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    26 minutes
CAST: Mira, Li, Nadya

Fetish Elements:
Headshot, Death Stares. Catfighintg, Bondaged, Kidnapped, BDSM, Shooting to the chest (lots), shooting to dead body, strangulation, strangulation face (crossed eyes, tounge out). Passed out, neck to the neck, stabbing, cruel, stockings, leather, fighting to the life, girl kills girl, Mira Kills Li, Mira is near to kill Nadya, Nadya Kills Mira 

We fade on as Nadya is outside on her phone holding a pistol with silencer. We hear her say that she’s tracked Mira down but she’s got a hostage. They tell her to use whatever force is require to take Mira down.
Nadya Enters the house
We cut to Mira who is dragging Li into a room by her hair, Li has her hands tied behind her back. Mira has a silenced pistol tucked into her skirt and is carrying a suitcase with her. Mira tells Li to shut up or she’ll have a hole in her head.
Mira peaks out of the door and sees Nadya walking around so quickly hides the suitcase and forces Li to her knees and stands behind her waiting for Nadya to enter. 
The camera follows Nadya as she Enters the room where Mira is. Mira holds Li’s face up so she can beg Nadya to save her life. Mira kneels beside Li grabs her face and slowly licks up from her jaw to her cheek. Mira tells Nadya to put her gun on the floor and kick it away. Nadya does as she’s told. Mira laughs, telling Nadya she should have put a bullet in her when she had the chance. Mira and Li look at each other, Mira blows Li a kiss before firing a single shot to the side of Li’s head killing her instantly. Li’s eyes open wide and blood pours out of her mouth before she collapses onto her side (eyes wide open, mouth slightly open). Mira aims her gun at Nadya and tells her not to move. She rolls Li onto her belly and removes the rope that bound her hands together. She grabs Li’s face and tells Nadya that she failed to save Li. Mira stands up then uses her foot to roll Li on to her back. A couple of overkill shots make Li’s body twitch, reacting to each shot. A close up on Li’s face sees more blood come out of her mouth eyes remain open. 
Mira then walks over to Nadya, gives her the rope and tells her to tie her hands together, she tells Nadya to face the door and puts the gun in her back of her head and tells her to move. They walk out of the room and into another. Mira demands that Nadya helps her escape or she’ll end up just like Li. Mira walks away from Nadya, Nadya seeing an opportunity to take control kicks Mira between the legs. Mira drops her gun and holds her pussy in pain (close up of eyes crossed in pain) Mira collapses to Her knees. Nadya rushes to pick un the gun, she instantly presses it again Mira’s forehead (who’s still kneeling holding her pussy) and demands she unties her wrists. Mira does as she’s told. Once she’s finishes she drops the ropes to the floor, Nadya calls her a good girl before hitting her on the top of the head with the bottom of the pistol knocking Mira out. Mira’s eyes cross and her tongue comes out before she collapses onto her chest with her butt in the air with her tongue still out (see attached image) camera is behind Mira to get a view of her bent over as Nadya walks behind her and comments that only a slut would fall in such a humiliating position. She then uses her foot to push Mira onto her back. Nadya says that she best check for any weapons and undresses Mira down to her lingerie and stockings (Nadya spreads Mira’s legs apart – making the comment that she bets Mira is used to spreading her legs). She Finds a knife tucked into one of her stockings, she throws it to the side. Camera pans Mira’s knocked out body, eyes rolling, tongue still out. Before fading to black.
The Camera pans Mira laid on a bed spread Eagle with her arms and legs tied to the 4 corners of the bed. She is blindfolded and gagged (see image for gag example). Mira is still unconscious. 
Nadya Slowly runs her pistol up Mira’s leg. Over her pussy and up her whole body before pushing the pistol against her temple. Nadya pushes Mira’s head with her gun to wake her up. Mira gains consciousness and panics as she doesn’t know what’s happening. Nadya Demands Mira tells her where the suitcase is. She removes the gag and blindfold and places them beside Mira. Again, Nadya demands Mira tells her. She forces the pistol into Mira’s mouth. She holds it in there for about 5 seconds (Mira staring at the gun then into. Nadya’s eyes) Nadya then starts slides the pistol in and out of Mira’s mouth (like oral) Nadya tells her that that’s all her mouth is good for as she isn’t telling her what she wants to know. Nadya tells Mira to open her mouth and stick her tongue out, Mira does as she’s told, Nadya put the gag back into Mira’s mouth. She then runs the gun down Mira’s body and slides it into her panties. Tell me or I’ll shoot, and no games or I’ll make your last moments alive agony. Mira nods, signaling that she’s ready to tell her. the gag is removed again and Mira finally tells her (the wrong place as she wants Nadya to leave the room) Nadya leaves the room to retrieve to suitcase. Once she’s left we see Mira manage to get a hand free. She rushes to Untie her other hand and legs. We then see Nadya look Where Mira said realising she’s been tricked she rushed back to confront Mira. When she enters Nadya sees the empty bed.
Mira suddenly appears behind her and using one of her straps starts to strangle Nadya. Nadya manages to break free, the girls start fist fighting/attacking each other exchanging punches, grabbing hair, rolling around on the floor etc. Mira manages to get on top of Nadya punching her and strangling her. Nadya barely conscious manages to get Mira off her. Mira asks Nadya how she’d like to die. Mira goes to attack Nadya again. Nadya dodges her attacks before punching/kicking Mira several times. Mira falls to the floor and tries to crawl away. Nadya follows her as she slowly crawls towards the door. Nadya opens the door and tells Mira she can leave only if she tells her where the suitcase is. Mira admits defeat and tells Nadya. As Mira puts her head past the door Nadya slams it shut on her head. Mira’s eyes cross as she slumps to the floor on her belly her body is twitching/convulsing. Nadya grabs her hair and walks her (Mira crawls on her hands and knees) into another room with a sink/bath. She’s not finished with her yet. Nadya turns the taps on and forces Mira’s head into the water. Mira struggles, she manages to get her head out of the water a couple of times but each time Nadya forces her head back in. Finally, Mira’s body weakens a few twitches before going still. Nadya pulls Mira’s head from out of the water, as Nadya is holding Mira’s head Mira’s mouth opens, her tongue comes out and water pours out of her mouth. Mira has her eyes closed and her tongue far out. Nadya Holds her head up before allowing Mira’s body to fall back so she’s on her side. Nadya rolls Mira onto her back and checks her eyes (see attached image). 
Nadya, thinking she’s killed Mira leaves to collect the suitcase, she gets the suitcase and opens it to check it’s what she’s after (we don’t see inside, just Nadya looking). In the background we see a wet Mira standing holding a knife. She screams at Nadya that this isn’t over and she’d rather die than know Nadya got away with her suitcase. Nadya tells her that can be arranged. Mira runs to attack Nadya, Nadya swiftly turns and shoots Mira in her heart stopping her immediately. Mira shocked looks down at the hole in her chest before looking back at Nadya, blood flowing from her mouth. Nadya fires again near her heart. Mira collapses to her knees as Nadya walks up to her. Mira grabs onto Nadya and look up to her, she begs Nadya to make her death fast and painless. Nadya tells Mira how pathetic she is, grabs her head and snaps her neck. Mira falls onto her back, her body twitching. Nadya kicks Mira’s legs open so they’re spread really wide. She then grabs the knife out of her hand. Nadya holds the knife and slowly inserts it into Mira’s neck. More blood comes out of her mouth her eyes stare into the camera shocked before rolling/crossing. Nadya removes the knife (Mira’s body jerks at its removed) Mira’s body is still twitching so Nadya; tells Mira ‘you deserve this you fucking bitch’ before forcefully slamming the knife into Mira’s heart. Her body jerks again before going still. her eyes are crossed and her mouth slightly open with blood coming out of her mouth. Nadya stands up in between Mira’s spread legs and fires 3 more bullets into Mira’s body. Her body twitches with each shot. Nadya collects the suitcase and leaves. The camera pans Mira’s spread eagled body with shots of her whole body and close ups of spread legs and face. 

    21 minutes

Cast: Max and Mira Green


«First, thank you for update on the movie and delivering it within a few days of the update. It sounds like the business is doing well. Congratulations on the success of the film company, I hope it keeps up! I look forward to future productions with you guys.

The film was outstanding! The acting was awesome, especially the opening of the movie, loved it! The disemboweling scene was over the top, very realistic. Awesome job by your props and makeup crew, they do excellent work! That’s not an easy special effect to pull off but your actors and crew made it amazing! The camera angles and shots were perfect».

Customer’s Feedback and Review


binding, sacrifice, chloroform, blow,  stabbing unconsciousness, guts,  agitating, dismemberment, taking out the intestines, sawing, saw, a lot of blood



Scene 1

One of the male actors who is Miras boyfriend sees her and another man holding hands walking down the side walk. They don’t see him. He follows them and sees them flirting with each other. Mary goes into the other mans apartment to hook up. Miras boyfriend goes home devastated. Mary comes home to her boyfriends place. He follows her to the bedroom and confronts her about her cheating. She slaps him and he loses it. He’s gonna make her pay for being unfaithful to him. He knocks her out. She falls to the floor. He takes her by the legs and he drags her body out of the room. Her arms drag above her head. He drags her into the living room. Camera views at the floor level of her body and belly.  He goes and gets something to wrap her body up so no one sees him leave with her. He wraps her body up. 

The next scene he’s carrying her body into a room. In the room there is a table set up that has shackles for her arms and legs. He lays her out on the table. He takes all her clothes off. He takes each arm and secures them above her head and then secures  her legs.  Her body is fully stretched out. Head to toe camera pans of her naked body. But before he guts her he enjoys her body some. He takes his hand and rubs her stomach, circling her belly button with his finger. He rubs her tits. He takes his fingers and gently presses down on her belly on several different areas. He then takes both hands and puts them on her sides and squeezes her belly gently. Next we get a point of view from Mira, as if looking through her eyes. She’s waking up and the camera view goes from dark to light as she opens her eyes looking up. Mira looks around at her situation. She lifts her head and looks down to her feet. If you could get a shot from her point of view as  she looks down her body to her feet, the shot shows her  her belly rising and falling rapidly as she sees the her boyfriend standing at the end of the table at her feet. (See the example photo attached) He’s staring at her. She struggles against the restraints but can’t get free. Her boyfriend walks to the side of the table as she’s struggling. Mira asks him what he’s going to do to her? Camera views of her belly rising and falling because shes breathing hard.  He places his hand on top of her stomach as she struggles to get free. He tells her that he can’t believe that she had the guts to cheat on him. She arches her back raising her body off the table. She’s trying to get his hand off her. Mira tells him that she’s glad she cheated on him. He angrily presses her body back down with the hand that’s on her belly. He tells her that he is the last person she’s gonna chest on. He keeps his hand on her stomach.  She asks whats he’s going to do to her. He takes his hand off her belly and then slowly runs his finger down the middle of her belly, he stops at her navel and fingers it as he tells her he’s going to cut open her belly and slowly gut her like a pig. She starts to struggle and beg him not to kill her. He takes a cloth and holds it over her nose and mouth. She slowly stops struggling and goes unconscious.

Opens with camera views of Miras  body. She’s still unconscious. Her boyfriend Is standing over her with a knife in his hand. He takes the knife and slides it up and down the middle of her belly. He circles her navel with the knife. He takes the knife and places the tip on her upper belly just below her sternum. He presses down and the knife slides in to the hilt. We see the hilt of the knife press down against her belly. He pulls the blade down the middle of her stomach. As the hilt of the blade gets to her navel. He twist the knife several times. This causes Mira to let out a Ugg! Sound as she wakes up. He finishes the cut all the way down to her pussy. He pulls the knife out as she groans. He then takes his hands and opens her belly up. He reaches in her belly and starts to pull out her guts. Mary squirms in pain. He holds a hand full of her guts as she looks up at them. He drops the guts back on her belly as he finishes pulling them out. Her head rolls to the side, eyes open.  Finally he’s done and he drops her guts Into a bucket on the floor. Mary’s still alive.  He finally takes the knife and stabs her in the chest between her tits and she dies. The camera pans over Mary’s gutted  body. Her boyfriend now has to get rid of Mary’s body. The final scene is Mary’s boyfriend walking up to her body with a long saw. We see him place the saw across her stomach over her navel as if he’s going to cut her in half. The last scene is a an overhead view from the chest up. Her body rocking back and forth as her body is cut in half. 




COVID MASSACRE (Blood and Bullets)


     Strangler Under the Coach
    12 minutes
      Strangler Under the Coach - STRANGLER UNDER THE COACH

Starring: Anastasia and Catolina (titled as Katty)



No Dialoges, No long intro, just two long and sexy strangulation scenes with stripping and body pile!



Two sexy girls stayed at the room before the big party. Bat maniac broke their big plans. He appeared behind and strangled Anastasis. Anastasia did great strangulation work with aggressive leg jerking in her black stockings, wonderfull death stares and very well acted trying to escape. When her friend went from the bath she was attached too. It was the first role for our new actress about strangulation but she did it great. He eyes got red, her body was jerked as strong as she could…

After the murder maniac dud a bodypile  Inhappy Birhday 2
    25 minutes
      Inhappy Birhday 2 - Starring: Luiza, Nata, Julianne, Annabelle

Fetish elements:

*************, *******, stockings, tongue out, death stares, legs kicking, sexy situations. neck breaking, body carrying, 4 dead ***** bodypile

25 minutes! 4 ************* scenes and lots of dead playing!

Last summer, a terrible crime was committed (see Unhappy Birthday). 4 ***** were ********* at the party. It was probably manic-strangler. The case was never solved.

****** birthday **** *********, which was not in terrible fateful holiday, continued to live sweet. She inherited the estate of his ******. And today she celebrates her birthday with her best friend!

Keith Maniac read about the events of last summer from the newspapers. He was very excited by what had happened and decided to repeat the "feat" of his predecessor. He tracked down the sisters of the dead **** and rushed to her holiday!

First he ********* Nata in the bathroom. He put the corpse on the toilet. Then he attacked Juliana, while she was resting on the bed. At the end of ************* he broke her neck with a crunch! Later he attacked the very traitor and ********* her in the bathroom, shower cord, leaving her body in the jacuzzi. His last ****** was a club **** Annabelle. Later, he stripped the body and folded in bodypile, like his predecessor.
    13 minutes

Starring: Nadya and Tim

Fetish Elements


Shooting to the chest, shooting to the stomach, shooting to the neck, agony, suffering, surprised face, shock before death, humiliation, elegant sexy spy, black stocking, white shirt, spy theme



A sexy spy has black business  - she sells fake passports to mafia letting them do their dirty deeds and go abroad. She knows too much about her customers and one of them after a deal decides to kill her. She is a smoker. And she shoots her many times and tortures her with a cigarette.  GREEDY CLIENT 2
    10 minutes
Fetish Elements: 
Hooker, Boots, Leather Clothes, Strangulation, Garrote, Interesting Plot

A cheap hooker has been booked by a client through her agency by phone. She didn't know him. She's supposed to strip for him and maybe do even more. He wants her in particularly irritating and erotic clothing.  When she arrives in his hotel room, she takes a seat on the sofa, opens her jacket, under which she wears only a bra, crossing her legs: "I want 50 per cent of my price up front and the other half after that," she urges.  "Let's not talk about money, tell me about your job and what you can do," the suitor says. "I want to see what I'm supposed to pay for first," he adds. She takes off her jacket and mini skirt and starts stripping in front of him. After that, she demands her money. He doesn't want to pay, thinks she's unprofessional. She wants to leave but demands half the price. "I tell my boss sending his boys by," she threatens him, hastily putting her stuff back on. When she wants to go to the door and takes her phone to inform her boss, he briefly ponders how to prevent that. He quickly takes his tie, puts it around her neck from behind and pulls on, a tough and cruel fight begins. She groans, fights back, struggles for air. He slowly pulls her to the ground, she punches him and fights, but is helpless. He pulls the tie firmer, she's stramping with her legs, fighting for her life. Her powers leave her, she gets weaker and weaker. Brutally and excruciatingly, she experiences her final seconds, her body just twitching, then she dies with her eyes wide open. He leaves her lifeless body lying on the floor. "You dirty slut, that was your reward“, he laughs at her, leaving the hotel room.

    12 minutes
Custom Video 
Starring: Li
High Boot, Strangulation

A young Girl rents a room in a shared apartment. The next room is rented by a Man. In the evening, the young Girl wants to go to the Disco. She chooses an upsetting outfit: a black leather jacket, black leather top, red tight fabric mini skirt, black fishnet tights and knee-high black leather boots. When she gets dressed, she makes the music quite loud, drinking some whiskeys to get in the mood. The man sits in the neighboring room at the computer, works, tries to concentrate. He hears the loud music, frets and holds his ears. He then knocks on the wall and shouts: “Make the music quieter, otherwise you'll get trouble!” She doesn't hear him, drinks another whiskey and starts dancing. Eventually, the man loses patience and walks into the girl's room. “Stop the music, it's bothering me! Didn't you hear me?” he yells angrily at her. The girl laughs at him: "That's not my problem after all, hold your ears shut, you idiot!" Drunk, she continues to dance. Irritated, the neighbor goes to the stereo and pulls the plug. When he wants to leave the girl's room, she weaves to the stereo and reopens the music, louder than before. She then walks to the window, her whiskey in her hand, looks out of the window and moves her butt to the beat of the music. "Stop it straight away or a misfortune happens, i can't work like that!" he yells at her again. She turns to him and laughs at him again: "Forget it, this is my room, I can do whatever i want here!" Then she looks out of the window again, turns her back to him. He walks furiously from behind towards her, she doesn't notice him. “You dirty slut, you don't want it any other way!” He takes his belt and quickly puts it around her neck from behind. She's surprised, drops the glass. He pulls on tight, she tries to free herself, groans, barely gets air. She gets weaker, slowly he pulls her to the ground. Her brutal end begins. She's tramples with her legs, tries to beat him, her moaning is getting louder. But she has no chance. Her movements slow down, cruelly he pulls the belt more tightly. Her body begins to twitch, then she dies in agony with her eyes wide open. He gets up satisfied, pulls the plug of the stereo and leaves her lifeless body behind. "So it's better you dirty piece of shit"! Laughing, he walks back to his room.  FOREVER MINE
    10 minutes

Just Great Bloody Realistic Shooting in POV Style
Bride in Wedding-Dress was shot in her belly, chest and pussy with her party-girls by her ex-boyfriend!

Starring: Maria A, Judi, Annabelle, Yana, Katya Steals
Fetish Elements:
Waitress was shot quickly
Girl in a long green dress was shot in her head and then was shot dead in her breast
Girl in red dress was shot in her breast – long, very long agony and then deadly shot in her stomach
Smoking girl was shot in the balcony to her chest many times – great shock reaction
The bride was shot in her belly – great shock reaction and begging for life – then she gets a bullet to her breast and then to her PUSSY!
Great bodypile

If you like this video please CHECK OUT
    13 minutes

Actress: I want the actress to be Judi and any male actor.

Dress/ make up: for Judi, I want her in a tight bodycon dress (lighter color), with red lips and high heel. 

Element: Shot in Face and Multiple Chest shots with realistic bullet makeup/ long death struggle/ blood cough(emphasize on the blood coughing process)/ death stare/ stripping after death/ realistic death makeup (pale face and lips)

Background: Judi is sexy undercover police woman. After dinner with the suspect, she starts seducing the suspect with flirty language and body touching.

Scene 1: The suspect starts having intimate acts with Judi with touching and kissing( if possible). Then Judi starts asking questions related to a case (did you stole the money from Max?) and the suspect answers the question ( of course I did) without realizing.

Scene 2: Once Judi got the answer, she stops the intimate acts and backs off and tells him, “you are under arrest and I have your confession recorded.” The suspect is shocked and stands up and ask, “ so you never loved me and everything is just a trap?” Judi answers, “ of course, how could I love a criminal” the suspect is heart broken and retrieves his gun. Judi is surprised that he has a gun and tells him do not do stupid things, and opens her phone to call for backup.

Scene 3: The suspect shoots her three times on her chest (realistic bullet hole) and she is shocked and looks at her wounds and drops her phone. She tries to calm him down but could not speak and starts blood coughing. She then struggles to stand up and collapses on the ground. She struggles to breath and convulses on the ground with more blood cough. After more struggling, she stops moving and passes out.

Scene 4: The suspect approaches Judi and looks at her. Thinking she is dead, he puts his gun on the floor next to her body, and turns his back to make phone calls.

Scene 5: Judi suddenly wakes up with a gasp and retrieve the gun and struggles to stand up. She aims the gun at him and fires but misses him. The suspect has another gun on him and fires back at Judi. Judi is hit two more times on the chest( realistic bullet hole) and she stops firing and coughs more blood. The suspect takes his aim and fires one more shot hitting Judi in her Left Cheek (realistic makeup of bullet hole on face) The shot makes a splash of brain matter on the wall and floor. Judi falls to the ground and her body starts to have a lot of convulsions before she is finally dead with eyes open. The suspect flees the scene.

Scene 6: A few days later, the suspect returns to the scene to retrieve the gun. He saw the corpse with realistic corpse makeup, he undresses her and touches her breast full of bullet holes, and says “I really liked you but you made the wrong choice” before leaving.
Or got to
    11 minutes
Custom Movie for 250$ donation! 
Fetish Elements:
Hooker, Boots, Leather Clothes, Strangulation, Garrote, Interesting Plot


A client call a hooker to have a nice evening. But he is very greedy and don’t like to pay. So he decide to manipulate with the hooker to make her serve him for free. The girl is vary angry and wants to go away and promises to revenge: she says she will talk with somebody named Jimmy and he will punish greedy boy. The man is afraid and he takes a cord and strangles poor girl to her death…

CALL GIRL (parts 1-4)
    12 minutes
Starring: Mira Green, Polina Wood, Archie
Jenny(Mira Green)  and Dannie( Polina Wood) are two female soldiers in the war era. They are responsible for guarding a building. One day, Jenny and Dannie take off the skirt she wears in her life and put on a solid long-sleeved T-shirt and army green sweatpants. At this time, two girls tucked the T-shirt completely into the pants, and raised the waist of the pants a few centimetres above the belly button. 
At this moment, Jenny stroked her belly and asked Dannie: "Are you hungry now, I am starving." Dannie also started to touch her belly and said: "Absolutely, shall we go to eat some bread and yogurt right now in the kitchen and back to our position quickly?" "Okay, great idea! I guess our stomachs need to be fed as soon as possible haha." The two girls patted and stroked their stomachs, chatting and laughing towards When they walked to the kitchen, they didn't know that an enemy agent had sneaked into the building where they were. In an instant, their door was kicked open by the agent. So Jenny picked up the rifle next to him, and Dannie picked up a pistol and counterattacked. The two girls stood behind the bunker (don't sit down here, make sure the clothes are completely tucked into the sweatpants) and started a gunfight with the enemy. The two sides exchanged fire for a while, the agent's marksmanship was accurate, and soon Jenny got 2 bullets in her belly.  
She stood against the wall, opened her clothes, and started stroking the two bullet holes in her belly. Jenny was unwilling to be knocked down like this, so she lifted her trousers and tucked her clothes neatly into the trousers (wearing like a soldier). After that, she rushed out of the bunker and began to exchange fire with the agents head-on. Unfortunately, under the strong firepower of the agent, several bullet holes were shot into Jenny's stomach and sides of his ribs, as well as near his heart. Jenny was holding the gun, unwilling to want to endure the pain in his body and continue fighting. The agent fired another shot, hitting Jenny's belly button. She couldn't hold on anymore, and sat down against the wall behind, panting weakly. 

At this time, Dannie (Polina wood) saw that Jenny was shot down, and she was frightened. But she also had to step forward to challenge. So Dannie raised the waistband of his pants and checked that the shirt was neatly tucked into the pants. She took the pistol and walked in Jenny's direction, and shot the agent without hesitation. However, the agent aimed the gun at Dannie's stomach and continued to fire. Several bullet holes appeared in Dannie's stomach, ribs, belly button, and lower abdomen. At this time, the agent fired two shots at Dannie's chest and belly button. She was originally prepared to resist, and she completely lost her combat effectiveness. Like Jenny, she leaned against the wall and sat on the ground to catch her breath. Seeing the two weak female soldiers in front of him, the agent gradually walked over. The two female soldiers were panting weakly. They were sitting on the ground, their stomachs constantly rising and falling. At this moment, Jenny raised his gun in an attempt to fight back. The agent immediately fired several shots into Jenny's stomach. After taking a few big breaths, Jenny didn't move and died. The agent drew a dagger from his waist, looked at the weak Dannie (Polina Wood), pointed it at her belly button and pierced it fiercely. Dannie clutched the dagger on her stomach, panting in pain. Her breathing continued to weaken, her body began to twitch up and down, and she stopped breathing after a while. Looking at the bodies of the two female soldiers in front of them, the agent first pulled out the dagger stuck in Dannie's stomach, and then opened her clothes. Looking at Dannie's bruised belly and chest, the agent couldn't help but began to stroke it. After that, the agent put Dannie's clothes down, tucked her clothes completely into her pants, helped her lift her pants, and died like a soldier. Then the agent inserted the dagger back into Dannie's belly button. The agent then walked over to Jenny, who uncovered Jenny's clothes and stroked the bullet holes in her belly and chest. After that, the agent tucked Jenny's clothes into the pants under her, and lifted the pants. (A close-up of the corpse from all angles for about 2 minutes)  AMAZONES TRAITOR
    18 minutes
Direct sequel to QUEEN KILLER Part 1 & 2
Important key elements of the custom (as always):
- oiled (sweaty bodies, please MORE than in QUEEN KILLER)
- emotional, lustful acting, animalistic, over-the-top
- protruding, clearly visible ribs, heavy breathing, lustful
- death scenes: arching, writhing, moaning, NEVER TOUCH THE WOUND, arms/legs outstretched, visble ribs
Costumes and props: exactly like in "Queen Killer": only this loincloth, necklace (queen Nadya only), barefoot, war paint, body oiled, big knife.
Nadya - Amazon Queen
Angelina - Amazon Warrior
one of your guys - Brotherhood agent
Setting: in a normal living room, no special locations required. Dialogue in English if possible (if not Russian with subtitles).
Nadya is dressed in normal streetwear, she is sitting at a table, staring at a notebook screen. She is watching a video that the brotherhood sent her (Queen Killer, showing the demise of two other queens): she is aroused and disgusted at the same time. Finally she slams the notebook cover and yells "NOOOO!" 
She is very aroused and angry. Angelina rushes in (in streetwear, too).
Angelina: "My queen, what is wrong?"
Nadya: "The Brotherhood! They killed two of our queens! They know EVERYTHING! They know about the Queen Killer knife and found it! And they know about our weak spot - the navel!"
Angelina: "How is this possible? These are our secrets  for a long time!"
Nadya: "Exactly! There is only one way..." (Pause) "There must be a traitor in our tribe!"
Angelina: "This is not possible!"
Nadya: "It is! Now, let us dress up and prepare for a battle! They will come soon!"
Angelina nods. (Fade to black)
New scene, same room.
Nadya is now dressed as the amazon queen: loincloth, necklace, barefoot, war paint, oiled up. She is aroused and ready. She touches her belly and sticks a finger in her navel. She moans.
Angelina walks in, too, dressed as an amzon warrior: loincloth, necklace, barefoot, war paint, oiled up, too. One arm is behind her back, she is hiding something.
Angelina: "You are so beautiful my queen!" She licks her tongue.
Nadya notices that she is hiding something and understands.
Nadya: "You, Angelina?"
Angelina only smiles as an agent from the brotherhood walks in, too. Nadya stares angrily at him. 
Angelina shows what she is hiding behind her back: the queen killer knife! Nadya gasps in fear and excitement. She breathes heavily, staring at the knife which already unleashes its magic. Nadya feels so horny! She wants to die!!! She wants to be stabbed with this big knife in her bellybutton!!! She knows it´s a trick from the knife, but she can barely fight her lust to be killed! She won´t remove her necklace! Never!!!
Angelina approaches, the queen breathes heavily. Sucking in her belly deep in and out, slowly. Her ribs protrude so clearly with every breath! She stares at the agent as he shows her the knife! Slowly Angelina glides it over Nadya´s naked body and the queen gets more and more aroused.
Angelina finally smiles and pokes into the queens bellybutton. As the blade glides into her bellybutton she moans loudly. Her breathing becomes faster and deeper. Ohhh, so wants to be stabbed there so badly! She wants to feel the blade in her guts!!! But no, she won´t take her necklace off! 
Angelina: "Remove your necklace, my queen and I will stab you right there! Right in your bellybutton!"
Nadya moans and licks her lips, raises her arms slowly up. She is offering her naked body. 
Angelina: "I wil gut you like a pig. I know you want to feel the cold steel in your guts!"
Nadya  reists for some moments, then she tears the necklace and throws it away.She keeps her hands behind her head, she is offering her bellybutton to be stabbed! She is totally horny now and wants the blade inside her!! 
Nadya: "Stab me! Gut me like a pig!"
Angelina loves how the amazon queen is offering her naked body to her. Nadya stabs the knife deep inside her bellybutton.
"OOUGHHHH!!!" The queen grunts loud and her eyes open in shock and pain! Angelina holds the blade as they look and each other eyes for some seconds. Then she pulls it out. Nadya grunts again!! Angelina takes some steps back. The queen breathes heavily and looks down her belly. Her bellybutton is bleeding. She stares at Angelina in disbelief and finally sinks to her knees. She NOT touches the wound! NEVER!!!
The she falls on her back and starts to writhe, arch and moan in agony. More blood flows from her wound, down the sides also. LONG SCENE of arching, moaning, lustful, squirming, different camera angles, CLEARLY VISIBLE RIBS, NOT TOUCHING THE WOUND, arms and legs outstretched.. 
Again after some minutes she arches her back very high, screams LOUD and then spits a lot of blood from her mouth. She collapses back, dead.
Some more views of her bloody, dead body. And the necklace on the ground. 
The death of her queen has Angelina aroused a lot. She is totally horny now, too, while the agent observed the scene without much reaction.
Agent: "Come on, let´s get the computer and move! Other amazons will come soon!"
As he turns to get the computer, Angelina stabs the knife in his back. The agent is totally surprised. He screams and he turns around to Angelina, she stabs him again in the belly. The agent falls on his back, writhing in pain.
Angelina: "Did you really think I will work with the brotherhood? I only want to become queen!"
She laughs.
She sits down on his belly and raises the knife: "Time to die, bastard!"
She plunges the knife down but the agent can catch it- Angelina presses the blade down to his chest as he is blocking it with two hands. Both moan as they press over control.
Although the agent is badly wounded he is stronger than the amazon. Slowly he turns the blade pointing to Angelina´s belly. 
It comes closer and closer to her bellybutton, both moan in fight. Finally the tip has reached Angelinas navel and she moans loud. With a big thrust the agent stabs her belly button. Angelina grunts and her eyes widen in shock and pain.
Agent: "Now I show you how to to gut a pig!"
He twists the blade and Angelina screams loudly: "AIIIIIEEEYYYYYHHH!". She bends a bit over and spits blood on the agent´s face.
The agent pulls the blade out and pushes Angelina away like a piece of trash. She falls off, doubles over and land on her back. she does the same dying show as the queen:
More blood flows from her wound, down the sides also. LONG SCENE of arching, moaning, lustful, squirming, different camera angles, CLEARLY VISIBLE RIBS, NOT TOUCHING THE WOUND, arms and legs outstretched.. 
After some time Angelina somehow manages to get up on all fours. She has so much pain and will die soon but she will kill the agent first! Slowly she crawls to him (nice side shots please to see her ribs).  She bends over him to strangle him to death but in the same time the agent (who still has the knife) stabs her between the ribs. (she doesn´t have to sit on him, she is just to approach him, before she can do anything, she is stabbed).
Angelina grunts and her eyes widen again. More blood spills from her mouth. The agent pulls the knife out and Angelina falls to the side, on her back... dead.
Some views of both amazon bodies, than fade to black.
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    Crime House Fantasy Studio (also Crime House & Crime House and Dark Rooms) is independent production company with female death fetish orientation. Crime House does very erotic stuff, but not porn. Why we advice to offer our videos? 1. SEXY VICTIM-ACTRESSES ONLY 2. REALISTIC DEATH SITUATIONS 3. GREAT ACTING 4. CSGFX EFFECTS 5. NEW MODELS EVERY WEEK 6. ALL DEATH FETISH GENRES 7. NOT PORN BUT VERY-VERY EROTIC AND HOT 8.RUSSIAN AND EAST EUROPE HOT MODELS 9. WE DO KNOW HOW TO PLAY SEXY DEATH 10. ALL MOVIES ARE MADE IN VERY HIGH QUALITY

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