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    26 minutes
CAST: Mira, Li, Nadya

Fetish Elements:
Headshot, Death Stares. Catfighintg, Bondaged, Kidnapped, BDSM, Shooting to the chest (lots), shooting to dead body, strangulation, strangulation face (crossed eyes, tounge out). Passed out, neck to the neck, stabbing, cruel, stockings, leather, fighting to the life, girl kills girl, Mira Kills Li, Mira is near to kill Nadya, Nadya Kills Mira 

We fade on as Nadya is outside on her phone holding a pistol with silencer. We hear her say that she’s tracked Mira down but she’s got a hostage. They tell her to use whatever force is require to take Mira down.
Nadya Enters the house
We cut to Mira who is dragging Li into a room by her hair, Li has her hands tied behind her back. Mira has a silenced pistol tucked into her skirt and is carrying a suitcase with her. Mira tells Li to shut up or she’ll have a hole in her head.
Mira peaks out of the door and sees Nadya walking around so quickly hides the suitcase and forces Li to her knees and stands behind her waiting for Nadya to enter. 
The camera follows Nadya as she Enters the room where Mira is. Mira holds Li’s face up so she can beg Nadya to save her life. Mira kneels beside Li grabs her face and slowly licks up from her jaw to her cheek. Mira tells Nadya to put her gun on the floor and kick it away. Nadya does as she’s told. Mira laughs, telling Nadya she should have put a bullet in her when she had the chance. Mira and Li look at each other, Mira blows Li a kiss before firing a single shot to the side of Li’s head killing her instantly. Li’s eyes open wide and blood pours out of her mouth before she collapses onto her side (eyes wide open, mouth slightly open). Mira aims her gun at Nadya and tells her not to move. She rolls Li onto her belly and removes the rope that bound her hands together. She grabs Li’s face and tells Nadya that she failed to save Li. Mira stands up then uses her foot to roll Li on to her back. A couple of overkill shots make Li’s body twitch, reacting to each shot. A close up on Li’s face sees more blood come out of her mouth eyes remain open. 
Mira then walks over to Nadya, gives her the rope and tells her to tie her hands together, she tells Nadya to face the door and puts the gun in her back of her head and tells her to move. They walk out of the room and into another. Mira demands that Nadya helps her escape or she’ll end up just like Li. Mira walks away from Nadya, Nadya seeing an opportunity to take control kicks Mira between the legs. Mira drops her gun and holds her pussy in pain (close up of eyes crossed in pain) Mira collapses to Her knees. Nadya rushes to pick un the gun, she instantly presses it again Mira’s forehead (who’s still kneeling holding her pussy) and demands she unties her wrists. Mira does as she’s told. Once she’s finishes she drops the ropes to the floor, Nadya calls her a good girl before hitting her on the top of the head with the bottom of the pistol knocking Mira out. Mira’s eyes cross and her tongue comes out before she collapses onto her chest with her butt in the air with her tongue still out (see attached image) camera is behind Mira to get a view of her bent over as Nadya walks behind her and comments that only a slut would fall in such a humiliating position. She then uses her foot to push Mira onto her back. Nadya says that she best check for any weapons and undresses Mira down to her lingerie and stockings (Nadya spreads Mira’s legs apart – making the comment that she bets Mira is used to spreading her legs). She Finds a knife tucked into one of her stockings, she throws it to the side. Camera pans Mira’s knocked out body, eyes rolling, tongue still out. Before fading to black.
The Camera pans Mira laid on a bed spread Eagle with her arms and legs tied to the 4 corners of the bed. She is blindfolded and gagged (see image for gag example). Mira is still unconscious. 
Nadya Slowly runs her pistol up Mira’s leg. Over her pussy and up her whole body before pushing the pistol against her temple. Nadya pushes Mira’s head with her gun to wake her up. Mira gains consciousness and panics as she doesn’t know what’s happening. Nadya Demands Mira tells her where the suitcase is. She removes the gag and blindfold and places them beside Mira. Again, Nadya demands Mira tells her. She forces the pistol into Mira’s mouth. She holds it in there for about 5 seconds (Mira staring at the gun then into. Nadya’s eyes) Nadya then starts slides the pistol in and out of Mira’s mouth (like oral) Nadya tells her that that’s all her mouth is good for as she isn’t telling her what she wants to know. Nadya tells Mira to open her mouth and stick her tongue out, Mira does as she’s told, Nadya put the gag back into Mira’s mouth. She then runs the gun down Mira’s body and slides it into her panties. Tell me or I’ll shoot, and no games or I’ll make your last moments alive agony. Mira nods, signaling that she’s ready to tell her. the gag is removed again and Mira finally tells her (the wrong place as she wants Nadya to leave the room) Nadya leaves the room to retrieve to suitcase. Once she’s left we see Mira manage to get a hand free. She rushes to Untie her other hand and legs. We then see Nadya look Where Mira said realising she’s been tricked she rushed back to confront Mira. When she enters Nadya sees the empty bed.
Mira suddenly appears behind her and using one of her straps starts to strangle Nadya. Nadya manages to break free, the girls start fist fighting/attacking each other exchanging punches, grabbing hair, rolling around on the floor etc. Mira manages to get on top of Nadya punching her and strangling her. Nadya barely conscious manages to get Mira off her. Mira asks Nadya how she’d like to die. Mira goes to attack Nadya again. Nadya dodges her attacks before punching/kicking Mira several times. Mira falls to the floor and tries to crawl away. Nadya follows her as she slowly crawls towards the door. Nadya opens the door and tells Mira she can leave only if she tells her where the suitcase is. Mira admits defeat and tells Nadya. As Mira puts her head past the door Nadya slams it shut on her head. Mira’s eyes cross as she slumps to the floor on her belly her body is twitching/convulsing. Nadya grabs her hair and walks her (Mira crawls on her hands and knees) into another room with a sink/bath. She’s not finished with her yet. Nadya turns the taps on and forces Mira’s head into the water. Mira struggles, she manages to get her head out of the water a couple of times but each time Nadya forces her head back in. Finally, Mira’s body weakens a few twitches before going still. Nadya pulls Mira’s head from out of the water, as Nadya is holding Mira’s head Mira’s mouth opens, her tongue comes out and water pours out of her mouth. Mira has her eyes closed and her tongue far out. Nadya Holds her head up before allowing Mira’s body to fall back so she’s on her side. Nadya rolls Mira onto her back and checks her eyes (see attached image). 
Nadya, thinking she’s killed Mira leaves to collect the suitcase, she gets the suitcase and opens it to check it’s what she’s after (we don’t see inside, just Nadya looking). In the background we see a wet Mira standing holding a knife. She screams at Nadya that this isn’t over and she’d rather die than know Nadya got away with her suitcase. Nadya tells her that can be arranged. Mira runs to attack Nadya, Nadya swiftly turns and shoots Mira in her heart stopping her immediately. Mira shocked looks down at the hole in her chest before looking back at Nadya, blood flowing from her mouth. Nadya fires again near her heart. Mira collapses to her knees as Nadya walks up to her. Mira grabs onto Nadya and look up to her, she begs Nadya to make her death fast and painless. Nadya tells Mira how pathetic she is, grabs her head and snaps her neck. Mira falls onto her back, her body twitching. Nadya kicks Mira’s legs open so they’re spread really wide. She then grabs the knife out of her hand. Nadya holds the knife and slowly inserts it into Mira’s neck. More blood comes out of her mouth her eyes stare into the camera shocked before rolling/crossing. Nadya removes the knife (Mira’s body jerks at its removed) Mira’s body is still twitching so Nadya; tells Mira ‘you deserve this you fucking bitch’ before forcefully slamming the knife into Mira’s heart. Her body jerks again before going still. her eyes are crossed and her mouth slightly open with blood coming out of her mouth. Nadya stands up in between Mira’s spread legs and fires 3 more bullets into Mira’s body. Her body twitches with each shot. Nadya collects the suitcase and leaves. The camera pans Mira’s spread eagled body with shots of her whole body and close ups of spread legs and face. 

    32 minutes
      OMBILIANT - Ombiliant

CAST: Mira Green and Alice M 
Fetish Elements
Girl Kills a girl, Choking, Strangulation, Playing With Body, Much Playing with a bellybutton
Two young girls are in a boarding room at a rich girl's school, a barefoot pimbeche blonde with a cropped top and mini-shorts that reach up to her stomach contemplates her belly button in the mirror and brags about her new extra expensive piercing she received for her last birthday, her comrade in student clothes with a skirt who has always been secretly jealous of her roommate daddy's girl asks her what is the point of wearing a jewel of such value if it is to remain hidden most of the time under clothes but the girl with the piercing taunts her by telling her that you have to be a perfect and pure woman to be able to wear a jewel of such an exception and that her rival is certainly not the case, the other furious girl starts insulting her with trash and a fight ensues, at first the blonde has the top hitting the jealous girl in the face but the other girl the grabs her with both hands, squeezing her neck tightly, the blonde with nd eyes in shock collapses on her back to the ground and fights for her life trying to push her opponent back but the other girl is stronger than her and her strength starts to fail her opponent takes advantage of this moment of weakness to gain the advantage by sitting on her at waist level blocking her arms at her sides with her legs to prevent her from using her hands to defend herself and she squeezes her neck harder and harder of his victim who begins to turn pale and his tongue begins to come out of his mouth.
After a while the beaten girl hardly moves because her opponent seems to have broken her trachea by squeezing her throat and starts to drool, her head leans to the side and drool runs down her throat. plays her eyes rolls back like she's having a seizure but her tormentor doesn't care and goes on for more belly humiliations and punishments she humiliates him by removing her mini shorts and top short revealing her little white panties and her bra cruelly exposing her abdomen, the poor girl finds herself in her underwear totally vulnerable and at the mercy of her pitiless opponent, the bad girl calls her "pathetic" and "weak" after that she starts by manipulating and looking at her victim's piercing more closely with her vicious fingers. The blonde too weak to act upright obviously no longer has the strength to move her arms which have remained at her sides or her legs and seems to have turned into a real helpless rag doll. She slowly chokes on her own slime and gasps desperately for oxygen, the mean girl lets out a mean little laugh mocking her victim and says "I'm going to finish you" she then has fun sticking her pointed finger deep in the navel of her paralyzed prey and gently moves it inside turning it and stinging sometimes while the blonde suffocates in silence at one point she puts her finger buried in the navel of the agonizing girl and has fun stinging it over and over and saying "what's that mouse hole?" After a while her victim inflates her belly and exhales one last time through her bubble-creating drool, the mean girl then in synchronization pushes her finger deepest into the girl's navel as she exhales and makes a little vicious laugh at the same time saying "shhh .. die bitch!" the blonde lets out a last gasp.
(make a camera angle so that we can see the belly from the side with the finger pressed to see the belly which inflates and exhales one last time)
She stays like that with her finger for at least 2 minutes and then pulls it out sharply while verbally humiliating her by saying "big tummy".
She then takes the pulse of the defeated girl with her fingers, she lifts the arm of the corpse and drops her lame hand on the belly of the victim who is nothing more than a pile of inert meat, she puts her arm back to the ground along the body and look down the side of the abdomen to see if it is still moving and sees that her victim is gone for good, she then removes the belly button piercing from the dead girl then pulls out her phone and takes a compromising photo of the navel and also removes the panties and bra of the dead girl so that she finds herself totally naked and vulnerable making sure not to change her initial position, she also checks if she is wearing any other jewels on her to steal, she decides to have a little fun with the corpse before getting rid of it, she sits down next to the body and looks into the dead woman's navel with a little superior air and notices that the bottom navel is dirty, she takes a cotton swab and a cleaning and decides to clean it completely and to subject her rival to a final examination of the most humiliating, she takes her time while making the knuckles and each fold and inspects the depths with the help of tweezers she removes the potential dirt encrusted in the hollows while verbally humiliating her on the shape of her navel telling her that it is weird and badly cut at birth, after that she has fun for a good 5 minutes trying to bring out the navel from the dead girl using her fingers and putting her sharp fingernails inside and deep in different positions to give the navel various shapes and rounded, she also has fun pushing her index finger deeper into the navel and as the dead girl can no longer challenge and protect her belly, her fingers easily penetrate the tender flesh of the belly, which causes dull noises due to the absence of muscle and resistance, the a mean girl sketches teasing little laughs, she lies down on her body with her head at belly level and also blows raspberries on the navel with her mouth while laughing and also sometimes plunges her tongue inside and kisses the belly , she is completely nuts after she sits on the body at the pelvis and continues to torture and manipulate the navel by stretching it with her fingers as if she wanted to open the navel, after a while the navel starts to be pink and she continues until it turns red to destroy the navel of the dead woman she despises so much by saying "I don't see that your navel is special, it's just a small one yucky sausage "she even takes a sharp object and pushes it into the location of the navel piercing she stole. Once the navel is red she has fun running her fingers on her stomach to the navel and probes it with the tips of her fingers while humming and also scratches the stomach with her fingernails.
She also does not hesitate to take her smartphone and film up close (done in pov at this point) the navel while pricking it with the pointed object in different places saying "Poke" and laughing at the same time. (Stop the pov)
Then she takes a stethoscope and listens to the inside of the belly in different places and also on the navel while feeling the belly a few times with her fingers and laughs at the noises that this can cause in her abdomen. After that she stops filming and ends up getting bored and sits on her bed and makes a phone call to a contact to get her navel pierced and put the one she just stole there while specifying that she has already chosen and received her piercing model while placing her feet as a sign of domination on the belly of the dead woman who is staying at the foot of the bed, at the same time she tries to push her big toe completely inside the navel of his deceased victim. She takes the opportunity to light a cigarette and smoke at the same time. After a while she removes her feet, she lies down on the bed with her feet in a fan and her head above the body of the deceased and uses the belly button of her victim as a human ashtray by dropping the ashes from her cigarette right into the room. navel of the corpse while continuing to telephone, she sometimes spits into the navel until it is full. After a while she hangs up and lowers herself to the level of the corpse and has fun crushing her cigarette right in the navel soiled with sputum and ashes of the dead woman and slowly pricks in several different places of the navel by moving and turning the butt inside, she has fun creating a mixture of viscous and sticky mud inside the navel, after a while and once the navel is really sticky she pushes the butt well into the lower part of the navel so to himself that he does not move any more while saying "splash" then she looks at her work and says "it is less pure now". She then takes a lipstick and writes "Waste" circling the desecrated navel like a target. Once done, she takes her smartphone and photographs the belly as a whole and the navel up close as a souvenir.
Excited by this feeling of power and to humiliate even more and conclude this beating she takes a last glance in the navel to check if the cigarette is still in place by sketching a small grin of satisfaction by patting the belly lightly, she goes up then at the level of the victim's head and kisses the poor girl on the mouth smiling proud to have destroyed the life of the most popular girl in the school and says "Goodbye darling" to her, closing her eyes.
Satisfied, the disturbed girl with macabre and sordid intentions gets up, and looks at the poor girl's lifeless body for a long time with a perverse air, then she spits one last time into the violated navel while standing, having taken care to aim before , without the slightest respect and consideration for her opponent, she leaves the room shaking the piercing she stole as a sign of a trophy, leaving the girl humiliated and soiled that she will make disappear later in the night.
(Take overviews of the body and in particular the belly and the destroyed navel, make close-ups of it by fading to end the scene)
    21 minutes
STARRING: Alice Miren, Billy Brag
Elements: Poison, Bagging, Suffocation, Strangulation

Story starts with 3 women meeting one man to fulfill a suicide contract. Each woman will agree to have the man kill them in a “painless way”. They sign away their rights on a paper and are led into a bedroom. The man asks which woman wants to go first. Girl A volunteers. The man asks if the other women want to stay to watch, they both agree. The man leads girl A to the bed and gives her a drink from a glass near the bed. She asks why, and he says it is to make the process peaceful. She drinks and then starts to feel very sleepy, he gently lays her down in the bed. He then goes to a dresser and grabs some cable ties and a plastic bag. He checks if she is asleep by lifting her arm and dropping it on the bed, he does this and her arm falls limp back to the bed. He then flips her to her stomach in the bed and ties her hands behind her, he then rolls her back. He then places the bag somewhat loosely on her head to give her enough air to breath in and out, and then zip ties it. The woman lays there asleep as the bag moves up and down. He turns to the other two women, and asks who’s next. Woman B volunteers. He motions her to the other side of the bed and grabs another glass of the sleeping liquid. He also looks for another bag but can’t find one. Cursing to himself he grabs a neck tie and ties it to the bed with a loop for woman B to put her head through. He makes her put her head in the loop and checks that she is comfortable and then gives her the drink. She starts to get sleepy and dips her head forward as she does the makeshift noose tightens and she begins to strangle quietly gurgling. The other woman with the bag on her head is starting to breathe harder and is seemingly struggling in her sleep. Her body is writhing as she gasps for air. The man turns to call for the last woman but is surprised to see she is slumped over in her chair. The bottle of sleeping liquid is near her tipped over as though she secretly drank it in preparation for him. He rushes over to her and checks her pulse, still alive he says. This gives me more time… he rushes out of the room and searches desperately for something and stops when he finds another bag. He says this will do and runs back to the room. When he returns both women on the bed are completely still and the other woman is still in the chair. He tilts her head back and ties her hands behind her. He then fastens the bag over her face and walks to the bed as she suffocates. He places his fingers on the neck of the woman with the bag on her head and confirms she is dead. He walks to the other side and lifts up the woman’s head in the noose and listens for breathing. He thinks he hears breathing and checks her wrist for a pulse. He looks at her surprised then walks to her feet and pulls on her legs so the noose tightens on her neck. She gurgles at first and then quietly breathes as her blood is cutoff from her brain. He glanced back at the woman in the chair and sees her struggling in her sleep. He walks over to her and starts talking, “such a shame a pretty thing like you wants to die” he lifts up her head by putting his hand behind her head  and talks as she quietly struggles in her sleep. “Don’t worry you will make a wonderful addition to my trophies.” He lets her head back down and walks over to a binder full of pictures and brings a chair to sit beside her. He opens the book and starts showing the struggling woman pictures of other suicide contract women. Each pic has a picture of them dead with bag/noose still in place, and a picture with their shirt lifted up and another with their pants pulled down. He says that his favorite part is seeing what each woman chooses to wear to their appointment under their clothes. He runs his hands on her breasts as she struggles and says, “I can’t wait to see”. She struggles a little longer before her head sinks back and she dies. He lifts up her head again and checks her pulse. He lets her down one last time and lifts up her shirt. He grabs his camera and takes pictures. He does the same to the other women on the bed. He then flips over the one with a bag on her head and pulls her pants down, also taking more pictures. He pulls the other woman out of the noose and does the same thing. Lastly he walks back to chair girl, lifts her into the bed and pulls her pants down for more pictures. 
    19 minutes
      HITMAN 30 - HITMAN 3.0
Starring: Mira, Lili, Judi, Max
«All I can say is I am completely blown away with the custom. It far past exceeded how I envisioned it. From the set, to the costumes, all of it was executed so perfectly. I loved how you tied in all the details so well and captured exactly what I was looking for in scenes.You have without a shadow of a doubt confirmed I made the right decision to come to you with my script. I'm very much look forward to ordering more customs from you in the future! Thank you so much!»
Customer’s Review 
Fetish Elements:
Sexy agents, white shirts, black skirts, black stocking, shooting, masturbation before death, masturbation torture, interrogation, lifting and strangling, neck snap, body stripping, death stares, fighting, strangulation in the air, legs kicking, foot and leg fetish (a lot), girl is near to kill hitman, shooting with great bloody splashing effect (no fx – all is make with new technology), bodypile


Three female agents were sent to office to kill the politician person. A hitman was sent to know who sent them and kill them all. First he shoots Judi from silencer to her body. She passed out, he striped her and when she awaked he started interrogation: who sent you? She didn’t answer because she knew what the organization could do with betrayers. It was better to die here and not to be tortured to the death by sadists from government secret services. Hitman tried to relax her and made her speak and started masturbate her when she was dying from the shot to her chest. She felt pain, she was dying and sweet feeling in her body from fingers of handsome hitman was strange cocktail of the sex and death.
Lili finds he body, The hitman goes to her from behind and starts to strangle her in the air. When she is unconscious he strips her and start to ask aggressively who sent her and after she realized she was not going to answer he broke her neck.
The third agent, young, brave and strong sexy Mila  was going to fight hard.  Hitman strangles her for unconscious condition and started find any peg who sent them. When he put off her stockings the little paper card fall to the floor with  a name and number of coordinates. Well, Hitman knew some more information where to go and search for more information. Mira opened her eyes and immediately caught hitman’s neck by her sexy legs, seat on him and tried to stab him. Hitman grabbed a gun and shot her to the death…

    10 minutes


Starring: Aleksandra, Erika Korti, Christy, Kit
Cruel Games
Bondaged stripping with teeth
Shooting to the mouth
Russian Rolette
Shot by gun
Nude content
Putting rea package to dead mouth
Putting sweets to dead mouth
Courage with dead bodies
Death Stares
Young couple visit their friends to have a cup of tea. But when the girls sees the weapon and money she changes to the crazy evil bitch. Crazy tea party begins!
If you like this movie please also check
    8 minutes
You guys are great.I really like.Annabelle is super.Thank you so much.
I have a few more similar scripts.I'm going to share one after two weeks.

Sexy Girls Kill Men Direction! FemDom From Crime House!
MODELS: Annabelle and Tim
Sexy nude female killer, girl terrorizes a man, bad girl, spy girl, man has erection in peril, headshot, girl kills a man, girl examines dead man’s body, dirty filmdom dialogs with English subtitles 
A male killer was sent to kill female assassin. But hot dangerous bitch was very clever, smart and fast to be killed. She took situation on her own hands and made him put  his weapon down.  He had erection seeing her sexy nude body. She kills him to his head, watch his body and phone to his boss. 
To be continued…

*The script, model choice and fetish elements list were done by customer who donated some funds and got the clip the customer wanted to see!
You can do your custom order too! Inside the video you will find custom-ordering instructions!
    6 minutes
      BANK ROBBERY - Starring: Nata, Annabelle, Luiza, Mary (Masha)

Three very sexy headshots + neck snap +body carrying
Office style
Well acted
One more shooting fetish detective in our great cinematic-fetish quality.
4 Bank managers are surprised in the office by robber. He needs only money. If he gets it he will leave them alone. But he was late – central bank has just collected all the cash and moved it. The robber gets very angry and he is still searching  for «his»  money in the safe, but one of girls tried to call the police…
He shot her to her hear. Very sexy and good acted headshot scene. Then he shoots to the head the blonde. The third girl cried: «Please don’t kill me! I have family!» But he shoots her to her head. He broke the neck of his 4nd victim.
He tells rude words to the dead girls. Then he carries the dead body to the store for some fun…
Nice fetish elements:
Long headshot reactions, surprised faced, death stares (with opened eyes and with closed eyes)
The slipper is out of dead feet
Many legs, foot, faces view
Office dresses
Bare legs and legs in stockings
Light location, 1970s bank-office atmosphere

    10 minutes


Voiceover: “I was dragged from my house by one of the men in an angry mob, wearing only a sheer nightie, and taken to a room with a crowd of angry men. I struggled trying to get away but this only increased the mob’s lust. The man holding me called me a stuck up prick tease and punched me knocking me down. I was pushed into the mob of men who groped my body.  The mob cheered and yelled for me to be beaten. I was punched, kicked, and beaten with clubs. Then when I attempted to crawl away members of the mob thrust cattle prods into my body while other men in the mob whipped me. They forced me to give them blow jobs and raped me and then beat me unconscious with clubs.”

A man is behind her forcing her to walk toward the camera. She struggles saying “let me go you filthy pig!” He replies: “you need to be taught a lesson for teasing all the men in town.” The camera views her bouncing breasts from a front, side, and worm’s eye view.

She gets away from him and runs toward the camera.

As she runs a hand reaches out and fondles her breast. More hands reach out and pull down the bodice of her nightgown and she struggles repeatedly to cover her breasts  up. 
Hands reach out and pull up her nightie and fondle her pussy.

She struggles and says get your filthy hands off me you stupid trailer trash.”

Voices say: “beat that stuck up prick tease..punch her pretty face…beat her to a pulp.”

Fists from the left and right in slow motion (and fast motion) punch her breasts while the nightgown covers her breasts and then with the nightgown pulled down. Fists from the right and left in slow and fast motion punch her in the mouth, knocking her down. 

As she falls her legs go up and the nightie falls down exposing her pussy. Sounds of the crowd cheering.

She scoots backward to try to get away but she is pulled up and beaten with a club (in slow motion) on her head and breasts (with the club digging in), knocking her down.

(Off camera fake blood is applied to her scalp and mouth.

She crawls on hands and knees as the camera views her from the front, side, and back (worms eye view). Whips hit her in slow motion on her back. A cattle prod zaps her and her body shakes wildly. Her breasts bounce out from the nightie. 

She then crawls on her stomach as the camera views from the front and rear as the cattle prod zaps her.

She rolls over and the whip hits the front of her body (with the whip digging into her breasts (first covered with the nightie and then with the nightie pulled down). (One person holds the handle of the whip off camera while another person brings the whip over the camera to press into her breasts.) The cattle prod zaps her body and she shakes wildly. The camera pans in on shaking breasts,

She is pulled up and a man says: “Now you snooty prick tease you are going to dance to get our dicks hard and then suck the cocks off all these men or we will break every bone in your body with our clubs and smash in that pretty face.”

She says “please don’t hurt me anymore. I will give all of you the best blow jobs you ever had.”

She begins to move her body in a sexy dance, shaking  her breasts and doing a bump and grind. She gets on hands and knees shaking her breasts until they bounce out from the nightie. She turns around and wiggles her ass and spreads her pussy lips.

Man’s voice: “That’s enough. My dick is plenty hard now. Get over here and suck it. She crawls toward the dick and sucks it briefly and fake cum squirts on her face. 

A fist punches her, knocking her over and a man’s voice says: “You stupid cunt. You made me cum too fast.”

She crawls to another dick and sucks it briefly and more cum is sprayed on her face. Man’s voice: That was the worst blow job ever. We need to beat this bitch with our clubs.

She gets up and runs. From off camera a club hits her in the stomach in slow motion. Another club hits her across her breasts in slow motion. A hand reaches out and pulls down the bodice of the nightie and a club hits her breasts.

She staggers and a club from off camera hits her on the top of her head and, as she sinks to her knees, another club hits her across her mouth in slow motion.

(Off camera blood is applied to her scalp so it runs down her face) Blood streams out of her mouth.

She collapses unconscious. The nightie is pulled off and clubs continue to hit her body and head. A man lifts her body and carries it away.

Words on screen: “The Next Day”

She is wearing only a small (2” by 2”) loincloth made with cloth and pieces of string.

She is still unconscious and a man rapes her and shoots his semen on her face. He throws water on her to revive her and drags her up and drags her toward the camera. 

He says: “Here she is, boys. I don’t think she has learned her lesson. There is only one solution for stuck up rich bitches and that is to shoot them.”

Voices: “Yeah, shoot the snooty cunt.”

She says: “Please don’t kill me. I will be a good slut and learn how to give good blow jobs. Wouldn’t you rather fuck my tight pussy and asshole? I will lick all of your assholes before I suck you off.” (As she is saying this she gets on her knees, fondles her breasts, and shakes them. Then she gets on her back and thrusts her hips up and down as the camera pans in on her pussy.

Voices: “shoot her…shoot her.”

She gets up and struggles to walk toward the camera saying please don’t shoot me.

A rifle appears from off camera and automatic shots are heard. Her body spasms wildly as the loin cloth drops off.  (Off camera blood spots are placed on her body) She continues to be shot and then drops to the floor. The camera views from above as she continues to be shot and she continues to shake wildly.

The camera pans over her bloody body.
    12 minutes
      COCAINE - Girls died after cocaine taking.  OUTCAST
    10 minutes
Starring: Tatiana, MaryAnn, Mira Green, Merci, Xena, Billy Brag Bounti 
Six Girls Was Shot With a Gun, Stripped And their bodies were collected in huge bodypile twice

Five girls were doing street yoga master class when strange ridiculous guy wanted to join the class. Girls laughed at him and were very rude. 

The young man, having been humiliated, can not stand it, loses control and takes out a pistol. He begins to shoot the girls one by one, hitting them in the foreheads or in the chest. One girl managed to escape, he rushed after her in pursuit. She met a runner girl and began to beg for help, but the psychopath overtook them both and killed them.
He gathered all the bodies into one big pile of bodies and began to do yoga with dead bodies.
Then he dragged the corpses into his room, stripped them down to their underwear, and, amid terrible laughter, began to enjoy the sight of the pile of bodies. 

    7 minutes
      UNEASY BUSINESS - Nata is in a room dressed in the same outfit she wore in \\\"Equal Fights\\\", the one where she is sat at the windowsill.
 she has a gun ir her hand and she has a flash drive hanging to her neck, the flash drive is resting between her   breasts.
She stops where a computer is and taking out the flash drive from her neck, she introduces it in the computer and    begins to download files.
While she is doing this, another woman enters the room, Nata doesn\\\'t see her because she is behind her. This   woman has a gun and she aims Nata.
Nata finishes her downloading and leans down to take the flashdrive in the same moment the other woman shoots,missing her by inches.
Nata takes her gun and turning shoots to the woman, hitting her in the gut.
The woman cries and takes a step backwards, Nata very slowly aims again and shoots the woman, this time
 hitting her in the middle of her breasts.
The woman is scared and badly wounded but she tries to raise her gun to shoot Nata. Nata fires again and her 
 bullet goes thru the girl\\\'s right breast. The girl moans and falls to the floor.
The girl lies on the floor, she is in agony and moves accordingly. Nata comes where she is and kicks the gun that     is still in her hand, then she shoots her right thru her heart. The girl shudders and dies.
Nata watches the dead girl with anger and then she shoots 3 more times to the dead body, then takes the    flashdrive and hangs it to her neck again leaving the scene.
Another woman is in an office sat at a desk. We see that she looks with      surprise to the door of the office where she is.
Nata enters very angry and shouts to the woman: \\\"You set me up\\\", \\\"You told me there was no problem and I   almost get killed\\\"
We can see an open drawer in the desk where a pistol is kept, very slowly the woman takes the gun and says to     Nata \\\"I\\\'m very sorry.\\\" Suddenly she takes the gun out and shoots Nata in her left breast.
Nata\\\'s face is a mixture of surprise and pain, she tries to reach for her breast, but she dies and falls to the floor.
The woman stands up and goes to see what happened. Nata lies on her back, her eyes and mouth slightly open     and her black hair extended like a fan on the floor. The flash drive is still tied to her neck and resting between her    breasts.
The woman kneels and takes Nata\\\'s right hand that is lying on her stomach letting it to fall to the floor, then she      unzipps Nata\\\'s dress exposing her beautiful breasts. An ugly wound can be seen on her left breast very close to      her nipple. 
The woman puts her gun on the floor and caresses Nata\\\'s right breast, then she raises Nata\\\'s head in order to  pull out the flash drive from her neck, then she caresses her face closing her eyes and kisses her (could be on  the forehead, the cheek or the mouth) and she says again \\\"I\\\'m very sorry\\\"  She raises and leaves the room.  DEADLY NURSES
    16 minutes
Bad Crime Nurses are punished being strangled in their sexy uniform and stockings!
It’s 100% death fetish clip for strangulation lovers. Fetish elements are in any second of this video. No dialogues, art effects and simple plot. Very Sexy Erotic Fetish Video! 
Starring: Nata and Annabelle
Fetish elements
Bad girls
Bad Girls Punished
From sadistic girl to the helpless victim
Real Nurses uniform
Sexy lingere
Legs choking activity
Death stares

	Kit is a secret agent. He founds himself being after chloroformed by Crime Nurses from Dr Ko laboratory (See  our clips «Sides Effects» and «Capture Factory» to learn more about this story). They are going to do something terrible with him. They caught him for tortures and sadistic examination. They are exited imaging how they will torture this strong guy. When one nurse goes to the bathroom for doing poison, Kit let his hands free and attacked the nurse. Bad girl was frightened to death feeling herself helpless victim instead sadistic bitch. He strongly choked her to death. She tried to escape, changed many poses before death showing us her sexy lingerie and stockings. Kit went to the bathroom and surprised Annabelle. He choked her, then pushed to the bathroom and choked her to death. He stripped her body and carried it to the bedroom neat Nata’s corpse. 
Why this video is MUST HAVE for strangulation fetishists? 
1.	Nata and Annabelle do wonderful job together!
2.	Much face and body impressions
3.	Long strangulation scenes
4.	Bad Girls theme
5.	Much stockings, legs and foot fetishes content
6.	Any girl is strangled in many poses
7.	Bodyplaying content (girls playing with knocked out man and man playing with dead bad girls)
8.	Bodypile in different poses (bottom-up, face-up)
9.	Other surprises new from Crime House
10.	DarkRooms production video quality but with fetish content only 

If you like this film please also check out
Double Sensation 
Sides Effects
Captured Factory
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    Welcome To The Crime House Studio on Kinky Clips
    Crime House Fantasy Studio (also Crime House & Crime House and Dark Rooms) is independent production company with female death fetish orientation. Crime House does very erotic stuff, but not porn. Why we advice to offer our videos? 1. SEXY VICTIM-ACTRESSES ONLY 2. REALISTIC DEATH SITUATIONS 3. GREAT ACTING 4. CSGFX EFFECTS 5. NEW MODELS EVERY WEEK 6. ALL DEATH FETISH GENRES 7. NOT PORN BUT VERY-VERY EROTIC AND HOT 8.RUSSIAN AND EAST EUROPE HOT MODELS 9. WE DO KNOW HOW TO PLAY SEXY DEATH 10. ALL MOVIES ARE MADE IN VERY HIGH QUALITY

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