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    19 minutes
Starring: Annabelle and Mary
Good sound effects of shooting (silencer guns shooting, gun shooting)
15 scenes of deadly adventures of two young sexy and brave police girls!
Police girls, shooting, POV shooting, quickly death, bad girls, good girls, firefights, black pantyhoses, different death stares, checking bodies, no blood effects 
Scene 1. POV . Gangster shoots 2 police girls, checks their dead bodies, closes their eyes, checks pulse and does some manipulations with bodies. 
Scene 2. POV. Police girls are talking, thee are surprises by gangster, they have no time to do something and they are killed. 
Scene 3. POV. Gangster shoots two police girls from behind. Surprise reaction. 
Scene 4. POV. Gangster sees how police girls are checking his safe house. He kills them. 
Scene 5. POV. Annabelle enters the gangster’s safe house. He kills her. Mary follows her, sees the dead body, starts to check it and she was killed too. 
Scene 6. POV.   POV. Mary  enters the gangster’s safe house. He kills her. Annabelle  follows her.  She sees the dead body, starts to check it and she was killed too.
Scene 7. POV. Police girls are going to kill gangster but they have week position and gangster kills them first. 
Scene 8. POV. Police girls are discussing how to catch gangster. Too many words, too little actions. Bad for them! Gangster chaises and kills them. 
Scene 9. POV. It is firefight between gangster and police girls. Gangster wins. Police girls are dead. 
Scene 10. Annabelle has an information that her partner Mary is traitor. She kills them, check her body searching stolen information but doesn’t find it. She realizes she killed innocent police girls and kills herself, shooting herself to the head. 
Scene 11. Mary has an information that her partner Annabelle  is traitor. She kills them, check her body searching stolen information but doesn’t find it. She realizes she killed innocent police girls and kills herself, shooting herself to the head.
Scene 12. Mary has an information that that her partner Annabelle  is traitor. She wants to talk about it with Annabelle but the bad girl shoots her in her stomach. Mary shoots Annabelle to the head. She finds stolen documents and dies in the agony. She did her last job and killed the traitor. 
Scene 13.Annabelle  has an information that that her partner Mary   is traitor. She wants to talk about it with Mary but the bad girl shoots her in her stomach. Annabelle  shoots Mary  to the head. She finds stolen documents and dies in the agony. She did her last job and killed the traitor. 
Scene 14. Annabelle and Mary were killed by a spy.  

If you like this clop please check out
FIREFIGHT  Not My Hands 2
    11 minutes
      Not My Hands 2 - NOT MY HANDS 2



Pantyhose, legs and feet fetishes!


After losing control on the own hands, Kit went to the doctor. But his hands stopped be his again!

  Double strangulation!

Clever sexy  doctor in glasses and her sexy assistant were strangled by psycho!
    15 minutes
Fountains of blood  madness  and ultra-violence are  waiting for you!
Bloody Horror
Starring: Victoria (Tora), Masha (Mary). Luiza, Angelina, Marina, Kit
3 cut throats!
Man and girls strangle girl
Man chokes girl
Bloody 5 girls body piles 
Marina is  the hairdresser. That day a strange visitor came her salon. He had long hairs and crazy eyes. He took her scissors and cut her throat. He undressed her bloody body, placed to the chair and started to cut her hair. Now his is the BARBER. 
Two sexy girls were waiting at reception for hairdressing. Luiza, businesswoman came in and started to tell about her hairstyle wishing, but the Barber just cut her throat, undressed body and carried to storeroom. 
Another client of this salon was daughter of rich parents, club-girl Vika. She was in  sexy white shorts and had expensive purse. She saw pools of blood and crazy barber and tried to run away, but she fell on the floor, The barber cut her T-shirt and stabbed her neck. Blood was flowing to her tits, she made expressive dying face, tried to creep away, showing her great ass-view and slowly died. 
The two girls was in  the queue. Lazy wife of businessman Angelina was reading a magazine, but young student Mary felt something wrong and looked through the keyhole. She saw how the barber was stripping Vika’s body in blood.  And she was exiting! She was fan of Charles Manson, and Ted Bundy, her favorite movie was « A Clockwork Orange»  and «The Texas Chainsaw Massacre». Her darkside burst forth when she saw the dead body and felt the smell of blood. When Angelina entered the salon she followed her. Angelina slipped in a pool of blood, fell on the floor, and Mary started to strangled her. It was her message for Barber: «We are the same people who love kill!». Barber hold Angelina’s kicking legs and Masha strangled her stronger and stronger, just laughing. Can you just imagine how was Angelina – usual wife living boding and richly, being strangled in luxury  salon? We can only guess, but we will never know because she will never tell. She is dead. 
Love and passion between the Barber and Mary was very short. She thought she would be serial killer’s lover, they would drive across America in Cadillac, kill people, eat burgers and hit the pipe. Yes, they could be great killers-couple, but the Barber works only alone. And he choked Mary… 
She was looking at him with her eyes full of terror and fear, twitching her body and trying to wheeze pleas for mercy. She wanted to kill but she didn’t want to die. But she did. Her leggy choked body with terrific death stare was just a one of bloody girl’s bodies in the storeroom. 
Neighbor IF YOU LIKE VICTORIA (TORA) (she is seldom guest of our project) please check 
Shooting in the Office
 Crazy Casting
 Hotel Strangler  CALL OF DUTY
    12 minutes


"this is another breaking point in the history of these videos. 

All is just perfect. The parts when the girls put their guns on and then they search the stairs or show police badge are very hot. Especially the part when they wait in front of the door, look at eachother and then with their directing guns and self assured look enter the room is superb. I always wanted to see this moment with two female cops.

Also the clothes is precise: I like the elegant Judy's dress and
more casual Louise's wear - her tight jeans are excellent, exactly how it should be and it is very erotic when she puts them on.

And girls' acting is definitely the best element: both girl cops are very tender and neat. Not only when they
speak and listen to each other but also their gesture like smiles, poses and look in her eyes perfectly show their self-confidence and as well their little naivity that is quite unexpectedly and briefly cut just with two brief bastard's  shot.  Before it Judy's strict but also neat talk to Louise after Judy finishes her lipstick application is very nice. 

In the final part the guys are cynical and in some way very awfull when they laugh and humble the girls. This 
behaviour is in strict contrast with the previous girls' tenderness and self-confidence and all this gives to the whole video 
very harsh flavour."
From Customer's Review 

Police, White shirt, Black Skirt, Police Form, Police Story, Head Shot, Shot to the chest, Sudden Death, Death in firefight, Death of brave girls, Death Stares, Criminals have fun stripping dead cop girls


The story starts in a car where two young female cops talk about the plan how to accomplish their mission. The task is to catch a criminal but all this action is a little bit sudden. At the beginning of today shift both policewomen supposed that this day will be really calm. But at the end of the shift when they were driving back to the police station they received a phone call from their informant who announced them that the dangerous criminal surprisingly hides in a house which was at the moment of phone call very close. At just this place they now have stopped their car. 

The first female cop is new in the police department but despite this she is extremely self confident. She replaces her absenting experience with her arrogance. Because after the shift the weekend is starting she wants to go out. Probably to some good cafeteria. So she wears a very tight and elegant satin white blouse like a secretary in the office, unfastened widely on its top and fully revealing her gentle throat, smooth chest and just an upper lace of her neat black bra. Then she has tight black leather trousers, black belt and shoes on the high heels. 

Her female partner has been in the service about two years longer so she is a little bit more experienced. Therefore she is worried. She considers this unexpected mission to be very risky. 

Moreover she has fallen in love with her new colleague and is really afraid of her. But about this she still has not said a word to her. Actually nobody knows it. So her feelings are strictly secret and platonic. This late summer afternoon she is also prepared for some night life in a prestigious club so she wears formal tight blouse with a tight grey vest and extremely short black skirt with black nylons and boots. Similar to her partner she more likely reminds a business woman than a police officer being in the line of duty. 

Both girls sit in the car, the arrogant rookie is behind the wheel. Their sitting poses are very comfortable and relaxed when they have their legs apart  because they are alone and there is no use to behave innocently and properly. 

They discuss the plan of mission. The rookie things that the criminal being in the house will be suprised, unarmed and alone. But the more experienced officer suggests that they should call some backups because the criminal is extremely dangerous. They will be vulnerable if they try to get this guy just themselves. 

But the  rookie refuses to wait. She wants to catch him just now, dead or alive, because it is a case of urgency and there will be no other and so easy opportunity. He has already killed two their colleagues and she wants to revenge them. So she persuades her partner to go inside the house immediately.

After this words there is a tense short pause between them. They look at each other in a complete silence. And just at this time the experienced officer cannot resist her feelings. She suddenly approaches to her mate, lays her hand on her cheek, strokes her tenderly and tries to kiss her.

They touched with their lips very timidly for a short but really sweet moment but the rookie finally shakes her head and moves her face back with a hesitate but flirty smile. 

"I... I want you... I could not stand if some bad thing happened to you" says the commander to the rookie passionately.
The rookie looks at her partner, a little bit surprised, embarrassed but also in some way pleased. She likes her attractive colleague too but does not consider it as love. The rookie so far has thought that these lesbian fantasies she has about her commander are just unimportant erotic game. 

But almost immediately the rookie gets serious. "Well.... we cannot do this. We have to go and accomplish this mission", she says in a reserve way but still a little bit excited, even horny. "It is nice that you are worried about me... Maybe we can have a talk later" she says to her devoted partner with a little bit promising and somewhat encouraging smile. 
"So are you ready?" the rookie asks finally one hand on the door handle. "I am sure we will manage it easily" she continues with excited eyes. "OK" finally agrees the second female cop.

They both get out of the car and look around. Then they approaches the house. A rookie has a one hand on her hip when she walks. The house has unlocked door. Both females at first take out their guns out of the holsters and then carefully enter the house.  "Police, go out with your hands up. We are armed" the rookie shouts when they are in. 

There is no answer so they discuss the way to search the house. The rookie whispers her intentions calmly and still without no fear, like she would be an officer in command. "We should split" she suggests - the rookie girl will go upstairs and the other female cop will search the ground floor. 

So rookie carefully goes up the stairs, her gun still ready in one hand, she creeps around the wall (similar to your clip Failed Mission Part One you sent me). When she reaches the second floor she stops besides the open door and waits for a while. She leans on the wall with her back, her legs spread, now she holds her gun in both hands in front of her face directing the gun barrel upwards. Her head is turned towards the door. She tries to hear some movements or sounds from the beside room. Her heart is beating wildly. Finally she breathes deeply and steps out the wall in order to stand between the door. 

The criminal is really in this room. He is prepared but the rookie not because she actually expected (or maybe hoped) that he will be in the next room which is not so exposed. 

There is a very short action, just one shot. The rookie sees the bastard but she is in a some way shocked so she only directs her gun at him but cannot fire. She cannot even move, she is completely paralyzed by this sudden and fatal situation. 

On the contrary his one shot is brief and very precise. The girl is shot through her heart, the bullet throws her on ground on her back. She gasps and gurgles for several seconds with puzzled and terrified expression but after this short agony she dies with staring eyes from which her young life up to now full of eagerness quickly evaporated. 

Her partner  rushes to the bottom of stairs when she hears a gunshot. At the bottom of the stairs she slows down and also creeps  around the wall with her gun ready although she goes up the stairs a little bit faster . When she calmly approaches to her dead mate, she puts her fingers on the dead girls throat trying to feel some pulse but she only finds out that she cannot help her. She is desperate and totally broken. "You fucking bastard. Get out! I will kill you!" she shouts furiously. There is a shootout again, but a little bit longer, this girl is after all more skilled. She bravely fights with her gun, fires at the criminal but finally she loses and is shot too. She dies besides her colleague with whom she was in secret but very intense love. 

Later two police victims of the cruel war against crime are found by their male colleague. This policeman was also driving close to the house when he was informed by the headquaters that the local people heard a gunfire in a nearby house. 

In the final part of the movie he just stares at the tender bodies with no emotions at all. "I found them. It is too bad. He killed them both. I am sorry about that" he says shortly to the phone and stops the call. "They were too careless" he whispers now just for himself. 

Finally he cannot deny to touch the beautiful bodies. A year ago he started a romance with the more experienced officer. But they just spent one night together and then she finished it without any explanation.... After this brief relationship a rookie entered the office. He liked her innocent face and body but could stand her arrogant behaviour.  Anyway she ignored him totally ... 

Props/elements/plot I would like to see: 
- females sitting in the car at the beginning, 
- gun holsters (shoulder or at the waist), 
- leather tight black trousers with belt and tight satin elegant white blouse unfastened on top of the rookie girl, high heels,
- elegant but tight dress of the second girl (white blouse, formal tight vest, short black skirt, belt, black nylons, boots), 
- girls legs apart frivolously while they are sitting and talking in the car. 
- rookies self-confident smile and sureness about the mission and on the other hand the worries of the second girl,
- short and gentle love scene in the car, 
- getting out of the car, approaching the house, one girl with one hand on her hip when walking, 
- taking the guns ouf of the holsters before they open the door of the house, 
- whispering the orders how to search house, rookie searching the house slowly with pistols ready, going upstairs, creeping around the wall, waiting before the rookie steps out the wall to be in contact with a criminal, 
- two shootouts  - the first one very brief and a second one a little bit longer, 
- blood on the clothes, death stare, mouth open, leg show,
- bodies found by policeman.





    9 minutes


 "I’m very amazed on how every turned out. The camera work and girls were great, and the script simple"

Customer's Review 


Stalking, Spy Theme, Lather Pants, Leather Style, Sudden Attack, Female kills Female, Girl Kills Girl, Garrote Strangulation, Fighting to the life, Death Stare, Stripping to full nude to steal the uniform, Putting Uniform of dead enemy, Nude Body Views



A spy enters a the enemy territory and searches for the objects. She sees lonely guard patruling the object. Good chance to kill her and take her uniform to be hidden! She attacks her suddenly from behind, strangles her with garrote and after her helpless target is dead she strips her for full nude and takes her clothes



    25 minutes
CAST: Xena, Sally, Billy Brag
Sally is a secret agent who has a mission to find a female serial killer in her apartment. She goes to the apartment armed with a gun and goes inside secretly to find her. When she goes in to look for her there is no one and she starts walking around with her gun. Suddenly,without Sally can see what's going on behind her,Xena attacks her from behind wearing a hospital pajama like gown,Xena is locking her throat with her hand,Sally starts choking but doesn't drop her gun. She fights for her life and starts to faint and little by little she starts to fall to the ground. Xena doesn't let her go and continues to choke her until at one point Sally begins to lose consciousness litle by litle until she finally falls asleep and is left helpless on the ground with a gun in her hand.Xena begins to relax her hand from Sally's neck and drops her head to the ground,Sally stands with her mouth slightly open and Xena starts stroking her head and moving her head lightly to check if she slept well.Xena stands up and leaves Sally lying on the ground without taking the gun from his hand. She gets on the phone and calls for a man to help her carry Sally to the bed in the bedroom.While Xena waits for the man to come she starts to touch one of Sally's boots.The man arrives, she tells him to grab Sally under the arms, and she grabs both legs under the bends of the knees, and they carry Sally into the bedroom, while they carry the body, Sally holds her gun in her hand without letting it go. When they get to the bedroom, they put Sally on the bed  lying down. Xena tells the man to leave the room and she is left alone with Sally's helpless body. She sits down next to Sally and slowly takes the gun from her hand and places it on the nightstand. Sally turns her head slightly to the side with her mouth slightly open. Xena  strokes her head and lifts Sally's body slightly to take off the jacket and lay her down again. Xena takes off her hospital pajamas and remains completely naked. She walks over to Sally again and unzips one boot and slowly begins to take it off,she puts the boot on the floor then she slowly take off 1 sock which she also leaves on the ground next to a boot. When Sally is left with one bare foot Xena grabs it and starts massaging it lightly then she takes off the other boot and sock and leaves them on the ground with the others. Now  the camera takes a photo of how Sally is lying barefoot helplessly on the bed and her boots and socks are on the ground, when the camera takes a picture, while Sally is lying on the bed, the boots should also be visible on the ground. After photographing Sally's legs from behind, they go to photograph them from the front as well  .Xena slightly lifts Sally's body to take off her blouse and while Sally is sitting on the bed the camera takes a picture of her bare feet and legs. After taking off her blouse she also takes off her bra.After that Xena unties the hair of Sally.Finaly she unzips the belt and the jeans of Sally and slowly take them off.All of Yana's clothes are left on the bed. Finally, Xena takes off Sally's panties and leaves her completely naked. Xena calls the man into the room and tells him that they need to take Sally into the bathroom and give her a bath. Man comes in and grabs Sally under the arms and Xena grabs both and legs under the bends of the knees and they carry Sally's body into the bathroom. Xena again tells the man to get out and she is left alone with Sally's naked body and begins to bathe her. She gets her all wet and washes her hair with shampoo and  body with shower gel.She also remove her make up and lipstick.When she is already bathed, she dries her body and again calls the man to enter the bathroom to help her carry Sally to the bedroom. The man grabs Sally under the arms and Xena by both legs under the bends of the knees and they carry Sally to the bed  in the bedroom. Xena tells the man to leave the bedroom and she is left alone with Sally.She makes Sally sit on the bed. She gets a hair dryer and dries Sally's hair.Then she dresses Sally in her hospital pajamas after that she combs her hair with a comb to be beautiful and finaly she puts Sally laying on the bed on sleeping position and leaves her to sleep. Now Xena gets dressed  with Sally's clothes and puts on her socks and boots. Finally she puts on her Sally's jacket and leaves the room.A little time passes and Sally starts to wake up. She looks surprised that she is wearing pajamas and her clothes are gone but she sees on the bedside table that Xena forgot to take her gun and She takes it and leaves the bedroom and sees Xena in the back sitting on  the couch,
.She hits her in the head with the gun and Xena passes out. Sally puts Xena down on the couch and takes off her clothes and she puts them back on and leaves Xena lying on the couch completely naked. When Yana is back in her own clothes and boots and socks,she drags Xena's body to the bathroom and there she ties her hands and feet and leaves her naked and tied in the bathroom.Sally goes back to the living room gets her gun and opens the apartment door to escape but is met at the door by Xena's man and he starts hitting her  repeatedly with fists in the face, after which Sally falls to the ground unconscious, but the man continues to hit her in the face.Sally is severely beaten and cannot move, her whole face is covered in blood and wounds, the man bends down and takes the gun from her hand and puts it aside. He goes to the bathroom and frees Xena, then the two go to the living room and Xena sees Sally lying beaten on the ground and helpless.Sally slowly opens her eyes but can't speak because of the pain she feels, she tries to speak and ask for help but Xena laughs at her. Sally starts moaning and shaking heavily, her body is shaking. Xena tells the man to grab Sally under the arms and she grabs both legs under the bends of her knees and they carry Sally's helpless body into the bedroom, as they carry her Sally moans in pain. When they reach the bedroom they put Sally to bed. And the two of them with the man begin to undress her quickly.The man begins to take off the jacket and blouse of Sally and at that moment Xena begins to take off her boots.Sally begins to moan and cry to be left alone, she kicks with her legs to avoide to be stripped.Xena can't take Sally's boots off,she kicks so hard that Xena can't hold her back and she calls the man for help. A man comes and grabs both of Sally's legs so Xena can take the boots off. As Sally tries to kick Xena take off her socks also.Sally remains only in jeans and a bra,her socks and boots and her jacket and blouse are on the floor.Sally moans in pain and can't speak. Xenna starts stroking Sally's bare feet and tells her to calm down. Just then the doorbell rings and Xena and the man leave Sally alone in the bedroom and they go to see who is calling. Xena hides because she is naked and the man goes to open the door. He sends the person who rings and closes the door.At that moment Sally manages to get out of the room but falls to the ground and begins to drag herself because she doesn't have the strength to walk. Dragging herself and with a bloodied face, she asks for help, someone to help her, finally leaves her lying on her stomach with her face to the ground. The man grabs her hands and as Sally is lying face down on the ground, he starts dragging her along the ground as he takes her back to the bedroom.The camera is filming Sally's legs dragging and her crying helplessly. When they reach the bed in the room the man lifts Sally off the ground and throws her onto the bed. Xena comes into the bedroom again. Sally kicks her legs to get up released but Xena holds them tightly and the man lifts Sally's body to take off her bra and finally when she is already half naked. A man grabs Sally's hands and Xena unbuttons her jeans and takes them off, finally she takes off her pants and Sally remains completely naked on the bed crying. Xena puts on Sally's clothes and boots again,puts her jacket on. While Sally moans Xena and the man dresses Sally in hospital pajamas and then tie her legs and hands. While Sally is crying Xena goes and punches Sally several times in the face and she falls unconscious. Finally they leave  Sally lying in the bed tied up and beaten in hospital pajamas and barefoot. The camera shoots from all sides to show Sally's bare feet and her helpless body,Sally is with open mouth moaning from pain and agony.Finally they leave the room, leaving Sally's alone and helpless.
     Molly Ending Zodiac
    15 minutes
      Molly Ending Zodiac - Molly’s ending 
Custom video 
Very Gore Stabbing  
Plot. It’s a drama between two serial killers. When female killer makes murders what is not a part of the plan, her male partner does a stabbing rutial and deadly punishes her.
English subtitles
Fetish elements: dialog, ***** to strip. bloody and gory stabbing, much very erotic bloody body view  DRUG CARTEL
    20 minutes
Starring: Judi, Tatiana, Max
I just watched it and it’s truly amazing! Thanks

Element:  Multiple Chest shots with realistic bullet makeup/ Headshot with realistic bullet makeup/Bullet exit (back bullet make up)/ long death struggle/ vomit/puke blood (emphasize on the process No need to actually cough but more like vomit blood)/ humiliation/ embarrassment/ Open mouth/death stare/ stripping after death/

Background: Judi and Tatiana are workers for a drug cartel, and while they are working to count money, an angry robber comes in. 

Scene 1: Judi and Tatiana counted a lot of money from a suitcase and log the amount on the computer. After that, they decided to take a little break. Judi and Tatiana are best friends, and they talk about some fun things outside of work. Then Judi got a call from security that an armed robber is in the building, and they were told to protect the money. Judi then tells Tatiana to be ready and Judi is confident that she can handle it and gets two handguns from the desk drawer and give one to Tatiana. Then she says, “Tatiana, don’t worry, I’ll protect you if it is dangerous” She then put the suitcase inside a safe or a drawer with a lock and hide the key in her Bra.

Scene 2: Tatiana seems a little worried after they heard gunshots outside the door. Suddenly, the door is kicked open and a man with a gun walks in demanding the money and says, “wow, two sexy ladies guarding the money, it would be wasteful if I have to kill you.” Judi seems very serious and told him he will die, then open fires at him. Tatiana also opens fire at him. He moves outside of the door and takes cover and fires back at them and emptied their ammo.

Scene 3: All three of them started reloading, but the man is faster and walks into the room and aims at Tatiana who screams in fear while Judi rushes in front of Tatiana as the man fires. Five shots hit Judi in the chest and belly area (realistic bullet hole), she is shocked and looks at her wounds, and drops her gun. She turns to Tatiana and says with a faint voice,” I told you, I would protect you and take a bullet for you”. The camera should show only Judi and her back also has bullet exit holes.  Then blood pours out of Judi’s mouth as she pukes out a lot of blood. (a lot of blood-emphasize processes). The man says, “That is so touchy, but you will pay for fire guns at me.” He then shoots Judi’s leg (Thigh) four times (2 shots on each side) (realistic bullet hole with holes in pantyhose) Judi keens down and then fall on the ground. Judi wants to say something but can’t speak, and blood oozes out of her mouth, and she continues to vomit blood while the body twitches (emphasize process (don’t cough)). (like my first custom POLCIEWOMAN IN A DRUG DEN) Her body then started convulsing as she struggles on the ground due to the agonizing pain. (a lot of on the ground agonizing struggle like my first custom POLCIEWOMAN IN A DRUG DEN)

Scene 4: Judi is struggling to breathe on the ground and in a lot of pain, but as the camera turns to Tatiana, she is also shot at the exact locations as Judi (realistic bullet hole), since Judi’s body is not enough to stop the bullet. Judi saw it and is very sad but can’t say anything due to her injury. The man also sees this and seems happy, “Well, I saved my bullets by shooting you two at the same time.” She then begins to puke blood (emphasize process) and falls on the ground beside Judi and the whole body started convulsing just like Judi. They both looked at each other with painful expressions. After they continue struggling on the ground for a while, the man decided to kill them. The robber turns to Tatiana, and she is very weak. He tells her that if she tells him where the keys to the safe/ drawer are, he will let her live. Tatiana tells him that it’s in Judi’s bra. The man then told her she is free to call for help and help the bloody Tatiana stand up. She barely can stand, but the drive to live makes her strong and as she walks toward the door, the man shoots her in the back of the head killing her. (Realistic blood makeup in the forehead) Tatiana falls on the ground dead with a death stare. Her body continues to twitch and convulse for a little bit.

Scene 5: Judi screams “no”, then the man turns to Judi and says, “it’s time to say goodbye to this world” and aims the gun at Judi’s head and pulls the trigger, but the gun is empty. He then bends down and picks up Judi’s gun and says, “you don’t mind that I borrow it right?”. Judi opens her mouth and begs for life, but he shot her in the face. (Realistic Bullet hole). Judi’s mouth stayed open, Brain matter splatters on the ground, and Judi convulses and twitches very violently before the body relaxes. Her eyes are wide open, and her mouth is open, and the camera should focus on her death expression.

Scene 6: The man then undresses Tatiana and Judi looks at the bullet holes on their body. When he finds the key inside Judi’s bra, he says “mission accomplished!” He then touches their breasts and says,” what a pity” before leaving.


    22 minutes
      REAL DETECTIVE - A creepy police thriller!
A policewoman, alone without reinforcements, decides to enter the lair of the notorious serial Ripper, but does not calculate her strength and herself takes the place of the victim… This time the maniac knows no limits in his monstrous methods of reprisal…  THE ARCHER
    30 minutes

Custom Movie

Remake of 1996 movie according customer’s original idea

30 minutes fetish horror movie

Starring: Luiza, Annabelle



Much boot-fetishes (putting on boots, putting off boots, dancing with boots, talking about boot-fetish, teasing with sexy boots)


Bellybutton torture

Bondage to trees

Bellybutton terror

Arrowings to bellybutton

Great Pain and panic

Agonic deaths


Putting off arrows from bloody bellies


Two young sexy dancers drive to the forest for picnic. They wear swimsuits and take boots for some outside dancing for each other in boots. Both girls like boots. They don’t know the forest is very dangerous for them because strange archer hunts for people in this deep places. He sees young girls and decides to play his game.

He catches them one by one, chloroforms them, bondages to trees, tortures their bellybuttons with finger and arrow and then shoots by bow to them.
    5 minutes
Cast: Lara as a victim, Maya as a killer
Foot Fetish, Strangulation, Garrote Strangulation, Postmortem Body Agony, Tongue Out
A woman was strangled from behind and after her death she continued to do postmortem agony (especially with her feet)  DATING TO THE TRASH
    8 minutes
«Thank you!  This is a first-class production.  The scenes were great, just as imagined.  The photography and editing were very professional.  Max was the perfect villain, and Tatiana was absolutely beautiful and sexy, acted superbly, submitted to the beating wonderfully, and 'died' magnificently.  I really appreciated the way she exposed her breasts to the punches, reacted to the blows with great force and emotion, and lay exposed, submissive and waiting to be crushed by Max's foot.
The theme of the piece and details were greatly realized.
Tatiana's face was very expressive, yet quite beautiful, with the pain of each punch, and in the final death scene was enthralling».
A beautiful woman in a sexy dress, black stockings and open-tow high heels meets a guy at a bar and invites him to have rough sex with her.   She isn't happy with what the other guys she's asked do to her; they've only slapped her around.

In a fancy hotel, she invites him to get really rough with her, starting by punching her in her breasts.  He does, and she loves it, but he doesn't go for sex.  He rips off the dress, stripping her to her stockings.  He puts a stocking he brought with him around her neck, and begins to strangle her.  She fights, but he continues punching her breasts, harder and harder, until she's dead.  He punches her breasts scores of times until she dies, slowly, submitting to his ever-harder pummeling.  He holds her dead body up by the stocking, and punches her breasts a dozen more times, just for the fun.  She bounces under the blows.

He throws her to the floor, where she lies on her side, stretched out, arms fully above her head.  He kicks her in the breasts, rolling her over once.  He kicks her breasts again, rolling her fully over once more.  A third kick to her breasts, and she rolls completely over, onto her back.  As he approaches her, she spasms in death, arching her back and pointing her breasts up at him.  Her arms are still fully extended above her head.  He puts his foot on her nipples, waits a moment, then slowly pushes down, flattening her breasts, but her spasm keeps her back arched.  He presses down on her for a few long seconds, then suddenly stomps down on her, smashing her to the floor, smashing her breasts.  She lies there motionless while he crushes her breasts under his foot, until finally her head falls to one side, finally totally dead.

He walks over her, stepping on her chest, then drags her by her feet out of the room, managing somehow (we don't care how) to get her outside to a large metal garbage can.  Carrying her body over his shoulder, he shoves her feet first into the can, so her head and arms hang outside the can, her breasts "cut" in half the hard edge of the can.  He decides he doesn't like her like that, so he pulls her out and shoves her in head first, so her sexy stockinged legs and high heels stick out.  He likes that, and smacks her rear with pleasure as he walks away.

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    Welcome To The Crime House Studio on Kinky Clips
    Crime House Fantasy Studio (also Crime House & Crime House and Dark Rooms) is independent production company with female death fetish orientation. Crime House does very erotic stuff, but not porn. Why we advice to offer our videos? 1. SEXY VICTIM-ACTRESSES ONLY 2. REALISTIC DEATH SITUATIONS 3. GREAT ACTING 4. CSGFX EFFECTS 5. NEW MODELS EVERY WEEK 6. ALL DEATH FETISH GENRES 7. NOT PORN BUT VERY-VERY EROTIC AND HOT 8.RUSSIAN AND EAST EUROPE HOT MODELS 9. WE DO KNOW HOW TO PLAY SEXY DEATH 10. ALL MOVIES ARE MADE IN VERY HIGH QUALITY

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