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    All content on Kinky Clips is Role Playing Fantasy only.
    All content is consensual and is acted out by models of legal age.
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    6 minutes
Starring: Nata and Marina
Catfighting to death 
Fetish elements:
Beating, Catfighting, Punching to the pussy, Punching to the belly, beating to face, fountains of blood, pain, changing winner and looser, , knock outs, boxing handcrafting, near to escape, beating to death, female fatale, hitwoman, leather, spies. 
Dynamic fatal femmes fighting to the death! Two spies in sexy leather suits meet in deadly cruel fight. Much blood, much pain! 
Hits to the face with blood, hits to the body, domination, aggressive fighting, victims POV (last moments).
If you have fantasies to kill sexy leather spy in fighting this one is for you!
If you have fantasies to be killed by sexy spy this one is also for you!  HATED MANAGER
    47 minutes
«masterpiece as usual. the best, in everything. I hope to see the other videos soon too. and I will certainly ask you for more in the future.»
Customer’s Review 
Starring: Mira Green, Tatiana, Keila
Consists: Chloroform, Manual Choking, Bagging, Bondage, Poisoning, Strangulation
Consists many pantyhose, foot fetish, FemDom. Girl killing girl fetishes
Scene 1. Mira Green Kills Tatiana
Scene 2 Tatiana Kills Keila
Scene 3 Keila Kills Tatiana 
Scene 4 Tatiana Kills Keila with a snake and snake attacks Tatiana too!

    13 minutes




Starring: Angelina, Max  


Inspector Angelia follows the villain warlord to an abandoned warehouse. She had been following him since arriving at the location Super Annabelle had gone to, just in time to see him leave. She enters the abandoned building

She see’s the Warlord about to grab a pair of floating scissors, she yells at him to “Stop, put your hands up and walk to me slowly”

“I can’t…can’t you hear the voice, it’s telling me to pick up the scissors, I can’t stop” explains the Warlord

“I’ll shoot if you pick up those scissors.” Warns Angelina

He grabs the scissors and she shots him in the chest. He drops to the ground with the scissors in his hand. Inspector Angelia slowly approaches the Warlord who is either dead or dying, looking out for any of his gang members.

She approaches the body of the Warlord and is surprised to see the body of a man wearing a trench coat, his face is masked, only his eyes are visible. She can see a pair of scissors in his hand, the same pair of scissors he grabbed, and his other hand is now a claw. Suddenly he opens eyes, eyes that now have a haunting red glow.

He stabs her in the upper thigh of one thigh with his scissors and stabs her in the other upper thigh with the claw . He then pushes down on his weapons to help stand him up, causing a large gash to appear on both legs, dark red blood oozes from the wound

He lets go of her skirt; Inspector Angelia quickly pulls up her panties and her tights, causing more runs to appear. She lifts her skirt as she pulls up her panties and tights. He stabs her in the crotch with his scissors when her panties are exposed. Blood sprays from the wound.

She covers her panties with her skirt and keeps a hand on her crotch as she hunches over. The masked man then stabs her in the crotch again, with the scissors, going through her hand on her skirt, and her skirt. More blood sprays from the wound.

She screams in pain holding the wrist of her bloodied hand. She gets twirled around so her back is facing the masked man. He slashes her across the back with his clawed hand causing multiple gashes to appear on her back. dark red blood oozes from the wound.

He then stabs her in-between her legs, dark red blood sprays and then drips down from the wound. Inspector Angelia in a lot of pain, and in complete shock walks forward until she reaches a table and collapses onto the table.

The masked man lifts her skirt to get a clear view of her spectacular ass. He then begins to spank her in the ass until her ass is red and her panties are torn up. He then stabs her in both butt cheeks, dark red blood oozes from the wounds.

He roles her off the table and she lands on her back arching her back in pain from the deep gashes. He then kicks her in between the legs a few times and then pulls off her skirt and looks at her bloodied body. He roles her over and then looks at her bloodied body again. He then kneels beside her and says, “I’m taking this as a souvenir.” He laughs and leaves.

She lies there, unmoving, and barely breathing. Another police officer appears and see’s Angelina on the ground. He approaches her and checks for a pulse. Startled he stand up fast and pulls out a radio and says. “We have an officer down, send an ambulance right away, she won’t survive unless we get medical help right away, please hurry.” He stops talking on the radio, and then speaks to her, “Fight, please fight to say alive”.

At the hospital she is on life support, the two men talk about her saying that she will never move again if she ever regains consciousness. Then one doctor says “She has no next of kin, the world thinks she is dead, we can do with her what we want. Super Annabelle hasn’t been seen for in weeks now, there is a homicide maniac on the lose, we need a hero, we have the Super Annabelle formula, I think we should use it.

The other doctor replies” Are you mad, we have no idea what the formula will do, it could kill her or worse”

“It already is worse” he says, “and things are getting worse, we need a miracle, what do we have to lose.”


Elements: Police uniform, Blood and bruising effects, cloths tearing, Lots of blood on the legs, crotch, butt , back, arms, stomach, chest.  Clip 377
    17 minutes
      Clip 377 - NEW MODEL – ARINA!
Student Girl was chosen by adept of sadist corporation to be  cruelly killed by shooting. It’s stylish and very bloody shooting movie with 15+ bullets to young body, much begging for life and crying!

Fetish Elements: 
Shooting to arms, hands, knees, legs, torso, stomach, breasts, back, head!

If you like this movie please check out 

    28 minutes
Custom about 2 sexy agents who are on a mission but betray eachother with various knockouts.
Actresses: Alice M.(Polina) and Emma
Two agents sneak into a room guns drawn. They carefully check the area before locating a computer.Polina motions to Emma to start the hack. Emma sits down and Polina goes to watch the door.As Emma is typing, she looks over her shoulder a few times.Polina secretly prepares a white rag. Emma continues to type but slowly takes her shoes off.Polina: "Are we almost ready?"Emma: "Yes give me 5 minutes" Emma lied, she is already finished and takes the USB.Polina pretends to get a phone call walking into another roomPolina "Yes Boss, the data is authentic we will deliver soon... Yes Boss I understand" Emma takes the oppounity to quietly get up and sneak towards Polina, her gun drawn.Emma turns the corner and suddenly Polina clamps the white rag over her Emma's mouth.Emma is surprised and drops her gun, struggling against her attacker.Emma twists and kicks her legs but can't get free.Polina: "You know how this works... That's it breathe it in... Don't fight just breathe..." Emma's eyes dart around looking for anything that can help her. She holds her breath and fights for a few more seconds.Soon her legs stop kicking and her arms drop. She begins to breathe regularly and her moans become long and drawn out.Polina: "No hard feelings dear, even the best spies need to sleep sometimes..." Emma's eyes roll closed and she gives one final long moan as she passes out.She carefully lowers Emma's limp form to the floor.Polina searches Emma and finds the USB but also a small perfume bottle.Polina takes the USB and the bottle. She calls her Boss."Yes Boss, it's me... No, she is unconscious. She would have knocked me out and stolen the drive I think." "May I hypnotize her to get more answers?""Understood"Polina hangs up and brings the limp Emma over to the bed flipping her on her back.She takes her own shoes off and sits on the bed, examining Emma's toned legs.Polina gently places Emma's head on her lap and begins to massage the agent, slowly waking her up.Soon Emma begins to stir making womanly noises and slowly blinking her eyes open.Polina dangles a pocketwatch directly in front of Emma's face forcing her to stare it at.Emma's eyes try to look elsewhere but is soon fixated on the watch.Polina "Deep breath in... Deep breathe out..." "Follow the watch and listen to my voice" Repeat several times. "you are now under my control"Emma is soon entranced.Polina orders Emma to sit up on the bed. Emma does so eyes blinking very slightly but otherwise completely relaxed.Polina puts the watch away."Sleep" Emma stares forward but does not react."Sleep" Still no reaction."Sleep" Polina touches Emma's forehead with one finger.Emma very dramatically collapses back onto the bed giving a pleasureable moan as she falls and closes her eyes."When I clap my hands you will wake up and be completely under my control"Polina takes a moment to admire Emma before she claps her hands.Emma opens her eyes and sits up."Were you going to betray me on this mission and sell the drive?" "Yes""Are you working with others?" "No""Will your buyer come to this location?" "Yes""Are you going to betray them?" Emma stares blankly"Were you planning to render me unconscious?" "Yes""Were you going to use this on me?" Polina holds up the perfume bottle. "Yes"Polina smiles and gives a sigh of satisfaction."Do you enjoy being put to sleep?" "Yes" "You look very tired would you like sleep now?" Yes..."Polina douses the white rag once again and tosses it to Emma who is sitting on the bed."Deep breath in... Deep breath out" Emma picks up the cloth and places it over her own mouth with two hands.Polina watches and smiles, very turned on."When I clap my hands you will no longer be hypnotized and not remember anything except for that sweet smell"Emma inhales and begins to moan, her eyes fluttering and her head swaying.Polina watches closely, enjoying every moment of it. Her hands are ready to clap at the precise moment.As Emma is about to pass out, Polina suddenly claps her hands.Emma's head tilts backwards and she gives on final trailing moan as she passes out. She drops the rag to reveal her face completely relaxed eyes closed and mouth open.Polina checks to make sure Emma is completely unconscious before moving her to a more comfortable sleeping position.She calls her boss. "Yes it's me" "She is working alone, I am confident." "Yes I understand, I will handle everything Boss don't worry."Polina takes the small perfume bottle and empties the contents, she replaces it with water.She walks over to the unconscious Emma and places the bottle back where she found it, also hiding her gun under the pillow.Polina puts her shoes back on and walks around, finding a bottle of wine. She pours herself a drink and sits down on the chair.She enjoys the view of Emma completely limp and helpless. She can't help put take some pictures on her phone with Emma in various positionsPolina finishes and sits back down, slowly sipping on the gass of wine and crossing her legs while she waits.Emma starts to stir. Polina takes a deep breath and turns around pretending to type.Emma quietly wakes up and carefully looks around she sees Polina distracted and readies her perfume bottle.Emma sneaks behind Polina and spins her around spraying her in the face with the sedative.Polina is caught off guard and gasps not expecting Emma to be so quick and quiet.Her shocked epression immedately turns to confusion and dizziness as she pretends to pass out. Polina manages grab Emma before falling unconscious into her waiting arms, moaning as she swooned.Emma drags the limp Polina onto the bed and searches her thoroughly, she finds the drive."Sorry beautiful, but you you should of tied me up!"Emma gets her phone and calls her buyer."Yes, I have it." Emma looks over at Polina's sleeping form "Bring the money and I have something extra for you as well" "Yes, she is unconscious bring something to keep her under"Emma hangs up and looks around, she sees the glass of wine and white rag."Enjoyed your time with me didn't you?"Emma goes to her shoes and retrieves a folded piece of paper.She reveals some white powder inside of it and pours it into the glass of wine, stirring the contents slightly."A gift for you just incase"Emma grabs the white rag and soaks it. She looks over at Polina who is still pretending to be asleep.Emma sits on the bed and clamps the rag over Polina's mouth.Polina does not open her eyes but she begins to moan. Suddenly she starts to panick when she realizes what is happening.She struggles and tries to reach for her hidden gun. "Whats wrong? Didn't think I would use this on you?" Emma teases.Polina knows theres nothing she can do at this point except to surrender to her fate. She breathes and moans deeply with pleasure as her eyes roll closed.Emma holds the cloth for a while longer. "Sweet dreams..."Emma enjoys Polina's limp form, groping her legs. She poses Polina in different provactive positions while teasing her for being so careless, taking some pictures as well. At the end she thanks Polina for giving her another item to bargain withEmma hears a knock on the door and she gets up off the bed fixing her hair/dress, putting her shoes on and grabbing her gun.
Change to FPV
Emma opens the door. "Hi there please come in" Emma walks over and shows you the unconscious Polina. "This is the bonus... Beautiful isn't she?"You zoom in and inspect Polina, moving her limp from. She is deeply unconscious.You take out a syringe and pretend to inject it into Polina's neck. At the last second you tuck the needle away hiding it from Emma."How about a toast to our success?" Emma offers seductively. She pours herself a cup and offers you the other glass."What? You don't trust me? Fine then have it your way"Emma takes out her phone and makes a call."Boss the mission was a failure. She drugged me and stole the drive. Yes I just woke up. No the data is gone, deleted from the computer as well. I think she will sell it."As Emma is distracted with the phone call you sneak up behind her."Yes I'll report back immediately" She hangs up.You inject Emma from behind and she gasps in shock, dropping the perfume bottle."Asshole! we had a deal!" She spins around, fighting to stay awake."I'll kill you..." Emma cannot finish her sentence before she lets out a moan and collapses.You watch as Emma succumbs to the drug while trying to reach for the dropped bottle.You flip Emma over and stroke her hair/face until she goes completely under.You take her phone from the floor and try to unlock it with her sleeping face.After some slight moving it unlocks and you scroll through it for intel.You are distracted by the pictures of Polina laid out and unconscious.Suddenly you turn around.Polina is standing with her gun pointed at you. She whips you in the head and then kicks your face knocking you to the ground before stepping on you with her hosed feet.
Fade to black.Fade in with you still on the floor looking up at Polina. She is holding her phone in one hand and a glass of wine in the other."Yes Boss, my plan worked" "I have captured the buyer" "Do I have permission to question them?" "Understood" you vaguely see Polina take a sip as she hangs up.Fade to black.Fade in to Polina trying to hypnotize you with the pocketwatch. Close up on her face and the watch side by side."Deep breath in... Deep breathe out..." "Follow the watch and listen to my voice." You notice she is slightly drowsy.As she repeats it she becomes more and more tired, her eyes blinking slowly and her head swaying. Ocassionally pausing to yawn."You are getting very sleepy" She starts to slur her words and it is now very hard for her eyes to stay open"You just want to sleep to sleep""Sleep...""sleep..." After uttering the last word Polina collapses forward ontop of you.After a few moments you get up and inspect her limp form, turning her head a few times. She mews slightly at your touch but does not wakeYou walk over to Emma who is still unconscious and place her on the bed next to PolinaYou take Polina's phone and unlock it with her sleeping face.You take a few pictures of the two slumbering agents before taking the drive from Emma and leaving.  HEIRESS
    17 minutes
      HEIRESS - HEIRESS (Stepfather) 

CAST: Alice M, Den, Luiza
«..the custom is really nice...»
From Customers Review 
Fetish Elements
Sexy Clothes, Black Pantyhose, Boots, Dressing, Family Conflict, Rich Bitch, Seduction, Conflict, Poison, Agony, Long Death, Shooting to the Back, Death Stare 

A spoiled chick has made an extensive inheritance of her deceased mother. She lives in luxury, expensive clothes, often celebrates wild parties. Her stepfather wants her money. So he decides to kill her. He invites her to his apartment. On the pretext of talking to her about her future. She always knew that her stepfather found her very sexy. So she wore particularly provocative clothes for this evening to provoke him. He asks her for a glass of wine. The wine is poisoned. He's watching her after she's drunk. She's getting hot, she's struggling for air. Then she falls to the ground, fights for her life, moans. The fight is long and hard. She tries to crawl on the floor to the door. She stands up, can barely stand on her feet, wants to open the door and flee. At this moment, her stepfather pulls a pistol with silencer and shoots her from behind. She moans loudly, sinks to the ground and dies quite slowly....

If you like this film please check out
    33 minutes

Mary, Anastasia, Christy, Anatoliy
Maniac invites different women from Freelancer Center to kill them and make the most horror and strange installation in the word!

1 scene. Teacher. Maniac invites French teacher to his house. She is young woman in glasses from good family. If she even knew that it would be her end! Maniac strangled her on the table. She jerked her legs in pantyhose as strong as she could, gasped. When he strangled her, he stripped her body to full nude and carried to the bed.
2 scene. Financial Consultant.  Maniac invited the second woman and asked her to do a consultation about trading. He attacked her from behind and started to strangle just in Xerox machine. She touched the button and Xerox-machine started to do copies of her dying face. It is realy hot scene in office style!
3 scene. Designer. Maniac invited designer and offered very strange deal – he askes her to do the art installation of the dead bodies. She was frightened but he didn’t let her go, made her strip and then strangled to death.
You can see dead bodies in different poses and bodipiles.
Who is the next victim?  STOLEN PROJECT
    13 minutes



GREAT STRANGULATION LONG SCENE WITH NADYA + AMAZING SETTING OF OFFICE! Our Crew did it specially for our fans to make you feel the atmpspere, style, the mood of characters.


Office, Beating, Aggression, Long Strangulation, Great Crime Scene, Death Stare, Black Pantyhose, Botts, Legs


Fired Employee  - IVAN (NEW GREAT ACTOR!)

Office bitch (victim) NADYA

Office Gossip Girl (episode role) LILI

Boss (episode role) SCARLETT

Vladimir (well known character from 3 murders of Mary and Reckless Lawyer) TIM

Cleaner (episode role) ANNABELLE



(as customer wrote it, we did intro, preamble  mesa scenes better, we like our customers and when have an opportunity to be better  - we do it without extra funds)

The Stolen Project

A man walks up and down in his office, he makes a phone call and is noticeably nervous. On his table is a laptop. His personal belongings lie in a cardboard box. "Do you at least explain to me the reason for my dismissal?" he shouts into the phone. The boss replies: "We have found a better candidate for this position, it is a young woman who has worked in the competition so far. All members of the Commission were delighted with their project presentation "Automated Distribution System". It's exactly what our company needs now." "What? That cannot be true! That's my project, I wanted to introduce it next week. I have all the data on my laptop," he replies desperately. He opens the appropriate folder on his laptop. It's empty! "This slut! She stole my project," he shouts aloud. He slaps his fist on the table and leaves the office. In the hallway, he meets his competitor. She's reading some documents right now. He roughly grabs her, presses her to the wall, puts his hand around her neck. "You slut stole my project! Go to the boss and tell the truth, because of you I lost my job. Say it or you'll regret it," he yells at her. "I don't know what you want, let me go right away," she arrogantly snarles to him. "The better one just won and the best is me!" she laughs at him. "You are no longer imaginative enough, disappear and fuck you!" Laughing, she walks down the hallway.


The man sneaked into the company again in the evening. The security guard, whom he knows well, let him in and also informed him that his successor is still in the office. She sits at the desk, legs crossed, writes on her laptop. She discovers him: "What do you want here? You are fired, go away!" The man approaches her in silence. Her face looks anxious, she gets up from the desk and steps back a little. "You will pay for what you have done! But first we solve the theft," he yells at her. He beats her several times before she falls to the ground. Then he kicks her several times. "Tell me how you did it," he screams again. She moans in pain, writhes on the floor. He grabs her, pulls her up and puts her on the chair. "Show me!" Frightened and with a pain-distorted face, she shows him on her laptop how she stole his file.

"Leave me, please, please," she implores him. "Thank you slut, now you're going to pay for it," he whispers to her. He quickly retrieves nylons from his pocket, puts it around her neck and tightens while she is still sitting on the chair. She panics, fights back, roars and fights, but is already too weak. He pulls her up and continues to strangle her standing from behind. She is helpless, panicked, weaker. Slowly he pulls her to the ground, she barely gets any air. Finally, she lies on her back with her legs stumbling, he kneels behind her and gives her the rest. Then the last gas pof her body, her body twitches. Eventually, she dies agonizingly with her eyes wide open. He gets up, laughs at her. "Yes, the better one wins, and I am the best!" he shouts to her. Then he opens all the drawers, throws the documents on the floor, grabs her laptop and leaves the office laughing. Everything should look like a burglary.

Appearance and clothes woman: light make-up, red lips, red nails, black lace blouse (sleeved), tight black leather mini-skirt, black pantyhose (no hold-ups, no slip), black leather ankle boots with stiletto heels.

Appearance and clothes man: leisure-time style.
    19 minutes

«Hey Ugine,

I have watched my film a few times and I have to say fantastic job!  Once again you have taken my idea and made it better.  The quality acting, great use of different camera angles and taking the time to make sure each scene gets fully realized is what makes the things you do so amazing.  Thanks to yourself and your team for making such a fine product in these challenging times.

Take care!»

Customer’s Review 

CAST: Annabelle, Bella Lenina, Max

Fetish Elements

Knocking Out, Stalking, Silent Attacks From Behind, Electroshock, Unconscious, Near To Be Dead, Limp Body, Carrying, Stripping, Lingerie, Killing, Death, Closed eyes death stares     

Two girls are sitting at their desks in an office wearing nice make up for the office, hair down, and red or dark nail and toenail polish.  One girl is wearing a short skirt and a top with buttons opened very far and regular high heels, bare legs and sitting cross legged working with one high heel dangling off her bare foot.  Her high heels would look something like this:
The other girl is in a tight sweater dress (or any type of tight dress), bare legs and feet with strappy high heel sandals something like this. 

The girls looks at each other and get up to start searching the office for secrets to steal and sell.  But little do they know the office is run by a criminal organization and the security guard is hiding there.  As the short skirt girl moves into a different room the guy comes out of hiding and tazers her.  She jumps a little bit and passes out to the floor.  As she does one of her shoes comes off her bare foot and the other shoe is also shown to be partially off.
The guy sneaks back to the other room and as the dress girl is one her toes looking in a top shelf he tazers her as well.  She jumps and passes out into his arms.  He picks up her in a his arms and she is hanging limp, totally unconscious.  The camera goes up and down her body and gives a full view of her in his arms.  The guy walks around a little as she dangles in his arms with the camera showing different angles.  He looks for a place to lay her down and finding a good spot, he lays her out.  He pats down her body looking for anything she stole.  He takes her high heel sandels off her bare feet and checks the bottom of the high heels to see if anything is there.  He then takes off her dress and strips her down to her underwear.  Finding no evidence he goes to the other room where the other girl in the skirt is lying unconscious with one shoe off her bare foot and the other half on.
He picks up the girl in the skirt into his arms.  She is limp in his arms with one barefoot and the other high heel dangling off her foot.  The camera goes up and down her body and gives a full view of her in his arms.  The guy walks around a little as she hangs in his arms and as he does her last shoe falls off and she is now barefoot.  He continues to walk around with her in his arms looking for a place to lay her down.  Finding a spot he likes,  her lays down and also pats her down again looking for anything she might have stole.  He takes off her skirt and top, and strips her down to her underwear.
Just as he finishes he hears the other girl start to wake up… he runs over and tazers her again and she passes out.  Right when she is knocked out the other girl also begins to wake up, stands up and begins to stagger around.  He rushes in and pushes her into the wall, banging her head on the wall.  She gets knocked out and falls into his arms.  He picks her up in his arms and she is limp in his arms.  He walks around for a bit (with camera moving around her body, her head hanging back, her bare feet, and full view of her in his arms) and then carries her out of the office.  He comes back in for the other girl, lifts her in his arms, walks around (also with camera moving around her body, her head hanging back, her bare feet, and full view of her in his arms) and then also carries her out of the office.


Unconscious and DEAD!
Nata Knock Out
Evil Collector
Death By Orgasm  Capture Factory
    16 minutes
      Capture Factory - CAPTURE FACTORY

Starring: Annabelle, Juliana, Pola, Kit, Anatloliy


3 garrote ************* from behind
Standing strangulations
Military theme
All victims have tongue out death stares, very aggressive death agony and fighting for life
Two men attack females
Two men carry bodies, strip bodies and search keys at dead bodies
Dead bad *****’ bodypile

It’s a secret factory where crazy dr. Ko  clones people for illegal army of  mercenaries. Two special agents, cold-blooded killer from East Europe were sent to steal programs codes. Three special female guards patrol compartment  A of the plant. Agents decide to operate silently. They creep up to the first guard. Unsusceptible young woman stands near fencing in her headphones. Agents ********* her suddenly with her own headphones cord! She couldn’t use her gun and cry for help – she could just wriggle in standing position and try to catch cord. She died standing and softly slipped to the floor with ********* death stare with tongue out her mouth and eyes opened very wide.

Agents moved to the next guard. A woman stood at the elevation. Kit ********* her with the cord from behind. They fought at the staircase but this battle was fatal for the female-guard.  

The third guard was standing with her machinegun. Young blond ****, he didn’t look like ****** employee of secret military structure bur she was it. Agent attacked her together, Anatoliy snatched machine gun  from her hands and started to ******** her, Kit hold her legs to not let her stir, fight and move. The miniature blonde was absolutely helpless  in deadly arms of two gigantic intruders. Terrible death!

After they killed her they brought the copses of two other dead guards. They carried them offhandedly, like trash, carrying them by hands and legs. They threw still warm bodies in bodypile and started finding keys from area B. They stripped one of guards full nude while searching, it was their courage of winners.  No keys. They searched frail soft body of dead blond, touching her legs and ass – no keys. They found keys in the pocket of jeans micro shorts of brunette. They left bodypile on the floor and moved to the area B…

Three dead female guards are lying in the floor like waste products. Three stupid young army ***** thought that they earn big fees just for standing with guns  guarding the safe places. But it was their mistake. They were implicated in crimes of cloning people and making monsters, they were involved in crimes against humanity. Just as guards, bun they were involved. And they were punished. They won’t be even buried, they will be stay in this secret desert  forever. With opened eyes full of terrible, fear and thirst for life. With tongues out making them look grotesque dead and silly. Nude, topless, leggy dead terrorists…


Recommendations. If you like this clip please also check Captured, Side Effects.

Please also check out TRUE ART by YELLOWPRESS
    11 minutes

Fetish Elements
Knives, Stabbing, Cat fighting to the death, Battle, Diver Outfits
It's one of the hottest yet! Those surf suits are SO sexy and the acting is great.

Many thanks»

Customer’s Feedback 

The man is seated in the chair, holding his gun and facing the rest of the room. There is a little bell on the armrest of his chair.

One team of girls is standing against one wall, the other stands against the opposite wall. The camera pans over the girls and you can see a mixture of fear and excitement on their faces. On a table against the third wall are two pairs of knives.

The man gets up and walks over to the black team with two straws in one hand. He offers them one girl. She draws the long straw, so that the other, with a resigned expression, walks over to the table, picks up two knives and takes up her position. He walks over to the blue team, and this time the first girl to draw gets the short straw, so that she too takes up a pair of knives and takes up her combat position opposite the first girl.

The man sits down and rings his bell. The girls begin to fight. You can have them give one another flesh wounds before the black team member lands a knife in her opponent's belly. The blue girl cries out, dropping one knife. The black girl withdraws the knife, and the blue girl staggers drunkenly, raising her remaining knife to attack. But the black girl easily knocks it out of her hand and lands a knife below the blue girl's left breast. This time she leaves the knife there. the blue girl clutches it, and falls to her knees, coughing blood. The black girl gives here a kick and she falls on her back, still clutching the knife, and lies writhing, spasming and coughing blood until she dies. The black girl pulls out the knife and raises both arms above her head in a victory gesture. She resumes her place beside her team mate.

This time the remaining two team members know that it is their turn. They take up position and, when the man rings the bell, they begin to fight. Again you can have them inflict flesh wounds. But this time it is the blue girl who lands an upper thrust above her opponent's left breast. She follows through with a belly wound. The black girl drops both knives and falls drunkenly to her knees. The blue girl gets behind her, pulls her head back by the hair and cuts her throat. The black girl falls forward, spasming and coughing lots of blood until she dies. Now it is the blue girl who raises her arms in triumph.

Now the surviving girl from the black team gets up to face her new opponent. Both girls are disheveled, with flesh wounds. After some sparring and some more flesh wounds, the black girl, stepping backwards, trips against one of the dead girls. The blue girl seizes this moment to slash her opponent's side below the ribs. But the black girl regains her balance, attacking and landing two thrusts to the blue girl's belly. The blue girl falls on her back, her body shaking, apparently all but spent. Throwing one knife aside the black girl sits astride her. She throws her head back back in savage triumph and raises her remaining knife high with both hands, preparing to plunge it into her opponent's chest. But the blue girl, in a lightning gesture with her remaining strength, plunges a knife in below her opponent's left breast. The black girl's expression changes from triumph to pain to puzzlement, Her upper body rocks slightly forward and she coughs blood. The blue girl tries to laugh but only manages to cough blood. The black girl's expression goes blank and she falls forward. Both girls spasm, shiver and die. The camera pans over the four corpses.

The man lines up the corpses on their backs. The camera pans over them fully clothed. One by one he unzips their uniforms, revealing their breasts. Another camera pan. Then he strips their bodies for one last camera pan.  INTERSTELLAR AGENTS ADVENTURES 2
    7 minutes

JOHNY BOND: Secret  Base Attack


Alex as Johny Bond

Lilia as Penny

Maria A, Lilia, Judy, Annabelle. Vika (Tori), Nata as clone-warriors

18 deaths

Toxic Moon Production

Chapter 2.


Fetish Elements

 “over the shoulder” following action and shooting

Neck Snaps


Clone Machine

Mass Killing

Good actions and multi killing



Agent Johny Bond and his partner  Penny  tries to catch Dr Ko who escaped in the last part but met secret base full of clones on their way.




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    Welcome To The Crime House Studio on Kinky Clips
    Crime House Fantasy Studio (also Crime House & Crime House and Dark Rooms) is independent production company with female death fetish orientation. Crime House does very erotic stuff, but not porn. Why we advice to offer our videos? 1. SEXY VICTIM-ACTRESSES ONLY 2. REALISTIC DEATH SITUATIONS 3. GREAT ACTING 4. CSGFX EFFECTS 5. NEW MODELS EVERY WEEK 6. ALL DEATH FETISH GENRES 7. NOT PORN BUT VERY-VERY EROTIC AND HOT 8.RUSSIAN AND EAST EUROPE HOT MODELS 9. WE DO KNOW HOW TO PLAY SEXY DEATH 10. ALL MOVIES ARE MADE IN VERY HIGH QUALITY

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