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    27 minutes
      FOUNTAIN - Perverted Horror Film About Strangulation

27 minutes film!

The movie contains special offer inside!

Fetish elements:

Strangulation with a broom

Poking your head in the freezer

Fracture of neck

Agony after death

A corpse falling from the closet (super scene!)

Strangulation through the glass with the collapse of the breasts

Strangulation in the air

Neck Break


Separation of corpses

Games with corpses

Fountain of dead women

Fracture of neck

A bunch of corpses


The man has a serious psychological trauma after the divorce. He is going to rent an apartment. Girls come to him on an ad. He compares them with his wife and brutally kills. Student Kate, he brutally strangled in the kitchen. A divorced woman, Nicole, he strangled terribly in the room. Then he killed a rich lady. After that, he built a terrible fountain of dead girls. When his wife came for things, she saw a terrible sculpture. He broke her neck and threw her body into the Fountain. The corpses crumbled, forming a chaotic heap. Tom lays down in a pile, taking a call from the new victim, promising that the apartment is waiting for her "Fountain".




TV SHOW 2  It is Just My Job
    7 minutes
      It is Just My Job - It’s Just My Job
Starring: Hass, Pola and Charlie
Fetish elements:
Two head shots
Contract killer
Death stares
Surprise reaction
Full Nude

Two rich wives of businessmen were shot by contract killer. The mission included also postmortem quorate and stripping their bodies for full nude.

If you like this clip please also check
    12 minutes
      TO SERVE AND PROTECT - To Serve And Protect
« I think everyone had fantastic performance this time, especially the moaning at the end of the video! »
CAST: Nata and Nadya
From Customer’s Review
The door is opened. One very experienced officer entering the house with another girl. She was asked to protect a witness for an important trial.
The cop closes the door and says,“There will be our home for next two weeks.”
“They are trying to find me, and I believe that they will kill me in cold blood too.” The witness almost cries. “So scary, I don’t want to die!”
“Listen. I am the most experienced agent in witness protection. I’ve been in this field for ten years, and you see, I am still here. Come on, go to the bath, watch TV, and go to sleep, as usual. I will guard you here all night. Relax, and don’t worry, you will be safe.”
The witness enters the bedroom. The cop sits down on the sofa, taking off her boots, and touching her feet with black socks softly.
“I can’t believe I have to waste my time in protecting her. If they comes and finds us, she will plead for her life like coward. I’m not afraid to die, and I would never plead for my life. Shame, these socks are so sweaty, maybe I would wear another pair next time. A sexy cop.”
The phone rings. The cop picks up the phone, and says hello.
“This is inspector Ivan. The gangs hires a hitwoman to kill you and the witness, and we only now her code name, Shadow.”
“Oh.” The cop frowns, “Any other descriptions?”
“We have a photo of her from the airport security camp, but it’s in very low quality. I will send it to you cell phone right now. And, please be careful.”
“Don’t worry, I will be ready for her.” The cop looks very confident.However, after seeing the photo, she was shocked. The killer is the girl she need to “protect”!
“My god. It’s her!” She drops the phone, and picks up her gun, getting closer and closer to the bedroom. She opens the door slowly, and the “witness”---- the killer, is waiting for her behind the door.
The cop turns around, seeing her. At that moment, the killer kicked off the gun from her hand, and tries to beat her:” Die, bitch!” The cop is quite experienced, and she slashed the killer’s face. The cop punches the killer brutally for several times, These two girls beat each other’s face and belly heavily. However, the cop is elder than the killer, so she feels tired before the killer. The killer has control the fight gradually. After beating the cop’s face and belly ten times without any resistance, the killer makes a final punch, pushing the cop lying on the bed. The cop’s face is bleeding, like this picture:
 “Oh, no!” The cops starts moaning.
“Die, stupid cop! I killed the witness, and pretended to be here, and kill you.”
“Please, please don’t kill me, I don’t want to die......” The cop looks painful and helpless. However, it was useless, and her eyes cross and roll up in her head.
The killer smiles. “I rather enjoy that.” She gets out of the bedroom and checks the bag which the cop left.
However, the cop wakes up, picks up her gun, and walked outside the bedroom, with great shaking since she has been punched heavily for many times. She points the gun to the killer, slowly but firmly
“You did really think it is that easy to kill me, did you? Now it’s your turn to die, bitch.” She fires a bullet to the killer. The killer is lying on the sofa, picks up her gun quickly, and points the gun to the cop 4 rounds: one in chest, and three in belly. Vomiting blood from her mouth, the cop tries to control herself. She makes great effort to stand up again, and gives another shot to kill the killer.
The cop picks up her cell phone, and says to her colleague:”Now I have killed the Shadow, but with four holes in my body. I will go to office sooner, and l look forward to see you guys in the pub to enjoy beers this night.”
After the short call, the cop feels that she can no longer control her body,She gradually lying on the ground, moaning, and her legs struggle heavily. Her whole body was shaking, and she is no longer able to say anything now, just like this picture.
After two minutes, she goes wide eyed and still, dead from the four fatal wounds, with two feet on black socks.
    6 minutes
A wealthy and powerful woman calls upon a strong, muscular soldier/mercenary boy to carry out a mission. While waiting for the boy to arrive, the woman gets ready beautiful and sexy, puts on make-up and dresses in a single transparent robe, she is completely naked. A little later the soldier arrives, shirtless,  greets his female boss and tells the lady that he is ready to carry out all her orders. The lady orders the boy to recover a briefcase with confidential documents and to eliminate a group of enemy soldiers. The soldier carries out the woman's order and goes to carry out the mission. After numerous shootings and fights, the boy completes the mission, eliminating all enemies and recovering the briefcase. After completing the mission, the boy returns to the lady to receive his fee.
The boy enters the lady's luxurious apartment, shirtless, and calls the woman saying that he has completed the mission. The woman appears completely naked, greets her soldier and sits down on the sofa crossing her legs. The soldier hands the briefcase to the lady saying that he has eliminated all her enemies, convinced that the lady will pay him for the excellent work done. The woman, sitting on the sofa, completely naked and with her legs crossed, congratulates the boy saying that she will give him a nice reward. The boy smiles pleased to see the woman completely naked in front of him, convinced that he will receive a nice fee from the lady.
But the woman, completely naked and with her legs crossed, suddenly takes out a silenced pistol that she kept hidden and points it at the boy. The woman, completely naked, smiles at the boy saying that she no longer needs him and that she doesn't want witnesses. The boy, incredulous, doesn't react and stands still looking at the completely naked woman with the gun in her hand.
The woman shoots between the boy's eyes, eliminating him instantly. The boy with a hole in his forehead stands for a few seconds (he must be well framed in the foreground) then kneels down and falls at the feet of the completely naked woman. The woman, after eliminating the soldier, smiles satisfied and remains seated on the sofa with her legs crossed.
    9 minutes
      SHOT DEAD COCKTAIL PolaJuliana - Pola and Juliana Shot-Dead Cocktail

2 neck-break scenes (4 deaths)
Girls are shot by gun (2 deaths) – bottom up poses
Girls are shot by gun during massage (2 deaths) - body pile
Pola shot Juliana by gun and was shot by gunman (2 deaths) – topless and stocking content. Gun man puts off their stockings from dead bodies (POV scene)
Girls shoot dead each other during duel (stocking content, foot fetish content) – 2 deaths
Juliana kills Pola
Pola kills Juliana
Pola breaks Juliana’s neck but Juliana shoots her before death – 2 deaths, bodypile 

15 deaths, 8 scenes, pleasant silencer sound, sexy poses.  SUSPICION
    23 minutes
Cast: Scarlett Fandera, Mira Green and Edward 
«…this is just about the best one you have done for me yet.

It is excellent, kudos to the Director(s) for putting it all together,  yes it definitely has a beginning, middle and end,  beautifully shot and edited and put together properly. Thank you also for really sticking to my script as well in every detail.

I can see how it is to the advantage of your company having proper fully fledged actors and actresses to call upon. Yes the casting is spot -on and each character is there, believable and properly defined.  Please thank they all from me personally for putting on such a good show nd performance».

From Customer’r Review 
Fetish Elements
Sexy Female Killer, Spy Theme, Girl kills girl, Cruel Girl, Man kill Girl. Bagging , Kidnapping, Helpless, Woman in Peril, Gas Torture, Burning Face, Gas Asphyxia, Stockings, Fr emotions, Professional Actors do horror show, Shooting, Silencer, HeadShot  (realistic with blood in the head and hair)

Scarlett acts Nadya – an agent of Russian Secret Spy Organization. She is clever and cruel and has sadistic fetishes. The sheaf of this organization send her for mission  - to spy for another agent Zoya (Mira Green) and to know all about her. Nadya pretends to be her friend and roommate. She sees the strange behavior of Zoya and calls to Center about the information she works for Britains and she is double agent. Nadya decides to execute her herself  - she attackes her in the bathroom with a bag and gags her until she is near to her death. After she ties her to the chair and brings the gas mask and a bottle with a terrible biochemical mixture. Ignoring miserable whine about mercy from frightened Zoe she does her terrible  long execution forbidden in legislation to enjoy how poor girl is dying. She burns her face and chokes her dead. 
The colonel comes to the room. He is not so happy to see dead Zoya – he askes just to know the information but not to kill. How can he now find out more information from Zoya? The initiative, emotionality and sadism of Nadi does not fit the code of organization. The Colonel sais about it while he winding  the silencer onto the gun. Nadya realizes her terrible situation  - now she is not cruel woman any more – she is near her end. Headshot! The body of a young woman slowly slides down, leaving a bloody trail. Her eyes express the last fright and surprise - she was counting on a medal for courage and promotion, but not a bullet in the forehead after her victory…


    19 minutes
      ANNABELLES AUDITION - «Thanks again for the custom which I enjoyed a lot. The models were both excellent They captured the spirit of the piece - with convincing playfulness between the two of them as interviewer and candidate, whilst  giving strong performances in the three death scenes. 
The production quality is good».
Customer’s Review 
Annabelle is a serious actress. But in the middle of the pandemic, work is very hard to find. So, she has applied to become a death fetish model with Crime House, a fetish film producer in Russia. This is the story of her audition with CH.
She is being interviewed in a living room by Nata. Nata asks Annabelle what experience she has of acting out death scenes, and Annabelle says she has done some scenes in drama school – but not this type of work before. Nata is confident Annabelle will be fine but explains that first they have to do three auditions in the bedroom – which is connected by hidden cameras to a group of CH clients. They will decide on the scenarios and determine if Annabelle is suitable to join the CH team. Annabelle is very enthusiastic and says she is sure it will be fine and that they will have fun together. She even hugs Nata making it clear that she finds Nata attractive.
The next scene is in the bedroom. Annabelle is sitting on the bed whil Nata is looking at her phone. She tells Annabelle that for the first audition, the client wants them to play lesbian lovers in the nude. But Nata has discovered Annabelle has betrayed her with a man. She will be on top of Annabelle pinning her down. Annabelle will plead for forgiveness, but Nata will strangle her with her bare hands. The client wants Annabelle to struggle furiously. But she will not be strong enough to escape and slowly weaken and die.
Annabelle smiles and gets up to hug and begin undressing Nata. Nata responds amorously and undresses Annabelle easing her back onto the bed. They kiss and cuddle for a while.  Suddenly Nata pins Annabelle’s hands down and accuses Annabelle of betraying her with Ivan. Annabelle protests her innocence, but Nata pulls her hair back and pretends to slap her and twist her nipples. Annabelle screams in pain and begs Nata to stop. She admits she did sleep with Ivan but it meant nothing – she loves Nata.
Nata stops torturing Annabelle briefly and they hug each other affectionately. Annabelle says she will never betray Nata again. Nata agrees but then turns aggressive. She barks at Annabelle that there is only one way she can ensure there are no more betrayals. And with that she begins to strangle Annabelle. Annabelle’s eyes widen in shock and fear and she struggles desperately to break Nata’s grip and unbalance her. But Nata is too strong. Annabelle fights frantically, but then begins to weaken and spasm almost orgasmically, before slowly slipping away and dying.
Nata kisses Annabelle on the forehead, says ‘cut’, and Annabelle opens her eyes and they both laugh and hug each other affectionately one more time.
Nata goes to her phone and tells Annabelle she has done well in her first scene.
Annabelle comes over and they look at the phone. They are both still nude. Annabelle asks the clients listening whether this time she can play the killer and let Nata be her victim. Nata pushes her away playfully and says she is too strong to be Annabelle’s victim.
The clients obviously like the playfulness between the two of them, because this time they say that Annabelle will play a contract killer who has been hired to murder Nata – with a garotte (maybe a red scarf that is in the room). Nata asks the client if she can fight to get free and the client texts that of course she can try. She puts the phone on a table or shelf by the bed.
Annabelle is confident and picks up the scarf and asks Nata sexily if she wants a bit of fun.
Nata says she doesn’t wish to be tied up and Annabelle strokes her tenderly and says the stocking is not for tieing her up. She eases Nata back on the bed and mounts her, threading the scarf around her throat. Nata asks what she is doing. Suddenly Annabelle gets serious and says someone has paid her to murder Nata. Nata begs for mercy, but Annabelle tightens the scarf and Nata begins to choke. 
At first Annabelle is winning and Nata’s struggles are not making any difference. But then she slaps Anna in the belly and slightly winds her, and then unbalances her by jerking her body. Annabelle lets go of the scarf, but it is too late. She is already unbalanced, and Nata now rolls her over and after a bit more wrestling, gets the upper hand. Annabelle tries to fight back, but Nata pins first one hand and then the second above Annabelle’s head.
Annabelle stops struggling and asks what happens now. She thought she was going to win this role play. Nata looks at the phone. The client congratulates her and tells her to smother Annabelle with a pillow. This time it is Annabelle pleading for mercy. But soon, Nata smothers her and although Annabelle again fights with a lot of energy, after a while she accepts the inevitable and slowly dies.
Nata lifts up the pillow and again is happy and kisses Annabelle who opens her eyes a little annoyed she didn’t manage to be the killer in this role play.
Now they are both relaxing after expending a lot of energy in the two scenes.
Nata looks at her phone again and sighs. She turns to Annabelle and tells her this time the clients are going to make sure she is successful as the killer. She explains that in this scenario she will play a spy who has stolen secret account codes from a bank on a memory stick she intends to sell to the highest bidder. Annabelle plays an enforcer who has come to get the memory stick back for the bank and has permission to murder Nata when she gets it. Nata will start off pretending to be asleep on the bed so Annabelle can tie one of her wrists to the headboard before Nata even wakes up to ensure she won’t be able to escape.
Nata gets a memory stick and hides it in the pillowcase. Annabelle puts some light clothes on and goes out of camera shot.
Nata pretends to fall asleep on the bed and Annabelle comes in quietly. She ties one end of the scarf to the bed and then loops the other around Nata’s hand. Nata stirs, but Annabelle is on top of her and only one arm is free – which Annabelle quickly pins down. 
She tells Nata she wants the memory stick. Nata denies she has it. Annabelle pretends to hit Nata’s face and belly and she pulls her hair back. Nata still will not tell her. Annabelle begins to hand smother Nata, who tries to fight her off with one free hand. But she cannot get the hand off. When Annabelle stops the hand smother, Nata is gasping for breath – but still she denies everything.
Annabelle picks up the pillow, turns it over and begins pillow smothering Nata, who again fights unsuccessfully to push the pillow off her. But this time Annabelle sees the memory stick in the pillowcase. She stops and takes the USB out and puts it on the bedside table next to the phone. She is very happy and knows now she has what she came for.
She looks at Nata beneath her – wondering what to do about her. Nata says now she has the memory stick she can go and just leave her. But she already knows, Annabelle will not let her live. Annabelle strokes Nata’s face gently, as if they are lovers. But Nata knows what is coming and asks her once more to let her go. 
Too soon, Annabelle’s hands close round Nata’s throat and she knows it is the end for her. She tries to fight, but with only one hand free it is hopeless. She tries to die as sexily as Annabelle has and is soon in death spasms before closing her eyes and becoming still.
This time Annabelle hugs Nata, unties her hand, and kisses her.
Nata embraces her and they kiss – this time on the lips, maybe even more!
Nata picks up the phone and shows Annabelle. They both smile. And Nata says to Annabelle “Welcome to Crime House,”
[scene fades…].


    6 minutes
CAST: Ksyusha Zaichik, Max, Alex
Two iconic movie scenes:
Black widow(1987) director Bob Rafelson
Patriotic Games(1992) director Phillip Noyce
     It39s Too Expensive Bitch
    1 minutes
      It39s Too Expensive Bitch - Another story about houselady and her maid.

the other name: «it’s too expensive, bitch!»

young but very rich woman, a wife of famous art-businessman has a meeting with an art-collector. But her maid greta is in cahoots with adventurer. She let him to enter the villa as a collector, and he ********* a woman to steal the expensive picture (1 million $ price). The ********** scene is very long and you can see every kicking motion of dying woman.

but a  a criminal also ********* a maid: he doesn’t want to share with her. He strips bodies and foes away with the picture.


**********, black pantyhose, kicking legs, short dress, short skirt, high heels, ****** in glasses, stripping bodies, dead poses  POLICE LOVE AND DEATH STORY
    10 minutes

Starring: Kate, Annabelle, Alex, Den

Fetish Elements:
Cops, Stockings, Firefight, HeadShot, Slow Death, Surprise before death, Kiss before dying, Postmortem Stripping


Do you like cop stories with female cop deaths in movies? Have you ever wanted to see it more erotic? This fetish movie is for you! Mainstream  4K movie with fetish elements! DEADSKIRT STYLE!

Three police officers (a man and two women) are conducting a special operation to capture a drug trafficker and a pedophile. They break into the underground studio, where the villain keeps drugs, illegal porn and weapons. Alex kisses his partner - they are in love. While they were engaged in a search, the bastard emerges from the shelter and opens fire. In the shootout, Annabelle dies (headshot) and Katya is mortally wounded. Dan is dead. Alexei says goodbye to a dying lover, kisses her. Then, left alone with the dead bodies, the dark side opens before him, and he, following his dark labyrinths of the subconscious, begins to undress the bodies ...

If you want to see more police stories, check
    23 minutes
Emma wakes up with her arms and legs tied to a chair, she is filmed by a camera, and a man is standing in front of her. She asks where she is, but the man says nothing. The man paws her, she gets angry, then he starts to choke her with his hands for a minute. He then explains that she is being tortured for the pleasure of the onlookers, gets up from behind and strangles her with a garrote for several minutes. She drools with her tongue hanging out, and after he releases her, she begs for mercy. The man then takes a clear plastic bag and suffocates her for several minutes.
He takes turns strangling and strangling her, until finally, in the end, he says that he is done with her. He unties her and places her on the floor so that she lies face up on him. He paws her, then suffocates her with a clear plastic bag until she dies.  2 SPIES 2
    12 minutes
      2 SPIES 2 - Starring: Oksana and Nata 
Custom movie

Nata is searching in a drawer and then she finds a file. She’s wearing a blouse, a black mini skirt and glasses. We can see that she has a gun attached to the back of her skirt.
She takes the file and sits on a sofá that is close to where she was looking for and starts to read its contents.
Oksana enters the room and points Nata with a gun telling her to leave the file and come with her.
Nata leaves the file and smiling tells Oksana that it’s not use in threatening her with that gun, that Oksana knows that she always has loved her and that Nata loves her too. Nata sensuosly unbuttons her blouse revealing a very sexy bra, then she unhooks the bra and her beautiful breasts are completely exposed. She keeps her glasses on.
Oksana leaves her gun on a table and walks towards Nata unbuttoning her own blouse at the same time. When she is in front of Nata she takes her blouse off letting it  fall on the floor.
Both women start caressing each other in the breasts in the neck and in the face and they lie on the sofá. After a while of necking and being aroused, Oksana put both her hands in Nata’s neck and squeezes it lightly. Nata moans with pleasure in the believe that Oksana is trying to apply a slight suffocation that will help to a good orgasm, but instead, Oksana squeezes harder and Nata sees that Oksana expression changes from delight to hate.
Nata’s smile wear off and fear fills her features when she realizes that Oksana is strangling her. Nata fights trying to get free of Oksana’s powerful grip but is useless and soon her strength wears off and her arms go limp to her sides. She closes her eyes and stops breathing.
Oksana stands up smiling as she watches the body of Nata. She picks her blouse up and starts to leave the room. But Nata is not dead, when Oksana is about to leave, she opens her eyes, caress her sore neck and standing up takes the gun she has in her back holster.
When Oksana is walking, almost getting out, Nata shoots her in the back. An expression of surprise and pain fills Oksana’s beautiful face and she grabs the gun that she left before on the table. Oksana turns around and shoots Nata, the bullet hits her between her naked breasts, but Nata has time to shoot one more time and her shot hits Oksana in the heart.
Oksana falls to the floor holding her gun and dying instantly. Nata slowly sinks to the floor. Her knees hit the ground and then she falls on her back. Blood runs from her wound to her flat stomach and to her neck and a trickle of blood comes out of her mouth. She is slowly dying.
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    Welcome To The Crime House Studio on Kinky Clips
    Crime House Fantasy Studio (also Crime House & Crime House and Dark Rooms) is independent production company with female death fetish orientation. Crime House does very erotic stuff, but not porn. Why we advice to offer our videos? 1. SEXY VICTIM-ACTRESSES ONLY 2. REALISTIC DEATH SITUATIONS 3. GREAT ACTING 4. CSGFX EFFECTS 5. NEW MODELS EVERY WEEK 6. ALL DEATH FETISH GENRES 7. NOT PORN BUT VERY-VERY EROTIC AND HOT 8.RUSSIAN AND EAST EUROPE HOT MODELS 9. WE DO KNOW HOW TO PLAY SEXY DEATH 10. ALL MOVIES ARE MADE IN VERY HIGH QUALITY

    Featuring 965 Clips / 16587 minutes of video!

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