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    10 minutes
      SUMMER SHOOTOUT - Summer Shootout
Starring: Hass, Juliana, Mary, Annabelle
Set of non-blood outside shooting. Scenes with murders in the car, girls killing girls, POV shooting killing  TOM AND JACK KILLING MOLLY
    13 minutes
Wow! Totally amazed by the quality of your work. It was really beyond my expectations. The script was followed nicely as well as some extra things have been added in order to make this film perfect. Will definitely do more projects with you guys in future..
Review of Customer
Actress: Sonya Kruger.
Actors: Max and Romarius.
Sonya plays a college girl who is very intelligent and comes first in the exams. Two guys (studying in same class of Sonya) who are a bit shy to talk to girls share a psycho fetish that involves killing a girl mercilessly such that the girl dies very painfully. They want to see the victim suffering and that arouses them. It is the will to survive of the victims that gives them pleasure. Sonya is going to be their first victim.
When Sonya returns from college, the duo are already waiting for her inside her home. Guy1 grabs her from behind and the girl gets really scared and screams like crazy. They have forgotten to bring the chloroform, so the other guy, i.e: guy 2 places his hand over her mouth resulting in muffled screams. The girl is really scared and is crying as well as trying to scream. She looks helpless and is desperately trying to get free. But the men are strong, she can't escape. Then guy 1 asks guy 2 to grab her legs (as she is kicking a lot) and lift her up and bring her down to the floor in order to kill her. guy 1 who is behind her now places his hand over her mouth as guy 2 uses both of his hands to hold her arms and legs and take her down. Them guy 1 tells the other guy to give him a rope. Meanwhile Sonya is still struggling to get free. Guy 2 has a thin rope in his pocket and gives in to guy 1. Sonya knows that something is wrong and guy 1 is enjoying it. He allows Sonya to scream/cry/beg for 2-3 seconds and then instantly wraps the rope around her neck. Sonya is really shocked. Her expressions say it all. She cannot breath and her eyes go wide in fear. She is really scared and is thrashing very very hard. She kicks and tries to escape and twisting her body while trying to get some air. She panics and keeps thrashing her and there. It is definitely not easy for the guys to control her. Guy 2 who is holding her down loses his grip multiple times. But guy 1 isn't letting the rope go loose. He is applying full force while sonya is trying to scream (but she can't). She is really a good fighter. The guys also say that she is a fighter and why isn't she dying. Sonya is thrashing her limbs very hard. She starts to slow down after 2-3 minutes of continuous thrashing. Her eyes are filled with tears, her life fading away. Her movements reduce to jerks and spasms. Guy 2 lets her loose after 3 minutes. She is still kicking and spasming weakly. Suddenly she undergoes heavy spasms. Guy 2 again holds her legs. Finally she weakens again and guy 2 lets her limbs go. Finally  after 5-6 minutes, the girl is dead. But she is twitching involuntarily for a minute. It was a new experience for the duo and they really enjoyed  their first kill. Both are sweating heavily and they remove the victim's clothes (as much as Sonya is comfortable with) and her shoes afterwards. Sonya is staring at nothing and has a really sad death stare. Her eyes look teary and look like she was really begging them to spare her life. The two guys then leave the house and the corpse remains there.
    33 minutes



thank you for the once again great film. I was once again thrilled. You have implemented my script well. Again great job done.

Customers Feedback and Review

3 cannibals , these are the cousins. 

In front of the house of the cannibals (cousins) is unnoticed a car with an unknown woman.  She sees the cannibals sitting in front of the house.                                                    

The 3 cousins are sitting together in front of their house. They do not notice the car.

They are dressed very elegantly and wear high heels and black pantyhose. They also have nice short skirts. 

They talk about the hunt for a new victim and where they want to hunt it.  After they have clarified where they want to get the new victim says one cousin to another:

\\\"Elena, can you go there already to check out the new hunting ground. Take some pictures of the women who live there. But they should look delicious, too.\\\"

The cousins laugh and look forward to the new challenge.

Elena stands up and takes the photo camera that is on the table. The cousins say goodbye.

Elena walks to the car, gets in and puts the camera on the passenger seat. Then she drives away. The two cousins in front of the house wave to her.

Elena doesn\\\'t notice that a short time later she is being followed by the car that was parked in front of her house.

Elena drives through a beautiful landscape and comes to a town she doesn\\\'t know yet.

Elena. \\\"Oh, it\\\'s beautiful here. Here we will surely find our new delicious food\\\".

She pulls into a parking lot and turns off the engine. She takes the camera and gets out.

The car that followed her also stops in the parking lot. It is an unknown woman and she is watching Elena.

Elena walks with the camera in the parking lot in her high heels and short skirt in black pantyhose and waits to see if she can photograph a beautiful yummy woman that all three cousins then want to catch later.

After a short time the woman gets out of the car and takes a knife. The woman is also wearing high heels. The unknown woman walks towards Elena slowly. Elena stands with her back to the unknown woman and doesn\\\'t notice anything. The unknown woman walks up to Elena and stabs her in the back with the knife and pulls it out again. The unknown woman says:

\\\"Die you cannibal, die, we\\\'ll get you all!\\\".

At that moment, Elena turns around in a flash and accidentally takes a picture of the woman. Elena does not notice that she has taken a picture of the unknown woman. But the unknown woman doesn\\\'t notice that either. The unknown woman runs to her car and quickly drives away.

Elena moans in pain. She struggles to drag herself to the car and gets in with a pain-distorted face and drives back to the house. She puts the camera on the passenger seat.

The two cousins are still sitting in front of the house drinking wine and talking about sacrifices, in which different variations they can best be fried.

The car with Elena slowly comes rolling up to the house and then stops. The two cousins wonder why Elena drives so slowly and doesn\\\'t get out.

One cousin: \\\" You, something is wrong. Something happened.\\\"

The other cousin: \\\"Yes, I think so too. Come let\\\'s go see.\\\"

They quickly walk to the car in their high heels and open the door. They see Elena lying with her head on the steering wheel and breathing lightly.

One of the cousins: \\\" Elena, oh God, what happened?\\\"

Elena: \\\"I got stabbed by an unknown woman. It\\\'s very bad.\\\"

The cousins see the blood on their backs.

Both cousins look at each other and lick their lips.

One of the cousins, \\\" You know the rule of the family\\\".

Other cousin nods her head and says \\\" Yes unfortunately it must be\\\".

The cousins slowly drag Elena out of the car. They see the blood on the back and take some blood with their finger and taste it. The cousins lick their lips.  They both slowly carry Elena into the house.

Elena meanwhile says: 

\\\"I know our rule of the family. If one of us dies with an inflicted injury it will be eaten. Please do it. I love you.\\\"

The two cousins look at each other again with smiles and carry Elena into the house.

They take Elena to a room. In the room, the victims are killed grilled and eaten. They first lay Elena on the floor.

Elena: \\\"I won\\\'t make it. Eat me when I am dead. Eat my flesh so that I can always be with you.\\\"

One of the cousins strokes Elena\\\'s hair and says:

 \\\" That\\\'s what we do. That is our rule. We will roast and eat you according to our tradition\\\".

Then the two cousins walk away to prepare for the feast.

The two cousins are in their Amazon dressing room. They dress like Amazons for the feast and paint their faces. 

There they take off their clothes. They are now dressed only in their black tights and put on their loincloth again. Together they make themselves up like Amazons and apply red lipstick. A beautiful Amazonian jewelry they still tie around themselves.

One of the cousins, while putting on her make-up: \\\"It\\\'s sad what we have to do. I loved her.\\\"

Another cousin: \\\"Yes, me too. But we will avenge you. We will find the woman. But now let\\\'s fry our cousin traditional kill and eat.\\\"

Made up and dressed like Amazons they still take their knives and then go to Elena.

Elena is very weak and barely breathing. The two cousins go to Elena and kneel down in front of her. They undress Elena. Only the black pantyhose Elena keeps on. She is roasted with it traditionally. 

Both cousins now drag Elena by her feet onto a tarpaulin. A pulley hangs from the ceiling.

The cousins tie her feet to the pulley. Before they pull Elena up, both cousins kiss Elena goodbye. Then one cousin pulls Elena up by her feet with the pulley.

Both cousins now feel the flesh of Elena.

One cousin: \\\" She is really tasty.\\\"

The other cousin now gets a bucket and puts it under Elena\\\'s head. She now cuts Elena\\\'s throat. The blood flows into the bucket. Elena wriggles on the pulley for a moment.

Both cousins now wait until Elena is bled out and dead.

They lower Elena down and drag her to the roasting place. The cousins then marinate Elena and roast her on the grill.

The cousins sit cross-legged in front of the grill and hold hands while Elena is roasted. In between, Elena\\\'s meat is marinated every now and then.

After a while, the cousins check with a fork whether the meat is already good. Finally.

Both cousins rub their hands and stomachs. They take Elena off the grill and carry her to the dining area. 

The cousins kneel down in front of Elena and start eating Elena\\\'s meat. First, the belly is cut open and the intestines are taken out and eaten.

One cousin cuts out Elena\\\'s tongue and eats it. The two cousins continue to eat at the neck and breasts. They cut off the breasts and eat the delicious meat.

Again and again the cousins lick their lips and say how delicious Elena tastes.

They also cut the meat from the ribs and eat it as well as the belly meat.

Both cousins then eat the meaty thighs. They chew the meat intensely.

Elena is now turned over and the meat from the ass is eaten.

(IMPORTANT!) Last, they now eat the meat of the soles of the feet. This is eaten with relish.

After a few hours they have eaten Elena.

A cousin: \\\"I\\\'m going to get the camera to see what Elena took a picture of.\\\"

The cousin comes back with the camera. She sits down again in front of Elena\\\'s leftovers and looks at the pictures. All of a sudden, the cousin with the camera looks at the other cousin.

Other cousin. \\\" What do you have ?\\\"

Other cousin \\\"Look. Elena took the picture of the woman with the knife.\\\"

Other cousin: \\\" Let me see it\\\".

The cousin hands the camera to the other cousin. She looks at the picture on the display and says:

\\\"Let\\\'s look for this woman and kill her and eat! We owe that to Elena!\\\"

They both get up and walk away to get ready for the search.  ARCHER X
    16 minutes
CAST: Li, Angelina, Bella Lenina, Scarlett Fandera, Alex
«What a really nicely produced video!  Awesome addition to the series.    Your team and the actresses all were superb.  Another one of my favorite customs.  Thank you and your team!!!»
Customer’s Review

Arrows, Kidnapping, Bondage, Helpless, Female in Perils, Woman in Peril, Belly Button tortures, Lots of belly fetishes, Stabbing, Shooting, Police, Cop, Dying Slowly., Family Drama, Trying to escape, Best Acting

Dynamic Plot and Action
Every character has it’s own cinematic motivation and emotion
Scarlett Fandera is very good actress! Enjoy realistic professional emotions in the horror industry!
4 Death Scenes: long and rather shot deaths
New technology of arrow effect 

If you watch ARCHER seria you already know about family of crazy hunters with bow (two Archers Brothers) who hide in the town and kill the exotic dancers of striptease club. It was many trying to catch him by police, but Archer maniac was too smart to be arrested or killed – every time he kills all his opponents and continues his dirty deeds.
This one two dancers get an invitation to the private party for 10000$ fee. It looks strange, and one of dancers (Li) has a sister who is a police woman (Scarlett). She decides to speak with her about this strange letter.
Scarlett is sure it’s the letter from the Archer. She asks her partner (Bella Lenina) and the collegue of her sister, a dancer too (Angelina) to help her in the serial operation against the Archer. The plan is: girls go to the ‘’party’’, the Archer attack them and police catch him before he has time to kill them.

But this was a really bad idea. Archer was very vast. He arrowed Angelina to her belly button, and when Scarlett and Bella rushed to the Archer’s lair, a trap was already waiting for them. Bella got an arrow. Scarlett shot Archer and tried to help her sister, but Archer wasn’t killed and he shot her dear sister to the stomach and then arrowed poor Scarlett. Dying Scarlett could only say: «forgive me» to her dead nude sisters. All 4 dead females stayed on the floor in the great bodypile…

The Archer
And ARCHER 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9!
    36 minutes
Custom Film

«Awesome job on Tendermeat 2!!!!!!»
Customer’s Feedback 
36 minutes film with three terrible deaths with  hanging by legs and arms, throat slitting, belly ripping, internal organ harvesting!

Judy as a brave honest detective
Yana as her partner
Li as a photo-model
Den as a corrupt cop
Tim as a photographer working for kidnapping mafia
Max as his assistant
Fetish Elements 
Police Theme, Detective Theme, Interesting Plot, Poisoned Injection to the neck, Knocked Out, Hanging by Arms, Throat Slitting, Cut Throat, Woman in Peril, Helpless, Full Nude, From Brave policewoman to helpless victim, Hanging By Legs, Guts, Gory

Two detectives  - Judi and Yana find in the arcvive of not investigated yet cases strange case about model who missed – she went to photostudio and didn’t come home. They ask boss why this case is under the papers and nobody speak about it – boss answers it’s not a promising case and most likely the girl just fled abroad with a guy and did not tell her relatives about it. He forbids to investigate it and asks to solve more important cases. 
But Judi desides to take this case alone and asks Yana for help. They know that last place where missed girl was seen alive is photo studio and they go to its place. They see model Li who goes to photosession in this place. 
Li was poisoned by injection to her neck, stripped full nude and place her in the apparat for lifting people for butchering for meat. When Li wakes up she has few time only for surprising and fear and she gas her neck patiently throated. Blood is spreading  to her boobs! 
After this execution men start to cut her body and put off her guts. 
Detective Yana enters the studio and sees it but she is captured stripped full nude and she is the following victim. She is scared and helpless and hopes only for help but she realizes she has very little chance and she knows what a terrible end can wait her. 
When Judi comes to help Judi is in the trap too. Judy had time to call for call for reinforcements. Two women are nude. Yana is hanged by her legs and brutally killed by knife and Judi watched all the execution. Judy still hopes for reinforcements but Tim gives her a phone. Her boss tells her that he works with mafia and she will die. She is full of emotions, resentment, anger, hopelessness, aggression, awareness of the inevitable end but what can she du nanging by legs with her head down? Nothing. She is killed too!
After all women are dead their dumped bodies are placed to the bodypile. Mafia takes their organs and is ready to take new orders….

    8 minutes


Fetish Elements:
Balaclavas, Knife, Stabbing To The  Neck, Neck Breaks

Judi  as the detective

Alice Miren as Swat member 1

Sally as Swat member 2

Plot: So it begins where two swat members are waiting in a room for a detective and after some shot of the two swat members, a detective comes in to examine the place only to do her job which is to clean it very well so nothing traces back to her boss put right now she is in a tough spot where the are two swat members that are guarding so in the room where they three are she pulls up a white medical latex gloves and puts it on her hands, next she orders the other guard to go in the hallway to guard the entrance and after one of the swat member leaves the room she asks the other one to hand her a small knife, and the detective says then to the confused swat member that she needs to scrub the blood of the floor to examine it better and let the swat member to get on her knees and take a closer look. Now the detective sees a chance for a takedown so she pulls up behind the swat member that is on her knees and first she covers her mouth with her medical white latex gloved left hand to prevent her from screaming and to alert the other member and then stabs her in the neck with her right hand and after 3 to 5 mins the swat member spasms a little and dies. Next she calls the other guard to come in the room, the detective hides behind the door of the room and when the other member comes in she sees her partner dead on the floor and before saying anything the detective is right behind her and covers her mouth also so she wont scream either and stabs her two times in the back and then slits her throat. After the both swat members are dead she decides to fondle them a little bit and saying in a quiet low voice what a good waste those girls were and then she calls her boss that all is good and suddenly in a first person view somebody comes in behind the detective, the first person also has medical white latex gloves on and handgags the detective whispering she was never going to be paid for her dirty work and while handgagging her, in the first person view or pov the detective is neck snapped
    31 minutes





30 Minutes Long!


Starring: Nata and Annabelle


Set of scenes where two sexy spies kill each other for flashcard with political secrets  Failed Mission
    12 minutes
      Failed Mission - Failed mission

action-packed thriller. Young police woman is at her mission to catch dead or alive dangerous criminal. She found his location near old farm. He was hiding at the weapon store. When she entered the house, he took machine gun kalashnikov and pca machine gun. Shootout started. He wounded her in the hand. Then he shot her in heart. She made great surprised reaction, fall her knees and then fall to the floor. After agony she died. He carried body to the secret place, took off her clothes and riveted her dead body to the chair with handcuffs.

fetish elements: police woman, sexy uniform, handcuffs, shooting, machine gun shooting, *****, surprised reaction, pantyhose.
    11 minutes
      NECK BREAK SET - Set of neck break scenes. 
Girl had her neck broken in different bad situations and conflicts with her guy.
If you like this video please check out
    25 minutes

«Amazing video Ugine! I can't express my gratitude to you and your team for the professionality and detail you achieved in that custom. The nervous boyfriend and the mafia boss cruelty and his behaviour playing cold and confident knowing all aces were in his hand are absolutely believable. I can't believe you could gather a room so close to what I was asking for.

Love the actress performance. Cool and controlling her emotions as I like. The wounds, the blood and the last stab was great. I realise that you could keep the knife in her navel without the need of her hand grabbing it. I would use that in a future video. 

My satisfaction is on the edge of complete.

My congratulations and acknowledge to you and your team Ugine. Really professional.

From Customer’s Review 

CAST: Sally, Alex, Edward
SHOOTING (16+ wounds to the body with great blood effect!)
STABBING – Super Stabbing Effect
25 minutes!

Fetish Elements:

Topless, Jeans, Strong Sexy Brave Girl, Shooting to the belly, Belly Tortures, BellyButton fetish. Stomach Fetish. Shooting to the stomach (many times), Shooting to the back  Shooting to the chest (two times), Many Wounds, Fighting with a girl. POV views, Knife to the belly, Putting off knife from the belly, Shooting Many Times, Gutted, Guts, Guts from the stomach, Death, Death Stare


Bill has a brave girlfriend who protects him from the mafia. She is so brave and loves her boyfriend so much she can give her life for Bill. When the gangster comes and starts shooting she starts protecting and gets many wounds in her belly, chest and back but still alive and still can fight. When they already can’t protect themselves the gangster allows them to say good buy to each other. But in the last moment a guy betrays her to protect his own life and suddenly stabbes her, after it Don Carlo shoots her many times for her death. She was gutted off, wounded many times, all in blood…


Mammas’ Guts
    22 minutes
Cast: Xena, Max, Ksusha Zaichik, Billy Brag
This is a sequel to the previous movie \"What can you tell to my gun?\"
Xena is the fellow agent of Luiza who died infiltrating Max’s organisation.
Xena sits naked in her apartment and unwrapping a box, inside is a pair of blood stained sandals, those worn by Luiza when she died. She checked the shoes, this time please show the shoe size mark clearly, (I think Anna bought size 41). As she stared at the shoes pensively, there is brief back-and-white flash back of Luzie wearing these shoes and got shot dead.
Xena wiped the shoes clean, and put her beautiful  bare feet into them, her toes nails were also painted in the red wine Color. A lot of details of her feet in the sandals, showing how fit they were for her. She then put on her clothes (which I will specify with the prop manager later, most likely dress or shirt+skirt). No stockings, no underpants, no bras. She slid a hand gun into her purse, took a last look at herself in the mirror with a grim look and left the room. (Camera can follow her feet a little longer).
Scenes cut to another bed room - this time at Max’s place. There is a few fast cut/ flashing  of scenes Xena and Max hugging and making love (just indicatively, to the extent you can) with loud and satisfying moaning from both of them and some sultry background music.
As the music fades, it shows Xena is re-dressing herself, camera can show her wearing her sandals. Max just zipped up his pants, he kneeled down to kiss Xena’s feet praising her feet so big and beautiful. He murmured that her shoes looked a bit familiar then he suddenly looked suspicious when he saw the shoe size mark. He found an excuse walked into another room and made a call, asking his security team to come.
He came back, asking Xena to get a drink as she walks towards the cabinet, he opened her purse and saw the gun. Just as Xena turned to face him asking what he wants to brink, he fired Xena’s pistol at her repeatedly and emptied the entire clip (10-17 rounds, I will work with your prop manager to see what pistol model your are using). Xena jerked and bucked with each bullet hit as she was pushed by the impact step by step and smashed onto the back wall, but managed to stand. [The entry wound are small neat holes with little blood at the beginning but each exit wound is bigger, blood splashing on the wall.
Max clicked the empty and smirked :”wow powerful toy! A whole xx rounds (actual number TBD)”, but he was stunned to see Xena was not dead yet, she snarled at him and pushed herself up against the wall. She dashed to him and tackled him, both falling down with Xena on the top. She pushed Max a few times on the face and then tried to strangle him with her bare hand. As she pushed down her hands, she also started to vomit blood from her mouth, some dripping onto Max’ face. [Xena is now straddling on Max, it is a good chance to see all the exit wounds on her back, also some close up on her feet, it is a good chance to show the bottom of her sandals and the clear shoe size mark].
Max was over powered by Xena not able to move too much. He managed to free his right arm and fumbled around to get a knife. He plunged and slashed the knife on Xena the lower back (the left side) repeatedly, Xena’s guts started to pour out of the open wound. But Xena ignored it and just kept strangling him. Finally, Max grew too weak, his arm dropped and the knife was stuck on Xena’s back. Xena found the chance, she reached back and pulled the knife out.
Now, she raised the knife with both hand high above her head, she straddled on Max and back straight, ready to plunge the knife down. But at the exact moment, the door burst open, two of Max’s men rushed in and opened hire (riffle or pistol, no shot gun this time), it was a short burst only a few seconds, but many bullets hit Xena’s back drilling small red holes, but busting out of her chest in bigger holes, splashing blood and tissues all over Max. Xena held her postion, her arms raised high, body arching back, jerking twisting violently in the rain of bulleted. 
When the gun shot stoped, Xena was “frozen” in her strike position for a short while, with wide opened eyes and stunned impression, after a second, she groaned only one world “fuck” (or the Russian equivalent), then she fell forward, not able to control her body anymore, the knife plunged deep into Max’s shoulder, and she dropped prone on top of Max, like in sex, but just not moving anymore, her back full of bullet holes and a loop of intestines hanging out.
The guards fliped Xena off their boss. Max got up with help. He was badly hurt but will live. He looked at Xena, now lying face-up on the ground face up, eyes wide open, mouth half open. Her front was full of holes too, some small (entry), but mostly quite big (exit), thru the blood soaked clothes, we can still see each jagged bullet holes. Intestines on her side. Max cursed and kicked her body, out of rage, he grab a pistol from his guard and shot Xena on her face: 3 on the forehead, one on the cheek and one on her chin, similar to Luzia previously [ you can make the wounds slightly smaller than last time, but keep the quality!] Chunks of Xena;s  brain is now splashed all around her head.
Max was escorted out by the guards. Xena left alone on the floor, camera should give a very very long and slow view of their body, feet, face, all the wounds [make sure her body position can reveal most of the wounds! For example, her head need to tilt to the side that allows and face shot to be seen]
Scene darks, then lighten up up, caption showing “8 hours later, The Next Morning”
Max came back, his should now patched up. He mocked at now matter how strong Xena was, she is now al dead with no guts no brains left. He admired her body again, especially her big feet. He played with the feet, but didnt’t remove her shoes [we can see the show size again]. He said to himself Xena’s size 41 feet is so beautiful but the sandal reminded of him Luiza that is how he found out. He mocked at Xena being so tough but missed a small point. He then counted the bullets holes one-by-one, and found out she took xx bullets in total [ this time let’s slow down, take the time and let the audience enjoy Xena and all the wound effect  meticulously made by your crew].
Finally he left Xena lying there and walked away.  DEPT COLLECTOR
    22 minutes
Elements: Knife to vagina, Grabbing Tits, Cuting Tits, Tortures, Slow Terrible Bloody Death 
«This is personally one of my favorite videos you've done. Excellent work!
Angelina's acting is top tier, and same for the other actors. The effects were really well done as well.
The set, lighting, props, and wardrobe were all great as well!»

Customer’s Review

CAST: Angelina, Alex, Max

Juliette has fallen far behind on her mob loan, and they've come to collect.

She returns to her apartment wearing a dress and heals after a night out. She enters a room and sees a camera setup and is then grabbed from behind. She's terrified.

The debt collector explains that she's fallen too far behind on her payments, and now she's going to put on a show to make good. Viewers watching the stream are going to bid on what they do to her, and she's free to go once the $12,000 she owes is collected.

She's forced to strip out of her dress and bound with her arms raised above her head and legs spread shoulder-length apart. She's wearing nothing but her underwear and heals, standing in vulnerable and exposed in front of the camera. She stares at the camera in disbelief that her body is about to be broadcast to a bunch of strangers, and she begins to tremble.

The requests start off mild, and the only damage is to her dignity:
- $25 to remove her bra
- $50 to remove her panties
- $75 to pinch her nipples

...but then they start to turn violent

Someone offers $500 to punch her hard in the tits 5 times. She pleads with her assailant as he approaches, and braces herself as he drives his fist into her tender flesh repeatedly. The pain is immense and brings her to tears.

Then someone offers $1000 to knee her hard in the vagina. Still crying from the previous abuse, she barely has time to preparse herself for what's about to happen. With her legs spread apart, she's completely vulnerable, and the knee connects squarely to her mound. She briefly goes wide-eyed shock before letting out a gutteral moan and some pee escapes her, running down her legs.

As she moans and trembles from the abuse, the next bid comes from a wealthy viewer with extreme tastes: $20,000 to insert a large knife all the way up her vagina. The collector only has to think for a moment before he commits to the act, retrieving a large knife from her own kitchen.

She frantically pleads with him as he approaches. "At least this will clear your debt" he says coldly, as he kneels down, preparing for the act.

He places one hand on her quivering hips to stabilize her, and with the other hand he begins the insertion. The pain is unbearable as slides it in, and there's nothing she can do. It takes a surprising amount of force to drive it all the way inside, and he takes his time working it in. When he finally pulls it out, streams of blood begin dripping and flowing down her legs, splashing into pools on the floor below.

He backs away now and lets the virtual onlookers take in the sight of her bleading body for a fair amount of time, the pool of blood continues to grow underneath her.

Then another bid comes in: $100,000 to do that 20 more times. Even though her debt is more than payed, he considers the amount of money they'll take from this, and decides to go through with it.

He approaches her with the bloody knife in hand, knowing there won't be any coming back from this. He bends down once more and begins the second insertion. Each one he gains more confidence and thrusts harder bringing sounds of pure agony as the blade begins to slam into her.

Blood now flows out from her freely covering her thighs and pooling on the floor. Juliette feels her life flowing out of her.

When he finishes the 20th thrust he slowly withdraws the blood soaked knife from the quivering woman's body, and steps back again so the viewers can take it all in.

After a bit of time, one final bid comes in: $25,000 to slice up her tits, then untie her and let her bleed out on the floor. He takes the knife and makes several deep cuts across each breast, then undoes her restraints. She collapses to the floor and while moaning clutches her breast and vagina in a feeble attempt to stop the bleeding.

As the camera streams her last moments, she slowly succumbs to her wounds as she lies in a fetal position in a pool of her own blood.

The collector takes some video of various angles of her expired body to make sure his patrons get their money's worth.
COVID MASSACRE (both parts)
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    Welcome To The Crime House Studio on Kinky Clips
    Crime House Fantasy Studio (also Crime House & Crime House and Dark Rooms) is independent production company with female death fetish orientation. Crime House does very erotic stuff, but not porn. Why we advice to offer our videos? 1. SEXY VICTIM-ACTRESSES ONLY 2. REALISTIC DEATH SITUATIONS 3. GREAT ACTING 4. CSGFX EFFECTS 5. NEW MODELS EVERY WEEK 6. ALL DEATH FETISH GENRES 7. NOT PORN BUT VERY-VERY EROTIC AND HOT 8.RUSSIAN AND EAST EUROPE HOT MODELS 9. WE DO KNOW HOW TO PLAY SEXY DEATH 10. ALL MOVIES ARE MADE IN VERY HIGH QUALITY

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