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    All content on Kinky Clips is Role Playing Fantasy only.
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    16 minutes
Former hitwoman Judi is exercising at her house...(She's wearing a sexy tights)...She gets tired and takes off her tights to take a shower...She stays in her sexy underwear...A phone call comes in...The caller is Judi's ex-boss ...

Judy: Hello...
Boss: Hey are you...
Judy: Who are you...
Boss: I'm Judi, your boss...
Judi: My old boss... I told you not to call me again... where did you get my number...
Boss: I always find you Judi... I want you to do something..
Judi: What do you want from me...
Boss: There's a man I want you to kill...
Judi: I don't do that kind of work anymore... I have a quiet life... Find someone else...
Boss: Judi you're going to do this, or it will be bad for you...
Judi: I won't do it asshole... Don't call me again... Or it will be bad for you...

Judi hangs up... She checks around, takes off her underwear and takes a shower... She washes beautifully and sexyly... Meanwhile, the boss' man (male) comes in with a gun in his hand...Judi notices the man, but he hides behind the door because he doesn't have a gun...The man enters the shower but cannot see Judi...Judi calls out to the man...

Judi: Are you looking for me asshole...

The man turns his back...Judi kicks the man's gun and they start fighting...Judi beats the guy very clearly...He knows he can't beat Judi...He tries to escape, but Judi catches the man in the living room and says, "you're not going anywhere, asshole."..Judi continues to beat the man...He beats a man for a certain period of time with punches,kicks and knee blows...The man begs...(LET THE FIGHT SCENE BE A LITTLE LONG...JUDİ A BRUTAL WOMAN...SHE BEATS HER ENEMY MERCİLESSLY AND FOR A LONG TİME ...)

Man: Judi enough, please don't hit me anymore... ok I surrender...

Judi grabs the man by the throat and leans him against the wall...(Both are standing...Judi held him by the throat and held him against the wall)

Judi:Speak then asshole...who sent you...
Man: I can't speak, Judi... or they'll kill me...
Judi: (continues to punch the man and hits him in the groin with knee strikes...) Will you talk, asshole?..
Man:Judi, Please don't...I'm saying I can't talk...
Judi:(Judi hits the man's groin with knees... The man falls to his knees... Then Judi kicks the man 5-6 times in the face... The man's mouth and nose are bloody... The man falls to the ground...)
Judi: So you still won't talk... Well you jerk, I know how to get you to talk...

Judi grabs the man by the collar and takes him to the shower...(THE SHOWER NEEDS TO BE WIDE... WE NEED TO SEE JUDI'S FULL SEXY BODY...) He makes the man kneel, ties his hands behind his back and leans him against the wall... She fills the tub with water...

Man: Judi what are you doing...
Judi:Wait and see asshole...(Judi kicks him in the face a few times and he faints)

After Judi fills the tub, she wakes the man...

Judi: Wake up asshole...
Man: (wakes up) Judi what's going on...

Judi grabs the man's hair and dips it in water... After waiting for a while, he pulls his head out and asks again...

Judi:Speak up asshole...who sent you...
Man: Judi I can't speak... Please let me go...

Judi performs the same procedure once again...

Judi: Will you talk now, asshole...
Man: Please let me go... They'll kill me if I talk...

Judi does the same process for the third time... This time she makes the man's head stand in the water for a longer time... The man makes a sign with his hand... Judi pulls the man's head out of the water...

Judi: Yeah, I'm listening to you asshole...
Man: Ok Judi... Enough I'll talk...
Judi: Well done... (Judi pulls the man's head out of the tub and makes him stand up and sit on the toilet... She's naked and very sexy in front of the man...)
Man: I have one condition, Judi...
Judi: First of all, you're going to call me Miss Judi from now on... get it asshole? (naked and sexy)
Man: Got it, Miss Judi...
Judi:Good for you...Tell me what you want from me...(The man is sitting on the toilet with his hands tied behind his back...And Judi stands in front of him, naked and sexy, listening to him...DON'T FORGET...MAN EVEN WHEN TALKING, THE CAMERA MUST ALWAYS TAKE JUDI...)
Man: You will set me free, you will let me live...
Judi: (Judi thinks a little by looking at the guy)Well, so be it...If you talk, I'll let you live...(Judi looks at the man with disdain...)
Man: Okay Miss Judi... What do you want to know...
Judi: Who are you? What are you doing in my house?
Man: My name is Max... I'm the hired assassin for you... I was sent to kill you...
Judi: Who sent you?
Man: The boss sent me here... He wanted me to find you and kill you...
Judi: Son of a bitch... I'm going to slay that asshole...
Man: Yes Miss Judi... It's all my boss's fault... I'm just doing what he says...
Judi: You want to live, don't you, Max? (Judi looks at the man with disdain...)
Man: Yes Miss Judi... I'll do anything for you if you can guarantee that...
Judi: Where's your phone?
Man: In my pocket...
Judi:(Takes the guy's phone out of his pocket...) Now I will call the boss and you will talk to him. You will say that he killed me.But you will say that you have top secret documents about him at home. You will then tell him to come here.Do you understand what I said, Max.
Man: Well, what if I can't convince her, Miss Judi...
Judi: Then I'll kill you, Max... (Judi says contemptuously)
Man: Okay Miss Judi... untie my hands, let me talk...
Judi: No you idiot... I'll turn on the speaker and listen to you...
Man: Okay Miss Judi...
Judi: Are you ready Max...
Man: I'm ready...
Judi: Remember this, I'll kill you if you do something wrong... (Judi looks at the man with disdain...)
Man: Okay Miss Judi, don't worry...
Judi: So here we go...(Judi turns on the speaker and calls her boss...She puts the phone next to the bathroom mirror...Judi is standing in front of the man, naked and sexy...The man is sitting on the toilet with his hands tied behind his back...IMPORTANT NOTE: THE CAMERA WILL MUST SHOT JUDI IN ALL TALKS...WHEN THE MAN IS TALKING, I WANT TO SEE JUDI'S REACTIONS...I NEED TO SEE JUDI'S SEXY BODY CLEARLY AND FULLY...)

Boss:Max, did you kill the bitch...(Judi laughs but reacts with contempt...)
Max: Yes boss, I killed it...
Boss:Well done Max...I'm actually sorry...I always wanted to fuck that bitch...(Boss laughs...)(Judi gets angry at this answer but laughs contemptuously)
Max: Boss, there's a problem...
Boss: What's wrong...
Max: Boss, Judi kept some secret files about you... you need to see these...
Boss: Damn bitch... I'm getting there... I'm going to fuck that bitch's body... (Judi gets angry at this answer but laughs contemptuously)

Judi hangs up...

Judi:Well done Max, you did everything I said...
Max: Yes Miss Judi... Now let me go...
Judi:Max you're really stupid...The boss found an idiot like you instead of me...
Max: Miss Judi I don't understand... What do you mean...

Judi grabs the man by the neck and puts his head in the tub.

Judi: Thank you Max for the information you gave me... But now I'm done with you... So you're useless to me now...
Max:Miss Judi please don't...Please don't kill me?
Judi: You know what my favorite thing is, Max? Killing a stupid man... I'll kill you with great pleasure... Bye bye Max...(Judi steps on the man's head with her foot and starts to strangle him... Judi's posture here is so sexy must be...With her right foot outside the tub, she strangles him by stepping on the man's head with her left foot... So Judi strangles the man with her foot, not her hand...Meanwhile, I want to see Judi's sexy body fully and very clearly...The man suffers...Judi enjoys strangling the man...The man resists a little and then cannot move and dies...Judi waits a little longer to make sure the man is dead...She then pulls the man out of the tub and leans him against the wall...She watches a little bit about the man he killed...)

Judi gets in the tub and talks to Max...

Judi: I have a gift for you Max for the information you gave me... You are a very lucky man, you will watch me take a shower...

Later, she turns on the water and starts to bathe in front of Max, whom she killed ...After a little washing, she gets out of the shower and looks at Max ...(Naked and very Sexy)

Judi: How Max, do you like it...(Laughs and sneers, nude and sexy) See you in hell asshole ... (She says and gets out of the shower ...)  SUMMER SHOOTOUT
    10 minutes
      SUMMER SHOOTOUT - Summer Shootout
Starring: Hass, Juliana, Mary, Annabelle
Set of non-blood outside shooting. Scenes with murders in the car, girls killing girls, POV shooting killing
    32 minutes
      SESESSION - Art-house 32-minutes long art movie for our loyal fans and for those who wants to watch art-movie with only one beautiful sexy death scene in the end of the movie. Spy thriller written by xj-900.  DEAL OF FATALITY 2
    18 minutes
«Hi! Glad to see that the video gives me much more than my expectation! The most applealing thing is the blood on the way---- especially compared to the white snow. All of the guys appear are fantastic, especially Juliana and I'm sure that I will choose her again next time. All of the scenes and plots show your professionalism of creating such high-quality film for the fifth time, and  I look forward for next cooperation between us as long as I have new ideas. Keep healthy and best wishes!»
Customer’s Review 
Mira Green, Max, Juliana, Sonya Krueger, Morsus, Alex

Scene 1

Mira, a brave but inexperienced policewoman has knocked the door. She starts searching the apartment with her gun.
When Mira enters the bedroom,  Max is waiting for her behind the door.The cop turns around, seeing him At that moment, Max kicked off the gun from her hand, and tries to beat her: “Die, Stupid cop!” Mira tries her best to fight with Max, but she seems to be defeated by the criminal. Although she punches Max for several times, it seems that Max has control the fight gradually. After beating the cop’s face and belly many times without any resistance, Max pushes Mira down to the floor, and strangles Mira.
Mira is fighting to have her neck released, and it is useless. She has a strong sense that she is losing her breath second by second. At that time, she hears a sound of bullets through human’s body. Max falling on the ground with his eyes widely opened, and another cop---- Juliana appears behind him. The backup finally comes!
Surprised and grateful, Mira stands up with pain and wants to say something to give thanks to Mira. However, her words are interrupted by Juliana.
“ A completely failed mission if it were not me.” Juliana gives the conclusion without any emotion, “Your performance leaves a lot to be desired, especially compared with experienced cops.”
Then Juliana looks down to the dead criminal and sniffed: “the result of not wearing bullet-proof vest”.
A car stops on the road next to a pub. Three excellent policewomen---- Juliana, Helga, and Mira, are sitting in the car. 
“Mira, come on, happy hour.” Juliana says to Mira.
“But we do not wear bullet-proof vests this time.” Mira asked.
“Are you kidding?” Helga laughs at Mira, “We are going to enjoy the beer now, not a mission to arrest the criminal.” 
“Don’t think too much, baby. The only thing we concern tonight is drinking.” Juliana also agrees with Helga.
With a bit doubt that cannot be explained, Mira leaves the car with other two cops.
Scene 3
Mira and Helga are drinking beers happily in the same table.
“Do you mean we must close the case without finding out who’s behind the big picture?” Mira asks.
“Do you think that anyone else are concerned about the truth expect for us? Now we only have three of us on our side.” Helga tells to Mira.
At that moment, Mira is crashed by a drunk guy in the pub.
“Hey? Are you blind?” 
“I think you are fucking blind.” The guy seems not afraid of them.
“If you are drunk, the best thing you can do is to back home as soon as possible.” Helga stands up, walks toward that guy and urges.”
“It’s none of your business.” The drunk guy punches Helga heavily.
“What do you want?” Helga punches the guy as response, then gets a punch from him too.
“Don’t spent time on him.” Mira asks Helga to end the conflict, “We are cops.”
Just after Mira has shown the identification of policewoman, the guy pulls out a gun, and shot Mira for two times.
Mira is falling on the table, and Helga hurries to hide behind the table.
Scene 4
When return back from washroom, what appears in the eyes give Juliana a big surprise: Mira is lying on the table, breathing in great pain, and keeps her eye opened, just like the picture below (which means she has not dead now). The bad guy is running away. Helga disappears, and Juliana does not know whether Helga was injured in the previous fight or not. 
“Helga, are you shot? Helga?” Juliana holds her gun and looking for Helga. Suddenly, Juliana gets a belly shot from her back. She moans heavily, then smiles, and says to the shooter behind her:“ Helga, is it you?”

Two more bullets through Juliana’s body: one for chest, and the other for belly.
“You should’nt do that.” Juliana smiles again, and gives Helga a shot without turning around and seeing where the target is. In fact, she is so excellent a cop, that she aires directly to Helga’s chest.
Then Juliana turns around slowly, with three bloody holes can be seen from both sides.
“Dirty cop?”
Helga sitting behind the wall, nodding her head to commit her identity. “Please don’t shoot, we can make a deal. I’ll call them off.”
“With three holes in my body?” Juliana crunches strongly because of the pain.
At that time, the drunk guy we see before returns back to the pub and shoot Juliana on the back for another times. She drops the gun, falls to the floor like the picture below, picks up her gun again, and creeps to sit down next the wall, vomiting bloods through her mouth.
“You fucking asshole! Are you know better than shooting a girl from the back?”  
Juliana aires bullets to the guy, but all of them are off the target. However, she gets two more shot in her body. She tries her best to stand up again (some close-up for her black long boots), but she fails. Her breath becomes deeper and deeper, and bloods continue to run out of her mouth. She uses her hand to cover her breast from bleeding, and haves a lot blood cough.
The shooters are getting closer and closer. “We will send your body to the police station in one piece.”
Juliana sweeps the blood around her mouth, saying bravely: “Over...... my...... dead...... pussy.......”
Three more belly shot. Juliana can no longer say even a word. She struggles and moans for a minute, then goes wide eyed and still, dead from eight wounds in her body.
“You cannot get away with this!” Helga shouted to the guy. She does not want to see the death of Juliana, even if they are enemies since Helga has joined the drug deals.
“We never want to kill anyone, as long as they do not know who we are. Give you few seconds to goodbyes with your teammates, and we waiting for you in the car outside.” The guy leaves Helga in the pub, and goes away.

Helga moves towards Juliana with tears and regret. “Baby, what happened to us is far beyond my expectation. Helga then takes off Juliana’s boots and black socks. She also takes off her ankle boots and white socks, and wear Juliana’s socks instead. “I will avenge for you, by wearing your socks.”
She tries her best to stand up, but she cannot. So she keeps creeping with her strong mind, like the picture above. 
It takes her great pain and long time, but she finally comes on the street (Please also include some scenes of the officer walking downstairs) , and the man appears in her scenes again. With the help of another car, she tries hard to stand up, and gives a fatal shot to the man.
Seeing the man dead, the cop feels that she can no longer control her body, She gradually lies on the ground, goes wide eyed and still, dead from the fatal wound given by Juliana. 
     Guard Stories
    21 minutes
      Guard Stories - GUARD STORIES
21 minutes
Excellent Long SHOT-DEAD COCKTAIL Clip!
12 Chapters! 24 Deaths!
HD Quality, Good sounds, Good reactions, Digital blood/No blood effects
English subtitles in sexy deadly dialogues!

Annabelle (Guard 1): Long Boots, Pantyhose, shite shirt
Julianna (Guard 2): High-heels shoes, black stockings, short office miniskirt, white shirt

Fetish elements:
Shooting, Headshots, shooting to the chest, shooting to the stomach, multi shooting MachineGunned, Human Shield, Silenser Gun, Quick Deaths, Long Deaths, Death Stares, Begging For life, Traitors

Two sexy guards work at Dr.Ko’s residence. It’s not a calm job at all. 12 chapters tell 12 stories about two guards’ deaths!
If you like this clip please check 
And go to
and other Spy and Office content!  SUPERHEROUS
    13 minutes
Starring: Sonya Krueger, Mira Green, Max
Fetish Elements: Beaning, Touching Crotch, Cop Girls, Office Girls, Beating to the Death, Falling Down
Starring Sonya, dressed as in the film in the picture , Black stockings, ponytail pay attention to the back strap, I like it very much, the actor is the boss, because cop Sonya did not complete the task and began to scold Sonya.
Sonya did not dare to speak, the actor slapped face Sonya a few times, Sonya lowered her head, and the actor began to slide his hand on Sonya's body.
The actor forced Sonya to touch the actor’s chest muscles  . Sonya touched it with a trembling hand, and then began to touch Sonya’s crotch,rubbing back and forth
Sonya did not dare to resist. The actor walked behind Sonya, stroking the heroine's chest and crotch from behind, preparing to take off Sonya's skirt,When she took it off halfway, Sonya rebelled lightly with her hands. The actor became angry, grabbing Sonya's collar with one hand, raising a fist with one hand and saying, "Are you dissatisfied?" Sonya was frightened, panicking and eagerly begging for mercy, "I was wrong, sorry, forgive me" (Begging for mercy here for a while, showing fear), The actor starts punching and kicking Sonya . in the face and belly, Sonya kept screaming and begging for mercy while being beaten. The louder and more eager the better. Sonya can try to escape or block with your hands.
Sonya can also cover her belly and face with her hands when she is beaten.
It can be a little bit bruised and swollen, or nosebleed, but it doesn’t have to be too bloody.
Sonya was beated to the ground, convulsed, rolled her eyes, and the actor walked away contemptuously
the second part
Mira Green starred, dressed as shown in the picture, be careful not to wear black socks like the picture, wear flesh-colored pantyhose
The first part is black stockings and the second part is flesh-colored pantyhose. Pay attention to the different details of each part.

The female police followed the male protagonist with a gun, told the male protagonist to stay still, and went back to the police station with them. The male protagonist was a fighting expert. He shot off the heroine's gun in an instant, And overwhelmingly defeated the heroine. Just a few punches.
Mira found that she was not the opponent, she was terrified, and she started to back up and fell down in fright.  She stepped back on the ground and the actor kept approaching. Mira had retreated to the wall and there was no way to go back. Then Mira barely got up, and the actor suddenly put his hands on the wall and sandwiched Mira.
The actor took off his shirt, revealing his pectoral muscles.
The protagonist grabbed Mira by the collar with one hand and raised his fist with one hand. Mira was scared and begged for mercy.
Next, one of the main contents of the script is punching and kicking, face beating, and stomach beating. There can be scenes that block and beat up actresses in the corner.
Mira kept begging for mercy in the process of being beaten, the louder the better, fear, escape, and apologize. Finally, the actor will mira step on her feet, her belly, and then her back. Forcing Mira to say humiliating things, such as "surrender?" "Who is stronger?" etc.
Mira was also beaten to bruises, some of the details of the beating are similar to the Sonya above
In the end Mira Green was pinched around his neck, and the actor began to lift up Mira Green's skirt with the other hand, and constantly touched Mira Green's crotch. And pressed the hostess on a table, pinched her neck and touched her crotch.
The heroine is a bit weak and is constantly being humiliated and violated. For example, the buttocks are tilted and the body is forced to press on the ground, and the actor touches the crotch
In the end, the male protagonist grabbed the female protagonist and threw it from the roof or the room to the downstairs and fell to her death .   When she was thrown, Mira Green desperately begged for mercy.

    9 minutes
Cast: Mira Green and Sally
Mira can no longer hide her crime, she must leave the country, she follows a flight attendant (Sally) in her hotel, and she steals a hotel uniform to infiltrate Sally’s room. Sally prepares herself to have a bath, she has taken off her uniform, she is only wearing her black pantyhose (no panties) but before she can take her pantyhose off, Mira surprise her and drown her in the bathtub. 
“WHAT THE…. UUHMMM” Mira moves her palm over Sally’s mouth to prevent her to scream “Shhhh…” she says while pushing Back into the bathtub. 
Mira pushes her into the bathtub face to face, Sally have her upper body pressed down in the bathtub and her legs kicking and waving up in the air. Mira is holding her that way, Sally use her hands to struggle but her opponent has the upper side on her, she wraps her pantyhose clad legs around Mira hips, she tries to leg scissor her … Mira is really enjoying it… At some point, Sally try to push Mira away with her feet, she bends her legs and press her feet over Mira chest and face… Mira loves it and have few whiffs of Sally’s pantyhose clad feet…. 
When Sally movement turns weaker, Mira moves closer, at few inches of the water and stare over the face of Sally… Sally looks panicked... and scared… Mira smile to her she is already anticipating the moment when life will leave Sally’s body… Sally cannot figure out who is that woman, she stares over her in disbelief, then her expression change to death stare as she finally let out her last bubble. 
Once she is dead, Mira let her upper body into the water, and she have some foot fetish time with her (Sally is wearing her pantyhose). She presses the pantyhose clad feet of the dead flight attendant over her face and pleasures herself till she reaches orgasm (simulated) 
Then she put the body in a huge travel bag/suitcase and leave the hotel while wearing the air hostess uniform dragging the bag containing the body of Sally (naked/pantyhose only). 
Later that day, Mira is coming at the airport wearing flight attendant uniform where she leaves the country.

    9 minutes
Bonus Custom episode to Toxic Moon Production №1

Actors and model:
Judi, Kit

Towel, Nude, Shower scene  

Shooting to low belly near pussy, shooting to the chest, death stare, spy theme 

Young sexy spy, the partner of Johnny Bond, were searching for memory card at the enemies’ place. She found it and called mr.Bond about it. Bond said he was going to her and she started preparation for meeting with Bond. She went to the shower and after it enemy-killer surprised her with a gun…
     Red Bag
    19 minutes
      Red Bag - Taya  worked as a personal assistant for  a rich  businessman. Boss has full confidence in her. Today she has responsible assignment:   to  get a large sum of cash from bank. She comes to a hotel room with a red bag full of cash.

for suspicion she chose a cheap hotel on the outskirts of the city. She undresses and puts on the white shirt. She has a free time. Meeting with collectors  will be only tomorrow. What should she do  alone in her room? She is talks   with the boss on the phone and says everything is fine. The only thing that bothers her is  a strange man who seems to be stalking her from the bank to the hotel.  Then she relaxes in anticipation of a good premium. She is young and beautiful. Soon she will be career and sweet life. In the sweet oblivion she begins to fondle himself and masturbate.

she  was quite relaxed and was not thinking about anything bad, enjoying her young body. But in vain! The strange man was not a game of her imagination. And he stalked her, and now he's here in the room. He is looking at her fondling her pussy, and he is already holding a gun at the ready. He took her by surprise, right at the peak of orgasm. She is scared to death.

she believes that he just take the bag and leave, because all he wants is money! At gunpoint, he takes her to the living room, but  after receiving  the  bag, he is in no hurry to leave. She squeezed into a corner. She does not want to die young, she is not ready to die.

she uses her feminine erotic charms fits close to him, stroking his gun, trying to tune up with him, touching his penis. But really the culprit, in whose hands one million dollars in cash, would risk for sexual body young bitch? He pushes her on the sofa, she realizes in horror that it  was the end. He shoots her in the chest three times. She lost her mind from this inhuman pain, incompatible with life. In terrible agony she slides to the floor. She is still alive, understands everything he sees and hears, but in a state of shock, pain, and turns into a helpless dying body.

the killer takes barely alive woman on his hands and carries into the bathroom. He puts her in the bath, directs a gun at her. She did not ask for help, awareness of death has arrived. Pain and suffering overlap fear and lust for life. She looks at him piteously for the last time, unconsciously hoping that a miracle will happen, he would spare her, and it will have time to save. She can not believe that her young life was already over. He shoots her in the chest one last time. At this time, deadly. Head falls on the shoulders, eyes closed. Her dead body limp lies at the bottom of the bath. Thais are no more, her young juicy corpse. Offender includes water in the shower. Water makes her body wet and spreads over the bath red stains.

fetish elements:  legs, feet, *****, wet dead body in the bath, body carrying, surprised, female masturbation, shooting in chest, topless, sexy underwear, undressing and dressing.  Black Crane
    14 minutes
      Black Crane - BLACK CRANE 
 Custom Movie
Starring: Mary and Nata
                    Fetish elements:
Stabbing to head, shard from mouth, death stare, *****, pantyhose, playing with body, female fatale
    22 minutes

Young sexy sporty wife.

Business lady.

Upset man.


22 minutes for this interesting story with FAT STRANLIG SCENES!

Death of businesswoman in business black shorts, black pantyhose, white blouse.

Death of pretty young girl who wants too much.



Starring: Top model Annabelle and pretty blonde Mary



Mary is young wife who wants to divorce and sell her flat. It’s the flat of her ex-husband’s father. The husband has good memories about this calm place and asks to leave him alone in this flat. He remembers good moments (interesting flashbacks). But his wife is interested only in money and calls realtor.

When the husband sees young business bitch (realtor) who can sell his favorite flat even today he decides to go to far for his home protection. When the wife goes for the documents the husband attack realtor and starts to choke her.

Business girl fight as strong as she can but what can she do against crazy strong man? Her young body has few minutes for resistance but it looks like agony of headless chicken! Her face comes blue with red.


Face, feet, legs, fool weigh, all body, close ups.

The wife comes back and sees woman’s corpse. No more realtors is in the house – just dead worm bluefaced body with death stare.

The housband catches his wife and starts to kill her in the kitchen.


In standing position. In sitting position, garrote pose, death stare.

When she is dead, he puts banana to her mouth.

The following theme is body views in different angles and bodypile, playing with bodies, stripping them.

It is place where his father lived.

It’s not for sale.



Unhappy Christmas

Stocking Fetishist

Unhappy Birthday  Strangler Under the Coach
    12 minutes
      Strangler Under the Coach - STRANGLER UNDER THE COACH

Starring: Anastasia and Catolina (titled as Katty)



No Dialoges, No long intro, just two long and sexy strangulation scenes with stripping and body pile!



Two sexy girls stayed at the room before the big party. Bat maniac broke their big plans. He appeared behind and strangled Anastasis. Anastasia did great strangulation work with aggressive leg jerking in her black stockings, wonderfull death stares and very well acted trying to escape. When her friend went from the bath she was attached too. It was the first role for our new actress about strangulation but she did it great. He eyes got red, her body was jerked as strong as she could…

After the murder maniac dud a bodypile
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    Crime House Fantasy Studio (also Crime House & Crime House and Dark Rooms) is independent production company with female death fetish orientation. Crime House does very erotic stuff, but not porn. Why we advice to offer our videos? 1. SEXY VICTIM-ACTRESSES ONLY 2. REALISTIC DEATH SITUATIONS 3. GREAT ACTING 4. CSGFX EFFECTS 5. NEW MODELS EVERY WEEK 6. ALL DEATH FETISH GENRES 7. NOT PORN BUT VERY-VERY EROTIC AND HOT 8.RUSSIAN AND EAST EUROPE HOT MODELS 9. WE DO KNOW HOW TO PLAY SEXY DEATH 10. ALL MOVIES ARE MADE IN VERY HIGH QUALITY

    Featuring 976 Clips / 16791 minutes of video!

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      BLACK CRANE part 2

    BLACK CRANE part 2


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