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    16 minutes
«Hi Ugine, I have one word for you and your team "PERFECTION" I really loved the Custom,  loved Scarlett she is so talented ,and hot, she has the acting ability, and the looks, I loved her in "HE Said 2" and she was great here, and Max is always a great hit man and in this case Bond, this was way better than the current Bond movie they have playing here in the states, wish I had enough for your team to do a real James Bond movie just to show them how it's done.»
Customer’s Review
Starring: Scarlett Fandera, Max

Scarlett plays dangerous sexy spy who decided to poison Agent 209 playfully scratching his neck with her poisoned nails. But he knew about her plans and had drunk antidote before. He attacks her and hitting her on the neck sent her to sleep. He was a foot fetishist, so he couldn’t miss the opportunity to play with her feet. After long sexy games with her he placed her poisoned finger to her mouth to make her dead and never wake up…

    26 minutes
CAST: Mira, Li, Nadya

Fetish Elements:
Headshot, Death Stares. Catfighintg, Bondaged, Kidnapped, BDSM, Shooting to the chest (lots), shooting to dead body, strangulation, strangulation face (crossed eyes, tounge out). Passed out, neck to the neck, stabbing, cruel, stockings, leather, fighting to the life, girl kills girl, Mira Kills Li, Mira is near to kill Nadya, Nadya Kills Mira 

We fade on as Nadya is outside on her phone holding a pistol with silencer. We hear her say that she’s tracked Mira down but she’s got a hostage. They tell her to use whatever force is require to take Mira down.
Nadya Enters the house
We cut to Mira who is dragging Li into a room by her hair, Li has her hands tied behind her back. Mira has a silenced pistol tucked into her skirt and is carrying a suitcase with her. Mira tells Li to shut up or she’ll have a hole in her head.
Mira peaks out of the door and sees Nadya walking around so quickly hides the suitcase and forces Li to her knees and stands behind her waiting for Nadya to enter. 
The camera follows Nadya as she Enters the room where Mira is. Mira holds Li’s face up so she can beg Nadya to save her life. Mira kneels beside Li grabs her face and slowly licks up from her jaw to her cheek. Mira tells Nadya to put her gun on the floor and kick it away. Nadya does as she’s told. Mira laughs, telling Nadya she should have put a bullet in her when she had the chance. Mira and Li look at each other, Mira blows Li a kiss before firing a single shot to the side of Li’s head killing her instantly. Li’s eyes open wide and blood pours out of her mouth before she collapses onto her side (eyes wide open, mouth slightly open). Mira aims her gun at Nadya and tells her not to move. She rolls Li onto her belly and removes the rope that bound her hands together. She grabs Li’s face and tells Nadya that she failed to save Li. Mira stands up then uses her foot to roll Li on to her back. A couple of overkill shots make Li’s body twitch, reacting to each shot. A close up on Li’s face sees more blood come out of her mouth eyes remain open. 
Mira then walks over to Nadya, gives her the rope and tells her to tie her hands together, she tells Nadya to face the door and puts the gun in her back of her head and tells her to move. They walk out of the room and into another. Mira demands that Nadya helps her escape or she’ll end up just like Li. Mira walks away from Nadya, Nadya seeing an opportunity to take control kicks Mira between the legs. Mira drops her gun and holds her pussy in pain (close up of eyes crossed in pain) Mira collapses to Her knees. Nadya rushes to pick un the gun, she instantly presses it again Mira’s forehead (who’s still kneeling holding her pussy) and demands she unties her wrists. Mira does as she’s told. Once she’s finishes she drops the ropes to the floor, Nadya calls her a good girl before hitting her on the top of the head with the bottom of the pistol knocking Mira out. Mira’s eyes cross and her tongue comes out before she collapses onto her chest with her butt in the air with her tongue still out (see attached image) camera is behind Mira to get a view of her bent over as Nadya walks behind her and comments that only a slut would fall in such a humiliating position. She then uses her foot to push Mira onto her back. Nadya says that she best check for any weapons and undresses Mira down to her lingerie and stockings (Nadya spreads Mira’s legs apart – making the comment that she bets Mira is used to spreading her legs). She Finds a knife tucked into one of her stockings, she throws it to the side. Camera pans Mira’s knocked out body, eyes rolling, tongue still out. Before fading to black.
The Camera pans Mira laid on a bed spread Eagle with her arms and legs tied to the 4 corners of the bed. She is blindfolded and gagged (see image for gag example). Mira is still unconscious. 
Nadya Slowly runs her pistol up Mira’s leg. Over her pussy and up her whole body before pushing the pistol against her temple. Nadya pushes Mira’s head with her gun to wake her up. Mira gains consciousness and panics as she doesn’t know what’s happening. Nadya Demands Mira tells her where the suitcase is. She removes the gag and blindfold and places them beside Mira. Again, Nadya demands Mira tells her. She forces the pistol into Mira’s mouth. She holds it in there for about 5 seconds (Mira staring at the gun then into. Nadya’s eyes) Nadya then starts slides the pistol in and out of Mira’s mouth (like oral) Nadya tells her that that’s all her mouth is good for as she isn’t telling her what she wants to know. Nadya tells Mira to open her mouth and stick her tongue out, Mira does as she’s told, Nadya put the gag back into Mira’s mouth. She then runs the gun down Mira’s body and slides it into her panties. Tell me or I’ll shoot, and no games or I’ll make your last moments alive agony. Mira nods, signaling that she’s ready to tell her. the gag is removed again and Mira finally tells her (the wrong place as she wants Nadya to leave the room) Nadya leaves the room to retrieve to suitcase. Once she’s left we see Mira manage to get a hand free. She rushes to Untie her other hand and legs. We then see Nadya look Where Mira said realising she’s been tricked she rushed back to confront Mira. When she enters Nadya sees the empty bed.
Mira suddenly appears behind her and using one of her straps starts to strangle Nadya. Nadya manages to break free, the girls start fist fighting/attacking each other exchanging punches, grabbing hair, rolling around on the floor etc. Mira manages to get on top of Nadya punching her and strangling her. Nadya barely conscious manages to get Mira off her. Mira asks Nadya how she’d like to die. Mira goes to attack Nadya again. Nadya dodges her attacks before punching/kicking Mira several times. Mira falls to the floor and tries to crawl away. Nadya follows her as she slowly crawls towards the door. Nadya opens the door and tells Mira she can leave only if she tells her where the suitcase is. Mira admits defeat and tells Nadya. As Mira puts her head past the door Nadya slams it shut on her head. Mira’s eyes cross as she slumps to the floor on her belly her body is twitching/convulsing. Nadya grabs her hair and walks her (Mira crawls on her hands and knees) into another room with a sink/bath. She’s not finished with her yet. Nadya turns the taps on and forces Mira’s head into the water. Mira struggles, she manages to get her head out of the water a couple of times but each time Nadya forces her head back in. Finally, Mira’s body weakens a few twitches before going still. Nadya pulls Mira’s head from out of the water, as Nadya is holding Mira’s head Mira’s mouth opens, her tongue comes out and water pours out of her mouth. Mira has her eyes closed and her tongue far out. Nadya Holds her head up before allowing Mira’s body to fall back so she’s on her side. Nadya rolls Mira onto her back and checks her eyes (see attached image). 
Nadya, thinking she’s killed Mira leaves to collect the suitcase, she gets the suitcase and opens it to check it’s what she’s after (we don’t see inside, just Nadya looking). In the background we see a wet Mira standing holding a knife. She screams at Nadya that this isn’t over and she’d rather die than know Nadya got away with her suitcase. Nadya tells her that can be arranged. Mira runs to attack Nadya, Nadya swiftly turns and shoots Mira in her heart stopping her immediately. Mira shocked looks down at the hole in her chest before looking back at Nadya, blood flowing from her mouth. Nadya fires again near her heart. Mira collapses to her knees as Nadya walks up to her. Mira grabs onto Nadya and look up to her, she begs Nadya to make her death fast and painless. Nadya tells Mira how pathetic she is, grabs her head and snaps her neck. Mira falls onto her back, her body twitching. Nadya kicks Mira’s legs open so they’re spread really wide. She then grabs the knife out of her hand. Nadya holds the knife and slowly inserts it into Mira’s neck. More blood comes out of her mouth her eyes stare into the camera shocked before rolling/crossing. Nadya removes the knife (Mira’s body jerks at its removed) Mira’s body is still twitching so Nadya; tells Mira ‘you deserve this you fucking bitch’ before forcefully slamming the knife into Mira’s heart. Her body jerks again before going still. her eyes are crossed and her mouth slightly open with blood coming out of her mouth. Nadya stands up in between Mira’s spread legs and fires 3 more bullets into Mira’s body. Her body twitches with each shot. Nadya collects the suitcase and leaves. The camera pans Mira’s spread eagled body with shots of her whole body and close ups of spread legs and face. 

    13 minutes
Cast: Xena, Polina Wood, Max
If you like SHOOTING videos and FIREFIGHTS – it will be your favourite one!
«Regarding the video itself, on the whole I am satisfied, the actions and dialogues almost exactly coincide, except for the moment at 04:39 - there are not many other words in the script). Of course, the ending could have been more detailed, but I looked at the script and saw that I did not specify the order of occurrence of all wounds in time, therefore these claims to me, as a screenwriter, will be more accurate next time. I liked the acting of the actresses, including the facial expressions and timbre of the voice, depending on the situation ...
Thank you for your work, if I have the opportunity in the future and you want to work with me further, I will write a more elaborate script for a new video».
Customer’s Feedback 
Heroine A - Julia Wood
Heroine B – Xena
Part 1 - Successful mission. Location - a couple of rooms. Timing 2 minutes
AB disperse to different rooms. This part provides an overview of AB in action, from different angles at moments movement and combat. Several shots to the sides, with the corresponding echoes of the falling body, and a few shots at point-blank range in B followed by a falling camera. Shots from side B are also present but bullets cannot injure AB, they bounce off bodies with a corresponding visual effect (spark). Feel pain, and change position after being hit, facial expressions at the same time express a feeling of pain and, at the same time, a feeling enjoyment. Voice guidance - short compressed audio. Screen time for each heroine approximately equally.
In this part, it is necessary to emphasize confidence in the actions of AB and their invulnerability.
Part 2 - dialogue. Location - one room, different from ch1. Timing 2 minutes The location of the heroines and furniture in the room at the choice of the studio.
AB Dialogue:
And - how do you like this elixir? It helps us enjoy our work more.
B - does he have any side effects? I feel strange. As if something is pushing me more risky actions. Bullets hit me and I enjoy the pain.
A (reading the instructions on the bottle from under the elixir): Makes you invulnerable to lead bullets. Time actions 1h. Does not protect against hitting armor-piercing bullets, but maintains vital activity while the effect of the elixir has not ended. Side effects: due to the sharp production of adrenaline and dopamine, the sense of self-preservation may be dulled.
B - what is needed in our work, to die with pleasure with a weapon in hand.
Smartphone A receives a message about the next task. When there is a dialogue, the camera from time to time favorably emphasizes the beauty of the body of the heroines.
Part 3 is the last task. Location - may be the same as in ch1 AB disperse to different rooms. Several frames of a successful battle. Phone A receives a message about staff cuts. The sound of shots B changes (ascent by low and high frequencies, the middle chokes). B is wounded in the stomach and left chest, return fire. kills V. B unbuttons his shirt and grabs his wounded chest, examining the wounds, holding back the pain, says: "My body can not withstand the impact of armor-piercing shells." B changes position does shot but misses B, and receives another wound in the stomach. A enters the room and kills V.
Dialogue of heroines, AB:
A - I received a message, our department is cutting funding, one of us will have to look for other work. B (holstering the pistol and taking off my shirt) - I will hardly be able to carry out my professional duties, this was my last assignment, I am going out of business. I have a request.
A - How can I help? I'm ready to do anything for you.
B (grasping the wounded chest) - Take a clip with armor-piercing cartridges. (A pulls out of the gun B clip and loads her pistol). There is only one way from this work (removing the hand from the chest), the elixir is still acts, each injury received, although it brings me closer to death, but at least delivers my pleasure. Shoot me, give me one last pleasure.
A (aiming at B's body) - I always dreamed of seeing you die. B (straining and holding back the pain) - I have always dreamed of dying in battle.
And he shoots successively 1 in the left, 2 in the right and 3 in the stomach.  B (in a trembling voice, holding back the pain) - Finish.
A fires a shot in the navel, after which B kneels. And he shoots the right and left nipples,  after which B grabs both breasts, squeezing them, and after a moment falls dead, A -goes to the body and picks up the weapon. Examining and caressing the body of B, A says: “even after death you gorgeous. "
A message arrives on smartphone A stating that it is necessary to leave the location, as received reinforcement of opponents. And he reads the message, but does not follow the advice. And he takes off the top and caresses his body says "now my body will also pass the test of strength." And reloads the weapon. Driven by thirst revenge for a friend, A goes to the next room, goes to the middle of the room, at this moment with 3x B appears and opens fire to kill, A fires with two hands. A gets wounded in the chest (3 wounds to the left and right) and to the stomach (6 wounds). Despite being injured, A continues to return fire and in the course of receiving wounds, successively destroys 2x V. The last B hid behind cover and change the clip. At this moment, A lowers the weapon and examines the wounded body, holding back the pain says: "These wounds only adorn my beautiful body, this elixir will bring me to orgasm."
B comes out of hiding, at this moment A holding back the pain, issuing a clamped cry, raises his hands with weapon and fires two shots but misses. B fires 3 quick shots, dealing critical damage. BUT, after being wounded, he tries to stay on his feet for some time, says: “you won”, after which loses his balance and falls for dead. B comes to the body, takes a weapon. We see the dead body  ANOTHER PEGANT MASSACRE FULL FILM
    21 minutes
      ANOTHER PEGANT MASSACRE FULL FILM - Another Beauty Peagent Massacre
Afrodita, Zlata, Unholly Polly, Bella Lenina, Li, Demonica and Billy Brag

 7 Slasher Murders: Decapitations, Stabbings, Cutting, Choking, Strangling!

“Bravo!!! This was a masterpiece! I think this will be the first of many customs!!! Loved it. Thanks so much for all the attention to detail”

Feedback from customer

7 contestants are walking the walkway in the Peagent. Wearing bra, panties, pantyhose extra sheer, and high heel pumps. After they finish they go back to the waiting room. They’re talking to each other, the ones standing dip their feet in and out of shoes to relieve their pain. 

One goes first to the bathroom where the Sandman is waiting for her hiding as she goes to the bathroom as she enters the stall the Sandman appears atop the division of the stall and loops a wire noose around her neck. He pulls hard hanging her by her neck and ties wire to a hook on wall. She is hanging and strangling. Her shoes are a bit loose so they struggle to stay on her nylon clad feet. As she starts to lose the fight her eyes roll back, her tongue sticks out and her arms flop to the side shaking. Her shoes hang for dear life from her toes. To finish her, Mr. Sandman pulls down on her body, stretching her neck and breaking it. Her feet give a final shake as she dies dropping her shoes revealing her nylon soles. He leaves her hanging and closes the stall door. 

Another contestant goes to the bathroom too. She opens stall and sees contestant hanging. Mr. Sandman appears behind her and grabs her by neck and lifts her in the air. He squeezes her neck hard. Her eyes fluttering and tongue out, her shoes slip off from her feet. He squeezes harder and a loud crack is heard as her throat breaks. Her toes spread and then relax. He slowly lets her down and sits her corpse on the floor with her back resting against the wall. He twists her head breaking her vertebrae and her toes twitch and relax again. 

Another contestant goes to a room they have for contestants to relax. There is a bed. She enters crawiling and lets shoes fall off. She sits on the bed with her back resting on the head rest.  Her feet stretch out in front of her, she wiggles her toes in relief. The Sandman is hiding behind the head rest. He thrusts a long knife behind the headrest, it goes through the head rest and enters the back of her neck, goes through the neck with the tip exiting out of throat. She starts to choke. Her soles flexing, toes spreading, her eyes roll back. Some gurgles later she expires, her feet relaxing. He pulls knife out of neck. He starts to slice the throat slowly. She’s dead but faint gags and gurgles come out of her half way open mouth. Her dead toes twitch a little as he cuts deeper into her throat. The knife cuts through all the throat cartilage reaching the neck bone. He grabs her head and twists it hard. The head goes around 180 degrees. Her toes spread in reaction. Sound of torn flesh fills the room. He twists the head around again. Pulls her head upwards and removes her head. Her toes from the headless corpse twitch a bit more, and then relax. He puts her head right next to her headless corpse. 

Two contestants go together to the room and as they enter the room they go into shock when they see the decapitated contestant sitting on the bed. As they turn around to go warn the others, they’re confronted with Mr. Sandman who grabs them both by their throats and squeezes hard. He lifts them up a bit first so they’re standing on their tip toes. The heel of their feet slips out the back of their shoes showing half of their soles. He walks forward. They’re forced to walk backward on their tip toes toward a wall that has hooks to hang coats. He lifts them up more, slowly, as they go up the pressure on their throats increases, their eyes open wide, and faces turn red, the tongue extends out. Their feet now on the air. He twists his hand on one of the contestants breaking her neck. Her feet shake quick and relax. Her shoes fall off from her feet. The other one is almost dead from choking. Her arms flop to the side. She is gagging and gurgling. She is so weak her toes cannot hold on to the shoes anymore. Gravity takes its toll and the shoes simply drop. He thrusts both of his arms forward and impales the back of their heads against the hook. The one that was still alive dies with her eyes rolling back. The other was already dead. He leaves them hanging there. 

Another contestant goes to the resting room to check on them since it’s been a while. She enters the room and sees the three contestants dead. Before she can scream a swoosh sound is heard, accompanied by a gushing sound. Mr. Sandman who appeared behind her, had swong a machete right across her neck. A faint gag is heard from her and a shocked look on her face. Faint gags come out of her. Her stare goes blank. A red line appears around her neck. She falls kneeling position first. The back of her feet pop out of the back her shoes. As she stays kneeled her head slowly falls off and hits the floor. Her headless corpse stays kneeled for just a few more seconds and falls forward. Her shoes half way off. We can see half of her soles. As her foot twitch a bit the shoes come off completely. A few more twitches as the last vestiges of life leave her body, then relax.

The last contestant is still in the waiting room. Legs crossed and the shoe dangling from her big toe. She is waiting and wondering where is everyone. Mr. Sandman appears from behind, puts his hand on her forehead to force it back and with a long knife starts to cut her throat. She starts to gag and gurgle. Her feet move dropping her shoes. The knife goes deeper. Her movements slow to a shiver now, her toes wiggling. Again, as the knife reaches bone and meets resistance, Mr. Sandman grabs her head by the temples and twists the head around 180 degrees. A faint gag and gurgle is heard, along with the sound of gushing as he pulls the head off. Her feet twitch. Her headless body stays sitted in the sofa. 

Now Mr. Sandman recovers all the bodies. Sits them on the floor straight with their backs resting on the wall. Right next to each other. The ones that are decapitated, he puts the heads right next to them. We see the sitting corpses with legs straight so soles of their feet are looking forward to camera.
     Shooting Medley
    15 minutes
      Shooting Medley - SHOOTING MEDLEY (8 SCENES!)

Juliana, Anna, Angelina, Luiza, Hass, Pola, Nata, Annabelle


It’s history of contract killer who kills females.

You will wee 8 very great quality shooting scenes with headshots, chestshots, neckshots, elegant poses, sexy reactions and different situations:

Rich wife, housewife, romantic *****, student, club beach, nude **** and others.

If you enjoy shooting deaths it’s good one for your death fetish collection!

Each scene is sith different model, in different clothes and style, different locations!

    13 minutes


Funny Black Comedy 

«I like Yana's acting, she is really wonderful and hot....the act is full of details, really professional work.....»
Customer’s Review


Fetish Elements
Choking, Many times Choking during shooting films, Choking to the death, Suicide imitation 

The director removes an excerpt from his movie in which the heroine is strangled by a madman because she is not playing very convincingly.
Whenever the actor begins to strangle her, she immediately becomes unconscious, flaccid and closes her eyes. The director explains several times how she should play, but she remains a disappointment. Eventually, the director loses control, attacks the heroine and begins to strangle her with his bare hands. "That's how you have to play, so! Do you understand?" he yells at her. He is brutal and presses harder and harder. She looks at him in panic and roars. A tough fight begins. She tries to defend herself, but has no chance. She moans, barely gets air. Suddenly he let her go and knocks her to the ground. She falls on her back, moans loudly, is in pain. His anger is completely uncontrolled. He kneels behind her, takes his belt and puts it around her neck. Slowly and agonizingly, he strangles her. She tramples with her legs, gets weaker and weaker, then dies with her mouth open and her eyes wide open.
The director gets up, runs to the camera to remove all telltale footage. Then he drags her to the toilet. It should look like a drug death, an overdose. He puts her on the toilet, rolls up her right sleeve of the jacket and ties her arm off. As evidence, he puts a syringe on the floor. Laughing, he leaves her lifeless body behind. She probably didn't pass the casting.
Appearance and clothes heroine: light make-up, red lips, red nails, black leather jacket (always closed), black jeans with black leather belt, black leather knee-high boots with stiletto heels. 
Appearance and clothes director: leisure-time style.
     Sheriff His Son and 3 Whores
    7 minutes
      Sheriff His Son and 3 Whores - Sheriff, His Son and Three Whores

Starring: Christy, Annabelle, Nancy, Alex, Charlie

Sheriff takes his son to local brothel He has agreement with a pimp he can go to the brothel for free and do all he wants. That time he takes son to teach him to be cruel and choke and beat a young whore. But his son as I kind guy and when his father foes away he gives to the prostitute big sum of money and goes away. In the evening father asks his son about his job and understands he didn’t fuck her and gave her money. Sheriff takes his son to the brothel again and forces his son to shoot whores.  6 DEATHS OF VIKA Lili Kills
    22 minutes


Starring: Lili and Vika

Vika is a victim!


Car Strangulation






Cut Throat

Great Killing Mix!


1.      Business lady was strangled in the car

2.      Young girl was shot in apartment

3.      Girl in sexy dress and stocking was strangled on the chair with her hands tied

4.      Sexy girl in denim sexy shorts was garroted  from behind

5.      Sexy college girl was bagged

6.      Young innocent girl was cruelly stabbed with her  falled trying to escape!

If you like this clip please check out

     Insidious Girlfriend
    6 minutes
      Insidious Girlfriend - INSIDIOUS GIRLFRIEND
What to do when your girlfriend becomes a contract killer and wants to kill you?

Fetish elements:
Ultra Classic Dress
DeadSkirt Style
Death Stare 
Cinematic Clip 

	When a killer Kit sees how his girl who has just nicely talked with him is going to shoot him to death, he quickly takes a gun. She shoots first but she looses. He strikes her to her breast. And one more time. After her surprise about her lost she falls dead. He takes off he shirt and call to his boss to tell about this accident. She as a killer!

	It’s great HD thriller with great slow-mo shooting scene and long body views. 
If you like this clip don’t miss
    17 minutes
      BLOOD HEEl  Dark Room - Blood Heel: Dark Room

Custom by Evil Geek






Nude, claustrophobia, immurement, garrote strangulation, girl strangles girl, blood from eyes during strangulation, red-blue face during strangulation, wrapping up a corpse in cellophane, corpse disposal, percussion, count in the vagina, pantyhose




It's amazing how you can feel as though you are kings or queens of the world and that all changes within 3 day. That is exactly what happened to two lovely young women. Their names were Megan and Katie.They awoke in a small room. Metal walls, floor, ceiling and door. A camera mounted on the ceiling. Smell of death in the air. Not remembering how they got in there. Being knocked out by a knock out dart would have that effect on you. They were Nude. Their sexual assets exposed to each other. Megan replied you know what I have to admit. You have a lovely vagina. Katie replied "you crazy bitch but thanks for the compliment. We need to figure out why we are in here and how to get the fuck out of here."  Well they were there because weren't innocent! They recently robbed one of the Coltanier City banks. That pissed someone off to hire to teach them a lesson. That someone was watching them through a camera. Their killer. Also in the room besides those two young women was one pair of hose hanging on a hook to incase someone's sexy bare legs. To incase someone’s painted toe nailed feet.  There was no other piece of clothing. There was only one meal on a plate. It was a torture room basically.They screamed at the top of their lungs to be let out. They got no reply.  They didn't turn on each other right away but that was soon to change. 

Two hours went by. The yelling of let us out of here can still be heard. Not met with any replies. Megan couldnt take it anymore. She saw Katie as a road block to her survival, freedom, and a pair of pantyhose to put onto her sexy legs for that matter. She grabbed the pair of pantyhose from the hook. She started to knot them around her hands to get ready to wrap them around Katies neck. Katie replied “Megan what the fuck are you doing with those? Please don’t do it. We will find a way out of her. Please don..." She wasn’t able to finish the sentence as Megan wrapped the black colored pantyhose around Katie's neck. She pulled tightly. She turned on her best friend. Katie's eyes rolled back into head. Her tongue was protruding with drool dripping down her face. Then she was limp. Megan let her body drop to the cold floor. She unwrapped the hose from Katie's neck and put them on. She then heard a female voice say "you just won your freedom. Just stand on the marked spot on the floor and you are free to go." Megan thought to herself that she had to kill her friend for her own survival and freedom. The killer pressed a button and then a metal like bar came through the mark on the floor and it impaled Megan. The speed and force of it impaled her. She gavce out a loud scream of pain that went silent quickly. It penetrated the crotch area of the pantyhose and entered her vagina. Blood dripped down to the floor. Then the killer pressed another button and the metal bar exited her vagina and traveled back into the floor. Megan dropped to the floor dead. There was an expression of shock on her face. Blood dripped down her mouth and her eyes were rolled back into her head. The door to the room opened and her killer walked in. She replied "hmm now that's beautiful view to see. Wups now where is my mannors. I forgot to introduce myself. Im blood heel. Greedy bitches will believe anything and are fun to murder." Afterwards she left and called the "tidy up service" to clean up the mess.  That torture room was a room that was built during ww2. Designed by the company for their hit  men and hit women to use. Over the years it was modified. The room was a favorite to blood heel.
    10 minutes


Voiceover: “I was dragged from my house by one of the men in an angry mob, wearing only a sheer nightie, and taken to a room with a crowd of angry men. I struggled trying to get away but this only increased the mob’s lust. The man holding me called me a stuck up prick tease and punched me knocking me down. I was pushed into the mob of men who groped my body.  The mob cheered and yelled for me to be beaten. I was punched, kicked, and beaten with clubs. Then when I attempted to crawl away members of the mob thrust cattle prods into my body while other men in the mob whipped me. They forced me to give them blow jobs and raped me and then beat me unconscious with clubs.”

A man is behind her forcing her to walk toward the camera. She struggles saying “let me go you filthy pig!” He replies: “you need to be taught a lesson for teasing all the men in town.” The camera views her bouncing breasts from a front, side, and worm’s eye view.

She gets away from him and runs toward the camera.

As she runs a hand reaches out and fondles her breast. More hands reach out and pull down the bodice of her nightgown and she struggles repeatedly to cover her breasts  up. 
Hands reach out and pull up her nightie and fondle her pussy.

She struggles and says get your filthy hands off me you stupid trailer trash.”

Voices say: “beat that stuck up prick tease..punch her pretty face…beat her to a pulp.”

Fists from the left and right in slow motion (and fast motion) punch her breasts while the nightgown covers her breasts and then with the nightgown pulled down. Fists from the right and left in slow and fast motion punch her in the mouth, knocking her down. 

As she falls her legs go up and the nightie falls down exposing her pussy. Sounds of the crowd cheering.

She scoots backward to try to get away but she is pulled up and beaten with a club (in slow motion) on her head and breasts (with the club digging in), knocking her down.

(Off camera fake blood is applied to her scalp and mouth.

She crawls on hands and knees as the camera views her from the front, side, and back (worms eye view). Whips hit her in slow motion on her back. A cattle prod zaps her and her body shakes wildly. Her breasts bounce out from the nightie. 

She then crawls on her stomach as the camera views from the front and rear as the cattle prod zaps her.

She rolls over and the whip hits the front of her body (with the whip digging into her breasts (first covered with the nightie and then with the nightie pulled down). (One person holds the handle of the whip off camera while another person brings the whip over the camera to press into her breasts.) The cattle prod zaps her body and she shakes wildly. The camera pans in on shaking breasts,

She is pulled up and a man says: “Now you snooty prick tease you are going to dance to get our dicks hard and then suck the cocks off all these men or we will break every bone in your body with our clubs and smash in that pretty face.”

She says “please don’t hurt me anymore. I will give all of you the best blow jobs you ever had.”

She begins to move her body in a sexy dance, shaking  her breasts and doing a bump and grind. She gets on hands and knees shaking her breasts until they bounce out from the nightie. She turns around and wiggles her ass and spreads her pussy lips.

Man’s voice: “That’s enough. My dick is plenty hard now. Get over here and suck it. She crawls toward the dick and sucks it briefly and fake cum squirts on her face. 

A fist punches her, knocking her over and a man’s voice says: “You stupid cunt. You made me cum too fast.”

She crawls to another dick and sucks it briefly and more cum is sprayed on her face. Man’s voice: That was the worst blow job ever. We need to beat this bitch with our clubs.

She gets up and runs. From off camera a club hits her in the stomach in slow motion. Another club hits her across her breasts in slow motion. A hand reaches out and pulls down the bodice of the nightie and a club hits her breasts.

She staggers and a club from off camera hits her on the top of her head and, as she sinks to her knees, another club hits her across her mouth in slow motion.

(Off camera blood is applied to her scalp so it runs down her face) Blood streams out of her mouth.

She collapses unconscious. The nightie is pulled off and clubs continue to hit her body and head. A man lifts her body and carries it away.

Words on screen: “The Next Day”

She is wearing only a small (2” by 2”) loincloth made with cloth and pieces of string.

She is still unconscious and a man rapes her and shoots his semen on her face. He throws water on her to revive her and drags her up and drags her toward the camera. 

He says: “Here she is, boys. I don’t think she has learned her lesson. There is only one solution for stuck up rich bitches and that is to shoot them.”

Voices: “Yeah, shoot the snooty cunt.”

She says: “Please don’t kill me. I will be a good slut and learn how to give good blow jobs. Wouldn’t you rather fuck my tight pussy and asshole? I will lick all of your assholes before I suck you off.” (As she is saying this she gets on her knees, fondles her breasts, and shakes them. Then she gets on her back and thrusts her hips up and down as the camera pans in on her pussy.

Voices: “shoot her…shoot her.”

She gets up and struggles to walk toward the camera saying please don’t shoot me.

A rifle appears from off camera and automatic shots are heard. Her body spasms wildly as the loin cloth drops off.  (Off camera blood spots are placed on her body) She continues to be shot and then drops to the floor. The camera views from above as she continues to be shot and she continues to shake wildly.

The camera pans over her bloody body.  SUSPICION
    23 minutes
Cast: Scarlett Fandera, Mira Green and Edward 
«…this is just about the best one you have done for me yet.

It is excellent, kudos to the Director(s) for putting it all together,  yes it definitely has a beginning, middle and end,  beautifully shot and edited and put together properly. Thank you also for really sticking to my script as well in every detail.

I can see how it is to the advantage of your company having proper fully fledged actors and actresses to call upon. Yes the casting is spot -on and each character is there, believable and properly defined.  Please thank they all from me personally for putting on such a good show nd performance».

From Customer’r Review 
Fetish Elements
Sexy Female Killer, Spy Theme, Girl kills girl, Cruel Girl, Man kill Girl. Bagging , Kidnapping, Helpless, Woman in Peril, Gas Torture, Burning Face, Gas Asphyxia, Stockings, Fr emotions, Professional Actors do horror show, Shooting, Silencer, HeadShot  (realistic with blood in the head and hair)

Scarlett acts Nadya – an agent of Russian Secret Spy Organization. She is clever and cruel and has sadistic fetishes. The sheaf of this organization send her for mission  - to spy for another agent Zoya (Mira Green) and to know all about her. Nadya pretends to be her friend and roommate. She sees the strange behavior of Zoya and calls to Center about the information she works for Britains and she is double agent. Nadya decides to execute her herself  - she attackes her in the bathroom with a bag and gags her until she is near to her death. After she ties her to the chair and brings the gas mask and a bottle with a terrible biochemical mixture. Ignoring miserable whine about mercy from frightened Zoe she does her terrible  long execution forbidden in legislation to enjoy how poor girl is dying. She burns her face and chokes her dead. 
The colonel comes to the room. He is not so happy to see dead Zoya – he askes just to know the information but not to kill. How can he now find out more information from Zoya? The initiative, emotionality and sadism of Nadi does not fit the code of organization. The Colonel sais about it while he winding  the silencer onto the gun. Nadya realizes her terrible situation  - now she is not cruel woman any more – she is near her end. Headshot! The body of a young woman slowly slides down, leaving a bloody trail. Her eyes express the last fright and surprise - she was counting on a medal for courage and promotion, but not a bullet in the forehead after her victory…


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    Welcome To The Crime House Studio on Kinky Clips
    Crime House Fantasy Studio (also Crime House & Crime House and Dark Rooms) is independent production company with female death fetish orientation. Crime House does very erotic stuff, but not porn. Why we advice to offer our videos? 1. SEXY VICTIM-ACTRESSES ONLY 2. REALISTIC DEATH SITUATIONS 3. GREAT ACTING 4. CSGFX EFFECTS 5. NEW MODELS EVERY WEEK 6. ALL DEATH FETISH GENRES 7. NOT PORN BUT VERY-VERY EROTIC AND HOT 8.RUSSIAN AND EAST EUROPE HOT MODELS 9. WE DO KNOW HOW TO PLAY SEXY DEATH 10. ALL MOVIES ARE MADE IN VERY HIGH QUALITY

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