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    22 minutes



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Next Portion Of Hundreds Bullets In The Girls’ Fleshes!


\"I just watched the video. First of all, I will not say much to thank you. I have already told you a lot.))))))) This project is really big and consumes a lot of our energy. I can see your seriousness through every scenes. So I will take the trouble to say thank you again. You have created a history Sir! This style is unprecedented.It almost perfectly blends this with bloody elements and some erotic elements.Send a little red heart to the members of your production crew and the models you found.\"




Alice M, Yana,  Luiza, Angelina, Mira Green, Judi, Max

Ways Of Murders And Fetish Elements:

Alice M – Head Sot – Bloody, Very Bloody Long Head Shot with her brains on the wall!

Yana – was shot in her pussy, after was shot about fifteen times in her body with splashes of blood and finished by long fat headshot

Luiza  - was shot many times in her body by shotgun – bloody realistic death

Angelina – was exploited by shot gun with her meat and guts outside (complicated trick made with crew of pyrotechnics)

Mira Green – was shot in sieve - clothes and body tore into a bloody mess

Judi – accidently shot in her genitalias – urination with blood, rain of blood to the floor from her!




Time came back to reality, and the filmmaker who was watching the film with the girls received a text message. The text was about credit card arrear payments, and the filmmakers were sad.
He muttered to himself.
\"I can\'t even afford to eat because of this virus, and pay it back?\"

Judi asked the film-maker with a smile.
\"What are you talking about?\"
The maker said, \"it\'s okay. girls ready to shoot.\"

The filmmaker had these girls stand around him and say, \"that\'s enough for me. I don\'t want to live anymore. I\'m sure you do, too.\"

Alice began to laugh, and everyone laughed when she did. \"The script is not like that either,\" says Yana.

Suddenly Alice was shot in the head and her brains splashed against the wall.
dead. The filmmaker said, \"don\'t move if you want to live.\"

Yana then sneaks out a gun, points it at the filmmaker and says, \"don\'t move.\"

The film-maker laughs and shoots Yana in the pussy.
Yana\'s pussy crazy spouts blood and then she loses her strength and leans against the wall behind. The filmmaker sees yana alive and continues to shoot at her body, which continues to spray blood. Yana seems to have lost a lot of blood and becomes unconscious. She leaned against the wall as if her body were still moving.

Satisfied with the bloody scene, the filmmaker took a shotgun and shot Louisa\'s body.
Louisa\'s body was shot to pieces.

Mira sees something wrong and wants to run, but the filmmakers find out. The shotgun was so powerful, Mira ended up just as badly as Louisa.

Angelina is scared and asks not to be killed.
But the filmmakers have turned their guns on her.
At this moment Yana struggles to get up from the pool of blood and points her gun at the filmmaker. The filmmaker responded quickly, picking up the pistol that had just shot Yana and shooting her in the head. Yana\'s brains spurt out and spill onto the wall. Yana also slides against the wall and sits on the ground slowly.(the urine slowly flows out)

The filmmaker picks up the shotgun and shoots Angelina, who bleeds to death.

The film-maker saw that Judi was not dead, but he felt his actions were too criminal. He looked at the bloody bodies and the organs sprayed on the floor can\'t believe what he\'s doing. \"You go. I don\'t want to kill you, Judi. You\'re a good girl.\"
Judi, still in shock, walked carefully away, but to her surprise she stepped on the gun that had accidentally fired. The shot hit Judi in the pussy, spraying blood like a water cannon for a long time. (robogeisha example) When the blood finished spurts out, Judi also ends her own life, the way of death is very absurd and funny.

The film-maker saw beautiful corpses lying around, and he undressed the girls. (The actor looked directly into the camera and said, \"life is not easy during COVID 19. Please don\'t learn from me. Life has a long way to go.\")

Then the filmmaker committed suicide and died with the girls.


COVID MASSACRE part 1  Christmas Lawlessness
    22 minutes
      Christmas Lawlessness - Name: Christmas Lawlessness
Runtime: 22 min
Starring: Hass, Anna, Juliana
Format: MP4
Different super sexy short scenes showing three sexy ***** celebrating Christmas night and being killer or dying in different erotic ways: they were shot,  stabbed, ********* or shocked to death by electric. 
Fetish elements and tags: shooting, stabbing, agony, death stares, nude dead ***** in the snow, winter death fantasies.  
Many angles with HASS full nude and dead
Much BOOT fetishes
Very different clothes: leggings, skits, shorts, boots, winter fetish clothes
    15 minutes
The scene starts with both girls laying on the floor in the abandoned room waking up from unconsciousness. They do not know each other, they do not know where they are.  Suddenly we can hear a voice (female or male). The voice says that they both have to fight for their lives. They have 15 minutes to finish one another or they will both die. The countdown starts.
*All actresses are adult and the turm "school" means 18+ academy*  DONT SLEEP WITH MY HOUSBAND 3
    12 minutes

Thank you. Annabelle was very good. Tanya was great as usual.  Thanks for the work.
Fetish Elements:
Betray, Shooting, Shooting to the arm, Shooting to the chest, Shooting to the stomach, shooting to the belly, Shooting to the back, Shooting to the neck, Much Blood, Much Bullets, Long Death, Agony, Firefight
Starring: Tanya, Annabelle
Tanya and Annabelle are sitting at a table smoking and drinking (if they smoke), relaxed and talking.  They are armed with handguns. Tanya tells Annabelle that the "boss" wants them to steal a laptop computer with financial information that is damaging to the "boss". It could send him to prison for many years. He will pay them "big" money to do the job. They agree to meet the next day and do the job. They agree to take their guns because the location may be guarded. Next we see them entering an office/residence and begin to look for the computer. They go through drawers and cabinets but do not find it immediately.  Then they finally find it. Tanya also finds a brief case/bag and puts the computer in the case/bag.  Tanya says "Now we can get out of here." Walking towards the door holding the bag. Annabelle says "WAIT" "Give the bag to me", pointing her gun at Tanya. Tanya is surprised "What are you doing", Tanya asks. Annabelle tell her that she knows Tanya has been sleeping with her man and she is angry. " I will not share the money with a slut who sleeps with my man." Tanya says "You should blame him not me." " I have the computer and I will not give it to you."  Annabelle says "I would love to kill you, it would be easy for what you did with my man." Tanya then raises her gun.  " Your choice" says Annabelle who extends the gun towards Tanya. Tanya appears to relent, lowers her gun briefly then quickly shoots Annabelle in the shoulder. Tanya drops the bag.  Annabelle stumbles then shoots Tanya once in the arm. Annabelle moves to get the bag but Tanya pushes her away, and shoots  Annabelle once in the belly. Annabelle reacts in pain then shoots Tanya twice in the in the chest. Tanya is stunned and remains standing.  Annabelle tries to get the bag again. Tanya, still standing bloody mouth, wounds, screams "You bitch" at Annabelle and fires three shots at Annabelle in the torso. Annabelle falls to her knees.  Tanya moves again towards the bag. Now Annabelle shoots Tanya FOUR times in the chest, forcing her backwards against a wall. Tanya remains standing against the wall, now weak. Annabelle is watching Tanya and says "Nobody steals my man" then shoots Tanya in the throat. Tanya manages to get one more shot off hitting Annabelle  on the cheek below the eye. Annabelle falls sideways from her knees and rolls over on her back. She suffers briefly then dies staring at the ceiling. .  Tanya now begins to slide down the wall slowly, gagging from the throat wound and bleeding from the mouth, She reaches the floor, legs spread, suffers a while then dies staring straight ahead. Long look at the posed bodies
    12 minutes


Starring: Bella Lenina, Max  

Sentry Bella is relaxing on the floor instead of patrolling. Her legs are wide open, (reference pictures provided). A sniper takes aim, and shoots her in the crotch. She reacts in shock. Male soldier walks up, finish her with a silenced pistol shot to each nipple. Top lifted over breasts without removing.

Sentry Bella patrolling along wall. Male soldier sneaks up from behind, pins her arms behind her, presses gun against side of her breast and fires. Bullet passes through both breast, exploding out of the other side. Soldier turns her around, pushes her against wall. Grabs throat to pin her as he slips gun up her skirt. Presses gun against crotch and fires several time. Wall slide to floor, legs open. Top lifted over breasts without removing.

Sentry Bella in an elevated position near railing. She is firing down at soldier. Soldier maneuvers underneath her, quickly aims up, and fires several times up her skirt. She is dead before falling backwards onto floor, legs flying open.

Sniper Bella is in an elevated position, scanning for her target with a rifle. One foot is propped up on the rail so that she can rest her support elbow. This means her legs are open and her crotch is exposed. An enemy sniper takes aim and fires several times up into her crotch. Her leg remains propped up until the last shot when she staggers and falls back onto the floor.

Bella moves quickly into frame, turns and starts firing at an invisible enemy. A long machine gun burst tears through her crotch. She staggers back into a wall, the shots continue to pin her against the wall. The shooting stops, she slides down to the floor, legs splayed open. She is finished with a shot to each breast. Head slumps to side.

Bella is running away from enemy. She turns around to shoot in a stable two handed position. She is shot in the right and left breasts, and falls back onto the floor. Her legs fly open, skirt ride up to show panties. She aims down between her open legs and keeps shooting. Finished with several shots to the crotch.

Bella is moving quickly to find soldier. He surprises her from behind. She turns around with her gun, but the soldier grabs it, points it in a safe direction, and thrusts a machete/sword through the front of her skirt, all the way to the hilt. After a few seconds, rips it out, and Bella falls to the floor in pain. She rolls over to her back. He gets down, pushes her legs apart, places hand behind her neck, maneuvers blade to her pussy and pushes slowly up through her body (Like Soldier vs Super Soldier). Top lifted over breasts without removing.



Outfit is important to fantasy

Each death is with legs splayed open wide, eyes open.

All prolonged body pans compiled at end of video  AMAZONES TRAITOR
    18 minutes
Direct sequel to QUEEN KILLER Part 1 & 2
Important key elements of the custom (as always):
- oiled (sweaty bodies, please MORE than in QUEEN KILLER)
- emotional, lustful acting, animalistic, over-the-top
- protruding, clearly visible ribs, heavy breathing, lustful
- death scenes: arching, writhing, moaning, NEVER TOUCH THE WOUND, arms/legs outstretched, visble ribs
Costumes and props: exactly like in "Queen Killer": only this loincloth, necklace (queen Nadya only), barefoot, war paint, body oiled, big knife.
Nadya - Amazon Queen
Angelina - Amazon Warrior
one of your guys - Brotherhood agent
Setting: in a normal living room, no special locations required. Dialogue in English if possible (if not Russian with subtitles).
Nadya is dressed in normal streetwear, she is sitting at a table, staring at a notebook screen. She is watching a video that the brotherhood sent her (Queen Killer, showing the demise of two other queens): she is aroused and disgusted at the same time. Finally she slams the notebook cover and yells "NOOOO!" 
She is very aroused and angry. Angelina rushes in (in streetwear, too).
Angelina: "My queen, what is wrong?"
Nadya: "The Brotherhood! They killed two of our queens! They know EVERYTHING! They know about the Queen Killer knife and found it! And they know about our weak spot - the navel!"
Angelina: "How is this possible? These are our secrets  for a long time!"
Nadya: "Exactly! There is only one way..." (Pause) "There must be a traitor in our tribe!"
Angelina: "This is not possible!"
Nadya: "It is! Now, let us dress up and prepare for a battle! They will come soon!"
Angelina nods. (Fade to black)
New scene, same room.
Nadya is now dressed as the amazon queen: loincloth, necklace, barefoot, war paint, oiled up. She is aroused and ready. She touches her belly and sticks a finger in her navel. She moans.
Angelina walks in, too, dressed as an amzon warrior: loincloth, necklace, barefoot, war paint, oiled up, too. One arm is behind her back, she is hiding something.
Angelina: "You are so beautiful my queen!" She licks her tongue.
Nadya notices that she is hiding something and understands.
Nadya: "You, Angelina?"
Angelina only smiles as an agent from the brotherhood walks in, too. Nadya stares angrily at him. 
Angelina shows what she is hiding behind her back: the queen killer knife! Nadya gasps in fear and excitement. She breathes heavily, staring at the knife which already unleashes its magic. Nadya feels so horny! She wants to die!!! She wants to be stabbed with this big knife in her bellybutton!!! She knows it´s a trick from the knife, but she can barely fight her lust to be killed! She won´t remove her necklace! Never!!!
Angelina approaches, the queen breathes heavily. Sucking in her belly deep in and out, slowly. Her ribs protrude so clearly with every breath! She stares at the agent as he shows her the knife! Slowly Angelina glides it over Nadya´s naked body and the queen gets more and more aroused.
Angelina finally smiles and pokes into the queens bellybutton. As the blade glides into her bellybutton she moans loudly. Her breathing becomes faster and deeper. Ohhh, so wants to be stabbed there so badly! She wants to feel the blade in her guts!!! But no, she won´t take her necklace off! 
Angelina: "Remove your necklace, my queen and I will stab you right there! Right in your bellybutton!"
Nadya moans and licks her lips, raises her arms slowly up. She is offering her naked body. 
Angelina: "I wil gut you like a pig. I know you want to feel the cold steel in your guts!"
Nadya  reists for some moments, then she tears the necklace and throws it away.She keeps her hands behind her head, she is offering her bellybutton to be stabbed! She is totally horny now and wants the blade inside her!! 
Nadya: "Stab me! Gut me like a pig!"
Angelina loves how the amazon queen is offering her naked body to her. Nadya stabs the knife deep inside her bellybutton.
"OOUGHHHH!!!" The queen grunts loud and her eyes open in shock and pain! Angelina holds the blade as they look and each other eyes for some seconds. Then she pulls it out. Nadya grunts again!! Angelina takes some steps back. The queen breathes heavily and looks down her belly. Her bellybutton is bleeding. She stares at Angelina in disbelief and finally sinks to her knees. She NOT touches the wound! NEVER!!!
The she falls on her back and starts to writhe, arch and moan in agony. More blood flows from her wound, down the sides also. LONG SCENE of arching, moaning, lustful, squirming, different camera angles, CLEARLY VISIBLE RIBS, NOT TOUCHING THE WOUND, arms and legs outstretched.. 
Again after some minutes she arches her back very high, screams LOUD and then spits a lot of blood from her mouth. She collapses back, dead.
Some more views of her bloody, dead body. And the necklace on the ground. 
The death of her queen has Angelina aroused a lot. She is totally horny now, too, while the agent observed the scene without much reaction.
Agent: "Come on, let´s get the computer and move! Other amazons will come soon!"
As he turns to get the computer, Angelina stabs the knife in his back. The agent is totally surprised. He screams and he turns around to Angelina, she stabs him again in the belly. The agent falls on his back, writhing in pain.
Angelina: "Did you really think I will work with the brotherhood? I only want to become queen!"
She laughs.
She sits down on his belly and raises the knife: "Time to die, bastard!"
She plunges the knife down but the agent can catch it- Angelina presses the blade down to his chest as he is blocking it with two hands. Both moan as they press over control.
Although the agent is badly wounded he is stronger than the amazon. Slowly he turns the blade pointing to Angelina´s belly. 
It comes closer and closer to her bellybutton, both moan in fight. Finally the tip has reached Angelinas navel and she moans loud. With a big thrust the agent stabs her belly button. Angelina grunts and her eyes widen in shock and pain.
Agent: "Now I show you how to to gut a pig!"
He twists the blade and Angelina screams loudly: "AIIIIIEEEYYYYYHHH!". She bends a bit over and spits blood on the agent´s face.
The agent pulls the blade out and pushes Angelina away like a piece of trash. She falls off, doubles over and land on her back. she does the same dying show as the queen:
More blood flows from her wound, down the sides also. LONG SCENE of arching, moaning, lustful, squirming, different camera angles, CLEARLY VISIBLE RIBS, NOT TOUCHING THE WOUND, arms and legs outstretched.. 
After some time Angelina somehow manages to get up on all fours. She has so much pain and will die soon but she will kill the agent first! Slowly she crawls to him (nice side shots please to see her ribs).  She bends over him to strangle him to death but in the same time the agent (who still has the knife) stabs her between the ribs. (she doesn´t have to sit on him, she is just to approach him, before she can do anything, she is stabbed).
Angelina grunts and her eyes widen again. More blood spills from her mouth. The agent pulls the knife out and Angelina falls to the side, on her back... dead.
Some views of both amazon bodies, than fade to black.
    11 minutes
      Psychosis - Psychosis
Remake shower scene from «Psycho» by  Alfred Hitchcock
Full HD, darkrooms production  LASER GUN STYLE
    52 minutes
      LASER GUN STYLE - LASER GUN STYLE (50 minutes!)








Fetish Elements:

Many times shot, Topless. Laser Guns, Bloodless, Without Blood, Multy Death, Agonies, Dead Poses 

All girls die in all scenes, mostly one at a time (not all die at once). They are all shot in the lower belly, just below and around their bellybutton, but sometimes a final shot to their breast for a more instant or quick death (with final gasp and lunge) will work too. 

This will be more similar to the spaceship indigo videos, except they will wear outfits that show their belly and not be to high on their belly, and at least one girl will writhe and squirm and roll around, twisting and contorting (see sample pictures below) and have a very climactic final gasp and lunge or arch back very high (body is tensed up with eyes and mouth wide open), pause, then exhale with a moan as she relaxes down (this was missing from the previous custom). See sample video below.   We like how they were arching their back up high, writhing, squirming, and lunging up in Cold Girlfriend video and the Arina and Annabelle Shot Dead Cocktail, and some of the Amazon videos was pretty good and a good example. We would like some rolling completely over and slow crawling (showing off their ass), and they should spread legs apart often so their crotch and belly is easily visible.


In every scene, a couple girls can die quickly and end up in a variety of poses (see sample pictures below), often in a final pose that gives good views of belly, legs apart, or good views of their ass.  One girl can writhe and squirm for a little while before a climactic final gasp and lunge (or arch back up high), and the last girl can writhe, squirm and roll around for a little longer before their climactic demise.





    12 minutes
Starring: Tim (New Actor!), Annabelle, Vika

MULTI SHOOTING (10 BULLETS TO BAD BABY  - to the chest and to the navel!)


Hitwoman got the job to kill 3 women, but "the guy" who hired her gave her a special dagger with silver + wooden edge, and told that she must use this dagger to kill em and stab em in the heart to finish em off. She asked why but the man did told her nothing. So she diceded to do that her old fashion way with the gun/pistol.
She is going in the apartman looking for first sister, its looks empty, but she heard shower, so she is going closer to bathroom but in a sec a young topless wet girl is walking out of the bathroom straight to her, she sees the gun and smile, ask her. "what are you going to do to me with that thing". She says "you wont smile anylonger bitch" and shot her in the belly. She looks like she wont even noticed that and smiles again...then says: " you will pay for this" but hitwoman respond with second shot, this time in her right tit.
Vamp looked down on her wounded tit, then grab that with her hand and try to say something with angry face but then the third shot pierced her left tit and got deep in her chest reached her heart.
Hitwoman saw even more anger but this time mixed with pain and fear. Vamp grabbed wildly her left tit and tried to walk to hitwoman.
Hitwoman just looked at her in wonder and ask "how the fak that you are still alive and walking" then she shot 4th and 5th shot right in the center of her chest to make sure she will go down fast.
Vamp moaned groaned, screamed in shock grabbed her both tits in her hands did few steps forward and backward then she slowly went to her knees.
When vamp was on her knees groaning and moaning, hitgirl shot her again between tits, then she screamed and arched her back. And she almost fell on back but her left hand help her to keep balance.
girl came closer put gun between her boobs and shot her again, she arched her back even more and then fall back, for a sec she just lie down then she arched her back holding her tits. She did it few times, then she begin to try get back up.
Hitgirl saw that and screamed "just die already", walked over her aim for her heart between her boobs and shot 4 times to emty the pistol, vamp girl arched horribly her back moaned screamed, heavy breathed at last 3 times.
1st arching position: 3rd arching position before final long erotic moan. (all angles) moves goes from left to the right.  time for last bullet, arching back,and final gasp lie still...  hitwoman says: "oh fak finaly, on what drogs she was" ... she turn around and begin to walk out,  when sudenly she heard "hey honey you thought its will be so easy to kill me heh" .. she freezed for a sec then she looked back and vamp standed right behind her, no wounds on her body comletly healed with fangs in her mounth, she grabed her pushed her to the ground and start feed on her, then she remebered on THE dagger what the man gave her she grabbed it with right hand from her boot and with her all power stabbed that bitch under her left boob straight up tried to reach her heart...
when vamp felt the stab she moaned and the horror look was on her face,then she let her, arched her back grabbed her wounded tit first with left hand then with both hands. then vamp stood up and says painfully: "if u leave now i wont kill you litle girl" but before she finished the sentence hitwoman stab her again this time in the left tit in the niple, hold it in there for few secont, twisted... the vamp hold the dagger with one hand, trying to pull it out, it was very hard she was almost done,  but then hitwoman forced it even deeper, then pulled that out, stabed 2 more times in her left nipple and watched whats gonna happen, poor vamp girld grabed ger bleeding boob with her left hand
squeezing it trying to stop the bleeding, stil on her feed, she turned back and try to walk away, she was in pain and agony, hitwoman turned her and stab her in right tit just for fun..vamp grabbed both her boobs in her hands on her face was pain and fear...
she tried to walk away again litle bit faster this time but hitgirl catched her from behind and stab her right between her tits so deep that her heart was pierced by the dagger, she felt she cant heal anymore..she had no more strench to stay up on her feed..she hold dagger with one hand. Vamp somehow manage to pull the dagger out of her chest but the dagger felt from her hands how she felt horrible pain from her chest so she grabbed her chest.. hit woman grabbed the dagger, and start stabbing vamp in her left tit then right tit then left, she try to defence but she got no more power insade her she just felt the wall behind her so she managed to hold up against the wall on her she was holding up at the wall she looked down on her rouined chest and scream "noooooo" "i cant dieee im imortal, my sister will avenge me you will die even if you managed to kill me, but i cant die", hit woman said "oh but you can, and i make your heart stop beating" with one hand she grabbed her neck and with second hand she pressed the tip of the dagger right over her heart between her boobs and says "now its end blood sucker" and she stab her slowly in her heart, then she twisted it once twice slice it inside up and down, cut her vamp heart in half... vamp knew this is the end, she started slowly slices the wall down to her knees.. on her knees she grabbed both her tits...
she she waited the for a few sec squezing her tits, then she started to fell forward manage to hold up with her right hand and her left was holding her left tit.. she was having hard time to stay like that...then she fell down on her right side..still holding her left tit then she roll on her back...breathing heavily, moanig in agony..arching her back hit woman stand over her preparing for final stab but before she enter her chest vamp grabbed her hand a tried to stop dagger to enter her chest..but she fail and its get in.. vamp arched her back this time holding the dagger inside her, and pulled it aut and trow it away..  but all of that was waste of time she was dying there was no comming back from this.. she tried to say something but nothing just groaning.. vamp was breathing, moaning heavily....she arched her back very high and scream "noo naaahhhh" and then with final gasp she roll her head and died..eyes open.

    38 minutes


CAST: Tatiana, Max, Annabelle

The theme of this story is that Tatiana is called to the office to be punished for naughty things she has done against Christmas.  She is insolent and defiant, but wants to keep her job, so she admits to some sins, willing to take a little punishment, never thinking that Max the enforcer knows all the bad things she has done, or what her ultimate punishment is. 

The enforcer begins to list her sins, and with each sin, gives her a punishment. 

I will leave it to your creative genius to use as many offenses and punishments as you can, till we get closer to the climax. 

Some transgressions she has committed: Misaddressing Christmas cards, hiding presents, badly wrapping presents, putting the wrong presents in the wrong packages, keeping toys for herself, not singing Christmas carols, using the wrong words in carols, not being happy with children on Santa’s lap, showing her cleavage to little boys, denying reindeer can fly—whatever you and your crew can think of. 

Each offense is punished by progressive harder, sexier, more sadistic punishments, such as slapping her hand, spanking her bottom (hand and/or ruler), face slapping, stomach punch, breast slap, hair pull, whipping her bottom, face punch, choking (one or both hands).

It is IMPERATIVE that T’s elf take these punishments with amusement, surprise, and pleasure (mixed with pain), willingly submitting even while showing some resentment at the abuse.  The harder they get, the more pleased surprise she shows—wide eyes, open mouth, with some pain but also delight.

As the list of sins goes on and on, however, and the punishments get harder, though, she beings to regret her willingness to accept them.

Two essential punishments for moderately severe offenses against Christmas: 

One:  T is forced to kneel on the ground and bend over at the waist, face shoved forward into the carpet, her bottom in the air.   Her feet are tied together and her hands are tied behind her back.  Her short dress is pulled up to expose her almost bare bottom, and she is paddled with something like a ping-pong paddle.  She gasps and cries with pain and struggles, and cries insults at the enforcer, but doesn’t really try get away or stop him.

Two:  T, still being insolent, runs and sits in the enforcer’s large, luxurious armchair, being impishly disobedient, having fun and mocking the enforcer’s seriousness, and what she regards as minor offenses.

T (sitting the chair like a queen):  This could be mine!  I could do your job!  You think you can keep me in line?  You hit like a girl!  Sissy!  Poor little boy, trying to be mean!  Come her—at my feet!

M (slowly approaches the chair, and pulls up the ottoman so he can sit close to T):  Little elf, I have not even begun to give you what you deserve.  (Suddenly, punches her breast (close up) hard enough to bounce her off the back of the chair.)

T (Gasps and shrieks a little, but lies back, wide eyed, looking at M with astonishment):  Wow!

M:  You were saying?  (Punches her other breast, just as hard (close up)).

T:  Owww! (Eyes even wider, mouth open with utter surprise, both at what M is doing and at her enjoyment of it.  She touches her breasts, then looks wantingly at M, and puts her hands back against the back of the chair, by her head, inviting more hits).

M (punches her breast even harder (close up).

T:  Uhhhhh!  (Head bouncing forward then back, then head leaning back, eyes almost closed, lips parted, in obvious pleasure.  She stays in her previous position, exposed.)

M (laughs a little, then punches her other breast, again bouncing her off the chair back).

T:  Oooph!   (slumps in the chair, overwhelmed with the pleasure of being hit so erotically)

M (stands, grabs the front of T’s dress and pulls her up, into the middle of the room.  She wobbles on her feet.  M grabs her breasts and pulls her toward him, her head and arms flying behind her.  He then spins in a tight circle, swing T by her breasts in front of him.  After two circles (her eyes wide, gasping and crying), he flings her by her breasts across the room.  She hits the floor and rolls under the Christmas tree.  As she lies there still, M goes to his desk to see what else T must be punished for.  She crawls timidly out from under the tree, unsure if she likes this game anymore.)

(T decides to try to seduce the enforcer, so she comes to him and tries to hug and caress him, rubbing her body against him, enticing him with her eyes, showing him her cleavage.  He lets her do what she wants for a while, then shoves her away.)

After being rejected and shoved the floor, she continues to try to seduce him, by preening, stretching, raising her stockinged legs, spreading her legs, rolling about, showing off her body in various inviting poses.  He ignores her at first, but finally exasperated, goes to the large armchair and sits.  He pats his lap and says, “Come sit on my lap.â€

Tatiana (thinking she was won the battle): “On your lap?  I’d love to.â€

Max:  Yes.  Come here.  I want to beat you.

Tatiana (surprised, but liking the idea):  You want to beat me?

Max:  Yes, I want to beat you.  You need to be beaten.

T (get up off the floor and sits on M’s lap, wraps her arm around him):  You can beat me, but wouldn’t you rather do something else?

M (laughs and begins nuzzling and caressing T all over, quickly getting an excited response from her.  He lets her hair down, and when she is breathing heavy, he stops caressing her.  “Ready?â€

T:  Yes!  Yes!  Ready for what?

M (takes her by the hair):  This!  (hit her hard twice in one breast with the side of his hand (the thumb side), like the edge of a knife or axe, knocking the wind out of T)  [we must see these hits close up to know what’s happening]

T (responds to hits with even more excitement)

M (caresses her some more, then moves her around and hits her other breast on the nipple four times with the side of his hand;  T jerks and gasps with each hit)

T (moaning with pleasure):  Oh, my God!

M (to himself):  Yes, you’ll meet him soon enough! (hits her breast twice more, as she gasps)  You’ve been so bad, trying to seduce Father Christmas’s enforcer!  How hard should I hit you for that?

T:  As hard as you want!

M (hits her four more times in the breast)

T (gasps and twists with each hit, but doesn’t try to stop M or protect herself)

M (after a pause, hits her breast twice more):  This is good.  How many times should I hit you for this new offense?

T (breathless, knowing she will be hit again):  As many times as I deserve!

M (shifts her around again and hits her other breast six times, fast and hard (close ups); T jerks and gasps with each hit).

T:  Oh! Oh! Oh! Oh! Oh! Oh!

M:  Naughty elf!  You don’t deserve your elf costume!  Take it off!

T (stand, strips off her dress, sits back on M’s lap):  Yes, I’ve been so naughty!

M (holding her by the hair, still using the edge of his hand, hit each of T’s breasts several times)

T:  Beat me!  Hurt me!

M:  You want to be hurt?  Take off your bra!

T (eagerly takes off bra and throws it away)

M (grabs one breast and holds it tightly (close up) while, using his palm now, slams his hand into each breast (close up) half a dozen times (fully shot to show holding her by the breast while hitting her, her arms spread wide, defenseless); T is becoming delirious with joyful/pain). 

M (shoves her off his lap and onto the floor):  On your knees!  Hands behind you!  Head back!  Lean back!

T (crawls to the middle of the rug on the floor and does as instructed)

M (kneels on the floor in front of T and punches her in each breast a number of times with his fist; T responds with little shrieks.  M hits her again, very hard, sprawling her on her floor, face down.  He slips his hand under her, grabs her breast and pulls her by her breast onto her back (close up of this action).   She lies, arms spread wide, breathing hard.  He straddles her, grabs her breasts, and pulls her up till she is bent at the waist.  She hangs by her breasts in his hands, arms limp, head hanging back.)

M:  You think you were going to get away with all your sins?  (Shakes T up and down)  Did you?  (shakes her up and down more, pushing and pulling her by her breasts; view sides and from above as he does)  Did you think you could seduce me and escape your punishment?  (shakes her) Did you?

T (finally trying to remove his hands, without success):  No, no!  I didn’t mean anything!  I know I deserve what’s happening!

M (shoves her to the floor and sits again at his desk, consulting his papers):  That beating was just for trying to avoid being disciplined for your worst sins against Christmas.  Do you understand that?

T (Still on the floor): Yes.  I’m sorry.  I won’t do that again!  I promise!  I’ll take what’s coming to me.

M:  You certainly will.  (Consults papers)  I’m coming to the end of the list, and I see here, you have two of the worst possible sins.  The second worst sin is, you have told children that Father Christmas doesn’t exist!

T:  But—but—I’ve never seen him!  I might be working all day for someone’s imagination!

M:  And you compound the sin to me!  Stand up!  By the fire, face me and take your punishment!

T (stands, feet together, in front of the fire)

M:  Deny Father Christmas, will you?  (slaps her face hard, a dozen times)

T (astonished, after the last slap):  Show him to me!

M:  You’re just making it worse for yourself!  (slaps her breasts a dozen times)

T (crying): I’ve done nothing wrong!  He’s not real!

M:  Hands behind your head!

T (clasps hands behind her head, staring at M, knowing she is going to be hit): Do it!

M (punches T hard in left breast four times (close up!)

T (at fourth hit, staggers backward)

M:  What are you doing?  I’m not done!

T (resumes her position, hands behind her head)

M (punches each breast several times on the nipple, and sideways (close ups), total six hits)

T (doubles over, hands over her chest)

M: Stand up!  You’re not finished!

T (resumes position, hands behind her head)

M:  Father Christmas does exist! (punches each breast three times, hard than ever, finishes with one more vicious breast punch that sends T to the floor; she lies on her side, arms stretched above her head)

M: Some elf you were! (Kicks her in the breasts, rolling her across the floor several times, then returns to desk)

T (slowly recovers, gathering her clothes (bra, dress, gloves, cap)as M returns to his desk; as he checks off items, she starts to stumble toward the door)

M:  Wait!  There’s just one more thing.

T (actually frightened now):  I haven’t done anything else!

M:  Yes, you have.  (Leaves desk and pulls T by her hair back into the room, to the large chair.  He pulls the ottoman into the middle of room while still holding T). 

M (holding T by the hair) You’ve told children THERE’S NO SUCH THING AS CHRISTMAS!!!  That is an offense worthy of death!

T: Nooooo!

M (sits on ottoman, pulling T down backward  so she is lying across his legs, on her back)

M:  There is no greater offense, and no greater punishment!  (Wraps a red stocking around T’s neck and tightens it.  As T struggles against the beginning of the strangulation):  Choose between being beaten to death (punches her breast on the nipple) or being strangled! (tightens stocking)

T (Speechless, terrified)

(For the next several minutes, T alternately tries to stop the strangulation and stop the beating.  When her hands try to pull the stocking away, M punches her breasts until T tries to protect her breasts with her hands.  When she tries to protect herself, he tightens the stocking a little more, edging her closer to asphyxiation.  This process repeats itself 3-4 times (distance shots and close ups).  Finally, T realizes she being strangled and death is near, so she stops trying to protect her breasts.  She claws at the stocking while M repeated punches each breast, harder and harder, trying to distract her; T lets him hit her, because she’s just trying to survive.  But it’s too late.  Slowly, even as M continues to hit her, her arms fall back behind her head.  M cinches the stocking down and punches her breasts until T shows no signs of life, and hangs limply across his lap.  He lifts her head by the stocking and shakes it, then pulls it back down and punches her breasts several more times (clearly seen).  Finally, he rolls her off his lap onto the floor, and kicks her onto her back.)

M (kneels and straddles her, grabs her breasts and pulls her up into a sitting position; she hangs by her breasts, dead, in his hands (mandatory: (1) side view, (2) close up, (3) camera moving from behind T, seeing her face, up and over her to look down on her breasts in M’s hands) and (4) view from high up above):  Naughty, naughty elf!  Father Christmas is the nicest old man in the world, and there’s no place for tarts like you, who question his existence and ruin children’s dreams!  (Drops her, stands and stomps on each breast several times hard enough to bounce her off the floor, saying “Bad elf!†with each stomp).

M (returns to desk, consults papers):  So much to do, so much to do!  (He works for a while, until his eyes stray and he sees a boy’s toy still unwrapped—a toy pistol that shoots rubber suction cup darts [e.g. by the Dreidel Company Detective Set, less than USD $10 on Amazon].  He looks at T’s body, and has an idea.

He props T’s body up against a wall (using whatever means you like to keep her upright), then takes some women’s lipsticks and draws round targets on her breasts, with her nipples as the bullseyes, then amuses himself for a while shooting the suction cup darts against her breasts (2x the 10-11 darts).  She stands passively, restrained up against the wall, head to one side, eyes open, lips slightly parted, as the darts hit her breasts and nipples (close ups), though they simply indent her breasts but don’t stick.  He enjoys this at first, but quickly tires of it.  He looks at T, looks around the room, and decides it needs more decoration.  He ties her hands behind her back and her arms to each other (she is limp, so he has to continually manhandle her, pushing her up against a wall and holding her there alternately by her neck, her hair, and just one breast), and then ties her feet together and, ties her thighs together, then wraps her body in a string of lighted Christmas lights (including wrapping some tightly around her breasts), puts her red stocking cap on her head, and hangs her by the neck from the ceiling. )

M (pours himself a drink and works at his desk as T dangles in the background):  So much to do!  So much to do! 

(The clock ticks by the hours, till it is near midnight.  M finally lowers T and takes off all the lights and wrappings.  He then makes out a label:  “Return to workshop.  Defective elf merchandise.† He then pulls out a large cardboard box and stuffs T into it, then stuffs packing papers around her, seals it up, put on the label and has it carted off by more helpers.

M (back at his desk): So much to do, so much to do!

(There’s a knock at his door, and another beautiful, sexily clad elf comes in and says): “Is this where I come to be punished for my sins?â€

Max winks at the camera.
    17 minutes
      DEATH BY ORGASM - DEATHS BY ORGASM (Captured Clones)


6 scenes

5 Girls

20 deaths

Much limp fetishes, touching bodies, erotic stimulation, female last orgasms. Non-porn at all, but very  erotic. See famous Crime House models (Luiza, Angelina, Mary, Marina, Tora) simulation their pre-death orgasms before their death.

Shooting (no blood effects, machine gunned, death by  strong orgasms, knocking out, fights )


Part 1 - Infiltration
Theme - special agent infiltrating the crime syndicate's HQ, eliminating as many enemy clone agents (girls of course) as he could find, using his power fists that will send the girls flying, or weapons like pistols, machine guns, swords, etc.. He then carefully searches some of the bodies (enjoying the touch of their sexy bodies and pantyhose-covered legs in the process) until he finds a special entry pass card on one of the dying enemy agents for entry to the next section of the HQ. He sends one of the dying clone girls' lives away by rubbing her crotch and giving her a massive orgasm before she dies.
Clothes - similar to Clones 2 - white shirt/blouse, black miniskirt, black high heels and long dark-colored sheer stockings (NOT opaque tights) or dark-colored sheer pantyhose (note - those girls wearing pantyhose don't have to wear panties)
Part 2 - Elimination
Theme - special agent uses the pass card to gain entry into an area where young clone call-girls are gathered in different rooms. Some are just relaxing in a room while others are walking around, talking to each other or sleeping in another room, and still others are playing with themselves in front of webcams as part of a paid online live chat service, the primary source of this crime syndicate's revenues. Special agent kills all of them with guns, machine guns, power fists, bare hands and arms (for strangulation), neck snaps, etc. and he also used guns to destroy the computers. In the room with the most girls in it (the webcam room), he drags / carries them to the center of the room, checks out each dying girl, opening some of their clothes, For the one or two that are not yet dead but are moaning and rolling around in pain, he interrogates them as he touches their sensitive body parts, and rubs their crotches until they give out the answer he wants (where the ringleaders are located), and then they either die after a forced orgasm or get neck-snapped by special agent. 
Clothes - casual clothes of any color; mini dresses, jean shorts, bra/bikini and panties, very short shorts, mini skirts, camisoles, heels, sneakers, flats, flip-flops, etc. (just wear something that makes them look leggy and sexy, but NO SCHOOL GIRL look or long socks)
Part 3 - Termination
Theme - special agent arrives at an office/conference room where the 5 girl ringleaders are found. No clones - they are the originals from which the clones are made. They are all shocked at how this special agent could single-handedly breach their premises and reach deep into their lair.  They all try and run for their guns. He approaches one of them (Masha please) and knocks the gun off her, and then knocking her out as he hits her head against a wall. The others try and hide behind cover to shoot him but they all miss. He shoots down 2 girls in sequence, scoring 2-3 hits on each of her chests and torso, leaving them writhing on the floor in pain. He then scores a couple of good shots on the fourth girl, sending her flying onto a table/sofa, and leaving her twitching as she dies. He tries to shoot the last girl but runs out of bullets, so he dashes to her, knocks her down and strangles her until she too is breathless and convulses. He then humiliates each of the girls, opening their clothes, touching their sexy bodies and sensitive areas. For the KO girl (the first girl - Masha) who's about to wake up, he carries her next to the safe, lays her down, removes her heels and interrogates her for the safe's password, which she refuses to give, so he tickles her hose-clad feet and legs and even her crotch and kisses her toes until she couldn't stand it anymore and gives out the password. He goes to the safe and takes the criminal evidence papers of the syndicate, while the girl silently gets up and tries to put her shoes back on to leave, only to be discovered by the special agent who then shoots her several times on her back (or snaps her neck) and she twitches and dies lying on the floor, one shoe off and one shoe on. Special agent then touches her feet and legs one more time before leaving the scene with the papers. Mission accomplished.
Clothes - sexy office girl / provocative secretary clothing, light-colored pantyhose (no panties) or stockings, high heels.
Fetish elements - death, KO, death twitches, legs kicking/convulsing, writhing in agony, moaning softly and sexily, closes eyes, opened eyes, mouth / lips open, undressing, body searches, disheveled clothing, ffondling legs,  forced orgasm before death, light foot/leg tickling to accelerate death or for interrogation, long pans of death scenes, multiple girl deaths. 
THE PRICE HAS SALES TILL MONDAY. REGULAR PRICE IS 23$ for many models, many scenes and ultra erotic content.  9 STABBINGS OF NATA
    13 minutes


Nata is stabbed by intruder. This fetish clip shot in POV style. No blood effects, just stabbings. 
1 scene – Nata is stabbed many times  during kitchen cleaning 
2 scene  - Nata is stabbed in her head during washing dishes
3 scene  - Nata is stabbed in her back in the kitchen 
4 scene  - Nata is stabbed many times during her web-surfing on her bed
5 scene  - Nata is stabbed in her heart. Quick death
6 scene. Nata commits suicide with her knife stabbing herself many times in her stomach and breasts
7 scene. Nata was stabbed in her heart incidentally
8 scene. Nata stabs herself to her neck 
9 scene (bonus) Nata was poisoned by milk. Very sexy reaction and death stare

If you like how Nata plays death please go to
And check out 7 deaths of spy
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    Welcome To The Crime House Studio on Kinky Clips
    Crime House Fantasy Studio (also Crime House & Crime House and Dark Rooms) is independent production company with female death fetish orientation. Crime House does very erotic stuff, but not porn. Why we advice to offer our videos? 1. SEXY VICTIM-ACTRESSES ONLY 2. REALISTIC DEATH SITUATIONS 3. GREAT ACTING 4. CSGFX EFFECTS 5. NEW MODELS EVERY WEEK 6. ALL DEATH FETISH GENRES 7. NOT PORN BUT VERY-VERY EROTIC AND HOT 8.RUSSIAN AND EAST EUROPE HOT MODELS 9. WE DO KNOW HOW TO PLAY SEXY DEATH 10. ALL MOVIES ARE MADE IN VERY HIGH QUALITY

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