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    10 minutes


Scene 1.  Girl Nº 1 is lying on a table that is in the middle of a living room. She is unconscious and she is wearing a black sleeveless undershirt with a low revealing cleavage. She is breathing and we can see the rise and fall of her bossom. She slowly regains conciousness and she looks around confused ignoring where she is.

Scene 2. She stands up and seeing around goes straigth to a door and tries to open it, but when she grabs the knob, an electric charge shakes her violently. She feels the forceful shock and she loses conciousness again falling to her knees and then resting on her right side.

Scene 3. The door opens and Girl Nº 2 gets into the room. She watches the inner body of Girl Nº 1 and smiles. She kneels beside the girl and turns her body face up, then raises her undershirt revealing her breasts. She caresses the right breast closing her eyes as she does it and humming with pleasure.

Scene 4. Girl Nº 2 unbuttons her shirt and we can see she is not wearing underwear.  She caresses her breast at the same time she continues caressing the breast of the unconscious girl, who at this point starts recovering.

Scene 5. Girl Nº 2 covers the girl Nº 1 breasts with her black undershirt and stands up producing a gun she has in the back of her skirt.

Scene 6. Girl Nº 1 opens her eyes and sees the other girl that now is aiming at her with the gun. She sits on the floor and asks:  -Who are you? Where am I? Girl Nº 2 indicates with the gun to girl Nº 1 to stand up. She does it. Now both girls are facing each other.

Scene 7. Girl Nº 2 aims directly to girl Nº 1 chest and says: - I’m your executioner and this is the place where you are going to die. She is about to fire but girl Nº 1 attacks her and both girls fight and struggle. The gun is between both of them and suddenly we hear a shot.

Scene 8. Both girls stand still watching their faces. They separate and we can see blood under girl Nº 2 left breast. Girl Nº 1 pushes girl Nº 2 away and runs to the door, but remembering the electric charge she stops.

Scene 9. Girl Nº 2 fires her gun hitting girl Nº 1 in the back. She screams and slowly turns around. She is breathing heavily and stares at girl Nº 2 with hate. Girl Nº 2 fires twice and hits girl Nº 1 on her left breast, she moves backward holding her chest with her left hand then she falls on the floor and after an agonizing jerk she dies.

Scene 10. Girl Nº 2 watches the lifeless body of girl Nº 1 and slowly walks towards her but she is fatally wounded so she falls to her knees, she releases her gun and reaches for girl Nº 1’s breast, she touches it and then she coughs and falls face up on the floor with blood coming out of her mouth and dying with her eyes open.  THE GREAT GOODSBY
    10 minutes

The Great Gatsby fetish Parody 
Fetish elements: 
Clothes, dresses, stocking, legs, strangulation, choking, double strangulation, gloves, stripping bodies 
Mr.Goodsby is alter ego of famous literature and  cinematic character the Great Gatsby. He didn’t die because of his love and just ran away and drank a lot. He decided to take a ravange and kill the wonan he loved and her friend – golf-girl. He strangled them, took off their expensive clothes and sprinkled the corpses of money…

If you like this video please check out:
     Shotdead Cocktail 12
    14 minutes
      Shotdead Cocktail 12 - SHOT-DEAD COCKTAIL-12
Starring: Luiza, Juliana, Marina, Annabelle
Fetish elements: non-***** shootings, sexy lingerie, black stockings  
34 death scenes
POV gun shooting 
4-Grisl bodypile
Many different reactions, quick death, slow death, agonies, death stares, sexy poses and many other traditional shot-dead cocktail surprises by Crime House  DEPT COLLECTOR
    22 minutes
Elements: Knife to vagina, Grabbing Tits, Cuting Tits, Tortures, Slow Terrible Bloody Death 
«This is personally one of my favorite videos you've done. Excellent work!
Angelina's acting is top tier, and same for the other actors. The effects were really well done as well.
The set, lighting, props, and wardrobe were all great as well!»

Customer’s Review

CAST: Angelina, Alex, Max

Juliette has fallen far behind on her mob loan, and they've come to collect.

She returns to her apartment wearing a dress and heals after a night out. She enters a room and sees a camera setup and is then grabbed from behind. She's terrified.

The debt collector explains that she's fallen too far behind on her payments, and now she's going to put on a show to make good. Viewers watching the stream are going to bid on what they do to her, and she's free to go once the $12,000 she owes is collected.

She's forced to strip out of her dress and bound with her arms raised above her head and legs spread shoulder-length apart. She's wearing nothing but her underwear and heals, standing in vulnerable and exposed in front of the camera. She stares at the camera in disbelief that her body is about to be broadcast to a bunch of strangers, and she begins to tremble.

The requests start off mild, and the only damage is to her dignity:
- $25 to remove her bra
- $50 to remove her panties
- $75 to pinch her nipples

...but then they start to turn violent

Someone offers $500 to punch her hard in the tits 5 times. She pleads with her assailant as he approaches, and braces herself as he drives his fist into her tender flesh repeatedly. The pain is immense and brings her to tears.

Then someone offers $1000 to knee her hard in the vagina. Still crying from the previous abuse, she barely has time to preparse herself for what's about to happen. With her legs spread apart, she's completely vulnerable, and the knee connects squarely to her mound. She briefly goes wide-eyed shock before letting out a gutteral moan and some pee escapes her, running down her legs.

As she moans and trembles from the abuse, the next bid comes from a wealthy viewer with extreme tastes: $20,000 to insert a large knife all the way up her vagina. The collector only has to think for a moment before he commits to the act, retrieving a large knife from her own kitchen.

She frantically pleads with him as he approaches. "At least this will clear your debt" he says coldly, as he kneels down, preparing for the act.

He places one hand on her quivering hips to stabilize her, and with the other hand he begins the insertion. The pain is unbearable as slides it in, and there's nothing she can do. It takes a surprising amount of force to drive it all the way inside, and he takes his time working it in. When he finally pulls it out, streams of blood begin dripping and flowing down her legs, splashing into pools on the floor below.

He backs away now and lets the virtual onlookers take in the sight of her bleading body for a fair amount of time, the pool of blood continues to grow underneath her.

Then another bid comes in: $100,000 to do that 20 more times. Even though her debt is more than payed, he considers the amount of money they'll take from this, and decides to go through with it.

He approaches her with the bloody knife in hand, knowing there won't be any coming back from this. He bends down once more and begins the second insertion. Each one he gains more confidence and thrusts harder bringing sounds of pure agony as the blade begins to slam into her.

Blood now flows out from her freely covering her thighs and pooling on the floor. Juliette feels her life flowing out of her.

When he finishes the 20th thrust he slowly withdraws the blood soaked knife from the quivering woman's body, and steps back again so the viewers can take it all in.

After a bit of time, one final bid comes in: $25,000 to slice up her tits, then untie her and let her bleed out on the floor. He takes the knife and makes several deep cuts across each breast, then undoes her restraints. She collapses to the floor and while moaning clutches her breast and vagina in a feeble attempt to stop the bleeding.

As the camera streams her last moments, she slowly succumbs to her wounds as she lies in a fetal position in a pool of her own blood.

The collector takes some video of various angles of her expired body to make sure his patrons get their money's worth.
COVID MASSACRE (both parts)
    37 minutes
      Misfire - Misfire

         We changed our quality and approach to much steps!

It’s new era of Crime House and Dark Rooms production. Now we work only together and make long, fetish, relish exotic death films with HD only and quality of professionals from media business. Death Fetish only with HD media format only!

It’s fill time fetish shooting and ************* HD movie  with huge budget, great video especial effects, slow motion flying bullets effects like in Matrix. Full nude content. New model. Great  acting and location. Much ***** and ultra sexy. It’s death fetish mainstream movie, very sexy with many surprises! Collection one!

Fetish elements.

  Spy theme, miniskirt, office bad ****, contract killer bad ****, glamour nude ****, high heels, black stockings, legshow, jeans short shorts.

            Deaths: ************* with stocking, shooting full nude ****  to the belly and boobs with much ***** and bullets special effects, headshot to bullets special effects.

Postmortem: death stares and sexy poses,  after death body reactions and  muscle contraction, brain death. A bad **** playing with good ****’s corpse. Revenge. Bad *****’ deaths. Playing with corpses! Sexy three full nude dead ***** bodypile. Much other death fetish surprises you haven’t seen before in death fetish industry.

         Rich businessman Anatoli  is having a great time at Bora Bora with his blonde lover Anna. He is checking stock market reports in laptop screens when his babe is missing in the bedroom. He gets an important call from business partner and moves away from the bungalow. His lover is alone and stripping for him to make a surprise when he comes back.

            But  competitors from big bank structure send contract killers to liquidate Anatoli and grab his business. Killers are from elite secret agency from Russia  - Julia Cobra and Natalia Scorpion. Sexy ***** know how to kill. Julia wears very short button up shorts and t-shirt, Natalia is her boss, so she wears short office miniskirt, white shirt and black stockings. The ***** look at the window and see nude Anna alone preparing for sex. Natalia stays outside to wait for Anatoly and to kill him with silencer-gun and Julia goes to the bungalow to have some fun with Anna.

            Anna hears steps and thinks it’s Anatoli. She is ready for sex but what the fuck?! Unknown **** with gun! Anna is very surprised and feared and Julia shoots the first time. Misfire! ****! But she takes another gun – big silver revolver and shoots.  In the stomach! Jo, in the tender Anna’s stomach, just in the belly! Anna has the strongest stomach agony but Julia Cobra strikes again, directly to Anna’s right boob! Anna is bleeding, so much *****! Julia strikes the third time.

            We see slow-motion flying bullet effect like in Max Payne or Matrix! This effect we used the first time in death fetish movies industry. We see how bullet flies to nude ****’s heart and kills her.

            Anna is dead, with stupid face with opened eyes, all her body is in *****. Julia comes to her body for some games. She is exited to see rich glamour **** dead in her bed. Her body is still warm. She touches her and she is going to fuck her corpse.

            Natasha is waiting for Anatoli. It’s so hot in Bora Bora! The ***** takes off her stockings. But Anatoli saw agents and he was ready to attack first. He surprised Natahs from behind and ********* the **** with hew own stocking. It’s long ultra sexy ************* scene with some new effects and fetish elements. Dead Natasha stays in very exotic and sexy death pose and death stare. Anatoli takes her silencer gun and goes to the bungalow.

            He sees how Julia plays with his dead girlfriend. Julia stands to the floor and shoots. Fuck! Misfire again! It’s not her day, not the day for this bad-bad ****! She makes fail-face because she understand that she hasn’t second time to strike. She is loser. Anatoli shoots to her head.

            We see another slow-motion bullet-time affect, bit no with 180o camera turn. Bullet is slowly flying to Julia’s head. Epic headshot indeed! Julia with bullet in the head falls to her knees, then falls to the floor. She is already dead but her dead body is still kicking because of muscle contraction. Her face is very dead, surprised and stupid.

            Now all ***** are dead. Anatoli goes to his lover’s corpse. He says «Sorry, babe!». Then he carries Natalia’s corpse from the street and strips her to full nude. He strips Julia’s body. There were so much dead sexy babes that Anatoli after stress fell something strange in his soul. He feels sexual exiting and plays with dead female bodies like in dolls. He understands that he can’t stay in Bora Bora any more and goes away leaving nude *****’ bodypile under hot sun.  A BURGLAR AND SLEEPING BEAUTIES
    25 minutes
CAST: Sally, Alice M, Annabelle, Yana, Luiza, Max

25 minutes!
5 strangulation deaths. Great bodypile

Fetish Elements: 
Sleepy helpless girls, Attack while sleeping, Rude awaking, Choking, Strangulation, Neck Snap, Trying to escape, Trying to call for help, Death Stares, Necro Carrying, Necro Stripping, Touching Bodies, Sexy lingers, Hiding in the bodypile, Pretended to be dead to hide



5 girls in scout camp go to sleep to the large bedroom with many beds. They are too tied after hard day and fast fall to sleep. A burglar enters the room to steal their mobile phone, money and jewelry. He decides also to kill them all to hide all evidences…
He attacks sleepy Luiza first. She is shocked to be attacked and choked after sweet dream. She tries to call for help but another girls are just sleeping. She can’t shout, she is just croaking, kicking her legs and tries to free herself but all is in vain. She dies…
A burglar takes her phone and goes to choke another girl – sleepy Yana. 
Before killing a girl, he decides to joke a little, lies down next to her and hugs her sleeping. In a dream, I feel the touch of a strong man, Yana smiles and hugs him, but he grabs her neck and she wakes up in horror. She starts to wheeze in a panic, jerk her legs, try to wake other girls, but also remains without help, as other girls are sleeping. She is dying in agony. The robber takes her valuables, takes the body, transfers it next to the dead Louise, puts the bodies on top of each other, lifts up T-shirts and claps on her asses. Now he is going to kill Sally.
Alice M wakes up and the killer hides behind the bed. She sees that Luza and Yana are lying together. She wakes Annabelle to tell her that the girls turned out to be lesbians and sleep together, but Annabelle wants to sleep and asks Alice not to bother her. The killer comes out from behind cover and attacks Sally.
First he chokes her on her bed and then puts her to the floor and finishes her and carrying her body to the bodypile near dead Luiza and Yana. 
Alice M sees again already three girls in one bed and she again tries to speak with Annabelle about it but Annabelle is sleeping. 
 The girl in a panic pulls her hands to Annabelle, pushes her, tries to tear off the blanket from her, but the robber pulls her far and mercilessly strangles her with both hands.
He takes her body and places to the bodypile. 
A killer wants to play with bodies and forgets about Annabelle. Annabelle wakes up and sees how killer playing with dead bodies stripping them. She is in shock and hides under the bed. Killer looks to the Annabelles bed, sees empty bed and after making sexy bodypile goes away. 
Annabelles goes out her shelter and runs to check her friends. All of them are dead. She runs from the room to the staircase. Suddenly killer returns. Annabelle in panic returns to the room and she doesn’t know where  to hide. She decided to pretend to be dead, butt off her lingerie and lies to the bodypile making funny death stare. Killer returns because he was sure there were five girls in the room but he killed only four ones. He comes to the room and check beds. All are empty. Then he looks at the bodypile. Five girls… Strange… He is looking attentively and sees how Annabelle choking and blinking. Gotcha! He pounces on her, strangles her, and then breaks her neck! Now all is ok. Five dead half-naked, unbridled girls remain dead in the room, and the killer leaves the house ...

HOUSE OF 9 CORPSES (all parts)
Unhappy Birthday 
    15 minutes


Starring: Mila, Lara, Yana, Luiza

6 independent choking scenes from beginning to the end

Different locations, exotic strangulation situations, much foot fetish, leg kicking, body jerking, agonies, deadly grimaces, death stares and surprises for strangulation lovers


Just Strangulation, Choking and nothing more!

Great Price! Just 2.5$ per strangulation scene!


4 actresses

3 locations

6 scenes

15 minutes without any promos

6 different looks and outfits





    5 minutes
Starring: Tora, Luiza, Angelina, Mary, Hass, Marina
3 mortal Battle scenes between gang of bad girls and group of good girls. 
Many deaths, 3 variants of ending of this mortal fight! Swords and guns fetish action
    13 minutes
CAST: Demonika, MaryAnn, Alex, Max
It begins with a scene in which a subordinate man watches out the door and a female detective watches out the window beside the mafia wife.
\"I will arrest the mafia who is upset because my wife was taken by the police.In the meantime, protect my mafia wife.That\'s why I chose the best of you,\" the command office tells the female detective on the phone.
The female detective hung up the phone from the control room.
\"I promise to save my life no matter what enemy attacks me,\" the female detective says, encouraging the mafia wife.
\"Something is wrong outside,\" the wife says anxiously to the female detective.
\"Tell me what\'s going on outside,\" a female detective tells a subordinate male detective in a transceiver.
However, there was no reply from his subordinates.
The tension between the female detective and the mafia wife is strained.
\"Answer me. What\'s the matter?\" the female detective again told the subordinate male detective in the transceiver.
I haven\'t heard back from my subordinates.
The female detective takes her to the back room.
\"Please lock the room and wait until I come back,\" the female detective tells his wife.
The female detective pulls the gun out of Holster and slowly approaches the front door, paying attention to the front door.
The female detective goes to the front door and asks the man outside, \"What\'s the matter?\"
The murderer kills his men, and the murderer changes into their clothes and knocks on the door.
The female detective looks out of the door eye.
A female detective is deceived by a murderer in the clothes of a subordinate man.
The detective looks displeased at his subordinate who doesn\'t answer.
The detective returns the gun to Holster and opens the front door...  LAST MISSION FOR THE COP
    14 minutes

CAST: Emma, Max

Background: Emma is a policewoman and is tasked to interrogate important criminals.  


Scene 1: At home in her underwear, Emma received a phone call to get information from a target and was sent a picture on her computer. Her boss warned her that the target had many security and possible snipers. She reviews the picture and starts to dress in her professional outfit and gets her gun.  


Scene 2: Emma arrives at the criminal\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'s apartment and opens the door with a universal key. She gets her gun out and enters the room, carefully moves to the bedroom, and sees the target is sleeping. She points the gun and yells at the criminal to wake up, and the criminal is surprised and scared. Emma told him to get up and tell her where is the safe and the passcode. The criminal does not want to tell her, but she threatens to keep him and use the gun to strike his head. The criminal is angry but scared and tells her where the safe is and the passcode.  


Scene 3: Emma holds the criminal at gunpoint, exits the bedroom, and moves toward the safe. The criminal suddenly decides to attack Judi, knocks her gun off, pushes Emma to the ground. Emma is angry and strikes him back in the head, and the man becomes weak. Judi then gets on top and starts strangling the man, and the man begs for life, but Emma says,\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\" you will be dead for violating m.\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\". A sniper scope view appears, and Emma\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'s back is in the crosshair. Then a gunshot goes off twice, and Emma is shot in the back. Two Realistic Bullet holes appear on her back and front, and blood is sprayed on the criminal. Emma is shocked, looks at her wounds, and lets go of the man. While still on top of the man, she starts to vomit blood, and her blood also gets on the criminal. Her body also twitches and writhes in pain. He then pushes Emma off to the ground and stands up. Emma continues to puke out blood. She also agonizes and convulses in pain and arches her back.  


Scene 4: Emma is struggling to breathe on the ground and is in a lot of pain. The man goes back to the room, calls his security, and thanks to them for saving him. During this time, Emma struggles to stand up, retrieve her gun, and move toward the bedroom in pain. Just as Emma was about to fire, the security on the phone told the man to be careful, and he turned around and dodged the bullets. Without aiming, he gets his gun in the drawer and fires in Emma\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'s direction. Only the last shot hit Emma in the neck, and a Realistic Bullet hole appeared on her neck, and a lot of blood came out of it. Emma drops the gun, holds her neck in disbelief, and continuously pukes more blood. The criminal says, \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\"Damn, I am lucky today,\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\" and gets another clip from his drawer and reload the gun. He then aims it at Emma and says,\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\" For a dangerous woman like you, you are better dead.\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\" He then shoots her three times in her chest and belly, and a Realistic Bullet hole appears. Emma falls to the ground, and her hands No longer hold her neck as she is too weak. She struggles on the ground and gasps for air while puking blood. She also arches her back in pain.  


Scene 5: The criminal walks up to Judi and sees her in such pain, and says, \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\"I\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'ll end the struggle for you\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\" and fires two shots at her head, and one Realistic Bullet holes appear on her forehead and left cheek. Brain matter sprayed on the ground. Judi\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'s body twitched a few times and stopped. Her eyes are wide open with a death stare. He then humiliates her, saying,\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\" Oh, so pretty blonde girl does have a brain.\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\" 

    43 minutes
«All the girls were fantastic! Clothing, film quality, camera angles were all great! Good work! »
Customer’s Review 

Special Offer: Purchase it today just for 21$! Basic Price is 29$ for this long show full of effects and deadly-illusions! Don’t miss this pantyhose lawlessness!!!
Models: Judy, Maria A, Annabelle, Yana, Kate Steals
Fetish Elements: 
40 minutes of great pantyhose death scenes!
All kinds of pantyhose manipulations: taking on, taking off, redressing, brown pantyhose, white pantyhose, black pantyhose
Lots of foot fetish: foot masturbating, foot fetish lesbian games, foot in vore and peril situations!
Females in Peril: capture, falling  through the earth, floor-swamp, flying to the sky, loosing shoes during peril-death 
Furniture eating girls with much legs scenes, foot-scenes, cannibal scenes, vore scenes 
Manual Hanging Scene
Garrote Strangulation Scene
Theatre Grotesque Death Emotions: from happiness to fear, surprise, death stares with opened eyes and tongue out 
Great Bodypile in pantyhose! 
Scene 1: girls are sitting down in a room waiting to audition for a dance role. They are talking to each other when the camera tells them they need to introduce themselves and show off their body. They are all told they need to look uniform so to take off their pantyhose they have on and  put on the tan pantyhose that is on the table for them. After they each put on their tan pantyhose do the following: (please get some close ups of them changing from black or white pantyhose into the tan pantyhose-especially Judy) 
- Have the girls start off sitting. Individually, have the camera start with a close up of them taking off their shoe,model their feet and legs and pan up to their waist. When the camera gets there have the girl stand up and lift her skirt to show their butt then pan to their face and have each girl say their name and blow a kiss
- They are told they will do different dances. All the girls are told to dance at the same time however they want. ( get close ups of feet, legs, and face) next, they are told to dance sexy( more close ups). Then they are told to line up and tap dance ( I liked your Mr. Sandman song from the 3rd video). They dance for a little while with some closeups of them, then they start to disappear (please get closeups of feet and face as they go and each girl screaming or yelling with their voice fading away as they disappear . Make sure they lose shoes as they disappear) 
- a hook comes out and grabs Annabelle pulling her out of her shoes and off screen.
- girls become scared and stop dancing, they are told to start again 
- Close up of Steals feet dancing, then her face looking scared. She throws her arms in air and falls through the floor
- The 3 girls go to the floor and look down where she fell to see if they see where she went. Then they start to dance again and force themselves to smile
- Next Yana floats away (long close up of feet coming out of shoes)
- The girls look up and then dance. A hook comes out to grab Maria. She grabs Judy’s hands and asks “me?” Judy let’s go and says “you”. Maria is pulled out of shoes and off camera
- Judy dances and celebrates  and blowing a kiss to the camera. Then she looks scared and waves “goodbye” and she floats out of her shoes and away 

Scene 2: vore scene. (You did a great job with the table and blanket. I really liked the scenes where Vika and Judy were eaten and pulled in on their backs with wiggling feet. Please use table and blanket again )

The girls are back in the room sitting down. They are talking about what happened during the dance. The camera tells them that none of them qualifies for the role. They all look sad and beg for another chance. Judy stands up and shows her butt saying “look how sexy I am!” The camera tells them it’s ok, he has good news. That if any of them can stay in the house all night long they can win the role. They ask why is that so hard? The camera tells them the house is haunted. They discuss it with each other and all agree. The camera tells them “good luck”

The girls decide to all stay together. They start to joke. Annabelle says “I think I have the nicest butt” she pulls up her skirt and shows it off. They laugh . Judy gets up and slaps her butt. They all laugh and pull up their skirts to compare butts. Then Judy sits down, takes off a shoe and says “ I have the best legs and feet” they all take a shoe off and put their legs beside each other to compare them ( get a shot of all their legs and feet together) After this they all sit down
- Yana stands up. She says she doesn’t think the house is haunted and wants to explore it. They tell her she’s crazy and wave good bye. Yana goes to the room with the table. She hears a noise. She asks “who’s there?” She gets down on the ground to look under the blanket. Something grabs her arm and begins to pull her under. Her shoes come off and she is slowly pulled under with her kicking feet the last we see
- The others girls start to wonder where Yana is. They decide to go look. Maria says she will stay. They leave,  Maria checks to see that she’s alone. When she realizes she is she starts to rub her pantyhose crotch. She gives herself pleasure but then hears a knock on the door. She goes to it “hello?” She opens the door and sees nothing. She starts to walk away and hears another knock. She sees nothing again. She turns around and asks if anyone is there. What she does not see is a rope slowly being lifted over her head. Then it starts to choke her as it pulls her to the floor. Her shoe comes off and she is dragged kicking and screaming through the door. The door shuts behind her as her feet disappear and we hear her scream. 
- The other 3 girls walk into the room with the table calling for Yana. Annabelle says “she must be back in the main room” Judy says “I think I heard Maria,  let’s go back” Steals says she will stay there in case she returns. Annabelle and Judy leave. Steals looks at the table and sees Yanas shoe. She walks to it “yana are you there?” She gets down on her knees by the table . Her arm is grabbed.  She smiles “yana is that you? Quit playing games!” Then she realizes she is being eaten and she asks for help. It slowly pulls her under as she loses her shoes and wiggles her feet until she is gone. 
- Annabelle and Judy return to the main room. They both sit on the couch. Judy says “ I bet they all left. It’s just ya two.” Annabelle says “that is not bad” with a smile and slips off her shoes and puts them on Judy’s lap. Judy likes it and takes off her skirt. Judy then takes off her shoes and puts them on Annabelle’s lap. Annabelle takes off her skirt too. Both women rub each others crotch with their pantyhose feet and give each other an orgaism. When they finish they hear a scream. The stand up and act scared. From the waist down they now only wear their pantyhose. they walk into the room with the table. Get a Close up of their legs as Annabelle trips over Maria’s body laying on the floor dead. Judy helps her up and They see Maria’s lifeless body being pulled under the table, they watch until her feet are swallowed and run from the room.  They run into the main room. They are panicked. They try to get out but the doors won’t open. Judy bumps into the trashcan. She reaches down to move it and her arm is grabbed. It slowly starts to pull her in. Annabelle tries to help. She grabs her feet but cannot hold on and let’s go and falls down. She watches Judy’s legs kick and feet wiggle as she cries for help until Judy is gone. Annabelle runs to the door which opens. She runs to the room with the table. She looks around the table  calling Yana and Steals. She gets yanked down and pulled under the table legs first. She struggles and pulls herself free. She now runs back to the main room. Annabelle goes to the trashcan to see what’s left. “Judy? Where are you?” The trash can grabs her and pulls her in head first. The last thing we see is her feet wiggling as she cries for help 

Scene 3. All the girls are pilled-on top of each other in a stack. They can be top less or not but no skirts or shoes, only pantyhose 

    10 minutes
Cast: Mira Green and Max 
«Super! Thank! Everything is very good and beautiful. Mira played well and everything is great in terms of dynamics. Excellent blood splash. Hot clip!»
Customer’s Review
Fetish Elements
Erotic Scene 
Suddenly shot to the chest from invisible sniper
Professional Blood Splashing Effects 
Surprised Reaction 
Falling to the guy’s arms
Agony Before Death
Death Stare
 Touching Body, Topless
Many beautiful angles of dead body 
Very beautiful nature location 

A young couple stay in the picnic of lonely place at the nature. They’re going to make love. A guy softly kisses his girlfriend, touches her neck and legs, makes her topless. Suddenly they hear a shot and terrible female scream. The girl goes to check what has happened. The guy asks her to stay calm and don’t pay attention but the curious girl goes to the river and… she sees terrible gutted corpse of female (we used a screen from our another film will be updated soon in GORY CRIME HOUSE store – it will be very bloody action movie!)
Suddenly somebody shoots and the girl takes a bullet between her breasts. She’s in shock. She slowly goes to her boyfriend with eyes full of surpsise and falls to his arms. After some moments of agony she dies. The shocked sad guy touches her bloody dead fresh body, takes off her top of dress…


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    Welcome To The Crime House Studio on Kinky Clips
    Crime House Fantasy Studio (also Crime House & Crime House and Dark Rooms) is independent production company with female death fetish orientation. Crime House does very erotic stuff, but not porn. Why we advice to offer our videos? 1. SEXY VICTIM-ACTRESSES ONLY 2. REALISTIC DEATH SITUATIONS 3. GREAT ACTING 4. CSGFX EFFECTS 5. NEW MODELS EVERY WEEK 6. ALL DEATH FETISH GENRES 7. NOT PORN BUT VERY-VERY EROTIC AND HOT 8.RUSSIAN AND EAST EUROPE HOT MODELS 9. WE DO KNOW HOW TO PLAY SEXY DEATH 10. ALL MOVIES ARE MADE IN VERY HIGH QUALITY

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