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    21 minutes
Cast: Angelina, Max

Destruction of Angelina
Angelina returns home, exhausted after a long busy day.  She wears a tank top, jacket, jeans (with a belt), and high heel boots, her hair in a ponytail, light make up/natural look, and no nail polish unless it’s, clear, white, or black. 

Eager to relax, she puts her purse to the side, removes her jacket, top, and bra and lies down on the couch.  Maybe she mutters something about her day and expresses relief when she takes off her clothes (not necessary, just an idea).  Within seconds, she is asleep.  
An Intruder comes out of hiding.  He’s been waiting for her.  He wears a dark shirt, dark pants, and dark shoes.  He silently approaches and crouches down in front of her.  Slowly and gently, he feels up her body, groping her breasts, abdomen, and rubbing her crotch, admiring her beauty and the softness of her skin.  She lightly moans and gently reacts to being touched but remains asleep.  She seems to like it.  He then pulls out his knife and slowly slides it up and down her body.  Her body reacts to the cold blade touching her skin, but she remains asleep.  He can’t wait to cut into her.  He remains serious during all of this but becomes more aroused. (Up close and intimate.  If this is too much, I can edit it) 
Gradually she wakes up.  The Intruder covers her mouth before she can scream.  He puts the knife to her throat, and she immediately freezes, her eyes wide with fear.
INTRUDER (calm yet serious):  Don’t scream and don’t move unless I tell you.  Understand?
Angelina nods.  The Intruder removes his hand from her mouth and Angelina remains silent and still.
INTRUDER:  Stand up.  Slowly.
As she stands, he keeps the knife on her throat.  He then moves behind her, gently yet firmly grabbing her and keeping the knife to her throat.
INTRUDER: Let’s go.
He walks her into one of the other rooms where part of the wall and floor is covered by plastic or a tarp (whichever is easier/looks better).  He puts her up against the wall on the plastic.
He slowly slides the knife up and down her body a few times, from her neck to her pussy.  Angelina, though terrified and trembling, remains as still as she can manage.  She can see a hunger in his eyes behind his serious disposition.
ANGELINA: Please… what do you want?  Whatever it is, you can have it.  Money, jewelry, whatever you want.  (She really doesn’t want to say this next part) You… you can even fuck me if you like… I’ll… I’ll let you fuck me however you want… just please don’t hurt me.
The Intruder leans in close to her.
INTRUDER: Do you really mean that?
Angelina nods.
ANGELINA: I won’t resist.
The Intruder smirks.
INTRUDER: I just might take you up on that.  But there’s something else I want first.
ANGELINA: What is it?
He suddenly stabs her in the abdomen.  Angelina looks at the knife and the Intruder in shock.  He twists the blade a few times, causing Angelina to groan/moan in pain.  
ANGELINA: Why? Why are you doing this to me? 
The Intruder remains silent and stabs Angelina in the lung.  It soon becomes increasingly difficult for her to breathe as her lungs fill with blood.
He then stabs Angelina in the chest with a downward strike.  Angelina starts to become dazed.  He holds it in for a few seconds. 
ANGELINA: Please… no more.
The Intruder ignores her plea and stabs her in the chest again.  He then stabs her in the chest a third time.  And then a fourth time.
He pulls out the knife, aims it at Angelina’s abdomen, and slowly drives it into her and then twists the blade a few times causing her to moan/groan in pain.
He pulls out the knife.  He then slowly yet roughly gropes her breasts, squeezing and slapping them hard.
He aims the knife at one of her nipples, and slowly drives it into her.  He then slowly drives the knife into the other nipple.  Each time the pain is almost orgasmic.
He stabs her in the chest in a downward strike four more times, taking a second or two between each stab so she can feel each one.
The Intruder pauses to take a good look at her (Possible Intruder POV).  Though she is still on her feet, she doesn’t have much strength left.  He leans in close to her.  
INTRUDER:  You’re stronger than I thought you’d be.  I’ll make a deal with you.  If you can walk out of this room without falling, I’ll let you go.
The Intruder backs off and invites Angelina to come on. 
Clutching her bloody chest and maybe her belly, Angelina manages to take a few staggering steps forward, but then she drops to her knees.  The Intruder smirks in satisfaction (he knew she wouldn’t make it), then moves behind her and kicks her in the back, knocking her on her belly.
Desperate to get away, Angelina tries to crawl away.  The Intruder crouches down on top of her, pinning her so she can’t move very much, and stabs her in the back over and over, about 15 times, pausing between stabs, taking his time.  Maybe sometimes when he pauses, he gently strokes her face.  He remains serious but is aroused.  With each stab of the knife, she gets weaker and weaker.    
The Intruder rolls her onto her back and crouches down next to her.  Angelina is barely alive.  (From this point onward, I really want to put us in The Intruder’s shoes.  Close ups of Angelina.  Very intimate.  Maybe even POV if possible.) 
The Intruder stabs her three more times in the chest, pausing between stabs.  It won’t be long now.
He then pulls out a cloth or rag and gently cleans the blood from her face and mouth.
INTRUDER (as he cleans): You asked me before why I am doing this.  The simple answer is I like destroying beautiful things.  And you are very beautiful.  But don’t worry.  I’ll eave some of your beauty intact.  Like your face.  I would never destroy that.  
He puts the rag away.  He then slowly slides the knife down her body until he reaches where the entrance to her pussy would be.
INTRUDER: You offered to let me fuck you earlier.  Well, I think a beautiful creature like you deserves one last good fuck.  It’ll be the last thing you feel. (Maybe he says this as he slides the knife down her body)
He suddenly drives the blade into her pussy.  She gasps and her eyes roll back and lets out a strained orgasmic moan.  He then fucks her with the knife
As he stares at her dead body, her dead eyes staring at him, his blood lust takes over and he stabs her 15 more times in the chest and abdomen.  
He then stabs the top of her pussy mound.  He then aims the knife at the entry of her pussy and drives the blade into her pussy and then fucks her with the knife again for a while.  He then stabs Angelina in the heart one last time and leaves the knife in her. 

    16 minutes
«Wow, the film is incredible!  Many thanks!! You are superfast and the film is excellent. It goes far beyond what I expect. I also like your clever idea of using a mirror. Many thanks!»

Actress: Lyalya Fox
Other crews: Killer, Max, and two detectives. 
Key fetish points:
•	Bright room. 
•	Business attire
•	Regular makeup before killing, red lip 
•	Slightly white a moment after killing, both face and lip (this is not very important).
•	White and pale when Max found her body and at CSI (this is most important)
•	Eye open
•	High heel
•	Stocking, white color, ultra sheer (last time in my Frenzy and after with Juliana, it was not white and not so sheer; please use white color pantyhose and ultra sheer. This is very important to me)
•	Foot view from top with stocking on so we can see her toes.
•	Both overview and close view

Dress: Business attire, with necklace, ear rings, and a wrist watch.

Bright room: I don’t like the room in some of your productions, such as your Moscow Strangler, which is too dark. I like the one you have in “Polite Neighbor”, which is bright. 

Make up: Before her death, she has regular make-up. Her lip is red.

When her body was first found by her neightbor Max and at the crime scene, her face (especially the her lip) becomes white and pale.

Tongue extrusion. I don’t like what is in original Frenzy. I like below better. Sort of extruded out slightly.

Pantyhose/Stocking: Pantyhose. Color: nude. Ultra sheer. Her foot nails are painted in red color. Pantyhose on during killing and crime scene.  

I really like the foot view like below:

Shoe: Classic pointy high heels. Color: black. (I like this one , white is is good too) 

Shoe removal: One is on, and one is off during the killing.

Body position: face up, most of time.
After killing and when her body was found by her neighbor body, she was on the floor. 

At crime scene, her body was placed on bed by her neighbor, Max. I like the picture below. Her head was on a pillow. Then the detective check her, her eyes were straight. 

During crime scene, if you can show a few how picture is taking like below, it will be great
Before the killer comes in, you can let her play her shoes a little:

Other Requirement:
Again, I am a big fan of foot/pantyhose fetish. I like to see pictures of woman’s foot covered under ultra sheer pantyhose (such as shown above). Pictures likes these are very arousing. I would love to see these at many points during the movie. Please make sure when you shoot these you have camera on the foot for 5-10 seconds. 
Also, the color of the face at CSI is also very important to me.

Lyalya, who is a senior accountant in a big corporation, recently found out a big fraud in the company’s financial system. She stored the evidence in a thumb drive just in case.
This was a Friday. Lyalya came home. She was quite nervous. She called her friend and told him what she found. He told her not to tell anyone and he would help. She walked around the apartment. We saw her beautiful legs and high heels. She sit on the coach and message her feet. Then someone knocked the door. She thought it was her friend so she put on her high heels and ran to the door. To her surprise, it was someone she didn’t know. “Who are you?”, she asked. “The landlord asked me to come to fix the water problem in the bathroom”, the guy said. Lyalya didn’t recall that she had any water problem, “we don’t have any problem”. “Just show me and I will take a look”, the guy said. Very reluctantly, Lyalya let the guy in and walked towards the bathroom. The guy closed the door and followed her. Then suddenly, he took out a cord and wrapped it around Lyalya’s neck. Lyalya started to fight back and yelled “what are you doing?”. The guy didn’t say anything, but just tighten his cord. At one point, her hand poked on the guy’s face and she was able to escape. But the guy was strong and quickly got her back and only tried to strangle her even harder. Lyalya started to get exhausted and feel the pain of without oxygen. All she could do was just to try to pull the cord around her neck and kicked her feet. One high heel was kicked out, showing her beautiful foot covered by the pantyhose. Finally, Lyalya was gone. Her eyes were half open, but without focus. Her tongue extruded out slightly. The guy hold the cord for another 10 seconds to make sure Lyalya is gone. He then sit on the floor and let Lyalya’s lifeless body leaned against him. Lyalya also seemed to be quite relaxed after so much struggling. Her eyes were open and empty. He got closer to her face and told her “You know to much…”
After about 30 seconds, the guy pushed away Lyalya. She fell to the floor like a pillow. He started to search for the thumb drive. He first walked around the room and searched the bed, and her bag. While he was searching, Lyalya’s eye faced the ceiling. We saw the guy walked around the room but Lyalya had her eye open and straight and she didn’t care. The guy came to Lyalya’s body. He checked her heels, her bras. Finally, he found the thumb drive. It was hidden between her sexy panty and pantyhose. After getting the thumb drive, the guy getting close to Lyalya’s face and said “you thought you are smart… but now I found it”. Lyalya’s eyes were open and had not response. The guy then stand up and walked to the door. He then turned back and looked at Lyalya’s sexy body spreading on the floor. (The camera pan through Lyalya’s body, her empty eyes, again). We saw one of her high heel was off, her beautiful foot and toes covered by the nylon. The cord was still on her neck. He then walked to the door, turned off the light, and left.  
Three hours later, Max, a creepy neighbor of Lyalya, came to knock Lyalya’s door. To his surprise, her door was not locked. He opened the door, it was dark. He turned on the light and found Lyalya was on the floor. He ran over.  “Hi, are you ok? Are you sleeping?”. He touched her shoulder. She was cold and her face was white like a paper and her lips were very white and pale, indicating she was dead for a while. Her eyes were half open but was empty. He checked her nose, no breath; her waist, neck, no pulse. The cord was still on her neck. Under the cord, there was a dark bruise mark. She was dead. Max stand up. He picked up his phone and was about to dial 911. Then he looked her body. Her face was so white and so pale. She still had her white pantyhose on. He could see her toes under the pantyhose. She was even more sexy after her death. He decided not to call police immediately and wanted to spend some time with her. He lift her up. Her body was soft and he lift her like a pillow. He then placed her body on bed. He played with her body, taking some pictures with her body, and spent extra time in checking her feet and kissing her feet. He then went out. 
Ten hour later. Lyalya’s body was found. Her body shows some bruise. Her face still white and pale, even turned little bit gray because she is dead very long. Two detectives arrived. One detective checked the body and the other took some notes. From time to time, he called the note-taking guy to check with him. They checked her face, her neck, her breast. There were some bruises on her breast. They also checked her feet. They were beautiful. They then took some pictures of her body, her face, and her feet. The two guys then lifted her body and placed her body on the floor. Surprisingly, her body was still very soft. They first carefully loosed the cord. 
    9 minutes


 "I’m very amazed on how every turned out. The camera work and girls were great, and the script simple"

Customer's Review 


Stalking, Spy Theme, Lather Pants, Leather Style, Sudden Attack, Female kills Female, Girl Kills Girl, Garrote Strangulation, Fighting to the life, Death Stare, Stripping to full nude to steal the uniform, Putting Uniform of dead enemy, Nude Body Views



A spy enters a the enemy territory and searches for the objects. She sees lonely guard patruling the object. Good chance to kill her and take her uniform to be hidden! She attacks her suddenly from behind, strangles her with garrote and after her helpless target is dead she strips her for full nude and takes her clothes



    15 minutes
CAST: Luiza, Xena, Max
Girl 1: LUIZA

Hitman enters Girl1’s  room , Girl1 will say “Ohh hello honey , glad you came” , Hitman says “You know the rules right? I will test your endurance level so if you stay alive you are alive , otherwise you will be forgotten” Girl says “Its alright honey , you see my sexy body ready for this test alsooo my nice looking belly ready for test” and touches her belly softly.

Hitman says “Be calm and dont get anxious or nervous “ Girl says “Alright honeyy”  and asks “When will you shoot me “ Hitman says “When i am getting sure enough” , 

Girl walks to the body mirror  takes of her bra , looks her body last time and then she stand on her knees like OnKneePicture1 on the floor and starts to softly touch her belly , nipples  , she is very nervous and dont wont to get shot but she got no chance 

Hitman looks at her and says “Get ready cutie” , Girl gets ready looks at hitman like she wants mercy , bloats her stomach more and says “I am ready honey” , she gets shot from bulletposition1 (blood slowly pours from wound (not much blood to make it realistic)) she looks at her stomach and start to agonize (this scene can take 1 minute) She says “Ahhhh that pain is intense but not powerful to kill me look , you can shoot me moree” Hitman shoots her from bulletposition2 , she agonizes (for 20 -30 seconds) then she stands up , goes to mirror and looks her body but she got no power to walk she stands like OnKneePiicture2 she says “Ahh that pain is gettin intense but i think i can stand more look i already not loss too much blood ahh but the pain is like gettin punched thousands times“ She shows bullet position 3 and says come on shoot me here , Hitman shoots her from bulletposition3 , she agonizes for (20-30 seconds) slowly walks up , and stays like OnFootPicture1 (she can put her hands to side) shows her stomach and says “Look i got 3 holes in my stomach but i can stand more” , Hitman says “You got nice stomach curves , it looks very sexy in this position” ,she waits for Hitman to shoot her and says “Oh yeah is it? but you fucked it” , Hitman gets closes to her looks to wounds “Seems it really messed up” Hitman again gets back points his pistol and shoots her from bulletposition 5-4 , this time she agonizes more she slowly walks to the bed and lays to bed like BedLaying1  picture and agonizes for 40 seconds , she bloats her stomach says “ahhh i cant stand more pain , come on finish mee please” , Hitman shoots her from bulletposition 6-7 she holds her belly from sides takes deep breaths agonizes for 20-30 seconds Hitman gets closes her , she holds his hand and says “I have failed the test honey..” blood starts to come from her mouth(not much blood) she starts to crawl on bed and slowly dies.

Girl 2:XENA

Hitman enters Girl2’s  room ,Hitman say to girl “Get ready your stomach will fill with bullets” , Girl says “ Please dont do that dont shoot me” Hitman denies and says “ Denied , you will survive or die make your best move “ , Girl understands she got no chance  

 and says “Alright then.. show me your best” She stands like OnFootPicture3 , and takes her bra she gets close to the Hitman like picture CloseUP then she holds Hitmans hand to touch her nipple , Hitman plays with her nipple , belly but then Hitman says “Okay enough of drama!” and shoots her from bulletposition2  , XENA starts to agony in pain for (1 minute) she gets on bed and stays like bedpicture2, says “Ahh it hurts you fuckin shot mee my belly hurts soo much” Hitman says “This is nothing honey , we just starting” and shoots her from bulletposition5 she agonizes for (20-30 seconds) she stands on her knees on the bed like BedPicture5 and says “it hurts a lot but i think i can stand to more!!” she looks to her belly , takes some breaths and bloats her stomach Hitman ask” Are you ready for the next bullets?” She says “Yes honey send them , she shows her belly and says this cute thing only loaded with 2 of them and still hungry” Hitman says “Cool” and shoots her from bulletposition1 she agonizes (for 15-20 seconds) then shoots her from bulletposition4 , girl agonizes (20 seconds) and says “Ahhh okay stop for a while i want to see my body”, She slowly walks up to the body mirror and looks her wounds she says “Till how many bullets can i survive” Hitman replies “Maybe 7 , maybe 8” she says “Alright” and moves to the bed she stays like BedPicture3 and says “Come on now shoot me from lower abs” Hitman points his pistol again and shoots her from bulletposition 6-7 this time it hurts more and she agonizes for 2 minutes then she lays on bed like BedLaying1 picture , looks to her stomach - wounds and says “Shoot me more honey , i cant stand to pain anymore”. Hitman smiles and starts to shot her from stomach with each shot she moves on bed , she gets shot from her nipples to also blood slowly comes from her mouth and she dies.

    12 minutes
C U S T O M*
«Judi is great in this clip and looks fabulous. Max is excellent as a hitman in all of his roles. I particularly enjoy the checking and rolling of the victims body and partially stripping them during this 'body check'.»
From Customer’s Review 
*It means the script, casting of models and all instructions for shootings were done by our customer for donation. You can ORDER your custom too! Purchase this film and know how to do it!
CAST: Judi and Max
Fetish Elements: 
Silencer Gun, Contract Killer, Hitman, Sudden Attack, Bullets to the stomach and chest, Death Stare. Blood from mouth, Touching Body, Spanking dead ass
The girl arrives back to her hotel room, she has clearly been swimming in the pool and is still wet; her hair is wet and her bikini is still wet. She has a towel wrapped around her shoulders; her waist and bikini bottoms are visible. As she moves into the room she begins to dry herself with the towel and we enjoy a demonstration of her beautiful body, her ass, groin and stomach. She moves about the apartment as she dries off her body.
She begins to lift her bikini bra when suddenly, there is a knock on her room door; she wasn't expecting anyone and replaces her bikini bra but it remains a little out of place, pinching the lower half of her breasts below her nipples as she quickly grabs the towel holding it against her chest to hide her embarrassment.
She moves towards the door inquisitively, she wonders who might be at her door. We see her from behind reaching for the door and we enjoy her shapely body and ass from the rear view.
As she opens the door the assassin pushes her backward and she is shocked as she falls back into the room. The assassin shows no mercy as she attempts to get up; he immediately shoots her in the stomach and we see the hole appear in the towel as she tries to hide her body from the intruder. The girl folds up grunting and her face tightens into a grimmace as she feels the bullet in her.
She lies on her side her legs kicking as if to try to escape as the assassin aims again shooting her in the lower back.
Her eyes widen and rise into her eyelids as her body arches backwards and she throws her arms back to find the wound. She breaths and grunts a couple of times then no sound comes from her wide open mouth as she rolls arching onto her back.
She feels death engulfing her body, moving slower as she can no longer take a breath. her eyes slowly half close and her body relaxes as she stares through half closed dead eyes at the ceiling.
The assassin inspects his kill, rolling her and squeezing her ass; he rolls her head from side to side and lifts her bikini top so her nipples are half revealled. He pulls her bikini botoms from her stomach and we can clearly see her pussy before he replaces them leaving them very low on her hips so that her groin is almost bare above the low pantyline. His job is done but he loves to watch his victims bodies as he pumps an extra couple of bullets into the corpse to see it jolt and wach their breasts rock from the impact of each shot.
He speads her legs, standing between them as he aims and fires two bullets into the flesh of her left breast near the base. Her breasts shake and her body jolts violently with  each shot. Her head rolls to the side with an empty expression and blood drips lightly from her open mouth.
He rocks the body with his foot before taking his picture for his client. He rolls her body to place the towel under her so he can grab her ankles and drag her body to the bathroom/kitchen. He texts his team to collect and leaves unscrewing his suppressed weapon.

    1 minutes
Starring: Annabelle and Max

Another part of KILLER FOR ASSASSIN episodes for FEMDOM lovers. Nude dangerous killer wins a man  after a fight and shoots him three times in his head

    13 minutes
Starring: Annabelle and Vika 
**** In all scenes, after the death scene, their bodies are dragged away (mix of dragging by hands and/or feet or carrying) and their bodies are disposed of in another location next to each other.

**** Very sheer pantyhose....NO THICK TIGHTS or thigh-highs.

**** LOTS of full body views during all kill scenes. Feet should be visible in almost all scenes. 

**** One or both slippers fall off in each of the death scenes exposing their pantyhosed feet.

**** LOTS of closeups of pantyhose feet.

**** Some close-ups of open-eyed death eye rolling during all death scenes.

**** Open eyed death stare in all scenes....with eye-rolling.

**** Prefer steady/stationary camera work as opposed to the camera moving around during the action.

**** No backgound music.

**** NO fondling of the bodies by the killer at all.

**** Prefer VERY BRIGHT LIGHTING not like darkly lit scenes.

1...Both are getting ready for work in the clothing listed above. A gunman enters the room with a silencer gun. Both girls run for the door and both are shot in the back and drop dead to the floor.

#2...Both are getting ready for work in the clothing listed above. A gunman enters the room and shoots one in the forehead and she drops to the ground dead. The other girl hears this and hides in the shower. The killer finds her and shoots her in the forehaed also. She slumps down dead in the shower.

#3...Both girls are being held hostage. Hands are tied behind their backs. The are sitting on the ground with legs off to the sides. The killer was just advised to execute both girls being held hostage. The killer gets behind one of the girls and placs a plastic bag over her head and begins to suffocate her. The other girls is frightened and tries to run away but the killer swiflty shoots her in the back while still suffocating the other girl. The girl that was just shot falls to the ground on her stomach. She is not yet dead but making gurgling noises and twitching. The killer finishes bagging the other model who finally takes her last breath. He pushes her off to the side. The killer walks over to the other girl who was shot in the back, still gurgling and twitching. He finishes her off with 2 more shots in the back.  SNAKE BITE FOR SPY
    7 minutes

Starring: ALICE M

(New Model, Available For Customs, Can act Nude!)

Fetish Elements:

Snake (REAL SNAKE IS USED!), Snake Bite, Snake at Dead Body, Poison, Death Stare, Agony Before Death



A spy was sent to the apartment with a mission to seduce and kill her enemy. But the organization who sent her knew she was a betrayer, so they put a poisoned snake to the bedroom. When she opened a table she was bitten by the snake and died after surprise, fear and death…



We have safe snake and big fear but absolutely nice and safe a spider who can act

 (Only Plots When they attack and bite, NO HARM TO ANIMALS  EVER, they are our  PETS!!)
    17 minutes
      BEACH MURDER - Starring: Nata and Pola

Fetish elements:

Mother and daughter theme

Strangulation with a rope

Death stares

Great strangulation reactions and agony


Foot fetish deadly show

Stripping nude

Mother and daughter bodypile

Bury to the sand

17 minutes, interesting location, bright plot, great death and postmortem content


Nata and Pola seldom act together. But  in this movie their duet looks great!

Nata acts rich wife who rests in the beach-resort with her spoiled young daughter. Mather is 39, daughter is 20. They are two rich bitches who hate father and always spend his money.

They are rude and like to humiliate people for money. Beach-service man can’t stand their behavior and decids to strangle them. He attackes mother at her daughter eyes. Young bitch just cries and runs away leaving her mother to die.

Nata tries to say: «Come back, bitch!». The man strangles her with a rope very long. She shows good agony and death stares, then dies with her tongue off the mouth.

Daughter runs to the hotel number, but the murder is already tiere. He starts to choke her, she tries to gve him money but he just laughts about her stupid way to keep her glamour lise. She chokes on chewing gum while he’s strangling her., kicks, agonies, shows foot fetish deadly looks and dies with great death stare.

He strips bodies and puts them together on the beach. He buries them in the sand with the money. Now only sea-crabs know about two sexy nude bodies under the send…  DEPT COLLECTOR 4
    33 minutes

Tatiana's family has fallen deep in debt, and she's decided to save them by sacrificing herself. She offers to have her willing death recorded on video in exchange for her family's safety. To negotiate the deal, she's forced to strip naked for the Debt Collector. Nervously she allows him to photograph her and touch her, aware that he's assessing her like a piece of meat to be butchered. Finally he agrees to the deal, but only if she accepts a gruesome torturous death. The deal is made.

Two days later, Tatiana arrives in lingerie. She's terrified, but pushes through her fear. The Debt Collector begins slashing her breasts slowly and mercilessly while Tatiana is barely manages to endure bloody torture. Then he shifts is attention to her pussy, slashing it repeatedly while blood flows between her legs. Eventually the suffering girl's strength gives out and she falls to the floor. The Debt Collector finishes her off by fucking her to death with the knife, making her last moments truly agonizing. The Debt Collector admires his latest victim as he pans the camera over her lifeless bloody body.

Customer Review:

"Crime House has delivered again! This is my 4th custom, and I think it's the best one yet! Tatian's acting is incredible, and the effects are like a big budget movie. Fantastic work from a professional team! Thank you."
    24 minutes
Starring: MaryAnn
«Ugine, thank you and your team for making such an awesome custom film! Mary Ann is a beautiful actress and Max plays the villain exceptionally well. He’s very good!  The blood and gore special effects keep getting better. You guys have perfected the surgery scenes. I loved the focus on the actresses stomach, perfect. Once again great job!»
Customer’s Review
Mary is in the kitchen. She’s wearing some nice panties and a small tight tank top that shows off her stomach. She’s reaching up to get a wine glass from the shelf. The camera gets views of her stomach as she is reaching. Views of her butt  as well. She pours a glass of wine. While she’s doing this, Max is creeping and watching her from the window.  She sits down to watch some TV. Max has broke into her house and we see him behind her as she’s watching TV. She finishes her wine and heads to the bedroom. The mirror scene was awesome in the last film. Max is hiding behind the door again waiting on his next victim to drift of to sleep. She lays down and goes to sleep. She lays face up and doesn’t pull the covers over her. She lays stretched out with her hands above her head. He creeps over to the bed and takes out his knife and slides it across her stomach several times. Lifting her tank top. He circles her navel.  He gently sticks the knife into her navel and presses in. She moves some but does not wake up. He presses the knife into her navel once more and she unexpectedly wakes up. Max jumps on top of her in the bed. They struggle, they roll around until Max has her laying on top of him. He puts her in a sleeper choke hold. She grabs at his arms but it’s no use. She goes unconscious. Camera views of her belly as she’s laying on top of him.
Next Scene: He carries her body and lays it across the bench like in the previous film. Her arms flop above her head, views of her stomach like before with Polina. He takes her tank top of. She’s only wearing panties now.  He ties her up. He pours some massage oil on her stomach and navel and massages her stomach and navel. The camera views used in the film with Polina were amazing. They showed off her stomach very well. Then he takes screw driver and presses it into her navel torturing her. He does not stab her he just presses into her navel. He does this several times. Next he places the shocking device on her stomach like in the previous film. He electrocutes her several times until she passes out. He puts her in the table, takes her panties off and stretches her out and ties her up. He takes the marker and makes the dotted lines on her lower, upper abdomen and finally down the middle of her stomach, just like in the previous film. She wakes up. Just like in the last film she asks what he’s going to do to her?  He explains that he makes snuff films and his favorite thing to do to his victims is torture their stomachs and disembowel them as he shows her the video of him using the scalpel on Polina. He gets his scalpel. He starts with her lower abdomen. The scene in the last film of this was amazing, very realistic. He cuts with one hand and places the other on her stomach as he cuts. She’s breathing heavy. He trying to keep her from moving her stomach so much as he make the incision across her stomach. He finishes the upper cut then down the middle of her stomach. Make the cutting scene like the last film. Very realistic. But before he spreads her stomach open to gut her he’s going to torture her more. He takes his knife and stabs her in her navel. He twist the knife In her already cut open navel. He pulls the knife out of her stomach. Then he gets a drill. He drills her lower stomach above the lower incision then in her bloody navel, and finally her upper belly below the incision near her ribs. Finally he opens her stomach up with his hands and brutally pulls her guts out,  just like in the previous films. She finally dies with a death stare. He cuts the last length of her intestines away. Instead of stitching her  stomach back up this time, he piles her intestines on top of her cut open stomach. The film ends with the usual camera views of her  body. The focus of the film is obviously the stomach fetish. You guys did and outstanding job with the last film. The best yet!  You are the experts. I look forward to the production. Here are some screen shots from the last film that were amazing

    18 minutes


Starring: Christy, Vika, Pola, Kit, Alex, Nata, Nadya

Fetish elements:

Knocking out, sleepy injection, kidnapping, terror, medicine theme, agent theme, strangulation, foot fetish, injection to the feet, choking, tortures, forced to strip, death stare, death


Christie will be a hitwoman with a pistol with silencer that is send to and asylum to kill a very important doctor.its very important the outfit she will wear.I want she to be dressed with a leather tight pants and black vest,i want she to wear a sexy black leather high heels shoes with pointed toe and a black nylone socks.Her nails on the feet and the hands want to be in black color.Below you have examples of the socks and the shoes.She enter by the night with a pistol in the asylum and starts searching for the doctor.After a few minutes of searching she find her self with 3 doctors that wants to catch her and make her a prisoner,she point the doctors with her pistol but she have a fear and cant shoot,finally two of the doctors grabs her hands and try tho remove her pistol,she starts to resist but she is helpless and cannot do anything,one of the doctor finally removes her the pistol and grab her two hands and starts to drag her to a prisoner room,while they drag her on the floor she resists a lot and shouthing to leave her alone finally ahe starts to cry and bagging for help and kicking with legs,the other two doctors grab her by the legs and lift her and they taking her to the prisoner room.Inside the room there is a litter for patients,they put her on the litter and starts to remove firstly her shoes.One of the doctors hold her hands and the other doctor take one of her legs and start to remove her first shoe,she kicking with her legs trying to defend her self but is impossible,the doctors are too much and she is alone,the doctor have a little bit of problems to remove her shoe because she resists alot but finally he take it off,now he wants to remove her nylon sock and she kicks him in the face,he gets angry and all the doctors decide to put her an ahnesthesia injection to sleep her and to can strip her without problems.She cannot stop crying and bagging the doctors to leave her.One of the doctors hold her hands the other doctor hold her legs,they put her the injection and little by little starts to calm.The doctor that hold her legs finally removes her first sock and than she is with one barefoot and the other with shoe on it.She stops crying,only she can huming,now the doctor proceed to remove her other shoe and sock,finally she is with two barefoots without shoes and socks.Now the doctors leaves her to rest a little bit without holding her legs and hands,she only move her head and a little bit her legs she making noises like she is very tired and finally sleeps.Now one of the doctors lift her to remove her vest,when he removes it he removes too her black bra and put her to lie down,now she is half naked only with her leather pants on it.One of the doctors brings a box and they start to put her clothes inside,they put inside the vest her bra,her socks and her shoes,but sudenly she starts to wakes up and she escapes from the room,she starts to run but one of the doctors intercepts her and they capture her again,they put her down on the floor she starts to kick with her legs again they hold her by the hands and the legs and takes her another time to room and puts her on the litter,now the doctors are very angry,one of them hold her hands and the other starts to take off her leather pants,finally she is almost fully naked the doctor removes her too the bikini and she is fully naked,they put her another time the injection and they leave her until she sleeps totaly,while she geting sleep little by little they put the rest of her clothes in the box.Now when she is sleeping they start to remove the color of her nails of the feet and the hands.After that they lift her body one of them holding her hands and the other her legs and they bring her to the bathroom to wash her,they firstly shower her than they puts to her a shower gel massage a little bit her body and her feet after that they shampoo her hair and finally they wash her with water,after that they dry her good with a towell and take another time to the room,put her on the litter and the dresing her with a patient hospital pijama,now one of the doctors bring a invalid chair,they put her another injection to leave her like a paralised,she wakes up but she cant move and cant talk only she huming and making noises because she is paralised,they lift her and put her on the chair and one of the doctors takes her to another room for prisoners he enter inside with her with the chair,she is seated on the chair dressed with the pijama and she cant talk and moves only she is looking ,now the doctor pull her off the chair ,takes the chair of the room and closes the room.

But crazy woman, the patient of the clinic, appears suddenly and strangles Christy to her death
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    Welcome To The Crime House Studio on Kinky Clips
    Crime House Fantasy Studio (also Crime House & Crime House and Dark Rooms) is independent production company with female death fetish orientation. Crime House does very erotic stuff, but not porn. Why we advice to offer our videos? 1. SEXY VICTIM-ACTRESSES ONLY 2. REALISTIC DEATH SITUATIONS 3. GREAT ACTING 4. CSGFX EFFECTS 5. NEW MODELS EVERY WEEK 6. ALL DEATH FETISH GENRES 7. NOT PORN BUT VERY-VERY EROTIC AND HOT 8.RUSSIAN AND EAST EUROPE HOT MODELS 9. WE DO KNOW HOW TO PLAY SEXY DEATH 10. ALL MOVIES ARE MADE IN VERY HIGH QUALITY

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