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     Hanging Execution For Innocents
    9 minutes
      Hanging Execution For Innocents - HANGING EXECUTION FOR INNOCENTS

CAST: Luiza, Alice M, Bella Lenina, Xena, 2 men



4 innocent girls were hanged together by executors.





All films in Hanging Category  MURDEROUS REVENGE
    12 minutes
      MURDEROUS REVENGE - "Thank you for the perfect video. You did a fantastic job of delivering the story.

The actresses are great. Everything fits together. It is depicted very realistically. They chose the clothes well and matched the activity. 

The music and the environment fit the story perfectly. 

I'm glad you edited the story and I'm happy if you produce more films as well."    Customer's review

Thank you again and best wishes to you and your team.

The girl finds out about her husband's betrayal with another girl, and decides to take revenge. With a friend, they sneak into a girl's apartment and take her by surprise...

If you like this movie we recommend

Moscow 2345

Wrong Place Wrong Time

Wrong Place Wrong Time 2
    15 minutes
«Got it, I absolutely love it. Thank you guys so much. »
Customer’s Review 

Background: Judi is a sexy assassin. She and her partner just completed a killing mission and came back. 

Scene 1: Judi and the male actor came into the room, sat down at a table, and started drinking. Then they started talking about their mission. Judi says:” after I shot her, she struggled like a fish on the ground. It’s so embarrassing.” The male actor says, “that is what a bullet would do.” Judi takes a spare clip for the handgun out and unloads a bullet. She looks at the bullet and says, “I do not understand how such a small bullet could do that. If I am ever shot, I definitely will not die so miserably.” Judi then invites her partner to drink alcohol while saying, “anyway, we completed another mission and need to celebrate it. Here is to our 12 years of partnership.” They both drank the alcohol.  
Scene 2: Judi’s partner tells her that he is in love with her from working with her and wants to have a relationship with her and leave the business. Judi is surprised and disgusted, “seriously? We are just partners; I would never have a relationship with you outside of work. You are ugly, and I would never date someone like you.” This line makes her partner mad. He stands up and says, “how dare you to say that.” 
Scene 3: He pushes Judi to the ground, and one hand touches her pussy while the other hand strangles her neck. Judi shouts,” what are you doing?” while trying to fight back. After some struggle, Judi pushes him off and stands up. She then takes out her gun and runs behind some structure in the room as a cover. Her partner also stands up and runs behind a cover. Then they started shooting each out.  
Scene 4: After their guns are empty, Judi stands up, takes a knife, and walks toward him. “I always bring a knife as my backup, and I know you do not. You are going to die for violating me.” Her partner stands up and laughs, “but I do bring extra ammo.” He then loads a new magazine in the gun and shoots her four times (scattered shots) on her chest (realistic bullet hole), and she is shocked and looks at her wounds and drops her knife. She says with a faint voice,” so this is what being shot feels like.” She then starts coughing blood (a lot of blood-emphasize processes). Then she kneels (both knees), loses consciousness, and falls to her back with legs split open (embarrassing position). (Similar to Robber’s shootout) 
Scene 5: Her partner approaches her and shoots her two more times on the upper belly area (realistic bullet hole). The pain wakes her up. Judi wants to say something but can’t speak, and blood oozes out of her mouth, and she continues to cough blood (emphasize process). Her body then started convulsing as she struggles on the ground due to the agonizing pain.  Her legs also straighten out but still split open, revealing her underwear. He mimics her, saying with contempt, “If I am ever shot, I definitely will not die so miserably.”, then he says to her,” you are like fish on the chopping board, and I can do whatever I want to you now.” He uses her knife to cut open her blouse/shirt and bra, revealing her breast and belly with realistic bullet holes. He touches her breast and masturbates her pussy (no need to show). Judi still convulses on the ground and stares at him with hate, but she can’t do anything. He says,” what a pity, such a nice piece of meat is going to waste.” He then touches her bloody lips and says,” those lips are so beautiful, and I have always wanted to kiss them.” Then he bends down and kisses her lip. (If possible). After kissing, Judi pukes a mouthful of blood out and tells him, “Go to hell.” She then struggles to breathe and stick her tongue out (some facial focus on this).  He laughs at her and stands up, and tells her, “It’s time to go.” Then he shoots her two times on the forehead and one time on the right cheek. (Realistic Bullet hole). Brain matter splatters on the ground, and Judi convulses and twitches more intensely like having an orgasm and then drops dead in a sexy yet embarrassing pose with legs split open and mouth slightly open, revealing her tongue, also death stares. Her finger still twitches a few more times. Her partner then leaves.  
Scene 6: A few days later, her partner returns to the scene. He saw the corpse with realistic corpse makeup and touches her breast and pussy again. Then she caresses her face and says, “I miss you, and I really hope that day did not turn out the way it is. “Then he tries to close her eyes, but no matter what he tries, the eyes stay open. He then left.  

    14 minutes
      JOGGER GIRL HANGED - The lonely jogger girl is walking alone in the forest. She thinks nobody is here and she decides to have a sunbath nude. But maniac stalks her, attacks, chokes her from behind and handed on the tree…
    15 minutes
      POISON - This clip has no description.  CAN YOU KEEP A SECRET
    19 minutes


Cast: Mira Green, Bella Lenina, Alex


Mira has a secret lover, she found him on a chat site; she has been texting him ever since. He is her first boyfriend; she has decided he will become a lover.

She has arranged to meet him at her best friend’s apartment, she has the key to look after the place… while her friend is out of town visiting family; its going to be a ‘blast’!

Mira doesn’t know it yet but, she is in danger; Her father has left town because he owes money to the wrong people… people you don’t mess with. They can’t find her father but, they know where his precious little girl is… and they are going to send him a message. They have assigned a contract to Alex and he has set up his profile to get her interested in meeting. She has taken the bait, now he can enjoy his work.

Mira arrives at the apartment after college and heads for the guest room she has been using. She plans to change into something she has bought; something more appealing, more mature, more… ‘sexy’. She tries a few things against her in the mirror, she is still wearing her white socks, short pleated skirt and a tight top hanging over her cupped breasts which force her cropped top to hang out leaving a gap between her smooth body and the cotton material; the under frame of her brassier seductively teases under the hanging top and her waistband, designed to press her breasts up. Her cleavage teases out of the top of the limited material. A small pair of white cotton panties are visible every time she swings her petite body or bends to choose a new outfit. 

She is checking herself out in the long mirror deciding on what looks best against her; she slides her skirt up just to show off a little more leg; she loves herself.

Suddenly, there is a knock at the door, Mira knows its him… he is early; she quickly throws her try on clothes to one side and straightens the bed. She walks nervously to the door and looks through the spy hole. She is excited and decides she will act real sexy, let him see what she has and what she can do for him. She wants him in her bed.

Alex enters the apartment and offers her the single rose her has brought her. Mira turns excitedly, unsure what to do; she goes off camera to set the rose in a vase.

Alex looks around while she is gone, removing his coat and quickly drawing the handgun from his pocket to hide it where he can get it fast. He places its suppressor next to it, he will need them later but wants to enjoy the moment, the night is young.

Mira returns she has a bottle with her and two glasses; she pours the drink and the two begin to get close. They hook arms as they drink the wine and Mira turns away allowing Alex to slip his hands up and down her body as she enjoys his caress.

They move to the bed, Alex begins to enjoy his evening, his hands are everywhere, sliding her skirt up and raising her top to reveal her underwear. They move to the bed.

The scene shows Mira’s face in ecstasy as the assassin slowly slides down her body kissing each part of her naked flesh as he grips her legs. Mira is entangled in a sheet as she writhes arches and groans as we see the assassin, his head now between her legs hidden under the sheet. We see her panties sliding down her calf in the assassin’s hand and the scene ends with the assassin pumping himself against her as she moves sexily beneath him.

Some time goes by and we see Bella Lenina heading up the stairs to the apartment. She searches for her keys, her coat hides her tight lycra pants that cling to every centimetre of her legs ass and groin. She has heeled ankle length boots complimenting the shape of her legs and a light buttoned up blouse tight against her pert breasts. She enters the apartment throwing her keys on the table and drops her coat to the couch as she moves into the living room unaware the apartment is occupied.

Bella heads to the shower and begins to undress, she sits stretches and slouches for a few seconds, glad to be home. She drags off her boots and stands to slowly and sexily slipping her pants down her legs before unbuttoning her tight top and standing in just her open shirt, brassier and panties to head for the shower. We see her grab a towel and head for the shower. (I am happy with or without a shower scene).

The next scene opens with the assassin now aware that someone has entered the apartment. He quickly slips his pants and shirt on and checks Mira who is still soundly asleep totally satisfied and exhausted. She is lying across the bed her skirt still wrapped around her waist showing her bare ass, her top is folded above her bare breasts, her brassier discarded on the floor. The assassin slowly opens the door and sees Bella’s clothes lying on the couch. He knows he will have to silence a witness before he kills Mira and slips back into the room to retrieve his weapon silently closing the door behind him, slowly, quietly screwing his suppressor to his weapon. He can hear the shower and prepares patiently for his first victim.

We see Bella slipping on her nightdress, a plain light coloured thin shoulder strapped, cotton style, short and sexy. She slips on a clean pair of panties and hangs her towel to dry before leaving the bathroom. She is unaware of the intruder now watching her every move. Suddenly she is grabbed by the neck as she is slammed against the wall. The assassin presses his supressed pistol against her chest, pressing her breast upwards up with the muzzle. In shock she raises her hands in surrender whimpering, too afraid to make a sound that may anger the intruder. He releases his grip on her neck a place’s his finger to her lips and she nods her head in agreement. He withdraws his weapon as he slowly steps back placing his finger on his own lips to confirm his demand.

He beckons her to the table, indicating to her with his weapon that she should sit opposite him at the table; she reluctantly obeys. He lowers his weapon under the table still pointing at her belly. She sits obediently and waits for him to tell her why he is there.

Bella speaks:

“I have no money please don’t hurt me”

The assassin readies his weapon under the table and answers

“I am so sorry”

Bella begins her question but is unable to complete it… a single supressed shot finds her belly as she speaks.

“What do you w…” Bella jolts violently, her words cut off in mid flow; she moans lightly and looks down at the hole in her nightdress. She presses her hand against the crimson patch and looks confused at the blood in her hand. Bella looks up at the assassin who is now getting out of his seat; she sees the weapon and looks down again at her wound realizing what he has done. The assassin points and shoots hitting her just below her breast. Bella grunts her disapproval jolting and kicking in her chair. Her head drops back with an empty dead stare, her mouth wide open; she dies arched over the chair. The assassin moves toward her dead body as she begins to slide from the chair, he catches her and gently lowers her to the floor.

He admires her body, revealing her breasts then, rolling her over and lifting her nightdress to enjoy the view of her ass and groin as he inspects his work. He checks for a pulse, spreads her legs and fires a couple more bullets into her back, her dead body respond to the impact her ass shaking lightly from the impacts.  He leans over dragging he panties enough to reveal her buttocks, playfully squeezing then slapping her ass… It is time to wake Mira.

The assassin quietly opens the door and places his weapon down to get his boots on. He watches as Mira stirs, he sits on a chair near the door contemplating how he will slowly kill her and video his work for his employers to send to her Fathers email address.

Mira wakes, a content smile fills her face as she slowly raises and begins to tidy her clothes. She collects her panties from the floor and replaces them and pulls up a sock. She sits on the bed and purposefully acts sexy sliding her legs apart inviting her new lover to contemplate a second round, her breasts ooze from under her top, she slowly wraps them in her grip with her cotton crop top tantalizing the assassin her every move turning him on.

Alex picks up his weapon and Mira’s face changes in an instant. She straightens up and takes a deep breath in fear; she knows her Father has enemies and she knows she has just fucked one of them…

“Oh God… NO No n…”

The assassin fires without hesitation, Mira grunts a final “No” grabbing her belly wound and doubling up. She rolls over the bed onto her stomach and the assassin puts a second bullet in her side as she turns. Mira cries out and slides slowly off the bed tucking her legs into her chest in agony. The assassin switches on his phone camera and cocks his pistol. Mira kicks out and arches away grabbing at the wound as she gasps for breath. Her face is contorted with pain as she rolls onto her back. The assassin continues to film her as her body arches off the floor, her legs bent and open her groin pushed up in the assassins full view before sinking to the floor; she moans slowly. He kicks her legs apart points and fires two deliberate shots just above her stomach, Mira jolts momentarily and drops; her legs kick lightly even as she dies the assassin puts her out of her misery with a single shot in her left breast.

(Mira has a great death stare, eye half open and mouth open showing teeth)

He checks her pulse, throws his weapon on the bed and begins to enjoy rolling her body to check the small bullet perforations; plays with her breasts slapping her ass playfully as her begins to strip her body. We see the assassin throw her body on the bed and exit the room to retrieve Bella’s body.

We see the assassin throw Bella on the bed and begins to strip her. Both girl’s bodies lie arched over the bed with their panties partially down just covering their ‘dignity’; their legs hang off the bed. We see the assassin push both girl’s legs apart and he turns towards camera (Camera looking from other room, through the door) and slowly closes the bedroom door as he turns beginning to unzip his pants.
    18 minutes
It's absolutely AMAZING! Beautifully acted and SO sexy.

It's great.

Many thanks»

Customer’s Review

Polina (Julia Woods – NEW MODEL), Mira Green, Juliana (came back after a long break!), Angelina, Luiza, Annabelle, Sally, Xena, Max, Alex

Mass Massacre, Swimming Suits, Shooting to the chest, Shooting to the stomach, shooting to the back, execution, captive, stripping bodies, bodypile, blood, death stare 

The executioner has a mobile phone. He phones someone and says:
"Send the first one in."
The first girl walks in. If you can film her from behind as she walks in that would be great.
"Stand against the wall," says the executioner.
She does this. She is clearly nervous but trying to hide her fear.
"You know why you're here?" he says
"Yes I know," she says. "Why the swimsuit, though?"
He smiles. "I like it. Are you ready?"
"Yes, I am ready." She frowns and closes her eyes, but they open wide in pain and she gasps, as the bullet hits her below her cleavage. She clasps the wound with both hands and slides to the floor. She thrashes around, whimpering in pain for a minute or so before she coughs up blood and goes into a spasm. Her arms and legs give one last twitch before she dies. The man grabs her by the ankles and drags her out of the way of where the other girls will be shot. He dials his phone and says: 
"One done. Send the next one in."
Again please film her from behind as she walks in. She stops in shock for a moment when she sees the body of the first girl but she recovers herself, and stands against the wall without being told to.
"Are you ready to die?" he says.
She stands slightly forward, forces a smile and puts a hand on her hip. 
"I guess I'm as ready as I'll ever be," she says.
He shoots her just above the navel. She gasps in pain, clutching the wound, as the blow knocks her back against the wall. She tries to step forward but she staggers and falls forward. She tries to get up, pushing herself up with one hand, while holding the other to the wound. But the effort is too much and she rolls over onto her back. She coughs blood, spasms, twitches and finally dies. Once again the man grabs her ankles, drags her body out of the way and lines it up beside the first body. He phones again.
"Send the next one in."
The next girl comes in. Again please film her from behind if you can. Again she pauses momentarily when she sees the bodies but then she glares at the executioner.
Again he says: "Are you ready to die?"
"That's why I'm here, isn't it?," she replies. "Just get on with it."
He shoots her in her right breast. She squeals in pain, clasping it with both hands. Then he shoots her in her left breast. Now she has to clasp each breast with only one hand as she slides to the floor. She tries to say "You bastard" but she coughs blood, muffling the words. She goes into spasms, twitches and dies. The man places her body next to the other two.
"Send the next one in," he says on the phone.
She walks in. She manages not to react when she sees the bodies, and instead turns to him defiantly.
"I bet you're enjoying this, you sick bastard," she says.
"Fuck you," he says, shooting her just above the pussy.
She gasps in pain, clutching the wound with both hands. Her legs give way and she falls forward. The man turns her over with his foot.
"You sick fucking bastard," she says, before he shoots hr in the cleavage. She coughs blood, goes into spasms, twitches and dies. He places her body next to the others. Then he phones again.
"Let's change the plan," he says. "Send the rest in."
The remaining four girls file into the room and line up against the wall, facing their executioner. The camera pans over them as they try to avoid looking at the bodies.
"Turn around and face the wall," he says. "Hands against the wall."
They do this. The camera pans over them again.
"Who wants to be first?" he asks.
The thirds from the left turns around, putting up her hand.
"I'll go first," she says.
But he shoots the girl on the right in the back instead. She cries out in pain, slides to the ground and rolls over onto her back. He points the gun at her. She raises her hands in fear, but he shoots her twice in her left breast. She coughs up blood, spasms, twitches and dies. 
The third girl from the left is still facing forward.
"I said I wanted to go first," she says angily. "What sort of fucking..."
Her words are interrupted by the shot, which hits her below the cleavage. With a sharp intake of breath she leans forward, her eyes wide with pain. She falls on her knees, then falls forward, spasms, coughs up blood, twitches and dies.
The man turns her body over with his foot.
"The rest of you, turn around and face me," he says.
They turn around and he shoots each just once, one in the left breast and the other in the right. The both squeal and clutch their breasts as they fall to the floor, landing on their backs. As they lie there in pain, one reaches out her hand to the other, who reaches hers out in turn. Their fingers touch before the girl shot in the left breast goes into spasms, coughs blood and dies. The other girl lasts a minute longer before she too coughs up blood and dies.
Now the man drags each of the four bodies over and lines them up with the first four. He surveys them in their swimsuits before he strips them, one by one. The 
camera pans over the naked bodies, lined up neatly, before the movie ends. 

    12 minutes
Starring: Mira Green, Polina Wood, Archie
Jenny(Mira Green)  and Dannie( Polina Wood) are two female soldiers in the war era. They are responsible for guarding a building. One day, Jenny and Dannie take off the skirt she wears in her life and put on a solid long-sleeved T-shirt and army green sweatpants. At this time, two girls tucked the T-shirt completely into the pants, and raised the waist of the pants a few centimetres above the belly button. 
At this moment, Jenny stroked her belly and asked Dannie: "Are you hungry now, I am starving." Dannie also started to touch her belly and said: "Absolutely, shall we go to eat some bread and yogurt right now in the kitchen and back to our position quickly?" "Okay, great idea! I guess our stomachs need to be fed as soon as possible haha." The two girls patted and stroked their stomachs, chatting and laughing towards When they walked to the kitchen, they didn't know that an enemy agent had sneaked into the building where they were. In an instant, their door was kicked open by the agent. So Jenny picked up the rifle next to him, and Dannie picked up a pistol and counterattacked. The two girls stood behind the bunker (don't sit down here, make sure the clothes are completely tucked into the sweatpants) and started a gunfight with the enemy. The two sides exchanged fire for a while, the agent's marksmanship was accurate, and soon Jenny got 2 bullets in her belly.  
She stood against the wall, opened her clothes, and started stroking the two bullet holes in her belly. Jenny was unwilling to be knocked down like this, so she lifted her trousers and tucked her clothes neatly into the trousers (wearing like a soldier). After that, she rushed out of the bunker and began to exchange fire with the agents head-on. Unfortunately, under the strong firepower of the agent, several bullet holes were shot into Jenny's stomach and sides of his ribs, as well as near his heart. Jenny was holding the gun, unwilling to want to endure the pain in his body and continue fighting. The agent fired another shot, hitting Jenny's belly button. She couldn't hold on anymore, and sat down against the wall behind, panting weakly. 

At this time, Dannie (Polina wood) saw that Jenny was shot down, and she was frightened. But she also had to step forward to challenge. So Dannie raised the waistband of his pants and checked that the shirt was neatly tucked into the pants. She took the pistol and walked in Jenny's direction, and shot the agent without hesitation. However, the agent aimed the gun at Dannie's stomach and continued to fire. Several bullet holes appeared in Dannie's stomach, ribs, belly button, and lower abdomen. At this time, the agent fired two shots at Dannie's chest and belly button. She was originally prepared to resist, and she completely lost her combat effectiveness. Like Jenny, she leaned against the wall and sat on the ground to catch her breath. Seeing the two weak female soldiers in front of him, the agent gradually walked over. The two female soldiers were panting weakly. They were sitting on the ground, their stomachs constantly rising and falling. At this moment, Jenny raised his gun in an attempt to fight back. The agent immediately fired several shots into Jenny's stomach. After taking a few big breaths, Jenny didn't move and died. The agent drew a dagger from his waist, looked at the weak Dannie (Polina Wood), pointed it at her belly button and pierced it fiercely. Dannie clutched the dagger on her stomach, panting in pain. Her breathing continued to weaken, her body began to twitch up and down, and she stopped breathing after a while. Looking at the bodies of the two female soldiers in front of them, the agent first pulled out the dagger stuck in Dannie's stomach, and then opened her clothes. Looking at Dannie's bruised belly and chest, the agent couldn't help but began to stroke it. After that, the agent put Dannie's clothes down, tucked her clothes completely into her pants, helped her lift her pants, and died like a soldier. Then the agent inserted the dagger back into Dannie's belly button. The agent then walked over to Jenny, who uncovered Jenny's clothes and stroked the bullet holes in her belly and chest. After that, the agent tucked Jenny's clothes into the pants under her, and lifted the pants. (A close-up of the corpse from all angles for about 2 minutes)
    13 minutes
      Clones - CLONES

Custom clip 

Fetish elements: Bad *****, smoking *****, shot dead-cocktail, *************, shooting, digital *****, neck break,  headshots, breast shots begging for  life, clones *****, ski-fi, pantyhose, office style, spies   
Special effects! Many clones ****! 

Special agent takes a request to kill bad ***** in their rent apartment into North of Russia. But they have special abilities: they can do clones of themselves. But special agent kill all of them in different ways . 
    10 minutes
Starring: Nata 
Fetish Elements: 
Spy Theme, Nudity, Stockings, Black Stockings, Shock Reaction, Low Navel Shot, Naver Shot, Belly Shot, Breasts Shot, Breasts Agony, Head Shot, Death Stare 
Like She stole the flash memory card from Mafia, this flash memory has secret information.
The Mafia hired the Hitman to kill her and returned this flash memory.
After he killed her he will search her dead body and find the flash memory on above her right lige on the stocking and he a complete the mission.
     Female Criminal Executed Garrote
    15 minutes
      Female Criminal Executed Garrote - Female Criminal Executed: Garrote
FETISH ELEMENTS: dirty bare feet (sole), face reaction (eyes, choking expression and death stare), feet and toe reaction (plenty of sexy foot fetish close ups during the poisoning and after death), bladder release, death stare.

Actress (Mira Green): Female prisoner with full nude, hair dishevelled and hands tied together with rope or handcuffs. (She doesn’t wear leg irons)
Actor 1: Executioner
Actor 2: Priest 

A female criminal is led to an execution chamber and executed by garrote. Before execution, the woman is so calm. She sits down slowly. The executioner bound her hands together attached to the pole behind, and sets the noose around her neck...everything is ready. Then, a priest perform a religious service for her to save her soul. The woman confesses and agrees to donate her body to medicine. 

Then, the executioner begin to turn the rod (the first time). At the beginning, there is some residual oxygen in the woman’s body, so she has no symptoms for a short time. She stares straight ahead nervously, with her hand clenched, but she is not afraid. She tries to be calm and breathe deeply. About 30s later, her breath becomes deeper and faster obviously. Her heart also beat faster... Then, the executioner turns the rod again(the second time). She has a difficult time breathing, with a purplish swelling of face, distension of jugular vein, muscle cramp. Her eyes open wide as she tries to inhale repeatedly, but no air enters her lungs. Her month becomes wider with tongue out and the saliva dribble from the month. Her feet struggle fiercely, kicking at random (lens on the feet sole). She realizes that her body is paralyzed, and she is losing her senses. She makes a weak gasping sound as her lungs desperately tried to keep her alive. Her fingers and toes curl in and out slowly as her pulse begins to slow down. Her body goes completely limp. Then, the executioner goes to her to see if she's dead, and finds she still alive. Then, he turns the rod again(the third time). The woman suddenly struggle fiercely...She makes a strange groaning sound for a few moments. Her opened eyes unable to focus (pupil dilation). Her blood oozes from her eyes, nose and mouth. Her feet twitch a few times (close-up view of feet sole), and she looks nearly dead, even though her heart is still beating slowly. In one last struggle to live, she release her bladder, her back arches up and all her muscles contract violently, but then she gives up and collapses. As she takes her dying breaths, her feet continue to twitch (close-up view of feet sole). Her heartbeat becomes weaker, until one last shudder passes through her body and the last air left in her lungs escapes in a weak sigh. Her fingers and toes curl tightly, and then relax for the last time (close-up view of foot sole). Then, the executioner turn the rod as last time, to ensure the death of the prisoner. The woman is finally dead with a purplish swelling of face, stared eyes, wide month with tongue out. The blood oozes from her eyes, nose and mouth (her dead body is viewed included dirty foot sole clearly, similar to this follow picture:).(This paragraph shoots about 10mins)

After about 30 seconds, the executioner certifies that the prisoner has already died. He put the woman’s dead body in a cart and pushes the cart to the morgue (the lens on the dirty feet sole). In the morgue, the woman is dead with a purplish swelling of face, stared eyes, wide month with tongue out. The blood oozes from her eyes, nose and mouth. A toe tag is placed on her dirty feet as her dead body is viewed from all angles.  

Female Criminal Executed
Female Criminal Executed 3  CHOKING MIX
    27 minutes


27 minutes LONG


Many Choking Scenes where NATA chokes ANNBELLE and POLA


Different choking situations, outlooks, nude content, garrote strangulations and other choking, strangling scenes!


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    Welcome To The Crime House Studio on Kinky Clips
    Crime House Fantasy Studio (also Crime House & Crime House and Dark Rooms) is independent production company with female death fetish orientation. Crime House does very erotic stuff, but not porn. Why we advice to offer our videos? 1. SEXY VICTIM-ACTRESSES ONLY 2. REALISTIC DEATH SITUATIONS 3. GREAT ACTING 4. CSGFX EFFECTS 5. NEW MODELS EVERY WEEK 6. ALL DEATH FETISH GENRES 7. NOT PORN BUT VERY-VERY EROTIC AND HOT 8.RUSSIAN AND EAST EUROPE HOT MODELS 9. WE DO KNOW HOW TO PLAY SEXY DEATH 10. ALL MOVIES ARE MADE IN VERY HIGH QUALITY

    Featuring 976 Clips / 16791 minutes of video!

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    BLACK CRANE part 2


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