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Stabbing Cocktail



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    21 minutes
Starring: Mira Green, Sonya Krueger, Tim
«Just watched it.
I liked it, Mira is great, and so are the others) It was not in vain that I chose Sonya for the next custom.»
Customer’s Review 

Fetish Elements: 
Female Killer, Girl Kills a Man, Girl Kills Female, Girl Kills a couple, Choking, Strangulation, Bondage, Kidnapping, Tortures of a Couple, Bagging, Shooting, Headshot

Jim and Kat are happy together. They are newlyweds and their married life is just beginning. But not many people know that their facade of happiness is built on a heap of financial fraud and bankrupt people. But how long can they enjoy it? The answer to this question will be quietly whispered to them by the dangerous Mira.

    14 minutes
      LAST BLUES - Custom Video


Starring: Tori and Kit


Fetish Elements: Shooting to the back (Twice), Shooting to the head from behind, HeadShot, Blood, Sexy Dead Poses, Pantyhose, Stripping Body, Playing with dead feet in pantyhose, corpse in 3 days after murder  


A killer was waiting his victim at her apartment. She was a witness of crime. He shot her twice to her back and then shot her to her head. He left body and went away. But in 3 days he returns to cold blue corpse…
    8 minutes
New Model: NIKA!

Starring: Nika, Nadya, Annabelle, Kit
Fetish elements:
Dynamic realistic shooting 
Shooting through the glass door with great effects
Silencer gun
Shooting to the heart, to the back, to the head, to the chest
Bag girl killed 

Three girls were friends. They worked as strip dancers in night club. But one of them (Nika) met a rich man, married him and bought the night club. When she became a boss the decided to … kill her ex-friends. She hated them all the time. She ordered a killer she knew. 
He came the club and shot two girls doing his order. He shot nude Nadya and Annabelle in her black stocking. But he decided to over his killer-career and… to kill Nika too. He surprised her from behing and shot to her back. She was shocked, tried  to say something but he shot her to her head. 
He stripped her body and decided to burn in…

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CLEANERS  Psychosis
    11 minutes
      Psychosis - Psychosis
Remake shower scene from «Psycho» by  Alfred Hitchcock
Full HD, darkrooms production
    19 minutes
Starring: Angelina, Luiza, Vika, Dan
«The Movie Was awesome»
Customer’s Review
Fetish Elements:
Stalking, Cunnibalism, Stabbing, Gory
3 girls arrived to the house for some fun but cannibal hunter stalked them, killed very cruelly and ate.
    22 minutes
      REAL DETECTIVE - A creepy police thriller!
A policewoman, alone without reinforcements, decides to enter the lair of the notorious serial Ripper, but does not calculate her strength and herself takes the place of the victim… This time the maniac knows no limits in his monstrous methods of reprisal…
    14 minutes
Starring: Luiza, Max, Tatiana, Billy Brag.
«Thank you very much. I enjoyed the movie».
From customer’s review

Shooting (many shots), blood, much wounds, guts, three headshots

 	Luiza - female character 
 	John - male character 
 	Gunman 1 & 2 - very brief appearance, can be any gender, or using the same actors/ actress but in different clothes/ with masks/ sun glasses to hide the identity 

Location: the two story house with large staircase you used before

 	In a bed room upstairs.
 	Luiza and John are dressing up. Luiza is naked and piece by piece out on her shirt and skirt and high heel sandals (costume to be specified by me later), not wearing bras nor panty.
They joked about the great sex they just had, John was totally happy but Luiza appeared a bit perfunctory. 
 	As Luiza pulls on her sandals, John said “you feet are really beautiful, so big, how big are they”
Luiza said “ I wear size 40, (or whatever her real size, we decide later), come, do you want one more kiss?” She teases and put one of her feet on a chair.
 	John kneel in front her and kissed her feet.
Luiza pull out a small syringe in her purse and plunged into John’s neck. John twitched and fell face down on the floor.
Luiza quickly moved to the desk in the room, she fumbled with the lock and opened the drawer. She took a mini SD card. She stood there and thought for.a brief moment. Then she sat down and used a sticky tape to tape chip on the insole of her sandal then put the shoe back on. (This is a chance to show the show size and a very good, closed look of her feet and toes polished in dark red).
Luiza rushed out of the room with a glee on her face. [camera showing her gait, and a lot view of feet step by step, even some slow mo]. She descended down the stairs.
We heard a gun shot. 
Luiza [camer showing only her chest and above] froze in her steps, stunned expression on her face; She looked down, camera follows her gaze, down to her belly, there is a gaping exit wound on the right side of her abdomen, blood oozing out.
Camera pulls away, show Luiza full body standing on the stair, and John standing behind her on the top of the staircase, left hand pressing on his own neck, right hand holding a pistol.
He fired two more times.
Luiza jerked, and we saw two exit wound exploding out very Low on her belly, almost right above where her pubic hair would be.
She stifled a yelp and turned on her heel, seeing John with disbelief. 
She looks determined to fight. She fished out a small pistol from her bag and shoot, only heard en empty click. 
John smirked: “I know you might be the mole, honey, I switched out your position and also took all your bullets away”. With that, he took a small vial of liquid and several bullet from his pocket and dropped them on the floor.
Luiza: “Bastard, I am going to kill you”, she took a small switch knife out from her purse, raise it above her head and walked up the stairs with great efforts, glaring at her foe. 
John fired and key firing, bullet after bullet hitting her. First on the left shoulder, she twisted and kept walking, then two on her right chest, she jerked; then one in her stomach, she bent forward then stood again, kept walking up step by step, knife raising.
John’s gun clicked empty too. There is a moment of panic in his eyes as he checked the chamber. 
Luiza smirked with agony “that’s all you got? Just 7 bullets? Not even a full mag?” She gathered her last energy and landed on the top of the stair case, and raised the knife over her head.
Commotions. Foot steps from downstairs.
Two gun man enter the lobby, they are body guards ( could wear mask and sun glasses if you have too use the same actor or actress) , each holding machine guns or assault rifles. They opened fire on Luzia’s back.
Camera shows Luiza’s back and her front, Hollywood style, as she jerked in the rain of bullet, as holes open on her back and exit her front blood splatting. She tried to maintain her stand, but was pushed by the impact and staggered towards to wall. 
The shooting is quite brief, a few second later the bullets stopped and Luzia was against the walk, still standing. She painfully pushed herself against the wall and turned around the face John and the gun men, leaning on the wall, full of holes, breathing with much difficulty with blood coming out of her mouth too, but she is stil standing [ some camera view of her leg and feet]
Her knife was already dropped, so was her purse. 
John walked up: “Bitch, yeah, now is it enough bullet for you?”
Luzia is barely alive, and vomiting blood, but she managed a wan scoff on her beautiful face, without any weapon, she raised her right hand, with her thumb up and index finger miming a gun pointing at John, a faint final word was squeezed out of her bloody lip “bang”.
John stepped aside, motioned to his gun man (off camera), and we hear massive gun shots again and this time Luzia’s body was pushed against the wall and twitching and jerking as bullet holes were peppered all over her torso, even arms and a few on her legs, then suddenly, several rounds hit her on her forehead and even face, brains exploded from back of her head, then everything is quite and still for a moment:
Luzia was still standing, more holes on her body [but still manageable blood, not causing completed soaking, still able to see each of the bullet holes], there are 3 bullet holes on her forehead, one on her face on the cheek bone, and one on her chin [ i will confirm the location of those bullet with picture later].
After a few seconds, her body started to slide down, leaving a huge paint rush of blood and gore on the wall behind her, especially a little above where he head used to be, you can clearly see blobs of brain matters sticking on the wall.
She finally fell onto a sitting position and died, leg spreading, in an twisted, humiliating pose , but a very heroic death. Here eyes wide open; her lips half open. 
John walked up, kicking her body. He squatted down next to her, holding her chin and twisted her face towards him, looking at her dead face, he spoke many humiliating words. 
When he moved her body, we saw her back is totally different from her front. While the her front is still relatively “clean” where we can even count each Buttler hole, her back is totally soaked with blood and gore. The exit wounds have slit open her lower back, a large loop of intestines and organs looped on the floorm, between her back and the wall.
He finally counted total 38 bullets (including those in the head). He even reach his finger into the skull of Luzia and pulled our more pieces of brain, and played with her guts, and jeered that she is so “gutless and brainless” now. All the time Luzia’s eyes wide open and starting into emptiness with an expression of indifference.
FinallyJohn started to look for the mini SD card Luzia took. He searched her phrase but can;t find, eventually as he started to worship her feet again, he took her sandals off to kiss her feet, and found the chips. He proceeded to play with her feet, eventually put the sandals back on when he finished. [ he needs to wash hands clean before this scene, I don;t like blood on the feet]
Finally, looking at Luzia’s now messy dead body, John;s lips curled up in a sinister grin. He motioned to the gun man. They took Luzia’s arm pit and her feet, lifted her up and walked into the bedroom again.

    12 minutes

-          BRAND NEW ACTRESS!-

-          BRAND NEW GORE!!!-

Custom Movie

 Do you want custom too? You’re welcome!


*Available For Customs!*

Naked! Daring! For the first time in the horror industry! Available for any of your bold fantasies!



A bitch from a criminal grouping is calculated in her apartment and brutally slaughtered in the shower. Two knife blows in the chest! Shock reaction! Groans and rattles! Hell is a painful death! Creeping out of the shower! Wet dead body on the tile floor


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FRANK DREAMS (in all our stores!)


     MACHINE GUNNED 6 Fill Clip
    62 minutes
      MACHINE GUNNED 6 Fill Clip - 1 hour!
About 180 death scenes!
4 actresses!
Spies, Gangsters & Soldiers - 3 girls in a series of sketches where they portray spies, gangsters, and army chicks.

Scene 1 – Mary sneaks in to steal some papers.  Guards Hass and Tora catch her and as she surrenders they have her face the wall and frisk her, then machine gun her.  She slides down the wall onto the floor and her dead body twitches for several seconds before Hass riddles her some more.  As Hass and Tora stand over the dead body, the cameraman mows both of them down and they fall into a body pile.

Scene 2 – This time Mary makes a run for it and is machine gunned down by the guards.  Her body twitches so Tora stands over her and riddles her over and over again (overkill).  As she finishes, the cameraman mows her and Hass down who fall into a body pile on top of Mary.  This time Hass and Tora's bodies twitch and so the cameraman has to blast them (and hits Mary's body too) again.

Scene 3 – In this version, Mary fights back and shoots it out with Hass and Tora.  Mary hits Hass but is then mowed down by Tora.   Tora really blasts her so she goes down dead.  Hass's body twitches a bit so Tora finishes her off.  Tora drags Mary's body on top of Hass's, then riddles the bodies.  As she does so, the cameraman mows her down (in the back) and she falls onto the body pile as the cameraman continues to fire, which makes all of the bodies shake.

Scene 4 – Mary the spy is caught between the two guards, as they prepare to fire, she suddenly drops down and Hass and Tora accidentally machine gun each other.  Both bodies twitch so Mary riddles them some more, one at a time.  She blasts Hass so that her body rolls across the floor forming a pile with Tora.  The cameraman mows down Mary who falls into the pile.  Mary's body twitches a lot so the cameraman blasts her and the pile some more.

Scene 5 – Mary again surrenders, so Hass and Tora have her face the wall.  As Hass frisks Mary, Tora machine guns them both.  It's important that they bounce around touching against each other much of the time.  As they fall, Tora keeps shooting them.  She finally stops just as the cameraman mows her down.

Scene 6 – Mary is trapped by the guards and as they close in, she raises her gun and machine guns herself to death.  The guards are surprised and a bit disappointed since they wanted to shoot her.  Tora walks over and riddles Mary's body.  Hass mows down Tora, who falls on top of Mary then riddles her body, also hitting Mary's dead body.  The cameraman then mows down Hass who also falls on the body pile.  Hass twitches quite a bit so the cameraman riddles the body, also hitting Tora and Mary's dead bodies.

Scenes 7-12, same as above with girls switching parts, and Tora being the spy.

Scenes 13-18, same as above with Hass being the spy.

Scene 19 – All 3 girls are spies and get caught by the cameraman and shoot it out, all of them going down in a hail of bullets.  The bodies twitch so the cameraman riddles them.

Scene 20 – All 3 girls are spies and this time when caught, they surrender.  The cameraman has them face the wall and then machine guns them in the back.  They fall into a twitching heap, which the cameraman riddles some more.  Mary's body still twitches a little bit so she is blasted one more time, but some of the bullets also hit the other bodies.

Scene 1 – Hass and Tora are sitting playing cards when Mary comes in.  They both stand and raise their hands but Mary mows them both down.  Hass twitches so Mary shoots her some more.  The cameraman then blasts Mary who falls across the bodies forming a pile.  Cameraman riddles body pile.

Scene 2 – Mary and Hass playing cards when Tora comes in.  She makes them stand facing the wall, then executes them by machine gunning them in the back.  They fall in a pile.  Cameraman then mows down Tora.  Mary's body twitches so the cameraman riddles the pile.

Scene 3 – Tora and Mary are playing cards when Hass comes in.  Without even standing, Mary goes for her gun and Hass mows her down.  Distracted by mowing down Mary, Hass is then mowed down by Tora, falling on top of Mary.  Tora is pretty happy at coming out alive, but then the cameraman mows her down and she falls on top of the pile.  She twitches so the cameraman riddles the pile.

Scene 4 – All girls a playing cards, when cameraman makes them face the wall and executes them, and the fall into a pile.  They all twitch so she shoots them some more.

Scene 5 – Mary machine guns Tora and is captured by Hass.  Mary is taken to wall and is machine gunned (executed.)  After the shooting stops she falls and her body twitches a bit so another burst is given.  After that the body is still.  Cameraman then machine guns Hass.

Scene 6 – Tora machine guns Hass and is captured by Mary.  Tora is taken to wall and is machine gunned (executed).  After the shooting stops she falls and her body twitches a bit so another burst is given.  After that the body is still.  Cameraman then machine guns Mary.

Scene 7 – Hass machine guns Mary and is captured by Tora.  Hass is taken to wall and is machine gunned (executed).  After the shooting stops she falls and her body twitches a bit so another burst is given.  After that the body is still.  Cameraman then machine guns Tora.

Scene 8 – All 3 girls are executed one after the other.  The bodies falling to a pile.  Mary gets it first,  then Hass, and finally Tora gets it.  The girls are brought in one at a time, mowed down, and the bodies left to pile together.

Scene 9 – As Hass is getting machine gunned by the cameraman, Mary pushes Tora onto the line of fire, causing her to be machine gunned also.  As she steps closer to get a better look at the shaking bodies, she gets too close and steps into the line of fire.  All 3 girls shake and shudder as the fall into a body pile.

Scene 10 – Mary is about to execute Tora when Hass bursts into the room and machine guns Mary.  Although mortally wounded, as Mary starts to go down she manages to machine gun.  Hass blasts Mary again and Mary dies falling into a heap on top of Hass.  Her dead body convulses in death.  Tora walks over and riddles the bodies, and is then machine gunned by the cameraman.

Forearms - I'd like each scene to be one continuous take with no stops or edits.

Scene 1 – Mary shows her arms and the camera lighting makes the hair glisten.   Suddenly the cameraman machine guns her and dies face down, arms extended.  She can even take off one glove and tug at her arm hair, as long as both gloves are back on when the machine gunning occurs.

Scene 2 - Tora shows her arms and the camera lighting makes the hair glisten.   Suddenly the cameraman machine guns her and dies face down, arms extended.  She can even take off one glove and tug at her arm hair, as long as both gloves are back on when the machine gunning occurs.

Scene 3 - Hass shows her arms and the camera lighting makes the hair glisten.   Suddenly the cameraman machine guns her and dies face down, arms extended.  She can even take off one glove and tug at her arm hair, as long as both gloves are back on when the machine gunning occurs.

Scene 4 – Tora machine guns Mary.  She then takes off one glove and plays with Mary's arm hair.  She puts the glove back on and is then machine gunned by Hass.  Hass then takes off one glove and checks out Tora's arm hair.  She puts her glove back on and is machine gunned by the cameraman.  

Scene 5 – Tora and Mary machine gun Hass.  They then take off one glove and check out Hass's arm hair.  They then check out each other's arms as well as their own arms.  Next they put their gloves back on and promptly shoot each other to death.  The camera gets a nice view of all of their arms.  They twitch a little so the cameraman then riddles the bodies.

Scene 1 – All 3 girls attack the cameraman.  The scene is viewed strictly from the cameraman's point of view.  They hide, duck, crawl but eventually, one by one the girls are all mowed down.

Scene 2-3 – Same as Scene 1, but with some variation.

Scene 4 – Tora and Hass attack Mary.  Hass goes down and Tora uses her body to block the bullets.  As Mary shoots at Tora, the bullets hit Hass's body, which jerks to the impact.  Eventually, Tora makes a break for it and manages to mow down Mary.  The cameraman then mows down Tora.

Scene 5 – Same with Hass and Mary attacking Tora.

Scene 6 – Same with Mary and Tora attacking Hass.

Scene 7 – All three girls are huddled together setting an ambush for the cameraman.  But the cameraman is behind then and she sneaks up on them and machine guns them in the back.  They fall into a body pile and twitch, somewhat excessively, so the cameraman riddles the pile.

Scene 8 – Mary and Hass are walking towards the camera.  Tora is a few steps behind them.  Suddenly Tora opens fire mowing them both down.   They shake and bounce together and fall in a pile.  Tora stands over the pile and riddles it, but is then mowed down by the cameraman, falling into the pile herself.  She twitches so the cameraman riddles the pile.

Scene 9 – Same as above with Hass mowing down Tora and Mary.

Scene 10 – Same as above with Mary mowing down Hass and Tora.

Final Scene.
All girls walk toward the camera, smile and say something nice and are then promptly mowed down by the cameraman.  They twitch and are riddled some more.  First is Hass,  then Tora, and finally Mary.  At the end they are in a body pile.  Lots of lingering forearm close-ups before cameraman riddles the bodies.

•	Gloves in every death scene
•	Everyone dies in every scene
•	Plenty of forearm closeups of both living and dead
•	Lots of shaking, pained expressions, and (moans, groans, grunts, aarrrgghhhh type stuff)
•	Obvious, sometimes excessive dead body twitching
•	Mix of eyes open/eyes closed death stares
•	Lots of in the back shooting
•	Lots of face down final positions
•	Legs and Bellies and Arms
    12 minutes

Thank you. Annabelle was very good. Tanya was great as usual.  Thanks for the work.
Fetish Elements:
Betray, Shooting, Shooting to the arm, Shooting to the chest, Shooting to the stomach, shooting to the belly, Shooting to the back, Shooting to the neck, Much Blood, Much Bullets, Long Death, Agony, Firefight
Starring: Tanya, Annabelle
Tanya and Annabelle are sitting at a table smoking and drinking (if they smoke), relaxed and talking.  They are armed with handguns. Tanya tells Annabelle that the "boss" wants them to steal a laptop computer with financial information that is damaging to the "boss". It could send him to prison for many years. He will pay them "big" money to do the job. They agree to meet the next day and do the job. They agree to take their guns because the location may be guarded. Next we see them entering an office/residence and begin to look for the computer. They go through drawers and cabinets but do not find it immediately.  Then they finally find it. Tanya also finds a brief case/bag and puts the computer in the case/bag.  Tanya says "Now we can get out of here." Walking towards the door holding the bag. Annabelle says "WAIT" "Give the bag to me", pointing her gun at Tanya. Tanya is surprised "What are you doing", Tanya asks. Annabelle tell her that she knows Tanya has been sleeping with her man and she is angry. " I will not share the money with a slut who sleeps with my man." Tanya says "You should blame him not me." " I have the computer and I will not give it to you."  Annabelle says "I would love to kill you, it would be easy for what you did with my man." Tanya then raises her gun.  " Your choice" says Annabelle who extends the gun towards Tanya. Tanya appears to relent, lowers her gun briefly then quickly shoots Annabelle in the shoulder. Tanya drops the bag.  Annabelle stumbles then shoots Tanya once in the arm. Annabelle moves to get the bag but Tanya pushes her away, and shoots  Annabelle once in the belly. Annabelle reacts in pain then shoots Tanya twice in the in the chest. Tanya is stunned and remains standing.  Annabelle tries to get the bag again. Tanya, still standing bloody mouth, wounds, screams "You bitch" at Annabelle and fires three shots at Annabelle in the torso. Annabelle falls to her knees.  Tanya moves again towards the bag. Now Annabelle shoots Tanya FOUR times in the chest, forcing her backwards against a wall. Tanya remains standing against the wall, now weak. Annabelle is watching Tanya and says "Nobody steals my man" then shoots Tanya in the throat. Tanya manages to get one more shot off hitting Annabelle  on the cheek below the eye. Annabelle falls sideways from her knees and rolls over on her back. She suffers briefly then dies staring at the ceiling. .  Tanya now begins to slide down the wall slowly, gagging from the throat wound and bleeding from the mouth, She reaches the floor, legs spread, suffers a while then dies staring straight ahead. Long look at the posed bodies
     3 Shotdead Cocktail
    13 minutes
      3  Shotdead Cocktail - 25 female deaths in this video!

starring: hass, inga gros, angelina tihnenko (new model!!!), Kit

this is our first «shot-dead cocktail» made with professional camera with 3 *****.

this is really hot one! Great quality, great acting, different poses and sexy reactions. Many ****'s death. 

death stares, crazy poses, ***** killing *****, man killing *****, many reactions, agonies, bodies.

shooting, shooting in back, shooting in the chest, long death in agony, quiqk sudden death, ***** shooting each others,  carrying bodies, crying and shouting  and voices of agony, sexy clothes, execution, bodypiles.  CHILDFREE
    21 minutes

Purchase it in the first 3 days after uploading (till 20 of August) to have a bonus!
Starring: Catolina, Anastasia and Kit
20 minutes long
Strangulation, leg jerking, tongue out, sexy lingerie, strangulation from behind,  stripping dead body, playing with dead body, young mother is strangled, ironing dead body, bodypile
Movie with English subtitles
Anastasia and her housband are childfree. The man wants to have children very much but his wife can not present him a child because of some health problems.
She is a businesswoman  and has her happiness without children.
The family couple stay at Anastasia’s Moscow flat during weekly business trip. Husband asks her to visit Moscow doctors but she doesn’t want even to talk  about it. She goes to office and he stays at her sister’s flat alone with her young sister.
Her sister has a baby. He feels terrible feelings of envy to her. When she is alone she attacks her and strangles with a cord. When his wife comes back, he chokes his wife too.
He put two dead nude bodies to bodypile and waits for the children. He is going to be a father and leave the city with the child, whom he made an orphan..,
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    Welcome To The Crime House Studio on Kinky Clips
    Crime House Fantasy Studio (also Crime House & Crime House and Dark Rooms) is independent production company with female death fetish orientation. Crime House does very erotic stuff, but not porn. Why we advice to offer our videos? 1. SEXY VICTIM-ACTRESSES ONLY 2. REALISTIC DEATH SITUATIONS 3. GREAT ACTING 4. CSGFX EFFECTS 5. NEW MODELS EVERY WEEK 6. ALL DEATH FETISH GENRES 7. NOT PORN BUT VERY-VERY EROTIC AND HOT 8.RUSSIAN AND EAST EUROPE HOT MODELS 9. WE DO KNOW HOW TO PLAY SEXY DEATH 10. ALL MOVIES ARE MADE IN VERY HIGH QUALITY

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    BLACK CRANE part 2


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