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     BLOOD HEEl Dark Room
    17 minutes
      BLOOD HEEl  Dark Room - Blood Heel: Dark Room

Custom by Evil Geek






Nude, claustrophobia, immurement, garrote strangulation, girl strangles girl, blood from eyes during strangulation, red-blue face during strangulation, wrapping up a corpse in cellophane, corpse disposal, percussion, count in the vagina, pantyhose




It's amazing how you can feel as though you are kings or queens of the world and that all changes within 3 day. That is exactly what happened to two lovely young women. Their names were Megan and Katie.They awoke in a small room. Metal walls, floor, ceiling and door. A camera mounted on the ceiling. Smell of death in the air. Not remembering how they got in there. Being knocked out by a knock out dart would have that effect on you. They were Nude. Their sexual assets exposed to each other. Megan replied you know what I have to admit. You have a lovely vagina. Katie replied "you crazy bitch but thanks for the compliment. We need to figure out why we are in here and how to get the fuck out of here."  Well they were there because weren't innocent! They recently robbed one of the Coltanier City banks. That pissed someone off to hire to teach them a lesson. That someone was watching them through a camera. Their killer. Also in the room besides those two young women was one pair of hose hanging on a hook to incase someone's sexy bare legs. To incase someone’s painted toe nailed feet.  There was no other piece of clothing. There was only one meal on a plate. It was a torture room basically.They screamed at the top of their lungs to be let out. They got no reply.  They didn't turn on each other right away but that was soon to change. 

Two hours went by. The yelling of let us out of here can still be heard. Not met with any replies. Megan couldnt take it anymore. She saw Katie as a road block to her survival, freedom, and a pair of pantyhose to put onto her sexy legs for that matter. She grabbed the pair of pantyhose from the hook. She started to knot them around her hands to get ready to wrap them around Katies neck. Katie replied “Megan what the fuck are you doing with those? Please don’t do it. We will find a way out of her. Please don..." She wasn’t able to finish the sentence as Megan wrapped the black colored pantyhose around Katie's neck. She pulled tightly. She turned on her best friend. Katie's eyes rolled back into head. Her tongue was protruding with drool dripping down her face. Then she was limp. Megan let her body drop to the cold floor. She unwrapped the hose from Katie's neck and put them on. She then heard a female voice say "you just won your freedom. Just stand on the marked spot on the floor and you are free to go." Megan thought to herself that she had to kill her friend for her own survival and freedom. The killer pressed a button and then a metal like bar came through the mark on the floor and it impaled Megan. The speed and force of it impaled her. She gavce out a loud scream of pain that went silent quickly. It penetrated the crotch area of the pantyhose and entered her vagina. Blood dripped down to the floor. Then the killer pressed another button and the metal bar exited her vagina and traveled back into the floor. Megan dropped to the floor dead. There was an expression of shock on her face. Blood dripped down her mouth and her eyes were rolled back into her head. The door to the room opened and her killer walked in. She replied "hmm now that's beautiful view to see. Wups now where is my mannors. I forgot to introduce myself. Im blood heel. Greedy bitches will believe anything and are fun to murder." Afterwards she left and called the "tidy up service" to clean up the mess.  That torture room was a room that was built during ww2. Designed by the company for their hit  men and hit women to use. Over the years it was modified. The room was a favorite to blood heel.  Beach Shot Dead Cocktail
    20 minutes
      Beach Shot Dead Cocktail - BEACH SHOT-DEAD COCKTAIL



SHOT DEAD COCKTAIL is mix of shooting videos with no ***** effects.

This one is especial.

FIRST TIME at CRIME HOUSE there are silencer shootings with very realistic silencer gun effects.

FIRST TIME at CRIME HOUSE there are revolver shooting effects.

Rich location and many murder scenes with very sexy fallings, reactions, death stares.

Much nude content. Beach theme, bungalow theme, jungle theme, Asian theme. Professional operator work by DarkROOMS production, special sounds effects, clear sound.

Body touching with gun, ass views, vagina views, different poses, different dead faces.


Wifes  of oligarchs are killed at resort by contract killer with silencer gun (many variants), Nude ***** at the beach are shot by maniac with revolver, Asian Harem are shot by sheikh, Sexy-Dressed ***** are shot at the beach.

20 minutes only deaths, deaths, deaths, body touching, playing with bodies, POV shooting, sexy poses.

12 compositions, many deaths, quick deaths, slow deaths, head shots, *****’ Mexican roulette, shots in the back, shots in the hearts, open eyes death stare, closed eyes death stare, death stares with open month, agony, surprises before death, exotic nude poses.

    14 minutes
      CRUEL CRAZY BITCHES - "Many thanks for the excellent film. The quality and the implementation of my fantasies are incredibly successful. I am also convinced of the acting performances. My wishes were implemented 100% in the film. I will come back to your company in the future. Thank you very much".
Customer's Review

CAST: Sonya Krueger, Tatiana, Li, Achilles

Three business women in sexy outfits want to kill their boss. The oligarch pays them a lot of money if they kill her boss in various ways. They wear black tight leather skirts and a black turtleneck sweater and black leather gloves and suspenders and real nylons, and high hells, the Heels (Stilettos)  must be pretty high. They  have stocking masks, garrotes and plastic bags in a silver suitcase that they carry by her  hand. In the first scene the women walk to their hotel room. The girls wait for her boss in the hotel room. The women have set up a camera because they want to film everything in order to sell it later. In the middle of the room you have set up a chair where they place her boss, he has no idea why the girls invited him. They immobilize him with an injection and then handcuff him to the chair. Then the girls turn on the camera. After he wakes up, they tell him they are going to make a video and kill him. The women pull nylon stockings as masks over their faces in order not to be recognized. One of the women is wearing a black stocking and the other two are wearing a skin-colored one over her face. For the killing scene the woman put medical gloves over her hand, they must be tight, (size S)  Then they begin to torment their boss. The first woman strangles him with a garrote. The second strangles him with her hands. Another smothered him with a clear plastic sack. It all had to be very tough and authentic. The strangulation should be long and hard. The plastic bag should also be pulled over his head for a long time and it should be pulled tightly so that it looks like a second face.
While you watch your friend smother your boss with a plastic bag, the girls  get an orgasm, they touch each other with her hands in the crotch. When killing, they always play with their tongues and press it against the stocking mask and talk very sexy with each other. I will send you a few more pictures regarding the outfit. At the end the woman put the mask from her face and put it back in the suitcase, also the medical gloves.  FANDERIAN WEB
    30 minutes


Starring: Scarlett Fandera, Maxim Sergeev, Anastasia Boldareva


«What an amazing intro to the opening to THE FANDERAN WEB the special attention to the Special EFFECTS is breathtaking it reminds me of Tarkovskii’s  masterpiece SOLARIS with it’s colorful view of the cosmos. Hell this intro is a mini movie in its own right loved it just incredible.

Overall I loved loved loved this custom

Last but not least I salute Ugine I now understand why this Custom was  a hard project the work you and your team put in it shows my friend thanks for overseeing this project personally I love it so much

Thanks you Darkrooms films you are the best in the business period

Again thanks Ugine Ziva hope you oversee all my videos personally from now on you are a gifted filmmaker”

From Customer Review

Elements: Sci-Fi, Knocking Out, Fighting, Death, Sleeping. Foot Fetish



The crew commander (Max) and his assistant (Anastasia) arrive on a distant planet from another galaxy in search of life, where they meet an alien woman. She possesses hypnosis and Anastasia falls under her spell. This is a matriarchy planet where there is no place for men, and both women are trying to destroy Max. However, he turns out to be more agile, wins and has his own plans ...






    13 minutes
      MURDER IN JACUZZI - When a man knows his girlfriend has sex with another girk he shoots and strangles them in jaccuzy. Exotic, nude, bloody horror show!  Shooting In The Office
    12 minutes
      Shooting In The Office - Three young women (office and secretaries fetish dressed) were shot during office invasion.
    13 minutes

«I’ll start with the very best . Mira was awesome . She looked great before , during and after her demise . After seeing the Policewoman video , I thought she’d be great in this role and I wasn’t disappointed . Everything about her acting was perfect from her body movements and reactions to her facial expressions to her cries of “nyet , nyet” . She took the role seriously and put all the energy , emotion and realism I was hoping for into the scene . Thank You Mira for doing such a great job»
From Customer’s Review 

Mira lives in house in a secluded location in the woods , miles away from any neighbors . As the scene opens she could be doing any number of things that you choose . She could be cooking , reading , watching tv , whatever you like .  She hears a knocking sound that distracts her , then a few seconds later the sound of a window breaking . Being alone and not having a gun in the house , she grabs a small knife from the kitchen and goes to investigate . She has an extremely spooked look on her face . She looks around nervously for a minute calling out “I’ve got a gun” and a few seconds later “my husband’s a cop , he’ll be home soon” . She hears a movement in another room and calls out “who’s there” . She enters the room but sees no one . She continues walking forward with the camera looking straight at her as we see Max emerge from behind her . Mira doesn’t see him as Max gets closer . She is carrying the knife in her right hand and Max swings his arm and knocks the knife to the floor . She turns around in terror and faces Max ( the camera now faces Mira after she turns around ) and before she knows what happened Max belts her in the face knocking her backwards and then he picks up the knife  . There is some blood coming from her mouth where Max punched her . She backpedals and screams in terror as Max comes at her with the knife in his hand . She looks for a way out but there is nowhere to go . She extends her right arm to try to stop Max’s advance , but with his left hand , grabs her just above the elbow . With the knife in his right hand Max stabs her in the belly . Mira reacts with a jump and a scream . Max continues to stab her relentlessly , both to the belly and the chest . He doesn’t stab her too quickly though . About 4-6 seconds between each thrust into her body would be fine . ( Remember I said I enjoyed her reactions in the Policewoman video . Look at the pictures I’ve attached titled Police 1-5 . I’d like to see reactions and facial expressions similar to these with lots of body movement , her hair flying and her grunting and screaming as the knife is entering her . I particularly like the way her hair nicely frames her face in pictures 1 and 2 . The whole time Mira is being stabbed , the camera should be facing her . No side or back views . I want to see the reactions on her pretty face ) After the first ten or so thrusts of the knife, Max pauses for a few seconds to enjoy the view of Mira in agony. She’s bleeding from her wounds and terrified . Then he continues to stab her from the front another 10 or 15 times , both to the belly and the chest . She should begin to get bloody after the first few thrusts of the knife and by the time he is done stabbing her from the front , there should be quite a bit of blood on her , with some on her face and hair as well . But Max is not done with her yet . Not by a long shot .

Mira is dripping with blood and weak but still standing . Max decides to walk behind her and continue his assault from behind . ( See pictures Police 5-8 ) While continuing to hold her by the arm with his free hand , Max stabs her many times in the back . Again , I’m not interested in seeing the knife go in . The camera should be focused on Mira from the front the entire time . You can see Max raising his arm and bringing the knife forward . Each time the knife enters her back , just as before , Mira lets out a yell and her body and head react violently . After about 5 stabs in the back , Mira starts coughing up blood from her lungs being punctured . This spitting up of blood continues as Max stabs her in the back about 10 more times , once about every 5 seconds . Finally , Mira is so weak , Max cannot hold her up any more . She falls to her knees . Mira is mortally wounded but still strong enough to try to crawl away . Max is really enjoying himself and he doesn’t want the fun to end just yet . He pulls out his trusty needle and gives Mira a shot of adrenaline in her shoulder . In a few seconds , Mira is a little stronger . Just strong enough to suffer some more before she dies :) She tries to crawl away but Max knocks her down to her belly .

Mira is down on her belly , weak but feeling a little stronger from the adrenaline . Max kneels down behind her . The camera shows Mira from the front . ( See pictures Chaos
1-9 ) Here , Max goes ape shit on her and again begins stabbing her in the back . Over and over and over again . Again , I don’t need to see the knife going into Mira . Max raising it up and dropping it into her back will be fine . We don’t need to see her back at all . The camera should be on her face as in the pictures from Chaos . This is why I wanted you to use a knife with a retractable blade . Because Max is leaning on Mira , the only part of her body she can move is her head . She screams out in agony with each thrust of the knife . She throws her head back and forward and side to side , hair falling in her face . The blood is pouring out of her mouth now . There is also so much blood on her back from the repeated thrusts of the knife , that its running over her shoulders and down her chest .The only thing that’s keeping her alert is the adrenaline shot .  Sometimes , as the knife enters her back , the blood squirts up into the air and lands on her head . There is blood all over her face and in her hair . This whole assault on her back while she is lying on her belly lasts about a minute and a half . Finally , after about 90 seconds , Mira weakens and Max realizes she’s had enough . 

He rolls her over onto her back to get a good look at her face . Mira is barely alive and covered in blood . He decides to finish her off by stabbing her in the heart several times . See the picture of Luiza from the Stabbing in the Rain video . As he stabs her these final few times , Mira’s body doesn’t react as before but her eyes are open staring hopelessly at Max . She lifts her head up a bit or moves it side to side but that’s about it . After he stabs her in the chest about ten times , he realizes she’s finished . The camera scans her bloody , destroyed body as the credits roll .

    16 minutes

Custom *

Customer’s Review:


MODELS: Annbelle, Tim


Amazon, Knife, Stabbing, Blood, Navel. Belly, Stomach, Belly Button, Stabbed to the belly, Pain, Agony, Death Stare

Important key elements of the custom:

- oiled (sweaty bodies)
- emotional, lustful acting, animalistic, over-the-top
- protruding, clearly visible ribs, heavy breathing, lustful
- death scenes: arching, writhing, moaning, NEVER TOUCH THE WOUND, arms/legs outstretched, visble ribs



The war between the amazons and the brotherhood is raging all over the world. Every country has an amazon tribe and every tribe has a queen. The queen is special. She wears a necklace that protects her. As long as she wears the necklace she cannot be killed. There is only one weapon that is powerful enough to kill a queen. It is a knife with special powers. Like cryptonite will kill Superman, this knife weakens the mind of a queen. If knife and queen are in the same room, the magic will spoil the mind of the queen. A deep desire to be killed grows in her. Tease the queen with the knife over naked body. If you find her weak spot, she will finally remove her necklace. After that she can be killed like every other amazon warrior. This knife is called QUEEN KILLER.

The queen is already dressed as the amazon warrior queen (see above): loincloth, necklace, barefoot, war paint.

She walks through the room, she is clearly excited, like she´s waiting for something. The mobile rings and the queen answers the phone. She listens and finally replies: "Don´t be silly, I am the Queen and I will kill him!" She hangs up.

An agent enters the room. The queen smiles and approaches him. Suddenly she stops, her eyes widen. She looks down and sees the knife (close up on knife). She takes a deep breath, the knife already unleashes its magic. The queen feels so horny! She wants to die!!! She wants to be stabbed with this big knife in her bellybutton!!! She knows it´s a trick from the knife, but she can barely fight her lust to be killed! She won´t remove her necklace! Never!!!

The agent approaches, the queen breathes heavily. Sucking in her belly deep in and out, slowly. Her ribs protrude so clearly with every breath! She stares at the agent as he shows her the knife! Slowly he glides it over her naked body and the queen gets more and more aroused.

The agent starts searching for her weak spot. First he tries her heart. He places it at her left breast and pokes slowly. The queen moans slightly and breathes heavy. In and out her belly, deep, slow! It looks like this is not her weak spot, so he glides down between her ribs. Again the queen moans and we see the tip of the knife right between her gorgeous ribs, which protrude so clearly!!! Her body is so sweat!!!

But still it does not seem to be her weak spot! So he glides it down from between her breasts, slowly down. The queen barely can control her lust now. As the blade glides into her bellybutton she moans loudly. Her breathing becomes faster and deeper. Ohhh, so wants to be stabbed there so badly! She wants to feel the blade in her guts!!! But no, she won´t take her necklace off! The agent teases her more, poking her in the bellybutton. This goes on for some time. The queen is full of lust to die, to get stabbed in her bellybutton. Her body is so sweat!!!

Finally she licks her lips, raises her arms slowly up. She rips off the necklace and throws it away!!! Closeup of necklace on the floor.

She keeps her hands behind her head, like she is offering her bellybutton now to be stabbed! She is totally horny now and wants the blade inside her!!

The agent loves how the amazon queen is offering her naked body to him. He teases her more and pokes only slightly, playing with her lust and her bellybutton. Finally the agent stabs the knife deep inside her bellybutton.

"OOUGHHHH!!!" The queen grunts loud and her eyes open in shock and pain! The agent holds the blade as they look and each other eyes for some seconds. Then he pulls it out. The queen grunts again!! The agent takes some steps back. The queen breathes heavily and looks down her belly. Her bellybutton is bleeding. She stares at the agent in disbelief and finally sinks to her knees. She NOT touches the wound! NEVER!!!

The she falls on her back and starts to writhe, arch and moan in agony. More blood flows from her wound. LONG SCENE of arching, moaning, lustful, squirming, different camera angles, CLEARLY VISIBLE RIBS, NOT TOUCHING THE WOUND, arms and legs outstretched.
After some minutes blood flows from the mouth of the queen from both sides.

Again after some minutes she arches her back very high, screams LOUD and then spits a lot of blood from her mouth. She collapses back, dead.

Some more views of her bloody, dead body. And the necklace on the ground. Then fade to black.



    20 minutes
Starring: Judi, Tatiana, Max
I just watched it and it’s truly amazing! Thanks

Element:  Multiple Chest shots with realistic bullet makeup/ Headshot with realistic bullet makeup/Bullet exit (back bullet make up)/ long death struggle/ vomit/puke blood (emphasize on the process No need to actually cough but more like vomit blood)/ humiliation/ embarrassment/ Open mouth/death stare/ stripping after death/

Background: Judi and Tatiana are workers for a drug cartel, and while they are working to count money, an angry robber comes in. 

Scene 1: Judi and Tatiana counted a lot of money from a suitcase and log the amount on the computer. After that, they decided to take a little break. Judi and Tatiana are best friends, and they talk about some fun things outside of work. Then Judi got a call from security that an armed robber is in the building, and they were told to protect the money. Judi then tells Tatiana to be ready and Judi is confident that she can handle it and gets two handguns from the desk drawer and give one to Tatiana. Then she says, “Tatiana, don’t worry, I’ll protect you if it is dangerous” She then put the suitcase inside a safe or a drawer with a lock and hide the key in her Bra.

Scene 2: Tatiana seems a little worried after they heard gunshots outside the door. Suddenly, the door is kicked open and a man with a gun walks in demanding the money and says, “wow, two sexy ladies guarding the money, it would be wasteful if I have to kill you.” Judi seems very serious and told him he will die, then open fires at him. Tatiana also opens fire at him. He moves outside of the door and takes cover and fires back at them and emptied their ammo.

Scene 3: All three of them started reloading, but the man is faster and walks into the room and aims at Tatiana who screams in fear while Judi rushes in front of Tatiana as the man fires. Five shots hit Judi in the chest and belly area (realistic bullet hole), she is shocked and looks at her wounds, and drops her gun. She turns to Tatiana and says with a faint voice,” I told you, I would protect you and take a bullet for you”. The camera should show only Judi and her back also has bullet exit holes.  Then blood pours out of Judi’s mouth as she pukes out a lot of blood. (a lot of blood-emphasize processes). The man says, “That is so touchy, but you will pay for fire guns at me.” He then shoots Judi’s leg (Thigh) four times (2 shots on each side) (realistic bullet hole with holes in pantyhose) Judi keens down and then fall on the ground. Judi wants to say something but can’t speak, and blood oozes out of her mouth, and she continues to vomit blood while the body twitches (emphasize process (don’t cough)). (like my first custom POLCIEWOMAN IN A DRUG DEN) Her body then started convulsing as she struggles on the ground due to the agonizing pain. (a lot of on the ground agonizing struggle like my first custom POLCIEWOMAN IN A DRUG DEN)

Scene 4: Judi is struggling to breathe on the ground and in a lot of pain, but as the camera turns to Tatiana, she is also shot at the exact locations as Judi (realistic bullet hole), since Judi’s body is not enough to stop the bullet. Judi saw it and is very sad but can’t say anything due to her injury. The man also sees this and seems happy, “Well, I saved my bullets by shooting you two at the same time.” She then begins to puke blood (emphasize process) and falls on the ground beside Judi and the whole body started convulsing just like Judi. They both looked at each other with painful expressions. After they continue struggling on the ground for a while, the man decided to kill them. The robber turns to Tatiana, and she is very weak. He tells her that if she tells him where the keys to the safe/ drawer are, he will let her live. Tatiana tells him that it’s in Judi’s bra. The man then told her she is free to call for help and help the bloody Tatiana stand up. She barely can stand, but the drive to live makes her strong and as she walks toward the door, the man shoots her in the back of the head killing her. (Realistic blood makeup in the forehead) Tatiana falls on the ground dead with a death stare. Her body continues to twitch and convulse for a little bit.

Scene 5: Judi screams “no”, then the man turns to Judi and says, “it’s time to say goodbye to this world” and aims the gun at Judi’s head and pulls the trigger, but the gun is empty. He then bends down and picks up Judi’s gun and says, “you don’t mind that I borrow it right?”. Judi opens her mouth and begs for life, but he shot her in the face. (Realistic Bullet hole). Judi’s mouth stayed open, Brain matter splatters on the ground, and Judi convulses and twitches very violently before the body relaxes. Her eyes are wide open, and her mouth is open, and the camera should focus on her death expression.

Scene 6: The man then undresses Tatiana and Judi looks at the bullet holes on their body. When he finds the key inside Judi’s bra, he says “mission accomplished!” He then touches their breasts and says,” what a pity” before leaving.


    15 minutes
Cast: Tatiana, Mira Green, Keila, Alice Miren

Fetish Elements: Multi Killing, Machine Gun, Death Without Blood
Then suddenly they are ambushed and all four get riddled with a machine gun by an off-screen gunman. They stand and shake from getting riddled with the machine gun. They moan in pain and flail their arms. After 5-6 seconds with different camera angles showing them from the front and back, the shooting stops. Kelia falls down to her knees while clutching to her chest, she then falls face down. Alice and Tanya can get pushed backwards by the bullet hits and hit the wall behind them and when the shooting stops both slides down slowly next to the wall and ends up sitting next to it. Mira falls down backwards and ends up on her back. Then all four girls get another big burst of machine gun bullets in them while on the ground/sitting. They shake and bounce from the bullet hits. Have the camera focus on all girls in one camera angel, and then focus on each girl separate as they get shoot. With Kelia which is laying on the floor face down, focus on filming her sexy jeans ass while it bounces and shakes on the floor. Alice and Tanya keep sitting next to each other, and they lean their head on each other. After the second burst of machine gun fire is over after ca. 4-5 seconds on each girl, the camera pans over their bodies and we see them dead. Have the girls’ eyes and mouths be open and the camera focuses on their death stares. They also twitch a couple of times while laying dead.

Scene 2:
Kelia and Alice are investigating and holding their guns while walking slowly next to each other. Then suddenly Mira and Tanya ambushes them with machine guns and starts to shoot at the two girls. Kelia gets riddled in her chest with machine gun bullets while Alice gets behind her and uses Kelia as a human shield. Mira and Tanya shoots for ca. 3-4 seconds and hits Kelia multiple times. We get some nice views of Kelia as the human shield as she gets riddled. Then Mira and Tanya manage to shoot and wound Alice and Alice lets go of Kelia. Alice falls down to her knees while clutching to her chest and the bullet wounds. She sits on her knees moaning in pain. Then Mira and Tanya approaches Alice and is about to execute Alice by shooting her in the head. But then suddenly Alice lifts her gun up and shoots Mira and Tanya several times. Mira and Tanya shoots back while getting shoot. All girls then die next to each other. Mira and Tanya lay on the floor moaning in pain for some seconds before finally dying. All end up with their eyes and mouths open and staring into the camera.

Scene 3:
Kelia and Mira are standing next to a wall kissing and caressing each other. They moan in pleasure and take times leaning against the wall while the other girl caresses and rubs her jeans crotch. Then Alice enters and catches them. She is mad and forces the two girls to raise their hands and stand against the wall. She makes the two girls turn around to see if they have any concealed weapons. Then Kelia and Mira face Alice again and Alice riddles their chests with her machine gun. They stand there shaking and arms flailing at their sides from all the bullet hits. They moan in pain while getting shoot. The shooting lasts ca. 5-6 seconds and use several camera angels to show them from different angels.
After they have fell to the ground Alive walks closer to the two dead girls and then shoots them again while they lay on the floor. They bounce and shake violently on the floor. Have several camera angels which shows them from the sides, above and from behind as their jeans asses bounces and shakes. Have the shooting last for ca. 10 seconds.
After the shooting Alice leaves and the camera pans over the two dead bodies so that we get some nice view of them dead. Have them twitch a couple of times while being dead.

Scene 4:
All four girls are in a gun fight with an off-camera gunman. They take cover behind some boxes or similar. Then Mira tries to change position and moves in front of one of the boxes. As she is about to pass the box when she gets hit multiple times by the machine gun and falls backwards on the box. Kelia is taking cover behind that same box as Mira is laying on top off. She shouts out the name of Mira that just got shoot and killed. Kelia then gets up to try to shoot back at the gunman. While Kelia is shooting back, Mira’s body gets hit multiple times in the crossfire. Then Kelia, also gets hit several times and she falls on top of the box too, but on her stomach. Tanya also tries to shoot back at the gunman, but she also gets riddled in her chest and falls on top another box. Alice then tries to surrender since she is the only one left. She gets out of cover and walks so she is in front of the box with Tanya dead on it. Then she gets riddled with machine gun bullets. She ends up sitting leaning against the box. She sits there dying slowly, moaning in pain and clutching her wounds on her chest and stomach. Then the gunman shoots them again. They shake from the multiple bullet hits in their bodies. After the shooting finally stops, we get some views for their bodies. Have all girls’ eyes and mouths be open while filming their bodies.

Scene 5:
Have all four girls stand next to a big bed. They kiss and fondle each other. They love to touch their jeans asses and feel each other’s jeans. They slowly take off their leather jackets (this is the only scene they take off their jackets!) while kissing and fondling each other. Then they are surprised by a off-camera gunman and raise their hands. They gets riddled in their chests and fall backwards on the bed. Then they get a second burst of machine gun bullets in them while laying on the bed. They shake and bounce on the bed from the second burst of machine gun bullets. After the second burst film them laying dead on the bed. All four have their eyes and mouths open. Have them twitch couple of times.

Scene 6:
Improvisation Killing

+ Bodies Are Placed To BodyBag 

 The End.
    33 minutes

Tatiana's family has fallen deep in debt, and she's decided to save them by sacrificing herself. She offers to have her willing death recorded on video in exchange for her family's safety. To negotiate the deal, she's forced to strip naked for the Debt Collector. Nervously she allows him to photograph her and touch her, aware that he's assessing her like a piece of meat to be butchered. Finally he agrees to the deal, but only if she accepts a gruesome torturous death. The deal is made.

Two days later, Tatiana arrives in lingerie. She's terrified, but pushes through her fear. The Debt Collector begins slashing her breasts slowly and mercilessly while Tatiana is barely manages to endure bloody torture. Then he shifts is attention to her pussy, slashing it repeatedly while blood flows between her legs. Eventually the suffering girl's strength gives out and she falls to the floor. The Debt Collector finishes her off by fucking her to death with the knife, making her last moments truly agonizing. The Debt Collector admires his latest victim as he pans the camera over her lifeless bloody body.

Customer Review:

"Crime House has delivered again! This is my 4th custom, and I think it's the best one yet! Tatian's acting is incredible, and the effects are like a big budget movie. Fantastic work from a professional team! Thank you."  Crime and Investigation
    21 minutes
      Crime and Investigation - CRIME AND INVESTIGATION
Starring: Nata, Juliana, Annabelle, Tim, Kit


Strangulation Fetish
CSI Fetish, Crime Scene Fetish
Nude strangulation, Strangulation in jeans, Strangulation in black pantyhose and boots, postmortem striping, bodypile, two police girls strangled


A woman washes in the shower. At this time, the robber breaks into the apartment, enters the kitchen and throws equipment and money into the bag. A woman hears something, comes out of the shower in one towel and goes into the kitchen, where she faces a robber face to face. She is frightened to death, and tries to escape, but he takes off his stocking from his face, which he used instead of a mask, throws it on her neck and starts brutally to choke. The towel falls from her body. Naked woman wriggles in agony, trying in vain to escape. In the process of a fierce struggle, she even scratches her strangler on the face with her fingernails, but he is much stronger than her and suffocating her to death. He leaves her naked wet body on the kitchen floor and runs away.
Some time later, the police inspect the body. Two female policemen claim that this is a domestic murder, but the young cadet constantly insists that the victim was raped. He looks like a preoccupied fool, and stubbornly repeats about sexual abuse. The girl chuckles at him, and he starts a terrible plan. He takes the policeman out of the room and, under the pretext of an investigative experiment, attacks her and begins to strangle him. The brave policeman was so taken aback by such a sudden attack that she did not even use the pistol and allowed herself to be strangled to death. Silly death. Then the crazy cadet kills the second police girl. This is a long sophisticated scene of strangulation with an emphatic fetish of boots and pantyhose. The girl throws her feet on his shoulders during the dying.
When everyone is killed, the cadet strips the bodies, takes off his boots and leaves a bunch of bodies on the floor.
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    Welcome To The Crime House Studio on Kinky Clips
    Crime House Fantasy Studio (also Crime House & Crime House and Dark Rooms) is independent production company with female death fetish orientation. Crime House does very erotic stuff, but not porn. Why we advice to offer our videos? 1. SEXY VICTIM-ACTRESSES ONLY 2. REALISTIC DEATH SITUATIONS 3. GREAT ACTING 4. CSGFX EFFECTS 5. NEW MODELS EVERY WEEK 6. ALL DEATH FETISH GENRES 7. NOT PORN BUT VERY-VERY EROTIC AND HOT 8.RUSSIAN AND EAST EUROPE HOT MODELS 9. WE DO KNOW HOW TO PLAY SEXY DEATH 10. ALL MOVIES ARE MADE IN VERY HIGH QUALITY

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