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    24 minutes
      BW2 ELIMINATION OF MALE SPIES - Mission of Black Widow Sister Ksysha


After Ksysha and her sister reported to
the secret organization they both belong to about their last mission together,
the Black Widow Sisters, the sisters go their separate ways.

Ksysha is given an assignment that will
require her special skills and brutality. With a password, she opens an
encrypted message on her computer with all the details of your order. Ksusha
reads it out loud (subtitle everything please).


5 USB sticks with secret data of the
organization were stolen by a former female agent who belongs to a syndicate
that also works underground. The data contains all information about all
agents. Now the syndicate is threatening to publish all data and thus reveal
the identity of all agents. The former agent handed over the USB sticks with
the data to four high-ranking people in the syndicate. Like the renegade agent,
these people are also well-trained contract killers. Ksysha has 24 hours to
track down the owners of the data carriers, liquidate them and take the USB
sticks in order to give them back to their organization and thus avert the
organization's collapse upon publication. Ksysha was chosen because she knows
most of the tricks of how to approach such people in order to get an
opportunity to kill them and thus complete the job successfully. Due to their
particular killing style of strangling their victims with their hands or
strangling them with their wooden-handled garrote. It never leaves any traces
and can complete its tasks silently and professionally. Ksusha agrees and
accepts the assignment.


Ksysha finds out that, in addition to
the former agent, the people involved are three other men and a woman. Ksysha
says quietly to herself that she thinks it's a pity that her sister isn't there
this time, so she has to kill the two female victims herself. She gets
information about the name of the former agent. She also finds out that there
is going to be a syndicate meeting at a hotel where all the owners of the USB
sticks are gathered. Ksysha sees this as her best chance of getting hold of the
USB sticks. Ksusha reports to her organization and plans her next steps.


Ksysha has tracked down the whereabouts
of the former agent, now disguised as a normal housewife, in order to get all
the information about the other owners. Ksysha plans her mission so that she
will first seek out the former agent, interrogate her and then kill her.


Ksysha puts on her killer outfit. A
bikini panty to tie, a leather bra, tight wet look leather pants, black leather
boots. Then she puts on her tight black leather gloves.


Standing in front of a large mirror, she
puts her hands around her neck and chokes herself, imagining killing her
victims. Then Ksysha takes her garrote and puts it around her neck and
strangles herself with it to feel how her victims feel when she strangles them
and tells herself how much she loves her job.

Then she takes her knife and puts it in
a holster, which is attached to her belt, puts her garrote in her leather
jacket and a plastic bag, takes her cell phone and she goes on her way.

The meeting place


Ksysha has arrived at the rendezvous
point under her false identity. She is admitted there with the forged papers
and the identity of the former agent. Ksysha is assigned a room and given all
the details about the planned meeting. She receives a folder in which all
owners of the USB stick with picture and name as well as their specialties as
contract killers. Ksysha studies the documents and plans her further mission.
The female assassin strangles her victims just like Ksusha, so Ksysha looks
forward to a big fight with her. Two of the male contract killers have
specialized in killing women exclusively, in which they can quickly gain trust
as womanizers through their good looks and usually strangle their female
victims after sex. Ksysha says to himself that this time the victim will be the
perpetrator and decides to seduce these two men and strangle them at a suitable
moment. The third male hitman only kills with a silenced gun. Ksysha decides to
break into this hitman's house so that she has the element of surprise for
herself to kill him (Please subtitle everything as an inner monologue).

The mission – last male victim


Ksysha found out that the last owner of
the USB stick had his quarters on the ground floor of the meeting point, so she
decides to break into the room where the last male assassin is located through
a window. She pulls a stocking mask over her head. Ksysha is quiet and nimble
like a cat, allowing her to break in without making a sound. Ksysha quietly
looks around to find out where the assassin is. She quietly enters the bedroom
where the assassin is apparently asleep on his stomach. Ksysha sees his gun
with a silencer on the bedside table and she knows he's very fast so she has to
be careful. Ksysha takes her garotte out of her leather jacket and quietly
pulls it off. Then she jumps onto him in a flash and sits on her from behind
and, before he realizes what happened, puts her garrote around his neck and
powerfully strangles him from behind until he is unconscious. Ksysha dismounts
from him and searches the room but cannot find the USB stick. Ksusha has no
choice but to find out from the assassin himself.


She turns the hitman over and wakes him
up, takes off her leather gloves and wraps her bare hands around his neck and
squeezes hard until he's unconscious again. Ksysha wanted to feel her victim's
neck and now puts her leather gloves back on, waking him up again and wrapping
her hands around his neck again and squeezing hard. He fights and is able to
flee for a moment and grabs his gun but doesn't stand a chance, Ksysha knocks
it out of his hand. He tries to pick her up again and at that moment Ksysha
takes her garotte again and puts it around the hitman's neck from behind and
brutally pulls him back onto the bed. Ksysha sits back on him and tucks his
arms under her legs. Then she slaps him in the face a few times and asks for
the USB stick. Tell me where this is and I'll let you live. He initially
refuses and Ksysha hits him again. She takes her garrote and puts it around the
contract killer's neck again and tightens it tightly. Say it or I'll kill you
now, she yells at him. When he slowly gets weaker and realizes that he has no
chance against Ksysha, he agrees and tells Ksysha where the USB stick is. Then
he says to Ksysha now let me go.

She then opens her leather jacket and
shows him her bare breasts, saying it's the last thing he'll see. She takes her
garrote again and chokes him to death with it and enjoys watching him in the
eye and enjoying his agony as his body twitches and struggles to survive but
stands no chance against Ksysha. The victim salivates from his mouth after
being strangled by her. Ksysha goes to a small safe in the room and enters the
combination she received earlier from the assassin. She takes the last USB
stick and goes back to her own quarters. She places the USB sticks on a table
in front of her and smiles contentedly. Then she calls her organization and
tells her about the last stick and her successful mission. Your organization is
fully satisfied and expects Ksysha back with all 5 USB sticks. Ksysha says that
to maintain her cover she will attend the syndicate meeting. The organization
agrees and Ksysha hangs up. Then Ksysha stands in front of a large mirror and
looks at herself from all sides with satisfaction, touches herself everywhere
and feels her body and then leaves her room.


Outfit Ksusha: lingerie (Bikini string, leather bh), black
leather jacket, tight black leather wetlook leggings, belt, black leather boots
and very 
  short black gloves. 

Outfit female victim: lingerie
(Bikini string, leather bh), black leather jacket, tight black leggings, belt,
black leather boots and very 
          short black gloves.  KILLERS PASSION
    8 minutes
New Model: NIKA!

Starring: Nika, Nadya, Annabelle, Kit
Fetish elements:
Dynamic realistic shooting 
Shooting through the glass door with great effects
Silencer gun
Shooting to the heart, to the back, to the head, to the chest
Bag girl killed 

Three girls were friends. They worked as strip dancers in night club. But one of them (Nika) met a rich man, married him and bought the night club. When she became a boss the decided to … kill her ex-friends. She hated them all the time. She ordered a killer she knew. 
He came the club and shot two girls doing his order. He shot nude Nadya and Annabelle in her black stocking. But he decided to over his killer-career and… to kill Nika too. He surprised her from behing and shot to her back. She was shocked, tried  to say something but he shot her to her head. 
He stripped her body and decided to burn in…

If you like this video please check out
    36 minutes

ANOTHER 36 minutes film with three terrible deaths with  hanging by legs and arms, throat slitting, belly ripping, internal organ harvesting!


«Great job!!!  I know how complicated it is to make this, your team did an outstanding job.  Project came out as amazing the first two parts.   When will our police women learn it is not wise to tangle with these killers.  Thanks again Darkrooms!»

Customer’s Review

CAST: Alice Miren, Mira Green, Polina Wood, Alex, Tim, Max



Police Theme, Detective Theme, Interesting Plot, Poisoned Injection to the neck, Knocked Out, Hanging by Arms, Throat Slitting, Cut Throat, Woman in Peril, Helpless, Full Nude, From Brave policewoman to helpless victim, Hanging By Legs, Guts, Gory


A cop with her partner has a mission for catching dangerous band who prenetd to be photograpers and killing models for organs. But after terrible murder of next model police girls become new victims…





    25 minutes
      ARCHER 18 - ARCHER 18 
Starring: Tatiana, Bella Lenina, MaryAnn, Max
"Very well done Ugine. It is amazing how you and your team put so much effort and hardwork in to these productions. It really shows. I really enjoyed how well you did all of the lead up scenes. The girls planning the job, Bella and Max jogging. Bella, Tatiana, Maryann and max do their scenes with much passion. They must practice their lines. This is what separates you from everyone else. Very well done sir and once again am totally satisfied. Even those these projects follow the same theme you do them like a master".
Customer’s Review
Another episode of the Archer. This time victims became in his trap because of their stupidity, self-confidence and naivety and as usual got deadly arrows to their bellies…
    16 minutes
16 minutes, English Subtitles, Interesting Plot!
*** Annabelle hast a lot of different scenes, perfect acting... .and i love her outfits....chapeau!***
Customer’s Review
A man has a breakdown. The car no longer starts. He has to have it towed home. For the afternoon, he orders his insurance agent to estimate the damage. She arrives at his home on time. After controlling the car, she makes an estimate. "The damage is no more than 100 dollars, I can give it to you immediately," she explains to him. The man gets into anger. "Only 100 dollars? Are you spinning? The damage is at least 1000 dollars, the car doesn't start anymore!" he yells at her. "My decision is final, call me tonight and please let me know if you agree, otherwise you will go out empty-handed," she tells him insensitively. The lady disappears. I'm going to take revenge, he thinks.
Since he has the address of the insurance agent, he goes to her apartment in the evening. He hides near the door and waits for her to come home. He has a bag with hot and erotic clothes. A few minutes later, she arrives. He jumps out, threatens her at the apartment door with a knife: "Go, go in. I'll show you how valuable my car is!", he yells at her. She's scared: "What do you want? Leave me alone immediately or I call the police!", she shouts back. He pushes her into the apartment, strikes her for the first time. She moans, falls to the ground. She crawls to reach her phone. He grabs her, beats her again. She moans loudly again, writhes on the floor in pain. He throws his bag to her. "Go to the bathroom and put these things on, right away!" he yells at her. Frightened, she takes the bag and pulls herself over. A short time later she comes out of the bathroom. "You have to seduce me now, show what you can can!" he asks her. She sits down with him on the sofa, caresses his chest, grabs between his legs, kisses him tenderly. He continues to threaten her with a knife. She is afraid of death. He pulls his belt out of his pants. "Do you know what I'm doing now? You don't move, you get it?" he asks of her. He puts the belt around her neck, panicked lyrically looks at him and does not move. Her breath gets heavier: "Please, please... Don't do anything to me, I'll fulfill all your wishes," she winks. "Too late you dirty piece, now you slut get your reward," he grins at her. He pulls more and more tightly, she begins to fight back, moans, beats after him. She is helpless, has no chance. Brutally, he pulls her from the sofa to the floor, sits on her chest and takes the last air from her. She moans loudly, roars afterwards, gets weaker and weaker. She dies agonizingly with a twitching body. He gets up, looks at the dead and shouts to her, "You shouldn't work as a dominadiem, you're unlucky!". Laughing, he leaves the apartment.
Appearance and clothes agent: light make-up, pink lips, pink nails, tight blue fabric dress (long-sleeved), black pantyhose (no hold-ups), no slip, black leather pumps with stiletto heels (first outfit). Light make-up, pink lips, pink nails, black lace bra, black lace slip, long black gloves (leather or satin), black hold-ups, black suede overknee boots with stiletto heels (second outfit).
Price: 10.00  8 GIRLS EXECUTION
    18 minutes
It's absolutely AMAZING! Beautifully acted and SO sexy.

It's great.

Many thanks»

Customer’s Review

Polina (Julia Woods – NEW MODEL), Mira Green, Juliana (came back after a long break!), Angelina, Luiza, Annabelle, Sally, Xena, Max, Alex

Mass Massacre, Swimming Suits, Shooting to the chest, Shooting to the stomach, shooting to the back, execution, captive, stripping bodies, bodypile, blood, death stare 

The executioner has a mobile phone. He phones someone and says:
"Send the first one in."
The first girl walks in. If you can film her from behind as she walks in that would be great.
"Stand against the wall," says the executioner.
She does this. She is clearly nervous but trying to hide her fear.
"You know why you're here?" he says
"Yes I know," she says. "Why the swimsuit, though?"
He smiles. "I like it. Are you ready?"
"Yes, I am ready." She frowns and closes her eyes, but they open wide in pain and she gasps, as the bullet hits her below her cleavage. She clasps the wound with both hands and slides to the floor. She thrashes around, whimpering in pain for a minute or so before she coughs up blood and goes into a spasm. Her arms and legs give one last twitch before she dies. The man grabs her by the ankles and drags her out of the way of where the other girls will be shot. He dials his phone and says: 
"One done. Send the next one in."
Again please film her from behind as she walks in. She stops in shock for a moment when she sees the body of the first girl but she recovers herself, and stands against the wall without being told to.
"Are you ready to die?" he says.
She stands slightly forward, forces a smile and puts a hand on her hip. 
"I guess I'm as ready as I'll ever be," she says.
He shoots her just above the navel. She gasps in pain, clutching the wound, as the blow knocks her back against the wall. She tries to step forward but she staggers and falls forward. She tries to get up, pushing herself up with one hand, while holding the other to the wound. But the effort is too much and she rolls over onto her back. She coughs blood, spasms, twitches and finally dies. Once again the man grabs her ankles, drags her body out of the way and lines it up beside the first body. He phones again.
"Send the next one in."
The next girl comes in. Again please film her from behind if you can. Again she pauses momentarily when she sees the bodies but then she glares at the executioner.
Again he says: "Are you ready to die?"
"That's why I'm here, isn't it?," she replies. "Just get on with it."
He shoots her in her right breast. She squeals in pain, clasping it with both hands. Then he shoots her in her left breast. Now she has to clasp each breast with only one hand as she slides to the floor. She tries to say "You bastard" but she coughs blood, muffling the words. She goes into spasms, twitches and dies. The man places her body next to the other two.
"Send the next one in," he says on the phone.
She walks in. She manages not to react when she sees the bodies, and instead turns to him defiantly.
"I bet you're enjoying this, you sick bastard," she says.
"Fuck you," he says, shooting her just above the pussy.
She gasps in pain, clutching the wound with both hands. Her legs give way and she falls forward. The man turns her over with his foot.
"You sick fucking bastard," she says, before he shoots hr in the cleavage. She coughs blood, goes into spasms, twitches and dies. He places her body next to the others. Then he phones again.
"Let's change the plan," he says. "Send the rest in."
The remaining four girls file into the room and line up against the wall, facing their executioner. The camera pans over them as they try to avoid looking at the bodies.
"Turn around and face the wall," he says. "Hands against the wall."
They do this. The camera pans over them again.
"Who wants to be first?" he asks.
The thirds from the left turns around, putting up her hand.
"I'll go first," she says.
But he shoots the girl on the right in the back instead. She cries out in pain, slides to the ground and rolls over onto her back. He points the gun at her. She raises her hands in fear, but he shoots her twice in her left breast. She coughs up blood, spasms, twitches and dies. 
The third girl from the left is still facing forward.
"I said I wanted to go first," she says angily. "What sort of fucking..."
Her words are interrupted by the shot, which hits her below the cleavage. With a sharp intake of breath she leans forward, her eyes wide with pain. She falls on her knees, then falls forward, spasms, coughs up blood, twitches and dies.
The man turns her body over with his foot.
"The rest of you, turn around and face me," he says.
They turn around and he shoots each just once, one in the left breast and the other in the right. The both squeal and clutch their breasts as they fall to the floor, landing on their backs. As they lie there in pain, one reaches out her hand to the other, who reaches hers out in turn. Their fingers touch before the girl shot in the left breast goes into spasms, coughs blood and dies. The other girl lasts a minute longer before she too coughs up blood and dies.
Now the man drags each of the four bodies over and lines them up with the first four. He surveys them in their swimsuits before he strips them, one by one. The 
camera pans over the naked bodies, lined up neatly, before the movie ends. 

    31 minutes
Starring: Nata
Bonus Clip Inside!
30 minutes!
She was sexy bad girl. Now she is a peace of meat. How it was?

Very Hard Bizarre Content!
Fail of female spy
Two men beat woman
Two men force female spy to drink vodka and say who send her
Long and Much Scenes with  Beating with sticks
28 shooting (to the hand, to the legs, to the tits, to the stomach and fatale shooting to the face, head, breats) – guns and machineguns shooting
Torturing with hot irons
Breaking Fingers
Torture Injections
Stabbing with 100s nails!
Burns, blood, wounds
Long views of dead bloody body

If you want to see the first part how Nata was a killer don’t miss

If you like this clip please also check out
    33 minutes

Tatiana's family has fallen deep in debt, and she's decided to save them by sacrificing herself. She offers to have her willing death recorded on video in exchange for her family's safety. To negotiate the deal, she's forced to strip naked for the Debt Collector. Nervously she allows him to photograph her and touch her, aware that he's assessing her like a piece of meat to be butchered. Finally he agrees to the deal, but only if she accepts a gruesome torturous death. The deal is made.

Two days later, Tatiana arrives in lingerie. She's terrified, but pushes through her fear. The Debt Collector begins slashing her breasts slowly and mercilessly while Tatiana is barely manages to endure bloody torture. Then he shifts is attention to her pussy, slashing it repeatedly while blood flows between her legs. Eventually the suffering girl's strength gives out and she falls to the floor. The Debt Collector finishes her off by fucking her to death with the knife, making her last moments truly agonizing. The Debt Collector admires his latest victim as he pans the camera over her lifeless bloody body.

Customer Review:

"Crime House has delivered again! This is my 4th custom, and I think it's the best one yet! Tatian's acting is incredible, and the effects are like a big budget movie. Fantastic work from a professional team! Thank you."
    39 minutes


Maryann, Mercy, Tatiana, Max, Billy Brag

The scene opens with Actress #1, Actress #2, Actress #3 sitting at a dinner table.  There is a glass of wine in front of each woman.   There is a plate and a knife and fork.

Actress #1 Actress #2, Actress #3 are all in a car.  Actress #1 is in the driver’s seat.  Actress #2 in the front passenger seat and Actress #3 in the rear seat.  The car is stopped on the side of the road.

The scene opens with Actor #1 and Actor #2 in their modeling studio.  Actress #3 is unconscious and lying on the floor.  Actress #1 and Actress #2 and unconscious and sitting on a bed.

Actress #3 is lying on the ground, she is nude.  Actress #1 and Actress #2 are lying on the bed, their hands are tied behind their backs.  All three women are unconscious.

Actress #3 starts twisting and turning.  She bends her head and tries to look at how her feet are tied up.  She reaches for her feet trying to desperately free herself.

Actress #3 reacts jerking her body and franticly grabbing her neck with her hands.  She is twisting and jerking her body with what energy she has left.

She continues reacting and twisting her body from side to side.  She reaches for her neck with her hands.  She tries to reach up and grab her leg.

Actor #2 continues to take pictures.

Actor #1 takes the knife and stabs actress #1 in the belly, he slowly cuts down towards her breasts.  He puts the knife on the ground.  Actress #3 reaches and touches her belly with both hands.  Her hands slowly drop to straight down pointing at the floor.

Actress #3 arms are hanging down, she is taking slow and deep breaths.  She tries to look up toward her stomach.  She is unable to and her head drops and she is looking down at the ground.  HUNTER FOR SPIES
    19 minutes

«Hey Ugine,

I have watched my film a few times and I have to say fantastic job!  Once again you have taken my idea and made it better.  The quality acting, great use of different camera angles and taking the time to make sure each scene gets fully realized is what makes the things you do so amazing.  Thanks to yourself and your team for making such a fine product in these challenging times.

Take care!»

Customer’s Review 

CAST: Annabelle, Bella Lenina, Max

Fetish Elements

Knocking Out, Stalking, Silent Attacks From Behind, Electroshock, Unconscious, Near To Be Dead, Limp Body, Carrying, Stripping, Lingerie, Killing, Death, Closed eyes death stares     

Two girls are sitting at their desks in an office wearing nice make up for the office, hair down, and red or dark nail and toenail polish.  One girl is wearing a short skirt and a top with buttons opened very far and regular high heels, bare legs and sitting cross legged working with one high heel dangling off her bare foot.  Her high heels would look something like this:
The other girl is in a tight sweater dress (or any type of tight dress), bare legs and feet with strappy high heel sandals something like this. 

The girls looks at each other and get up to start searching the office for secrets to steal and sell.  But little do they know the office is run by a criminal organization and the security guard is hiding there.  As the short skirt girl moves into a different room the guy comes out of hiding and tazers her.  She jumps a little bit and passes out to the floor.  As she does one of her shoes comes off her bare foot and the other shoe is also shown to be partially off.
The guy sneaks back to the other room and as the dress girl is one her toes looking in a top shelf he tazers her as well.  She jumps and passes out into his arms.  He picks up her in a his arms and she is hanging limp, totally unconscious.  The camera goes up and down her body and gives a full view of her in his arms.  The guy walks around a little as she dangles in his arms with the camera showing different angles.  He looks for a place to lay her down and finding a good spot, he lays her out.  He pats down her body looking for anything she stole.  He takes her high heel sandels off her bare feet and checks the bottom of the high heels to see if anything is there.  He then takes off her dress and strips her down to her underwear.  Finding no evidence he goes to the other room where the other girl in the skirt is lying unconscious with one shoe off her bare foot and the other half on.
He picks up the girl in the skirt into his arms.  She is limp in his arms with one barefoot and the other high heel dangling off her foot.  The camera goes up and down her body and gives a full view of her in his arms.  The guy walks around a little as she hangs in his arms and as he does her last shoe falls off and she is now barefoot.  He continues to walk around with her in his arms looking for a place to lay her down.  Finding a spot he likes,  her lays down and also pats her down again looking for anything she might have stole.  He takes off her skirt and top, and strips her down to her underwear.
Just as he finishes he hears the other girl start to wake up… he runs over and tazers her again and she passes out.  Right when she is knocked out the other girl also begins to wake up, stands up and begins to stagger around.  He rushes in and pushes her into the wall, banging her head on the wall.  She gets knocked out and falls into his arms.  He picks her up in his arms and she is limp in his arms.  He walks around for a bit (with camera moving around her body, her head hanging back, her bare feet, and full view of her in his arms) and then carries her out of the office.  He comes back in for the other girl, lifts her in his arms, walks around (also with camera moving around her body, her head hanging back, her bare feet, and full view of her in his arms) and then also carries her out of the office.


Unconscious and DEAD!
Nata Knock Out
Evil Collector
Death By Orgasm
    11 minutes
Cast: Angelina and Den
«Wow! You have way exceeded my expectations! Angelina is a real beauty and I haven't ever seen someone playing and reacting so perfectly. Her vocal reactions were also outstanding!
Thanks a lot for the professional work for all of you involved! Dan was also perfect in his role.
Flow of every scene:
No text is needed but as you feel.
First she is visible alive, sometimes neutral, resigned or depressed, sometimes fearful or thrilled.
Then comes the execution itself by an off camera squad and gun(s) and she dies. All are relatively quick deaths, no or very short agonies. We see the execution always from front (but not as a POV shooting) but not necessarily from the middle.
Facial expression varies: surprise, shock or pain, please keep it relatively natural and realistic.
She always dies with open eyes. Sometimes wide open, sometimes only a bit open, sometimes looking up, down, or front.
Her mouth ends also open, as it is natural after the reaction and relax of the muscles.
After the execution there is a guy to check if she is dead. By checking her neck vein or grabbing her hair and lifting up her head to see her death stare.
He always shoots control shot(s) into her already dead body:
one to her head from distance or by holding it by her hair. At least in one scene he shoots her dead body 6-8 times all over including lower leg, head, an arm
Every scene ends with a very short view on her dead body or face.

There are 3 set ups (all can be indoor or outdoor, it does not matter to me, which one fits better to you):
1. Tied to a chair.
The girl can die by leaning once forward, in another execution backward, another one can go sideways as well. Let's the chair stay standing always and the girl is tied so that she cannot fall from it either. Arms tied back, legs are free. Her upper body is roped to the chair.

2. Tied to a pole tight.
Tied so that she cannot fall, e.g. her knees cannot bend much and her upper body cannot bend forward either. Her arms are tied back.
Her head falls sometimes forward, sometimes backward when dead depending on how her body ends naturally.
When shot she shakes or twitches for the bullets depending on the length of the bursts. Then her dead body relaxes sometimes slowly (dies quickly but relaxes slowly), sometimes very quickly. And ends as the ropes let it, in different standing positions. It is important to see that she does not hold herself but the ropes.

3. Tied to a pole so that she can bend forward.
Similar to #2 but she dies so that her upper body bends forward. Her hands are tied back behind the pole so it keeps her body from falling fully forward. Her legs are also tied so that her knees cannot bend much so she stays standing.

Execution style varies, some examples (guns and squad not visible):
- one uzi with one quick burst (6-8 bullets), instantly dead, then other quick burst or bursts in the dead body
- one uzi with a long burst (not longer than 2 secs); dies realisticly quickly but her dead body continues to shake to the bullets
- one AK-47 in slower machine gun mode, different styles like the uzi cases
- a firing squad of 6-8, all shoots at once
- a firing squad of 6-8, shooting criss-cross the 6-8 bullets
- a firing squad of 6-8, shooting in a mess but not longer than 2 secs

Nude or in lingerie
Hair in pony tail, in a bun or her mouth is tied so that her hair cannot fall to hide her face when dead.


Or go to

    13 minutes

«Just watched it and loved it. The acting was spot on…  Fair enough they did a great job either way and I do have an idea for a sequel to this video».

From Customer’s Review



Bad Girls, Shootout, Gangster-Girls, Gurl With Gun, Shooting, Machine Guunned, Closed eyes death stares, Jeans, Military Outfits, Bodypiles. Soldiers, Battle, Closing eyes to dead girl, Opened eyes Death Stare


Actresses: Helga-Black Bra, Dark Blue Jeans, biker boots, black Leather Jacket and no belly button ring

                   Judi- Black Bra, Black Jeans, Biker Boots, black Leather Jacket and no belly button ring

                   Sally and Bella Lenina- Camo pants, Black Combat boots, and a white belly shirt.

                Helga plays the part of the leader of a biker gang gearing up for a war with a rival biker gang. Judi is the second in command and came with Helga to back her up in case something goes wrong that would involve a gun fight. Sally plays the part of the weapons dealer and Bella is her backup. I would like to have this in English.


Helga and Judi reach the warehouse that they were to meet with the weapons dealer. Helga takes out her phone and calls the dealer

Helga- “Were here. Where are you” After a short pause as if she was getting a response “I’ll be there” She then hangs up the phone.

Helga- “She says to wait by the desk in the warehouse”

Judi- “I don’t like this. It smells like a setup”

Helga- “Ya I feel that to but we need those guns. Just keep your eyes peeled and don’t trust them.”

Judi- “Right”

Helga and Judi enter the warehouse and Helga sits down in the chair and Judi stays standing and scouting the area with her eyes.

After a short while Sally and Bella enters the warehouse.

Sally- “Welcome ladies I heard that you are looking for some weaponry. I have the equipment just for you but it’s not going to be cheap.”

Helga- “Money’s not going to be a problem as long as the weapons perform to our liking”

Sally- “That’s not going to be an issue. These weapons are the best money can buy. And these weapons don’t jam as much.”

Helga- “Let’s see them”

Sally- “You know the price. Let me see the cash first”

Helga- “Judi go get the case”

Judi- “Yes boss” Judi then leaves the warehouse to go get the briefcase. She then reenters the warehouse with briefcase in hand and handcuffed to her wrist. She walks up to Sally and opens the case and shows her the money.

Sally- Looks like everything is in order. Bella go and retrieve the weapons” Bella nods at Sally and leaves to get the weapons. Judi closes the case and then walks back to the table and sits down on it.

Bella then reenters the warehouse with a machinegun in hand and then she open fires shooting Jodi multiple times in the chest. Jodi then falls back on the table with legs hanging down and arm with case hanging down from the side of the table as well.

Helga manages to escape the bullets and finds cover. She takes out her gun and manages to shoot Bella in the chest multiple times killing her. Bella falls flat on her back with legs spread out and belly button perfectly showing and no blood on it with eyes closed and some blood sliding down her mouth and a pool of blood forming from underneath her. Sally runs out of the warehouse. Helga goes over to Jodi seeing that she was still alive.

Helga- “Jodi hang in there. Stay with me”

Jodi- “Forget me go after her. You need those guns. There is nothing you can do I’ll be dead soon just don’t let her get away”

After Jodi says that she then dies with eyes opened. Helga checks her pulse and sees that she is dead. She closes her eyes and then goes to the direction of the door. Sally then barges in the room with a gun and starts shooting. The two then shoots at each other and they both end up taking bullets. Helga takes a few bullets to the chest and still manages to stay standing and Sally falls to her knees and then falls backwards with legs still folded and dead with eyes closed and belly button fully shown and no blood on it. Helga then casually walks back to the chair and pulls it out and then sits down. She slides down the chair to get in a pose I will add to the script and dies with eyes closed and belly button fully shown and not blood on it.  Get lots of pans of the 4 girls playing dead. Get close ups of their faces, belly buttons, full body side view, full body top view, a view with their faces and belly buttons are seen, one where all of them are in the shot and any other sexy pans of them.
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