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    19 minutes


Custom Video

Two girls from sorority was brutally beaten and killed by crazy man!


Belly punching


Hair pulling

Bone fracture

Crotch punching

Strangulation with thick rope

Strangulation with baseball bat

Beating with baseball bet

Bone crunching

Wild screams during tortures

Sadistic ways to kill


Bondage and roping

Attempts to self-defense with  gas spray



Adult schoolgirl fetish uniform


Attention! This clips is not for everybody. If you have erotic  fantasies about very cruel violence this is for you. Non-porn as usual, but very fetish and erotic.

Crime House glamour Ultra Violence = this unusual exclusive fetish video beyond our usual style  

If you like this one please also check

    15 minutes
      FATHERS REVENGE - The father's revenge
Great Choking Show and Great Shooting scene with bullet to the stomach and to her back with long agony before death! Great deal for 10$. Isn’t it?:)
Fetish Elements: Boots, Whore, Black Stocking, Knocking Out, Shooting to the stomach, shooting to the back, choking with bare hands 

A man is waiting in a hotel room for a cheap hooker. He wants to avenge her. The police told him that exactly this woman sold drugs to his daughter on the way to school. "You'll pay for it, you bastard," he thinks. On time at midnight it knocks. He opens the door, the hooker is in very charming clothes in front of him: black leather jacket, black leather miniskirt, black pantyhose and Overknee leather boots with heel. "May I come in?" she asks. Unemotionally he asks her to the room. She sits on the couch, her long legs crossed and opens her leather jacket. He notices that she only wears a black lace bra underneath. "Let's negotiate the price first, then we'll see," she says. He sits down to her and offers her a whiskey. "It makes it easier to negotiate," he smiles at her. "I get $300 for the hour, you get everything, okay?" she asks. "That's way too much, at most $100," he sounds. So they drink one whiskey after another and negotiate further. After the 4th whiskey, the filthy hooker is totally drunk, his plan seems to be up. "You want to shit me here, I'm going now!" she yells at him. She tries to get up, can barely hold on her legs, staggers and falls to the ground. She moans, can barely move. She didn't notice that the father also mixed drugs into her whiskey. She curves in pain on the floor. The man bends over her and chokes her with bare hands. She can barely fight, fight, but has no chance. He doesn't stop until she's unconscious. Then he leaves the hotel room, leaves her on the floor. "You still get your punishment," he says when he goes away. After some time she wakes up again. She tries to get up, is weak, has pain. She goes to the door, this is locked. Panicky she is running to the window. At that moment a shot falls. It comes across from the roof and hits the hooker in the belly. She moans loudly, falls to the ground. She crawls slowly to the door, wants to escape. As she tries to get up, a second shot falls, this one hits her back. She cries out loud, staggers, falls back to the ground. A brutal and long death struggle begins. The balls were placed so that they had to suffer for a long time. One last up, then she dies under excruciating pain. The revenge of the father is accomplished.

If you like this movie please check out: 
    9 minutes
The video is very good, especially the blood vomiting scene
The actor and actress act very well too. Thanks the producers and the actors!
Customer’s Review 

CAST: Luiza and Ivan 
Shooting, Multi Shooting, Sex Scene, Very long bloody multy shooting, puling on a pike, stabbing, blood, shooting to the dead body, blood from mouth, carrying, stripping dead body 

 	A policewoman (Luiza) and a policeman are partners and companions. They were making sex when the policeman got a urgent mission. The mission asked him to search a place where was presumed to be an evil religious altar. It was a dangerous mission because the police station had received several reports of people lost and all the clues point to the room. The policewoman worried about her boyfriend, and asked to join in the mission, and the police station agreed. Then the companions ware their clothes   and go to the place. The place is very eccentric, there is an altar and some stairs in the middle, and there is a magic circle on the altar. A round the altar, there are some spears. They went onto the altar, and stand on the magic circle. It’s a trap ! The magic circle made the man suffering, the policewoman wanted to help him, but it is not work. Suddenly, the man was going crazy. He put his gun out, and began to shoot the girl. The girl was beaten back by bullets, and at last she stand near the edge of the altar. The policeman was still crazy, he struck the girl's chest and kicked her off the altar. There were spears on the ground ! The body of the poor girl is impaled by  spear, blood flowed out from the wound and flowed along the spears, she convulsed for a while, some blood came out from her mouth, and then she died. The curse on the man was still work, the policeman went to the edge, and shot the dead girl again and again till the bullets are empty. A lot of blood was puffed out from the girl’s mouth.  After all the terrible things, the policeman’s mind recovered finally. He saw the broken body of the girl and felt so sad. He went off the altar, and got the girl’s body off the spears. At last, the policeman decided to finish the thing they hadn’t finished before they joined in the mission. He took off the girl’s clothes and made love with her dead body. 

    23 minutes

After Ksysha and her sister reported to
the secret organization they both belong to about their last mission together,
the Black Widow Sisters, the sisters go their separate ways.

Ksysha is given an assignment that will
require her special skills and brutality. With a password, she opens an
encrypted message on her computer with all the details of your order. Ksusha
reads it out loud (subtitle everything please).


5 USB sticks with secret data of the
organization were stolen by a former female agent who belongs to a syndicate
that also works underground. The data contains all information about all
agents. Now the syndicate is threatening to publish all data and thus reveal
the identity of all agents. The former agent handed over the USB sticks with
the data to four high-ranking people in the syndicate. Like the renegade agent,
these people are also well-trained contract killers. Ksysha has 24 hours to
track down the owners of the data carriers, liquidate them and take the USB
sticks in order to give them back to their organization and thus avert the
organization\'s collapse upon publication. Ksysha was chosen because she knows
most of the tricks of how to approach such people in order to get an
opportunity to kill them and thus complete the job successfully. Due to their
particular killing style of strangling their victims with their hands or
strangling them with their wooden-handled garrote. It never leaves any traces
and can complete its tasks silently and professionally. Ksusha agrees and
accepts the assignment.


Ksysha finds out that, in addition to
the former agent, the people involved are three other men and a woman. Ksysha
says quietly to herself that she thinks it\'s a pity that her sister isn\'t there
this time, so she has to kill the two female victims herself. She gets
information about the name of the former agent. She also finds out that there
is going to be a syndicate meeting at a hotel where all the owners of the USB
sticks are gathered. Ksysha sees this as her best chance of getting hold of the
USB sticks. Ksusha reports to her organization and plans her next steps.


Ksysha has tracked down the whereabouts
of the former agent, now disguised as a normal housewife, in order to get all
the information about the other owners. Ksysha plans her mission so that she
will first seek out the former agent, interrogate her and then kill her.


Ksysha puts on her killer outfit. A
bikini panty to tie, a leather bra, tight wet look leather pants, black leather
boots. Then she puts on her tight black leather gloves.


Standing in front of a large mirror, she
puts her hands around her neck and chokes herself, imagining killing her
victims. Then Ksysha takes her garrote and puts it around her neck and
strangles herself with it to feel how her victims feel when she strangles them
and tells herself how much she loves her job.

Then she takes her knife and puts it in
a holster, which is attached to her belt, puts her garrote in her leather
jacket and a plastic bag, takes her cell phone and she goes on her way.

The interrogation – female victim

Ksysha observes the house where the
former female agent is. She looks through a window and finds them sitting at a
desk at the computer. Ksysha finds that the former agent is alone, allowing
Ksusha to carry out her plan. Ksysha sneaks to the back door. She pulls a nylon
stocking over her face and opens it quietly with a fake key..


looks around the house and goes to the room where her former agent is. Ksysha
opens the door very quietly and enters the room, then she takes her garotte out
of her leather jacket and sneaks up to her from behind. Ksysha quickly puts the
garrote around the agent\'s neck and strangles her until she loses
consciousness. Then Ksysha pulls back the chair the unconscious agent is on and
ties her to the chair. Kyusha takes a glass of water and throws it in her face,
causing her to regain consciousness. Ksysha tells her that she needs
information on the owners of the other USB sticks and when the meeting should
take place. The agent laughs and says to Ksysha, you won\'t hear anything from
me. Ksysha smacks her twice in the face and takes out the plastic bag, goes
around the chair with it and pulls it tight over the agent\'s head, choking her.
The female agent twitches and fidgets, then Ksysha relaxes briefly, then
tightens again. When Ksysha notices that the resistance is slowly fading, she
takes off the plastic bag. The agent gasps wildly. Ksysha steps in front of her
and asks if the agent is willing to give Ksysha the information. The agent
laughs again and spits in Ksysha\'s face. Then Ksysha takes off her stocking
mask, gets her knife out of the holster and puts it behind the agent\'s throat
and says decisively, the information please or I\'ll cut your throat. The agent
says o.k. I\'ll tell you everything you want to know, but let me live. Ksysha
puts the knife back in the holster and steps in front of the agent. She tells
Ksysha everything she needs to know and then asks if Ksysha will untie her.
Ksysha slowly releases her from the chair, the agent stands up and when Ksusha
turns her back for a moment, Ksysha takes her garrote out of her leather jacket
and puts it around the agent\'s neck from behind. The agent thrashes wildly,
still dazed from the interrogation and struggles weakly, but is able to free
herself for a moment. Ksysha takes the garrote and wraps it around her neck
from behind, pulls it back and throws it on the bed. Ksysha sits on her and
strangles her to death with her garrote. The agent convulses and trembles and
lashes out wildly again, but becomes weaker and weaker and finally gives up, so
that Ksysha can finish her job in peace. As saliva runs out of her mouth,
Ksysha pulls her garrote even tighter and the agent\'s legs twitch again until
she was finally strangled by Ksysha and her tongue protrudes limply from her
mouth. Ksysha then takes her cell phone and calls her organization to report.
She says that she has received all the information and can now continue and
successfully complete her mission. The agent would have told her the names,
place and time of the meeting. The organizer asks Ksysha what about the former
agent. Ksysha tells them that she strangled the agent. The organization is
satisfied and says that the agent as a traitor got what she deserved and asks
Ksysha how she intends to proceed. Ksysha says that she will assume the former
agent\'s identity and thus enter the meeting point with forged papers and seek
out and kill one by one the USB stick owners. (please subtitle the
conversation), then Ksysha hangs up and heads to the meeting point.

The mission - female victim


Ksysha is on his way to the female
assassin\'s lodging. She had previously worked as a prostitute and improved her
standard of living through contract killings. The Syndicate became aware of her
because they found it remarkable that all of her victims were exclusively
strangled or strangled by her. Since joining the Syndicate, she no longer has
to work as a prostitute and has since improved her skills. Ksysha got this info
on the assassin from the folder she received when she checked in. Ksusha breaks
into the assassin\'s room with a master key she stole from one of her recent
victims and looks around. The assassin arrives at the meeting point shortly, so
Ksusha hides under the bed and can wait for her in peace. The contract killer
enters the room (in a black leather outfit, please). Ksysha watches her through
the large mirror on the wall, waiting for the right moment. When the assassin
sits down on the bed, Ksysha emerges from her hiding place, takes her garotte
and puts it around the assassin\'s neck. This is very strong, so she can break
free. She slaps Ksysha in the face, causing her to be dazed for a moment.
During this time, the assassin takes her murder tool, a USB cable, and puts it
around Ksysha\'s neck from behind. Ksysha sinks to her knees and it looks like
it\'s going to go wrong this time.


Since Ksysha has learned to control her
body through training long choking sequences with her sister, she can fake her
death to the assassin, who believes Ksusha is dead and slowly loosens the USB
cable around Ksysha\'s neck again. Ksysha, who is of course still alive, gets up
in a flash and hits the assassin in the stomach area and pushes her onto the
bed. Then Ksysha puts her hands around the assassin\'s neck and chokes her so
hard that the assassin loses consciousness at first. Ksysha takes her hands
from her neck, grabs her garrote and puts it completely around the assassin\'s
neck, waking her up. Ksysha tells her that she will give her a chance to save
her life, but only if she tells Ksysha where the USB stick is. The assassin
tells Ksysha and asks what the chances are of sparing her life. Ksysha then
tells the assassin that she never intended to spare her, but gives her a chance
to save herself. Then Ksysha takes the assassin\'s USB cable and puts it around
his neck, grabs the handles of the garrote and says to the assassin either you
have the strength to strangle me and save yourself with it, or I\'ll kill you
now and pull close the garrote. The assassin grabs the ends of the USB cable
and strangles Ksysha while she tightens the garrote wrapped around the
assassin\'s neck. Ksysha also enjoys being choked herself while she kills. The
assassin\'s power wanes and the USB cable around Ksysha\'s neck becomes loose. Then
the assassin tries to stop Ksysha from strangling her by thrashing about wildly
and trying to pry Ksysha\'s hands free. Since Ksysha has perfected her choking
technique since she was a teenager, the assassin\'s defenses are futile, causing
her to weaken and weaken until her body twitches and slowly goes limp. Ksysha
pulls a little harder until the assassin is motionless and saliva is running
out of her mouth. Then Ksysha slowly eases off and loosens the garrote and
takes it off the dead assassin\'s neck.


Ksysha checks her pulse as usual to make
sure she really is dead. She then tells the dead assassin that this was the
best fight she\'s ever had with a female killer, better than many a male victim
Ksusha strangled (subtitled please). Ksysha takes the USB cable and puts it
around the dead assassin\'s neck as if she had strangled herself. After that,
Ksysha goes to a hiding place in the room where the 4th USB stick is and takes
it. Ksysha picks up her phone again to tell her organization that the mission
is all but accomplished. The only thing missing now is the last USB stick. The
organization asks Ksysha if she needs help or still has the strength to
complete this mission on her own. Ksysha says she already has a plan on how to
get the last stick and hangs up.
    10 minutes
Models: Nata Annabelle Christy Pola 
Strangulation in black stockings
Strangulation from behind
Double strangulation
4 girls were strangled in sexy office clothes
4 dead girls bodypile

Killer-strangler strangle 4 girls in office  BOILER POINT
    24 minutes
Cast: Juliana, Max 

«This was amazing! You did excellent as always, thank you very much! Also very cool music at the beginning with the boiling water, really well done.

Thank you!»


Strangulation, Garrote, Foot Fetish, Tongue Out, Foot Fetish, Playing With Feet

Juliana  enters the room in a business suit with a short skirt, barefoot wearing the sparkly high heel pumps. And a silk scarf tied super tight around her  throat like a choker
she sit at the desk and cross your legs showing them off from all angles, and dangle the heels from her feet with great close ups showing off the arches of herr feet dangling the heels. Really great close ups and teasing with her legs and feet
Afew moments later she look at her coworker , and pretend to strangle herself with the scarf to taunt them, saying “wouldnt you just love to strangle me to death with my own scarf?”
She take the scarf off and set it down on the table then the coworker unexpectedly grabs the scarf and throws it around her neck
The most brutal grotesque strangle ensues, with her sticking her tongue out as far as she can searching for air, and wide eyed expressions With legs and feet flailing everywhere. She then throws her legs on top of the desk and loose a heel, the other dangling from her toes, we are treated to great close ups of feet kicking frantically showing off the soles and arches of her feet.
Throughout the film we see super intimate face close ups of her staring into the camera with bulging eyes, tongue sticking out as far as possible and making crazy gagging noises. Eyes turning red with tears coming out from the strangle
At the end of the strangle, in a super intimate closeup she dies with red eyes wide open and tears running down her face. But the killer knows there’s is still life left in her. She then pulls the scarf harder three times, each time squeezing juliana's tongue out even further and eyes bulging wider. The final time squeezing every last bit of life out of her with one final deep gagging sound, tongue fully extended and eyes wide open staring at the camera with tears rolling down your face. her sexy legs and feet are shown toes pointing then finally coming to rest.
She then ties the scarf tight around julianas neck and leaves her here in the chair. The camera pans around your body showing your face with eyes open and tongue out as well as  feet on the table in closeups. She then plays with feet before leaving her there.
     Deadly Home Invasion
    10 minutes
      Deadly Home Invasion - Sexy tall russian brunette with long legs

starring: luiza, angelina and kit

two ***** live together in the flat. They are young, beautiful. Their casual lifestyle is facebook, clubs, parties, college. So, it’s typical life, it’s typical day. Angelina is using her fitness machine,  luiza is relaxing in the bed next room and chating with her friends. It’s summertime. Birds are singing sings on the street, the sun is shining so brightly! Does this pretty day look like the last day in their young lives?

a man with a gun enters *****’ flat. Angelina gets a bullet in her stomach first. Her neighbor luiza is running iut  when she hears a bang but she gets a bullet too. They are suffering in agony. Why, why this warm sunny day is so cruel for them? They ae lying on the floor and  bleeding out together. They are begging for mercy but a murder shoots them ******.

they are dead with surprised faces. Their leggy bodies are still warm and sexy. A man carries corpses to the hall, strips them and puts into the wardrobe. Birds are singing their summer songs, indifferent sun is shining for all living people but not for the ***** any more. They are dead sitting in the dark wardrobe.


fetish elements

ultra sexy jean shorts, fitness clothes, shooting, *****, begging for life, deat stares. Body dragging, postmortem stripping, touching dead bodies. 

very realistic sexy movie made in 1980-s american slashers  and italian giallo style  End Of Friendship 2
    9 minutes
      End Of Friendship 2 - END OF FRIENDSHIP 2
Starring: Nancy, Nadya, Annabelle, Lilia, Lulu, Kate, Tori
2 CHEST SHOTS (3 Bullets to every Girls)
Sexy creeping  along the wall
Bloody Footprint
Postmortem Agony
Sexy Bodypile
The girls came by invitation to the house. A dedicated model shoots them out of a gun
     Clip 802
    13 minutes
      Clip 802 - SISTERS
Starring: MaryAnn, Alice Miren, Edward
Drama about two sisters – good married 35 years old  woman (Maryann) and her younger 21 years old sister (Alice).  When MaryAnn knew about her husband had sexual connection with her sister she just strangled her to her death (great, long, emotional death scene). Husband and wife have a very strange way to reanimate relationship with the help of the dead body of Alice…
    15 minutes
      Hunt - We start summer season vith very hot, sexy deadly, expensive clips with many new fetish elements!

starring: luiza angelina evgeniy dima

a nice **** is walking in the forest alone. She is a student at summer holidays.

a gang of rich cruel young people have some terrible fun. They come to the forest by helicopter every weekend to find ******, chase her and kill. Today they choose this innocent sexy ******.

two men and one **** attack her and surprise. They grab her arms and legs and start stripping poor young chick. She has a terrible panic attack, she is writhing like a snake and can escape. She run thro the forest, but three rapists follow her. The **** decides to save her live and fight to the end!

she hides herself behind a tree. When a bad **** from the gang turns back, out innocent babe attacks her and ********* by her own bra! After a long ********** scene good **** wins, and bad **** gets her due. Now she is dead with stupid ****** death stare.   Rich bitch was very surprised to die instead to kill. A winner takes a gun from ****’s corpse and kills another person from the gang by headshot. She hopes to kill the last villain but…

suddenly she takes a bullet to her chest. No more hope! She drops and has a long agony, then she dies and we see her dead body with tragic mimic at her face. She just wanted to walk at the clean forest but instead berry she found her death!  But she fought as desperately as she could!

 fetish elements

**** attacked by rapists, ****** stripping, near to escape, chase and run, sexy **** running away, topless, good **** vs bad ****, from ****** to killer situation, amazon, **********, cat fighting to death, death stare, legs kicking, tongue out, **** kills a man, headshot, female fatale, pov shooting, agony, good **** dies, slowly deaths, *****, sexy dead bodies, outside shooting.

 exciting dynamic erotic thriller with mega shooting effects, very sexy ***** and many unusual surprises.
    10 minutes
      GAS CHAMBLER - An east Europe country has reinstated the death penalty for women. To exercise this they built a gas
chamber at the womens prison.
The only way To really test this new execution device will be actually executing someone for real. To do
this the prison officials have picked a random pretty girl off the street from a night club and taken her
into “custody”.

Open scene.
Tatiana is already strapped in to a sturdy well built chair. She has heart monitor electrodes stuck to her
chest under her dress, wires leading off to a junction on the chamber wall.
She is wearing a black mini dress and shiny black thigh high boots.
She is extremely scared, begging to be released.
After approximately 30 seconds under the chair a cup of white powder tips over and pours into a bowl
of liquid creating a vigorous foaming reaction and some cloudy vapours, Cyanide Gas!
Tatiana try’s to hold her breath in desperation. However, after only 30 seconds or so, she can’t hold her
breath anymore, and by reflex, she takes a deep breath causing her to inhale a large amount of gas. She
reacts like she just got stabbed in the lungs.
After the initial shock Tatiana can only take short shallow breaths. However she soon starts to foam
from her mouth and salivating uncontrollably.
Tatiana convulses, and struggles trying to breath normally, but every time she breaths in all she gets a
lung full of cyanide gas.
For the next 6 minutes this continues.
6 minutes after the gas started Tatiana starts to get light headed and dizzy. Her strength begins to fade.
This continues for another 6 minutes until 12 full minutes after the gas started Tatiana goes
Seconds later the heart monitor stops, indicating Tatiana is dead!  UNIFORM PREDATOR
    15 minutes
Starring: Alice Miren, Max
After Detective Mira was sent to stop dangerous maniac Uniform Predator who kills police girls for their shoes, brave detective Alice was sent to find him. She  found his lair and asks the permission to arrest him but her chief from police department didn’t allow her to do it alone but she was too self-confident and it was bad for her…

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    Welcome To The Crime House Studio on Kinky Clips
    Crime House Fantasy Studio (also Crime House & Crime House and Dark Rooms) is independent production company with female death fetish orientation. Crime House does very erotic stuff, but not porn. Why we advice to offer our videos? 1. SEXY VICTIM-ACTRESSES ONLY 2. REALISTIC DEATH SITUATIONS 3. GREAT ACTING 4. CSGFX EFFECTS 5. NEW MODELS EVERY WEEK 6. ALL DEATH FETISH GENRES 7. NOT PORN BUT VERY-VERY EROTIC AND HOT 8.RUSSIAN AND EAST EUROPE HOT MODELS 9. WE DO KNOW HOW TO PLAY SEXY DEATH 10. ALL MOVIES ARE MADE IN VERY HIGH QUALITY

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