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    8 minutes



Scene opens with a woman standing in an office, a court room. She is in an eastern European country, under arrest, charged with espionage!

She is not from this specific country, but from another east Europe country.

She is wearing a black mini dress and shiny black high heel thigh high boots. She is a fashion model. As she is under arrest, she is also wearing prisoner restraints.

At this point in her trial she has been found guilty. All that’s left now is sentencing.

From behind the camera a voice,  the judge, reminds her she has been found guilty.

The woman knows she faces the death penalty.

She claims she is only a fashion model,  but the judge doesn’t believe her.

The judge (voice from behind camera) officially sentence the fashion model to be put to death! He informs her that on her arrival at the women’s prison she will be taking to the gas chamber and executed.

Scene fades out to black.

Scene fades back in

Revealing the woman is sitting In a chair, similar to and electric chair.  She is strapped down tight, her wrists,  booted ankles,  her waist and across her chest all firmly strapped to the chair, almost completely immobilising her. She is extremely afraid,  at the point of crying.

The room around her is small. Only enough room for the chair with a few feet around the chair. She is in a gas chamber!

She is still wearing the same outfit she was wearing in court, black mini dress, thigh high boots. She now also has heart monitor electrodes pasted on to her chest under her dress.

Underneath the chair is a large bowl filled with a clear liquid, an acid solution.

A few inches above Is a cup full of a white powder, Cyanide! The cup is attached to a mechanism to tip it over.

After a minute of seeing the woman in the gas chamber chair, under the chair the cup of cyanide starts to turn over, pouring the cyanide into the acid causing a vigorous foaming reaction and a cloud of vapours…….cyanide gas!

Minute 1: the woman upon seeing the gas rise up, quickly inhale s deeply and holds her breath

Minute 2: unable to hold her breath any longer, lets her breath go and instinctively take a couple more deep breaths, at first the gas has little effect with the woman only having a few light coughs.

Minute 3: the coughing gets worse

Minute 4: the woman is now struggling to breathe, in obvious discomfort.

Minute 5: The woman starts foaming from the mouth with uncontrollable salivating.

Minute 6: The Woman still salivating and foaming at the mouth continues to have difficulty breathing, with short breaths like slow motion hiccups.

Minute 7: the woman still foaming and gasping, now starts to feel dizziness start to set in.

Minute 8: foaming/salivating, gasping, and dizziness all continues.

Minute 9: foaming/salivating, gasping, and dizziness all worsen.

Minute 10: foaming/salivating, gasping, and dizziness all continues. The woman starts feeling herself getting physically weak, barely able to keep her head up.

Minute 11:barely able to get one last breath in, the gas causes the woman’s lungs to completely seize up, leaving her completely unable to breath in extreme discomfort!

Minute 12: the woman finally falls unconscious, within seconds dies.  INDIGO 2 EPISODE 3
    5 minutes
      INDIGO 2 EPISODE 3 - This times locations, FX effects, Firefight scenes are just amazing! You will see many different sc-fi locations, cosmic murder scenes, UFO, cosmic zako girls on the roof of skyscraper and many other surprises!
    46 minutes
      DEATH MATCH - Elements: MMA, Kicking, Boxing, Fighting to the death, Choking, Blood, Death Stares, Non Fatal Battles, Fatal Battles  


Experienced champions female  fights to the death find themselves powerless against young crazy girl fighters with no pity and no rules...  VILLAGE SHOOTER
    14 minutes
      VILLAGE SHOOTER - Models:
Luiza, Annabelle, Christy, Marina
Shooting to the heads from behind 
Shooting to the heads when girls are on their knees poses
Shooting to the back 
Shooting to the chest
Nude content
3 girls (in lingerie, nude and topless in different scenes) are being shot by crazy maniac in the village house. Great reactions, fear, nice poses and death stares
    15 minutes
Starring: Katya Steals and Alex
Fetish Elements:
A sudden attack, an attempt to escape, a shock reaction, foot-dragging, dragging over his shoulder, jerking her legs, forcing rough stripping, cutting her throat, a lot of blood, sweating, sniffing and playing with your body, eating your body, cannibalism, vampire bite, wrap the bloody corpse in film, enjoy it.

She is a young urban woman. Her interests are social gatherings, shopping, gossip, spa salons. He is an animal, a monster, a monster, a predator man. All the ancient instincts in it. He is a vampire, a cannibal, a rapist, a butcher, a devourer. There are no ethical norms and rules in it. He absorbs his prey like a piece of meat. He is a dog, a wolf-cannibal, a hunter without borders.
He traces her in her house. He makes his way noiselessly, like a predator, dressed only in a cellophane suit. He pounces at her suddenly, from behind, and she immediately feels like a helpless fallow deer in the tenacious pitiless paws of a hungry tiger.
He drags her into his den. There is already prepared cellophane, so as not to stain the furniture from her blood. He zealously strips her, kisses him in the face, sniffs, snarls. Then he sharply cuts her throat with a knife, substituting her face under the fountain from her blood. She is shocked, life flows out of her with the flowing blood, her eyes are bulging, and she does not believe that this is happening to her actually. You do not need to visit safari and jungle to become a victim of an animal - a fateful fate found it in a big safe city.
He plays with her body. Sniffs, tastes, smeared in her blood. Then he takes off the cellophane, to feel the body of her smooth helpless dying flesh. He clings to her thigh with his fangs and starts greedily to eat her leg. He enjoys raw fresh meat, then pierces his teeth in her neck and starts to drink blood. The bite revitalizes her for a moment, she realizes herself engulfed forever by the victim. She does not notice how helplessly excited, how he awakened in her the primitive female sacrificial beginning, devoured her, defeated her, killed her, ate her ...
If you like this movie please  check out
Business Trip
Animal Instincts  THE LAST NIGHT
    18 minutes
Cast: Luiza and Max
Fetish Elements
Home Alone, Stalking, Choking, BodyPlay
A strange maniac is stalking home alone girl in her cottage and after some sexy situations he attacks her and chokes to her death enhoying beauifull body.
    19 minutes
Long non very typical strangulation scenes with many humiliation, teasing, neck tortures fetish elements
Starring: Nata and Edward 
Women works at her office and she’s chatting by phone with her friend in her working time. Customer wants to ask some question about service but a ,manager isn’t polite with him and asks him to wait. He looses control and catches woman to the throat. Before he will  strangle her he wants to play with her throat, to make her feel pain and suffer…
The older man enters the room and starts talking to her asking to quit the call.She ask roughly him to wait so he become upset and grabs her by an arm and start to say her to be quiet and calm wile he starts to touch her breast and insert fingers between the first 2/ 3 buttons touching with one finger her throat.
He will be always in front of her never behind. She tryes to escape sho he grabs her by the neck and say he would strangle her if she will not stay calm and that he want to touch her suprasternal notch (V shaped hole in the bottom of the throat). He push her against a wall and start to unbutton slowly her shirt showing her throat and suprasternal notch. Then he will start to tickle her suprasternal notch with his index finger, and sometimes her entire throat. He will start to tickle and slowly push her notch with his finger making her to toss.. after  some minutes she tries to escape again screaming for help. He pushes her against the wall again and grabs on her nude throat with his thumbs pushing in the suprasternal notch )staying in from top her always and starts strangling her that way. She gurgles make tossing and stranded noises protruding her tongue all the time and opening her eyes then she falls down but always against the wall and he continues strangling that way. The man jokes on her making sometimes strangle noises protruding tongue as she is doing, She will start to lose control and always with her tongue stretched out she will start drooling while gasping Till she is dead once dead he will start licking her drool. caressing her neck, breast and focusing always on her suprasternal notch. Then he will carry on a sofa or chair, putting her sitting there, she has always her tongue stretched fully out of her mouth. Then he will go away. one last closeup of her face and buttoned neck.  Lewis the Wrapped
    17 minutes
      Lewis the Wrapped - The bone-chilling poignant story about

the revenge Lewis the Wrapped

Horrible! Bizarre! Spooky! Hot!



A handsome young man gets into a car accident. He is in hospital crippled and bandaged  all over. His girlfriend is a nurse in the hospital. He might have benefited from this fact, however she turns this story into drama.  She removes him from life support giving him no chance. She has never had any feelings to him.  He is badly hurt and destined to die.

But the bleeding guy escapes from the morgue to get into his murderer’s apartment.  He is craving for revenge. He is going to strangle them all with his bandages and suck their beauty and souls to get alive and strong again.

Meet Lewis the Wrapped, a new monster of DarkRooms studio.

3 great strangulation scenes
    10 minutes

Models: Pola and Nadya

Video Game Simulator from the 3d person

If you like shooter games like Lara Croft, Hitman, Max Payne, GTA and you dream about playing for sexy ladies and killing them – this clip is for you!


Two sexy girls have mission to kill bad guy. But this game is not kind for them. They are shot and killed. You will see 9 levels of this game and 18 deaths! Game over for these girls!



Nadya is seldom guest of our project! She’s so sexy!

Very good game imitation!

Great poses and death reactions  MIRA GREEN KILLS
    22 minutes


Fetish Elements
Girl Killing a girl, Girl Killing a man, Strangulation, Garrote, Sex Imitation

The contract killer Mira is hired by a secret organization to retrieve stolen microchips with secret data and to kill everyone connected to the theft. To do this, they 
have hired  contract killer who has been diagnosed as clinically insane and who has a reputation for completing all orders quickly, quietly and very professionally. 
She loves to sadistically strangle her victims. For this she uses a garrotte with wooden handles. Sometimes she also strangles her victim with her hands.
Mira receives various details about her order in an encrypted message on her computer. It is about three microchips that the secret organization absolutely wants 
to have back with all the necessary means. The message says that these are owned by three rival Mafia bosses. There are two male clones and one female clone 
who were also trained as killers. As she reads, Mira says to herself that she has never killed Clone and is really excited about how that feels. Then she receives 
pictures and the whereabouts of the clones / mafia bosses. It will be a great fight, Mira says to herself.

Mira gets additional information from all three owners of the microships in order to plan and carry out their orders accordingly. 
The secret organization wants to be informed via mobile phone after every job has been completed.
Mira puts on her killer outfit, a bikini slip to tie, a leather bra, tight wetlook leather pants, black leather boots and a black leather jacket.

She puts on tight black leather gloves and opens her leather jacket. She takes out her instrument, a garrote with wooden handles, stands in front of a mirror, puts the 
garrote around her neck and pulls herself on, imagining how she will strangle her first two victims. Then she puts her hands around her own neck, sees her reflection 
in the mirror and imagines killing the third owner of a microship.Then she puts the garrotto in her leather jacket, takes her cell phone and sets off for her first 

1. Microchip

The contract killer is standing in front of the door of the apartment, in which the first of three microchips should be located. she takes a master key out of her pocket and quietly opens the door. The room is still empty. She hides behind a curtain (or something similar). Suddenly the first clone comes into the room unsuspecting. it is a woman in a leather outfit. Mira knows that she has to be careful and carefully sneaks up on her from behind. Then Mira puts the garrote around her victim's neck and pulls tight. The female maffiabos tries to fight back and they fight briefly, but Mira is much stronger. When the resistance slowly subsides, Mira throws her on the bed, sits on top of her and tucks her arms under her legs. Then she completely puts the garrote around her neck again and pulls it tighter and tighter until she has killed the woman and her saliva comes out of her mouth and her tongue hangs out of her mouth. To be on the safe side, she tightens the garrotte again. mira searches the room and finds the first microchip. Then she calls her client and tells him that she has the first chip and the owner is dead and she enjoyed strangling her. Then she says, hopefully the second Mafiabos / clone is a little stronger so that it lasts longer and laughs.

2. Microchip
The second mafia boss / clone seduces her and goes with him into the room, where she is undisturbed. She slowly undresses, puts on her leather boots and leather gloves. She asks him about the microchip and he looks at a safe so that mira knows. Then she pushes him on 
the bed and rides him wildly. She chokes him while fucking first, spelerich with her hands and enjoys the sex. She asks him about the combination. He refuses. Mira beats 
him until he tells her this. Then she takes her garrote out of her leather jacket, which has meanwhile been put on. She puts the garrote around his neck, pulls tight and 
strangles him with it. Despite being hit, he still fights hard and Mira pulls closer and closer and enjoys looking him in the eye. He slowly gets weaker and she lets go of it 
for a moment and tells him that she gives him another chance and lets go for a moment, he tries to prevent her from killing him, can briefly put her hands around her neck, 
but is already closed weak, so that he has no chance and gives up and Mira finally strangles him with the garrotte while he is still twitching and saliva flows out of his 
mouth. Then it pulls tighter until his tongue is slack and she is sure he is dead.
After killing him, she opens the safe and finds the second microchip. She calls her client again and tells him that she also has the second chip and that she also killed the
owner and that he was also strong, but still had no chance and she could strangle him with her Garrote. Her client says to Mira that he is very satisfied and hopes that she 
will also do the last job so well and find the microchip.
3. Microchip
The last microchip is in the hiding place of the third mafia boss / clone. Mira dresses up as an escort girl who is booked by the Maffia boss (killer outfit, black leather boots, 
wide belt, leather jacket and lingerie). The mafia boss opens the door for her and invites Mira. He offers her alcohol. While he gets the drink, she puts on her black leather 
gloves. When he comes back, she tells him that she likes leather gloves and that she likes to wear them. They drink together, then he leads them into the bedroom. 
There's a big mirror there. She brutally throws him on the bed and sits on him, puts his arms under her legs and puts her hands around his neck, squeezes hard and 
begins to choke him. He fights and can free himself and tries to escape. She takes her garrotte out of her leather jacket and puts it around his neck from behind, chokes
him with it and brutally pulls him back on the bed, sits down on him again, hits him in the face a few times, puts the garrotte completely around his neck again and keeps 
choking him to weaken him. When his resistance subsides, she tells him that she is a professional killer and has the task of handing the microchip over to her client 
and that he wants to know where it is. tell me and I'll let you live Unsuspectingly, he reveals to Mira where the chip is hidden. Mira opens her leather jacket and
show him her bare tits, then she takes her garrotte again, first holds it in front of his face and to him that she will now kill him with it. Mira puts it around his neck and 
chokes him to death until he only twitches and saliva runs out of his mouth. Then Mira searches the hiding place and finds the third microchip. After the murder, she 
masturbates, rides on a pillow and strangles herself with her hands and with the garrotte.
Everything happens in front of a large mirror.

Then she calls her client again and tells him that she has all three microchips. she describes to her client on the phone exactly how she killed the third owner. The client tells mira that he is very satisfied and that she has already planned for the next murder. Mira wants to know how to do it. her client tells mira that she strangles her victims so professionally that mira should do the same thing again, also for future assignments
Please provide everything with subtitles.

Outfit of Mira: lingerie (Bikini string, leather bh), black leather jacket, tight leather wetlook leggings, belt, black leather boots and very short gloves.

    29 minutes



YY and WW are policewomen in uniform and they can hear a ping from capt ZZs locator device.  They know she has been kidnapped and is scheduled to appear on The Death Show tomorrow night meaning they need to rescue her before the show begins as she will most likely be killed.  Plus if these 2 can shut down The Death Show it will be great for their careers


We see YY and WW enter the building of the death show in uniforms with guns drawn.  What they don't realize is that the ring doorbell has alerted the death show killers of them coming in. We see them coming into the room where Capt Judi is held still tied in uniform to a chair. As they untie her from the chair and walk to the door they hear several clicks.  They hear a male voice over the intercom " We know you are here.   We can see you on video.  We have locked all the doors to this room   you cannot leave. Put your guns on the ground. Put your hands up.  Walk across the room face the far wall with your hands up"


Gunmen enter the room collect their guns and laugh at them "you thought you could just come in here take her and go?"  

Gunmen photograph them from the front side and back - like mug shots of criminals arrested


Next scene the 3 women are gagged wearing only panties tied into chairs - hands are handcuffed behind them (Picture 1)

Gunmen tell them that tonight they will star I'm a special presentation of The Death Game.  It will be The Death Game Crucifixion Special


At the appointed time the studio lights come on the video cameras are turned on and the the host says

"Welcome to The Death Game  Tonight's game will be a little different than what you are used to but it will be great - we are calling it the Death Game Crucifiction Special!

You see we have 3 stars of tonight's game - they are all policewomen ZZ YY and WW. ZZ was brought to us yesterday and today we captured YY and XX trying to rescue her.   And tonight we are playinhg the Death Game a little differntly than we have in the past.   Here is how it will work:

"1 by 1 our captives'  gags will be removed while she remains tied into her chair and we will sew her mouth shut to keep her very quiet.  We then untie her from the chair, pull off her panties, and have her stand against an "X" frame of wood and then nail her hands to the wood - She will not be able to scream as her mouth is sewed shut.  We then place the wooden "x" frame to which she is attached outside - the 3 of them in a row - until noon tomorrow.   At noon tomorrow we will finish the show with a surprise.

Of course the video of the entire event starting now is available to you on pay per view - so go ahead and sign up and Enjoy!!! - We will begin the show in 1 hour:

And you can bid on the ladies' personal items to purchase from us - their uniforms - panties - guns - or even body parts - hair, fingernails, nipples - whatever you would like.


At the appointed time the studio lights come on and the show begins:

Host " Welcome to a special edition of The Death Show - The Crucifiction Special.  We have 3 policewomen starring in our show tonight - ZZ  YY and XX."

He presents their "mug shot" pictures to the camera saying "This is how they looked in uniform" and continues

  "Crucifiction will be torture and very painful for these ladies and we do not want to have to listen to them scream so for our first event tonight we will sew the ladies' mouths closed which keeps them more quiet than just a gag.  We will use regular sewing needles and coarse thread and sew them one by one"


** Examples of sewing front view - Screenshots 506 and 514

                           back of head view:  Screenshot 512        ** 


First to have her mouth sewn will be ZZ

Gunmen remove her gag and we see her mouth being sewn from a view from behind her head and also then we see her face.  When the sewing is finished we see a close up of her face - her mouth is sewed shut with 5 or 6 stitches and there are red marks on her face where the stitches go into her skin.   We hear her scream when the sewing begins and fades to a whimper as her mouth is sewed closed.


Next up is WW

Gunmen remove her gag and we see her mouth being sewn from a view from behind her head and also then we see her face.  When the sewing is finished we see a close up of her face - her mouth is sewed shut with 5 or 6 stitches and there are red marks on her face where the stitches go into her skin.   We hear her scream when the sewing begins and fades to a whimper as her mouth is sewed closed.


Last is YY

Gunmen remove her gag and we see her mouth being sewn from a view from behind her head and also then we see her face.  When the sewing is finished we see a close up of her face - her mouth is sewed shut with 5 or 6 stitches and there are red marks on her face where the stitches go into her skin.   We hear her scream when the sewing begins and fades to a whimper as her mouth is sewed closed.


We see 3 large wooden "X" frames lined up against a wall


  ** Picture of wall which could fit the 3 "X" frames if the couch is moved - Screenshot 516 **


Gunmen release ZZ from her chair and her handcuffs are removed so that she can take off her panties - she is led to one of the wooden "X' frames and her wrists are secured to the frame.  

Gunmen then produce a hammer and large nails and begin to nail her right hand into the wood and we see her face react to the nailing  including her silent screams as her mouth is sewn shut - then her left hand is also nailed to the frame and we see her face in misery and horror and the silent screams. (Screenshot 513)     When the hammering is finished we see a full body view of Capt Judi attached to the X Frame, hands bloody with nail heads in them - blood running down her arm and her mouth sewn shut - then camera shows up a close up of her face


Next gunmen release WW from her chair and her handcuffs are removed so that she can take off her panties - she is led to one of the wooden "X' frames and her wrists are secured to the frame.  Gunmen then produce a hammer and large nails and begin to nail her right hand into the wood and we see her face react to the nailing  including her silent screams as her mouth is sewn shut - then her left hand is also nailed to the frame and we see her face in misery and horror and the silent screams. (Screenshot 513)   When the hammering is finished we see a full body view of Mary Ann attached to the X Frame, hands bloody with nail heads in them - blood running down her arm and her mouth sewn shut - then camera shows a close up of her face


Next gunmen release YY from her chair and her handcuffs are removed so that she can take off her panties - she is led to one of the wooden "X' frames and her wrists are secured to the frame.  

Gunmen then produce a hammer and large nails and begin to nail her right hand into the wood and we see her face react to the nailing  including her silent screams as her mouth is sewn shut - then her left hand is also nailed to the frame and we see her face in misery and horror and the silent screams. (Screenshot 513)    When the hammering is finished we see a full body view of Merci attached to the X Frame, hands bloody with nail heads in them - blood running down her arm and her mouth sewn shut - then camera shows a close up of her face


Next scene the 3 women are attached to the X frames lined up outside.   Camera zooms in on each womans full body and then zooms into their faces - nailed and bloody hands, etc.

Gunmen set up camera telling them that the pay per viewers can watch them attached to the wooden frames until noon tomorrow when we will come back for the surprise ending we mentioned earlier - and that surprise is that we will machine gun them - all on camera.


Time passes as we see ZZ XX and WW in agony attached to the wooden "X" frames


At noon the next day the gunmen reappear with machine guns - take their positions, aim and shoot  Double Sensation
    25 minutes
      Double Sensation - Double sensation
	if you kike ************* scenes please don’t miss this one. This movie consists all fetish elements of sexy *************:
	sexy miniskirt, sexy business ****, two victims, one by one murder, 25 minutes long (!), Ultra sexy white stockings, death stares,  legs kicking, face antics, agony, wheezing, carrying, many different dead poses, playing with corpses, touching bodies, bodypile. It’s very sexy one!     
 	two young journalist decided to make career in press and earn one million dollars for exclusive photos of dead famous actress. To be first in this sensation report they decided… to kill the actress. They invited her for private interview. She agreed and said that she has very busy schedule so it would be better to interview in her hotel number. They came to her place and when the **** asked questions, her colleague went behind the actress and started to ******** her. She was very surprised when two intelligent people  - young man and woman in glasses ********* her like a bitch! She tried to escape but she had no chance for life. After long ************* scenes with all fetish elements of sexy ********** clip (legs kicking, face antics, agony, wheezing) she died. 
 	journalists-killers played with her dead body like a doll to find the best pose for postmortem photo session. They took off her clothes leaving her only in white stockings and carried to the bedroom to make more photos. But bad woman didn’t know that her partner decided to do double sensation. He wasn’t going to share his fees for photos and attacked her too! «What are you doing?» - She asked in panic when he began to ********* her. He killed he on the dead actress’s body. He tried to image the following article: «famous actress and young female journalist were lesbian lovers and were attacked by intruder when they were making love». So he stripped his dead partner and put corpses together in sexy bodypile.
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    Welcome To The Crime House Studio on Kinky Clips
    Crime House Fantasy Studio (also Crime House & Crime House and Dark Rooms) is independent production company with female death fetish orientation. Crime House does very erotic stuff, but not porn. Why we advice to offer our videos? 1. SEXY VICTIM-ACTRESSES ONLY 2. REALISTIC DEATH SITUATIONS 3. GREAT ACTING 4. CSGFX EFFECTS 5. NEW MODELS EVERY WEEK 6. ALL DEATH FETISH GENRES 7. NOT PORN BUT VERY-VERY EROTIC AND HOT 8.RUSSIAN AND EAST EUROPE HOT MODELS 9. WE DO KNOW HOW TO PLAY SEXY DEATH 10. ALL MOVIES ARE MADE IN VERY HIGH QUALITY

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