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    14 minutes
      STABBING IN THE GARDEN - Two rich bitches are stabbed by gardenman in their cottage. Sexy, bloode, beautifull clip with throat cut and much blood.  MACHINE GUNNED IN THE SHOWER
    1 minutes
CAST: Tanya, Wes

Home invasion, Innocent Victim, Home Attack, Sudden Attack, Shot in the shower, Shooting, Shooting to the back, Shooting to the stomach, shooting to the chest, Blood, Shooting to the dead body, Death Stare, Machine Gun, Machine Gun reaction

       Tanya is just a young woman at hope who has her evening shower. What can be more safe and casual? But suddenly machinegun tra-ta-ta-ta-ta noises, hell pain in her back – WHAT? She is shot many times to her back by somebody terrible with a machine gun. She tries to do some steps to back but he executed her brutally to her chest, then shot her many times already dead and leaves her nude, wet, dead bloody body tin the bath…
    12 minutes





«Thank you, I really liked it. Great job! Both actresses are great!

All the others are also great. And the presentation is good»

From  Customer’s Review

Starring: Scarlett Fandera and Bella Lenina


Lesbian, Strangulation, Trying to save and escape, Long agony, Foot Fetish, Police Uniform is near to real!

The plot

It’s a vicious party in the night club. Mysterious woman meets young officer of police and kills her in the toilet. Why does she do it? Seems the city has new strange maniac…  HORROR SCENES OF MICHAEL
    31 minutes




1.  He’s working out shirtless in a gym on cardio equipment weights.  He sees himself in a big mirror and flexes to admire himself - and he’s looking really hot.  He’s then on a bench press, sees his masked “friend” and chats with him, asks him to add some really heavy weights to the bench press bar.  He then lifts the bar to begin to press it, but it’s really heavy, he struggles even to hold it up.  There’s a look of strain on his face and sweat drips off his face and torso.  The masked guy then pulls the weigh rack away.  The actor asks what he’s doing, it’s too heavy, put it back, for God-f*cking sake, put it back, PLEASE!  I can’t, I can’t hold it it any more.  We see masked guy pick up weight plate and holds it over the actor’s groin area and then drops it.  The actor screams as the pains causes him to lose control of the weight bar, which drops and begins to crush his throat.  We see blood flow from where weight bar has crushed his throat; gushing from his mouth and nose and dripping from his shorts where the weight plate has crushed him there and off the bench to the floor.  Actor screams why are you doing this stop, please stop.  Masked guy then pushes down on the weight bar to continue killing the actor, who screams in agony and whose body struggles greatly on the bench.  Blood flows more from his mouth, nose, and crushed throat.  Scene should not be too short, but should show a longer struggle.  As he dies, we hear the gurgling from his mouth and nose as he suffocates on his own blood. His body shakes and trembles in death agony, and then he goes limp with his eyes staring off in horror.  I can send you a clip from the inspiration scene from the movie “Happy Birthday to Me,” but I’d want it to be bloodier, longer and more full of the victim’s horror and pain, screaming and blood. The scene in Happy Birthday to me is far to short and not explicit enough, and the camera angles are not that great.  

2.  Stabbed in the shower.  This scene is inspired by the movie Psycho, but unlike Psycho, which implies the stabbing, I’d like to show the stabbing explicitly.  Before stepping into shower, actor washes his face and wets his hair in the sink.  He then flexes in front of the mirror and smiles cockily at his good looks.  He steps into the shower and we see shots of him soaping up and rinsing his body.  Masked guy steps into bathroom with big knife.  Actor sees masked guy, recognizes him and jokes about the really convincing fake knife and then asks him why doesn’t he try stabbing him with it.  Then the masked guy stabs actor repeatedly in the shower.  We see knife penetrate torso several times; actor screams, and blood flows from his wounds, mouth and nostrils.  He lifts his arms up to defend himself, but the masked man in too strong. We see the actor collapse slowly against the shower wall and on to the shower floor.  His body trembles greatly as he dies, and his eyes are open in horror.

3.  Executed with Arrows:  This is kind of inspired by various paintings of St. Sebastian martyred by being tied with his arms above his head to a tree and executed by being shot with arrows.  I can share some concept pictures.   Only here, the setting is a dark basement, and the actor is an undercover agent that has been discovered by the drug mafia and executed slowly with arrows.  Actor is tied with his arms above his head to a pole.    Masked man enters room with bow and several large, thick arrows.  Actor recognizes him and calls him coward for hiding behind a mask to kill him.   Actor is defiant, but also a bit afraid.  There’s sweat running down his face, out of his armpits and down his torso since it’s also hot in the basement.  Actor starts off defiant saying you’ll never get away with this; the agency will get the mafia in the end.  Masked man chuckles and places an arrow in his bow and aims it at actor.  Actor screams, no, no, don’t do this.  Masked man shoots arrow into actor’s thigh; actor screams and contorts his body horribly in agony.  Masked man shoots arrow into actor’s shoulder.  Actor screams in agony - please stop, please.  Masked man shoots arrow into actor’s abs.  Actor screams and contorts body even more - please, I’ll tell you anything; give you names; just stop.  Masked man shoots arrow into actor’s pecs.  Actor screams, please stop, I’m dying.  Masked man’s shoots arrows into actor’s throat.  Blood gushes from wound and flows from actor’s nostril and mouth and drip down his torso.  Actor looks in horror back at masked man.  Finally, masked man executes actor by shooting arrow into actor’s eye.  Actor’s body goes limp and his ruined body hangs pierced with arrows and dripping blood on to the floor.
    20 minutes
«You guys did it!  That was one of the hottest hanging videos your studio has ever done.  Thanks so much.  Its so great to see you guys improving in your hangings and this one definitely is the top as far as eroticism and realism goes.

thanks again for all the hard work to bring my fantasy to life»
Customer’s Review

Athletic sports wear is fine.  I'd like the girls to wear something like this

As I mentioned before, I do not want any full body shots of the girls since those are hard to make believable.  Cutting several times back and forth between footage of top body with face and kicking legs and feet the whole time during the hanging is fine for this.  Once hanged, I want many shots of their feet in their dirty socks.  More specifics on that below.

Actual Script (please provide english subtitles with the video)

Girl 1 - Tatiana (you have her listed as a new actress)
(hanging sequence 6 minutes total)

Interior industrial setting (same used for "mass female execution").
A single noose is hanging and swinging waiting.

Tatiana is brought out wearing tank top, shorts, converse shoes and white ankle socks.  A male executioner is present waiting for her.  She is stood and faced to the camera.  She looks frightened.

She is asked to take off her shoes.  She takes off her shoes off by slipping them off with her feet.  I want a close-up of her feet in her socks when this is done.  She keeps her socks on.

Back to a full shot of Tatiana

Her full name, age, and crime (smuggling drugs into the country) is read aloud.
"Tatiana, you have been sentenced to death by hanging for drug smuggling"
She tries to keep herself calm.
A hanging stool is then placed under the gallows rope.
Tatiana is then assisted onto the stool to which she nervously steps onto.
After she is on the stool, her hands are tied together IN FRONT of her with rope.
Next, the noose is placed around her neck and pulled snug.
The tightening of then noose startles and scares her.

A close up shot of tatiana's feet on the stool in her socks is shown for a few seconds.  Her toes wiggle and slightly curl over the edge of the stool.
Her hair remains down (no ponytails or tying hair back)
Back to a full shot of tatiana standing on the stool with the noose around her neck.
The executioner speaks again
"Tatiana, you will now be hanged by your neck, do you have any last words?"
Tatians pauses briefly and looks around
"No.  Just get it over with" she says with a brief moment of bravery

(^ This entire top section should take no longer than about 2 minutes max.)

Next, a shot of tatiana's lower body on the stool show the stool being swiftly kicked out from under her.  (Frame this first shot just like you did during the hangings in "female mass execution".)
Tatiana immediately begins kicking frantically and making strangling noises.  She spins around on the rope showing both the fronts and bottoms of her feet as she kicks wildly (I want to really believe that she is panicking as she has just been hanged).
She continues to kick and make strangling sounds.  Hold the shot on her bottom half and feet for AT LEAST 15 seconds.  No shorter

Cut to tatiana's top half of her body for the first time.  Her eyes are wide and shocked with fear and panic.  Her mouth opens and closes repeatedly like a fish out of water.  She makes desperate strangling sounds (reference attached mp3 and other notes).  Her hands are tied together, but she can raise them up to her throat which she does.  She drags her fingers against the TIGHT rope around her neck and claws at her neck.  She keeps desparately moving her hands around trying to get a good grip on the rope around her neck but its too tight.  Her eyes get wider and wider.  She is terrified.  She opens her mouth wider each time trying to breathe (no breathing noises).  Her wild hair gets in her face and lays across her gasping open mouth.  This shot should last about 30 seconds.

Cut to a close up shot of tatiana's feet FROM HER BACK looking forward (show the BOTTOMS of her feet in her socks up close from about her calves or knees down - like in one of the screenshots attached).  Show her kicking feet slowly go from from dancing to a shaking or quivering, to eventually swinging slowly back and forth almost still, and then start back up again.  I'd like alot of still shots of her feet throughout this, especially the bottoms.  Show her try as hard as she can to stretch her legs out and reach for the ground (but she can't).  She continues to make strangling noises during this shot.  Her toes should flex and move around in her socks.  It should be obvious from watching only her feet that she is hanging and strangling.  This whole sequence should last a full 60 seconds.  Do not cut from this shot until at least 60 seconds have past.

Fill the next full minute cutting back and forth several times from upper body with face to her legs and feet as you creatively see fit (no full body shots).  I'd like many cuts in here so I can see both.  60 seconds.

Cut back to a close up of tatiana's face.  It is now slowly turning red.  The rope has closed off her airway.  She is now completely silent (no more hanging noises) but still very much awake.  Her mouth is stuck open, her eyes are wide.  She blinks her wide eyes several times as she looks around for relief (but none comes).  Her whole body shakes on and off and then goes still.  Her eyes stare ahead (no cross-eyes please).   30 seconds.

Save the last 15 seconds showing her feet SPINNING around on the rope as her toes remain pointed at the ground.  Fade out from this shot.

Girl 2 - Mira Green
(hanging sequence 6-8 minutes total)

Interior industrial setting (same used for "mass female execution").
A single noose is hanging and swinging waiting.

Mira is brought out wearing a cute sporty top, holey jeans, sneakers and white ankle socks.  A male executioner is present waiting for her.  She is stood and faced to the camera.  She is shaking.

She is asked to take off her shoes.  She asks why?  It is explained to her that she'll kick them off anyway when she hangs so she might as well take them off now.  She reacts with increased fear and panic.  She nervously slips off her shoes and kicks them over to the side  I want a close-up of her feet in her socks when this is done.  She keeps her socks on.

Back to a full shot of Mira

Her full name, age, and crime (drunk driving) is read aloud.
"Mira Green, you have been sentenced to death by hanging for drunk driving"
She tries to keep herself calm.
A hanging stool is then placed under the gallows rope.
Mira is then assisted onto the stool to which she nervously steps onto.
After she is on the stool, her hands are tied together BEHIND HER BACK with rope.
Next, the noose is placed around her neck and pulled snug.  She looks very uncomfortable with the rope around her neck.
"Does it have to be so tight?" she asks the executioner
"it's about to get much tighter in a minute, girl" he responds.
she say "Oh god".

A close up shot of Mira's feet on the stool in her socks is shown for a few seconds.  She nervously shifts her weight from one foot to the other.
Her hair remains down (no ponytails or tying hair back)
Back to a full shot of Mira standing on the stool with the noose around her neck.
The executioner speaks again
"Mira Green, you will now be hanged by your neck, do you have any last words?"
"I'm sorry I drove while drinking, I accept the punishment for my crime.  You can go ahead now" she says emotionally
The executioner responds "that's very brave of you Mira"

(^ This entire top section should take no longer than about 2 minutes and 30 seconds max.)

Next, a shot of Mira's lower body on the stool show the stool being swiftly kicked out from under her.  (Frame this first shot just like you did during the hangings in "female mass execution".)
Mira immediately begins kicking running and dancing on air.  She desperately searches with her feet for the stool but it is gone.    She begins to peddle and flutter her feet about as she kicks.  She makes desparate short "ah" strangling noises as her airway is almost cut off (barely any noises can get through).  Hold the shot on her bottom half and feet for AT LEAST 15 seconds.  No shorter

Cut to mira's top half of her body for the first time.  Her eyes are wide and shocked with fear and panic.  Her mouth opens and closes repeatedly like a fish out of water.  She tries to reach her hands behind her back to get free but the rope holds.  She swings back and forth opening and closing her mouth.  With each attempt to breathe she shuts her eyes and winces them tight.  The hanging is almost unbearable for her.  Eventually she sticks her tongue out and tilts her head back and makes a loud "accck" (listen to mp3).   Her eyes looks terrified.    This shot should last around 30 seconds.

Cut to a close up shot of mira's feet FROM HER BACK looking forward (show the BOTTOMS of her feet in her socks up close from about her calves or knees down - like in one of the screenshots attached).  Show her begin to panic as she hangs for longer and longer, flipping her feet and frantically kicking them all over the place before holding them still stretched places for moments at a time.  Show her feet spin around occasionally to demonstrate that she is actually twisting on the rope.  Show her try as hard as she can to stretch her legs out and reach for the ground (but she can't).   Her toes should flex and move around in her socks.  It should be obvious from watching only her feet that she is hanging and strangling.  This whole sequence should last a full 60 seconds.  Do not cut from this shot until at least 60 seconds have past.

Fill the next full minute cutting back and forth several times from upper body with face to her legs and feet as you creatively see fit (no full body shots).  I'd like many cuts in here so I can see both.  This is where mira can be creative as well.  60 seconds.

Cut back to a close up of mira's face.  The rope has now closed off her airway.  She is now completely silent (no more hanging noises) but still very much awake.  Her mouth is open in an "o" shape, her eyes are still wincing shut and blinking.  Her body begins to quiver and convulse.  Her eyes stare ahead (no cross-eyes please).   30 seconds.

Save the last 15 seconds showing her feet swaying back and forth on the rope as her toes remain pointed at the ground.  Fade out from this shot.


(hanging sequence 6 minutes total)

Interior industrial setting (same used for "mass female execution").
A single noose is hanging and swinging waiting.

Scarlett is brought out wearing a sexy dress, chucks or sneakers and white or bright pink ankle socks.  A male executioner is present waiting for her.  She is stood and faced to the camera.  She is frightened like the others were.

She is asked to take off her shoes.  She quickly slips off her shoes and kicks them over to the side  I want a close-up of her feet in her socks when this is done.  She keeps her socks on.

Back to a full shot of Scarlett

Her full name, age, and crime (drunk driving) is read aloud.
"Scarlett Fandera, you have been sentenced to death by hanging for drug smuggling"
She protests her innocence
Ignoring her, A hanging stool is then placed under the gallows rope by the hangman.
Mira is assisted onto the stool by being picked up and placed onto it.
After she is on the stool, her hands are tied together BEHIND HER BACK with rope.
Next, the noose is placed around her neck and pulled snug.

A close up shot of Scarlett's feet on the stool in her socks is shown for a few seconds.  She nervously shifts her weight from one foot to the other.
Her hair remains down (no ponytails or tying hair back)
Back to a full shot of Scarlett standing on the stool with the noose around her neck.
She looks sick to her stomach with fear.
The executioner speaks again
"Scarlett Fandera, you will now be hanged by your neck, do you have any last words?"
She continues to deny her guilt and insist that she is innocent!  (very short speech)
The executioner cuts her off from talking "thats enough, Scarlett"

(This entire top section should take no longer than about 2 minutes max.)

Next, a shot of Scarlett's lower body on the stool show the stool being swiftly kicked out from under her WHILE she is still talking and insisting her innocence.  (Frame this first shot just like you did during the hangings in "female mass execution".)
Her voice is immediately cut off by a strangling noise (listen to mp3 attached).
Shocked, Scarlett points her feet straight down and scissor kicks her legs around.  Her toes are pointed straight at the ground.  Her strangling noises begin to get more intense.  Eventually her ankles point inward and her feet start pressing on top of each other.   This shot of her bottom half should last AT LEAST 15 seconds.  No shorter

Cut to Scarlett's top half of her body for the first time.  Her eyes are wide and shocked with fear and panic.  Her mouth opens and closes repeatedly like a fish out of water.  She tries to reach her hands behind her back and breaks free of her restraints freeing her hands.  Immediately she drags her fingers across the rope around her neck while sticking her tongue out and making strangling noises.  She flexes out her fingers and cradles (holds) her throat desparate to breathe.   She keeps tapping at her neck and opening her mouth wider and wider trying to get air as she hangs.    This shot should last around 30 seconds.

Cut to a close up shot of Scarlett's feet FROM HER BACK looking forward (show the BOTTOMS of her feet in her socks up close from about her calves or knees down - like in one of the screenshots attached).  Show her toes stretch and flay out in her socks.   Show her feet spin around occasionally to demonstrate that she is actually twisting on the rope.  Show her try as hard as she can to stretch her legs out and reach for the ground (but she can't).   She should appear to be "dancing on the air".   It should be obvious from watching only her feet that she is hanging and strangling.  This whole sequence should last a full 60 seconds.  Do not cut from this shot until at least 60 seconds have past.

Fill the next full minute cutting back and forth several times from upper body with face to her legs and feet as you creatively see fit (no full body shots).  I'd like many cuts in here so I can see both.  This is where scarlett can be creative as well (just no cross eyed looks or heavy breathing sounds).  60 seconds.

Cut back to a close up of scarlett's face.  The rope has now closed off her airway.  She is now completely silent (no more hanging noises) but still very much awake.  She looks down at her feet from the rope just hoping for it to end.  She slowly opens and closes her mouth (silently) and tries to breathe.  Her body sways still.  Her eyes stare ahead (no cross-eyes please).   30 seconds.

Save the last 15 seconds showing her feet swaying back and forth on the rope as her toes remain pointed at the ground.  Fade out from this shot.

    20 minutes
      BEWARE THE CAMERAMAN - Beware the Cameraman
«Hello and thank you! You did a wonderful job! One of your best.»
From customer’s Review

Starring: Li, Gloria, Angelina, Mary

Fetish Elements:
Vore, Magic, Strangulation, Choking, Masturbation, Bodypile, Pantyhose, Office Outfits

Part A

Li is working as a secretary at a talent agency. Each of the others girls walk in one at a time and are seated once they talk to her. They are told they will do a dance audition. The cameraman asks Li if she would like to audition too and she says yes. They are told they will be subtracted one by one to focus on each on each girl better. The girls ask what does that mean? They are told they will be OK. They look timid but agree.

The girls line up and start dancing( get some feet and leg close ups). At one point they each turn around and lift their skirt shaking their butt for the camera. ( For each girl make sure to get a long shot of their feet coming out of shoes when they are taken). Mary is taken first by a hook. The girls look then keep dancing. Next another hook takes Li. The next girl is Virgina as she floats away. The girls look up and keep dancing.  Angelina begins to dance off stage waving good bye and blowing kisses when a hook comes out and grabs her from the opposite direction.

Part B 

The girls walk back into the room caring their shoes. Li sits down at the desk and tells the girls they can get ready for the interview and put their shoes back on while they talk about the dance skit( get close ups of each girl’s feet putting on her shoes).  Li tells Gloria she will go first. Gloria walks into the room ( use the table with the rug over it for vore scene like the last movie). She walks in and says “hello- anyone here?” She hears something by the table. She looks underneath and then looks at the camera. She smiles and says “Good you are here. Its ok -it’s  just a big green monster.” Then realizing what she sees she then changes expression and starts screaming “oh no! A big green monster!!” as she gets pulled under. She screams and loses shoes as she is swallowed head first. Mary and Angelina hear in the other room and ask Li what was that? She says nothing to worry about. She then tells Mary she can go interview now. Mary walks in apprehensive. She sees the table and goes to sit down on it. She looks at the camera and says “hello- are we ready to start?” The camera man tells her she dropped something she gets on the floor and looks under the table. She asks “what is this?” With a smile and then is grabbed and swallowed head first while she screams and loses shoes as she is pulled in. Li then tells Angelina it’s her turn. Angelina walks in. She looks at the camera and tells the camera why she should get the job. She hears something under the table and goes to look. She looks under and then at the camera and asks “is that what I think it is?” She is told yes, and then is grabbed and slowly pulled under while she screams and asks for help, losing her shoes a she is swallowed. Li then comes in and ask the camera “are they gone?”  She is told yes and asked if she will pick up theirs shoes. She smiles and says yes.  As she does she picks up a shoe by the table and is grabbed. She asks the camera for help and then screams as she is pulled under losing her shoes.

Part C

The girls are all back together and told their vore shoot is over. They are happy and begin talking and putting shoes back on. They are asked to spend the night and they agree. Li gets up to leave and go into a room. She lays down and takes off her shoes and skirt . She then begins to give herself an orgasam through her pantyhose. When she finished she looks at the camera and says “ I didn’t see you there! You should have joined me!” She smiles and motions to the camera but then (gloved hands or rope) she is strangled from behind until she is dead. Her body is dragged off camera with her feet the last we see. Gloria says she is going to find Li. She walks into the room. She sees her shoes in the floor. “Li? Where are you? Will you answer me?” There is a close up of her legs as she trips over Li’s body. Some hands help her up from behind. She smiles and says “thank you. I almost broke my leg.”  She turns and see what helped her up and starts screaming and she is choked to death. Close up of her feet as she gives her last breath. She is then dragged off camera. Mary and Angelina are talking about where the others went. They agree to split up and find them. Angelina walks into a room looking around. She looks at the camera “there you are.” She smiles. She asks “do the other girls know what is happening to them yet? Have you killed them all yet?” She tells the camera “ I just want it to be me and you.” She starts to act seductive and takes off her skirt and shoes.  She begins to smile and rub her body seducing the camera. She loses her smile when someone starts to choke her from behind. She is strangled with a close up of feet as she runs out of air.  She is  then is dragged away with her feet the last thing we see. Mary comes back into the main room looking for everyone and sees all the other girls bodies positioned on the couch. She goes to them and tries to wake them up. She looks at the camera. She asks “ what happened to them?” The camera man tells her they are dead and she is next. She screams as she is grabbed from behind and strangled to the floor. The last shot is all four girl dead on the couch with just their bras and pantyhose on. (some close ups of legs and feet)


     True Art
    21 minutes
      True Art - TRUE ART

Starring: Juliana, Pola, Nata, Annabelle, Kit, Anatoliy
4 nude ************* scenes
Many views of each dead body in different angles 
Carrying dead nude bodies to the bodypile of 4 dead models
Many Bodypile views
Standing ****** dead bodies like dummies 
Different freeze dummoes poses with wonderful death stares
Dummies fall to bodypile again!

Anatolio is a famous portrait artist. His student and journeyman is also his fan. They invite models for painting them. Anatolio isn’t fast artist. After 7 hours painting their first model got angry they are too slow.  Journeyman got too angry: nobody can tell his master «Come on!». He attacks poor **** and ********* her to death. Anatolio was very happy: «It’s great way to let me work as long as I need!» says Maestro.
Next three models that night were killed this way. Artists invited them to pose for their canvas and the student ********* them.
After all 4 models were killed artists carried them to great erotic bodypile, absolutely nude. Poor ***** indeed! One of them was just single mum who worked as model to earn some money for her child. Another one was a student if Art University and just wanted to be involved in artist mob… Now they are nude dead limp body with dummy stupid frightened death stares.
When some time past and bodies became solid, artists  went further in their sophisticated plans. They stood ****** bodies like mannequins and constructed horror composition.   They played with dead limp bodies as the could.
Some time after bodies fall to the floor…
Terrific, franc, erotic, Necro horror movie with many fetish elements:
*******, Dead play, limp play, *************, freeze, bodipile, carrying bodies
First day the price is 20$. Pasic Price is 25$.  TRAGIC MASSAGE
    24 minutes


«I receive my custom video and i really love it. I would like to thank and compliment for the following.

1. The length of movie: As my script is very simple, i was just expecting length of time is around 15 minutes. Actually i got 23 minutes. That’s bonus for me.

2. Creative ideas: thank you so much for adding some creative ideas which make the video more attractive and not changing the main script.

3. I receive  the custom video in time as per conversation.

I am so satisfied with your studio ( darkroom) !!!!!»




Starring: Sonya Krueger, Achilles, Li

Elements: Accident, Health Trouble, Medicine, Death, Poison


The woman come to massage center cos she was suffered gastric problem ( burping). She explain the massage guy about her burping problem.( with some burp while she is explaining)The massage guy was very good at massage to make the woman to burp out.

She lay down on her belly on the massage bed. He starts his massage on the woman’s back. As he is very good at it, whenever he press on the woman’s back she burp out loud.

( massage, some conversation and burping, burping with some hiccups).

Meanwhile massage guy’s phone is ringing and he request the woman(client) to give him a moment to answer his phone and walk out from the room.

The woman drink some soda and lay down on her belly again and waiting for massage guy. And reading a book. Then she start burping again. This time, the burps are gradually unusual, constantly and extremely because of that soda she just drunk. Burping, burping with some hiccups and the last big burp took her life and left her body with open eyes and mouth.

Massage guy come back and he doesn’t realize what was happening.

So he was talking to the woman and continue his massage on that woman who is already dead. As there is no responses from the woman, he finally find out that she was dead already. He gets shocked and doesn’t know what to do at first. Then he is enjoying looking her sexy dead body.
    25 minutes
Starring : Mira Green

«What a nice surprise!  I wasn't expecting this so fast!  And not only is this perfect, it is much better than my vision!!!

Thank you very much for the excellent custom!  And thank you to Mira very much!  She performed wonderfully and is always very beautiful! 

 She must've been tired after all that work, I hope you took her out for a nice dinner!

Please let me know when you plan to film in a house/cottage with a stairway/banister for Mira to lean over.  I wish to order another custom with her then.  I've saved money to purchase after I retire next month.

Thank you very much again!  Especially for being so fast!»

Here are all the scenes in priority order. Film as many as possible until my time is up. All scenes are hair down, eyes closed, falling face up playing dead after machine gun shaking. For reference, my favorite scene of Mira is Chapter 1 of Cowgirls Shootout 2. I like the way she rolls over the arm of the couch and ends up playing dead. And how she acts fearless and confident. Is it possible to film from multiple views like this? I also like Chapter 8 where she is shot and falls on the bed exactly the way I prefer. Great position, face up, eyes closed, legs apart. In Mira Green Shot Dead Cocktail, I enjoyed all the scenes with her hair down and playing dead face up. Although, I did not like her acting fearful and begging. Or the beads in the closet and hiding behind columns. And please, do not shake the camera on machine gun scenes. I want to continuously see Mira in detail. I don’t want to stabilize the video myself. The story is she is a test drone sneaking around an apartment to demonstrate the precision machine gun security system is working properly. The drone is to be eliminated without damage to the surrounding area. The point of view is from the security camera system and the machine gun is not in view or seen. Mira is confident and shakes like being shot by a machine gun. No blood or effects. Start Video with Mira wearing bikini top and bottom. (socks are ok all the time to keep her feet warm) 1 – She is machine gunned in front of bed and falls straight back on bed, pan body. 2 – She is machine gunned on other side of bed, then turns/spins and falls straight back on bed, pan body. 3 – She is machine gunned and rolls over the arm of the couch, losing her top during the roll, ending up topless laying on couch, pan body. (Chapter 1 of Cowgirls Shootout 2 scene. If she doesn’t tie her top and is held only by friction, I hope it comes off naturally during the roll. If not, when you film the panning of her body, place the top on her body exposing her breast as if it had come loose.) Mira is topless in rest of scenes. 4 – She is machine gunned, falls back on couch face up, pan body. 5 – She is machine gunned, falls back on couch, then rolls off couch and end face up on floor, pan body. 6 – She is standing near chair, gets machine gunned while staggering to chair, falls in chair, pan body. 7 – She is machine gunned in front of bed and falls straight back on bed topless, pan body. 8 – She is machine gunned on other side of bed, then turns/spins and falls straight back on bed topless, pan body. 9 – She is machine gunned and falls to the floor face up. Then she is continuously machined gunned and rolls 2 or 3 times across the floor (like the bullets are pushing or rolling her), ending face up playing dead, pan body. (I don’t know how much open floor space is in the apartment. If the apartment is not big enough, or this is uncomfortable for Mira, please ignore) 10 – She is machine gunned in front of bed and falls straight back on bed topless, tries to get up and is machine gunned again, pan body. 11 – She is machine gunned on other side of bed, then turns/spins and falls straight back on bed topless, tries to get up and is machine gunned again, pan body. 12 – She is machine gunned and rolls over the arm of the couch topless, pan body. 13 – She is machine gunned and rolls over the arm of the couch topless, tries to get up and is machine gunned again, pan body. 14 – She is machine gunned, falls back on couch face up, tries to get up and is machine gunned again, pan body. 15 – She is machine gunned, falls back on couch, then rolls off couch and end face up on floor, tries to get up and is machine gunned again, pan body. 16 – She is standing near chair, gets machine gunned while staggering to chair, falls in chair, is machine gunned again, pan body  CHOKING MIX 6
    20 minutes
«Thanks for the video. All around it was great. Some of those strangles were very good, especially the second one in the kitchen. Great acting all around as well.»
From Customer’s Review

Fetish Elements: 
Choking, Strangulation, Strangling, Asphyxia, Asphyxiation, Attacks, Garroting, Manual Strangulation, Innocent Victims, Sudden Attacks, Home Invasion, Female Killer, Girl Kills Girl. Killer girl in gloves 


The 20 minutes long movie with 10 independent scenes of girls being attacked by dangerous hitwoman. Every scene she chokes them in interesting way. 
Every scene a victim wears different sexy  clothes!

    12 minutes

Starring: Nadya, Tora and Kit 
Bloody Stabbing Horror
46 stabs to the first girl (shower and bath scene)
30 stabs to the office girl:
She was forced to seat to the knife
Long stab to her pussy!
Agony, legs jerking, great pantyhose views!
Aggressive touching her bloody breasts and ass
Bloody bodypile

Bad rich girl was drunk when she did a car accident with death of innocent man. Her lawyer helped her with police problems and won a case. But the victim’s brother treated her in her Facebook and promised to kill her. She was frightened and asked her lawyer to find safe house where she can hide.
The lawyer (young sexy woman with connections with government and mafia) tells that nothing can hurt her. She advises to relax. The girl goes to the shower. But the man was already at lawyer’s place. He rushes to the bathroom and starts stabbing rich girl many times. 46 stabbed to her breasts, neck, stomach!
He leaves dead wet bloody body in the bathroom and goes to the room for the lawyer. When the woman sees him she is not that brave bitch any more – she is crying that she’s just an employee of law-company and begs him to let her go.
She forces her to seat. When she is sitting he  moves up the knife under her ass. She seats just to the knife! Her pussy was crashed! She is jerking in the horrible agony, jerking her llong sexy legs in black pantyhose. She’s crying, her eyes are wide opened, she is stabbed to the pussy. He puts off the knife and stabs her to her breasts about 30 times!
He plays with her dead body very rude and hard and then he puts her near to her dead client.  PHOTOSESSION WITH CANNIBALS 2
    42 minutes
Starring: Bella Lenina, Mira Green, Li
«This cannibal movie really surpasses everything. Thanks for the great realization. You simply know your craft.
You are so professional. I'm blown away by what you've translated from the script into running images.
It's just brilliant. It's an honor to work with you. I look forward to more films with you.
The models are fantastic. Many greetings to Li, Mira and Bella Lenina.
I will be designing a new script in the foreseeable future. You have inspired me further with the great execution»

Fetish Elements: 
Knocking Out, Stripping, Gagging, Execution, Begging For Life, From Brave Girl to victim, Stripping, Pantyhose, Roasting, Eating, Cannibals, Gutting, Eating Heart


A girl wants to revenge for her best friend’s death (from the first part PHOTOSESSION WITH CANNIBALS) and visits the sisters of cannibals girls from the first part. But she looses the fight and was eaten too!

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    Welcome To The Crime House Studio on Kinky Clips
    Crime House Fantasy Studio (also Crime House & Crime House and Dark Rooms) is independent production company with female death fetish orientation. Crime House does very erotic stuff, but not porn. Why we advice to offer our videos? 1. SEXY VICTIM-ACTRESSES ONLY 2. REALISTIC DEATH SITUATIONS 3. GREAT ACTING 4. CSGFX EFFECTS 5. NEW MODELS EVERY WEEK 6. ALL DEATH FETISH GENRES 7. NOT PORN BUT VERY-VERY EROTIC AND HOT 8.RUSSIAN AND EAST EUROPE HOT MODELS 9. WE DO KNOW HOW TO PLAY SEXY DEATH 10. ALL MOVIES ARE MADE IN VERY HIGH QUALITY

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