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     Inhappy Birhday 2
    25 minutes
      Inhappy Birhday 2 - Starring: Luiza, Nata, Julianne, Annabelle

Fetish elements:

*************, *******, stockings, tongue out, death stares, legs kicking, sexy situations. neck breaking, body carrying, 4 dead ***** bodypile

25 minutes! 4 ************* scenes and lots of dead playing!

Last summer, a terrible crime was committed (see Unhappy Birthday). 4 ***** were ********* at the party. It was probably manic-strangler. The case was never solved.

****** birthday **** *********, which was not in terrible fateful holiday, continued to live sweet. She inherited the estate of his ******. And today she celebrates her birthday with her best friend!

Keith Maniac read about the events of last summer from the newspapers. He was very excited by what had happened and decided to repeat the "feat" of his predecessor. He tracked down the sisters of the dead **** and rushed to her holiday!

First he ********* Nata in the bathroom. He put the corpse on the toilet. Then he attacked Juliana, while she was resting on the bed. At the end of ************* he broke her neck with a crunch! Later he attacked the very traitor and ********* her in the bathroom, shower cord, leaving her body in the jacuzzi. His last ****** was a club **** Annabelle. Later, he stripped the body and folded in bodypile, like his predecessor.  EVIL INSIDE
    9 minutes
The video is very good, especially the blood vomiting scene
The actor and actress act very well too. Thanks the producers and the actors!
Customer’s Review 

CAST: Luiza and Ivan 
Shooting, Multi Shooting, Sex Scene, Very long bloody multy shooting, puling on a pike, stabbing, blood, shooting to the dead body, blood from mouth, carrying, stripping dead body 

 	A policewoman (Luiza) and a policeman are partners and companions. They were making sex when the policeman got a urgent mission. The mission asked him to search a place where was presumed to be an evil religious altar. It was a dangerous mission because the police station had received several reports of people lost and all the clues point to the room. The policewoman worried about her boyfriend, and asked to join in the mission, and the police station agreed. Then the companions ware their clothes   and go to the place. The place is very eccentric, there is an altar and some stairs in the middle, and there is a magic circle on the altar. A round the altar, there are some spears. They went onto the altar, and stand on the magic circle. It’s a trap ! The magic circle made the man suffering, the policewoman wanted to help him, but it is not work. Suddenly, the man was going crazy. He put his gun out, and began to shoot the girl. The girl was beaten back by bullets, and at last she stand near the edge of the altar. The policeman was still crazy, he struck the girl's chest and kicked her off the altar. There were spears on the ground ! The body of the poor girl is impaled by  spear, blood flowed out from the wound and flowed along the spears, she convulsed for a while, some blood came out from her mouth, and then she died. The curse on the man was still work, the policeman went to the edge, and shot the dead girl again and again till the bullets are empty. A lot of blood was puffed out from the girl’s mouth.  After all the terrible things, the policeman’s mind recovered finally. He saw the broken body of the girl and felt so sad. He went off the altar, and got the girl’s body off the spears. At last, the policeman decided to finish the thing they hadn’t finished before they joined in the mission. He took off the girl’s clothes and made love with her dead body. 

    18 minutes
Starring: Annabelle, Max, Archie, Actor
Superheroines, Bloody, Gory, PUSSY DISTRUCTION, Beating, Cruel, FemDom, Woman In Peril, Chloroform, Extreme, Fighting

«Hey man, thanks for the video, definitely much better

The action was good, the story was followed, the make up was perfect and the damage to the costume was excellent».
Customer’s Review 
Super Annabelle - Warlord
Supergirl wakes in a sweat, confused by what she just dreamt, was that a vision, or the steak she ate last night acting up on her. She gets up goes to the washroom and washes her face. As she dries her face she gazes the mirror and remembers a dream a long time ago that changed her life forever
Annabelle is naked, floating in white, she can see someone in the distance getting closer. The figure, another woman, also naked is talking, it’s out of focus, she can’t make it out. The women get closer and now she can hear her better
Nata says “My time as Supergirl is coming to an end; I’ve failed, there is a terrible darkness coming to Earth. I tried…I tried to stop it; I wasn’t strong enough; I’ve let everyone down. The Supergirl Mantel is now yours; it will be up to you to succeed where I failed; because if you don’t, no one will survive. “
Nata continues teary eyed “Tell my Dad that Nata loves him very much and will miss him, I wish I could see him one more time…I’m so sorry” and then she was gone. Annabelle was then floating on her own surrounded by the white, then the white became brighter and brighter and surrounded her, she woke up startled. And floating in her room
Flashback ends; she’s still in her washroom. She thinks to herself that dream was true, she was ordained with superpowers and became Super Annabelle. She takes a shower slowly soaping up and washing off her entire body. She then dries herself off expect for her hair, because before she does, she hears (with her super hearing) the police chasing a group of militants that have stolen some top secret weapons
She puts on her black and white poka dot panties,
She then looks herself over in a full-dress mirror and blows a kiss to herself knowing she looks Super hot. She then takes off after the militants going in the direction of the chase that she hears
She lands in the enemy compound and quickly knocks out a guard (not killing them, she doesn’t kill). Two other guards shot at her, she just walks up to them and effortlessly knocks them out. She then goes up some steps and realises that this is just like her dream. As she goes up, she encounters guards in the same location as in her dream. She knocks out all the guards, not breaking a sweat or her stride (she has flash backs to her dream, we see the flash back seen and then see the action in the current film).
She finally reaches the top of the stairs and enters the leader’s room; she expects to see a Super villain; she has a flash back to the dream where the super villain is waiting. She walks into the leader’s room in the current instead she sees a man, a man in a military uniform, an ordinary guy.
The leader pulls out a gun and shots at her, the bullets ricochet of her chest and body. She smirks at the leader and walks in closer to him as he continues to shot at her. She knocks the gun out his hands, he gasps in shock holding his hand.
She grabs him by the collar, he is shocked and worried. He throws him across the room; he slams into the wall and slowly gets up angered and bruised. She walks toward him, strong, powerful. He lungs at him, angry and fearful, his swings are chaotic and don’t even phase Super Annabelle. 
The punches to her stomach don’t even phase Super Annabelle. After a few punches he stops exhausted and with hands that are pounding (hurting like hell). She has a smirk on her face as she looks him straight in the eye and says “Ready to cooperate, tell me where the weapons you stole are”
He gets a sly grin on his face, he shrugs and decides if I’m going to get beaten up, might as well make it count, he grabs her tits and squeezes. She reacts in pain and horror, which he notices and is surprised by. 
Enraged by his violation of her body, he smacks him down to the ground. He lays on the ground, smiling thinking, it was totally worth it. She then stands over him in her power pose (hands on her hips, legs spread apart). She bends down and grabs him by the collar again and lifts him up to hover just off the floor.
She then asks him, this time with a bit of anger in her voice “Listen you pervert, touch me like that again and you won’t have any hands left, now tell me where the weapons are!!” She doesn’t notice that he is making a fist with one hand and with all his strength he hits her in the crotch
Startled, and in more pain then she has ever felt she staggers backwards holding her crotch. He gets to his knees and moves lifts her skirt up to get a clear view of her panties and tights. By moving her skirt he moves her hand protecting her crotch. Her mind races, she can’t think, the pain is incredible.  He then hits her in the crotch again 
Again, she staggers backwards, the pain is incredible. Her eyes water up from the pain. She thinks to herself, no, I must focus I am Super Annabelle, I will not lose this fight. Masking her pain, she puts on a strong and brave façade and takes a few steps forward and gets into a fighting stance
He slowly gets to his feet and realises she’s in pain, he’s hurt her, this changes everything. With a grin he slowly approaches her in a fighting stance. She takes a swing at him, which he dodges. He counters with a jab to the stomach which lands like a pile of bricks which pushes her back.
She coughs and makes a hacking sound; she tries not to throw up. The leader presses his attack, punching her twice more in the gut, both punches causing her to get pushed back and causing bruising to appear on her gut.
The last punch didn’t move her as far back and didn’t hurt her as much; she realises that her powers are beginning to return, she thinks she has to act fast and protect her crotch as best as she can, but the leader also realises that her powers are returning.
She squeezes her thighs together and takes a swing at him; the punch lands square on his jaw and send him back a bit. She follows through with a second punch, which he can dodge. He comes up behind her puts one hand across her chest locking her arms down and drawing her in closer. He then puts his other hand down her skirt, grabs her panties and pulls straight up, giving her a wedgie.
The fabric of her panties wedge into her crotch tearing into her. She screams in pain, her mind races, she can’t think, her defense are down. He then releases her panties and places his hand under her panties and rubs her crotch
She begins to shake, noises that embarrass her and shame her escape her mouth, he rubs faster and faster, suddenly her back arches, she shakes all over and she orgasms and says in a whisper, “no”, then she feels it, she knows, and she says to her regret “my powers are gone”
He releases his hand on her crotch and turns her around. He grabs her by the chest and lifts her skirt up. He sees a wet stain is on her panties. He lets go of her chest, and before she can react, he licks her crotch, and then bites her crotch. 
She screams in pain and horror, she feels violated, no one has ever done this to her before. Her hands caress her violated and abused crotch; she is distracted. Before she can react the leader punches her across the face. The punch sends her across the room slamming into a wall. 
The side of her face, her breast impact the wall; her knee goes through the wall. She stays standing and slowly turns around to face her attacker. She has a gash on the side of her head, and a bloody lip. The costume covering her chest is torn a bit, and she has some minor cuts on her chest. Her knee is cut up and bloody  
She takes a few steps forward and does a front karate kick using her good leg, putting pressure on her banged up knee, which is painful and shows on her face. The leader catches her leg in the middle of her kick and continues to elbow her thigh until bruises appears and her tights tear. He then flips her over and she lands on the ground chest first.
He then comes up behind her and lifts up the back of her skirt to see her awesome ass. He grabs and squeezes her ass while she lies on the ground, she screams out in agony, the pain almost unbearable. He digs his fingers in deep into her butt cheeks tearing her tights and panties. He then stomps kick her in the ass until he can see blood.
He then turns her over onto her front. He lifts up the front over her skirt to see her still wet panties. She moves backwards on the ground, using her elbows to slowly move away from him. He steps down hard or her crotch, she stops moving, he hands go to cover her crotch and she screams in pain. He lifts up his leg, releasing the pressure from her crotch
She moves her hands away from her crotch, her breathing is heavy, her chest heaves up and down, she cannot focus. He steps down on her crotch again, harder this time. This time she doesn’t cover her crotch with her hands; she screams out in more pain. Again he lifts his foot, and again she breaths heavily and tries to catch her breath.
She can’t think what to do next, her mind is flooded with pain. He then steps down on her crotch again, and pushes down on it even harder. She gasps in pain, she tries to sit up and pushes at his foot on her crotch with her hands to try and move his foot, she is unable to budge his foot and he pushes down even harder onto her crotch. 
He finally releases his foot from her crotch and walks down to her exposed mid section. He stops down hard on her stomach causing her to start to cough, grab her waste and move onto her side. She could hear a few ribs break. He then kicks her in the side of her waist until she starts to bleed. 
He picks her up by her hair and throws her to a side wall. He then punches her and kicks her she ricochets from wall to wall. The punches and kicks land all over her mid-section, chest, ass, and legs; the punches feel like lead weights, she can hear and feel bones breaking, bruises forming and blood appearing. 
The kicks impact with such force that it feels like a sledgehammer hitting her. She is kicked on the legs, ass, and mid-section; cuts and bruises appear all over her legs, ass and midsection. He goes out of his way to avoid hitting or kicking her crotch.
The beating also damages her once proud and inspiring costume, the costume now was more like the costumes owner, broken, ripped up, and defeated 
She tries to block the kicks and punches, but even blocking he attack was causing pain. One punch she blocks ends up breaking her arm, which send mind-numbing pain. He finally pins her broken, bloodied and bruised body to a wall and tells her “to beg him to stop”
Super Annabelle in a week, barely audible voice whispers “never”
He lifts her skirt up and with a powerful punch punches her in the crotch; it feels like a semi-truck has hit her crotch. Her knees almost give out, but she stays standing and still whispers “I’ll never beg you”
He hits her again in the crotch, and again, and again, until finally blood appears on her underwear. She still definitely, and in an obvious amount of pain says “no, never, no never” like a broken record
He again hits her in the crotch, and again, and again, and again, and again, the blood stain on her underwear has turned into a gushing stream running down her legs. She, in a defeated voice says, putting her hands to getter in a prayer gesture “no more, please, please stop, no more, make it stop, please I beg you”
He stops, puts her skirt down onto her blood soaked underwear and rubs her skirt into her underwear drenching the skirt in blood. He then lets go of her skirt, and looks her up and down taking in the results of his handy work.
Super Annabelle, once proud and strong has been reduced to a broken violated and torn apart woman praying that she lives to see tomorrow. He then elbows her hard on the top of her head. Her head cracks open and blood pours down onto her hair and down the side of her face.
She drops to her knees and stays frozen. He walks over to his desk, opens it up and takes out a large knife. Annabelle sees this and tries to get up, her flooded and dizzied mind thinks escape.   She gets up off her knees, turns around almost falling and then with great difficulty she takes a step. The pain was almost unbearable, he whole body was like one raw nerve
She fights through the pain and takes another dizzied step. She could see the door out getting closer, she had hope, she can make it she thinks, and then the unimaginable happened, the Leaders knife goes in-between both butt cheeks and out through her crotch.
He removes the knife from her crotch by cutting downwards, parts of her crotch land on the ground. She grabs he crotch and turns around. He carves into her delicate and ravenous breasts, cutting them. He cuts into her bruised and battered mid-section.
Annabelle grabs onto her midsection with her one good hand, barely standing up, the blood pouring down her legs. 
 He then carves into her long luscious legs; the pain forcing her down to her knees.
She looked at him, the life draining from her eyes, unable to move, unable to speak, tears forming in her eyes, she thinks to herself, I don’t want to die, please let this be a dream, let me wake up. She doesn’t wake up, it’s not a dream, she knows it, just as well as she knows she’s about to die.
The Leader does a round house kick that lands squarely across her face. She goes flying onto the ground and comes to a rest on her back unmoving. The leader takes a selfie with the bloodied corpse of Super Annabelle. He then downloads the recording of the fight from the security camera and texts to his villain network that he knows how to take down a super heroine and will provide the information for a price attaching the selfie pic as proof
Super Annabelle comes to on the ground, the lifts are out, she doesn’t know how long she’; s been out for. She’s still in a lot of pain, but her super healing appears to be doing the job; she quickly leaves before anyone notices her

    12 minutes





«Thank you, I really liked it. Great job! Both actresses are great!

All the others are also great. And the presentation is good»

From  Customer’s Review

Starring: Scarlett Fandera and Bella Lenina


Lesbian, Strangulation, Trying to save and escape, Long agony, Foot Fetish, Police Uniform is near to real!

The plot

It’s a vicious party in the night club. Mysterious woman meets young officer of police and kills her in the toilet. Why does she do it? Seems the city has new strange maniac…
    23 minutes

After Ksysha and her sister reported to
the secret organization they both belong to about their last mission together,
the Black Widow Sisters, the sisters go their separate ways.

Ksysha is given an assignment that will
require her special skills and brutality. With a password, she opens an
encrypted message on her computer with all the details of your order. Ksusha
reads it out loud (subtitle everything please).


5 USB sticks with secret data of the
organization were stolen by a former female agent who belongs to a syndicate
that also works underground. The data contains all information about all
agents. Now the syndicate is threatening to publish all data and thus reveal
the identity of all agents. The former agent handed over the USB sticks with
the data to four high-ranking people in the syndicate. Like the renegade agent,
these people are also well-trained contract killers. Ksysha has 24 hours to
track down the owners of the data carriers, liquidate them and take the USB
sticks in order to give them back to their organization and thus avert the
organization\'s collapse upon publication. Ksysha was chosen because she knows
most of the tricks of how to approach such people in order to get an
opportunity to kill them and thus complete the job successfully. Due to their
particular killing style of strangling their victims with their hands or
strangling them with their wooden-handled garrote. It never leaves any traces
and can complete its tasks silently and professionally. Ksusha agrees and
accepts the assignment.


Ksysha finds out that, in addition to
the former agent, the people involved are three other men and a woman. Ksysha
says quietly to herself that she thinks it\'s a pity that her sister isn\'t there
this time, so she has to kill the two female victims herself. She gets
information about the name of the former agent. She also finds out that there
is going to be a syndicate meeting at a hotel where all the owners of the USB
sticks are gathered. Ksysha sees this as her best chance of getting hold of the
USB sticks. Ksusha reports to her organization and plans her next steps.


Ksysha has tracked down the whereabouts
of the former agent, now disguised as a normal housewife, in order to get all
the information about the other owners. Ksysha plans her mission so that she
will first seek out the former agent, interrogate her and then kill her.


Ksysha puts on her killer outfit. A
bikini panty to tie, a leather bra, tight wet look leather pants, black leather
boots. Then she puts on her tight black leather gloves.


Standing in front of a large mirror, she
puts her hands around her neck and chokes herself, imagining killing her
victims. Then Ksysha takes her garrote and puts it around her neck and
strangles herself with it to feel how her victims feel when she strangles them
and tells herself how much she loves her job.

Then she takes her knife and puts it in
a holster, which is attached to her belt, puts her garrote in her leather
jacket and a plastic bag, takes her cell phone and she goes on her way.

The interrogation – female victim

Ksysha observes the house where the
former female agent is. She looks through a window and finds them sitting at a
desk at the computer. Ksysha finds that the former agent is alone, allowing
Ksusha to carry out her plan. Ksysha sneaks to the back door. She pulls a nylon
stocking over her face and opens it quietly with a fake key..


looks around the house and goes to the room where her former agent is. Ksysha
opens the door very quietly and enters the room, then she takes her garotte out
of her leather jacket and sneaks up to her from behind. Ksysha quickly puts the
garrote around the agent\'s neck and strangles her until she loses
consciousness. Then Ksysha pulls back the chair the unconscious agent is on and
ties her to the chair. Kyusha takes a glass of water and throws it in her face,
causing her to regain consciousness. Ksysha tells her that she needs
information on the owners of the other USB sticks and when the meeting should
take place. The agent laughs and says to Ksysha, you won\'t hear anything from
me. Ksysha smacks her twice in the face and takes out the plastic bag, goes
around the chair with it and pulls it tight over the agent\'s head, choking her.
The female agent twitches and fidgets, then Ksysha relaxes briefly, then
tightens again. When Ksysha notices that the resistance is slowly fading, she
takes off the plastic bag. The agent gasps wildly. Ksysha steps in front of her
and asks if the agent is willing to give Ksysha the information. The agent
laughs again and spits in Ksysha\'s face. Then Ksysha takes off her stocking
mask, gets her knife out of the holster and puts it behind the agent\'s throat
and says decisively, the information please or I\'ll cut your throat. The agent
says o.k. I\'ll tell you everything you want to know, but let me live. Ksysha
puts the knife back in the holster and steps in front of the agent. She tells
Ksysha everything she needs to know and then asks if Ksysha will untie her.
Ksysha slowly releases her from the chair, the agent stands up and when Ksusha
turns her back for a moment, Ksysha takes her garrote out of her leather jacket
and puts it around the agent\'s neck from behind. The agent thrashes wildly,
still dazed from the interrogation and struggles weakly, but is able to free
herself for a moment. Ksysha takes the garrote and wraps it around her neck
from behind, pulls it back and throws it on the bed. Ksysha sits on her and
strangles her to death with her garrote. The agent convulses and trembles and
lashes out wildly again, but becomes weaker and weaker and finally gives up, so
that Ksysha can finish her job in peace. As saliva runs out of her mouth,
Ksysha pulls her garrote even tighter and the agent\'s legs twitch again until
she was finally strangled by Ksysha and her tongue protrudes limply from her
mouth. Ksysha then takes her cell phone and calls her organization to report.
She says that she has received all the information and can now continue and
successfully complete her mission. The agent would have told her the names,
place and time of the meeting. The organizer asks Ksysha what about the former
agent. Ksysha tells them that she strangled the agent. The organization is
satisfied and says that the agent as a traitor got what she deserved and asks
Ksysha how she intends to proceed. Ksysha says that she will assume the former
agent\'s identity and thus enter the meeting point with forged papers and seek
out and kill one by one the USB stick owners. (please subtitle the
conversation), then Ksysha hangs up and heads to the meeting point.

The mission - female victim


Ksysha is on his way to the female
assassin\'s lodging. She had previously worked as a prostitute and improved her
standard of living through contract killings. The Syndicate became aware of her
because they found it remarkable that all of her victims were exclusively
strangled or strangled by her. Since joining the Syndicate, she no longer has
to work as a prostitute and has since improved her skills. Ksysha got this info
on the assassin from the folder she received when she checked in. Ksusha breaks
into the assassin\'s room with a master key she stole from one of her recent
victims and looks around. The assassin arrives at the meeting point shortly, so
Ksusha hides under the bed and can wait for her in peace. The contract killer
enters the room (in a black leather outfit, please). Ksysha watches her through
the large mirror on the wall, waiting for the right moment. When the assassin
sits down on the bed, Ksysha emerges from her hiding place, takes her garotte
and puts it around the assassin\'s neck. This is very strong, so she can break
free. She slaps Ksysha in the face, causing her to be dazed for a moment.
During this time, the assassin takes her murder tool, a USB cable, and puts it
around Ksysha\'s neck from behind. Ksysha sinks to her knees and it looks like
it\'s going to go wrong this time.


Since Ksysha has learned to control her
body through training long choking sequences with her sister, she can fake her
death to the assassin, who believes Ksusha is dead and slowly loosens the USB
cable around Ksysha\'s neck again. Ksysha, who is of course still alive, gets up
in a flash and hits the assassin in the stomach area and pushes her onto the
bed. Then Ksysha puts her hands around the assassin\'s neck and chokes her so
hard that the assassin loses consciousness at first. Ksysha takes her hands
from her neck, grabs her garrote and puts it completely around the assassin\'s
neck, waking her up. Ksysha tells her that she will give her a chance to save
her life, but only if she tells Ksysha where the USB stick is. The assassin
tells Ksysha and asks what the chances are of sparing her life. Ksysha then
tells the assassin that she never intended to spare her, but gives her a chance
to save herself. Then Ksysha takes the assassin\'s USB cable and puts it around
his neck, grabs the handles of the garrote and says to the assassin either you
have the strength to strangle me and save yourself with it, or I\'ll kill you
now and pull close the garrote. The assassin grabs the ends of the USB cable
and strangles Ksysha while she tightens the garrote wrapped around the
assassin\'s neck. Ksysha also enjoys being choked herself while she kills. The
assassin\'s power wanes and the USB cable around Ksysha\'s neck becomes loose. Then
the assassin tries to stop Ksysha from strangling her by thrashing about wildly
and trying to pry Ksysha\'s hands free. Since Ksysha has perfected her choking
technique since she was a teenager, the assassin\'s defenses are futile, causing
her to weaken and weaken until her body twitches and slowly goes limp. Ksysha
pulls a little harder until the assassin is motionless and saliva is running
out of her mouth. Then Ksysha slowly eases off and loosens the garrote and
takes it off the dead assassin\'s neck.


Ksysha checks her pulse as usual to make
sure she really is dead. She then tells the dead assassin that this was the
best fight she\'s ever had with a female killer, better than many a male victim
Ksusha strangled (subtitled please). Ksysha takes the USB cable and puts it
around the dead assassin\'s neck as if she had strangled herself. After that,
Ksysha goes to a hiding place in the room where the 4th USB stick is and takes
it. Ksysha picks up her phone again to tell her organization that the mission
is all but accomplished. The only thing missing now is the last USB stick. The
organization asks Ksysha if she needs help or still has the strength to
complete this mission on her own. Ksysha says she already has a plan on how to
get the last stick and hangs up.  Sushi
    8 minutes
      Sushi - SUSHI WITH BLOOD

Young ******. Long belly tortures and stabbing. Agony. *****

Masha is a freeloader. She has a habit to get anything she wants for free. She seduces men, teases them with her 20 years old sexy body but deceives them when she gets what she needs. Even shen she orders pizza or sushi delivery at her place where she lives with friends she doesn’t pay making deliverymen crazy with her beauty. 
But today sushi deliveryman isn’t so simple as all others. When she understands she isn’t going to pay for her order she suddenly attackes her and stabbed by sushi sticks right to her belly button! She feels terrible agony and yells in agony but her cry is so erotic that her flat-neighbors think she is making sex with somebody and don’t turn to help her. He does her bellybutton and stomach *******, he is playing with her suffering body swinging a stick inside her belly. We see her twitching and suffering body, her face agony looking between pain and orgasmic emotions. Her death was slow and very painfull. 
After she was dead with her bleeding belly button and great death stare, a guy stripped her for full nude and used liks a sushi-table ****. He used her bloode bellybuttom like a dish, put sushi into her belly to her ***** like to soy sauce and eat sushi…

Fetish elements
Stabbing. Belly tortures, belly button, belly suffering, agony, long death, orgasmic cry before death, food fetish, taboo, eating from dead ****
    19 minutes
Starring: Hass, Angelina, Mary, Alex

3 nude  chokings
Body carryings 
Foot fetishes 
Beautiful outside nude bodypile 

3 girls have a rest in a countryside. They are in sauna and all they want is bath-service. But what to do if the bather is a maniac? He attacks Mary in the sauna but her friends even don’t try to help her and run away. He chokes poor girl and goes to the hunt for Hass and Angelina. He finds Hass in the garden and chokes her too. The last his victim is Angelina choked nude in the table. 
He carries three dead bodies to the garden. He seats near bodypile thinking about life and death!  Death Kaleidoscope
    14 minutes
      Death Kaleidoscope - This movie includes 12 independent clips with short scenes of two sexy **** death:

! Shooting (no-***** bit bullet sound effects, like in crime house shot-dead cocktails) – shooting in busts, headshots, in the back. Super surprised reactions, fear and terror before death, begging for life. Gi....Ls look very sexy and innocent  - bare legs, sexy socks, underwear, topless. They cought by surprise in their own home! Different interesting home furnishings are used: the piano, teeter-tooter, the staircase.

! Neck-breaks   with crunch sound and amazing death stare

sta.......Bing to the stomach and long agonic death, dead body postmortem writing, death stares

throat cut  - with panic, pain and death reaction

synchronous shots to two g.....S

ch.....Ng on the bed

st.....Ling g....L when she was swinging on a swing.

very fresh exotic video

23 female ultra sexy, good acted deaths

if you like many short deaths in one clip check our "shot-dead cocktails" category! Don't miss our other summer seasons clips!
     ARCHER 7
    22 minutes
      ARCHER 7 - ARCHER 7


Starring: TANYA, LUIZA,  YANA and WES


This film is a piece of the missing constructor about the archer's case, which was needed to restore the logic of the series.

After the private detective and the police could not catch the archer, the dance club manager hired a killer to destroy the villain. The archer led a terrible hunt for dancers, and therefore the actresses refused to work with him. Many girls began to leave the city, fearing the terrible threats of a maniac.

The killer woman worked undercover. She got a job in a dance club, and together with two dancers, she was invited to a private party. This was usually how Archer lured his victims into the lair, where he killed them ...


THE ARCHER  and ARCHER 2,3,4,5,6,8,9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15  OMBILIANT
    32 minutes
      OMBILIANT - Ombiliant

CAST: Mira Green and Alice M 
Fetish Elements
Girl Kills a girl, Choking, Strangulation, Playing With Body, Much Playing with a bellybutton
Two young girls are in a boarding room at a rich girl's school, a barefoot pimbeche blonde with a cropped top and mini-shorts that reach up to her stomach contemplates her belly button in the mirror and brags about her new extra expensive piercing she received for her last birthday, her comrade in student clothes with a skirt who has always been secretly jealous of her roommate daddy's girl asks her what is the point of wearing a jewel of such value if it is to remain hidden most of the time under clothes but the girl with the piercing taunts her by telling her that you have to be a perfect and pure woman to be able to wear a jewel of such an exception and that her rival is certainly not the case, the other furious girl starts insulting her with trash and a fight ensues, at first the blonde has the top hitting the jealous girl in the face but the other girl the grabs her with both hands, squeezing her neck tightly, the blonde with nd eyes in shock collapses on her back to the ground and fights for her life trying to push her opponent back but the other girl is stronger than her and her strength starts to fail her opponent takes advantage of this moment of weakness to gain the advantage by sitting on her at waist level blocking her arms at her sides with her legs to prevent her from using her hands to defend herself and she squeezes her neck harder and harder of his victim who begins to turn pale and his tongue begins to come out of his mouth.
After a while the beaten girl hardly moves because her opponent seems to have broken her trachea by squeezing her throat and starts to drool, her head leans to the side and drool runs down her throat. plays her eyes rolls back like she's having a seizure but her tormentor doesn't care and goes on for more belly humiliations and punishments she humiliates him by removing her mini shorts and top short revealing her little white panties and her bra cruelly exposing her abdomen, the poor girl finds herself in her underwear totally vulnerable and at the mercy of her pitiless opponent, the bad girl calls her "pathetic" and "weak" after that she starts by manipulating and looking at her victim's piercing more closely with her vicious fingers. The blonde too weak to act upright obviously no longer has the strength to move her arms which have remained at her sides or her legs and seems to have turned into a real helpless rag doll. She slowly chokes on her own slime and gasps desperately for oxygen, the mean girl lets out a mean little laugh mocking her victim and says "I'm going to finish you" she then has fun sticking her pointed finger deep in the navel of her paralyzed prey and gently moves it inside turning it and stinging sometimes while the blonde suffocates in silence at one point she puts her finger buried in the navel of the agonizing girl and has fun stinging it over and over and saying "what's that mouse hole?" After a while her victim inflates her belly and exhales one last time through her bubble-creating drool, the mean girl then in synchronization pushes her finger deepest into the girl's navel as she exhales and makes a little vicious laugh at the same time saying "shhh .. die bitch!" the blonde lets out a last gasp.
(make a camera angle so that we can see the belly from the side with the finger pressed to see the belly which inflates and exhales one last time)
She stays like that with her finger for at least 2 minutes and then pulls it out sharply while verbally humiliating her by saying "big tummy".
She then takes the pulse of the defeated girl with her fingers, she lifts the arm of the corpse and drops her lame hand on the belly of the victim who is nothing more than a pile of inert meat, she puts her arm back to the ground along the body and look down the side of the abdomen to see if it is still moving and sees that her victim is gone for good, she then removes the belly button piercing from the dead girl then pulls out her phone and takes a compromising photo of the navel and also removes the panties and bra of the dead girl so that she finds herself totally naked and vulnerable making sure not to change her initial position, she also checks if she is wearing any other jewels on her to steal, she decides to have a little fun with the corpse before getting rid of it, she sits down next to the body and looks into the dead woman's navel with a little superior air and notices that the bottom navel is dirty, she takes a cotton swab and a cleaning and decides to clean it completely and to subject her rival to a final examination of the most humiliating, she takes her time while making the knuckles and each fold and inspects the depths with the help of tweezers she removes the potential dirt encrusted in the hollows while verbally humiliating her on the shape of her navel telling her that it is weird and badly cut at birth, after that she has fun for a good 5 minutes trying to bring out the navel from the dead girl using her fingers and putting her sharp fingernails inside and deep in different positions to give the navel various shapes and rounded, she also has fun pushing her index finger deeper into the navel and as the dead girl can no longer challenge and protect her belly, her fingers easily penetrate the tender flesh of the belly, which causes dull noises due to the absence of muscle and resistance, the a mean girl sketches teasing little laughs, she lies down on her body with her head at belly level and also blows raspberries on the navel with her mouth while laughing and also sometimes plunges her tongue inside and kisses the belly , she is completely nuts after she sits on the body at the pelvis and continues to torture and manipulate the navel by stretching it with her fingers as if she wanted to open the navel, after a while the navel starts to be pink and she continues until it turns red to destroy the navel of the dead woman she despises so much by saying "I don't see that your navel is special, it's just a small one yucky sausage "she even takes a sharp object and pushes it into the location of the navel piercing she stole. Once the navel is red she has fun running her fingers on her stomach to the navel and probes it with the tips of her fingers while humming and also scratches the stomach with her fingernails.
She also does not hesitate to take her smartphone and film up close (done in pov at this point) the navel while pricking it with the pointed object in different places saying "Poke" and laughing at the same time. (Stop the pov)
Then she takes a stethoscope and listens to the inside of the belly in different places and also on the navel while feeling the belly a few times with her fingers and laughs at the noises that this can cause in her abdomen. After that she stops filming and ends up getting bored and sits on her bed and makes a phone call to a contact to get her navel pierced and put the one she just stole there while specifying that she has already chosen and received her piercing model while placing her feet as a sign of domination on the belly of the dead woman who is staying at the foot of the bed, at the same time she tries to push her big toe completely inside the navel of his deceased victim. She takes the opportunity to light a cigarette and smoke at the same time. After a while she removes her feet, she lies down on the bed with her feet in a fan and her head above the body of the deceased and uses the belly button of her victim as a human ashtray by dropping the ashes from her cigarette right into the room. navel of the corpse while continuing to telephone, she sometimes spits into the navel until it is full. After a while she hangs up and lowers herself to the level of the corpse and has fun crushing her cigarette right in the navel soiled with sputum and ashes of the dead woman and slowly pricks in several different places of the navel by moving and turning the butt inside, she has fun creating a mixture of viscous and sticky mud inside the navel, after a while and once the navel is really sticky she pushes the butt well into the lower part of the navel so to himself that he does not move any more while saying "splash" then she looks at her work and says "it is less pure now". She then takes a lipstick and writes "Waste" circling the desecrated navel like a target. Once done, she takes her smartphone and photographs the belly as a whole and the navel up close as a souvenir.
Excited by this feeling of power and to humiliate even more and conclude this beating she takes a last glance in the navel to check if the cigarette is still in place by sketching a small grin of satisfaction by patting the belly lightly, she goes up then at the level of the victim's head and kisses the poor girl on the mouth smiling proud to have destroyed the life of the most popular girl in the school and says "Goodbye darling" to her, closing her eyes.
Satisfied, the disturbed girl with macabre and sordid intentions gets up, and looks at the poor girl's lifeless body for a long time with a perverse air, then she spits one last time into the violated navel while standing, having taken care to aim before , without the slightest respect and consideration for her opponent, she leaves the room shaking the piercing she stole as a sign of a trophy, leaving the girl humiliated and soiled that she will make disappear later in the night.
(Take overviews of the body and in particular the belly and the destroyed navel, make close-ups of it by fading to end the scene)
    18 minutes

Film Type: Action/Spy film that goes sideways

Actress: Emma

Villain Actors:

boss: male villain

agent: male or female

Costume: Agent outfit, similar to what was used for Super
Agents vs Villains.

Length: 15-20 minutes




This would be a very brief setting of the stage scene. Emma is an agent working with her partner to bring down a crime leader responsible for large scale distribution of weapons and drugs. Her partner is corrupt and is actually working with this crime leader, and wants
her out of the way. The scene starts with her colleague entering heroffice and explaining that they have a lead on the leader\'s location, a warehouse (or similar location, depending on your available sets). The agent makes her way out. Her colleague calls the gang leader with his cell phone, setting up the betrayal.

Scene 2:

They arrive on the scene, and to the agent’s surprise, the leader is waiting for them. The agent points her gun at the boss and he only approaches closer. The leader gets too close for comfort and she fires her gun to disable him, but her gun is jammed (or loaded with blanks). Her gun was intentionally disabled by her partner. A 2v1 scene breaks out. The agent has the upper hand for a couple
minutes, but ends up completely overwhelmed by the two villains.The villains turn the tables and the agent is subjected to a prolonged beat down. She gets worn down and less defiant throughout the fight. We see some bleeding throughout the fight (nose or mouth). Throughout the scene, we get some shit
talking from the crime boss. The villains also pull at her outfit throughout the fight, tearing open her shirt, ripping off her skirt, and eventually exposing her breasts. She is knocked out at the end of the scene by a sleeper hold. Here\'s the type of fight elements that I would like to see: Restrained

by the arms from behind by one enemy, punches by the other, villains take turns with the beating

Agent choked from behind, punched by other villain Face,belly, and rib punching Punch to the neck that leave the heroine
coughing and stunned Throat lift - slammed against wall

Crawling away, kick to stomach Kicking when down

Pulled up from the ground by her hair


Anything else - be creative!

Scene 3:

She is tied up, Arms over Head. The villains take turns punching her belly and face and taze her. They ber t her to the point that she is knocked out, but not dead. The villains exit, they\'ll come back later when she regains consciousness.


Scene 4:

She awakens. She is able to escape her binds (lockpick, wiggle free, or otherwise). Shortly after, her old colleague arrives, and another short fight breaks out. This time, she has the upper hand, and gets the villain locked in a headscissors, then snaps his (or her) neck. The crime boss hears the commotion, and arrives furious. \"You shouldn\'t have done that\". He attacks her, this time even more aggressively. He lands some heavy punches that stun her, then breaks her arms one by one. He throws her to the ground, and straddles her for a ground and pound. He relentlessly punches and slams her face. He pulls out his gun, and brushes it against her naked body. He moves the barrel between
her breasts and fires a shot. She isn\'t completely dead yet. He watches her twitch and tremble for a moment, then shoves the barrel in her mouth and fires the
finishing shot. He stands up, aggressively kicks her corpse once or twice, then leaves. A few body pans follow.



Super Agents vs Villains  FIT ENOUGH TO EAT
    21 minutes
Starring: Annabelle, Max

«Thank you for your excellent work on this custom. Please thank Annabelle  for her excellent work - I’ve never seen her looking so fit and appreciate that she is open minded enough to act out my fantasy.

Thank you!»
Customer’s Review and Feedback 

Cannibal, Splatter, Gore, Gory, Hanging to the hand, Guts, Gutting, Bloody, Very Cruel

Scene 1

Annabel going for a run, dressed approximately as per the picture. Hair  in a high ponytail, makeup as if she was going out for the night. Camera lingers on her breasts bouncing as she runs and her abs, leg muscles. She stops in a park to do some ab exercises (sit ups, crunches, focus on her belly – please ask her to do hard ab exercises to really strain and burn her ab muscles) She gets up and keeps running. Hurts her ankle and knocks on the nearest door for help. 

Scene 2 

Max (or another male actor) opens the door for her (it’s the dungeon where you filmed Tender Meat, or similar) Max knocks her out as soon as she is inside and ties her down to the bench (like she is tied in Forbidden Film Slasher) preferably stretched a little tighter and with a block under her back to make her back arch more and stick her ribcage out more. Max uses a meat skewer to wake her up by pushing it deep into her thigh muscle, shocking her awake. Max uses a 20cm kitchen knife to cut away her running clothes please cut her running top away by cutting up the middle, between her breasts(running shoes can stay on) then uses the knife to trace her body and scare her (breasts, ribs, lots of attention to her belly, thighs..) She should be writhing in terror, lots of arched rib cage shots and show her belly muscles as she fights. Max says (English or subtitles) “thank you for taking such good care of your body, fit girls look so much better being butchered. Try to relax so you don’t make your  flesh too tense and tough..”

After teasing her with the knife, he takes a marker pen and draws the cuts of meat on her body like in the picture. Please make sure the names for the cuts of meat are realistic, and go all around her body so it looks good and can be read when she is hanging upside down..  Make sure there is a dashed line down the middle of her belly and please show this line being drawn..

Once her has finished drawing the cuts of meat on her body, he takes a bottle of Extra Virgin Olive Oil and rubs it all over her body (please be very generous with the oil – show it running down her breasts/ribcage and her thigh muscles.. He should be as rough as she can handle when massaging the oil into her breasts. Please knead her breasts like dough when making bread (if she can withstand it) (I’m not sure how will you stop the oil from making the pen markings on her skin run – hopefully you can work it out)

Scene 3

Once she has been oiled down he says ‘lets get you strung up and gutted like a fish’ (can be English or subtitles) He uses the ankle spreader bars (just like in Tender Meat) to suspend her directly off the table she has been tied to. He suspends her so her mouth is at waist height. Show her breasts jiggling as her hoists her up, lots of struggling and back arching from Annabelle. Reapply oil if required. I want to see her oiled ribs exposed and her ab muscles working as she sobs and fights. (my ideal video is Cameron Richardson suspended in Rise Bloodhunter if you need any ideas..) Once she has been suspended, pan the camera over her struggling body then please tie/handcuff her hands behind her back. Max says “hanging you like this makes your body look incredible, I can see every muscle and count every rib.. this is going to be fun” Then he takes the butchers knife and teases her belly with it before roughly gutting her from sternum to pelvic bone like in Tender Meat. Remove her guts (she is still completely conscious as she is being gutted) Once all her guts are removed he can finish her with a slice to the thoat, (please try to make the spurting blood realistic with the neck slice – it should really spurt out under pressure, pulsing with her heart rate) more struggling until she is still. 

Movie ends with her stretched out on the table like this with an apple in her mouth. She should still be covered in lots of oil. Max grates fresh cracked pepper all over each part of her body. Close up of her arms, breasts, ribs, belly and thighs being covered with cracked pepper.

TENDER MEAT (all parts)
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    Welcome To The Crime House Studio on Kinky Clips
    Crime House Fantasy Studio (also Crime House & Crime House and Dark Rooms) is independent production company with female death fetish orientation. Crime House does very erotic stuff, but not porn. Why we advice to offer our videos? 1. SEXY VICTIM-ACTRESSES ONLY 2. REALISTIC DEATH SITUATIONS 3. GREAT ACTING 4. CSGFX EFFECTS 5. NEW MODELS EVERY WEEK 6. ALL DEATH FETISH GENRES 7. NOT PORN BUT VERY-VERY EROTIC AND HOT 8.RUSSIAN AND EAST EUROPE HOT MODELS 9. WE DO KNOW HOW TO PLAY SEXY DEATH 10. ALL MOVIES ARE MADE IN VERY HIGH QUALITY

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