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    14 minutes
C U S T O M 
Starring: Annabelle, Steals. Yana and Li as a food!
Cannibalism, Roasting, Oiling, Apple in a mouth, Biting Off a Toe, Feeding a victim with her own toe  
Two rich girls like to eat people and make horror feasts. This movie is about one of their bloody dinner…
    20 minutes




Starring: Angelina, Juliana and Victoria


*******, two ***** ******* one ****, *************, legs in stockings kicking, sexy maid uniform, high heels, shooting, fear, panic, emotions, slow shooting scene, long deaths, *****,  agony, neck-breaking, 3 ***** death.
    15 minutes


Starring: Annabelle, Juliana

Juliana and Annabelle are friends. Juliana knows about Annabelle’s death fetish work and, in the middle of the pandemic, with work hard to find, she has asked Annabelle if she could make some extra money doing it. Annabelle is happy to put her forward and has explained Juliana will have to do an interview on CAM for her ‘Crime House/Dark Room’ sponsors, a Russian fetish film produce – including acting out a few murder scenes. This is the story of Juliana’s CHDR audition.
She is interviewed in Annabelle’s living room. Annabelle explains she has been on CHDR for nealry six months now, and it is a lot of fun and good money. She asks Juliana what she feels about acting out death scenes, and Juliana admits she hasn’t done this type of work before, but she’s willing to give it a try.
Annabelle is confident Juliana will be fine and explains that they will have to do three auditions, mainly in the bedroom – which is connected by hidden cameras to the CHDR sponsors. The sponsors decide on the scenarios and if Juliana is suitable to join the CHDR team. Annabelle explains that the clients like to see dramatic and sexy death scenes – with a decent fight to try and survive and a lot of pleading for mercy, fear and panic during the murder scene. Juliana is enthusiastic. She says she knows Annabelle well and it will be fun to get up close and personal with her friend. They hug, making it clear there is an attraction between them.
The next scene is in the bedroom. Juliana is sitting on the bed while Annabelle is looking at her phone. She tells Juliana that for the first audition, the client wants Juliana to play a bit of a slut. She has picked up Annabelle in a bar and brought her back to her apartment for some sexy fun. Unfortunately for Juliana, Annabelle is a serial killer who has been strangling tarty MILFs in Moscow. Once Annabelle springs her trap on a nude Juliana, Juliana will plead for mercy, but Annabelle will strangle her with her bare hands. Juliana should struggle furiously. But she will not be strong enough to escape and slowly weaken and die.
Juliana says that sounds easy enough. She smiles and gets up to hug and begin undressing Annabelle. Annabelle responds and undresses Juliana easing her back onto the bed. They kiss and cuddle for a while.
Annabelle asks Juliana “Aren’t you worried about the strangler who has been murdering girls in our city?”
Juliana laughs, “That’s why I picked you up – I’m not taking any risks with guys at the moment.”
Suddenly Annabelle pins Juliana’s hands down and says “You’re a fool. Why do you assume the strangler’s a man? I’m going to enjoy proving to you what a big mistake you made…”
Juliana thinks Annabelle’s joking and says, “Stop it darling, that’s not funny.” She tries to kiss Annabelle, but Annabelle pulls her hair back and pretends to slap her and twist her nipples. Juliana screams in pain and begs Annabelle to stop. She now realises Annabelle is the strangler and she begs her to let her go.
Annabelle stops torturing Juliana briefly and they hug each other affectionately. She says, “Maybe I will let you go.” For a moment Juliana looks hopeful…Annabelle kisses her tenderly…but then sits up on her belly and strokes Juliana’s hair, slowly moving her hands down towards her throat “I’m going to let you go….to hell.” She barks the last two works aggressively. And with that she begins to strangle Juliana.
Juliana’s eyes widen in shock and fear and she struggles desperately to break Annabelle’s grip and unbalance her. But Annabelle is too strong. Juliana fights frantically, but then begins to weaken and spasm almost orgasmically, before slowly slipping away and dying.
Annabelle kisses Juliana on the forehead, says ‘cut’, and Juliana opens her eyes and they both laugh and hug each other affectionately.
Annabelle goes to her phone and tells Juliana the sponsors really liked her first scene. Juliana said she found it fun too – but hopes maybe in the next scene she can play the killer instead of the victim.
Juliana comes over and they look at the phone.
Annabelle smiles “Well you are going to get your wish...have a look at the script for the next scene…’virus madness’, it’s a really funny one. I did it once as the killer, but this time you get to murder me”.
Juliana reads the script from the phone and laughs. She hugs Annabelle again and gives her a little squeeze “Ooh – I’m going to enjoy my revenge.”
They go back on the bed, clearly as lovers. Juliana gets on top. She is pretending to be playful. “You know there is something you can do for me – but it will work much better if I restrain you a little.”
Annabelle is happy “You know I’d do anything, and I love a little bit of bondage play. Restrain me whatever way you want”. [Juliana positions Annabelle on her back and then ties one of her hands to the bedpost on the corner of the bed. Annabelle offers her other hand…]
J: Darling – both arms would be unfair. You deserve a chance – I owe you that.
A: What have you got in mind? You know I love both pleasure and pain. [she is laughing]
J: [Juliana turns serious] Did you see the article in the paper about that new extreme cure they’re testing for the virus? It’s hard to believe, but the Chief Medical Officer thinks the act of murdering someone you love can give you complete resistance from the infection.
A: [Annabelle looks confused] That’s complete nonsense. How can anyone believe something like that? And even if it was true…what a shocking thought – to have to murder your lover!
J: You know they are offering €10,000 to people prepared to test this, and immunity from any prosecution too. I’m really sorry, darling, but I decided to sign up.
A: [Annabelle tries to sit up, but Juliana pushes her back down and pins her free hand on the bed]. This is crazy. What are you telling me – that you’re going to kill me? I don’t like this game – just let me go. [She struggles a bit more but Juliana holds her down].
[Annabelle begs and pleads for a bit longer. But eventually Juliana begins to strangle her with both hands around her throat. Annabelle fights strongly with her free hand and tries to use her body to throw Juliana off. She kicks out with legs and tries to pull her knees forward. But Juliana resists everything. As Annabelle weakens, she begs again for mercy. She tries to loosen the hands around her throat; then she tries to push Juliana off. But Juliana just pushes her back down on the bed and tightens her grip. Finally, Annabelle begins to spasm and then her struggles become gentler and she tenses then relaxes and slowly closes her eyes.]
Juliana is happy and kisses Annabelle who opens her eyes. Now they are both relaxing after expending a lot of energy in the two scenes.
Annabelle looks at her phone again and laughs. “This is a little bit different”, she says. “For your third audition, they want us back in the living room in a wrestling ‘fight to the death’. They say they don’t mind which of us wins, but we should pretend we are wrestling for a big cash prize. The winner is the one who chokes out the other, and we should make it as realistic as we can.”
Juliana is also excited by the task. “I sometimes wonder what it would be like to wrestle with you,” she jokes. “Maybe I’ll surprise you with my speed and strength”.
Annabelle hugs Juliana gently and then tightens into a pretend bear hug. “No chance, my darling – I’m pretty confident.”
They reassemble in the living room with a small open area acting like a ring. They circle each other warily for a moment.
Juliana is already anxious about their relative strengths and so she charges Annabelle attempting to catch her before she is fully ready. Unfortunately for her, though, Annabelle alertly side steps the charge and elbows Juliana on the side of her back as she misses her. Juliana groans, but quickly turns back to face Annabelle who is now on her feet and highly mobile clearly waiting for the opportunity to pounce.
They smack their bodies into each other – Annabelle grinding her thighs against Juliana’s pussy. Their tits pancake against each other and Annabelle bearhugs Juliana, trying to squeeze the breath out of her. Juliana strains to get one arm free of the hug and tugs vigorously on Annabelle’s hair from behind – for the first time causing her some pain. Annabelle breaks the hug and grabs Juliana’s tits – squeezing until she lets go of her hair to push her back.
They are now circling each other in real earnest recognition that this fight is for real – but at the same time, still hot from the sensuality between them and the sexual tension integral to the struggle.
They lock up, smacking together and grabbing each other’s hair – stumbling around the room pulling each other off balance and bending their heads back and forwards wildly. They clinch again, the sweat now coming out of each of their bodies mingling. They are each trying to wrap their legs round the other, seeking to unbalance them and get them on the floor. Soon, with a loud thud, they are both down – rolling, thrashing, punching and trying to kick out against each other.
Annabelle again gets Juliana in a bear hug with their legs entwined and they roll across the floor before Annabelle comes to rest on top of Juliana, squeezing her tits hard again.
Juliana is now tiring and in real difficulty. She is moaning but she also knows she is sexually aroused, and this is distracting her from her resistance.
Juliana tries to go for Annabelle’s hair again, but the orgasm is enveloping her, and Annabelle continues to pound her with punches and to rub her pussy harder against her. Now Annabelle is aroused herself and, both exhausted, slumps with all her body weight on top of Juliana – pinning first one arm and then the other on the floor beside her.
Through their moans, Annabelle gasps, “Time to finish this darling – I’m so sorry but you knew the deal”. And before Juliana can respond, her hands go around Juliana’s throat and Juliana instinctively knows that she is going to lose and this is going to be her final struggle.
Juliana pushes up with her body attempting to throw Annabelle off her. She grabs her wrists to try and break the stranglehold. She prises at her fingers and thumbs. She punches her shoulders even trying to grip her friend’s throat. She kicks out, seeking to bring her legs into a position to lever Annabelle off. But nothing is working.
Juliana now knows she has to act as if she is going to die. She pleads for mercy in a choking voice and throws her head from side to side trying to find a position where she can breathe. Her struggles are becoming weaker and more random. Her tongue is protruding, and she is beginning to drool. She is looking straight into Annabelle’s eyes, seeking any sign that she might relent and let her escape. But she sees no mercy. She knows for certain now she is not going to let her go.
‘Almost over, honey,’ Annabelle is triumphant. Juliana’s moans get louder and then softer. At the end, Annabelle returns to her friends lips for a last gentle farewell. Juliana’s attempts to escape Annabelle’s grip slowly subside, her body spasms, her eyes close, and then finally she relaxes and is still.
Annabelle finishes the kiss, and Juliana wakes up. They both laugh and cuddle lovingly.
Annabelle picks up the phone and shows Juliana. They are both smiling. Annabelle says to Juliana “The sponsors like you a lot – and of course so do I. Welcome to our team….”

    39 minutes
146 Well Done Bullet Wounds!

New actresses: Demonica, Marta, Karie Larsen and others
Famous actresses: Luiza Ksysha Zaichik, Li, Angelina, Emma
And also Nadezhda Preura, Merci and others
12 actresses and 5 actors total
4+ FULL SHOOTING DAYS (about 60 hours of shooting)
Swimming Pool, Pool Party, Topless, Nude, Machine Gun Shooting, Breasts Shooting, Much blood, Appearing of wounds at the bodies effects, Surprised Victims, Victims in the water, 12 Shooting Deaths, Investigation, CSI scenes, Dead Bodies Inspections

Inspector and two policemen arrive the crime scene. Max acts cynical sophisticated cop who likes playing with bodies and who has people he needs in morgue for fun after job. Alex acts young cop who is first time in so epic crime scene with plenty of dead topless females. He can’t hide his excitement and enthusiasm.
During the investigation and examination they have dirty talks, black jokes and disgusting humor about poor dead girls who were happy and young two hours earlier. They push all bodies from the water and carry them to the 12 DEAD GIRLS  NUDE AND TOPLESS BODYPILE!


Please also check out
    9 minutes
Cast: Mira Green 
"thanks for the quick turnaround, you usually take longer.  And you are a genius!  The clip was fantastic!  The pacing, camerawork, outfit and plot were just as I wanted.  The location was exotic and interesting.  I especially enjoyed how Mira went up several flights of stairs on her hunt, the actual shootout, and the great camerawork and different angles when Mira was down"

No pantyhose, just bare legs, black miniskirt (same as in Destruction of Mira Green), white blouse, black bra, white panties.  Starts out just like Lilia, in her car, on the phone, telling her boss, "Agent Phillips will be dead by tonight." She exits the car, goes into a building and walks up a flight of stairs, pulling her gun out of her purse.  She gets into the apartment and looks around.  Suddenly, behind her a male voice calls out, "Looking for me, bitch?" (He can be any of your great actors!)   She turns around and gets a shot off but misses. The male agent shoots back (silenced gun) and she is shot near her right shoulder on the blouse (with blood effect, but not too much).  She gets off one more shot, but misses again.  The male agent shoots twice, hitting her right in the chest (again on the blouse).  Her gun hand drops, we see the gun slip out of her hand and hit the floor, but she is still standing, facing the agent who shot her.  He says, "You're the best they got??"  Right after he says that she falls to the ground on her back, moves slightly for about 5 seconds and dies, legs bent, slight view of her white panties but NOT A LOT.  If she can keep her eyes open without blinking, great, if not eyes closed is ok.  Some wide angle and pan shots of her body.  Then the male agent comes over to her, and removes her blouse, showing the black bra. He throws the blouse on the floor next to her. You can see the 3 bullet wounds on her body.  The agent says, "Too bad, you were so beautiful, we could have had fun, if you weren't such a dangerous bitch."  Then he walks out of the room, and we get more wide angle, close-up and pan shots of her body.  Does that sound like a good script, Ugine?  Of course, I know you sometimes add some creative "extra" that I have not thought of, and that's fine, as long as basic script and clothes are the same. 

    18 minutes
Starring: MaryAnn, Keila, Alice Miren, Max
Sniper, Shooting, Stalking, Hunting 

A secret meeting has been planned in the forest between two girls and a third girl who is selling them a gun.
The hitman is sitting waiting in his car for his targets to arrive. His employer has information that a gang of girls who have been blackmailing rich men are looking for weapons and he has planned the hit before they can arm themselves.
The hitman waits patiently and suddenly receives a call that the girl’s meeting is confirmed to take place at the location he has been given. He picks up his pistol and begins to screw a suppressor to it and cock it, he admires it as he places it on the seat beside him.
Just then a single girl in a car drives by, we see her driving front view in car. We see her seatbelt pressing her breasts apart seductive and sexy look as she drives by. The hitman checks his phone to confirm her identity as one of the targets. He begins to follow her car discretely. 
We see her parking her car by the forest and getting out; she texts a message to the girls to arrange the meeting place.
She opens her trunk and checks out a couple of pistols she intends to sell, she slips them in a bag and returns to the front door of the car to retrieve something.
The hitman is waiting and walks up behind her while she is looking inside the car. He knows she may be armed so he wastes no time in despatching her while she is stretching over the seats trying to pick up something.
We see her ass and shapely figure from behind as she reaches into the car; she is dressed in very tight stretch pants that cling to every part of her body and a cropped top with a brassier slightly visible from under the crop top. The crop top hangs tightly over her breasts and the brassier presses her breasts together We see her cleavage from the other side of the car and her face as she is reaching across the seats.
We then see the hitman raise his weapon firing a single shot, hitting her in her lower back to the side.
We see her face as she is hit, her expression changes to shock and pain and we see her reach her hand to the wound as she lies over the car seats.
We see her from the hitman’s view as she begins to slide out of the car, she holds onto the seatbelt strap as she falls turning as she drops down to her knees. She recognizes the hitman and sees his weapon. She cries between her difficult (quiet) slow soft breaths… “stop”
The hitman casually walks up to the wounded woman lifting her head by her chin; he presses his silenced weapon between her breasts and tugs the cropped top down to reveal the mounds of her full breast flesh; he enjoys the view then moves away from her to retrieve her phone.
She pleads with him as he checks the text messages…
She speaks “Please don’t do this”
He is standing about 3 metres from her when he executes her; raising his weapon he fires two shots watching her body slam against the car and jolt. She grunts with an open mouth as her face shows her fear and agony as she takes the bullets in her stomach and under her breast. She slides loosely down the side of the car backwards, her eyes lifting into her eyelids as she loses consciousness and her legs fold under her perforated body. She lies on her side next to the car.
He stands over her and finishes her with a single shot to the side of her breast the bullet rips through her lungs and heart from one side to the other and she is dead, a cold dead look on her face mouth partially open with her eyes very slightly open.
The hitman always appreciates a beautiful body, he sends a text to the other girls with the woman’s cell phone to give him time to prepare for them.
He begins to check out the woman enjoying every moment as he drags her to the back of the car, he rolls her and checks her wounds he squeezes her ass and breasts, slipping her brassier above her chest before rolling her over and removing it. He drags her tight pants down her legs and partially drags her panties down just leaving them below her hips revealing a tantalizing view of the top of her groin.
He lifts her under her arms and her head is hung down her chest as he lifts her up to place her in her own trunk.
We see her arm/leg hanging out of the trunk of the car, he gently places it inside and closes the trunk.
The hitman believes that the girls may already be armed so he will take no chances. He is going to snipe them from a distance and returns to his car to collect his sniper rifle.
The two girls are waiting in the clearing exactly where the hitman had instructed using the dead woman’s cell phone. They had complied and had occupied themselves messaging their co-conspirators.
The hitman had collected his small calibre hunting rifle and made his way round to a good view point he could see both girls, one sitting with her legs crossed and the other looking bored leaning against a tree next to a small hill. 
He views each target in turn though his telescopic sights, he takes pleasure in the view he has of the girl sitting with her legs apart. She is facing away from her friend and has small earphones in, she is moving to the music playing from her phone. He could see her inner thighs and the crotch of her panties under the lose pleated skirt.  It is wrapped and partially folded around her thighs, after all, she isn’t expecting to be spied on. Her blouse is tightly pressed against bare breasts, her handbag strap separating her breasts, pushing them out and making them more prominent. 
She still had her long white socks and sneakers on since leaving the college grounds with her friend’s Insistence that she keep her company.
The girl leaning against the tree was getting restless and was wondering if they had been forgotten.  She didn’t want to leave and miss the opportunity to buy a gun.
She was dressed in a tight thin woolen style top buttoned at the front, the top forced open between each button, a teasing view of flesh and her half-cut brassiere through the thin gaps. It looked too small and shows the flesh of her belly between the blouse and her short tight skirt she wore for college that morning. She has short colored socks on with her sneakers.  The assassin views them patiently through his scope admiring the contours of the young girls.  He mouthed to himself as he prepared his first shot...
“What a waste”
He took the shot… 
The girl by the tree had moved closer to the edge of the hill and she had begun to sit and get comfortable, she was toying with the grass and viewing the direction she was expecting the seller to arrive. She checked her cell phone… 
The bullet struck her chest at the side with a thud, her phone dropped from her hand as she grunted, her head dropping forward onto her chest.  Her body tipped to one side and she began to roll down the small bank over and over, her body relaxed and limbs rolling awkwardly. She came to a stop at the bottom of the bank. Her leg shook lightly as her life drained from her still unaware what had hit her. 
The hitman viewed her crumpled body through his scope, enjoying the view of her exposed flesh her clothing dishevelled, her skirt twisted revealing her ass and thighs.  He aimed again and fired a final shot to see if she would react.  Her body jolted as the bullet struck her in the side of her lower back.  She kicked and shook momentarily then went silent. 
The other girl who had been sitting listening to her music, suddenly became aware of the commotion and turned to look for her friend but she was missing. She stood pulling out her earphones and moved closer to where she had last seen her.  She picked up the cellphone confused and looked down the bank then froze in shock. She sees her friend lying at the bottom of the hill.
The hitman had her in his sights and fired Just as she leaned over the bank to get a better look, the bullet missing her body by centimeters thudding into the tree.  She felt the force of the passing projectile and knew the danger immediately.  She screamed and dived to the ground in fear trying to keep still but trembling uncontrollably. 
The assassin searched for his final target frustrated that he had missed. The girl made her move and headed for cover unsure which direction the shot had come from. Fear took over and she ran in the opposite direction to where her friend lay slain. 
She found a small hill with bushes for cover and crept cautiously toward the top hoping to get some idea of her situation.  She viewed her surroundings looking for a way out and to safety unaware the hitman had found her and had his sights. He adjusted the sights before training the rifle on her, she was looking the wrong way. 
She is still holding on to her bag and we see the strap trapping her breast to one side. She is looking over the bushes when the bullet struck her in her back. She gurgled a scream and arched backwards, tipping back from her kneeling position and falling, arms outstretched down the slope. She slipped and rolled before coming to a stop upside down on her back, legs spread open and kicking. She turned slowly, painfully, her hand searching desperately for the wound, she arched away from the ground pushing desperately with her legs exposing her panties and groin to the watching hitman. 
The hitman reviewed the sight of both hits through his scope before placing his rifle down. 
We see the hitman walking towards the first victim his suppressed handgun drawn and ready, he places it down then rolls the first victim over checks her wounds rips open her top and slips her brassiere over her breast playing with them before gripping her skirt and as he begins to strip her; he grips her ass slapping it playfully.  He rolls her over gripping her chin and brushing her hair with his hand. 
Her clothing is partially off revealing most of her sexy body he moves away aims his weapon and shoots her in the stomach and breast watching her lifeless body jolt.  He knows she is finished; we see him preparing to take her to the car.  
We see the hitman arrive at the next victim’s location…  she is missing. Just her handbag is left. 
The hitman doesn’t have to look far, we see the victim crawling on her belly moaning in agony as she desperately tries to flee. 
The hitman watches for a while as she struggles then, without mercy, he rolls her over.  She screams in pain, weakly raising her hands in surrender. The hitman blasts her with two rapid shots to her chest and we see her breasts and body shake as she takes the bullets immediately falling still. 
The hitman begins his ritual again.  Checking her pulse checking her wounds before partially stripping her body rolling and handling her corpse. 
We see the hitman lining the two girls up by the car trunk ready to join their friend. 
We see the car drive off for the end. 

     3 Women Shot Dead Cocktal 2
    10 minutes
      3 Women Shot Dead Cocktal 2 - Our another sdc set for you!

much more interesting situation where sexy women are killed by gun without ***** and special effects. All attention is at sexy poses, dynamic death, reactions, fear, death stares, different clothes.

it’s very hot and sexy!  DETECTIVE
    13 minutes
CAST: Demonika, MaryAnn, Alex, Max
It begins with a scene in which a subordinate man watches out the door and a female detective watches out the window beside the mafia wife.
\"I will arrest the mafia who is upset because my wife was taken by the police.In the meantime, protect my mafia wife.That\'s why I chose the best of you,\" the command office tells the female detective on the phone.
The female detective hung up the phone from the control room.
\"I promise to save my life no matter what enemy attacks me,\" the female detective says, encouraging the mafia wife.
\"Something is wrong outside,\" the wife says anxiously to the female detective.
\"Tell me what\'s going on outside,\" a female detective tells a subordinate male detective in a transceiver.
However, there was no reply from his subordinates.
The tension between the female detective and the mafia wife is strained.
\"Answer me. What\'s the matter?\" the female detective again told the subordinate male detective in the transceiver.
I haven\'t heard back from my subordinates.
The female detective takes her to the back room.
\"Please lock the room and wait until I come back,\" the female detective tells his wife.
The female detective pulls the gun out of Holster and slowly approaches the front door, paying attention to the front door.
The female detective goes to the front door and asks the man outside, \"What\'s the matter?\"
The murderer kills his men, and the murderer changes into their clothes and knocks on the door.
The female detective looks out of the door eye.
A female detective is deceived by a murderer in the clothes of a subordinate man.
The detective looks displeased at his subordinate who doesn\'t answer.
The detective returns the gun to Holster and opens the front door...
    40 minutes
      THE RESPON PILLS - Merci is a part of a spy agency who gives there spies Time Respon Pills. So if they die after eating the pills, time reminds to back to the point they swallow the pills.

Merci comes to her safe house from her mission but an assasin with a gun is waiting calmly in a seat. He tells her to sit and says that the agency thinks her performance isn't worth the price of time pills they give her. She pretends to be sad and begs for her life but swallows a time pill that's hidden on her.
Then merci breaks character of being sad and arrogantly says "I just swallowed my immortal pill, The pills only works on females so if you kill me ill keep coming back until I kill you. You death is guaranteed" 
The assasin says "I was hoping you'd do that, I volunteered for this mission. Ever since I saw how long and sexy ur neck was, strangling you was all I ever dreamed about."
Merci says, "does my long neck turn you on. Your little penis is going to get you killed, any last word assassin"
The assasin attacks her in a rage and strangles her to death.
Eveytime she dies the assassin strokes her neck and Adam's apple.
Then time resets to wear she eats the pill, she remembers each time she died but no matter what she does differently she is strangled to death. She is trapped in strangling he'll.

Mostly neck fetish video and strangle fetish video

Neck fetish  GORY PHOTOSESSION part 2
    7 minutes
      GORY PHOTOSESSION part 2 - Gory Photosession 2
Part 2
В ролях: Kate, George
Fetish elements: beheading, blow to the head, brain, crushing the head, brains outside, posthumous agony, blood, lots of blood, wrap the body in cellophane

The administrator of the studio goes to check the hall after the photo session. The girl sees dirty bloody divorces, and thinks that this is part of the props. She undresses not to get her clothes dirty and starts cleaning up the studio. But the photographer-maniac approaches her with an ax, frightens her, puts it into a stupor and strikes him with an ax in the head! The girl stands motionless, and from her head fall slimy brains directly to the floor. The brainless woman looks at her brain with a reflexive look next to her, and then falls, and the body long agonizes like a decapitated chicken, yielding to a reflex. After some time, the dead body stops jerking. The photographer licks her brains, inserts it into her hand and wraps it in cellophane tape.
If you like this video please check out
Gory Photo session 1
Machete Skill
    16 minutes
Starring: Alice Miren, Sally, Keila, Maryann, Max, Eddie
Four Girls Was Shot With a Gun, Stripped And their bodies were collected in naked bodypile

A son wanted his father to advice him why girls often told him «no» when he tried to pick them up.
But father’s way was very radical: just to take a gun and go shooting the last girl who said «no» and all her friends. First the son  tried not to follow father’s advises but…

    5 minutes
Starring: Chrisry and Juliana
IA worker is lazy. Two house owners try to hurry up him but he snaps their necks, strips bodies and places them in s Pio Yao shapes according  Feng Shui traditions.


If you like this video please check out our NECK SNAPS category 
Don’t miss the first part PROUD WORKER (strangulation )
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    Welcome To The Crime House Studio on Kinky Clips
    Crime House Fantasy Studio (also Crime House & Crime House and Dark Rooms) is independent production company with female death fetish orientation. Crime House does very erotic stuff, but not porn. Why we advice to offer our videos? 1. SEXY VICTIM-ACTRESSES ONLY 2. REALISTIC DEATH SITUATIONS 3. GREAT ACTING 4. CSGFX EFFECTS 5. NEW MODELS EVERY WEEK 6. ALL DEATH FETISH GENRES 7. NOT PORN BUT VERY-VERY EROTIC AND HOT 8.RUSSIAN AND EAST EUROPE HOT MODELS 9. WE DO KNOW HOW TO PLAY SEXY DEATH 10. ALL MOVIES ARE MADE IN VERY HIGH QUALITY

    Featuring 965 Clips / 16587 minutes of video!

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