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    16 minutes
Shooter-terrorist enters the house and shoots all females inside the house
SEVEN GREAT SCENES OF SHOOTING (with no blood effect)
1.Annabelle was shot in massage-chair and her dead body was agonizing in massage
2.Yana was shot topless to her heart in her bedroom
3.Scarlett was shot in her back and heart in billiard room 
4.Bella Lenina was shot in Sauna
5.Tanya was shot in the kitchen
6.Li was shot suddenly when closed the fridge
Angelina was shot in swimming pool (great slow motion scene)
    10 minutes
      GAS CHAMBLER - An east Europe country has reinstated the death penalty for women. To exercise this they built a gas
chamber at the womens prison.
The only way To really test this new execution device will be actually executing someone for real. To do
this the prison officials have picked a random pretty girl off the street from a night club and taken her
into “custody”.

Open scene.
Tatiana is already strapped in to a sturdy well built chair. She has heart monitor electrodes stuck to her
chest under her dress, wires leading off to a junction on the chamber wall.
She is wearing a black mini dress and shiny black thigh high boots.
She is extremely scared, begging to be released.
After approximately 30 seconds under the chair a cup of white powder tips over and pours into a bowl
of liquid creating a vigorous foaming reaction and some cloudy vapours, Cyanide Gas!
Tatiana try’s to hold her breath in desperation. However, after only 30 seconds or so, she can’t hold her
breath anymore, and by reflex, she takes a deep breath causing her to inhale a large amount of gas. She
reacts like she just got stabbed in the lungs.
After the initial shock Tatiana can only take short shallow breaths. However she soon starts to foam
from her mouth and salivating uncontrollably.
Tatiana convulses, and struggles trying to breath normally, but every time she breaths in all she gets a
lung full of cyanide gas.
For the next 6 minutes this continues.
6 minutes after the gas started Tatiana starts to get light headed and dizzy. Her strength begins to fade.
This continues for another 6 minutes until 12 full minutes after the gas started Tatiana goes
Seconds later the heart monitor stops, indicating Tatiana is dead!
    11 minutes
Custom Detective Movie (Best Rate)
«I want to express my gratitude to you and your team for making this new film despite the challenges you faced.
As always, the script was followed perfectly.
I think the last minute change of actress was a success. Unholly Polly is stunning and perfectly embodies the role of the 'bad girl'.
I also want to thank your colleague for her work on accessory management»
Customer’s Review 

A businessman decided to have a good evening with a beauty girls but she’s not just a club girl but a dangerous killer. Who wins in this dangerous game?  SPYS MISTAKE
    11 minutes

Starring: Maria A and Tim


Fetish Elements


Whyte blouse, black office skirt, black stocking, shoes with high heels, sexy lingerie

Death Fetishes:

Shooting to the stomach, shooting to the back, shooting to the chest, shooting to the heart, emotions, agony, good acting, reactions

Postmortem fetishes

Necro Stripping (topless), searching for memory-card at dead body


A spy-woman comes to her place and realizes somebody is stalking her. She’s in fear and tries to decide what should she do to save herself. But it’s too late and a killer is already at her apartment…
    10 minutes
      Stepmother - Great news for shooting fans!

Fetish elements: a shot from a pistol with a silencer, shot in the back, frightened face, frightened look, slide the body on the floor, dying convulsions, shot in the stomach, shot in the chest, two shots in the chest, shot in the neck, a lot of *****, stripping the dead body , a lot of dead bodies.

Prominent rich businessman married. His young wife is a luxury beautiful woman.  His spoiled ********, Harvard student, doesn’t  like it because now *****'s money will go to her stepmother. Papa’s baby is not confused and hired killer.
The young woman admiring in the mirror. She needs to look gorgeous every day to keep her millionaire as her husband and not let him to look at another ***** from fashion industry. The killer crept into her room. She saw a young man in the mirror with a gun and was scared, and he shot her in the back, in the region of the heart. This shot was deadly, but the woman did not die immediately. She had some time to feel the pain and understand death, to turn around, startled look in his eyes cold-blooded killer with the question "Why?", slide down, writhing on the floor, roll over on your back and die with her eyes wide open.
The killer calls to say that the work is done. But the ******'s ******** was already there. Glamour **** studied the life of thriller and action movie and firmly learned the lesson that the  customers kill assassins. She stole *****'s expensive gun. Her wealth, beauty and cynicism have gone too far. Silly bad **** forgot that life is not a game. Professional hitman easily disarmed her and shot her in the stomach. Then he shot her with a gun two - twice in the chest.
Stunned **** fell on the floor and convulsed. That's all! No more money, expensive cars, nightlife and travel to Los Angeles! No more handsome guys and friends from the world of show business! She is suffering in agony, waiting  for her death in terror. But death can wait no longer. Killer makes the control shot her in the neck.
The killer wants to add a bit of sophisticated cynicism, because now no one will pay him the second part of the fee. He wants to posthumously dishonor bad **** that all the papers she looked obscene. He takes off her athletic shorts and panties, and puts on a dead stepmother. Killer walks away, leaving two dead women in the room to cool down.  Home Not Alone
    12 minutes
      Home Not Alone - Young pretty woman is home alone. Really? She’s sure about it! She is reading a detective story when hears a strange noises…  a robber! She grabs a knife and bravely  goes to stop the intruder. But he takes a gun and shoots her!  Again and again. In the stomach, in her chest, in her leg, arm,  in the chest! What a stupid death  - to be shot by somebody in the ugly mask in her own place! Cruel robber does a final shot in her head when she is already dead chick. 

 fetish elements

leggy blonde woman, home alone situation, shooting, headshot, execution, agony, bullets, brave ******
    19 minutes
HEADSHOT (Great Long Scene with postmortem agony)
KNOCK OUT (Two Scenes)

One innocent girl was accidently shot to her head by cop
Cops were knocked out
Two sexy cop girls were strangulated by cord wearing sexy black pantyhose and cop uniform

It was a serial killer Charlie Bundy. He killed 28 people. But he was found insane, that’s why he escaped the death sentence and was gone to the prison for mad criminals under life sentence. 
He had two sisters. One of them (25 years old) loved him, respected him and wanted to be like him. Another one (21 years old) hated him and was afraid of him. 
Charlie Bundy escaped from the prison. He came home to hide from police. Older sister was glad to see him and helped him to hide. When two policewoman came to the house the young sister tried to intent him, but older sister hit the police girl, knocked her out, took  the gun and  used the young sister as human shield. Another police woman tried to shoot the criminal sister but missed and accidently killed the young sister just in her head. Poor young innocent girl did surprised reaction with a bullet in her head and slowly fall to the floor, her body did few postmortem movements and agonies. Police woman was so shocked about she killed innocent person and dropped her gun. Charlie knocked her out from behind. 
Brother and sister decided to kill policewoman and escape from the country. Charlie loved to strangle – he was a serial strangle so he enjoyed long strangulation of policewoman after five years break in prison. He didn’t want his sister to become a killer kike him but she wanted to strangle the second plice girl so much, that he realized – she is like him. She strangled copgirl and enjoyed her agony and helpless stupid behavior before death. 
Charlie had some fun with bodies and he with his sister escaped…
    22 minutes

Custom by xj900

22 minutes

"Which answer the age old question - what motivates unstoppable serial killers! ))   At least now we know!"

From xj900 review

Starring: Luiza, Li and Alex

Fetish Elements:

Man Stabbed

Nude girl suffocated by pillow after her masturbation!

Girl was drown in the kitchen sink



Starts with a residence of two young female students. Еhey are nurses.  It is night and they are returning to their hall of residence or flat.  On the way they bump into someone they know  on his way out to the grounds for a sly smoke.  He warns them with a smirk on his face to watch out the Clown Killer has escaped,  he could be anywhere,  but the two girls just laugh and don’t take him seriously.  One also admonishes him as he’s sneaking out for a sly smoke and puff on a cigarette in the garden,  she tells him that it is a filthy habit and it will be the death of him.

From then on the action jumps between the guy in the gardens lighting and puffing on his cigarette, and the two girls entering their apartment.  I was thinking that either some interesting clothes have arrived in the post, or else they’ve been shopping and have brought some glamorous outfits to change in to later. 

One girl puts somethings away and is busy in the kitchen putting something on the stove to cook for later,  whilst the other one announces that she is going to have a shower.

Cuts back to  the guy, still puffing on his cigarette, when he hears something moving off to the side just out of his vision but which attracts his attention.  Cut to the girls doing girly things then back to the man,  but this time shown from the PoV of the Clown Killer.  Ie the camera becomes the Killer.  We see something at the bottom of the screen moving, a flash,  then the guy  grunts in surprise,  looks down,  touches his stomach then brings his hands up which are now covered with blood. The cigarette drops from his mouth and his expression is one of surprise as he slowly sinks to the ground and out of sight (he’s just been fatally stabbed in the stomach)

Cut back to the apartment.  Girl who was in the kitchen has gone into the bedroom and is trying on some glamorous party clothes that they have brought or else has arrived in the post (ie parcel).  Something extremely sexy and glamorous here, I was thinking slinky blouse or tank top,  micro skirt or hotpants,  and some over-the-knee sexy boots?  She clearly loves dressing up and looking very sexy and glamorous!  And we the audience like to see her looking so, too!

Other girl is in the shower having a very sexy shower and clearly touching herself with the water and getting more and more turned on by the experience! (Going to call her shower-girl from now on!)

Clothing girl has been admiring herself in the mirror,  then still dressed in her glamorous clothes she runs back to the kitchen.   As she leaves we see the face of the Clown Killer in the window who has been watching her the whole time in through the window and she hasn’t seen him

Girl is busy in the kitchen whilst shower girl is having a very sexy shower.  She eventually gets out of the shower, towels herself dry and then wraps the towel around her and goes back into her bedroom.  If you’ve got a full-length mirror, show her slipping off her towel and admiring her superb, beautifully slim body in  the mirror,  she clearly likes what she sees and starts to touch her breasts, clearly becoming more and more turned on.

She can’t take any more,  and still naked,  goes to her bed, lies down on it and continues to sensually play with herself,  eventually she slowly slips a hand between her legs and starts to masturbate.

Cut to kitchen girl who is trying to do half a dozen things at once.

Cut back to shower/bedroom girl who is continuing to masturbate.  Lost in pleasure she closes her eyes and eventually with a gasping shudder, climaxes herself.  She opens her eyes,  looks up and sees the Clown Killer inside her bedroom standing directly over her (another big jumpy moment for the audience!) looking at her very closely – I was thinking the camera shows this from her PoV so that we see what she sees, ie the features of the Clown Killer looking down on her, appearing upside down to her.

Her eyes open in wide surprise, panic and terror,  but before she can cry out the Clown Killer, with deceptive speed, grabs a pillow and presses it down firmly over her face to smother her.

(Cue now lots of struggling and frantic kicking as she tries to break his grip,  lots of shots of her legs wildly kicking and flailing about.  I was thinking if needs be use a breathing tube for the actress off to the side away from the camera so we can’t see it, but mainly show her naked body and legs gyrating about anyway.  Death scene can take a good few minutes, I know your actresses love to writhe and jerk about,  all the time the Clown Killer firmly holds the pillow over her face, cutting off her air supply.)

Eventually though,  all good things come to an end,  her kicks, jerks and attempts to escape become weaker and more and more desperate, as she runs out of air and finally after a  few more jerks and twitches, goes very still and dead.

Clown Killer holds the pillow over her face just for a little bit longer, in order to be sure, before slowly removing it.  We see her face, her contorted features wide-eyed and frozen with fear and terror for ever, her mouth open (but don’t shower her tongue hanging out!).  The Clown Killer straightens and stands over her corpse for some time,  cocking his head slowly from side to side, looking down at it as though savouring it or contemplating it  as a work of art.  He gives no other reaction, but the audience must know that he is clearly pleased with his handiwork.

Meanwhile the glamorously dressed girl has finished in the kitchen,  goes back into the lounge and turns on the TV or else (even better) her personal computer/PC. She flicks through a few channels but there doesn’t seem to be anything on worth watching at the moment.

She goes back into the kitchen to see how the cooking is going.  Something is different to how she left it,  although she doesn’t notice it immediately.   Then eventually she realises – the sink is full of water,  she was sure it was empty and dry when she left to go into the lounge.

She pauses, shrugs and is about to pull the plug out and empty it when without warning the Clown Killer appears from behind and clamps his hand firmly over her mouth to prevent her from crying out.

Cut to a dramatic close-up of her face and how she goes all wide-eyed with complete terror  and fear.  She tries desperately to break his killer grip,  but he clearly is stronger than her and she is unable to weaken his hand around her mouth.

They struggle for a bit just so that the girl can realise how futile it is for her,  then he deliberately and firmly pushes her head down into the sink and holds it under the water.

Cue lots of burbles and glubs as she slowly drowns.  However again what you could do is focus in on her lovely booted legs as they struggle and kick against him,  squirming, ever more frantically trying to break his killer grip and free her head/push up and out of the water.

Drowning (like the asphyxia before) takes a good few  minutes,  but eventually like her flatmate before, we see her lovely beautifully booted legs eventually become weaker and her kicks more sporadic, become eventually a series of jerks and twitches which eventually die down and stop altogether, as her body goes all limp and saggy.

Clown Killer holds her head under for a bit, just to make sure that she is dead, then hauls her out and easily puts her over his shoulder (if possible, otherwise just do a drag) and lifts/drags her body in to the lounge.  The body of her flatmate (shower girl who got smothered in the bedroom) is there too and waiting for her, the Clown Killer has seated it down on the sofa, her expression still dead and starring.

The Clown Killer puts the body of her drowned friend (again with death stare, show it clearly on her still-wet face) down almost gently on the sofa as well, and then sits down on the sofa between the pair of them.

Slowly he looks from one to the other and then back, as if to check.  Then he flicks open the PC and dials up something on the net for the three of them to watch.




    14 minutes
Starring: MaryAnn, Marina Steffi, Max
«Dude! You nailed it. It was really good. Specially the twisting her head off effect. Turning her head 360 degrees. The effect was incredible! You special effects guy is awesome. The acting of both girls, the direction the atmosphere was superb. That’s why I like to do these stories, voyeurism of watching the victims going through the routine. Unaware the horrible fate that await them (combined with my foot fetish of course ). The build up is important, and you nailed it. Congratulations to you and your team. Give a kiss and a hug to the two actresses on my part for putting their heat and souls into playing the parts. I’ll give them a nice foot massage as a thank you »
Review From Customer
Two girls arrived home from working at the perfume counter in a department store. Like in the 80’s they would be wearing professional clothes. Wearing pantyhose but extra sheer so that the feet are seen clearly. One is wearing some low heel mules or slides, the other flat pumps. They’re roomates and their feet are killing them after working long hours standing. They sit and chat. While they talk, they dangle shoes from toes, and dip feet in and out of their shoes. One of them gets up and goes to the kitchen while the other stays in the couch. Let’s shoes fall and rests her feet on Coffee Table. The house becomes chilly. Both girls feel the change in temperature. The girl in the kitchen goes to check the thermostat, after the girl in the couch shouts to her to check it.  A demon appears from behind the couch, girl feels something behind her, scared she puts her shoes on and stands up, tries to run but the demon in a flash appears in front of her, and grabs her by the neck and squeezes real hard.  The poor girl didn’t know what hit her. Her throat is completely shut out by the pressure. He starts to lift her up slowly, the heel of her feet slip out of her flats. He lifts her up a bit more. With her toes she is able to make the back of her flats slip back on. But as squeezes harder, and her body starts to go into spasms, her toes move causing the back of her shoe to slip on and off. Her tongue comes out far. She tries to call for help, but only gags come out of her mouth, since no air is passing through. As he squeezes harder, her eyes rolls back as the throat cartilage of the throat gives in and breaks. Her toes spread forward causing the flats to come off and just dangle from her toes, then a sickening crunch is heard as the demon finishes her by breaking her neck vertebrae. Her body relaxes at the same time a faint gurgle comes out of her mouth. The shoes fall off, and the soles of her feet and body relax, with her toes twitching a bit. Her eyes are open and her tongue hangs by the side. After, the demon sits her on couch, straightens her head and poses her by putting her shoes on, and crossing her legs. The leg that is over and has the foot dangling, he pulls the heel cup of the shoe a bit so that the shoe is left dangling from the toe. He grabs a magazine and puts it on her lap and places her hands on the sides so that it looks like she is grabbing it. The demon struggles a bit to keep her head straight since it flips around due to the neck being broken. Finally he points her face down as if she would be reading the magazine place on her lap. The hair hides her distorted dead stare.

The other girl, comes back and tells her that she doesn’t know what’s going on with the thermostat, since it’s still cold. She doesn’t answer. She looks at her, and calls her again. No answer. She touches her shoulder and shakes her a bit and her head tilts backward and to the side, with faint cracklings heard from the broken bones of her neck, and revealing her death stare. The face pale, and the neck bruised from the pressure and bone breaking in the neck. The shoe that was dangling from the toe falls off. She puts both hands on her mouth in disbelief and as she turns around to go to the phone to call the police, she runs into the demon who grabs her by the throat with one hand. He starts to lift her up slowly. Her feet leave the floor. Her mules managing to stay on her feet but struggling to stay on. It was the sheer will of her toes that would keep those shoes on. Her gags keep coming out of her mouth as he squeezes harder, her face turning red first, her tongue coming out and her eyes opening wide. Her hands squeeze his arm to no avail. She suddenly sees what looks like a long and thin knife in front of her face. Since she can’t talk she shakes her head to plead with him not to kill her. The ice pick enters her open mouth and pierces the back of her throat and through the back of her brain. Her eyes roll back, her hands let go of his forearms and her arms flop to the side. Gurgles come out of her mouth and a little bit of blood trickles from her side of the mouth. Her feet relax in the air, and gravity takes a hold of her shoes. They simply slip off and fall off revealing her soles since her toes have no force anymore. A little twitches of her toes, and then her feet relax totally as the gurgles subside.  He sits her on the couch also with her feet resting on the coffee table. He rests the feet of the other girl again in the coffee table. Both next to each other with their eyes open and tongues out.

The demon grabs the head of one of them head from both sides and twists it so hard that the head goes around 180 degrees. A sickening crunch is heard. Her dead toes spread in reaction and relax. The demon gives the head another twist, causing the toes again to spread and wiggle, the crunch sounds again accompanied by a gushing sound of flesh and sinue being teared. As her head is tored off her dead body, her toes then relax. Then with the same long knife he stabbed the woman through the mouth, he grabs the other girl’s hair, pulls head back exposing her throat and starts to cut the throat of her corpse. Though she’s dead faint gags come out of her dead mouth, and her toes twitch. He cuts deeper, and as the knife reaches the bone, he drops knife, grabs her head and twists it around. Her toes spread and then relax. A noise of flesh tearing is heard along with crackling sounds of the neck vertebrae breaking. Twisting her head off like a bottle cap. The demon leaves their heads next to their headless corpses. Both corpses posed with soles propped up in the coffee table.  FRIENDZONE
    17 minutes

Shooting to boobs


Finger picking in the brain through a hole in the head and brainwashing on boobs

Shooting to office bitch


 Do you trust in the friendship between male anв female? This guy doesn’t. He invites his fe,ale friends to his place and suggests them to have sex. When they say «no» in different forms he has a gun, shoots them brutally and does something terrible with their bodies.
     Crime And Punishment
    9 minutes
      Crime And Punishment - Starring: hass and anna

it’s the new page of crime house fantast studio development, the new work with new staff. From now on we make our movies in professional, art-cinema and very erotic style.  

we introduce new fetish-model and actress anya – she does very good acting!


a poor student rents a room in at petersburg. It’s payday but he has no money. He reads «crime and punishment» by fedor dostoevsky and finds himself like raskolnikov. When he reads about murdering of flat-owner and liza, he is exited. He decides to repeat a tragic story.

but the room’s owner isn’t an old lady at all! Young, success  businesswoman and her pretty young long-leggy ******** came to his place for their money. But instead  money they find nothing but death!

the student takes a gun and shoots the woman to her chest. ****** Surprises and dies in quick death agony. Her ******** in the shock and we can understand her – ****** she loved so much now is dead with a bullet in her body. Young **** rushes to mummy’s corpse, seats on her knees and cries:

 - oh, no, mummy, dear, no! Bastard, what have you done?

the student finds the scene of this tragedy is very exiting. He feels himself like «overman» in dostoevsky’s  and nietzsche’s proceedings. The **** is so pretty in panic. Her short skirt is up, she touches her dead ****** in hope that she can help her. But she can not. The student transforms to cruel monster and makes her to play a sexy game with her dead ******, to touch her hair, tits, to put off jewels from her neck.  Young babe wants to live so much, that’s why she does all he says. But he isn’t going to stop. The next his order is to take off her clothes. The ******** takes off her shirt and skirt shyly, and then she takes off tights.

-play with her body! – He orders again. The **** touches mummy’s still warm corpse, but she can’t stand so cruelty any more, she gets panic.

    -i won’t do it any more- she cries desperately.  – Stop it now, bastard!

         this is her last words. He shoots her to stomach. It pains. This **** didn’t  know what is pain. But now she does, she knows this shocking terrible feeling of fear, pain and death coming. She is looking at him confused and he shoots again, now in her chest. Deadly point! She falls on her mum’s body smoothly and gracefully. Two dead ***** lying in a body pile. Mothers has a calm face with clothed eyes. Seems she is just ******** but bloody wound says about she is dead. ******** has a opened-eyes death stare. Her eyes look like they made of glass.

the student comes to the bodies and starts playing with them. He takes off bra from young ****’s big boobs and touches them, smashing spreading *****. He plays with *****, like with dolls made of real *****.

then she seats them is dead-dolls poses, seats near and continues to read dostoevsky. He touches their faces. He is reading all the evening and when he reads about raskolnikov’s atonement his courage  with «overman» idea failed.

it’s sexy, erotic, taboo, fetish work with lost of fetish elements:

******-******** victims, shooting, *****, ****** stripping, surprised faces, body pile with two *****, stockings, playing with dead bodies, much of different dead playing, interesting plot.  FILM SCENES REMAKES
    6 minutes
CAST: Ksyusha Zaichik, Max, Alex
Two iconic movie scenes:
Black widow(1987) director Bob Rafelson
Patriotic Games(1992) director Phillip Noyce
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    Welcome To The Crime House Studio on Kinky Clips
    Crime House Fantasy Studio (also Crime House & Crime House and Dark Rooms) is independent production company with female death fetish orientation. Crime House does very erotic stuff, but not porn. Why we advice to offer our videos? 1. SEXY VICTIM-ACTRESSES ONLY 2. REALISTIC DEATH SITUATIONS 3. GREAT ACTING 4. CSGFX EFFECTS 5. NEW MODELS EVERY WEEK 6. ALL DEATH FETISH GENRES 7. NOT PORN BUT VERY-VERY EROTIC AND HOT 8.RUSSIAN AND EAST EUROPE HOT MODELS 9. WE DO KNOW HOW TO PLAY SEXY DEATH 10. ALL MOVIES ARE MADE IN VERY HIGH QUALITY

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