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    14 minutes

Starring: Nancy, Pola and Charlie

Strangulation in the car and great Hanging scene in the forest!

Beautiful road horror movie!

Fetish elements:

Strangulation in the car, legs jerking, death stare, tongue out, trying to escape, forced to stropped for full nude, hanging on the tree (full nude!), carrying, putting bodies to the car trunk



Pola and Nancy are hitch-hitchers. They are walking by the country road searching for a car to travel to the town. They saw an ad where the robber was wanted. Regard was 50 000$.

Once, a car is moving. They are happy. A man agrees to hitch up them to the town. When they are inside the car, the driver  suggests them sex for money. They see his face – he is the robber from the ad! They blackmail him and asks for money or they call cops.

He stops the car and starts to strangle Pola. Nancy escapes from the car and runs to the field and then to the forest. The robber slowly strangles Pola to her death and runs for another girl.

He seeks her in the forest. She realizes she is in the deadly trap and starts to strip for full nude to make the man kind to her. She suggests him to fuck but it’s too late. He hangs her in the tree.

He carries dead nude bodies to the car trunk…


If you like this movie please check out

Agent strangled in her car

Businesslady strangled in her car

House of 8 corpses (part 2)

Handcuffed and hanged

All our hanging clips  STABBING IN THE OFFICE
    14 minutes
3 office bitches were stabbed multy many times!
Angelina was stabbed 17 times! – 1 knife hit in her pussy and 16 hits to her stomach! Archi painfull bloody death! All her stomach was ripped! 
Nata was stabbed 25 times to her left bib boob – in heart area! 
Mary was stabbed to her head between brains! 
Before death, Mary was forced to strip her employees bloody bodies, play with Nata’s big bleeding boobs, smashing blood
All corpses were stripped and left in sexy helpless poses!
Fetish elements: Office theme, pantyhose, bare legs, multi stabbing hits, stabbing to the stomach, stabbing to the pussy, stabbing to the breasts, stabbing to the heart, stabbing to the head, agonies, fear, shouting, pain, blood, gore, stripping bodies, limp fetish, bloody erotica, death stares, bodypile.
3 office managers were too rude with young courier and let him loose controle. He took a knife he take to his job for self-defense against street crime and arranged a bloodbath in the office. 
43 stabbing hits for 3 girls total! They didn’t want to die young, but they haven’t any suppose their death were so cruel and painful! 
If they knew that their death is so painful, they would not want to be born!
     Cowgirl VS Indian Girl
    16 minutes
      Cowgirl VS Indian Girl - Brave Cowgirl shoots to the death Indian Girl 13 times in different scenes and situations!  TARGET IMPOSSIBLE
    19 minutes
CAST: Unholy Polly, Kira Sekira
Written by HijoShi
Kira Sekira is a very exceptional/unusual criminal, she has already killed many people in her criminal activities in the past months (bank robbery, killing for fun in the street, targeting and killing rich persons, various fire arms assault for robberies... etc...), what is unusual is that no police forces in the world has succeeded to arrest her ! And we don't have any accurate informations about this Kira Sekira (Where she lives, her background, her nationality, her family etc...), we don't know why she is doing this and for whom she is working ? Maybe Kira Sekira is working for a powerful secret organization, she is a powerful professional ? The unabling of the authority to arrest her is worrying the global security.
That's why the global spy agency has decided to send its most skilled and powerful agent, Agent Holly 005 to target and arrest Kira Sekira and end up her criminal activities for good.
    10 minutes

Fetish elements:

Pillow suffocation


Nude content


3 girls are lost in their driving travelling. They ask for help for wrong people…  2 SPIES 2
    12 minutes
      2 SPIES 2 - Starring: Oksana and Nata 
Custom movie

Nata is searching in a drawer and then she finds a file. She’s wearing a blouse, a black mini skirt and glasses. We can see that she has a gun attached to the back of her skirt.
She takes the file and sits on a sofá that is close to where she was looking for and starts to read its contents.
Oksana enters the room and points Nata with a gun telling her to leave the file and come with her.
Nata leaves the file and smiling tells Oksana that it’s not use in threatening her with that gun, that Oksana knows that she always has loved her and that Nata loves her too. Nata sensuosly unbuttons her blouse revealing a very sexy bra, then she unhooks the bra and her beautiful breasts are completely exposed. She keeps her glasses on.
Oksana leaves her gun on a table and walks towards Nata unbuttoning her own blouse at the same time. When she is in front of Nata she takes her blouse off letting it  fall on the floor.
Both women start caressing each other in the breasts in the neck and in the face and they lie on the sofá. After a while of necking and being aroused, Oksana put both her hands in Nata’s neck and squeezes it lightly. Nata moans with pleasure in the believe that Oksana is trying to apply a slight suffocation that will help to a good orgasm, but instead, Oksana squeezes harder and Nata sees that Oksana expression changes from delight to hate.
Nata’s smile wear off and fear fills her features when she realizes that Oksana is strangling her. Nata fights trying to get free of Oksana’s powerful grip but is useless and soon her strength wears off and her arms go limp to her sides. She closes her eyes and stops breathing.
Oksana stands up smiling as she watches the body of Nata. She picks her blouse up and starts to leave the room. But Nata is not dead, when Oksana is about to leave, she opens her eyes, caress her sore neck and standing up takes the gun she has in her back holster.
When Oksana is walking, almost getting out, Nata shoots her in the back. An expression of surprise and pain fills Oksana’s beautiful face and she grabs the gun that she left before on the table. Oksana turns around and shoots Nata, the bullet hits her between her naked breasts, but Nata has time to shoot one more time and her shot hits Oksana in the heart.
Oksana falls to the floor holding her gun and dying instantly. Nata slowly sinks to the floor. Her knees hit the ground and then she falls on her back. Blood runs from her wound to her flat stomach and to her neck and a trickle of blood comes out of her mouth. She is slowly dying.
     3 Shotdead Cocktail
    13 minutes
      3  Shotdead Cocktail - 25 female deaths in this video!

starring: hass, inga gros, angelina tihnenko (new model!!!), Kit

this is our first «shot-dead cocktail» made with professional camera with 3 *****.

this is really hot one! Great quality, great acting, different poses and sexy reactions. Many ****'s death. 

death stares, crazy poses, ***** killing *****, man killing *****, many reactions, agonies, bodies.

shooting, shooting in back, shooting in the chest, long death in agony, quiqk sudden death, ***** shooting each others,  carrying bodies, crying and shouting  and voices of agony, sexy clothes, execution, bodypiles.  DESTRUCTION OF MIRA GREEN
    13 minutes

«I’ll start with the very best . Mira was awesome . She looked great before , during and after her demise . After seeing the Policewoman video , I thought she’d be great in this role and I wasn’t disappointed . Everything about her acting was perfect from her body movements and reactions to her facial expressions to her cries of “nyet , nyet” . She took the role seriously and put all the energy , emotion and realism I was hoping for into the scene . Thank You Mira for doing such a great job»
From Customer’s Review 

Mira lives in house in a secluded location in the woods , miles away from any neighbors . As the scene opens she could be doing any number of things that you choose . She could be cooking , reading , watching tv , whatever you like .  She hears a knocking sound that distracts her , then a few seconds later the sound of a window breaking . Being alone and not having a gun in the house , she grabs a small knife from the kitchen and goes to investigate . She has an extremely spooked look on her face . She looks around nervously for a minute calling out “I’ve got a gun” and a few seconds later “my husband’s a cop , he’ll be home soon” . She hears a movement in another room and calls out “who’s there” . She enters the room but sees no one . She continues walking forward with the camera looking straight at her as we see Max emerge from behind her . Mira doesn’t see him as Max gets closer . She is carrying the knife in her right hand and Max swings his arm and knocks the knife to the floor . She turns around in terror and faces Max ( the camera now faces Mira after she turns around ) and before she knows what happened Max belts her in the face knocking her backwards and then he picks up the knife  . There is some blood coming from her mouth where Max punched her . She backpedals and screams in terror as Max comes at her with the knife in his hand . She looks for a way out but there is nowhere to go . She extends her right arm to try to stop Max’s advance , but with his left hand , grabs her just above the elbow . With the knife in his right hand Max stabs her in the belly . Mira reacts with a jump and a scream . Max continues to stab her relentlessly , both to the belly and the chest . He doesn’t stab her too quickly though . About 4-6 seconds between each thrust into her body would be fine . ( Remember I said I enjoyed her reactions in the Policewoman video . Look at the pictures I’ve attached titled Police 1-5 . I’d like to see reactions and facial expressions similar to these with lots of body movement , her hair flying and her grunting and screaming as the knife is entering her . I particularly like the way her hair nicely frames her face in pictures 1 and 2 . The whole time Mira is being stabbed , the camera should be facing her . No side or back views . I want to see the reactions on her pretty face ) After the first ten or so thrusts of the knife, Max pauses for a few seconds to enjoy the view of Mira in agony. She’s bleeding from her wounds and terrified . Then he continues to stab her from the front another 10 or 15 times , both to the belly and the chest . She should begin to get bloody after the first few thrusts of the knife and by the time he is done stabbing her from the front , there should be quite a bit of blood on her , with some on her face and hair as well . But Max is not done with her yet . Not by a long shot .

Mira is dripping with blood and weak but still standing . Max decides to walk behind her and continue his assault from behind . ( See pictures Police 5-8 ) While continuing to hold her by the arm with his free hand , Max stabs her many times in the back . Again , I’m not interested in seeing the knife go in . The camera should be focused on Mira from the front the entire time . You can see Max raising his arm and bringing the knife forward . Each time the knife enters her back , just as before , Mira lets out a yell and her body and head react violently . After about 5 stabs in the back , Mira starts coughing up blood from her lungs being punctured . This spitting up of blood continues as Max stabs her in the back about 10 more times , once about every 5 seconds . Finally , Mira is so weak , Max cannot hold her up any more . She falls to her knees . Mira is mortally wounded but still strong enough to try to crawl away . Max is really enjoying himself and he doesn’t want the fun to end just yet . He pulls out his trusty needle and gives Mira a shot of adrenaline in her shoulder . In a few seconds , Mira is a little stronger . Just strong enough to suffer some more before she dies :) She tries to crawl away but Max knocks her down to her belly .

Mira is down on her belly , weak but feeling a little stronger from the adrenaline . Max kneels down behind her . The camera shows Mira from the front . ( See pictures Chaos
1-9 ) Here , Max goes ape shit on her and again begins stabbing her in the back . Over and over and over again . Again , I don’t need to see the knife going into Mira . Max raising it up and dropping it into her back will be fine . We don’t need to see her back at all . The camera should be on her face as in the pictures from Chaos . This is why I wanted you to use a knife with a retractable blade . Because Max is leaning on Mira , the only part of her body she can move is her head . She screams out in agony with each thrust of the knife . She throws her head back and forward and side to side , hair falling in her face . The blood is pouring out of her mouth now . There is also so much blood on her back from the repeated thrusts of the knife , that its running over her shoulders and down her chest .The only thing that’s keeping her alert is the adrenaline shot .  Sometimes , as the knife enters her back , the blood squirts up into the air and lands on her head . There is blood all over her face and in her hair . This whole assault on her back while she is lying on her belly lasts about a minute and a half . Finally , after about 90 seconds , Mira weakens and Max realizes she’s had enough . 

He rolls her over onto her back to get a good look at her face . Mira is barely alive and covered in blood . He decides to finish her off by stabbing her in the heart several times . See the picture of Luiza from the Stabbing in the Rain video . As he stabs her these final few times , Mira’s body doesn’t react as before but her eyes are open staring hopelessly at Max . She lifts her head up a bit or moves it side to side but that’s about it . After he stabs her in the chest about ten times , he realizes she’s finished . The camera scans her bloody , destroyed body as the credits roll .

    9 minutes
      KILLER2 - KILLER-2

Starring: Mary, Nata, Hass
Erotic lesbian scene in shower 
Sexy double shooting is shower
Shooting murder in the kitchen 
Murder girl while her exercise

4 murders by silencer shooting. All shots are to the chest

Simple story about one case of contract killer. His purpose was the daughter of a businessman. She lived with her twin-sisters and two friends. Contract killer killed all of them. 
4 Murders just for 11$!  BEWARE THE CAMERAMAN
    20 minutes
      BEWARE THE CAMERAMAN - Beware the Cameraman
«Hello and thank you! You did a wonderful job! One of your best.»
From customer’s Review

Starring: Li, Gloria, Angelina, Mary

Fetish Elements:
Vore, Magic, Strangulation, Choking, Masturbation, Bodypile, Pantyhose, Office Outfits

Part A

Li is working as a secretary at a talent agency. Each of the others girls walk in one at a time and are seated once they talk to her. They are told they will do a dance audition. The cameraman asks Li if she would like to audition too and she says yes. They are told they will be subtracted one by one to focus on each on each girl better. The girls ask what does that mean? They are told they will be OK. They look timid but agree.

The girls line up and start dancing( get some feet and leg close ups). At one point they each turn around and lift their skirt shaking their butt for the camera. ( For each girl make sure to get a long shot of their feet coming out of shoes when they are taken). Mary is taken first by a hook. The girls look then keep dancing. Next another hook takes Li. The next girl is Virgina as she floats away. The girls look up and keep dancing.  Angelina begins to dance off stage waving good bye and blowing kisses when a hook comes out and grabs her from the opposite direction.

Part B 

The girls walk back into the room caring their shoes. Li sits down at the desk and tells the girls they can get ready for the interview and put their shoes back on while they talk about the dance skit( get close ups of each girl’s feet putting on her shoes).  Li tells Gloria she will go first. Gloria walks into the room ( use the table with the rug over it for vore scene like the last movie). She walks in and says “hello- anyone here?” She hears something by the table. She looks underneath and then looks at the camera. She smiles and says “Good you are here. Its ok -it’s  just a big green monster.” Then realizing what she sees she then changes expression and starts screaming “oh no! A big green monster!!” as she gets pulled under. She screams and loses shoes as she is swallowed head first. Mary and Angelina hear in the other room and ask Li what was that? She says nothing to worry about. She then tells Mary she can go interview now. Mary walks in apprehensive. She sees the table and goes to sit down on it. She looks at the camera and says “hello- are we ready to start?” The camera man tells her she dropped something she gets on the floor and looks under the table. She asks “what is this?” With a smile and then is grabbed and swallowed head first while she screams and loses shoes as she is pulled in. Li then tells Angelina it’s her turn. Angelina walks in. She looks at the camera and tells the camera why she should get the job. She hears something under the table and goes to look. She looks under and then at the camera and asks “is that what I think it is?” She is told yes, and then is grabbed and slowly pulled under while she screams and asks for help, losing her shoes a she is swallowed. Li then comes in and ask the camera “are they gone?”  She is told yes and asked if she will pick up theirs shoes. She smiles and says yes.  As she does she picks up a shoe by the table and is grabbed. She asks the camera for help and then screams as she is pulled under losing her shoes.

Part C

The girls are all back together and told their vore shoot is over. They are happy and begin talking and putting shoes back on. They are asked to spend the night and they agree. Li gets up to leave and go into a room. She lays down and takes off her shoes and skirt . She then begins to give herself an orgasam through her pantyhose. When she finished she looks at the camera and says “ I didn’t see you there! You should have joined me!” She smiles and motions to the camera but then (gloved hands or rope) she is strangled from behind until she is dead. Her body is dragged off camera with her feet the last we see. Gloria says she is going to find Li. She walks into the room. She sees her shoes in the floor. “Li? Where are you? Will you answer me?” There is a close up of her legs as she trips over Li’s body. Some hands help her up from behind. She smiles and says “thank you. I almost broke my leg.”  She turns and see what helped her up and starts screaming and she is choked to death. Close up of her feet as she gives her last breath. She is then dragged off camera. Mary and Angelina are talking about where the others went. They agree to split up and find them. Angelina walks into a room looking around. She looks at the camera “there you are.” She smiles. She asks “do the other girls know what is happening to them yet? Have you killed them all yet?” She tells the camera “ I just want it to be me and you.” She starts to act seductive and takes off her skirt and shoes.  She begins to smile and rub her body seducing the camera. She loses her smile when someone starts to choke her from behind. She is strangled with a close up of feet as she runs out of air.  She is  then is dragged away with her feet the last thing we see. Mary comes back into the main room looking for everyone and sees all the other girls bodies positioned on the couch. She goes to them and tries to wake them up. She looks at the camera. She asks “ what happened to them?” The camera man tells her they are dead and she is next. She screams as she is grabbed from behind and strangled to the floor. The last shot is all four girl dead on the couch with just their bras and pantyhose on. (some close ups of legs and feet)


    19 minutes
Custom Movie (Premium Rate)

In the distant future, there is virtually no crime, and the police serve only as a formal civilian administrative resource. The police are poorly prepared girls who run social networks and lead a glossy lifestyle. But this afternoon something happened and a signal was received that a real criminal was attacking the city. Two police girls were sent to find him and eliminate him, and they take it too lightly...  ALIENS
    30 minutes


Cast: Judy, Hass, Nadya, Annabelle


Alien-snake kills three girls by creeping into the vaginas, then mastered their bodies. After mutation an insectologist kills aliens-girls, hitting their heads by gun-butt, and crushing their necks with boot. She crushed them like insects!


Fetish elements

Worm penetrating the vagina, death by orgasm, foot fetish, body-control, mutation, poisoned eyes, lesbo, sleepy, unconscious, hypnosis, crushing necks, mutants, blue blood, fantastic death stare

Erotic, full nude, bizarre horror movie! One of the most erotic movies!

30 minutes long! English Subtitles! Full HD, DarkRooms Quality



Judy goes to bathe in the tub. When she rests in the water, the alien worm crawls out of the drain and heads straight for her vagina. The girl experiences shock, then orgasm, and then dies from the toxic effects of the alien parasite. Then she comes to life - her eyes turn yellow. Now her body is controlled by a parasite.

She goes to her neighbors, poisones them with sleeping pills, stripping them naked, and begins manipulating the infestation of other girls, sending worms to them in the vagina, making them feel like a murderous orgasm, dying in hell torment mixed with orgasm, and resurrecting as parasites.

But they did not have long to live in a new capacity. A brave fighter with infections invades the house, beats them with a rifle butt, and then mercilessly crushes like cockroaches. A disgusting crunch of fracture of their necks is heard, as if pressed by beetles, and blue mutated blood flows out of their mouths. Yellow eyes remain open.
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    Welcome To The Crime House Studio on Kinky Clips
    Crime House Fantasy Studio (also Crime House & Crime House and Dark Rooms) is independent production company with female death fetish orientation. Crime House does very erotic stuff, but not porn. Why we advice to offer our videos? 1. SEXY VICTIM-ACTRESSES ONLY 2. REALISTIC DEATH SITUATIONS 3. GREAT ACTING 4. CSGFX EFFECTS 5. NEW MODELS EVERY WEEK 6. ALL DEATH FETISH GENRES 7. NOT PORN BUT VERY-VERY EROTIC AND HOT 8.RUSSIAN AND EAST EUROPE HOT MODELS 9. WE DO KNOW HOW TO PLAY SEXY DEATH 10. ALL MOVIES ARE MADE IN VERY HIGH QUALITY

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    Cannibals 4


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