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    6 minutes
Starring: Mira Green
Striptease dancer was shot by a handgun and machine gun (shooting scene without blood effects). Two death scenes.  Babysitter
    17 minutes
      Babysitter - Custom movie for xj900!
    13 minutes
      Robber - ROBBER
Full HD
Beautiful stylish noir thriller
Fetish elements: сhoking, *************, female killing female, male killing female, stockings,  bad ****, revenge, death stares, stripping bodies, sexy death reactions, female corpses  
Hass acts 25 y/o Jenny, she is a **** from poor family, she is robber. She gets into rich houses and apartments to steal money and jewels. Today she  decides to rob an apartment of director of bank. But it’s a problem – his wife, 30 y/o Francesca is always at home. Jenny tries to be quick with her robbing mission and do it when Francesca is taking a shower. But Francesca comes out from the shower too fast. She is going to call the police, and Jenny doesn’t want to go to prison. So she attacks the woman and brutally ****** for to her death. 
It was the first murder in Jenny’s life. She is exited and ******. Suddenly a young man comes to this place. It’s a plumber, young lover of Francesca. She loved rich lady so his revenge was very cruel  - he ****** Jenny to death. 
Now two corpses are laying on the bed. Plumber didn’t miss his dirty opportunity to play with sexy young dead bodies. So, police detectives will be surprised…  VAMPIRE HUNTER LITTLE SISTER
    12 minutes
Starring: Tim (New Actor!), Annabelle, Vika

MULTI SHOOTING (10 BULLETS TO BAD BABY  - to the chest and to the navel!)


Hitwoman got the job to kill 3 women, but "the guy" who hired her gave her a special dagger with silver + wooden edge, and told that she must use this dagger to kill em and stab em in the heart to finish em off. She asked why but the man did told her nothing. So she diceded to do that her old fashion way with the gun/pistol.
She is going in the apartman looking for first sister, its looks empty, but she heard shower, so she is going closer to bathroom but in a sec a young topless wet girl is walking out of the bathroom straight to her, she sees the gun and smile, ask her. "what are you going to do to me with that thing". She says "you wont smile anylonger bitch" and shot her in the belly. She looks like she wont even noticed that and smiles again...then says: " you will pay for this" but hitwoman respond with second shot, this time in her right tit.
Vamp looked down on her wounded tit, then grab that with her hand and try to say something with angry face but then the third shot pierced her left tit and got deep in her chest reached her heart.
Hitwoman saw even more anger but this time mixed with pain and fear. Vamp grabbed wildly her left tit and tried to walk to hitwoman.
Hitwoman just looked at her in wonder and ask "how the fak that you are still alive and walking" then she shot 4th and 5th shot right in the center of her chest to make sure she will go down fast.
Vamp moaned groaned, screamed in shock grabbed her both tits in her hands did few steps forward and backward then she slowly went to her knees.
When vamp was on her knees groaning and moaning, hitgirl shot her again between tits, then she screamed and arched her back. And she almost fell on back but her left hand help her to keep balance.
girl came closer put gun between her boobs and shot her again, she arched her back even more and then fall back, for a sec she just lie down then she arched her back holding her tits. She did it few times, then she begin to try get back up.
Hitgirl saw that and screamed "just die already", walked over her aim for her heart between her boobs and shot 4 times to emty the pistol, vamp girl arched horribly her back moaned screamed, heavy breathed at last 3 times.
1st arching position: 3rd arching position before final long erotic moan. (all angles) moves goes from left to the right.  time for last bullet, arching back,and final gasp lie still...  hitwoman says: "oh fak finaly, on what drogs she was" ... she turn around and begin to walk out,  when sudenly she heard "hey honey you thought its will be so easy to kill me heh" .. she freezed for a sec then she looked back and vamp standed right behind her, no wounds on her body comletly healed with fangs in her mounth, she grabed her pushed her to the ground and start feed on her, then she remebered on THE dagger what the man gave her she grabbed it with right hand from her boot and with her all power stabbed that bitch under her left boob straight up tried to reach her heart...
when vamp felt the stab she moaned and the horror look was on her face,then she let her, arched her back grabbed her wounded tit first with left hand then with both hands. then vamp stood up and says painfully: "if u leave now i wont kill you litle girl" but before she finished the sentence hitwoman stab her again this time in the left tit in the niple, hold it in there for few secont, twisted... the vamp hold the dagger with one hand, trying to pull it out, it was very hard she was almost done,  but then hitwoman forced it even deeper, then pulled that out, stabed 2 more times in her left nipple and watched whats gonna happen, poor vamp girld grabed ger bleeding boob with her left hand
squeezing it trying to stop the bleeding, stil on her feed, she turned back and try to walk away, she was in pain and agony, hitwoman turned her and stab her in right tit just for fun..vamp grabbed both her boobs in her hands on her face was pain and fear...
she tried to walk away again litle bit faster this time but hitgirl catched her from behind and stab her right between her tits so deep that her heart was pierced by the dagger, she felt she cant heal anymore..she had no more strench to stay up on her feed..she hold dagger with one hand. Vamp somehow manage to pull the dagger out of her chest but the dagger felt from her hands how she felt horrible pain from her chest so she grabbed her chest.. hit woman grabbed the dagger, and start stabbing vamp in her left tit then right tit then left, she try to defence but she got no more power insade her she just felt the wall behind her so she managed to hold up against the wall on her she was holding up at the wall she looked down on her rouined chest and scream "noooooo" "i cant dieee im imortal, my sister will avenge me you will die even if you managed to kill me, but i cant die", hit woman said "oh but you can, and i make your heart stop beating" with one hand she grabbed her neck and with second hand she pressed the tip of the dagger right over her heart between her boobs and says "now its end blood sucker" and she stab her slowly in her heart, then she twisted it once twice slice it inside up and down, cut her vamp heart in half... vamp knew this is the end, she started slowly slices the wall down to her knees.. on her knees she grabbed both her tits...
she she waited the for a few sec squezing her tits, then she started to fell forward manage to hold up with her right hand and her left was holding her left tit.. she was having hard time to stay like that...then she fell down on her right side..still holding her left tit then she roll on her back...breathing heavily, moanig in agony..arching her back hit woman stand over her preparing for final stab but before she enter her chest vamp grabbed her hand a tried to stop dagger to enter her chest..but she fail and its get in.. vamp arched her back this time holding the dagger inside her, and pulled it aut and trow it away..  but all of that was waste of time she was dying there was no comming back from this.. she tried to say something but nothing just groaning.. vamp was breathing, moaning heavily....she arched her back very high and scream "noo naaahhhh" and then with final gasp she roll her head and died..eyes open.

      By The Ghost
    15 minutes
      By The Ghost - ********* by the ghost

Starring: Juliana



Fetish elements: *************, nude, foot fetish. Legs kicking, wet ******, death reaction, gasping, eyes wide opened, death stare, legs kicking

 Plot. The **** comes home. She is frighten because strange noises followed her. She takes off her clothes and goes to the shower. She forgets about strange noises and relaxes. But invisible ghost opens the door, catches her to her throat and slowly ********* her to her death. 

Price: 13.00
Run Time: 15:00 minutes
File Size: 457 MB	Format: .MP4
Category: *************  UNDERCOVERED INVESTIGATOR
    10 minutes
Starring: Nadya and Alex
Fetish Elements: 
Police girl, cop, police story, sexy outlook, boots, fighting, beating, strangulation with garrote, trying to save life and take a gun, death stare, carrying
           The police commissioner is hunting a serial killer. They hire a young policewoman to look for this one. He is very dangerous, so they send the policewoman as an undercover investigator. She's dressed as a hooker to turn him on and provoke: Blue denim jacket, grey bang-free top, black shorts, skin-coloured tights and hot grey overknee suede boots with heel. She absolutely has to arrest him, then she is assured of the promotion. As a result, she takes her gun and handcuffs with her. She spots the serial killer in a dark bar. However, the madman sees the items in her bag. He waits for a fitting moment, then attacks her. He punches her in the abdomen several times, she groans in pain. She staggers, falls to the ground. She writhes, tries to get up, she doesn't make it. He kicks her multiple times, she screams is helpless. Then he bends over her, takes a rope out of his pocket. She lies on the floor with her back. He puts the rope around her neck and pulls on. She fights back, fight, punches him and tramples with her feet. He pulls the rope more tightly. She moans loudly, barely gets air. He is brutal and cruel. She kicks him between the legs, he screams, she can break free, gets up and tries to flee. He follows her, grabs her and puts the rope around her neck from behind. Slowly he pulls her to the ground. A nagging battle begins. He pulls the rope ever tighter, she gets weaker, her movements slower. The last gasp of her, then she dies. Her body is still twitching. The serial killer gets up, puts a few notes on her lifeless body and leaves.
    23 minutes
Starring: Scarlett Fandera, Judi, Tim, Max
«Very Good production, Judi is perfect like always, and scarlett is very gorgeous too, i can say her acting is perfect, i want to see her acting again, and want to make movie with this darkroom again and again"»
Customer’s Review
Fetish Elements
Fighting to the death, Beating, Cruel Beating, Blood from month, Comics and Super Heroines, Interesting Plot, Stabbing with a knife, Stabbing with a big spear, Girls kill man, Man kills girls, Bodypile, Death Stare, Long Agony Before Death, Near to Death, Death 
One plot includes different scenes can be interesting:
1.Scarlett is beaten and stabbed by a soldier
2.A male soldier is stabbed by Judi
3.Scarlett is dying but Judy save her by magic
4.Scarlett sees the dream where Judi is stabbed to her death from behind (great emotions and surprised reaction)
5.Scarlett is stabbed and then shot to her stomach by a villain 
6.Judy tries to save her but she can’t
7.Judi and a villain kill each other with stabbings
8.Scarlett and Judi die together

Two brave girls try to save the world and fight against mad professor and his slave who can activate virus to destroy the world…  WHEN THE HOUSBAND DRINKS
    28 minutes


CAST: Mira Green and Max



Man stabs Girl, Girl Stabs man to his Death, Very Long Agony and trying to survive.

If you want to imagine the girl is dead just stop the video when she is dead.

If you want to imagine she survives just watch longer and she will save her life…


«This is very good work! The filming and bloodwork is excellent. Mira Green acting was very dramatic, energetic, and sexy.»

Customer’s Review

Scene 1 (2 to 5 minutes)


Husband comes home drunk one late night. He finds wife in kitchen. He comes yells at her telling her how tired he is of her. She tells him: "Shut up you drunk failure. You need lots of tough punishment to turn you into a man. Go sleep outside in the cold." pointing to the door. He punches her in the face. She pushes him back away from her. He picks up kitchen knife and yells at her telling her he will kill her and take her life insurance policy. She get scared and picks up another kitchen knife and yells at him to back away from her. He makes slashing attacks and slashes her in both of her thighs. She backs away from him telling him to stop. He charges her and slashes her across her stomach. She looks down at her injury in disbelief and gets angry. She lunges herself forward towards him and plunges the knife in his heart. He falls dead to the ground.


Scene 2 (20 minutes or more)


5 Minutes


The wife is in shock to what she did. She is in shock and pain from her injury. Her heart is racing. She is shaking and moaning painful cries. She looks down at her injury and realizes she is bleeding. She clutches her arms over the stomach wound to slow the bleeding. She starts to walk towards the bathroom to get bandages. However, the slashes in her legs make it very hard to walk. So she has to sit down and uses her arm to crawl to bathroom.


5 Minutes


At the bathroom, she find some medical bandages on a shelf. She tries to stand up to reach the bandages. Several times her legs fail her. She falls to her knees due to the weakness and injury in her thighs/legs. After several attempts she is able to stand by using the sink for support to help her stand. She takes the bandages and sits on the ground again. She takes of her camisole so she can bandage the stomach. She then applies medical tape/gauze and ties several layers of it around her stomach slash and thigh slashes. This successfully stops the bleeding.


5 Minutes


By then, she had lost some blood. Her blood pressure and heart rate dropped. There is blood around the injury area on her stomach, blood on her shirt, blood lines going down her legs all the way to her ankle. She feels weak and sits down on the ground on the bathroom against the wall. She clutches her stomach and pulls her knees to her face. She is afraid she will die. She realizes she must call for help. She crawls back to the living room and calls for medical help from her cell phone.


5 Minutes


Her heart rate slowly drops. She withers and moans in pain for several minutes. She suffers in pain and agony for several minutes making pain sounds.  She then slowly slides to the ground and passes out. Screen fades to black.


Scene 3 (10 minutes)


Scene 3 starts with her in cardiac arrest. She is lying on the ground. There is pillow under her head. Her eyes are wide open staring at the ceiling. Her mouth is open in shock. There is nasal cannula line connected to her nose for breathing. There is medical electrodes on her chest and stomach to deliver shocks to her heart. She is shocked by the electrodes every 30 seconds. The actress will simulate this by moving her chest and stomach up then down in a shock pattern. The shocks will become gradually stronger with time. Finally, one of the shocks will bring her pulse back. She wakes up. She sits up scared and breathing heavily as if she just woke up from a nightmare.



    16 minutes
CAST: Li, Angelina, Bella Lenina, Scarlett Fandera, Alex
«What a really nicely produced video!  Awesome addition to the series.    Your team and the actresses all were superb.  Another one of my favorite customs.  Thank you and your team!!!»
Customer’s Review

Arrows, Kidnapping, Bondage, Helpless, Female in Perils, Woman in Peril, Belly Button tortures, Lots of belly fetishes, Stabbing, Shooting, Police, Cop, Dying Slowly., Family Drama, Trying to escape, Best Acting

Dynamic Plot and Action
Every character has it’s own cinematic motivation and emotion
Scarlett Fandera is very good actress! Enjoy realistic professional emotions in the horror industry!
4 Death Scenes: long and rather shot deaths
New technology of arrow effect 

If you watch ARCHER seria you already know about family of crazy hunters with bow (two Archers Brothers) who hide in the town and kill the exotic dancers of striptease club. It was many trying to catch him by police, but Archer maniac was too smart to be arrested or killed – every time he kills all his opponents and continues his dirty deeds.
This one two dancers get an invitation to the private party for 10000$ fee. It looks strange, and one of dancers (Li) has a sister who is a police woman (Scarlett). She decides to speak with her about this strange letter.
Scarlett is sure it’s the letter from the Archer. She asks her partner (Bella Lenina) and the collegue of her sister, a dancer too (Angelina) to help her in the serial operation against the Archer. The plan is: girls go to the ‘’party’’, the Archer attack them and police catch him before he has time to kill them.

But this was a really bad idea. Archer was very vast. He arrowed Angelina to her belly button, and when Scarlett and Bella rushed to the Archer’s lair, a trap was already waiting for them. Bella got an arrow. Scarlett shot Archer and tried to help her sister, but Archer wasn’t killed and he shot her dear sister to the stomach and then arrowed poor Scarlett. Dying Scarlett could only say: «forgive me» to her dead nude sisters. All 4 dead females stayed on the floor in the great bodypile…

The Archer
And ARCHER 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9!  ANGRY BOSS
    14 minutes
Custom Video 
Cost for the customer: 250$+props 
Do you want your own custom video? Contact us!:)

Fetish Elements: 
Office secretary look , sexy boots, black stockings, black office mini skirt, white shirt, black leather jacket 
Conflict Situation 
Young serious office woman is surprises by her boss in the office – she becomes a victim of job sexual harassment. She tries to stop him but she’s strangled by crazy rich man! 
Death Fetishes: 
Manual Strangulation, Garrote Strangulation, Choking, Fighting fo the life, Many legs kicking and jerking in different poses, vore legs views, death stares, playing with a corpse in different positions, crime scene 

Laney has a new job as a secretary in a great company. She works hard, often till midnight. 
This evening she is in office too, writing some bills 
for clients. But she didn't realize her boss, he is still 
in office too. He observes her till she started in company. Her body turns him on, he loves her look this night: white blouse, black mini-skirt, skin-colored stockings and black kneehigh leatherboots. He comes to her desk and wanna touch her body, his hands between her legs. She screams " go away fucker " and fights with him. He beats her, she falls down. On the floor he strangles her hard and cruel with his hands. She fights for her life, can espape, takes her black leather jackett and runs to the door. He follows her, takes his belt around her neck from behind. A hard, long and cruel strangling starts. Finally she gets weaker and dies after a long struggle on the floor, eyes wide opened. He leaves the company, her dead body the floor. 

    14 minutes

Fetish Elements
Military uniform, prison, escape from the prison, knock out from behind, taking the uniform from the guard, unconscious,  stripping for the uniform, topless, throat cut, surprise reaction after throat cut, strong military girl was killed by smart prisoner 

 	Secret military base in Australia, where experiments on people are conducted. The unfortunate tourist from Eastern Europe was kidnapped for the purpose of experiments. She was held captive for weeks. Finally, she managed to escape from the cell. She entered the workshop, where she found no weapons other than a baton. A guard comes to the object. A female captive comes out from behind cover and hits the guard on the head. Now she takes off all the clothes from the guard - pants, socks, military boots, even a bra, shirt, jacket and baseball cap. She leaves her only cowards. So that the guard does not make a lot of noise, the captive takes the phone, gun and knife from the guard and cuts her throat with a knife, leaving a bloodied half-naked body with an amazed expression on his face.
    23 minutes

CAST: Mira Green, Luiza, Max


«Thank you, downloaded and watched.

Overally very happy with it. 

Mira was exceptional. Her outfit, death stare, final body position. I would have just preferred more blood to come out of her mouth. 

Luiza was exceptional throughout. Her death stare was amazing, the drool scene was spectacular and her lingerie outift was so sexy. A truly stunning girl..

Max was great in it too. Very brutal and it really came across that he hated Luiza. Brilliant by him»

From Customer’s Review 

1.	Sexy Villian Luiza kills yung rich wife of businessman shooting her to her chest and then to her month  - great fighting, emotions, surprise expression, fear expression, shooting effects and postmortem agony!
2.	Sexy Villian Luiza meets her long, terrible end as a revenge from husband of killed girl. Poor Luiza was choked, poisoned, stabbed to her chest, had neck breat two times and then was shot many many times already dead. 

PLENTY!!! Plenty Fetish Elements!

Shooting to the chest, Shooting to the month, pospmortem agony, Seduction, Bad Girl, Fe,ale Killer, From killer to Victim, Sexy Leather pants of killer, Black Stocking and lingerie,  Choking, Knock Out, Unconscious, Poisoning, Foam From The mouth, Agony, very strong body shaking, Begging For the life, Stabbing to the chest (long), Begging for be killed  quickly, Breaking Neck (Twice), Shooting many times to the dead body, Painting with Blood on dead body, Death Stare, Sexy Deadly Poses  

1st Scene

We see Mira green in her lounge doing yoga.

 She’s wearing a sports bra and pants whilst doing her stretching. She’s wearing a really nice necklace. we see her doing a few stretches. The camera then focuses on Luiza dressed as an assassin holding a silenced pistol entering the room. Mira hasn’t noticed and carries on working out. Luiza approaches mira and points the gun at Mira and tells her not to make a sound. she tells mira she just needs her husbands laptop and if she stays quiet, she’ll live. Luiza walks to pick up the laptop from the side table. Mira sees an opportunity and runs to attack Luiza, Luiza turns and fires a single shot in Miras heart. Shocked, Mira puts her hand over the wound. She looks up at luiza as blood runs out of her mouth and wound. Mira collapses onto her knees. Luiza then walks up to mira and forces her gun into Mira’s mouth. A single shot ends Mira’s life. Mira falls onto her back and her body twitches a few times before laying still her legs are spread apart. Her eyes stay open as the camera closes in on her face, loads of blood pours out of her mouth.  Luiza kneels beside her. She grabs Miras necklace and puts it on herself before leaving the room (with laptop). The camera pans over Miras body before focussing on miras face (eyes still open)

2nd Scene

Max, holding a briefcase dressed smartly on his phone outside luizas house/flat, we hear him say ‘target located, time to kill this bitch’

We cut into the flat and into a bedroom where luiza is dressed in black lingerie, black stockings and a silk robe loosely tied up and no shoes on, she is still wearing Miras necklace. She is on the stolen laptop looking through the files on it.

Max enters holding his briefcase aiming his gun at her, he tells her to stand up and to sit on the bed. As Luiza stands up and turns to face him she hides a knife in her panties. ‘how did you find me?’ luiza asks as she slowly makes her way to the bed. As she sits down she slides the knife under the pillows.

Max goes over to the laptop and briefly looks on it then diverts his attention to his target. Luiza slowly stands. Her plan is to seduce Max, kill him and save herself. Luiza tells max ‘let me show you a reason why you should let me go’ as she walks to Max she takes off her robe to reveal her body. She makes max put his gun next the laptop and takes his hand and walks him to the bed. She gets him to sit on the edge of the bed and begins to give him a sexy lapdance. She grinds on him, bends over infront of him and sucks on his finger. Luiza whispers ‘I want you to fuck me’ she pushes max onto to the bed (hes now laid with his head on the pillow with the knife under) Luiza slowly rides ontop of max whilst doing this she slowly begins to reach for the knife, she tells max to close his eyes and enjoy himself. 

As she grabs the knife she lifts it above her head and tries to thrust it into max’s chest. He grabs her hand and pulls her in close ‘that necklace belonged to my wife, im here to take it back’ they struggle/ roll around on the bed trying to stab each other. Max manages the get the knife but luiza kicks it out of his hand. The knife falls onto the floor. Both are still on the bed, Luiza is on her back and wraps her legs around max whos kneeling then ctarts to choke him with her hands. As she tightens her legs she tries to squeeze the air out of him. Max, grabs her throat and pulls her up so theyre facing each other. He then punches luiza in the face instantly knocking her out. She falls back on to the bed and her legs unwrap from around max. Max removes the necklace from around her neck and puts it in his pocket. Max goes to his briefcase and takes out a bottle of poison. He then goes back to Luiza who is still laid on the bed knocked out. He forces her mouth open then pours some poison into her open mouth. He then replaces the poison in his briefcase.

Max slaps luiza to wake her up. ‘enjoy the poison you’ve just swallowed’ luiza looks terrified as the poison begins to attack her body. she violently convulses and foam/drool erupts from her mouth. Her eyes roll back as her body stops convulsing still foam is coming out of her mouth, her tongue is sticking out.

Max grabs his belongings and begins to leave, as he nears the door he hears Luiza moving. She is somehow still alive, she crawls off the bed and makes her way to the knife on the floor. She slowly crawls towards it. Max laughing at how pathetic Luiza is he tells her that he can’t have given her enough poison. As she grabs the knife max stands on her hand that’s holding the knife and takes it from her. he grabs her hair and forces her onto her knees infront of him. He strokes her face and body with the knife all whilst luiza is begging for mercy. He grabs her face and bends down so their staring at each other. 
‘you fucking slut, any last words?’
‘just finish me off quickly, a bullet to the head’
‘You disgust me, I’ll do with you whatever I want, once you’re dead, your body is mine’
Luiza looks at max as Max thrusts the knife into Luizas chest. Blood flows out of luizas mouth. Max stands, and puts his foot on the knife that’s still in luizas chest and pushes it making Luiza drop onto her back, her body spasms. Max walks to her head and picks her head up. Luiza barely alive pleads for her life. He aggressively snaps her neck. Her eyes stay open and her tongue comes out. Max still filled with anger at luiza snaps her neck twice more. Each time Luizas body spasms. Her lifeless body is left with her arms and legs spread out wide. He retrieves his gun. As he walks to luizas body he is still angry at her. He unloads his entire clip into luiza. Her body shakes with each shot, once finished her arms and legs are again spread wide. The camera goes close on her face, loads of blood flows out of her mouth as she stares lifelessly into the camera. Max bends down and uses his phone to take a couple of photos of luiza to prove the target has being killed. He puts his phone away and uses the blood from her mouth to write RIP on luizas forehead and then writes SLUT in blood across her belly. Max kicks luizas legs more open then collects all his belongings and leaves. The camera does loads of shots of luizas body (close ups on her face, shots with her body in full view and shots in between her legs). Final shot it of luizas face.

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    Welcome To The Crime House Studio on Kinky Clips
    Crime House Fantasy Studio (also Crime House & Crime House and Dark Rooms) is independent production company with female death fetish orientation. Crime House does very erotic stuff, but not porn. Why we advice to offer our videos? 1. SEXY VICTIM-ACTRESSES ONLY 2. REALISTIC DEATH SITUATIONS 3. GREAT ACTING 4. CSGFX EFFECTS 5. NEW MODELS EVERY WEEK 6. ALL DEATH FETISH GENRES 7. NOT PORN BUT VERY-VERY EROTIC AND HOT 8.RUSSIAN AND EAST EUROPE HOT MODELS 9. WE DO KNOW HOW TO PLAY SEXY DEATH 10. ALL MOVIES ARE MADE IN VERY HIGH QUALITY

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