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    16 minutes
      CANNIBALS FEAST - Another greatmovie about cannibals girls and victims!  
    12 minutes
Ninja Cosplay (First Time In Our Production!), Fighting, Catfight, Choking, Neck Snaps, Arm Breaks, Knocked Out, Stripping For Lingere, Begging For Life, Garrote Strangulation, Deadly Postmortem Neck Snap, Tongue, Death Stare, Girl Kills Girl 

Agent Fox is a ruthless secret agent that loves to take her time disposing of her kills so after a nice long bout with a poor, young, agent across town, she heads back to the hideout to post up and relax. She calls HQ and talks to the boss, finding out where to drop the disk she confiscated from her last mark. As she takes not of the time and place, she hears some boots trying to sneak up on her. She is calm and cool and doesn't even stop her conversation, in fact she extends it, to the point of pissing off Judi who is standing pointing her 9mm at her face (or some other type of weapon, as gun wont fit well for a ninja). "Agent Fox, put down the phone" Agent Fox lowly lowers her phone, hitting a few keystrokes before setting it down on the counter. Judi is annoyed but is caught off guard when the phone rings and she looks at it for a split second, letting Agent Fox take the gun (or weapon) and toss it to the floor in one move.

Judi is perturbed and runs at Fox with her fists up ready to brawl, but Agent fox lets her get close then gives her an open palm to the nose. This stuns her and she grabs Judi after she swings and misses, kneeing her in the gut three times to get her hurting a bit, then she head butts Judi knocking her on her back.

Judi is stunned and on the ground grabbing her head. Fox unmask her, and heads to grab the para cord on the counter but decides she is feeling playful today and wants to show the opposition she can't be messed with at all. She picks Judi up by her hair to her knees, but Judi surprises her with a gut punch and a big "It ain't over bitch!", leaving Fox stunned momentarily, enough for Judi to come at her and grab her two handed by the throat to choke her out.

Fox returns the favor and the two are locked in a strangle me I will strangle you bitch kind position, standing up and throttling each other hard. Judi tries to break free but when she does Fox takes advantage of the situation and Starts to throttle Judi hard, so hard she let's go and is being choked out. Fox takes her to the sofa, standing over her and her skirt hiked up as she chokes out Judi.

After a long hard strangle Judi weakens and her arms and head go limp. Fox relaxes a bit thinking she has this one in the bag, but Judi has a knife hidden and was bluffing, she stabs Fox in the gut with the tip of the knife making her jump and back away stunned. She looks up at Judi who is regaining her strength and breath, holding the knife ready to stab her. She pokes the knife at her slashing at Fox but Agent Fox is too much of a pro and after a couple misses she timesd and targets her arm, in one motion she disarms the knife and breaks Judi's right arm and wrist.

Judi screams out in pain, she stumbles around in shock and pain. Agent Fox is not messing around anymore and goes behind Judi with a choke hold. She chokes her out hard taking out all of her aggression on Judi. After she chokes her out for a while, Judi weakens and goes down, limp and almost unconscious, Fox puts the squeeze on her some more to make sure and she is out. Agent Fox heads to the phone, straightening her skirt, and calling her boss to say she is running a bit late but not to worry she' about to dispose of the body.

She comes back to the unconscious sexy Judi, take out her ninja outfit (leaving only the ninja gloves and ninja "socks"), and sits on her knees by her head. She caresses and kisses her face, telling her that unfortunately for her, she likes to take her time disposing of her victims. She is about to have some real fun. She gets behind Judi and puts her arms locked under her breasts around her body. She lifts her up, dead weight from being out cold, but she quickly awakens screaming when Fox crushes a couple of her ribs with a jolt, she repeats, breaking most of her ribs, one or a couple at a time(ABSOLUTELY BRUTAL), then repeating and ending with a knee to the back breaking her ribs in the back, and her back in a couple places.

She still has use of her legs, but her right arm is broken and she is screaming in pain begging and crying not to die. Tears roll down her face as she is in great agony from the pain. She begs Fox not to kill her but Fox is a cold blooded agent that has no problem making them suffer before they die. Fox stands up after she drops Judi to the floor and grabs the para cord. She fashions it around her hands to make sure she has a nice grip. She gets in position as the moaning Judi is on the floor, twitching a bit and trying to plead, but to no avail. She gets the cord around her neck and starts to pull Judi immediately forgets that her ribs are broken in her fight for life, the tears and make up smears do not matter anymore it is life or death. She kicks her legs, bucks and tries with the one good arm to claw at the cord but she can't do much with a pro who has leverage and hundreds of kills under her belt, or skirt... Agent fox takes her time and kills her good, Judi's eyes bug out and her tongue lols to the side, her smeared eyeliner show the scars of battle.

She finishes her off and lets her down to the floor. She sits her upright, dead, but always makes sure, plus she loves the sound of bones snapping, especially vertebrae. She rolls her head to and fro the snap, twisting Judi's body one eighty degrees and face down on the floor. She admires her kill and stands up dragging the fresh hot corpse to the corner of the sofa sections so she can keep an eye on her, even though she is dead, while she gets ready to leave.

    12 minutes
«Looks awesome and wounds are very realistic. Good job mate 


Fetish Elements: 
Shooting two the belly (Twice), Very long agony. Belly, Stomach 


Man will knock the door and girl will open the door girl think that he has come to speak about not breaking their relationship but he start to argue and shot her from the position 1 in her belly (image that i sent have bullet impact positions) at first she can not believe that he shot her than she will make AHH sounds (AHH it hurts)than start to agony in pain about 2 mins than she will sitdown at sofa/chair then she will get shot from position 2 after shot she will agony in pain for 1-2 minutes after she will start to breath deeply and die slowly.  DESTRUCTION OF MIRA GREEN
    13 minutes

«I’ll start with the very best . Mira was awesome . She looked great before , during and after her demise . After seeing the Policewoman video , I thought she’d be great in this role and I wasn’t disappointed . Everything about her acting was perfect from her body movements and reactions to her facial expressions to her cries of “nyet , nyet” . She took the role seriously and put all the energy , emotion and realism I was hoping for into the scene . Thank You Mira for doing such a great job»
From Customer’s Review 

Mira lives in house in a secluded location in the woods , miles away from any neighbors . As the scene opens she could be doing any number of things that you choose . She could be cooking , reading , watching tv , whatever you like .  She hears a knocking sound that distracts her , then a few seconds later the sound of a window breaking . Being alone and not having a gun in the house , she grabs a small knife from the kitchen and goes to investigate . She has an extremely spooked look on her face . She looks around nervously for a minute calling out “I’ve got a gun” and a few seconds later “my husband’s a cop , he’ll be home soon” . She hears a movement in another room and calls out “who’s there” . She enters the room but sees no one . She continues walking forward with the camera looking straight at her as we see Max emerge from behind her . Mira doesn’t see him as Max gets closer . She is carrying the knife in her right hand and Max swings his arm and knocks the knife to the floor . She turns around in terror and faces Max ( the camera now faces Mira after she turns around ) and before she knows what happened Max belts her in the face knocking her backwards and then he picks up the knife  . There is some blood coming from her mouth where Max punched her . She backpedals and screams in terror as Max comes at her with the knife in his hand . She looks for a way out but there is nowhere to go . She extends her right arm to try to stop Max’s advance , but with his left hand , grabs her just above the elbow . With the knife in his right hand Max stabs her in the belly . Mira reacts with a jump and a scream . Max continues to stab her relentlessly , both to the belly and the chest . He doesn’t stab her too quickly though . About 4-6 seconds between each thrust into her body would be fine . ( Remember I said I enjoyed her reactions in the Policewoman video . Look at the pictures I’ve attached titled Police 1-5 . I’d like to see reactions and facial expressions similar to these with lots of body movement , her hair flying and her grunting and screaming as the knife is entering her . I particularly like the way her hair nicely frames her face in pictures 1 and 2 . The whole time Mira is being stabbed , the camera should be facing her . No side or back views . I want to see the reactions on her pretty face ) After the first ten or so thrusts of the knife, Max pauses for a few seconds to enjoy the view of Mira in agony. She’s bleeding from her wounds and terrified . Then he continues to stab her from the front another 10 or 15 times , both to the belly and the chest . She should begin to get bloody after the first few thrusts of the knife and by the time he is done stabbing her from the front , there should be quite a bit of blood on her , with some on her face and hair as well . But Max is not done with her yet . Not by a long shot .

Mira is dripping with blood and weak but still standing . Max decides to walk behind her and continue his assault from behind . ( See pictures Police 5-8 ) While continuing to hold her by the arm with his free hand , Max stabs her many times in the back . Again , I’m not interested in seeing the knife go in . The camera should be focused on Mira from the front the entire time . You can see Max raising his arm and bringing the knife forward . Each time the knife enters her back , just as before , Mira lets out a yell and her body and head react violently . After about 5 stabs in the back , Mira starts coughing up blood from her lungs being punctured . This spitting up of blood continues as Max stabs her in the back about 10 more times , once about every 5 seconds . Finally , Mira is so weak , Max cannot hold her up any more . She falls to her knees . Mira is mortally wounded but still strong enough to try to crawl away . Max is really enjoying himself and he doesn’t want the fun to end just yet . He pulls out his trusty needle and gives Mira a shot of adrenaline in her shoulder . In a few seconds , Mira is a little stronger . Just strong enough to suffer some more before she dies :) She tries to crawl away but Max knocks her down to her belly .

Mira is down on her belly , weak but feeling a little stronger from the adrenaline . Max kneels down behind her . The camera shows Mira from the front . ( See pictures Chaos
1-9 ) Here , Max goes ape shit on her and again begins stabbing her in the back . Over and over and over again . Again , I don’t need to see the knife going into Mira . Max raising it up and dropping it into her back will be fine . We don’t need to see her back at all . The camera should be on her face as in the pictures from Chaos . This is why I wanted you to use a knife with a retractable blade . Because Max is leaning on Mira , the only part of her body she can move is her head . She screams out in agony with each thrust of the knife . She throws her head back and forward and side to side , hair falling in her face . The blood is pouring out of her mouth now . There is also so much blood on her back from the repeated thrusts of the knife , that its running over her shoulders and down her chest .The only thing that’s keeping her alert is the adrenaline shot .  Sometimes , as the knife enters her back , the blood squirts up into the air and lands on her head . There is blood all over her face and in her hair . This whole assault on her back while she is lying on her belly lasts about a minute and a half . Finally , after about 90 seconds , Mira weakens and Max realizes she’s had enough . 

He rolls her over onto her back to get a good look at her face . Mira is barely alive and covered in blood . He decides to finish her off by stabbing her in the heart several times . See the picture of Luiza from the Stabbing in the Rain video . As he stabs her these final few times , Mira’s body doesn’t react as before but her eyes are open staring hopelessly at Max . She lifts her head up a bit or moves it side to side but that’s about it . After he stabs her in the chest about ten times , he realizes she’s finished . The camera scans her bloody , destroyed body as the credits roll .

    14 minutes
Starring: Ksusha Zaichik (Boss), Sonya Krueger (Doctor), Annabelle (Bodyguard), Maxim Sergeev (Mercenary with Robohand)

«Really well done. Great production, and the actors did a great job, all of them.
You have used your props well, adding in small details like the poison flasks that the doctor is working on etc.
The room also looks great, it really fits with the first movie. Great camera work.

It\'s a 5 out of 5 from me :) Great job everyone»
Customer’s Feedback and Review
This franchise has a history! Custom «Moscow 2037» was produced with one customer and this part was produced by another customer who liked this story and continued the development of the characters.
The Robohand in this part is another. Last Robohand was rent in cuberpank community museum, this arm was constructed already for us personality by our prop department and it’s our property from now on. This character is available for new custom stories.
Ksusha Zaichik is exclusive special guest for this character.

It’s the story it happened before and tells about Bodyguard with Robohand.
This guy went to mafia’s lair searching for the job. He was just in the past, a mercenary, a victim of an apocalyptic war, and now an invalid without work. But the crime family boss already had a bodyguard - a beautiful, strong girl, and she didn\'t need another guard. And here is how the healthy man approached the goods for the export of organs! An insidious female gang put him to sleep with a syringe, and prepared for the operation, but the mercenary was so strong that he managed to free his hands and attack the doctor with a syringe with sleeping pills in the buttock. While she passed out in a spicy pose, the mercenary entered into battle with the bodyguard, and as a result of a fierce struggle, strangled her to death. Now that he was in complete control of the situation and showed what he was capable of, the boss offered him double payment for his services.

    12 minutes

Cast: BELLA LENINA, SARA, STEFANIA, WES, ALEX, mass scene actors 


Fetish Elements:

HeadShot, EyeShot, FaceShot, Morgue examination, Full Nude



Three friend met together in the restaurant. Two friends were rich business ladies but the third one was poor because she had to leave business and sell her share for very cheap to save her father from cancer. Her ex friends tease her and laugh at her situation…  She couldn’t stay it anymore…
     2 SPIES
    6 minutes
      2 SPIES - 2 SPIES
Custom movie

Fetish elements:
Knocking out
Limp fetishes with uncensorious girl
Touching face, boobs, body 
Shooting to the back, shooting to the breasts (twice)
Searching USB in under skirt of girl in her dead pussy (non-porn scene)
Shooting to the breasts 
Death stare with open eyes
Death stare with closed eyes 
Two dead sexy bodies 
Black stockings
Spy theme 

Annabelle is dressed in a low neck black dress and Mary in something similar to Black Widow’s outfit she has unzipped the frontal part. The theme is shooting.
A door opens and Annabelle enters in a hurry. She leans against the Wall, she is afraid of something and is breathing heavily, her breasts rise and fall. When she calms down, she extracts from her bosom a USB and go straight to a computer that is on a desk in front of her.

She inserts the USB in the computer and do not notice Mary who silently walks toward her and hits her in the head with the butt of a pistol with silencer.
Annabelle cries and falls unconscious to the floor. She is on her left side. Mary turns Annabelle´s body so she rests on her back and we can see that her left breast is exposed because of the low cut of the dress.
Mary, checks Annabelle´s pulse and then caresses her exposed breast and then her face. Anabelle takes out her cell and calls someone. She says that, as they supposed, Annabelle was the doublé agent and that she has the information in a USB.  A voice in the other end tells Mary that she has to hide and let Annabelle think that everything is alright, but before she leaves the room she has to kill her.
Mary cuts the call and sees that Annabelle is recovering, so she hides away and waits. Annabelle is stunned by the blow, but she stands up and rearranges her dress to keep her breast in its place. She takes the USB, puts it inside her bosom and walks toward the door. In that moment Mary shots her in the back.
Annabelle reacts to the shot and turns around not understanding what happened, then Mary shots her two more times in her left breast, her hands go to her breast and she sees the blood in them.  We see Marys satisfying expression and hear Annabelle´s body falling to the floor.
Annabelle is on her back. Her eyes closed, her mouth slightly opened. A line of blood is coming between her breasts to her neck. Mary put her fingers in Annabelle’s bosom and extracts the USB stained with blood.
Mary goes to the door but when she opens it, she sees someone and her face is full of surprise and fear. She pleads: No, no please and she walks backwards inside the room. We hear 3 shots and Mary falls backwards. Her eyes and mouth open in disbelief and 3 blood stains in her left breast. Someone takes the USB from her clutched hand and leaves. The 2 beautiful spies lie dead in the room.  MIRA GREEN MACHINE GUNNED
    25 minutes
Starring : Mira Green

«What a nice surprise!  I wasn't expecting this so fast!  And not only is this perfect, it is much better than my vision!!!

Thank you very much for the excellent custom!  And thank you to Mira very much!  She performed wonderfully and is always very beautiful! 

 She must've been tired after all that work, I hope you took her out for a nice dinner!

Please let me know when you plan to film in a house/cottage with a stairway/banister for Mira to lean over.  I wish to order another custom with her then.  I've saved money to purchase after I retire next month.

Thank you very much again!  Especially for being so fast!»

Here are all the scenes in priority order. Film as many as possible until my time is up. All scenes are hair down, eyes closed, falling face up playing dead after machine gun shaking. For reference, my favorite scene of Mira is Chapter 1 of Cowgirls Shootout 2. I like the way she rolls over the arm of the couch and ends up playing dead. And how she acts fearless and confident. Is it possible to film from multiple views like this? I also like Chapter 8 where she is shot and falls on the bed exactly the way I prefer. Great position, face up, eyes closed, legs apart. In Mira Green Shot Dead Cocktail, I enjoyed all the scenes with her hair down and playing dead face up. Although, I did not like her acting fearful and begging. Or the beads in the closet and hiding behind columns. And please, do not shake the camera on machine gun scenes. I want to continuously see Mira in detail. I don’t want to stabilize the video myself. The story is she is a test drone sneaking around an apartment to demonstrate the precision machine gun security system is working properly. The drone is to be eliminated without damage to the surrounding area. The point of view is from the security camera system and the machine gun is not in view or seen. Mira is confident and shakes like being shot by a machine gun. No blood or effects. Start Video with Mira wearing bikini top and bottom. (socks are ok all the time to keep her feet warm) 1 – She is machine gunned in front of bed and falls straight back on bed, pan body. 2 – She is machine gunned on other side of bed, then turns/spins and falls straight back on bed, pan body. 3 – She is machine gunned and rolls over the arm of the couch, losing her top during the roll, ending up topless laying on couch, pan body. (Chapter 1 of Cowgirls Shootout 2 scene. If she doesn’t tie her top and is held only by friction, I hope it comes off naturally during the roll. If not, when you film the panning of her body, place the top on her body exposing her breast as if it had come loose.) Mira is topless in rest of scenes. 4 – She is machine gunned, falls back on couch face up, pan body. 5 – She is machine gunned, falls back on couch, then rolls off couch and end face up on floor, pan body. 6 – She is standing near chair, gets machine gunned while staggering to chair, falls in chair, pan body. 7 – She is machine gunned in front of bed and falls straight back on bed topless, pan body. 8 – She is machine gunned on other side of bed, then turns/spins and falls straight back on bed topless, pan body. 9 – She is machine gunned and falls to the floor face up. Then she is continuously machined gunned and rolls 2 or 3 times across the floor (like the bullets are pushing or rolling her), ending face up playing dead, pan body. (I don’t know how much open floor space is in the apartment. If the apartment is not big enough, or this is uncomfortable for Mira, please ignore) 10 – She is machine gunned in front of bed and falls straight back on bed topless, tries to get up and is machine gunned again, pan body. 11 – She is machine gunned on other side of bed, then turns/spins and falls straight back on bed topless, tries to get up and is machine gunned again, pan body. 12 – She is machine gunned and rolls over the arm of the couch topless, pan body. 13 – She is machine gunned and rolls over the arm of the couch topless, tries to get up and is machine gunned again, pan body. 14 – She is machine gunned, falls back on couch face up, tries to get up and is machine gunned again, pan body. 15 – She is machine gunned, falls back on couch, then rolls off couch and end face up on floor, tries to get up and is machine gunned again, pan body. 16 – She is standing near chair, gets machine gunned while staggering to chair, falls in chair, is machine gunned again, pan body
    14 minutes
      VILLAGE SHOOTER - Models:
Luiza, Annabelle, Christy, Marina
Shooting to the heads from behind 
Shooting to the heads when girls are on their knees poses
Shooting to the back 
Shooting to the chest
Nude content
3 girls (in lingerie, nude and topless in different scenes) are being shot by crazy maniac in the village house. Great reactions, fear, nice poses and death stares  WHORE EXECUTION
    15 minutes
Starring: Annabelle as a victim and  Hass, Kit, Evgeniy, Nata, Pola as executors

Fetish elements:
Striptease show (Annabelle is a professional striptease dancer)
Catching, terror, repressions, judgment, punishing 
Terror with different type of weapon 
Fear, Begging for life
Electric Chair step-by-step execution process: wearing sexy uniform of prisoner, listening the death warrant, forced stripping, wearing a chair, switching on the electric chair
Long (5 minutes of the clip) agony in electric chair with close-ups of face agony, twitching feet, slobber, swelling of the eyes, emotions, all body twitching and agonies, tongue off the mouth, knocking teeth. 
Pulling dead body off the electric chair and sacrifice it to the judge 
Putting on mask of death to dead face with death stare
The totalitarian sect morality advocates hunts people who behave dissolutely. They hunt prostitutes, go-go girls, striptease girls and so on. They send agents to fleshpots of Egypt to find libertines, then to catch them and execute.
Annabelle works in striptease club. She does her show, then goes to a restroom in furs over her naked body and she was caught by sect’s agents. They dragged her to their lair. 
The Sect’s lair is a castle with torture’s camera, courtroom and execution area. Sectarians are rich people of high society who defend morality and recovered the pleasure of the court and the government. The Executioner is a man in a black suit and a leather mask. He longs massacre! He takes a knife, a hammer, a sword, a chain to torment the poor man to death. Poor Annabelle is sitting on the floor and waiting for fate. She’s crying and dreaming about sectarians let her go. 
But she listens her sentence – death! The executor strips her and seats to the electric chair. He bondages her to chair with special mountings and put on the lever arm. 
Oh, how long is Annabelle’s death. You will see her dying agony in every angle – full body views, close ups, agony, physiological details and aesthetic death fetishes.
After she is dead, the executor takes her body and carries it to the judge.
    10 minutes
Starring: Marina & Kit

1 Poison scene
1 strangulation scene
1 Strangulation scene in black pantyhose
Clothes and image:
Sexy maid uniform
Black pantyhose
Long legs
High heels and maid-theme
Poisoning with agony, strangulations, legs jerking, death stares, trying to escape, gasping, crying before being strangled 
Young man in unkempt flat invited young maid for cleaning service.  This girl was so hot an sexy for him that he had strange fantasies about her deaths because he understood that he’s too poor and usisial to have her as a girlfriend. 
So we have 3 scenes of killing her in his imagination. 
1st scene. Maid is cleaning the kitchen, drink some water from the cup. It was a poison. She surprised when felt herself bad and died in agony. 
2nd scene. House owner strangulated his maid with his hand. 
3d scene. House owner strangulated his maid in black pantyhose. 
If you like this clip please check out the similar our clips
5 deaths of Angelina
5 deaths of Masha
Choking Medley  Black Crane 3
    20 minutes
      Black Crane 3 - BLACK CRANE 3
Custom Video
************* in the car
Expressive ********* death stare
Much pantyhose fetishes
Foot fetishes and playing with dead body 

The Black Crane: Target/Client 

The prelude: The Black Crane was relaxing nude. Painting her toenails. She found it relaxing. It was the aniversery of her mothers death. When the Black Crane was in jail and known as Charlotte Bedlam at that time still she got the news that her ****** died of a terminal disease. Was no cure for it. Its the only remorse she felt. She received a white envelope with an image of a crane on it of her newest target: 

Target/Client Name: Dorene Fantasia 
Age: 40 
Work details: she is a secretary at a company called Wavetech Inc. 
Home address: 31 Pen St. 
Coltanier City 
Family Status: Single 
Orders: This may sound like a unsual assignment in compare to your other ones. You may find it interesting. Your newest target is also the client. She is dying from a terminal disease. No cure. She wants to die by her own way. You killing her. She likes horror movies and doesnt mind what kill method you choose. Kill any witnesses if they are above the age of 18. Notify the "Tidy Up Service" to help tidy things up after you have taken out your target. 

The Black Crane looked over every detail that was supplied of her newest target. She hoped her target wore pantyhose and hoped her feet were smooth and sexy. She was going to make sure that Dorene didnt really suffer for long. I guess this assignment was going to hit what ever heart she had inside of her. 

That fateful Monday morning came. Around 7am Dorene walked into the garage to get into her car to go to work or have it in her mind too anyways. She knew the Black Crane was coming for her. She got into her car, she tried to open the garage door but it wouldn't open. She didn't know why. In the passenger side seat she saw a pair of her tan colored pantyhose. She said " time to become necro I guess" A voice from behind her seat said " time to become a sexy dead doll".The Black Crane wrapped her own beautifully smelling black colored pantyhose around Dorene's throat! She kept it wrapped nice and tight around Dorene's beautiful smooth throat. Her sexy tan pantyhose in cased legs kicked wildly as mixed emotions traveled through her mind. She was so frightened of dying but it was either that or suffering through the disease. The Black Crane didn't loosen the pantyhose around her throat at all. Her fears and worries were the last thoughts that went through her mind as her eyes rolled back into her head from the pain of the *************. When The Black Crane saw that Dorene went limp she then released the hold of the pantyhose. Dorene was now a sexy and dead target. The Black Crane looked into the mirror and looked at Dorene's lifeless eyes. Her heels didn't come off during the kill because they were heels with straps. 

The Black Crane got out of the car. Dragged Dorene's corpse to the bedroom. She flopped her body onto the bed. She stripped Dorene till she had just her tan colored pantyhose on. She unwrapped her pantyhose from Dorene's neck and put the black colored pantyhose back on her sexy legs. She then said "now I feel elegant and hot again. It’s time to enjoy what's in front of me." She rubbed up and down Dorene’s pantyhose cased legs. She put her smooth pantyhose cased feet to her face to breath in the smell from her hose and heels. She then put Dorene's feet down to her pantyhose incased crotch area. She could feel herself getting wet down there as she had an orgasm. She covered Dorene's body with a sheet and called the "Tidy Up Service". Before leaving she said "you have a sexy feet dorene. Im glad I was able to enjoy them and give you your death wish." Then she left.

The End!
Note: If you like this video please also check «Agent ********* in her car»
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    Welcome To The Crime House Studio on Kinky Clips
    Crime House Fantasy Studio (also Crime House & Crime House and Dark Rooms) is independent production company with female death fetish orientation. Crime House does very erotic stuff, but not porn. Why we advice to offer our videos? 1. SEXY VICTIM-ACTRESSES ONLY 2. REALISTIC DEATH SITUATIONS 3. GREAT ACTING 4. CSGFX EFFECTS 5. NEW MODELS EVERY WEEK 6. ALL DEATH FETISH GENRES 7. NOT PORN BUT VERY-VERY EROTIC AND HOT 8.RUSSIAN AND EAST EUROPE HOT MODELS 9. WE DO KNOW HOW TO PLAY SEXY DEATH 10. ALL MOVIES ARE MADE IN VERY HIGH QUALITY

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    Cannibals 4


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