calls the person that hired her to kill Mira. Luiza says: “It´s me. I did it. Mira is dead, let me send you a picture of her dead body. One last thing… I am badly injured and bleeding way too much. I am heading to you place, please have a doctor ready for me or I will die too.”
46. Luiza takes a picture of Mira, as Mira´s dead, bloody and wounded body has already formed a HUGE pool of blood on the floor all around her, as blood keeps squirting out of each and every single one of her wounds. (Please exaggerate with the amount of blood and the size of the pool of blood.) Take a big shot for a lot of seconds of the dead body.
47. Luiza says: “You were one hell of a rival. Sweet dreams.” And finally leaves the room with tons of pain while grabbing her wounds. (Show with the camera her back full of wounds and blood while she prepares to leave, maybe 10 or 15 seconds) Also take a good shot of how her body finished.
    22 minutes


Fetish Elements
Girl Killing a girl, Girl Killing a man, Strangulation, Garrote, Sex Imitation

The contract killer Mira is hired by a secret organization to retrieve stolen microchips with secret data and to kill everyone connected to the theft. To do this, they 
have hired  contract killer who has been diagnosed as clinically insane and who has a reputation for completing all orders quickly, quietly and very professionally. 
She loves to sadistically strangle her victims. For this she uses a garrotte with wooden handles. Sometimes she also strangles her victim with her hands.
Mira receives various details about her order in an encrypted message on her computer. It is about three microchips that the secret organization absolutely wants 
to have back with all the necessary means. The message says that these are owned by three rival Mafia bosses. There are two male clones and one female clone 
who were also trained as killers. As she reads, Mira says to herself that she has never killed Clone and is really excited about how that feels. Then she receives 
pictures and the whereabouts of the clones / mafia bosses. It will be a great fight, Mira says to herself.

Mira gets additional information from all three owners of the microships in order to plan and carry out their orders accordingly. 
The secret organization wants to be informed via mobile phone after every job has been completed.
Mira puts on her killer outfit, a bikini slip to tie, a leather bra, tight wetlook leather pants, black leather boots and a black leather jacket.

She puts on tight black leather gloves and opens her leather jacket. She takes out her instrument, a garrote with wooden handles, stands in front of a mirror, puts the 
garrote around her neck and pulls herself on, imagining how she will strangle her first two victims. Then she puts her hands around her own neck, sees her reflection 
in the mirror and imagines killing the third owner of a microship.Then she puts the garrotto in her leather jacket, takes her cell phone and sets off for her first 

1. Microchip

The contract killer is standing in front of the door of the apartment, in which the first of three microchips should be located. she takes a master key out of her pocket and quietly opens the door. The room is still empty. She hides behind a curtain (or something similar). Suddenly the first clone comes into the room unsuspecting. it is a woman in a leather outfit. Mira knows that she has to be careful and carefully sneaks up on her from behind. Then Mira puts the garrote around her victim's neck and pulls tight. The female maffiabos tries to fight back and they fight briefly, but Mira is much stronger. When the resistance slowly subsides, Mira throws her on the bed, sits on top of her and tucks her arms under her legs. Then she completely puts the garrote around her neck again and pulls it tighter and tighter until she has killed the woman and her saliva comes out of her mouth and her tongue hangs out of her mouth. To be on the safe side, she tightens the garrotte again. mira searches the room and finds the first microchip. Then she calls her client and tells him that she has the first chip and the owner is dead and she enjoyed strangling her. Then she says, hopefully the second Mafiabos / clone is a little stronger so that it lasts longer and laughs.

2. Microchip
The second mafia boss / clone seduces her and goes with him into the room, where she is undisturbed. She slowly undresses, puts on her leather boots and leather gloves. She asks him about the microchip and he looks at a safe so that mira knows. Then she pushes him on 
the bed and rides him wildly. She chokes him while fucking first, spelerich with her hands and enjoys the sex. She asks him about the combination. He refuses. Mira beats 
him until he tells her this. Then she takes her garrote out of her leather jacket, which has meanwhile been put on. She puts the garrote around his neck, pulls tight and 
strangles him with it. Despite being hit, he still fights hard and Mira pulls closer and closer and enjoys looking him in the eye. He slowly gets weaker and she lets go of it 
for a moment and tells him that she gives him another chance and lets go for a moment, he tries to prevent her from killing him, can briefly put her hands around her neck, 
but is already closed weak, so that he has no chance and gives up and Mira finally strangles him with the garrotte while he is still twitching and saliva flows out of his 
mouth. Then it pulls tighter until his tongue is slack and she is sure he is dead.
After killing him, she opens the safe and finds the second microchip. She calls her client again and tells him that she also has the second chip and that she also killed the
owner and that he was also strong, but still had no chance and she could strangle him with her Garrote. Her client says to Mira that he is very satisfied and hopes that she 
will also do the last job so well and find the microchip.
3. Microchip
The last microchip is in the hiding place of the third mafia boss / clone. Mira dresses up as an escort girl who is booked by the Maffia boss (killer outfit, black leather boots, 
wide belt, leather jacket and lingerie). The mafia boss opens the door for her and invites Mira. He offers her alcohol. While he gets the drink, she puts on her black leather 
gloves. When he comes back, she tells him that she likes leather gloves and that she likes to wear them. They drink together, then he leads them into the bedroom. 
There's a big mirror there. She brutally throws him on the bed and sits on him, puts his arms under her legs and puts her hands around his neck, squeezes hard and 
begins to choke him. He fights and can free himself and tries to escape. She takes her garrotte out of her leather jacket and puts it around his neck from behind, chokes
him with it and brutally pulls him back on the bed, sits down on him again, hits him in the face a few times, puts the garrotte completely around his neck again and keeps 
choking him to weaken him. When his resistance subsides, she tells him that she is a professional killer and has the task of handing the microchip over to her client 
and that he wants to know where it is. tell me and I'll let you live Unsuspectingly, he reveals to Mira where the chip is hidden. Mira opens her leather jacket and
show him her bare tits, then she takes her garrotte again, first holds it in front of his face and to him that she will now kill him with it. Mira puts it around his neck and 
chokes him to death until he only twitches and saliva runs out of his mouth. Then Mira searches the hiding place and finds the third microchip. After the murder, she 
masturbates, rides on a pillow and strangles herself with her hands and with the garrotte.
Everything happens in front of a large mirror.

Then she calls her client again and tells him that she has all three microchips. she describes to her client on the phone exactly how she killed the third owner. The client tells mira that he is very satisfied and that she has already planned for the next murder. Mira wants to know how to do it. her client tells mira that she strangles her victims so professionally that mira should do the same thing again, also for future assignments
Please provide everything with subtitles.

Outfit of Mira: lingerie (Bikini string, leather bh), black leather jacket, tight leather wetlook leggings, belt, black leather boots and very short gloves.

     Her Last Morning
    12 minutes
      Her Last Morning - Starring: Angelina  Too Late
    14 minutes
      Too Late - Starring: juliana and pola

young female killer has a mission to kill rich lesbian business lady. She seduce her and after foreplay she starts to ***** woman. First business lady thinks that it is just a game and she enjoys ******* and ************* fantasies. But when her lover starts to push stronger it was too late…

when the woman is dead policeman enters the room and kills the murder with a shotgun shooting in her chest.
     THE FEAST 3
    12 minutes
«The custom film was great. As a repeat customer, you guys always deliver an excellent movie. Awesome job with the effects and the actors we great. Thanks for producing the movie!!»
Customer’s Review

Knock Out
X-pose bondage to the table
Touching body and belly games
Guts Outside
Long Painful Death 
Eating Dead Body


A mad cannibal-surgeon kidnapps a young jogger. She’s wearing a tight white tank top and yoga pants.  A man jumps out and chloroform’s her making her unconscious. He picks her up and carries her over his shoulder to his car. The next scene he takes her to a room with a long wooden table he lays her body on the table face up. He takes all her clothes off. She’s still unconscious as he ties her hands to the table above her head.  He then ties her legs to the table. He spends some time enjoying her belly and fingering her navel. The killer then puts on a butcher apron. He puts a tray beside her table with several butcher knives and blades. He rubs her belly one more time before he starts his work. He  picks up several of the knives before he finally decides on one. He takes the knife and runs it up and down her belly. From her sternum to her groin. Finally he takes the knife and sticks just the tip in just below her tits. He slowly slides the knife down her belly cutting through her navel close up views of the blade slicing through her navel. He cuts her all the way down to her groin. He takes his hands and opens up her belly sticking his hands in around her navel. He slowly starts to remove her guts. He presses one hand down on her belly as the other hand struggles to pull a long loop of her guts out. She wakes up and writhes in agony. He keeps rooting around in her belly until all her guts are out and she finally dies. He throws all the guts in a bucket. The movie cuts to the final scene. We see her body layer out on a table. She’s has oil rubber all over her body. The cut down her belly has been stitched back up. She has an apple in her mouth. The killer finally takes a fork and knife and cuts a side of meat from her belly and enjoys his meal.

    15 minutes

Custom Movie!

Christy, Mary, Alex, Kit, Nadya 



                                                                                Fetish Elements:

Boxing, Catfighting, Blows to the face, legs kicking and arms kicking, tingling by the hair, beatings, blood, knock outs, cut throat, leather closes, aggressive



It is a mortal fight club for killers for money. Bosses bet, killers fight for their money.

Two club administrators take away the body of female looser, Another fighters go to the ring. Only one will leave the ring alive.


To see more our catfighting clips please check out


    14 minutes
Starring: Luiza, Max, Tatiana, Billy Brag.
«Thank you very much. I enjoyed the movie».
From customer’s review

Shooting (many shots), blood, much wounds, guts, three headshots

 	Luiza - female character 
 	John - male character 
 	Gunman 1 & 2 - very brief appearance, can be any gender, or using the same actors/ actress but in different clothes/ with masks/ sun glasses to hide the identity 

Location: the two story house with large staircase you used before

 	In a bed room upstairs.
 	Luiza and John are dressing up. Luiza is naked and piece by piece out on her shirt and skirt and high heel sandals (costume to be specified by me later), not wearing bras nor panty.
They joked about the great sex they just had, John was totally happy but Luiza appeared a bit perfunctory. 
 	As Luiza pulls on her sandals, John said “you feet are really beautiful, so big, how big are they”
Luiza said “ I wear size 40, (or whatever her real size, we decide later), come, do you want one more kiss?” She teases and put one of her feet on a chair.
 	John kneel in front her and kissed her feet.
Luiza pull out a small syringe in her purse and plunged into John’s neck. John twitched and fell face down on the floor.
Luiza quickly moved to the desk in the room, she fumbled with the lock and opened the drawer. She took a mini SD card. She stood there and thought for.a brief moment. Then she sat down and used a sticky tape to tape chip on the insole of her sandal then put the shoe back on. (This is a chance to show the show size and a very good, closed look of her feet and toes polished in dark red).
Luiza rushed out of the room with a glee on her face. [camera showing her gait, and a lot view of feet step by step, even some slow mo]. She descended down the stairs.
We heard a gun shot. 
Luiza [camer showing only her chest and above] froze in her steps, stunned expression on her face; She looked down, camera follows her gaze, down to her belly, there is a gaping exit wound on the right side of her abdomen, blood oozing out.
Camera pulls away, show Luiza full body standing on the stair, and John standing behind her on the top of the staircase, left hand pressing on his own neck, right hand holding a pistol.
He fired two more times.
Luiza jerked, and we saw two exit wound exploding out very Low on her belly, almost right above where her pubic hair would be.
She stifled a yelp and turned on her heel, seeing John with disbelief. 
She looks determined to fight. She fished out a small pistol from her bag and shoot, only heard en empty click. 
John smirked: “I know you might be the mole, honey, I switched out your position and also took all your bullets away”. With that, he took a small vial of liquid and several bullet from his pocket and dropped them on the floor.
Luiza: “Bastard, I am going to kill you”, she took a small switch knife out from her purse, raise it above her head and walked up the stairs with great efforts, glaring at her foe. 
John fired and key firing, bullet after bullet hitting her. First on the left shoulder, she twisted and kept walking, then two on her right chest, she jerked; then one in her stomach, she bent forward then stood again, kept walking up step by step, knife raising.
John’s gun clicked empty too. There is a moment of panic in his eyes as he checked the chamber. 
Luiza smirked with agony “that’s all you got? Just 7 bullets? Not even a full mag?” She gathered her last energy and landed on the top of the stair case, and raised the knife over her head.
Commotions. Foot steps from downstairs.
Two gun man enter the lobby, they are body guards ( could wear mask and sun glasses if you have too use the same actor or actress) , each holding machine guns or assault rifles. They opened fire on Luzia’s back.
Camera shows Luiza’s back and her front, Hollywood style, as she jerked in the rain of bullet, as holes open on her back and exit her front blood splatting. She tried to maintain her stand, but was pushed by the impact and staggered towards to wall. 
The shooting is quite brief, a few second later the bullets stopped and Luzia was against the walk, still standing. She painfully pushed herself against the wall and turned around the face John and the gun men, leaning on the wall, full of holes, breathing with much difficulty with blood coming out of her mouth too, but she is stil standing [ some camera view of her leg and feet]
Her knife was already dropped, so was her purse. 
John walked up: “Bitch, yeah, now is it enough bullet for you?”
Luzia is barely alive, and vomiting blood, but she managed a wan scoff on her beautiful face, without any weapon, she raised her right hand, with her thumb up and index finger miming a gun pointing at John, a faint final word was squeezed out of her bloody lip “bang”.
John stepped aside, motioned to his gun man (off camera), and we hear massive gun shots again and this time Luzia’s body was pushed against the wall and twitching and jerking as bullet holes were peppered all over her torso, even arms and a few on her legs, then suddenly, several rounds hit her on her forehead and even face, brains exploded from back of her head, then everything is quite and still for a moment:
Luzia was still standing, more holes on her body [but still manageable blood, not causing completed soaking, still able to see each of the bullet holes], there are 3 bullet holes on her forehead, one on her face on the cheek bone, and one on her chin [ i will confirm the location of those bullet with picture later].
After a few seconds, her body started to slide down, leaving a huge paint rush of blood and gore on the wall behind her, especially a little above where he head used to be, you can clearly see blobs of brain matters sticking on the wall.
She finally fell onto a sitting position and died, leg spreading, in an twisted, humiliating pose , but a very heroic death. Here eyes wide open; her lips half open. 
John walked up, kicking her body. He squatted down next to her, holding her chin and twisted her face towards him, looking at her dead face, he spoke many humiliating words. 
When he moved her body, we saw her back is totally different from her front. While the her front is still relatively “clean” where we can even count each Buttler hole, her back is totally soaked with blood and gore. The exit wounds have slit open her lower back, a large loop of intestines and organs looped on the floorm, between her back and the wall.
He finally counted total 38 bullets (including those in the head). He even reach his finger into the skull of Luzia and pulled our more pieces of brain, and played with her guts, and jeered that she is so “gutless and brainless” now. All the time Luzia’s eyes wide open and starting into emptiness with an expression of indifference.
FinallyJohn started to look for the mini SD card Luzia took. He searched her phrase but can;t find, eventually as he started to worship her feet again, he took her sandals off to kiss her feet, and found the chips. He proceeded to play with her feet, eventually put the sandals back on when he finished. [ he needs to wash hands clean before this scene, I don;t like blood on the feet]
Finally, looking at Luzia’s now messy dead body, John;s lips curled up in a sinister grin. He motioned to the gun man. They took Luzia’s arm pit and her feet, lifted her up and walked into the bedroom again.

    27 minutes
      FOUNTAIN - Perverted Horror Film About Strangulation

27 minutes film!

The movie contains special offer inside!

Fetish elements:

Strangulation with a broom

Poking your head in the freezer

Fracture of neck

Agony after death

A corpse falling from the closet (super scene!)

Strangulation through the glass with the collapse of the breasts

Strangulation in the air

Neck Break


Separation of corpses

Games with corpses

Fountain of dead women

Fracture of neck

A bunch of corpses


The man has a serious psychological trauma after the divorce. He is going to rent an apartment. Girls come to him on an ad. He compares them with his wife and brutally kills. Student Kate, he brutally strangled in the kitchen. A divorced woman, Nicole, he strangled terribly in the room. Then he killed a rich lady. After that, he built a terrible fountain of dead girls. When his wife came for things, she saw a terrible sculpture. He broke her neck and threw her body into the Fountain. The corpses crumbled, forming a chaotic heap. Tom lays down in a pile, taking a call from the new victim, promising that the apartment is waiting for her "Fountain".




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    Welcome To The Crime House Studio on Kinky Clips
    Crime House Fantasy Studio (also Crime House & Crime House and Dark Rooms) is independent production company with female death fetish orientation. Crime House does very erotic stuff, but not porn. Why we advice to offer our videos? 1. SEXY VICTIM-ACTRESSES ONLY 2. REALISTIC DEATH SITUATIONS 3. GREAT ACTING 4. CSGFX EFFECTS 5. NEW MODELS EVERY WEEK 6. ALL DEATH FETISH GENRES 7. NOT PORN BUT VERY-VERY EROTIC AND HOT 8.RUSSIAN AND EAST EUROPE HOT MODELS 9. WE DO KNOW HOW TO PLAY SEXY DEATH 10. ALL MOVIES ARE MADE IN VERY HIGH QUALITY

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