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    16 minutes


Thank you very much for the video! It is perfect!
It exceeds my expectations. The complete outfit, especially the gloves, the action, the utensils used, everything fits exactly. Thanks also to the actresses, very well done! The cuts, the scenes, the movie has Hollywood qualities! 
Thanks again to the whole team!
I will definitely recommend it to others.
And I will think about a sequel.
Customer’s review

It's about a young female burglar who does bad things and always wins.
She comes from a rich background and does the crimes just for fun and for the thrill.

Sonya Krueger
Bella Lenina 

Story of "Wrong place, wrong time":
1. B walks down a hallway to the door of R's apartment. She looks around to see if anyone is
is around. She carries a shoulder bag with her "tools" and for the stolen goods.
2. She is alone and puts on her black nitrile gloves.
3. She keeps an eye on the surroundings and opens the door with a lockpick and enters the apartment.
4. B calmly searches the apartment for valuables.
5. a few moments later she hears someone at the door. R returns earlier than expected.
6. B hides in the next room and takes out her pistol [still without silencer] from her bag.
7. B waits until R is completely in the apartment and has closed the door.
8. Then B steps towards R with the pistol.
9. R looks in horror down the barrel of the Walther. "Please don't hurt me, you can take what you want".
10. B: "Lie down on the floor! On your stomach, hands behind your back!"
11. R lies down on the floor and holds her hands behind her back.
12. B takes out handcuffs and puts them on R.
13. B takes out a long cable tie and ties R's feet with it.
14. B turns R on her back and sits on her [wide-legged on her stomach]. She takes out the silencer and screws it onto the pistol in front of R's eyes.
15. R: "Oh my God! No!" R is scared to death.
16. B: "I'm glad you came home. There's a safe in the bedroom and you're going to tell me the code for it now!"
17. R: "I don't know the code".
18. B holds the pistol to R's head and cocks the hammer of the Walther with her thumb.
19. B: "Think carefully what you say! The code, or I'll scatter your little brain all over the floor!"
20. R cries: "I have no idea about the code, only my husband knows it."
21 B: "ok". B kneels down next to R and puts the gun aside. She gags R with a piece of tape.
22. Then she takes the stun gun out of her pocket. She demonstrates the function to R and pulls the trigger. The stun gun flashes. Then she tortures R with the stun gun.
[audible effect only].
23. R writhes in pain and moans under the gag.
24. B thinks it is time to ask again and removes R's gag.
25. B: "What is the code?"
26. R: "Please stop! Please! I don't know the code!"
27. B gets annoyed: "Ok, you asked for it".
28. B takes out a transparent plastic bag from her pocket.
29. R suspects evil and asks for mercy but B sits on R again and pulls the bag over her head.
30. B seals the bag around her neck.
31. B "There are only two options: You tell me the code or you will die under this bag!"
32. R tries to resist, but no chance because of the handcuffs and the cable tie.
33. Time is running out and R is running out of air. She desperately tries to get air.
34. B: "Well, what now?"
35. R gives up, "Ok I, say the code, please, please put the bag away!"
36. B removes the plastic bag.
37. R gasps for air. She tells B the code for the safe.
38. B gets up and goes into the bedroom with the silenced gun in her hand.
39. a moment later she returns, satisfied.
40. B: "Now I know why you resisted for so long. You have a fortune stashed here.
Thank you very much, my dear." B's shoulder bag is now well filled.
41. R: "Then everything is good now, isn't it?
42. B: "Well, actually yes, but there is one problem: I never leave any witnesses..."
43. R: "No, what's the point?"
44. B: Sits wide-legged on R's stomach again, picks up the plastic bag and takes a long cable tie out of her pocket.
45. R squirms, she suspects the worst. "Why isn't anyone helping me?"
46. B takes the bag in both hands and prepares to put it over R's head.
47. B: "It won't take long, soon it will be over"
48. B pulls the plastic bag over R's head and pulls the cable tie around R's neck, sealing the bag
49. R: "No, oh my God, no."
50. B tenderly strokes R's bagged head and watches R struggle to death with pleasure.
51. R keeps wailing, "No," "Help." She can no longer breathe, the bag inflates and contracts again as she breathes.
52. B stands up and picks up the pistol with silencer.
53. With the pistol in her right hand, she looks down at R.
54. R squirms but has no chance. The breathing becomes shallower.
55. B watches as R suffocates.
56. R stops moving.
57. B kneels next to R and takes the electric shocker and gives her electric shocks to her stomach [acoustic effects].
58. R shows no movement, she is dead.
59. B: "Yes my dear, in the end the bag always wins!"
60. B gets up [the bag remains above R's head], puts the stun gun and the pistol in her bag and leaves the apartment.  TENDER MEAT 4
    39 minutes


Maryann, Mercy, Tatiana, Max, Billy Brag

The scene opens with Actress #1, Actress #2, Actress #3 sitting at a dinner table.  There is a glass of wine in front of each woman.   There is a plate and a knife and fork.

Actress #1 Actress #2, Actress #3 are all in a car.  Actress #1 is in the driver’s seat.  Actress #2 in the front passenger seat and Actress #3 in the rear seat.  The car is stopped on the side of the road.

The scene opens with Actor #1 and Actor #2 in their modeling studio.  Actress #3 is unconscious and lying on the floor.  Actress #1 and Actress #2 and unconscious and sitting on a bed.

Actress #3 is lying on the ground, she is nude.  Actress #1 and Actress #2 are lying on the bed, their hands are tied behind their backs.  All three women are unconscious.

Actress #3 starts twisting and turning.  She bends her head and tries to look at how her feet are tied up.  She reaches for her feet trying to desperately free herself.

Actress #3 reacts jerking her body and franticly grabbing her neck with her hands.  She is twisting and jerking her body with what energy she has left.

She continues reacting and twisting her body from side to side.  She reaches for her neck with her hands.  She tries to reach up and grab her leg.

Actor #2 continues to take pictures.

Actor #1 takes the knife and stabs actress #1 in the belly, he slowly cuts down towards her breasts.  He puts the knife on the ground.  Actress #3 reaches and touches her belly with both hands.  Her hands slowly drop to straight down pointing at the floor.

Actress #3 arms are hanging down, she is taking slow and deep breaths.  She tries to look up toward her stomach.  She is unable to and her head drops and she is looking down at the ground.
    37 minutes
      Misfire - Misfire

         We changed our quality and approach to much steps!

It’s new era of Crime House and Dark Rooms production. Now we work only together and make long, fetish, relish exotic death films with HD only and quality of professionals from media business. Death Fetish only with HD media format only!

It’s fill time fetish shooting and ************* HD movie  with huge budget, great video especial effects, slow motion flying bullets effects like in Matrix. Full nude content. New model. Great  acting and location. Much ***** and ultra sexy. It’s death fetish mainstream movie, very sexy with many surprises! Collection one!

Fetish elements.

  Spy theme, miniskirt, office bad ****, contract killer bad ****, glamour nude ****, high heels, black stockings, legshow, jeans short shorts.

            Deaths: ************* with stocking, shooting full nude ****  to the belly and boobs with much ***** and bullets special effects, headshot to bullets special effects.

Postmortem: death stares and sexy poses,  after death body reactions and  muscle contraction, brain death. A bad **** playing with good ****’s corpse. Revenge. Bad *****’ deaths. Playing with corpses! Sexy three full nude dead ***** bodypile. Much other death fetish surprises you haven’t seen before in death fetish industry.

         Rich businessman Anatoli  is having a great time at Bora Bora with his blonde lover Anna. He is checking stock market reports in laptop screens when his babe is missing in the bedroom. He gets an important call from business partner and moves away from the bungalow. His lover is alone and stripping for him to make a surprise when he comes back.

            But  competitors from big bank structure send contract killers to liquidate Anatoli and grab his business. Killers are from elite secret agency from Russia  - Julia Cobra and Natalia Scorpion. Sexy ***** know how to kill. Julia wears very short button up shorts and t-shirt, Natalia is her boss, so she wears short office miniskirt, white shirt and black stockings. The ***** look at the window and see nude Anna alone preparing for sex. Natalia stays outside to wait for Anatoly and to kill him with silencer-gun and Julia goes to the bungalow to have some fun with Anna.

            Anna hears steps and thinks it’s Anatoli. She is ready for sex but what the fuck?! Unknown **** with gun! Anna is very surprised and feared and Julia shoots the first time. Misfire! ****! But she takes another gun – big silver revolver and shoots.  In the stomach! Jo, in the tender Anna’s stomach, just in the belly! Anna has the strongest stomach agony but Julia Cobra strikes again, directly to Anna’s right boob! Anna is bleeding, so much *****! Julia strikes the third time.

            We see slow-motion flying bullet effect like in Max Payne or Matrix! This effect we used the first time in death fetish movies industry. We see how bullet flies to nude ****’s heart and kills her.

            Anna is dead, with stupid face with opened eyes, all her body is in *****. Julia comes to her body for some games. She is exited to see rich glamour **** dead in her bed. Her body is still warm. She touches her and she is going to fuck her corpse.

            Natasha is waiting for Anatoli. It’s so hot in Bora Bora! The ***** takes off her stockings. But Anatoli saw agents and he was ready to attack first. He surprised Natahs from behind and ********* the **** with hew own stocking. It’s long ultra sexy ************* scene with some new effects and fetish elements. Dead Natasha stays in very exotic and sexy death pose and death stare. Anatoli takes her silencer gun and goes to the bungalow.

            He sees how Julia plays with his dead girlfriend. Julia stands to the floor and shoots. Fuck! Misfire again! It’s not her day, not the day for this bad-bad ****! She makes fail-face because she understand that she hasn’t second time to strike. She is loser. Anatoli shoots to her head.

            We see another slow-motion bullet-time affect, bit no with 180o camera turn. Bullet is slowly flying to Julia’s head. Epic headshot indeed! Julia with bullet in the head falls to her knees, then falls to the floor. She is already dead but her dead body is still kicking because of muscle contraction. Her face is very dead, surprised and stupid.

            Now all ***** are dead. Anatoli goes to his lover’s corpse. He says «Sorry, babe!». Then he carries Natalia’s corpse from the street and strips her to full nude. He strips Julia’s body. There were so much dead sexy babes that Anatoli after stress fell something strange in his soul. He feels sexual exiting and plays with dead female bodies like in dolls. He understands that he can’t stay in Bora Bora any more and goes away leaving nude *****’ bodypile under hot sun.  CLOSING TIME
    12 minutes
Starring: Alice Miren, Max, Tim

My initial reaction - OMFG!!!  You guys captured the gritty "bar rape scene" I was totally wanting here!  The atmosphere is perfect!  The manhandling and the stripping segments are filmed quite brilliantly, and everyone does an exceptional acting job!!!  I LOVE how the violence is so casual to the perps and I LOVE the flavor of the entire piece!  I want to thank the entire Crime House crew for sticking faithfully to the script and producing a more realistic strangle/rape scene that fits nicely into the R-rated category.  VERY satisfied with this one!  You guys hit all the triggers I was after!!!  Another brilliant custom!!!!

Thanks so much for this custom!!!!!!  Alice is simply a stunningly gorgeous lady, and both Tim and Max do a hell of a fine acting job!!!  Kudos to everyone!

Alice is a bargirl and Tim and Max are drunk bastards who don’t want to leave a bar. They rape and strangle to the death poor bargirl. Tim continued to fuck already dead body when Max shouted: «stop it! She is already dead!!!» After they did this terrible deal they just leave the bar and raped dead nude bargirl was lying on the floor…

     Capture Factory
    16 minutes
      Capture Factory - CAPTURE FACTORY

Starring: Annabelle, Juliana, Pola, Kit, Anatloliy


3 garrote ************* from behind
Standing strangulations
Military theme
All victims have tongue out death stares, very aggressive death agony and fighting for life
Two men attack females
Two men carry bodies, strip bodies and search keys at dead bodies
Dead bad *****’ bodypile

It’s a secret factory where crazy dr. Ko  clones people for illegal army of  mercenaries. Two special agents, cold-blooded killer from East Europe were sent to steal programs codes. Three special female guards patrol compartment  A of the plant. Agents decide to operate silently. They creep up to the first guard. Unsusceptible young woman stands near fencing in her headphones. Agents ********* her suddenly with her own headphones cord! She couldn’t use her gun and cry for help – she could just wriggle in standing position and try to catch cord. She died standing and softly slipped to the floor with ********* death stare with tongue out her mouth and eyes opened very wide.

Agents moved to the next guard. A woman stood at the elevation. Kit ********* her with the cord from behind. They fought at the staircase but this battle was fatal for the female-guard.  

The third guard was standing with her machinegun. Young blond ****, he didn’t look like ****** employee of secret military structure bur she was it. Agent attacked her together, Anatoliy snatched machine gun  from her hands and started to ******** her, Kit hold her legs to not let her stir, fight and move. The miniature blonde was absolutely helpless  in deadly arms of two gigantic intruders. Terrible death!

After they killed her they brought the copses of two other dead guards. They carried them offhandedly, like trash, carrying them by hands and legs. They threw still warm bodies in bodypile and started finding keys from area B. They stripped one of guards full nude while searching, it was their courage of winners.  No keys. They searched frail soft body of dead blond, touching her legs and ass – no keys. They found keys in the pocket of jeans micro shorts of brunette. They left bodypile on the floor and moved to the area B…

Three dead female guards are lying in the floor like waste products. Three stupid young army ***** thought that they earn big fees just for standing with guns  guarding the safe places. But it was their mistake. They were implicated in crimes of cloning people and making monsters, they were involved in crimes against humanity. Just as guards, bun they were involved. And they were punished. They won’t be even buried, they will be stay in this secret desert  forever. With opened eyes full of terrible, fear and thirst for life. With tongues out making them look grotesque dead and silly. Nude, topless, leggy dead terrorists…


Recommendations. If you like this clip please also check Captured, Side Effects.

    7 minutes
Archive Realize. First time in fill version for the best price.
Starring: Veronica, Nancy, Christy, Hass,  Alex, Kit, Charlie, Nadya, Annabelle, Marianna, Pola
Great Bodypile Strangulation, choking, leg jerking, tongue out, sexy lingerie, strangulation from behind, great crying and shouting before being strangled,  stripping dead body, death stares

8 Girls missed during their corporative travelling to the hunter cottage. All of them were strangled for strange rich man’s order.
Veronica was strangled on billiard table
Nancy was strangled in her room and stripped (Great Brests Views and Legs Jerking)
Christy was choked on the balcony
Hass was choked near the swimming pool
Marianna  was choked on sauna
Pola was strangled in the garden
Annabelle was garroted in her car
Nadya was choked on washing machine
All bodies were placed in the HUGE BODIPILE
If you like this movie please check
HOUSE OF 9 CORPSES (All 3 Parts!)
    12 minutes
CAST: Zlata, Demonica, Max
Zlata is a government agent, avenging the death of her husband, killed by a villainess.
Demonika, a villain, mercenary and terrorist, killed Zlatas husband for a lot of money.
Spy action story inspirited by final of the movie Golden Eye (1995).  4 Girls and Maniac
    12 minutes
      4 Girls and Maniac - 4 GIRLS AND  MANIAC

Christy, Pola, Annabelle, Nata and Alex


Fetish Elements:

Foot Fetish, Neck Breaks, Toe fetish Toes, death stares, carrying bodies



4 girls are watching TV in bed. We can clearly see their feet. It\'s getting hot and they undress. One of them goes for water, and suddenly a maniac attacks her from behind and breaks her neck.

The other girl does not understand where the girlfriend has gone and is looking for her and at the same time to bring champagne. The maniac attacks her, breaks her neck and takes her body.

The third girl goes to the kitchen, where she is trapped by a maniac and breaks her neck.

The fourth girl falls asleep. The maniac breaks into the bedroom and breaks her neck.

The maniac has laid out four corpses. We see bodies with a priority on foot fetish.
     Crime And Punishment
    9 minutes
      Crime And Punishment - Starring: hass and anna

it’s the new page of crime house fantast studio development, the new work with new staff. From now on we make our movies in professional, art-cinema and very erotic style.  

we introduce new fetish-model and actress anya – she does very good acting!


a poor student rents a room in at petersburg. It’s payday but he has no money. He reads «crime and punishment» by fedor dostoevsky and finds himself like raskolnikov. When he reads about murdering of flat-owner and liza, he is exited. He decides to repeat a tragic story.

but the room’s owner isn’t an old lady at all! Young, success  businesswoman and her pretty young long-leggy ******** came to his place for their money. But instead  money they find nothing but death!

the student takes a gun and shoots the woman to her chest. ****** Surprises and dies in quick death agony. Her ******** in the shock and we can understand her – ****** she loved so much now is dead with a bullet in her body. Young **** rushes to mummy’s corpse, seats on her knees and cries:

 - oh, no, mummy, dear, no! Bastard, what have you done?

the student finds the scene of this tragedy is very exiting. He feels himself like «overman» in dostoevsky’s  and nietzsche’s proceedings. The **** is so pretty in panic. Her short skirt is up, she touches her dead ****** in hope that she can help her. But she can not. The student transforms to cruel monster and makes her to play a sexy game with her dead ******, to touch her hair, tits, to put off jewels from her neck.  Young babe wants to live so much, that’s why she does all he says. But he isn’t going to stop. The next his order is to take off her clothes. The ******** takes off her shirt and skirt shyly, and then she takes off tights.

-play with her body! – He orders again. The **** touches mummy’s still warm corpse, but she can’t stand so cruelty any more, she gets panic.

    -i won’t do it any more- she cries desperately.  – Stop it now, bastard!

         this is her last words. He shoots her to stomach. It pains. This **** didn’t  know what is pain. But now she does, she knows this shocking terrible feeling of fear, pain and death coming. She is looking at him confused and he shoots again, now in her chest. Deadly point! She falls on her mum’s body smoothly and gracefully. Two dead ***** lying in a body pile. Mothers has a calm face with clothed eyes. Seems she is just ******** but bloody wound says about she is dead. ******** has a opened-eyes death stare. Her eyes look like they made of glass.

the student comes to the bodies and starts playing with them. He takes off bra from young ****’s big boobs and touches them, smashing spreading *****. He plays with *****, like with dolls made of real *****.

then she seats them is dead-dolls poses, seats near and continues to read dostoevsky. He touches their faces. He is reading all the evening and when he reads about raskolnikov’s atonement his courage  with «overman» idea failed.

it’s sexy, erotic, taboo, fetish work with lost of fetish elements:

******-******** victims, shooting, *****, ****** stripping, surprised faces, body pile with two *****, stockings, playing with dead bodies, much of different dead playing, interesting plot.  ASSASSIN DESTROY
    15 minutes
«Got it, I absolutely love it. Thank you guys so much. »
Customer’s Review 

Background: Judi is a sexy assassin. She and her partner just completed a killing mission and came back. 

Scene 1: Judi and the male actor came into the room, sat down at a table, and started drinking. Then they started talking about their mission. Judi says:” after I shot her, she struggled like a fish on the ground. It’s so embarrassing.” The male actor says, “that is what a bullet would do.” Judi takes a spare clip for the handgun out and unloads a bullet. She looks at the bullet and says, “I do not understand how such a small bullet could do that. If I am ever shot, I definitely will not die so miserably.” Judi then invites her partner to drink alcohol while saying, “anyway, we completed another mission and need to celebrate it. Here is to our 12 years of partnership.” They both drank the alcohol.  
Scene 2: Judi’s partner tells her that he is in love with her from working with her and wants to have a relationship with her and leave the business. Judi is surprised and disgusted, “seriously? We are just partners; I would never have a relationship with you outside of work. You are ugly, and I would never date someone like you.” This line makes her partner mad. He stands up and says, “how dare you to say that.” 
Scene 3: He pushes Judi to the ground, and one hand touches her pussy while the other hand strangles her neck. Judi shouts,” what are you doing?” while trying to fight back. After some struggle, Judi pushes him off and stands up. She then takes out her gun and runs behind some structure in the room as a cover. Her partner also stands up and runs behind a cover. Then they started shooting each out.  
Scene 4: After their guns are empty, Judi stands up, takes a knife, and walks toward him. “I always bring a knife as my backup, and I know you do not. You are going to die for violating me.” Her partner stands up and laughs, “but I do bring extra ammo.” He then loads a new magazine in the gun and shoots her four times (scattered shots) on her chest (realistic bullet hole), and she is shocked and looks at her wounds and drops her knife. She says with a faint voice,” so this is what being shot feels like.” She then starts coughing blood (a lot of blood-emphasize processes). Then she kneels (both knees), loses consciousness, and falls to her back with legs split open (embarrassing position). (Similar to Robber’s shootout) 
Scene 5: Her partner approaches her and shoots her two more times on the upper belly area (realistic bullet hole). The pain wakes her up. Judi wants to say something but can’t speak, and blood oozes out of her mouth, and she continues to cough blood (emphasize process). Her body then started convulsing as she struggles on the ground due to the agonizing pain.  Her legs also straighten out but still split open, revealing her underwear. He mimics her, saying with contempt, “If I am ever shot, I definitely will not die so miserably.”, then he says to her,” you are like fish on the chopping board, and I can do whatever I want to you now.” He uses her knife to cut open her blouse/shirt and bra, revealing her breast and belly with realistic bullet holes. He touches her breast and masturbates her pussy (no need to show). Judi still convulses on the ground and stares at him with hate, but she can’t do anything. He says,” what a pity, such a nice piece of meat is going to waste.” He then touches her bloody lips and says,” those lips are so beautiful, and I have always wanted to kiss them.” Then he bends down and kisses her lip. (If possible). After kissing, Judi pukes a mouthful of blood out and tells him, “Go to hell.” She then struggles to breathe and stick her tongue out (some facial focus on this).  He laughs at her and stands up, and tells her, “It’s time to go.” Then he shoots her two times on the forehead and one time on the right cheek. (Realistic Bullet hole). Brain matter splatters on the ground, and Judi convulses and twitches more intensely like having an orgasm and then drops dead in a sexy yet embarrassing pose with legs split open and mouth slightly open, revealing her tongue, also death stares. Her finger still twitches a few more times. Her partner then leaves.  
Scene 6: A few days later, her partner returns to the scene. He saw the corpse with realistic corpse makeup and touches her breast and pussy again. Then she caresses her face and says, “I miss you, and I really hope that day did not turn out the way it is. “Then he tries to close her eyes, but no matter what he tries, the eyes stay open. He then left.  

     WRONG TURN Fetish version
    17 minutes
Starring: Angelina, Luiza, Juliana, Kit
If you like slashers and horrors in WRONG TURN style but need more erotic, more nude content and erotic death this one is for you!
Fetish elements:
Rich girl smoking cigarette, Strangulation from behind, body carrying, stripping dead body to full nude, preparing to eat, sacrifice, arrow shot, arrow throw to the body, agony, death stare, trying to escape, calling for help before death, bad girl, arrow throw the chest, girl in agony touching dead girl before death, putting out an arrow from dead body, stripping, bodypile of nude bloody dead girls in different poses, prey.

Two young car tourists are lost. They do the WRONG TURN to the deep forest instead their way to the camp. 
The redneck maniac is hunting in this forest. He founds a rich cottage  in the eco-zone. He attacks the house-owner (Angelina) from behind when she’s smoking for cigarette and brutally strangled her to the death. He carries her corpse to the greenhouse, strips it to full nude and starts to sniff his fresh prey. 
This time lost girls find the cottager. They’re glad to meet civilization in these ends of the earth and ask for the map and phone. They are searching for house-owners when suddenly an arrow pierces through the brunette. She is in agony, but her friend doesn’t even try to help her and runs away. «Help me!» - begs dying bleeding girl pierced by an arrow, but her cowardly friend answers: «Fuck you! I will save my own life!». Juliana runs to the greenhouse and gets an arrow to her chest near the neck. She feels great pain, slowly goes to the table and sees dead nude strangled girl. She leans on a soft corpse and slowly dies. 
Redneck goes to the lawn and forcefully removes an arrow from the stomach of dead Louise. He sniffs the bloody arrow and carries Luiza’s body to the greenhouse. He stand bodies and puts off their panties. He strips corpses and puts them to the bodypile on the table like prey to eat. Sexy fresh bodies look  great, how we dream to see them in mainstream horrors. 
This one is done in mainstream high-budget quality but with long and sexy death fetish elements. 
Good for arrow fans, but not only: strangulation scene is great, contains suspense, postmortem and limp fetishes, blood and shooting fetishes, agonies, death stares, bodyplaying and interesting horror plot!
If you purchase DarkRooms production we advise to full up your archive with this bright sexy clips which is good to replay many times. If you would like to open our studio for your leisure, it’s great clip to introduce us!
Thank you for your support!
CH Note. If you like arrow deaths but prefere alegant death-0sets witount blood please check out «Arrow to the  spy» and «Arrows to her pussy» in «arrowing category» to see about 50 deaths scenes if Luiza and Oksana  When She Turnes Blue
    10 minutes
      When She Turnes Blue - This clip has no description.
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    Welcome To The Crime House Studio on Kinky Clips
    Crime House Fantasy Studio (also Crime House & Crime House and Dark Rooms) is independent production company with female death fetish orientation. Crime House does very erotic stuff, but not porn. Why we advice to offer our videos? 1. SEXY VICTIM-ACTRESSES ONLY 2. REALISTIC DEATH SITUATIONS 3. GREAT ACTING 4. CSGFX EFFECTS 5. NEW MODELS EVERY WEEK 6. ALL DEATH FETISH GENRES 7. NOT PORN BUT VERY-VERY EROTIC AND HOT 8.RUSSIAN AND EAST EUROPE HOT MODELS 9. WE DO KNOW HOW TO PLAY SEXY DEATH 10. ALL MOVIES ARE MADE IN VERY HIGH QUALITY

    Featuring 976 Clips / 16791 minutes of video!

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    | | Studio 0001069 | | Studio 0001069 | | Studio 0001069 | | Studio 0001069 |
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