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     2 SPIES
    6 minutes
      2 SPIES - 2 SPIES
Custom movie

Fetish elements:
Knocking out
Limp fetishes with uncensorious girl
Touching face, boobs, body 
Shooting to the back, shooting to the breasts (twice)
Searching USB in under skirt of girl in her dead pussy (non-porn scene)
Shooting to the breasts 
Death stare with open eyes
Death stare with closed eyes 
Two dead sexy bodies 
Black stockings
Spy theme 

Annabelle is dressed in a low neck black dress and Mary in something similar to Black Widow’s outfit she has unzipped the frontal part. The theme is shooting.
A door opens and Annabelle enters in a hurry. She leans against the Wall, she is afraid of something and is breathing heavily, her breasts rise and fall. When she calms down, she extracts from her bosom a USB and go straight to a computer that is on a desk in front of her.

She inserts the USB in the computer and do not notice Mary who silently walks toward her and hits her in the head with the butt of a pistol with silencer.
Annabelle cries and falls unconscious to the floor. She is on her left side. Mary turns Annabelle´s body so she rests on her back and we can see that her left breast is exposed because of the low cut of the dress.
Mary, checks Annabelle´s pulse and then caresses her exposed breast and then her face. Anabelle takes out her cell and calls someone. She says that, as they supposed, Annabelle was the doublé agent and that she has the information in a USB.  A voice in the other end tells Mary that she has to hide and let Annabelle think that everything is alright, but before she leaves the room she has to kill her.
Mary cuts the call and sees that Annabelle is recovering, so she hides away and waits. Annabelle is stunned by the blow, but she stands up and rearranges her dress to keep her breast in its place. She takes the USB, puts it inside her bosom and walks toward the door. In that moment Mary shots her in the back.
Annabelle reacts to the shot and turns around not understanding what happened, then Mary shots her two more times in her left breast, her hands go to her breast and she sees the blood in them.  We see Marys satisfying expression and hear Annabelle´s body falling to the floor.
Annabelle is on her back. Her eyes closed, her mouth slightly opened. A line of blood is coming between her breasts to her neck. Mary put her fingers in Annabelle’s bosom and extracts the USB stained with blood.
Mary goes to the door but when she opens it, she sees someone and her face is full of surprise and fear. She pleads: No, no please and she walks backwards inside the room. We hear 3 shots and Mary falls backwards. Her eyes and mouth open in disbelief and 3 blood stains in her left breast. Someone takes the USB from her clutched hand and leaves. The 2 beautiful spies lie dead in the room.  A MESSAGE BY THE MESSENGER
    16 minutes
      A MESSAGE BY THE MESSENGER - Louise  [wearing the costumes to be specified by me later] walks briskly through a building, a lot focus on her feet. 

Max is pacing in a room nervously. He got a call on his mobile phone. From the phone he heard “boss, the bitch is here”
Max said “send her…” before he can finish, the door burst open and Louise stormed in.

“Hello, welcome, Ms….” Max put up a smile as best as he could and reached out his hand for a shake

Louise is not taking any of it. Nonchalantly, she walked close enough to Max with their nose almost touching, she delivered the message “Mr.Petrov, you are addicted to alcohol and women, you almost lost the chip and you killed two undercover agents. You are putting the Corporation in grave danger. You should consider yourself lucky because the Boss appreciated your contribution in the past. Now, you will relinquish all the power and leave Moscow within 24 hours and never to be seen again” with that, she shoved a letter into Max’s hands.

The pair stared at each other for a second, then Louis’s expression softens. “ I am sorry Max, but this is already the best I can get for you. You cheated on me for those police bitches you killed, I hope they were worth it…”

“No of course not, they can’t even be compared with you. I am so sorry I made the mistake” Max flattered and pulled Louise in for a kiss. Louise tried to resist initially but quickly give in. The pair made out, Max pulled Louis’ panty down and threw it away,  Louise stood facing the wall and Max did her from behind, without even taking her clothes off.

After done, Louise pulled away with a somber expression, “Now, this is the best I can do for you, I still love you but you have to go while you still can”. With that she turned and walked towards the door, without even bothering with picking up her panty. A lot show of her feet and legs again. 

Max stared at her back, turning to a menacing look. He produced a hidden pistol and shot her 2 times in the middle of her back. Small entry wounds, but big exit wounds on her front in the stomach area. Louise gasped and stunned, she didn’t expect Max will shoot her. She looked down at the holes on her stomach, fumbled with the jagged edge of the hole. She turned around to face Max. 
But before she can say a word, Max shot her 2 times again, on her left chest right through her heart. Small entry wound, but showing the large exit wound on her back please. Her body jerked and twisted to the left. 
Just when she composed herself, 1 more shot went right thru her neck (slightly off the Center to the left please). She started to gasp for air apparently the shot severed her windpipe. 
Max fired 1 more shot hitting her on the left cheek bone. Louise’s head snapped backwards but recovered immediately. She looked confused, touching the wound with her clean finger and looked at the finger, she saw blood. 
Her expression bewildered, with a coarse voice (because neck was hit) she said “ You? You shot my face?”
Max fired the last killer shot. 1 shot on Louise’s forehead above her left eyebrow. With a puff and blood and brain spattering backwards. Her head snapped back again and this time her body collapsed onto the floor, in a twisted but sexy position. 
Her eyes wide open, stare into the ceiling and she is dead. A pool of blood mixed with brain forming under her head. Some blood also dripping out of the wounds on her head and face 

After a long and slow camera view of her beautiful corpse. 

Max walked to Louise’s body he checked each wound. Turning her body during the process to show clearly the 4 wounds on her back and see the blood and brain mixed in her hair on the back of her skull. 

He caressed her bare legs for long time. Then examined her shoes. This is the chance to show clearly the size 41 shoe size mark (important!). He took time to worship her feet. 

Max said: “ sorry I had to do this. I need to send a message back. I’m not someone they can push around like this. Oh by the way you asked me if the two police women were worth it? Well in fact they are. Somehow I think you look a lot alike the first one I fucked. You also have nice big size 41 feet, but you don’t appear to be nearly as tough. The first policewoman took more than 40 bulleted and the second around 20, you are out after what, just 7 shots?”

With that word, he stood up and shot Louise 2 more times on her forehead: “ Sorry darling, I want to make you look a bit tougher hahaha”. 

Another long and slow view of her body (now with all the 9 wounds )

Max started to remove Louise’s clothes meticulously piece by piece. But kept her shoes on (important)  When she is totally naked, We shall see clearly the wounds on her flesh, Max flips her around rudely, then we also see the matching wounds on her back clearly. Very important to be meticulous here. 

Final scene: 
Max walked out and talking on his phone:” yes it’s time for us to fight , I just used that bitch to send them a message “. 
Camera switches back to the room. Louise’s naked body is popped up sitting on a chair head against the wall as head support. Her eyes wide open, mouth slack with blood oozing out from the corner of her mouth. (Her body posture will be shown to you with a photo later ).. Her body is slightly cleaned so less bloody but all the 9 wounds are clearly visible. One of her shoe is still on her feet, the other was removed. The shoe was laid next to her feet so that the shoe size mark is visible. 

A final very slow and detailed view of her body, wounds, and of course feet and shoes, and the shoe size.
    10 minutes
Giallo Film
Starring: Juliana, Sonya Crueger, Luiza, Max
Film in Italian tradition of 1970-s
Three girls are killing their night watching TV shows. Suddenly the light failed like sometimes happens in the countryside houses. Sonya goes down to check electricity but somebody creepy is waiting her in the boiler room…

If you like this film please check out
HOUSE OF 9 CORPSES  Family Affair
    20 minutes
      Family Affair - FAMILY AFFAIR
Starring: Mary, Tora and Kit
Strangulation, leg jerking, tongue out, sexy lingerie, strangulation from behind, Necro lesbo games, stripping dead body, playing with dead body, touching dead girl while dying, taking off panties from dead girl in death  agony (!!!), death stares, two dead nude girls
Movie with English subtitles 


Kit and Mary is a family couple. They are poor and don’t know what to do in the economic crisis. Mary says that her cousin is contract killer and he earns good money. Her husband who was at the war is very interested in this job. Mary’s cousin gives them the access to the secret contract killers’ Uber base where they can find victims and take offers. They have no guns and other weapons that’s why they choose to kill young rich girl, the ex-wife of senator and strangle her. They play at tour managers, call her and offer VIP tour, She invites them to her place. They come, Kit strangles her and Mary is watching at her death with great pleasure. 
After she’s dead the husband  goes to another rooms searching for money and jewels. The wife starts to play with dead body, enjoying fresh young corpse of rich girl. She takes of her clothes and put the lingerie of dead girl. She slaps her ass and does some other sexy Necro manipulations. 
The husband returns to the room with dead body  and sees how his nasty wife is playing with the corpse. He gets angry – she touched body with her fingers without gloves. He doesn’t want to share the money with her and starts to strangle her very brutal. She is in shock – she just seen how terrible the death is and she doesn’t want to join lifeless cold body she just played with! It her last seconds of life she grabs panties of dead girl and dies with her hands on the dead girls’ ass. 
Kit stripes bodies for full nude, puts clothes to big bag with money, jewels and some other robbed things and goes away. 
If you like this movie please check
    22 minutes

Custom by xj900

22 minutes

"Which answer the age old question - what motivates unstoppable serial killers! ))   At least now we know!"

From xj900 review

Starring: Luiza, Li and Alex

Fetish Elements:

Man Stabbed

Nude girl suffocated by pillow after her masturbation!

Girl was drown in the kitchen sink



Starts with a residence of two young female students. Еhey are nurses.  It is night and they are returning to their hall of residence or flat.  On the way they bump into someone they know  on his way out to the grounds for a sly smoke.  He warns them with a smirk on his face to watch out the Clown Killer has escaped,  he could be anywhere,  but the two girls just laugh and don’t take him seriously.  One also admonishes him as he’s sneaking out for a sly smoke and puff on a cigarette in the garden,  she tells him that it is a filthy habit and it will be the death of him.

From then on the action jumps between the guy in the gardens lighting and puffing on his cigarette, and the two girls entering their apartment.  I was thinking that either some interesting clothes have arrived in the post, or else they’ve been shopping and have brought some glamorous outfits to change in to later. 

One girl puts somethings away and is busy in the kitchen putting something on the stove to cook for later,  whilst the other one announces that she is going to have a shower.

Cuts back to  the guy, still puffing on his cigarette, when he hears something moving off to the side just out of his vision but which attracts his attention.  Cut to the girls doing girly things then back to the man,  but this time shown from the PoV of the Clown Killer.  Ie the camera becomes the Killer.  We see something at the bottom of the screen moving, a flash,  then the guy  grunts in surprise,  looks down,  touches his stomach then brings his hands up which are now covered with blood. The cigarette drops from his mouth and his expression is one of surprise as he slowly sinks to the ground and out of sight (he’s just been fatally stabbed in the stomach)

Cut back to the apartment.  Girl who was in the kitchen has gone into the bedroom and is trying on some glamorous party clothes that they have brought or else has arrived in the post (ie parcel).  Something extremely sexy and glamorous here, I was thinking slinky blouse or tank top,  micro skirt or hotpants,  and some over-the-knee sexy boots?  She clearly loves dressing up and looking very sexy and glamorous!  And we the audience like to see her looking so, too!

Other girl is in the shower having a very sexy shower and clearly touching herself with the water and getting more and more turned on by the experience! (Going to call her shower-girl from now on!)

Clothing girl has been admiring herself in the mirror,  then still dressed in her glamorous clothes she runs back to the kitchen.   As she leaves we see the face of the Clown Killer in the window who has been watching her the whole time in through the window and she hasn’t seen him

Girl is busy in the kitchen whilst shower girl is having a very sexy shower.  She eventually gets out of the shower, towels herself dry and then wraps the towel around her and goes back into her bedroom.  If you’ve got a full-length mirror, show her slipping off her towel and admiring her superb, beautifully slim body in  the mirror,  she clearly likes what she sees and starts to touch her breasts, clearly becoming more and more turned on.

She can’t take any more,  and still naked,  goes to her bed, lies down on it and continues to sensually play with herself,  eventually she slowly slips a hand between her legs and starts to masturbate.

Cut to kitchen girl who is trying to do half a dozen things at once.

Cut back to shower/bedroom girl who is continuing to masturbate.  Lost in pleasure she closes her eyes and eventually with a gasping shudder, climaxes herself.  She opens her eyes,  looks up and sees the Clown Killer inside her bedroom standing directly over her (another big jumpy moment for the audience!) looking at her very closely – I was thinking the camera shows this from her PoV so that we see what she sees, ie the features of the Clown Killer looking down on her, appearing upside down to her.

Her eyes open in wide surprise, panic and terror,  but before she can cry out the Clown Killer, with deceptive speed, grabs a pillow and presses it down firmly over her face to smother her.

(Cue now lots of struggling and frantic kicking as she tries to break his grip,  lots of shots of her legs wildly kicking and flailing about.  I was thinking if needs be use a breathing tube for the actress off to the side away from the camera so we can’t see it, but mainly show her naked body and legs gyrating about anyway.  Death scene can take a good few minutes, I know your actresses love to writhe and jerk about,  all the time the Clown Killer firmly holds the pillow over her face, cutting off her air supply.)

Eventually though,  all good things come to an end,  her kicks, jerks and attempts to escape become weaker and more and more desperate, as she runs out of air and finally after a  few more jerks and twitches, goes very still and dead.

Clown Killer holds the pillow over her face just for a little bit longer, in order to be sure, before slowly removing it.  We see her face, her contorted features wide-eyed and frozen with fear and terror for ever, her mouth open (but don’t shower her tongue hanging out!).  The Clown Killer straightens and stands over her corpse for some time,  cocking his head slowly from side to side, looking down at it as though savouring it or contemplating it  as a work of art.  He gives no other reaction, but the audience must know that he is clearly pleased with his handiwork.

Meanwhile the glamorously dressed girl has finished in the kitchen,  goes back into the lounge and turns on the TV or else (even better) her personal computer/PC. She flicks through a few channels but there doesn’t seem to be anything on worth watching at the moment.

She goes back into the kitchen to see how the cooking is going.  Something is different to how she left it,  although she doesn’t notice it immediately.   Then eventually she realises – the sink is full of water,  she was sure it was empty and dry when she left to go into the lounge.

She pauses, shrugs and is about to pull the plug out and empty it when without warning the Clown Killer appears from behind and clamps his hand firmly over her mouth to prevent her from crying out.

Cut to a dramatic close-up of her face and how she goes all wide-eyed with complete terror  and fear.  She tries desperately to break his killer grip,  but he clearly is stronger than her and she is unable to weaken his hand around her mouth.

They struggle for a bit just so that the girl can realise how futile it is for her,  then he deliberately and firmly pushes her head down into the sink and holds it under the water.

Cue lots of burbles and glubs as she slowly drowns.  However again what you could do is focus in on her lovely booted legs as they struggle and kick against him,  squirming, ever more frantically trying to break his killer grip and free her head/push up and out of the water.

Drowning (like the asphyxia before) takes a good few  minutes,  but eventually like her flatmate before, we see her lovely beautifully booted legs eventually become weaker and her kicks more sporadic, become eventually a series of jerks and twitches which eventually die down and stop altogether, as her body goes all limp and saggy.

Clown Killer holds her head under for a bit, just to make sure that she is dead, then hauls her out and easily puts her over his shoulder (if possible, otherwise just do a drag) and lifts/drags her body in to the lounge.  The body of her flatmate (shower girl who got smothered in the bedroom) is there too and waiting for her, the Clown Killer has seated it down on the sofa, her expression still dead and starring.

The Clown Killer puts the body of her drowned friend (again with death stare, show it clearly on her still-wet face) down almost gently on the sofa as well, and then sits down on the sofa between the pair of them.

Slowly he looks from one to the other and then back, as if to check.  Then he flicks open the PC and dials up something on the net for the three of them to watch.




    11 minutes
CAST: Tatiana, Max
Fetish Elements:
Knock Out, Cloroform, Stalking, College Student, Unconcious, Neck Snap, Death Stare, Dead Body

Tatiana is a college student(holding books and wears backpack) coming home from school when she gets chloroformed and put in the car. She wakes up and tries to get out so he pulls over to put her to sleep again.

He OTS carries her to the house/woods. She wakes up and he puts her to sleeper hold until she loses unconsciousness and then snaps her neck.

    33 minutes



thank you for the once again great film. I was once again thrilled. You have implemented my script well. Again great job done.

Customers Feedback and Review

3 cannibals , these are the cousins. 

In front of the house of the cannibals (cousins) is unnoticed a car with an unknown woman.  She sees the cannibals sitting in front of the house.                                                    

The 3 cousins are sitting together in front of their house. They do not notice the car.

They are dressed very elegantly and wear high heels and black pantyhose. They also have nice short skirts. 

They talk about the hunt for a new victim and where they want to hunt it.  After they have clarified where they want to get the new victim says one cousin to another:

\\\"Elena, can you go there already to check out the new hunting ground. Take some pictures of the women who live there. But they should look delicious, too.\\\"

The cousins laugh and look forward to the new challenge.

Elena stands up and takes the photo camera that is on the table. The cousins say goodbye.

Elena walks to the car, gets in and puts the camera on the passenger seat. Then she drives away. The two cousins in front of the house wave to her.

Elena doesn\\\'t notice that a short time later she is being followed by the car that was parked in front of her house.

Elena drives through a beautiful landscape and comes to a town she doesn\\\'t know yet.

Elena. \\\"Oh, it\\\'s beautiful here. Here we will surely find our new delicious food\\\".

She pulls into a parking lot and turns off the engine. She takes the camera and gets out.

The car that followed her also stops in the parking lot. It is an unknown woman and she is watching Elena.

Elena walks with the camera in the parking lot in her high heels and short skirt in black pantyhose and waits to see if she can photograph a beautiful yummy woman that all three cousins then want to catch later.

After a short time the woman gets out of the car and takes a knife. The woman is also wearing high heels. The unknown woman walks towards Elena slowly. Elena stands with her back to the unknown woman and doesn\\\'t notice anything. The unknown woman walks up to Elena and stabs her in the back with the knife and pulls it out again. The unknown woman says:

\\\"Die you cannibal, die, we\\\'ll get you all!\\\".

At that moment, Elena turns around in a flash and accidentally takes a picture of the woman. Elena does not notice that she has taken a picture of the unknown woman. But the unknown woman doesn\\\'t notice that either. The unknown woman runs to her car and quickly drives away.

Elena moans in pain. She struggles to drag herself to the car and gets in with a pain-distorted face and drives back to the house. She puts the camera on the passenger seat.

The two cousins are still sitting in front of the house drinking wine and talking about sacrifices, in which different variations they can best be fried.

The car with Elena slowly comes rolling up to the house and then stops. The two cousins wonder why Elena drives so slowly and doesn\\\'t get out.

One cousin: \\\" You, something is wrong. Something happened.\\\"

The other cousin: \\\"Yes, I think so too. Come let\\\'s go see.\\\"

They quickly walk to the car in their high heels and open the door. They see Elena lying with her head on the steering wheel and breathing lightly.

One of the cousins: \\\" Elena, oh God, what happened?\\\"

Elena: \\\"I got stabbed by an unknown woman. It\\\'s very bad.\\\"

The cousins see the blood on their backs.

Both cousins look at each other and lick their lips.

One of the cousins, \\\" You know the rule of the family\\\".

Other cousin nods her head and says \\\" Yes unfortunately it must be\\\".

The cousins slowly drag Elena out of the car. They see the blood on the back and take some blood with their finger and taste it. The cousins lick their lips.  They both slowly carry Elena into the house.

Elena meanwhile says: 

\\\"I know our rule of the family. If one of us dies with an inflicted injury it will be eaten. Please do it. I love you.\\\"

The two cousins look at each other again with smiles and carry Elena into the house.

They take Elena to a room. In the room, the victims are killed grilled and eaten. They first lay Elena on the floor.

Elena: \\\"I won\\\'t make it. Eat me when I am dead. Eat my flesh so that I can always be with you.\\\"

One of the cousins strokes Elena\\\'s hair and says:

 \\\" That\\\'s what we do. That is our rule. We will roast and eat you according to our tradition\\\".

Then the two cousins walk away to prepare for the feast.

The two cousins are in their Amazon dressing room. They dress like Amazons for the feast and paint their faces. 

There they take off their clothes. They are now dressed only in their black tights and put on their loincloth again. Together they make themselves up like Amazons and apply red lipstick. A beautiful Amazonian jewelry they still tie around themselves.

One of the cousins, while putting on her make-up: \\\"It\\\'s sad what we have to do. I loved her.\\\"

Another cousin: \\\"Yes, me too. But we will avenge you. We will find the woman. But now let\\\'s fry our cousin traditional kill and eat.\\\"

Made up and dressed like Amazons they still take their knives and then go to Elena.

Elena is very weak and barely breathing. The two cousins go to Elena and kneel down in front of her. They undress Elena. Only the black pantyhose Elena keeps on. She is roasted with it traditionally. 

Both cousins now drag Elena by her feet onto a tarpaulin. A pulley hangs from the ceiling.

The cousins tie her feet to the pulley. Before they pull Elena up, both cousins kiss Elena goodbye. Then one cousin pulls Elena up by her feet with the pulley.

Both cousins now feel the flesh of Elena.

One cousin: \\\" She is really tasty.\\\"

The other cousin now gets a bucket and puts it under Elena\\\'s head. She now cuts Elena\\\'s throat. The blood flows into the bucket. Elena wriggles on the pulley for a moment.

Both cousins now wait until Elena is bled out and dead.

They lower Elena down and drag her to the roasting place. The cousins then marinate Elena and roast her on the grill.

The cousins sit cross-legged in front of the grill and hold hands while Elena is roasted. In between, Elena\\\'s meat is marinated every now and then.

After a while, the cousins check with a fork whether the meat is already good. Finally.

Both cousins rub their hands and stomachs. They take Elena off the grill and carry her to the dining area. 

The cousins kneel down in front of Elena and start eating Elena\\\'s meat. First, the belly is cut open and the intestines are taken out and eaten.

One cousin cuts out Elena\\\'s tongue and eats it. The two cousins continue to eat at the neck and breasts. They cut off the breasts and eat the delicious meat.

Again and again the cousins lick their lips and say how delicious Elena tastes.

They also cut the meat from the ribs and eat it as well as the belly meat.

Both cousins then eat the meaty thighs. They chew the meat intensely.

Elena is now turned over and the meat from the ass is eaten.

(IMPORTANT!) Last, they now eat the meat of the soles of the feet. This is eaten with relish.

After a few hours they have eaten Elena.

A cousin: \\\"I\\\'m going to get the camera to see what Elena took a picture of.\\\"

The cousin comes back with the camera. She sits down again in front of Elena\\\'s leftovers and looks at the pictures. All of a sudden, the cousin with the camera looks at the other cousin.

Other cousin. \\\" What do you have ?\\\"

Other cousin \\\"Look. Elena took the picture of the woman with the knife.\\\"

Other cousin: \\\" Let me see it\\\".

The cousin hands the camera to the other cousin. She looks at the picture on the display and says:

\\\"Let\\\'s look for this woman and kill her and eat! We owe that to Elena!\\\"

They both get up and walk away to get ready for the search.  SCARECROWS PART 2
    25 minutes
«Simply an incredibly well done project by this crew.  I was inspired by 2 different horror films when I  created this project.  This team has blown away all my expedtations.  Their artistic capabilies are truly amazing.  You have my sincerest thanks for how well this was done for me»
Customer’s Review

Tatiana (FIRST TIME NUDE IN THE SCREEN!) – in the following part
Mira Green
Tim and Max

Fetish Elements
Crucifixion (first time in DarkRooms production), stitching up the mouth, nailing, making a Scarecrow with a living girl to die

After the girls detected the scarecrow made from a living girl, they first didn’t realize what happened and thought it was just scarecrow made with a doll. Tatyana, a city girl who had never seen scarecrows before, went to watch on it more closely and she was shocked realizing wha a terrible scene she just saw. Max attacked her making her knocked out. He carried her to his boss. They decided to make one more scarecrow…
The rest three girls – Mira Green, Maryann and Marina, following the classic horror movie traditions, disconnected to be all the victims of drugdealers… They all were attacked after stalking and trying to escape, stripped nude, had their mouths sewn and they were crucified…
Their carelessness and curiosity played a cruel joke on them: villians made five scarecrows and left them on the lonely field. Their deaths were slow and terrible: they were helpless, immobilized, crucified, with sewn months and could only moan and moan looking how another girls were slowly dying and knowing about their inevitable end…
Soon five dead scarecrows-girls were stayed dead on the beautiful field naked on the crosses…

SYNDICATE (all parts)
Bountiful  Harvest

    27 minutes



«Wow... Another piece of wonderful production. You added a lot more story to make the movie more interesting, which is far beyond what I expect. Great job! Many thanks! Will come back and order another one soon!»



Starring: Alice Miren, Edward, Maxim Sergeev, Achilles,  Billy Brug


Elements: Stocking, Sexy Lingere, Foot Fetish, Strangulation, Realistic Corpse Make Up, Shooting, Investigation, Body Carrying, BodyBag, Interesting Plot


Alice Miren is the beautiful wife of Max, who is the CEO of a big corporation. However, after being in marriage for  many years, Alice has a risky fair with Ivan, who is the assistant to Max.

This was a Monday morning. Max told Alice that he would be out of town for two days. Alice helped Max pack him luggage and kissed him. After Max was gone, Alice called Ivan and asked him to come over for a nice day together. She then changed to a business suite (like a secretary) with sexy lingerie, white stockings, and high heels, of which Ivan liked.

Ivan came. Like always, Alice flirted in front of Ivan. She showed him her beautiful feet covered by her stocking. Then gradually took offer her cloth, showing her sexy lingerie, her shoulder, and her breast (partially). No surprising, Ivan got excited. She then closed her eyes, waiting Ivan to grab her and have sex with her. However, instead of Ivan’s kiss, a tie was wrapped around her neck. Ivan tightened the tie so much, she could not breath. She asked Ivan, “what are doing this?”. Ivan didn’t answer. Alice fought hard and was almost escape. But Ivan grabbed her back and tightened the tie eve harder. Finally, Alice gave up. Before she went away, Ivan got close to her face and said “sorry baby, Max knows/ He asks me to kill you… I have to… Sorry”. Alice became motionless and leaned her body against Ivan. Her eyes aimlessly stared to the front. Her tongue extruded. Ivan kept the tie tight for another 20 seconds and shook her head to make sure that she was dead. Ivan then pushed her body away to the floor.

Ivan sit on the couch and tried to get some breath. It was a tough fight. He watched Alice’s beautiful lifeless body on the floor. Alice also stared toward the ceiling, but her eyes were empty. Ivan then called Max, “It’s done and she is dead”. Max said, “good. I will be back in one hour. Don’t leave”. After the phone call, Ivan walked around Alice’s body. He kissed her, lift her up against him, played her lifeless hand and arms. He pushed her, then she fell like a pillow. He then checked her feet. They are beautiful. He could not help to kiss her feet. Finally, he stood up, watching Alice’s body. She lied on the floor, lifeless and helpless. Ivan then covered her face with her cloth.

Max came back. He saw Alice’s beautiful body on the floor, her face covered by her cloth. Max then got close, and lift off the cloth. He saw Alice’s white and pale face, showing her being dead for some time. He put her finger in front of her nose, no breath. He then shook her head; she was dead. He pulled down her bra, and grabbed her breast. She had no response. He then stood up, kicked Alice’s body slightly a few time. Her body shook slightly, but she had no response, “Bitch! You think you can cheat me?”. The camera pan through her body again. “Let’s hide her body and we dealt with it tonight”. Max and Ivan then lifted her lifeless’s body and inserted her body in a closet. They then closed the closet door. As they walked to the door, Max killed Ivan by a pistol. He simply cannot tolerate anyone who was not faithful. Max then closed the door left.

In the evening, Max came back home, found Ivan’s body. He needed to act as if he knew nothing. He called police. “Hi, I found a dead man in my home and my wife was missing…”. Two detectives came. Max greeted them. They first checked quickly Ivan’s body. Max said “I didn’t see my wife and I called her and she would not reply my phone”. The detectives then walked around the room. One detective opened the closet door. We saw Alice’s body. Her face became slightly dark, especially around her eye. She has been dead for more then 8 hours. “Is this your wife?” Max became emotional as he needed to pretend. The detectives checked Alice’s body and took several pictures. They then managed to take her body out of the closet and laid her body on the floor. They did a more thorough check. They took off her lingerie, check her eyes, mouth, neck, breast, and her back. Finally, they bagged her body.








    17 minutes


You can release this one as soon as you want!!!  I LOVE this custom!!!!!  I love the cinematography, and the acting is simply brilliant on the part of everyone involved!  You guys really take death fantasy where it needs to be!  Your skill and talent and technique make my customs look and feel like mainstream movies you can watch on Netflix!!!  I'm very impressed with your studio!!!!  I'm going to give this custom several more viewings, then I'll post a review sometime!  I definitely will be back with more custom ideas!!!!!  You guys are the BEST!!!

MODELS: Pola, Alex, Max
Office situation, white blouse, black stockings, hit by arm, shooting many times, ultra shooting effects, 50+bullets, agony, postmortem shooting, topless, bloody body, gory, gore, blood from mouth, death stare, opened eyes, writing ‘’bitch’’ word with blood in the chest   
Two young men from mafia group go to bank to take a credit. They want to start the business, stop to be crime and start legal company. But after documents checking bank-manager refuses. Cruel young men loose control, hit her to the floor and start shooting many times. They shoot and shoot and shoot… Blood is like a river! Then they make her topless and continue shooting

*The script, model choice and fetish elements list were done by customer who donated some funds and got the clip the customer wanted to see!
You can do your custom order too! Inside the video you will find custom-ordering instructions!

    14 minutes
3 office bitches were stabbed multy many times!
Angelina was stabbed 17 times! – 1 knife hit in her pussy and 16 hits to her stomach! Archi painfull bloody death! All her stomach was ripped! 
Nata was stabbed 25 times to her left bib boob – in heart area! 
Mary was stabbed to her head between brains! 
Before death, Mary was forced to strip her employees bloody bodies, play with Nata’s big bleeding boobs, smashing blood
All corpses were stripped and left in sexy helpless poses!
Fetish elements: Office theme, pantyhose, bare legs, multi stabbing hits, stabbing to the stomach, stabbing to the pussy, stabbing to the breasts, stabbing to the heart, stabbing to the head, agonies, fear, shouting, pain, blood, gore, stripping bodies, limp fetish, bloody erotica, death stares, bodypile.
3 office managers were too rude with young courier and let him loose controle. He took a knife he take to his job for self-defense against street crime and arranged a bloodbath in the office. 
43 stabbing hits for 3 girls total! They didn’t want to die young, but they haven’t any suppose their death were so cruel and painful! 
If they knew that their death is so painful, they would not want to be born!
ENJOY!!!  It39s Too Expensive Bitch
    1 minutes
      It39s Too Expensive Bitch - Another story about houselady and her maid.

the other name: «it’s too expensive, bitch!»

young but very rich woman, a wife of famous art-businessman has a meeting with an art-collector. But her maid greta is in cahoots with adventurer. She let him to enter the villa as a collector, and he ********* a woman to steal the expensive picture (1 million $ price). The ********** scene is very long and you can see every kicking motion of dying woman.

but a  a criminal also ********* a maid: he doesn’t want to share with her. He strips bodies and foes away with the picture.


**********, black pantyhose, kicking legs, short dress, short skirt, high heels, ****** in glasses, stripping bodies, dead poses
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    Welcome To The Crime House Studio on Kinky Clips
    Crime House Fantasy Studio (also Crime House & Crime House and Dark Rooms) is independent production company with female death fetish orientation. Crime House does very erotic stuff, but not porn. Why we advice to offer our videos? 1. SEXY VICTIM-ACTRESSES ONLY 2. REALISTIC DEATH SITUATIONS 3. GREAT ACTING 4. CSGFX EFFECTS 5. NEW MODELS EVERY WEEK 6. ALL DEATH FETISH GENRES 7. NOT PORN BUT VERY-VERY EROTIC AND HOT 8.RUSSIAN AND EAST EUROPE HOT MODELS 9. WE DO KNOW HOW TO PLAY SEXY DEATH 10. ALL MOVIES ARE MADE IN VERY HIGH QUALITY

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