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    All content on Kinky Clips is Role Playing Fantasy only.
    All content is consensual and is acted out by models of legal age.
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    13 minutes
Starring: Annabelle and Vika 
**** In all scenes, after the death scene, their bodies are dragged away (mix of dragging by hands and/or feet or carrying) and their bodies are disposed of in another location next to each other.

**** Very sheer pantyhose....NO THICK TIGHTS or thigh-highs.

**** LOTS of full body views during all kill scenes. Feet should be visible in almost all scenes. 

**** One or both slippers fall off in each of the death scenes exposing their pantyhosed feet.

**** LOTS of closeups of pantyhose feet.

**** Some close-ups of open-eyed death eye rolling during all death scenes.

**** Open eyed death stare in all scenes....with eye-rolling.

**** Prefer steady/stationary camera work as opposed to the camera moving around during the action.

**** No backgound music.

**** NO fondling of the bodies by the killer at all.

**** Prefer VERY BRIGHT LIGHTING not like darkly lit scenes.

1...Both are getting ready for work in the clothing listed above. A gunman enters the room with a silencer gun. Both girls run for the door and both are shot in the back and drop dead to the floor.

#2...Both are getting ready for work in the clothing listed above. A gunman enters the room and shoots one in the forehead and she drops to the ground dead. The other girl hears this and hides in the shower. The killer finds her and shoots her in the forehaed also. She slumps down dead in the shower.

#3...Both girls are being held hostage. Hands are tied behind their backs. The are sitting on the ground with legs off to the sides. The killer was just advised to execute both girls being held hostage. The killer gets behind one of the girls and placs a plastic bag over her head and begins to suffocate her. The other girls is frightened and tries to run away but the killer swiflty shoots her in the back while still suffocating the other girl. The girl that was just shot falls to the ground on her stomach. She is not yet dead but making gurgling noises and twitching. The killer finishes bagging the other model who finally takes her last breath. He pushes her off to the side. The killer walks over to the other girl who was shot in the back, still gurgling and twitching. He finishes her off with 2 more shots in the back.  VIRAL MURDER
    17 minutes


Cast: Yana, Alice M, Max

Fetish Elements:

Shooting, Shooing with gun with silencer. Mother and daughter plot, Body Stripping, Many Times Shooting, Serial Killer Plot


The daughter is video blogger. She was in live video chat when a serial killer suddenly shot her jut in online! When her mother came home she was killer too


Another Case Of Serial Killer
    11 minutes

The Second  Episode of BIG MOVIE!
Starring: Mia Jane, Laura Romeo, Maya Dinova, Elvira Twins, Sally, Irene, Annabelle, Maria, Pola, actresses of mass scenes

Why this movie is MUST HAVE FOR EVERYBODY?

For the first time in the history of Crime House, the scene of strangulation was performed by a stuntman and using a special device - the effect of a real strangulation and hanging, performed strictly under the supervision of professional film directors. The most dangerous trick is not to repeat!
The fight was performed by two professional actresses of militants and put up by a professional wrestling instructor. Two girls were engaged in a fight and passed a special casting for the production of this trick.
For filming scenes of shootouts consultants-animators for video games were invited.
Professionally delivered fighter specifically for this market! The most professionally produced film of our production!

Killing Scene:
Being shot in the staircase
Blaster firefight
Bullet-time show motion effects
Great 8 girls bodypile
Ultra sexy fighting
More than 30 deaths! 
Some POV style and videogame style 

Intruding of Spaceship Indigo has a continue. The cruel battle in the spaceship is going on!
    15 minutes
      CALL GIRL - CALL GIRL (custom clip)

Clip with Special Offer! Purchasing it just now!

Starring: Mary and Alex

A guy invites call0girl for some role playing in choking games.

He looses control!

Choking for knocking out!

Suffocation for knocking out

Games turning to real strangulation!

Stripping panties during strangulation!

Much limp fetishes!




Girl is escort ordered for fun. She ok to play. Many chokeout in different positions--between each choke, girl rests/recovers on bed. At first she is excited and gets into it, but later gets more scared. Bed or couch as prop. Girl is ok with rough and wants to please, but he will go too far. Main positions: girl standing, then sitting on edge of bed, then lying on bed in different positions for most. Alot of close crotch/ass views. Starts out with the red tights/ bikini type top, then topless, then down to panties at end. Camera views are action when being choked and when asleep/resting. I put “dialog” english but no problem doing all in russian or whatever language...same point. This is rough...not need exact. Outfit red tights (1 below), V style panties (pink, white shiny, black--2 below), tight bikini/sports type top (no pic) Girl walks in ready for fun. Says..“Frank says you can do WHATEVER you want” Camera view close, low, looking up...she smiles and runs hands up and down her body. Shes liking it. Slowly takes her top off. Spins...nice crotch and ass shot. GIRL “what do you want to do to me?” Sits on edge of bed, legs spread. Smiling. Camera shots between knees low looking up (crotch to head) and side view. Man sits behind. Rubs shoulders, she loves..getting into it..opening and closing legs. MAN says, “I gonna choke you a little”. GIRL “mmmm”. He puts hands around her throat and squeezes. She slowly goes from excited to scared (no tongue out when choking). Jerks and moves legs. 30 seconds atleast of this, she slowly passes out and he lets her drop back on to bed.Man to camera “I know I said you could have her but you know I like to wear them down a little first and play a little”. Nice moving closeup of her on back asleep..feet up to head..slow. Breathing. He sits behind and wakes her up. She smiles, runs her hands up and down her body, digging into her crotch. GIRL “mmmmm, ...i’m yours. Do you want me? Please”. He puts his hand around her neck and slowly starts squeezing. SIDE STRANGLE (like pic below) She likes and arches legs-pushing forth. She goes from moving sexy to panic scared. Slowly passes out and legs drop. Nice crotch shot (like pic) of her breathing. Slow body pan from feet up to head. He again wakes her up with light slap. She smiles, tired/scared, but still willing to play. GIRL,“Can we have fun now?” She runs her hands up and down body. Turns over on belly. He rubs her ass (or she does) and she loves it, moving ass into air. She moans and gets into it more. He shoves her head into pillow, so she can’t breathe. BELLY STRANGLE. Now shes arching her body up and down, like shes fucking the bed.kicking, struggling, starting to twitch. Long struggle to slowly drop. Nice ass shot and body pan as she asleep. He rubs her shoulders, ass and turns her over. She slowly wakes..scared but trying to please...weak smile--still thinks playing. Grabs by shoulders...TO CAMERA “see she's still good.” Rolls over to back and sits behind her. He whispers to her “hold your breathe again sweetie” and puts hands loose around neck. She smiles and says “why don’t you stop playing and fuck me now”, runs hands down body. This makes him mad. He squeezes hard and she jerks quickly. MOSTLY STRANGLE ON BACK. He sits behind and hands around throat. her legs apart. low crtch looking up. hands on throat. tighter. struggle...legs open closed..arching alittle...gasping. She quickly starts twitching..hands clenched. He holds her until she collapses breathing and arching hard but still awake and moving he laughs. Pulls off her pants while she squirms. he runs hands down and up her body...then back to neck. tight again. Pulls her up sitting up... She scared, but tries to be sexy. GIRL “you wouldnt hurt me, that would be such a waste. Take me”. He squeezes hands on neck again, this time HARD and pulling her up. Twists neck slow and up, she struggles, legs spasming. Slow crack as he tries to break her neck, lets her fall back on bed. She falls back on back but not dead, just paralyzed. Breathing hard, legs twitching, arms flailing/moving. He watches her helpless as she twitches on back, he rolls her to belly to see/grab her ass, then back on back again(camera pan body, crotch, ass). Realizes he has to finish her. MAN ”this is so sad, cant leave you like this sweetie, you missed out frank”. Runs hands slowly down her twitching body. Sits behind and clamps hand over mouth/nose so she cant breathe her eyes bug and twitches become frantic. She arches up but cant do anything else. helpless. slowly slows , twitch slows..more crtch. He lets her go and watches her twitches/moves slow and stop. She is done. Her eyes are open dead. He lifts head up once, runs hands on her body and lets her drop to make sure.
     HITMAN 40
    26 minutes
      HITMAN 40 - HITMAN 4.0

Cast: Mira, Alice M, Judi, Max
20$ price only this weekend! Basic Price is 25$!

Fetish Elements
Spies, White shirts, Black Skirts, Black Stockings, Girls attack man, Near sex situations, Choking, Neck Break, Body Stripping. Putting Off Stockings, Lingere, Long Neck Snaps With sexy Seath Stares and postmortem agony, Fighting, Human Shield, Shooting to the back, Trying to catch a gu, Shooting to the chest, Bodypile

== script idea ==

•Mira  (hair same as hitman 3.0, same stalkings/ outfit, nails painted (preferably a dark color like black), and same makeup like dark eye shadow)
•Judi (hair (pony tail), makeup and same outfit as hitman 3.0) (same stalkings, eye shadow makeup)(nails painted as well)
•Alice M (makeup, nails painted, outfit, and hair similar to lawyers-2 (bad coffee), similar bra, stockings and panties as judi and Mira)
•I’d like their outfits to look as uniform as possible thats why i want them to have the same shirt, gun holders, skirt, underwear, and stockings as hitman 3.0 if possible
also once they remove their shoes in the beginning to sneak up on max, id like for them to remain shoeless the rest of the video from that point on.


video starts with Max shown looking at the paper from hitman 3, looks up from paper to room entrance and then walks in.

Has gun drawn as he enters room slowly
“The paper lead me to this location but it looks empty…”

Cut to girls at entrance, about to enter room but before they do they tell each other to quiet down and they take off their shoes to avoid making noises. Then they enter with guns drawn

Cut to max walking up to a counter and reads a paper on it that says “you will pay for killing our sisters!“ But just as he finishes reading the paper and realizes it’s a trap, they sneak up on him and knock him out with their gun. Then they tie him to the chair with his arms behind his back.

Judi stands guard over max while Mira and Alice leave the room to get torture supplies. Max wakes and quietly slips out of rope bonds with a knife he has in his sleeve while Judi looks away without Her realizing it, she then turns to max who is still faking being unconscious on the chair, and looks around before she pulls off her skirt and begins to sit on his lap (she also slowly starts unbuttoning her shirt and starts to gets aroused) “I’m going to enjoy torturing you for killing my twin sister”

Just as she says that, Max opens his eyes to her surprise, and presses the knife to her neck, but before he gets a chance to kill her she tells him to “wait, please! maybe we can work something out..” as she rubs his chest and tries to seduce him, she leans in as if she is trying to kiss him and quickly she slaps the knife out of his hands. She then tries to get off him but he quickly wraps his hands around her neck and she starts to squirm on top of him (I’d like some overview shots of this scene, close ups of her face, and legs/feet as she squirms). She starts desperately clawing to break free but then she goes limp on top of him and slouches forward, eyes closed. Max then carefully places her on chair and removes her shirt and stockings. As he finishes and sits her on the chair he walks behind her and places his hands on her neck before saying “Say hi to your sister for me” before slowly breaks her neck as her eyes pop open and legs/toes sprawl out. She then spasms once before she goes limp again on the chair. The camera then shows multiple angles of Judi dead on the chair including close up of her feet.

A few seconds later, Mira comes back into the room to check on the situation but rushes to Judi once she sees her on the chair and checks her pulse while looking over her body. She then draws her gun and starts to look around but max comes from behind and he grabs her by the neck while also slapping her gun away where it slides just out of reach on the floor. They wrestle to the floor with Mira on top trying to crawl away from max by kicking and squirming. She begins clawing for the gun while unable to completely pull away from on top of max when she finally gets her hands on the gun, turning to shoot but suddenly at that moment, Alice walks in and max quickly pulls Mira in front of him as shield from Alice’s shots, Mira pauses and gasps in shock before collapsing over max (I would like an overview shot of mira’s body on top of max). The room goes silent (an overview of the chaos that just ensued) and Alice thinks she got them both. She comes to look over the bodies and just as she gets close she realizes that Max is holding the gun Mira was trying to grab, and he quickly shoots Alice from under Mira’s body. Alice is hit in the chest once and drops her gun before falling to the ground, as she lays bleeding out from chest and gasping. Max lays still for a moment with Mira on top of him, savoring the moment. He even removes one of her stockings and pulls up her skirt to show her ass while she lays partially on him before slowly rolling Mira off him (with an overview of her body, with her ass visible) and he then walks up to Alice.

Alice utters with her dying breath that “they will come for you.” He responds with “I’m counting on it” before he finishes her with a second shot to the chest. (Minimal blood, overview of the Alice’s body)

Max then Turns to Mira (who is now rolled on her front, with her panties showing) he strips her slowly to nothing but her bra and underwear (rolling her on her back with her facing up, taking his time removing her other stocking) Once he finishes, he checks her Pulse, to his surprise she still has a pulse so he then slowly tries to break her neck as her eyes widen with a shocked expression on her face and she starts to squirm. When it finally snaps she spasms once before going still. Her eyes still open. He then closes her eyes with his hand.

Finally he slowly takes his time undresses Alice’s dead body to her bra and underwear. closes her eyes as well and lines all three assassins up like the last assassins sent. Then he walks out the room (lots of overview shots of the three girls lined up next two each other.

the ratio of overview shots, angles of feet, and body was perfect last time so similar work. I'd like him to take his times admiring their bodies while undressing them and having the camera pan over their full bodies. Also just to clarify, when I mention overview I mean I would like camera shots with their full body in frame from their face to their feet.

    13 minutes
This custom demonstrates how our prop-department carefully works with script.
This time our customer asked us to find real uniform of USA! We should work hard and connect with collectors, theatre shops and use our hand made skills. We collected this completes of uniform like puzzle and two people ran over the city to find all we need.
Just choose BEST CUSTOM or PREMIUM CUSTOM rates to feel yourself really movie producer and connect with our prop departments directly to control your props elements.
Do you want to start with something similar with less budgets? Try us in SIMPLE CUSTOM rate. Maybe the props is not so important for you and you want just to enjoy your favorite idea. Of course in Simple Custom Rates you can also choose the props but just in general, for example «white short dress».

A girl (Tatiana) is a witness of a crime. She is protected by police inside the program «Witness Protection» and three policewomen are near her. But killer (Sonya Krueger) who need to Illuminate her is in deal with one of the policewomen (Bella Lenina). When hitwoman arrives she first strangles the first policewoman (Annabelle) strangling her with garrote from behind. After she kills the second policewoman (Mary Ann) stabbing her. Bella Lenina tries to catch the attention of the witness. Knowing she is a lesbian she kisses with her seducing her. Hitwoman comes to the room, surprises the witness and kills her with three shots. She gives money to dirty cop for help. Dirty cop asks her to beat her just for imitate she tried to fight. But Hitwoman killed her too…

    27 minutes
      FOUNTAIN - Perverted Horror Film About Strangulation

27 minutes film!

The movie contains special offer inside!

Fetish elements:

Strangulation with a broom

Poking your head in the freezer

Fracture of neck

Agony after death

A corpse falling from the closet (super scene!)

Strangulation through the glass with the collapse of the breasts

Strangulation in the air

Neck Break


Separation of corpses

Games with corpses

Fountain of dead women

Fracture of neck

A bunch of corpses


The man has a serious psychological trauma after the divorce. He is going to rent an apartment. Girls come to him on an ad. He compares them with his wife and brutally kills. Student Kate, he brutally strangled in the kitchen. A divorced woman, Nicole, he strangled terribly in the room. Then he killed a rich lady. After that, he built a terrible fountain of dead girls. When his wife came for things, she saw a terrible sculpture. He broke her neck and threw her body into the Fountain. The corpses crumbled, forming a chaotic heap. Tom lays down in a pile, taking a call from the new victim, promising that the apartment is waiting for her "Fountain".




    10 minutes
      DANCING TO THE DEATH - Dancing to the death

Vore fetish

Starring: Juliana, Luiza, Pola, Mary and Annabelle


Very much feet view in pantyhose

Frightened to the death

Illusions (disappearing, falling threw the floor, flying up forever)

Bed eating girls

Doors eating girls

Leg kicking’s

Deaths from fear

Grotesque death with tongue out and legs up

Many death

 If you like this one please check out

Silly and Funny
    16 minutes
      Respect - MATTER OF RESPECT

Starring: Oksana and Annabelle 

This page of Yellow Press is for ************* lovers. Two long ************* scenes. New very sexy PlayBoy model. 
Fetish elements: ************* by cord, ************* by stocking, trying to escape, bad *****, a **** looks at her best friend’s death, dialog (with English subtitles), very inpressive ************* reactions, twitching, kicking, death stares, sexy bodypile, stripping bodies  RANSOM
    20 minutes
Alice M, Juliana and Hass
Great Hanging Horror in our best tradition!
Fetish elements:
Captives, begging for life, standing on the knees, terrorizing, treating, preparation before death, spanking
Going to the loose with panic
Hanging views from head to her feet
Hanging faces angles
Hanging one by one
Death stares
Hanging in black stockings!

3 girls were kidnapped for the ransom. But when the kidnapper realizes their relatives can’t send money he starts his terrible hanging execution….
If you like this video please check out our hanging category:
Handcuffed and hanged
Handcuffed and hanged 2
Hanging 3 girls
Hanging 3 Virtue Vice
3 Cop Girls hanged
    14 minutes
Starring: Luiza, Max, Tatiana, Billy Brag.
«Thank you very much. I enjoyed the movie».
From customer’s review

Shooting (many shots), blood, much wounds, guts, three headshots

 	Luiza - female character 
 	John - male character 
 	Gunman 1 & 2 - very brief appearance, can be any gender, or using the same actors/ actress but in different clothes/ with masks/ sun glasses to hide the identity 

Location: the two story house with large staircase you used before

 	In a bed room upstairs.
 	Luiza and John are dressing up. Luiza is naked and piece by piece out on her shirt and skirt and high heel sandals (costume to be specified by me later), not wearing bras nor panty.
They joked about the great sex they just had, John was totally happy but Luiza appeared a bit perfunctory. 
 	As Luiza pulls on her sandals, John said “you feet are really beautiful, so big, how big are they”
Luiza said “ I wear size 40, (or whatever her real size, we decide later), come, do you want one more kiss?” She teases and put one of her feet on a chair.
 	John kneel in front her and kissed her feet.
Luiza pull out a small syringe in her purse and plunged into John’s neck. John twitched and fell face down on the floor.
Luiza quickly moved to the desk in the room, she fumbled with the lock and opened the drawer. She took a mini SD card. She stood there and thought for.a brief moment. Then she sat down and used a sticky tape to tape chip on the insole of her sandal then put the shoe back on. (This is a chance to show the show size and a very good, closed look of her feet and toes polished in dark red).
Luiza rushed out of the room with a glee on her face. [camera showing her gait, and a lot view of feet step by step, even some slow mo]. She descended down the stairs.
We heard a gun shot. 
Luiza [camer showing only her chest and above] froze in her steps, stunned expression on her face; She looked down, camera follows her gaze, down to her belly, there is a gaping exit wound on the right side of her abdomen, blood oozing out.
Camera pulls away, show Luiza full body standing on the stair, and John standing behind her on the top of the staircase, left hand pressing on his own neck, right hand holding a pistol.
He fired two more times.
Luiza jerked, and we saw two exit wound exploding out very Low on her belly, almost right above where her pubic hair would be.
She stifled a yelp and turned on her heel, seeing John with disbelief. 
She looks determined to fight. She fished out a small pistol from her bag and shoot, only heard en empty click. 
John smirked: “I know you might be the mole, honey, I switched out your position and also took all your bullets away”. With that, he took a small vial of liquid and several bullet from his pocket and dropped them on the floor.
Luiza: “Bastard, I am going to kill you”, she took a small switch knife out from her purse, raise it above her head and walked up the stairs with great efforts, glaring at her foe. 
John fired and key firing, bullet after bullet hitting her. First on the left shoulder, she twisted and kept walking, then two on her right chest, she jerked; then one in her stomach, she bent forward then stood again, kept walking up step by step, knife raising.
John’s gun clicked empty too. There is a moment of panic in his eyes as he checked the chamber. 
Luiza smirked with agony “that’s all you got? Just 7 bullets? Not even a full mag?” She gathered her last energy and landed on the top of the stair case, and raised the knife over her head.
Commotions. Foot steps from downstairs.
Two gun man enter the lobby, they are body guards ( could wear mask and sun glasses if you have too use the same actor or actress) , each holding machine guns or assault rifles. They opened fire on Luzia’s back.
Camera shows Luiza’s back and her front, Hollywood style, as she jerked in the rain of bullet, as holes open on her back and exit her front blood splatting. She tried to maintain her stand, but was pushed by the impact and staggered towards to wall. 
The shooting is quite brief, a few second later the bullets stopped and Luzia was against the walk, still standing. She painfully pushed herself against the wall and turned around the face John and the gun men, leaning on the wall, full of holes, breathing with much difficulty with blood coming out of her mouth too, but she is stil standing [ some camera view of her leg and feet]
Her knife was already dropped, so was her purse. 
John walked up: “Bitch, yeah, now is it enough bullet for you?”
Luzia is barely alive, and vomiting blood, but she managed a wan scoff on her beautiful face, without any weapon, she raised her right hand, with her thumb up and index finger miming a gun pointing at John, a faint final word was squeezed out of her bloody lip “bang”.
John stepped aside, motioned to his gun man (off camera), and we hear massive gun shots again and this time Luzia’s body was pushed against the wall and twitching and jerking as bullet holes were peppered all over her torso, even arms and a few on her legs, then suddenly, several rounds hit her on her forehead and even face, brains exploded from back of her head, then everything is quite and still for a moment:
Luzia was still standing, more holes on her body [but still manageable blood, not causing completed soaking, still able to see each of the bullet holes], there are 3 bullet holes on her forehead, one on her face on the cheek bone, and one on her chin [ i will confirm the location of those bullet with picture later].
After a few seconds, her body started to slide down, leaving a huge paint rush of blood and gore on the wall behind her, especially a little above where he head used to be, you can clearly see blobs of brain matters sticking on the wall.
She finally fell onto a sitting position and died, leg spreading, in an twisted, humiliating pose , but a very heroic death. Here eyes wide open; her lips half open. 
John walked up, kicking her body. He squatted down next to her, holding her chin and twisted her face towards him, looking at her dead face, he spoke many humiliating words. 
When he moved her body, we saw her back is totally different from her front. While the her front is still relatively “clean” where we can even count each Buttler hole, her back is totally soaked with blood and gore. The exit wounds have slit open her lower back, a large loop of intestines and organs looped on the floorm, between her back and the wall.
He finally counted total 38 bullets (including those in the head). He even reach his finger into the skull of Luzia and pulled our more pieces of brain, and played with her guts, and jeered that she is so “gutless and brainless” now. All the time Luzia’s eyes wide open and starting into emptiness with an expression of indifference.
FinallyJohn started to look for the mini SD card Luzia took. He searched her phrase but can;t find, eventually as he started to worship her feet again, he took her sandals off to kiss her feet, and found the chips. He proceeded to play with her feet, eventually put the sandals back on when he finished. [ he needs to wash hands clean before this scene, I don;t like blood on the feet]
Finally, looking at Luzia’s now messy dead body, John;s lips curled up in a sinister grin. He motioned to the gun man. They took Luzia’s arm pit and her feet, lifted her up and walked into the bedroom again.

    19 minutes
      HITMAN 30 - HITMAN 3.0
Starring: Mira, Lili, Judi, Max
«All I can say is I am completely blown away with the custom. It far past exceeded how I envisioned it. From the set, to the costumes, all of it was executed so perfectly. I loved how you tied in all the details so well and captured exactly what I was looking for in scenes.You have without a shadow of a doubt confirmed I made the right decision to come to you with my script. I'm very much look forward to ordering more customs from you in the future! Thank you so much!»
Customer’s Review 
Fetish Elements:
Sexy agents, white shirts, black skirts, black stocking, shooting, masturbation before death, masturbation torture, interrogation, lifting and strangling, neck snap, body stripping, death stares, fighting, strangulation in the air, legs kicking, foot and leg fetish (a lot), girl is near to kill hitman, shooting with great bloody splashing effect (no fx – all is make with new technology), bodypile


Three female agents were sent to office to kill the politician person. A hitman was sent to know who sent them and kill them all. First he shoots Judi from silencer to her body. She passed out, he striped her and when she awaked he started interrogation: who sent you? She didn’t answer because she knew what the organization could do with betrayers. It was better to die here and not to be tortured to the death by sadists from government secret services. Hitman tried to relax her and made her speak and started masturbate her when she was dying from the shot to her chest. She felt pain, she was dying and sweet feeling in her body from fingers of handsome hitman was strange cocktail of the sex and death.
Lili finds he body, The hitman goes to her from behind and starts to strangle her in the air. When she is unconscious he strips her and start to ask aggressively who sent her and after she realized she was not going to answer he broke her neck.
The third agent, young, brave and strong sexy Mila  was going to fight hard.  Hitman strangles her for unconscious condition and started find any peg who sent them. When he put off her stockings the little paper card fall to the floor with  a name and number of coordinates. Well, Hitman knew some more information where to go and search for more information. Mira opened her eyes and immediately caught hitman’s neck by her sexy legs, seat on him and tried to stab him. Hitman grabbed a gun and shot her to the death…

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    Welcome To The Crime House Studio on Kinky Clips
    Crime House Fantasy Studio (also Crime House & Crime House and Dark Rooms) is independent production company with female death fetish orientation. Crime House does very erotic stuff, but not porn. Why we advice to offer our videos? 1. SEXY VICTIM-ACTRESSES ONLY 2. REALISTIC DEATH SITUATIONS 3. GREAT ACTING 4. CSGFX EFFECTS 5. NEW MODELS EVERY WEEK 6. ALL DEATH FETISH GENRES 7. NOT PORN BUT VERY-VERY EROTIC AND HOT 8.RUSSIAN AND EAST EUROPE HOT MODELS 9. WE DO KNOW HOW TO PLAY SEXY DEATH 10. ALL MOVIES ARE MADE IN VERY HIGH QUALITY

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    Cannibals 4


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