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    21 minutes

CAST: Tatiana, Max
Ugine, thank you and the rest of your crew for another awesome horror film! Tatiana’s acting was amazing. She is a very dramatic actress, from her facial expressions, to her body movements; they were great! As before the movie set helped build the ominous tone of the movie. Max plays a great villain. The special effects use on the actresses stomach were excellent, very realistic! Her reactions to the surgery were very dramatic. Thank you Crimehouse & Darkrooms!

Plot summary: Tatiana is appearing for a photo shoot. Unfortunately for her she’s  going to end up being the next victim of Max the Slasher!

Max hears a knock at the door. He opens it. Tatiana says she’s there for the photo shoot. She’s wearing a very tight, short, black dress. Her makeup and hair is nicely done. Max invites her in. He ask her is she’s like to see some of his past work. He gives her a portfolio. She opens it. She sees model shots of Annabelle, Mira Green, Polina, Maryann, and finally his last victim Li. She’s very impressed as the gorgeous photos of the women. Please use your creative talent with this opening scene. Next he asks her to undress and slide on some sexy lingerie. She takes her dress off slow and slides on some sexy black panties and bra. Camera focuses on her body as undresses and puts the lingerie on very sexy. He takes her over to the X prop. He tells her he wants some photos of her tied to it. She acts nervous he offers her a drink to calm her nerves. He drugs the drink while she’s not looking. She drinks it and let’s him tie her to the prop. He steps back and takes some photos of her using a camera. As he’s taking photos of her she starts to get sleepy. Her head starts to drop and she asks what was it the drink? She sees max approach her he pulls out a knife. He gets close to her. He starts just below her neck and traces the tip of the knife down her chest and down the middle of her belly to her navel. Camera shots of her breathing heavy as the tip of the knife dips into her navel. She finally passes out. This scene should be really suspenseful. He takes her down from the X prop and lays her across a padded bench like Polina  in FFS 2. She still has her lingerie on. He ties her hands and gags her. He pours some water on her stomach and rubs it. Just as in the scene in FFS 2 with Polina, those style camera views of her body. He puts the electrical device on her stomach and shocks her several times. Camera views of her belly moving as she’s shocked. She goes unconscious from the final shock. He picks her up and lays her on the operating table, takes her panties and bra off , stretches her, and ties her in the usual fashion. He uses the pen and marks a dashed line on her upper belly, then her lower belly from hip to hip, then down the midline of her stomach. The camera view done in FFS 2 we’re amazing, something like that. She starts to wake up and struggle some. He places his hand on her stomach and tells her to calm down your not going anywhere, with a menacing grin. He tells her that he wants to show her more of his work. He takes out his phone and shows her a short video of li being tortured and gutted. He then takes a syringe and injects an anesthetic into her navel to subdue her from squirming during the operation. Max gets the scalpel. He starts the incision on her lower stomach. He puts one hand on her belly and the other with the scalpel starts the incision just like you guys did with Polina in FFS 2. Then he makes the incision on her upper stomach, and finally down the middle of her stomach. Camera shots of him slicing through her navel. The way this was done with Li in the last film was very realistic. Her belly convulses as she’s cut open. Once he’s made all threes cuts. Views of her stomach as she breathes heavy and her belly trembles from the trauma. Li and Polina did a great job with the trembling belly movements. Next he spreads her belly open and begins to remove her intestines first. He cuts them with some scissors to finally remove them from her belly. Next he pulls out her liver, then her stomach. You guys make this as gory as you want. I trust your makeup and prop crew! She coughs up some blood as she’s gutted. He finishes gutting her and she’s watches her body convulse on the table from the gutting. He take a knife and stabs her in the heart to end her agony. She lets out a final breath and dies. Make this scene very dramatic. The camera pans over her body and death stare. For the final photo shot, he strings her up by her hands from the ceiling like in the tender meat films and photographs her body swinging with the knife sticking out of her chest. The final scene is the camera slowly circling her hanging body. We see the tables in the background with her blood, guts, and organs laying on it.  Attached are some examples of the amazing camera angles from past films.

    6 minutes
      2 SPIES - 2 SPIES
Custom movie

Fetish elements:
Knocking out
Limp fetishes with uncensorious girl
Touching face, boobs, body 
Shooting to the back, shooting to the breasts (twice)
Searching USB in under skirt of girl in her dead pussy (non-porn scene)
Shooting to the breasts 
Death stare with open eyes
Death stare with closed eyes 
Two dead sexy bodies 
Black stockings
Spy theme 

Annabelle is dressed in a low neck black dress and Mary in something similar to Black Widow’s outfit she has unzipped the frontal part. The theme is shooting.
A door opens and Annabelle enters in a hurry. She leans against the Wall, she is afraid of something and is breathing heavily, her breasts rise and fall. When she calms down, she extracts from her bosom a USB and go straight to a computer that is on a desk in front of her.

She inserts the USB in the computer and do not notice Mary who silently walks toward her and hits her in the head with the butt of a pistol with silencer.
Annabelle cries and falls unconscious to the floor. She is on her left side. Mary turns Annabelle´s body so she rests on her back and we can see that her left breast is exposed because of the low cut of the dress.
Mary, checks Annabelle´s pulse and then caresses her exposed breast and then her face. Anabelle takes out her cell and calls someone. She says that, as they supposed, Annabelle was the doublé agent and that she has the information in a USB.  A voice in the other end tells Mary that she has to hide and let Annabelle think that everything is alright, but before she leaves the room she has to kill her.
Mary cuts the call and sees that Annabelle is recovering, so she hides away and waits. Annabelle is stunned by the blow, but she stands up and rearranges her dress to keep her breast in its place. She takes the USB, puts it inside her bosom and walks toward the door. In that moment Mary shots her in the back.
Annabelle reacts to the shot and turns around not understanding what happened, then Mary shots her two more times in her left breast, her hands go to her breast and she sees the blood in them.  We see Marys satisfying expression and hear Annabelle´s body falling to the floor.
Annabelle is on her back. Her eyes closed, her mouth slightly opened. A line of blood is coming between her breasts to her neck. Mary put her fingers in Annabelle’s bosom and extracts the USB stained with blood.
Mary goes to the door but when she opens it, she sees someone and her face is full of surprise and fear. She pleads: No, no please and she walks backwards inside the room. We hear 3 shots and Mary falls backwards. Her eyes and mouth open in disbelief and 3 blood stains in her left breast. Someone takes the USB from her clutched hand and leaves. The 2 beautiful spies lie dead in the room.
    19 minutes
Starring: Angelina, Luiza, Vika, Dan
«The Movie Was awesome»
Customer’s Review
Fetish Elements:
Stalking, Cunnibalism, Stabbing, Gory
3 girls arrived to the house for some fun but cannibal hunter stalked them, killed very cruelly and ate.
    19 minutes
      ANNABELLES AUDITION - «Thanks again for the custom which I enjoyed a lot. The models were both excellent They captured the spirit of the piece - with convincing playfulness between the two of them as interviewer and candidate, whilst  giving strong performances in the three death scenes. 
The production quality is good».
Customer’s Review 
Annabelle is a serious actress. But in the middle of the pandemic, work is very hard to find. So, she has applied to become a death fetish model with Crime House, a fetish film producer in Russia. This is the story of her audition with CH.
She is being interviewed in a living room by Nata. Nata asks Annabelle what experience she has of acting out death scenes, and Annabelle says she has done some scenes in drama school – but not this type of work before. Nata is confident Annabelle will be fine but explains that first they have to do three auditions in the bedroom – which is connected by hidden cameras to a group of CH clients. They will decide on the scenarios and determine if Annabelle is suitable to join the CH team. Annabelle is very enthusiastic and says she is sure it will be fine and that they will have fun together. She even hugs Nata making it clear that she finds Nata attractive.
The next scene is in the bedroom. Annabelle is sitting on the bed whil Nata is looking at her phone. She tells Annabelle that for the first audition, the client wants them to play lesbian lovers in the nude. But Nata has discovered Annabelle has betrayed her with a man. She will be on top of Annabelle pinning her down. Annabelle will plead for forgiveness, but Nata will strangle her with her bare hands. The client wants Annabelle to struggle furiously. But she will not be strong enough to escape and slowly weaken and die.
Annabelle smiles and gets up to hug and begin undressing Nata. Nata responds amorously and undresses Annabelle easing her back onto the bed. They kiss and cuddle for a while.  Suddenly Nata pins Annabelle’s hands down and accuses Annabelle of betraying her with Ivan. Annabelle protests her innocence, but Nata pulls her hair back and pretends to slap her and twist her nipples. Annabelle screams in pain and begs Nata to stop. She admits she did sleep with Ivan but it meant nothing – she loves Nata.
Nata stops torturing Annabelle briefly and they hug each other affectionately. Annabelle says she will never betray Nata again. Nata agrees but then turns aggressive. She barks at Annabelle that there is only one way she can ensure there are no more betrayals. And with that she begins to strangle Annabelle. Annabelle’s eyes widen in shock and fear and she struggles desperately to break Nata’s grip and unbalance her. But Nata is too strong. Annabelle fights frantically, but then begins to weaken and spasm almost orgasmically, before slowly slipping away and dying.
Nata kisses Annabelle on the forehead, says ‘cut’, and Annabelle opens her eyes and they both laugh and hug each other affectionately one more time.
Nata goes to her phone and tells Annabelle she has done well in her first scene.
Annabelle comes over and they look at the phone. They are both still nude. Annabelle asks the clients listening whether this time she can play the killer and let Nata be her victim. Nata pushes her away playfully and says she is too strong to be Annabelle’s victim.
The clients obviously like the playfulness between the two of them, because this time they say that Annabelle will play a contract killer who has been hired to murder Nata – with a garotte (maybe a red scarf that is in the room). Nata asks the client if she can fight to get free and the client texts that of course she can try. She puts the phone on a table or shelf by the bed.
Annabelle is confident and picks up the scarf and asks Nata sexily if she wants a bit of fun.
Nata says she doesn’t wish to be tied up and Annabelle strokes her tenderly and says the stocking is not for tieing her up. She eases Nata back on the bed and mounts her, threading the scarf around her throat. Nata asks what she is doing. Suddenly Annabelle gets serious and says someone has paid her to murder Nata. Nata begs for mercy, but Annabelle tightens the scarf and Nata begins to choke. 
At first Annabelle is winning and Nata’s struggles are not making any difference. But then she slaps Anna in the belly and slightly winds her, and then unbalances her by jerking her body. Annabelle lets go of the scarf, but it is too late. She is already unbalanced, and Nata now rolls her over and after a bit more wrestling, gets the upper hand. Annabelle tries to fight back, but Nata pins first one hand and then the second above Annabelle’s head.
Annabelle stops struggling and asks what happens now. She thought she was going to win this role play. Nata looks at the phone. The client congratulates her and tells her to smother Annabelle with a pillow. This time it is Annabelle pleading for mercy. But soon, Nata smothers her and although Annabelle again fights with a lot of energy, after a while she accepts the inevitable and slowly dies.
Nata lifts up the pillow and again is happy and kisses Annabelle who opens her eyes a little annoyed she didn’t manage to be the killer in this role play.
Now they are both relaxing after expending a lot of energy in the two scenes.
Nata looks at her phone again and sighs. She turns to Annabelle and tells her this time the clients are going to make sure she is successful as the killer. She explains that in this scenario she will play a spy who has stolen secret account codes from a bank on a memory stick she intends to sell to the highest bidder. Annabelle plays an enforcer who has come to get the memory stick back for the bank and has permission to murder Nata when she gets it. Nata will start off pretending to be asleep on the bed so Annabelle can tie one of her wrists to the headboard before Nata even wakes up to ensure she won’t be able to escape.
Nata gets a memory stick and hides it in the pillowcase. Annabelle puts some light clothes on and goes out of camera shot.
Nata pretends to fall asleep on the bed and Annabelle comes in quietly. She ties one end of the scarf to the bed and then loops the other around Nata’s hand. Nata stirs, but Annabelle is on top of her and only one arm is free – which Annabelle quickly pins down. 
She tells Nata she wants the memory stick. Nata denies she has it. Annabelle pretends to hit Nata’s face and belly and she pulls her hair back. Nata still will not tell her. Annabelle begins to hand smother Nata, who tries to fight her off with one free hand. But she cannot get the hand off. When Annabelle stops the hand smother, Nata is gasping for breath – but still she denies everything.
Annabelle picks up the pillow, turns it over and begins pillow smothering Nata, who again fights unsuccessfully to push the pillow off her. But this time Annabelle sees the memory stick in the pillowcase. She stops and takes the USB out and puts it on the bedside table next to the phone. She is very happy and knows now she has what she came for.
She looks at Nata beneath her – wondering what to do about her. Nata says now she has the memory stick she can go and just leave her. But she already knows, Annabelle will not let her live. Annabelle strokes Nata’s face gently, as if they are lovers. But Nata knows what is coming and asks her once more to let her go. 
Too soon, Annabelle’s hands close round Nata’s throat and she knows it is the end for her. She tries to fight, but with only one hand free it is hopeless. She tries to die as sexily as Annabelle has and is soon in death spasms before closing her eyes and becoming still.
This time Annabelle hugs Nata, unties her hand, and kisses her.
Nata embraces her and they kiss – this time on the lips, maybe even more!
Nata picks up the phone and shows Annabelle. They both smile. And Nata says to Annabelle “Welcome to Crime House,”
[scene fades…].


     Machine Gunned Both Parts
    53 minutes
      Machine Gunned Both Parts - About 100 deaths. Many death scenes. Custom video. Three models are playing being machinegunned (POV, killing each other). Many exitic death poses. agonies.  THE HANDS OF THE STRANGLER
    17 minutes


Starring: Maryann, Max 

A killer must recover data and eliminate the spy.

The video camera enters the room and frames the killer sitting on the floor who tightens the girl with the string around his neck. She flinches in the last spasms with the saliva coming out of her mouth.

The killer leaves the lace and looks at his marked hands, he has a cramp in his right hand. While he recovers the articulation of his hands by opening and closing them, he looks at his victim, naked, semi-conscious trying to breathe, caressing that body from the breasts to the pubis ...

He lays his dying victim prone on the bed, pulls a pistol from his pocket. He looks at her, he is without a silencer, he looks around. He fixes his gaze on her who is breathing hoarsely and barely moving. She will be the silencer. He positions her and inserts the barrel of the gun into her vagina. One shot, one second and one third. She jumps once a second and a third time to end up in an intense final spasm.

Satisfied, the killer admires her work for a moment and walks away as his poor victim drips blood on her thighs.

Final overview.

Contains: Choking, Blood, Drooling
    22 minutes
Elements: Knife to vagina, Grabbing Tits, Cuting Tits, Tortures, Slow Terrible Bloody Death 
«This is personally one of my favorite videos you've done. Excellent work!
Angelina's acting is top tier, and same for the other actors. The effects were really well done as well.
The set, lighting, props, and wardrobe were all great as well!»

Customer’s Review

CAST: Angelina, Alex, Max

Juliette has fallen far behind on her mob loan, and they've come to collect.

She returns to her apartment wearing a dress and heals after a night out. She enters a room and sees a camera setup and is then grabbed from behind. She's terrified.

The debt collector explains that she's fallen too far behind on her payments, and now she's going to put on a show to make good. Viewers watching the stream are going to bid on what they do to her, and she's free to go once the $12,000 she owes is collected.

She's forced to strip out of her dress and bound with her arms raised above her head and legs spread shoulder-length apart. She's wearing nothing but her underwear and heals, standing in vulnerable and exposed in front of the camera. She stares at the camera in disbelief that her body is about to be broadcast to a bunch of strangers, and she begins to tremble.

The requests start off mild, and the only damage is to her dignity:
- $25 to remove her bra
- $50 to remove her panties
- $75 to pinch her nipples

...but then they start to turn violent

Someone offers $500 to punch her hard in the tits 5 times. She pleads with her assailant as he approaches, and braces herself as he drives his fist into her tender flesh repeatedly. The pain is immense and brings her to tears.

Then someone offers $1000 to knee her hard in the vagina. Still crying from the previous abuse, she barely has time to preparse herself for what's about to happen. With her legs spread apart, she's completely vulnerable, and the knee connects squarely to her mound. She briefly goes wide-eyed shock before letting out a gutteral moan and some pee escapes her, running down her legs.

As she moans and trembles from the abuse, the next bid comes from a wealthy viewer with extreme tastes: $20,000 to insert a large knife all the way up her vagina. The collector only has to think for a moment before he commits to the act, retrieving a large knife from her own kitchen.

She frantically pleads with him as he approaches. "At least this will clear your debt" he says coldly, as he kneels down, preparing for the act.

He places one hand on her quivering hips to stabilize her, and with the other hand he begins the insertion. The pain is unbearable as slides it in, and there's nothing she can do. It takes a surprising amount of force to drive it all the way inside, and he takes his time working it in. When he finally pulls it out, streams of blood begin dripping and flowing down her legs, splashing into pools on the floor below.

He backs away now and lets the virtual onlookers take in the sight of her bleading body for a fair amount of time, the pool of blood continues to grow underneath her.

Then another bid comes in: $100,000 to do that 20 more times. Even though her debt is more than payed, he considers the amount of money they'll take from this, and decides to go through with it.

He approaches her with the bloody knife in hand, knowing there won't be any coming back from this. He bends down once more and begins the second insertion. Each one he gains more confidence and thrusts harder bringing sounds of pure agony as the blade begins to slam into her.

Blood now flows out from her freely covering her thighs and pooling on the floor. Juliette feels her life flowing out of her.

When he finishes the 20th thrust he slowly withdraws the blood soaked knife from the quivering woman's body, and steps back again so the viewers can take it all in.

After a bit of time, one final bid comes in: $25,000 to slice up her tits, then untie her and let her bleed out on the floor. He takes the knife and makes several deep cuts across each breast, then undoes her restraints. She collapses to the floor and while moaning clutches her breast and vagina in a feeble attempt to stop the bleeding.

As the camera streams her last moments, she slowly succumbs to her wounds as she lies in a fetal position in a pool of her own blood.

The collector takes some video of various angles of her expired body to make sure his patrons get their money's worth.
COVID MASSACRE (both parts)  Best Character
    22 minutes

22 minutes!


Annabelle, Kate, Hass, Alex, Kit, Dan and episodic actors




Fetish elements:

Scene of killing in the movie – how director teaches the actress how to play death! – Great fallings!

Shooting in real life


Where is the movie and where is the real life?


Great Custom Shooting!





    7 minutes
	                    Model: Aleksandra 
The sexy female spy has a mission to steal the flash-card from PC in private area. 
The special agent has a mission to kill her. 
You will see different deaths of the spy with many headshots, chest shots, silencer shooting and bodyplaying. 
Fetish elements:
Shooting without blood, headshots, black stockings, latex dress, death stares  SURFERS NIGHTMARE
    10 minutes


«Thank you for the AWESOME clip»

Customer’s Feedback




34 years, Sexy Woman, Natural Blonde!

Fetish Elements: POV shooting, shooting, stabbing, bad dream two killing in one scene

We see the model lying asleep on a sunbed or a swimming pool couch wearing costume 1. She tosses about in your sleep, restless. Then the scene fades to Scene 2. She is coming out of the pool (this is where a shot from behind would be fantastic) wearing costume 2. After coming off the ladder she takes a few steps forward on the tiles, looks up and sees someone she recognises. He doesn't have to be in frame

"Hi honey," she says, smiling. Then she hesitates, and her expression becomes wary. The clip cuts back to scene 1, where she tosses fitfully in her sleep, then back to scene 2.

"What's the matter?"  she says, fearfully Then: "What are you doing with that gun?" Then: "No, no, no, please - Aargh!" as the first shot hits her in the belly.  staggers back. She clutches the wound. The clip cuts back to scene 1, where she clutches her belly in her sleep. Then back to scene 2 again.

She cries out or grunts twice more, as two more shots hit her, in the belly and the right breast. Again there is a cut  back to scene 1 as she clutches her belly and her breast in her sleep.

After tottering a few steps back her knees fold and she collapses, landing on her tummy. She lifts her head and tries to trag herself forward. It's another opportunity to pan over her ass. She coughs blood. Then the killer (who needn't be fully visible even now) turns her over with her foot. She looks up at him, holding her hands up, as if to ward him off, but he shoots her in the left breast. Cut back to scene 1 as she spasms in her sleep, then back to scene 2, where she coughs up a little more blood, spasms and dies. Pan of body, then the man unzips the front of the swimsuit, exposing her breasts. Another pan of the body.

We come back to scene 1. She wakes up and sits up straight, a frightened look on her face. She stands up and looks about her fearfully. Then, as in scene 2, she looks into the camera as if she is looking into the eyes of someone she recognises.

"Oh honey," she gasps. "I had a terrible dream. I was -"

Her sentence is interrupted by a sharp grunt of pain, as a knife sinks into her belly. "What the -" she cries, before being stabbed twice more. She falls back on the bed, shaking and coughing blood. Then the killer stabs her in your left breast. She spasms and dies. Again the man reaches down and unzips the swimsuit to expose her breasts. Pan of body, maybe with merging in and out of body from scene 1
    30 minutes
      ARHER19 - ARCHER 19

30 minutes!


Fetish Elements:

Boot Fetish, Arrows, Belly Button Tortures, Police Story, Bondage and hands-tied, FULL NUDE in boots, Fear Before Death, Failed Mission, Stalking, GREAT ARROWS EFFECTS, agony, death stares, bodypie

Another episode of The Archer. This time, the archer misses when shooting at the second victim, and allows her to leave. But he overtakes her another time to finish what he started. The policewoman tries to save her, but she fails...  YANA and LI SHOT DEAD COCKTAIL
    11 minutes
Starring: Li, Yana and POV-killer
20 Quick Deaths from Silencer are there in this clip
Innocent Girls in the cottage are suddenly shot in different situations
No blood effects
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    Welcome To The Crime House Studio on Kinky Clips
    Crime House Fantasy Studio (also Crime House & Crime House and Dark Rooms) is independent production company with female death fetish orientation. Crime House does very erotic stuff, but not porn. Why we advice to offer our videos? 1. SEXY VICTIM-ACTRESSES ONLY 2. REALISTIC DEATH SITUATIONS 3. GREAT ACTING 4. CSGFX EFFECTS 5. NEW MODELS EVERY WEEK 6. ALL DEATH FETISH GENRES 7. NOT PORN BUT VERY-VERY EROTIC AND HOT 8.RUSSIAN AND EAST EUROPE HOT MODELS 9. WE DO KNOW HOW TO PLAY SEXY DEATH 10. ALL MOVIES ARE MADE IN VERY HIGH QUALITY

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    Cannibals 4


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