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    8 minutes
      VICTIM AND KILLER - Victim And Killer
Starring Alex and Scarlett Fandera
Fetish Elements:
Silencer shooting, shot to the chest, Death, Death Stare, Body Examination
Duration: 8 minutes
«Thanks!! Very high quality work! Scarlett played great! And her game more than compensated for the fact that in general she was not my type. But she is very cute, chtoli. A very high degree of following the script! Awesome moment when Scarlet bends after receiving a bullet! Great light and white balance. In general, everything is very well and naturally shot. The wait was worth the result !!»
Customer’s Review 
Young woman was a witness of car accident where a wife of rich businessman was guilty. She doesn’t want to be a witness in the coach and just wants to spends her holiday with friends, but the contract killer was already sent to liquidate her…  HOSPITAL EXPERIMENT
    25 minutes
CAST: Xena, Sally, Billy Brag
Sally is a secret agent who has a mission to find a female serial killer in her apartment. She goes to the apartment armed with a gun and goes inside secretly to find her. When she goes in to look for her there is no one and she starts walking around with her gun. Suddenly,without Sally can see what's going on behind her,Xena attacks her from behind wearing a hospital pajama like gown,Xena is locking her throat with her hand,Sally starts choking but doesn't drop her gun. She fights for her life and starts to faint and little by little she starts to fall to the ground. Xena doesn't let her go and continues to choke her until at one point Sally begins to lose consciousness litle by litle until she finally falls asleep and is left helpless on the ground with a gun in her hand.Xena begins to relax her hand from Sally's neck and drops her head to the ground,Sally stands with her mouth slightly open and Xena starts stroking her head and moving her head lightly to check if she slept well.Xena stands up and leaves Sally lying on the ground without taking the gun from his hand. She gets on the phone and calls for a man to help her carry Sally to the bed in the bedroom.While Xena waits for the man to come she starts to touch one of Sally's boots.The man arrives, she tells him to grab Sally under the arms, and she grabs both legs under the bends of the knees, and they carry Sally into the bedroom, while they carry the body, Sally holds her gun in her hand without letting it go. When they get to the bedroom, they put Sally on the bed  lying down. Xena tells the man to leave the room and she is left alone with Sally's helpless body. She sits down next to Sally and slowly takes the gun from her hand and places it on the nightstand. Sally turns her head slightly to the side with her mouth slightly open. Xena  strokes her head and lifts Sally's body slightly to take off the jacket and lay her down again. Xena takes off her hospital pajamas and remains completely naked. She walks over to Sally again and unzips one boot and slowly begins to take it off,she puts the boot on the floor then she slowly take off 1 sock which she also leaves on the ground next to a boot. When Sally is left with one bare foot Xena grabs it and starts massaging it lightly then she takes off the other boot and sock and leaves them on the ground with the others. Now  the camera takes a photo of how Sally is lying barefoot helplessly on the bed and her boots and socks are on the ground, when the camera takes a picture, while Sally is lying on the bed, the boots should also be visible on the ground. After photographing Sally's legs from behind, they go to photograph them from the front as well  .Xena slightly lifts Sally's body to take off her blouse and while Sally is sitting on the bed the camera takes a picture of her bare feet and legs. After taking off her blouse she also takes off her bra.After that Xena unties the hair of Sally.Finaly she unzips the belt and the jeans of Sally and slowly take them off.All of Yana's clothes are left on the bed. Finally, Xena takes off Sally's panties and leaves her completely naked. Xena calls the man into the room and tells him that they need to take Sally into the bathroom and give her a bath. Man comes in and grabs Sally under the arms and Xena grabs both and legs under the bends of the knees and they carry Sally's body into the bathroom. Xena again tells the man to get out and she is left alone with Sally's naked body and begins to bathe her. She gets her all wet and washes her hair with shampoo and  body with shower gel.She also remove her make up and lipstick.When she is already bathed, she dries her body and again calls the man to enter the bathroom to help her carry Sally to the bedroom. The man grabs Sally under the arms and Xena by both legs under the bends of the knees and they carry Sally to the bed  in the bedroom. Xena tells the man to leave the bedroom and she is left alone with Sally.She makes Sally sit on the bed. She gets a hair dryer and dries Sally's hair.Then she dresses Sally in her hospital pajamas after that she combs her hair with a comb to be beautiful and finaly she puts Sally laying on the bed on sleeping position and leaves her to sleep. Now Xena gets dressed  with Sally's clothes and puts on her socks and boots. Finally she puts on her Sally's jacket and leaves the room.A little time passes and Sally starts to wake up. She looks surprised that she is wearing pajamas and her clothes are gone but she sees on the bedside table that Xena forgot to take her gun and She takes it and leaves the bedroom and sees Xena in the back sitting on  the couch,
.She hits her in the head with the gun and Xena passes out. Sally puts Xena down on the couch and takes off her clothes and she puts them back on and leaves Xena lying on the couch completely naked. When Yana is back in her own clothes and boots and socks,she drags Xena's body to the bathroom and there she ties her hands and feet and leaves her naked and tied in the bathroom.Sally goes back to the living room gets her gun and opens the apartment door to escape but is met at the door by Xena's man and he starts hitting her  repeatedly with fists in the face, after which Sally falls to the ground unconscious, but the man continues to hit her in the face.Sally is severely beaten and cannot move, her whole face is covered in blood and wounds, the man bends down and takes the gun from her hand and puts it aside. He goes to the bathroom and frees Xena, then the two go to the living room and Xena sees Sally lying beaten on the ground and helpless.Sally slowly opens her eyes but can't speak because of the pain she feels, she tries to speak and ask for help but Xena laughs at her. Sally starts moaning and shaking heavily, her body is shaking. Xena tells the man to grab Sally under the arms and she grabs both legs under the bends of her knees and they carry Sally's helpless body into the bedroom, as they carry her Sally moans in pain. When they reach the bedroom they put Sally to bed. And the two of them with the man begin to undress her quickly.The man begins to take off the jacket and blouse of Sally and at that moment Xena begins to take off her boots.Sally begins to moan and cry to be left alone, she kicks with her legs to avoide to be stripped.Xena can't take Sally's boots off,she kicks so hard that Xena can't hold her back and she calls the man for help. A man comes and grabs both of Sally's legs so Xena can take the boots off. As Sally tries to kick Xena take off her socks also.Sally remains only in jeans and a bra,her socks and boots and her jacket and blouse are on the floor.Sally moans in pain and can't speak. Xenna starts stroking Sally's bare feet and tells her to calm down. Just then the doorbell rings and Xena and the man leave Sally alone in the bedroom and they go to see who is calling. Xena hides because she is naked and the man goes to open the door. He sends the person who rings and closes the door.At that moment Sally manages to get out of the room but falls to the ground and begins to drag herself because she doesn't have the strength to walk. Dragging herself and with a bloodied face, she asks for help, someone to help her, finally leaves her lying on her stomach with her face to the ground. The man grabs her hands and as Sally is lying face down on the ground, he starts dragging her along the ground as he takes her back to the bedroom.The camera is filming Sally's legs dragging and her crying helplessly. When they reach the bed in the room the man lifts Sally off the ground and throws her onto the bed. Xena comes into the bedroom again. Sally kicks her legs to get up released but Xena holds them tightly and the man lifts Sally's body to take off her bra and finally when she is already half naked. A man grabs Sally's hands and Xena unbuttons her jeans and takes them off, finally she takes off her pants and Sally remains completely naked on the bed crying. Xena puts on Sally's clothes and boots again,puts her jacket on. While Sally moans Xena and the man dresses Sally in hospital pajamas and then tie her legs and hands. While Sally is crying Xena goes and punches Sally several times in the face and she falls unconscious. Finally they leave  Sally lying in the bed tied up and beaten in hospital pajamas and barefoot. The camera shoots from all sides to show Sally's bare feet and her helpless body,Sally is with open mouth moaning from pain and agony.Finally they leave the room, leaving Sally's alone and helpless.
    18 minutes
CAST: Ksusha Zaichik, Max
Ksusha is a spy in black suit with black bikini underneath. She is investigating a house when a man strangles her with a garrote from behind and brings her to the ground. He then unzips her suit partially so the top part is open down to the leg area and strangles her for a few minutes. She then wakes up tied to a chair with suit only on her legs and black bikini still on. Man says he is going to torture her and strangles her for 2 minutes, some saliva comes out and tongue is sticking out. Man that puts a plastic bag over her head for 4 minutes, with her panicking and suffocating until almost dead. Man then gives her time to breath before finally strangling her to death with tongue out and some saliva coming out, about four minutes. Last couple minutes show her dead with different angles on chair and then on the ground. Throughout the torture she begs for mercy but man laughs and taunts her.  BOILER POINT
    24 minutes
Cast: Juliana, Max 

«This was amazing! You did excellent as always, thank you very much! Also very cool music at the beginning with the boiling water, really well done.

Thank you!»


Strangulation, Garrote, Foot Fetish, Tongue Out, Foot Fetish, Playing With Feet

Juliana  enters the room in a business suit with a short skirt, barefoot wearing the sparkly high heel pumps. And a silk scarf tied super tight around her  throat like a choker
she sit at the desk and cross your legs showing them off from all angles, and dangle the heels from her feet with great close ups showing off the arches of herr feet dangling the heels. Really great close ups and teasing with her legs and feet
Afew moments later she look at her coworker , and pretend to strangle herself with the scarf to taunt them, saying “wouldnt you just love to strangle me to death with my own scarf?”
She take the scarf off and set it down on the table then the coworker unexpectedly grabs the scarf and throws it around her neck
The most brutal grotesque strangle ensues, with her sticking her tongue out as far as she can searching for air, and wide eyed expressions With legs and feet flailing everywhere. She then throws her legs on top of the desk and loose a heel, the other dangling from her toes, we are treated to great close ups of feet kicking frantically showing off the soles and arches of her feet.
Throughout the film we see super intimate face close ups of her staring into the camera with bulging eyes, tongue sticking out as far as possible and making crazy gagging noises. Eyes turning red with tears coming out from the strangle
At the end of the strangle, in a super intimate closeup she dies with red eyes wide open and tears running down her face. But the killer knows there’s is still life left in her. She then pulls the scarf harder three times, each time squeezing juliana's tongue out even further and eyes bulging wider. The final time squeezing every last bit of life out of her with one final deep gagging sound, tongue fully extended and eyes wide open staring at the camera with tears rolling down your face. her sexy legs and feet are shown toes pointing then finally coming to rest.
She then ties the scarf tight around julianas neck and leaves her here in the chair. The camera pans around your body showing your face with eyes open and tongue out as well as  feet on the table in closeups. She then plays with feet before leaving her there.
    39 minutes


Maryann, Mercy, Tatiana, Max, Billy Brag

The scene opens with Actress #1, Actress #2, Actress #3 sitting at a dinner table.  There is a glass of wine in front of each woman.   There is a plate and a knife and fork.

Actress #1 Actress #2, Actress #3 are all in a car.  Actress #1 is in the driver’s seat.  Actress #2 in the front passenger seat and Actress #3 in the rear seat.  The car is stopped on the side of the road.

The scene opens with Actor #1 and Actor #2 in their modeling studio.  Actress #3 is unconscious and lying on the floor.  Actress #1 and Actress #2 and unconscious and sitting on a bed.

Actress #3 is lying on the ground, she is nude.  Actress #1 and Actress #2 are lying on the bed, their hands are tied behind their backs.  All three women are unconscious.

Actress #3 starts twisting and turning.  She bends her head and tries to look at how her feet are tied up.  She reaches for her feet trying to desperately free herself.

Actress #3 reacts jerking her body and franticly grabbing her neck with her hands.  She is twisting and jerking her body with what energy she has left.

She continues reacting and twisting her body from side to side.  She reaches for her neck with her hands.  She tries to reach up and grab her leg.

Actor #2 continues to take pictures.

Actor #1 takes the knife and stabs actress #1 in the belly, he slowly cuts down towards her breasts.  He puts the knife on the ground.  Actress #3 reaches and touches her belly with both hands.  Her hands slowly drop to straight down pointing at the floor.

Actress #3 arms are hanging down, she is taking slow and deep breaths.  She tries to look up toward her stomach.  She is unable to and her head drops and she is looking down at the ground.  CANNIBAL HUNTER 2
    15 minutes



Starring: Sally, Vika, Yana,  Dan

Fetish Elements:

Stalking, Cannibalism, Stabbing, Cut Throat,  Gory, Feeding girls with their girlfriends' meat


3 girls arrived to the house for some fun but cannibal hunter stalked them, killed very cruelly and ate.




    21 minutes
Starring: Angelina, Max

Prisoner Abuse 2
The Interrogator roughly escorts Angelina.  He wears a dark shirt, cargo pants, and dark shoes/boots (similar to Max’s outfit in “Prisoner Abuse”).  Angelina wears a white tank top, dark shorts, and black high heel boots, her hair in a ponytail, light make up/natural look, and no nail polish unless it’s, clear, white, or black.  Her hands are cuffed behind her back.
As the Interrogator escorts her, Angelina protests, saying things like “You can’t just arrest me like this,” “What did I do?” “I have a right to know,” etc.  The Interrogator ignores her.  He shoves her into the room and sits her in a folding chair.  The room is open with a lot of space and the floor is covered with a tarp or plastic.  (Similar to the room where “Prisoner Abuse” takes place)
Angelina looks up at her Captor.
ANGELINA: Whatever you think I did, you have the wrong person-
The Interrogator suddenly punches her in the head.  Angelina is surprised by the attack.  He grabs her by the hair and leans in close to her.
INTERROGATOR: We know you’re a Spy for the Resistance.  We have proof, so don’t bother denying it.
As he speaks, Angelina glares at him.  The Interrogator lets go of her hair.
INTERROGATOR: I suggest you answer my questions truthfully.  Otherwise…
The Interrogator suddenly punches her in the head again.  Again, Angelina is surprised by the attack, but this time she immediately stares back at him without fear.  He punches her again, and then a third time.  Angelina takes the pain and again stares back at him without fear.
INTERROGATOR: You can take a hit.  Good.  Makes it more fun.
He punches her several more times in the head in a few different ways.  Sometimes he hits her with left and right hooks, other times he holds her with one hand while punching her with the other, and a few times he hits her with straight punches to the face.  One final hook knocks her out of the chair and onto the floor.  She pants and groans in pain.
INTERROGATOR: Come on, get up!
He kicks her in the gut.
With her injuries and her hands cuffed behind her, it’s a struggle, but she manages to get back to her feet.  The Interrogator pulls out a knife and cuts her tank top, so it falls from her body, exposing her naked breasts.  He puts the knife away and punches her in the head again, causing her to stumble back against the wall, but she manages to stay on her feet.  The Interrogator then batters her with several hard punches to the abdomen that knock the wind out of her and make her double over, but every time she is about to fall, he catches her or holds her up (maybe he holds her up by the throat).  He switches and hits her with more rights and lefts to the head.  The final punch knocks her to the floor.  He walks away.  Angelina tries to breathe and fight through the pain.
The Interrogator returns with a baton.  He forces her back to her feet baters her abdomen with the baton many times.  Every time he hits her, it knocks the wind out of her and makes her double over, groaning/moaning in pain, but every time, the Interrogator catches her or holds her up (maybe he holds her up by the throat).  After one final blow, he finally lets her drop to her knees. He grabs her by the hair, sitting her up, and hits her with more punches to the face.  With every punch, Angelina’s eyes become more dazed until she is knocked out.  He shoves her to the floor, and she lands on her side
Angelina’s limp body is now strung up, her hands cuffed/tied above her head (similar to how Xena was strung up in “Prisoner Abuse”).
The Interrogator throws some water in her face to wake her up.
INTERROGATOR: Have a nice nap?
ANGELINA: Are you actually going to ask me some questions this time?
INTERROGATOR: That was just a taste of what waits for you if you don’t cooperate.  Tell me the location of your Cell’s headquarters.  Who is your Commander?  How many soldiers are there?  And what kind of weapons do they have?
Angelina remains silent.  He grabs her by the throat and leans in close to her face.
INTERROGATOR: Go ahead.  Stay silent.  I love hurting people.  Especially pretty rebel bitches like you.  But, if you answer my questions truthfully, I’ll have no choice but to stop.  We’ll treat your wounds and give you a nice meal.  No more pain.  Or you can die slowly.  I would love nothing more than to beat you to death.  It’s your choice.
Angelina takes a moment to consider his words.
ANGELINA: You really enjoy hurting me that much?
INTERROGATOR: More than you can imagine.
ANGELINA: Then you’d better savor every second of it, because soon you’ll be dead as well and your Empire will fall, you sick fuck!
She spits blood in his face.  The Interrogator chuckles as he cleans his face with a rag.
INTERROGATOR: I was hoping you’d say that.
He hits her with a mixture of rights and lefts to the head and body.  Sometimes he throws a few punches quickly.  Other times, he briefly pauses between punches, so she can feel every hit.  After many punches to the head and body, he switches to the baton.  He takes his time as he batters her body with the baton, making her feel every hit and knocking the wind out of her each time.  If not for her hands being strung up, she would have fallen many times.
He grabs a shock-stick (the same one from “Bloody Interrogation” and “Prisoner Abuse” if possible).  As he holds it close to her body, we finally see fear in her eyes.
INTERROGATOR: Answer my questions and it all stops.
Angelina buries her fear and glares at him with resolve.
He shocks her in the belly, then one of her nipples, then the other nipple, and then finally her pussy.  Each time he shocks for several long seconds, causing her eyes roll back as her body spasms (similar to her reactions when she is shocked in “Bloody Interrogation”).  The last shock knocks her out.
The Interrogator uncuffs/unties her hands and her limp body collapses to the floor.  He rolls her onto her back then throws some more water in her face to wake her up.
As she gets her bearings back, he stands between her legs and lifts them.  Realizing what he is about to do, Angelina’s eyes widen in fear.
INTERROGATOR: I’ll give you another chance.  Answer my questions or I’ll destroy your pussy.
After a few deep breaths, Angelina glares at him with resolve.
ANGELINA: I never wanted children anyway.
The Interrogator stomps on her pussy several times, causing her to cry out in agony.  He takes a second or two between each stomp so she can feel every hit.  Eventually the pain causes her to lose consciousness.  The Interrogator continues to stomp on her pussy a few more times for good measure.
He taps her face and shakes her head to wake her up.  Angelina grabs her sore pussy and rolls onto her side groaning/moaning in pain.
INTERROGATOR: Get up!  Come on, get up!
Summoning all of her strength, Angelina slowly stands.
INTEROGATOR: Impressive.  I’ll make you a deal.  If you can get past me, you’re free to go.
ANGELINA: (Exhausted) Liar!
INTERROGATOR: (Chuckles) Maybe.  What do you have to lose?... Unless you’re finally ready to talk.
Angelina puts up her guard, though she can barely lift her arms.  She throws a couple punches.  They are wild and sloppy, and the Interrogator easily dodges them and pretends to applaud her effort.  She throws another punch, and the Interrogator easily blocks and counters with a hard punch to her head.  She is unable to defend herself as he continues to pummel her with several more punches to the head, mostly right and left hooks, a few straight punches to the face, and punches to the body.  Every punch to the head rocks her and some of the body shots double her over.  Every time it looks like she’s about to fall, he catches her and stands her back up.  Sometimes he holds her as he punches her.  A final right hook knocks her to the floor (she lands on her back).  She is barely conscious.
The Interrogator straightens her out and gets on top of her, straddling her.  He taps her face and shakes her head to wake her up.
INTERROGATOR: This is your last chance.  You won’t have another opportunity after this.
ANGELINA: Good.  I’m tired of hearing your stupid voice.
INTERROGATOR: (Chuckles) Defiant till the end.  I like that.
The Interrogator hits her over and over with many brutal ground n pound rights and lefts to the head.  He alternates a few times, sometimes he holds her with one hand while punching her with the other, sometimes he holds her while hitting her with straight punches to the face, sometimes he hits her with hammer-fists, but he always goes back to ground n pound rights and lefts.  After a few minutes, she eventually dies.  The Interrogator doesn’t notice at first and when he does realize that she is dead, he continues to punch her in the head several more times.  This sequence lasts for about 2-3 minutes.
He decides to take a break from punching and decides to brutalize her pussy some more by doing several running soccer (football) kicks to her pussy.
He then straddles her and goes back to hitting her with several more ground n pound rights and lefts for about another 2 minutes. (Similar angles as before)
The Interrogator finally decides to stop, smiling in satisfaction as he looks down at Angelina’s battered body and gets a sip of water.  Suddenly, gunfire is heard off-camera. The Interrogator grabs his gun and goes to investigate.  The camera pans Angelina’s dead body as more gunfire is heard and the Interrogator is killed off-screen.
Possible POV: Another Resistance Fighter enters, gun drawn, (their face doesn't need to be seen) walking past the dead body of the Interrogator, they discover their dead comrade.
RESISTANCE FIGHTER: Commander.  I found her.  We’re too late.  She’s already dead.  Looks like she didn’t tell them anything.
COMMANDER (V.O.): Copy that.  Finish sweeping the area, then bring her home.
RESISTANCE FIGHTER: Yes sir… (To Angelina) You did good soldier… You did good.
Final body pans ending with a close up of Angelina’s face.
The End

    12 minutes
Starring: Luiza, Annabelle, Edvard, Actors of Mass scene

It’s cruel Female Fight Club. It’s bloody lawlessness show for rich cruel men. Girls fight to the death! 
This film shows great cruel, very well acted fight between twi girls with no winner…


And Check Out
     HITMAN 30
    19 minutes
      HITMAN 30 - HITMAN 3.0
Starring: Mira, Lili, Judi, Max
«All I can say is I am completely blown away with the custom. It far past exceeded how I envisioned it. From the set, to the costumes, all of it was executed so perfectly. I loved how you tied in all the details so well and captured exactly what I was looking for in scenes.You have without a shadow of a doubt confirmed I made the right decision to come to you with my script. I'm very much look forward to ordering more customs from you in the future! Thank you so much!»
Customer’s Review 
Fetish Elements:
Sexy agents, white shirts, black skirts, black stocking, shooting, masturbation before death, masturbation torture, interrogation, lifting and strangling, neck snap, body stripping, death stares, fighting, strangulation in the air, legs kicking, foot and leg fetish (a lot), girl is near to kill hitman, shooting with great bloody splashing effect (no fx – all is make with new technology), bodypile


Three female agents were sent to office to kill the politician person. A hitman was sent to know who sent them and kill them all. First he shoots Judi from silencer to her body. She passed out, he striped her and when she awaked he started interrogation: who sent you? She didn’t answer because she knew what the organization could do with betrayers. It was better to die here and not to be tortured to the death by sadists from government secret services. Hitman tried to relax her and made her speak and started masturbate her when she was dying from the shot to her chest. She felt pain, she was dying and sweet feeling in her body from fingers of handsome hitman was strange cocktail of the sex and death.
Lili finds he body, The hitman goes to her from behind and starts to strangle her in the air. When she is unconscious he strips her and start to ask aggressively who sent her and after she realized she was not going to answer he broke her neck.
The third agent, young, brave and strong sexy Mila  was going to fight hard.  Hitman strangles her for unconscious condition and started find any peg who sent them. When he put off her stockings the little paper card fall to the floor with  a name and number of coordinates. Well, Hitman knew some more information where to go and search for more information. Mira opened her eyes and immediately caught hitman’s neck by her sexy legs, seat on him and tried to stab him. Hitman grabbed a gun and shot her to the death…

HITMAN 2.0  Clip 802
    13 minutes
      Clip 802 - SISTERS
Starring: MaryAnn, Alice Miren, Edward
Drama about two sisters – good married 35 years old  woman (Maryann) and her younger 21 years old sister (Alice).  When MaryAnn knew about her husband had sexual connection with her sister she just strangled her to her death (great, long, emotional death scene). Husband and wife have a very strange way to reanimate relationship with the help of the dead body of Alice…
    25 minutes
Two Brave Sexy Girls kill 6 men shooting, beating, stabbing and crushing their eggs to bloody mess!!!! 

«What an INCREDIBLE film!! I've watched it many times already. Just outstanding. I particularly like Mira Green's acting (played the role to perfection) as well as Max's reactions. They both really sold id. Li and Alex were wonderful as well. Thank you guys so much - I am a very happy customer!»
Customer’s Review 

Story: Mira Green and Li serve justice against a gang of rapists. Each encounter will be one woman vs. one man. The woman will win each encounter with some sort of brutal groin attack as a finishing move.

Actors: Mira Green and Li as vigilante women. Max and one other man (strong/tall/tough-looking actor preferred) as rapists/criminals. Each man will play the role of three criminals. Please have the men wearing different masks or balaclavas and different clothes for each role if needed.

Location: Takes place outside (similar to Covid Massacre).

Note for the groin attacks: The main thing that’s important to me is that the ballbusting attacks look very hard and as realistic as possible. Please make note of both points throughout the movie:
•	I would really like the actresses to kick with the momentum of her whole body to make it look like she’s putting her full force into it (not simply lifting up the leg while the rest of her body stays still). She should naturally move her arms and body as she’s kicking, and grunt/yell “hi-yaaa!” as if she is kicking for real).
•	Also, please have the woman’s foot or knee make contact from underneath his balls (not from the front like a push-kick). The male actor may wish to wear a groin cup for his safety, so that the woman’s kicks can look more painful.

Introduction scene (1-2 minutes):

The introduction scene is just a black screen with a few pages of text that appear on the screen. Please have a woman’s voice reading the text as it appears:

“My city used to be peaceful and quiet. The perfect place, really.

But lately, it has been anything but that. A gang of six notorious rapists has haunted the city. They have kidnapped over a dozen women and held them captive. Raping them, violating them, doing unspeakable things to them, until they are never the same again.

Our corrupt justice system has turned a blind eye since the criminals are wealthy and influential. These assholes fill the pockets of the police and the judges with money.

And so that’s where my friend and I come in. My name is Mira Green. My friend is Li. Some might say that we are just ordinary women. And they might be right. But I would say we’re smarter, tougher, more lethal... 

...and we know exactly where to aim. This is our story of justice. This is our story of revenge.”

(Throughout this scene, while the woman is reading, there is some ominous music in the background. Occasionally, we hear a man laughing evilly in the background. We also hear some occasional female voices crying out in the background, out of fear or pain, or pleading some lines like “No please, don’t hurt me!” “You can’t do that to me!” etc.)

Scene 1 (4-5 minutes, starring mostly Mira Green and criminal #1 played by Max):

Wardrobe: Mira Green and Li are wearing normal casual clothes. Both are wearing skimpy lingerie underneath. This scene will focus on Mira Green’s first encounter.

Mira Green and Li are hiding out at the location where the rapists are.

Mira Green: Are you ready to do this?
Li: Of course. Are you ready?
Mira Green: Hell yes. I’ve been wanting to do this for a long time.
Li: There are six of them. Let’s split up. Three for you, three for me.
Mira Green: You got it. I’ll meet you back here afterwards. Just be careful.
Li: You be careful too. And Mira Green…
Mira Green: Yes?
Li (smiles): Make it hurt. You know where to aim to finish them off.
Mira Green (smiling back): Of course, where else? I wasn’t born yesterday.

Li disappears, and Mira Green sneaks up to encounter the first thug.

Mira Green taps him on the shoulder. He turns around, surprised.

Thug: What the hell are you doing here?!
Mira Green: What, don’t you like what you see?

She takes off her clothes and strips down to her lingerie. The man lets down his guard and is staring at her. She smiles at him. Suddenly, she delivers a hard front kick to his balls while yelling, “Hi-yaa!”. (Important: Camera angle must be filmed from a very low angle between the man's legs, but behind him, so that you can see Mira Green’s kicking leg coming up between the man's legs. Please remember to have the actress kicking with the full momentum of her body!)

The man falls to the floor, grabbing his groin in pain. “You bitch!!” he yells. They begin to fight. The two of them fight for a few minutes, and are evenly matched. During this fight, there are a variety of attacks, like a normal fight. (Mira Green should perform only rare groin attacks here...mostly kicks and punches to head, face, body, etc.). Feel free to choreograph as you wish...does not have to be too complex or fancy.
Near the end of the fight, Mira Green is finally able to stun the thug. She now gets ready to finish him off with three front kicks to the balls. (Again, please remember to have Mira Green use her whole body’s momentum to make these kicks look realistic and painful!)
Before she does this though, she starts to remove her bra and panties so that she is nude (she can leave her shoes on if she prefers). As she is doing this, please freeze the screen and have a voice-over with Mira Green: “You might ask why I’m doing this. And the answer is simple - I want to make these assholes see what they’ll never again be able to enjoy.”
Mira Green lands her first groin kick, and this first kick causes him to clutch his balls (he is still standing) and he moans in pain: “Ughh, you fucking bitch...”
(Please film this first kick from any mid to low angle. The camera should be relatively close to the actors, but still able to see all of Mira Green’s face and body as she kicks. Basically showing off her face and body as she kicks.)
Mira Green smirks (please show a close-up of her facial expression), barely gives him a few seconds to recover, and then kicks him in the balls a second time without mercy. He reacts in even more pain: “Ugghhh, my balls….my fucking balls….”
(Camera angle for this second kick should be from a different angle.)

A small amount of blood (CGI blood) starts to form around the pants of his crotch.
The thug pleads: “No more, please, no more...I’m sorry…please I didn’t mean it, I’m sorry...”
Mira Green finds his groin pain amusing and can’t help but giggle a little. Then her facial expression turns serious again, and she winds up and delivers a third and final kick (castration kick).
Important: This kick is clearly the hardest of the three and castrates him instantly. It even lifts him off the ground a little, and a distinct crunching sound effect is heard. Please show multiple instant replays of this final kick, all from different angles. The final replay angle should be the classic low angle between the man’s legs, so that you can see Mira Green’s kicking leg coming up and also her facial expression (exact same as the very first kick early on in the scene). In each replay, Mira Green should look as if she’s putting her full force into the kick, and she should yell, “Hi-yaa!” or something similar. Upon contact, there is a small splash of blood.
The man crumples to the floor, gasping for air and shaking slightly. A pool of blood forms around his crotch area.
Mira Green mockingly says: “I’m pretty sure I got both of them”. Her attitude now is satisfied and smug. She walks around his quivering body slowly, with various shots showing off her body as she does this. He passes out, and she walks away, satisfied. 

Scene 2 (3-4 minutes, starring Li and criminal #2 played by Max):

This scene will be very similar to Scene 1, with only minor differences. Li approaches criminal #2. He sees her and is defensive at first, but then Li starts to seduce him. She strips down to her lingerie. Li gets in very close, pretending she’s going to kiss him. When the man is distracted, Li knees him in the balls multiple times in a row. Each knee should be shown from a different angle, including showing a shot of Li’s face as she knees him, a shot from behind her at the level of her butt, a shot from behind the man so that you see her knee coming up, and a shot from a low angle from the side. The knees should look sudden and painful and should appear to make contact. As the man crumples to the floor, Li should have a satisfied look on her face.

Once the man recovers, the fight and it is a more or less evenly matched. Li stuns him at the end.

She will also finish this thug off with three groin kicks in a row (like in Scene 1). Like Mira Green, please have Li remove her bra and panties at this point. Freeze-frame while she is stripping, and have Li doing a voiceover, saying, “I never miss an opportunity to give a man one last look before I destroy him.”

Then very similar details and similar camera angles as Scene 1’s triple groin kick. Again, emphasis on low angles (including between the man’s legs) and having the groin kicks look painful and realistic, with the foot coming up from underneath the balls. Also some CGI blood.
After Li finishes him off, she can say something sarcastic or humiliating while walking around him slowly. A few camera shots of her body here would be nice.

Scene 3 (starring Mira Green and criminal #3 played by Max:

Back to Mira Green. Mira Green is now dressed in a different set of lingerie (no street clothes). She sneaks around and suddenly criminal #3 appears.

They fight. Fights should be similar to above with a variety of attacks. However, this time, the criminal has a slight upper hand. The criminal finally appears to stun Mira Green. However, just before he knocks her out, she quickly delivers a groin kick which stuns him. She then punches him in the face several times, then gives him a harder groin kick (low camera angle). As he clutches himself, she pushes him and he falls back. Now scared of her, tries to scoot back away from her.

Mira Green then removes her bra and panties. 

She starts walking towards him with a vengeful and determined expression (she is about to stomp on his balls to castrate him). (Please show various camera angles showing her marching towards him, including a close-up of her butt and legs as she walks, and various other angles to show off her body and attitude.)
(Important: The camera angle is very important to me for this next scene. For this next scene, the camera should be pretty much POV from the man’s perspective (as close to the ground as possible, looking up so you can see all of Mira Green standing in front of him).
When Mira Green gets to him, she lifts her leg up high (her knee should be close to her chest). She says, “Hope you enjoyed having your balls, asshole!” She then stomps down hard and fast on his balls, and stomps a few more times angrily. As she’s stomping repeatedly on his balls, her expression changes from angry to satisfied, until she’s smirking by the end. Finally, Mira Green turns around so her back/butt is towards the camera, and stomps down one last time on his balls. A squishing sound is heard as she grinds her foot for a few more seconds and castrates him. Please add a some CGI blood as this happens. And remember, please keep the camera angle from the man’s POV perspective for the majority of this scene (from the ground, looking upwards at Mira Green). It should look like Mira Green is stomping down with great force, with her arms/shoulders naturally moving a bit as she stomps.

(The camera angles you used in my previous custom with Annabelle and Vika were perfect for this scene!)
The thug passes out from the pain, with CGI blood still oozing from his groin. 


Scene 4 (starring Li and criminal #4 played by other male actor (not Max)):

Back to Li. Li is now dressed in a different set of lingerie (no street clothes). She sneaks around and suddenly criminal #4 appears.

Like Scene 3, they fight (feel free to choreograph as you wish) and the man has the slight upper hand. This scene should be very similar to everything in Scene 3, with Li suddenly incapacitating the man with a few groin attacks, stripping nude, walking towards him and doing a very similar stomping finishing move with CGI blood added. Similar camera angles too. Maybe Li could say something different before stomping him, like, “Time for a sex change, asshole!”

Scene 5 (starring Mira Green and criminal #5, who has a large gun and is played by other male actor (not Max)):

Back to Mira Green. She is now dressed in yet another different set of lingerie. She is now carrying a pistol/handgun. (Meanwhile, criminal #5 will have a large shotgun type of gun in this scene, and also a knife in his belt/back pocket).

She is sneaking around, trying to find criminal #5, when suddenly, she hears a loud gunshot and bullets hit something near her. She takes cover and sees criminal #5 shooting at her with a large gun.

They exchange gunfire, moving around and hiding behind walls/objects/terrain. She seems somewhat overwhelmed, since his gun is much stronger. Finally, Mira Green runs out of ammo (gun has an empty “click” when she tries to shoot again).

The man laughs and approaches her, pointing the gun at her. He tells her to drop her handgun and strip naked. Reluctantly, Mira Green removes her bra and panties, looking somewhat angry/unhappy. 

Then he walks right up to her, unzips his pants, tells her to get on her knees, and says, “You know what to do. Hahaha” (implying that she will have to give him oral sex). She drops to her knees, and pretends like she is about to service him.

However, she suddenly grabs the knife from his belt and stabs upwards into his crotch several times (please show various camera angles, including from behind the man’s legs so you can see Mira Green stabbing upwards). The man gasps and reacts in pain, clutching his groin and dropping his large gun. He stumbles backwards several steps. There is some blood dripping from his crotch.

Mira Green picks up the gun, aims for his right shoulder, and shoots. Then the left shoulder. Each shot to the shoulder causes the man to release his grip from his balls. Finally, she aims for his head. (Please show POV from the perspective of the gun, with a crosshair centered on his head.) However, Mira Green then smiles an evil smile (please show a closeup of her face), and decides to slowly lower her aim down to his balls. Camera angle should show her lowering her gun slowly. Please also show an additional camera angle with POV from the perspective of the gun, with the crosshair now on his groin.

The man realizes what she is about to do and looks panicked, pleading for her to spare him.

Mira Green smiles and says, “I’ve always wanted to do this.” and then pulls the trigger, blasting off the rapist’s genitals. Please show multiple instant replays of this from various angles (from the side, from behind the woman, in front of the woman, etc.). Basically angles that show off Mira Green’s body, with some angles also showing the impact of the shot to the man’s balls. If you can add special gore effects in this scene similar to COVID Massacre, that would be great!

The man reacts in extreme pain, grabbing his empty crotch and eventually bleeding out. Mira Green casually tosses the gun on the ground and slowly walks around him, watching him bleed out. She says, “Sorry, but you won’t be using that anymore.” Please show various camera angles showing off her body, including some low angles, as she walks. She should be looking pleased with herself.

Scene 6 (starring mostly Li and criminal #6 who is played by other male actor (not Max)):

Back to Li. She is also now dressed in yet another different set of lingerie. She is also now carrying a pistol. (Criminal #6 will be armed with a pistol as well).

Similar to Scene 5, once Li encounters Criminal #6, they have a gunfight and hide behind various walls/objects. This time, however, Criminal #6 manages to shoot the gun out of her hand. He points the gun at her and walks up to her. Li puts her hands above her head, pretending to give up. 

The man says, “Actually, I have a better idea. Strip for me.”

Li looks unhappy, but has to obey. She removes her bra and panties. Similar to Scene 5, the man walks up to her, unzips his pants, tells her to get on her knees, and says, “You know what to do. Hahaha” (again implying that she will give him oral sex). She drops to her knees, and pretends like she is about to service him. 

Suddenly, she grabs the pistol from his hands and inserts the barrel of the gun into his unzipped fly/zipper, pointing it directly against his groin. The man is terrified, and starts pleading with her.

Li slowly stands up, still aiming the gun into his pants. She slowly walks a few steps, keeping the gun in place, forcing him to take a few steps with her as well. He is very nervous at this point.

Li: “What do you think should happen to rapists?”
Criminal: “I’m sorry, I’m sorry, It was a mistake!”
Li: “You didn’t answer my question. What do you think should happen to rapists?”
Criminal: “Please, please don’t shoot my balls, I’ll never do it again! I promise, I’ll never do it again!”
Li smiles and says, “I know.”

Then she pulls the trigger, shooting one of his balls. The man yells in agony. She pulls the trigger again, shooting his other ball. (Please add gore effects or CGI blood). Please show multiple instant replays of these two gunshots, with different camera angles.

The man collapses to the floor, writing in pain and clutching his groin.
Li: “I got both of them.” She giggles. “You’re lucky I let you keep your cock.”

Then Li pauses and thinks. “Actually, never mind. Might as well finish the job.” She walks over to him, sticks the gun back in his unzipped fly, and says, “Say goodbye to your cock.” and pulls the trigger. If you can have some sort of gore effect for this final shot, that would be great. This scene should be dramatic.

Similar to scene 5, Li casually tosses the gun on the ground and slowly walks around him, watching him bleed out. She says, “I love it when the punishment fits the crime.” Please show various camera angles showing off her body, including some low angles, as she walks. She should be looking pleased with herself.

Mira Green and Li meet back up (both are nude). Both are looking proud of themselves for a job well done.

Mira Green: “How was your mission?”
Li: “Gave the rapists what they deserved. How about you?”
Mira Green: “Got them all where it counts.”

The two women smile at each other, and both walk away. Please show different camera angles as they walk away, including close-ups of each woman’s butt and legs, close-ups of the breasts, and each woman’s face (smug/confident expression).


And Other Our FEMDOM content!  MIRA VS LUIZA
    11 minutes
Starring: Mira Green and Luiza
Fetish Elements: 
Catfighting, Stabbings, Fighting With Knives, Much Blood, Great Stabbing Scenes 
Mira Green is an experienced cop. She has a very good reputation among her partners, but her good work has also made her several enemies that are dangerous. Mira´s does not use guns that often, instead, she has specialized in fist and sword fighting, and that is why she loves to collect them. That is the reason why she has 2 small swords on her apartment.
Her enemies are dangerous, and one of them decides to hire a professional killer, Luiza, who also specializes in sword fighting, because she loves to stab her victims through their bodies and watch them bleed to death (SHE IS NO PSYCHO, so no expressions like Max in “Stabbing in the Rain” PLEASE). She also carries 2 swords, in case she loses one for a moment during battle, just like Mira.
1. Mira arrives to her apartment back from work, she seems tired after a long day of paperwork and no action at all, she seems pissed about it and says: “What a boring day! I could not fight anyone. If only I had the chance to use my swords someday.”
2. Mira goes to her kitchen, serves herself a glass of water and takes a couple of sips while she looks at her phone. She smiles a little since she saw something funny.
3. Suddenly, Mira hears a noise that comes from the living room. She seems kind of curious and scared at the same time as she leaves her glass of water on the table (she makes the expressions from the pictures below as she walks towards the living room)
    When she hears the noise.
4. Mira walks inside the living room, and the first thing she sees is Luiza, who is holding one of her swords while the other is left on the couch.
5. Luiza says: “Finally, you notice that I am here.”
6. Mira responds: “Who are you? How did you get in here?”
7. Luiza points at Mira with her sword and says: “A good killer can get inside any place, and… well, I suppose that you know who I am now. I am Luiza and I am here to kill you. Just imagine this inside your body.” Mira makes the expression from the picture below.
8. Mira says: “I don´t know who hired you, but you are making a big mistake. Maybe we could reach an agreement?” While she says that, Mira slowly walks to the place where she has one of her swords.
9. Luiza responds: “I don´t think so. You will die today.” After that, Mira grabs her sword and challenges Luiza by saying: “I told you this was a mistake, I was saying that for your own sake, since no one beats me with swords. Let´s see who stabs who first.”
10. Luiza tries to attack first, going straight for Mira, while Mira defends herself using her excellent sword fighting skills. Both of them fight hard and get near each other with their swords clashing against each other. Mira smiles and says: “Not bad, but not good enough.”
11. Mira believes that she has the perfect moment to attack and stab Luiza, but the problem is that her rival has studied her techniques very well and knows what Mira is about to do.
12. Mira tries to stab Luiza on her chest, but Luiza wisely dodges the attack, spins and appears right behind Mira. Mira quietly says: “Shit!!!” as she knows what is about to happen.
13. Luiza strikes first, as she stabs Mira in her back, with the sword coming out of her chest, between her breasts, almost getting her heart. Mira is shocked, as she makes a face of surprise while she slowly turns her head down to see the sword that came out of her chest. (See the picture below to see the expression on Mira´s face and the place where the sword should come out from) The sword is fully red, full of blood. The blood is dripping from the sword and Mira´s shirt starts to turn red all around the wound. (Take a good shot of the sword that went through the chest of Mira.)
14. Luiza smiles and whispers on Mira´s right ear: “Not bad, but not good enough, Mira.” She says that as Mira is processing what just happened, static because of what happens, as blood starts to come out from her mouth.
15. Luiza leaves the sword inside Mira´s body, as she watches her walk a little, trying to breathe. Luiza just crosses her arms and watches Mira walk away to take some distance.
16. Mira is far from defeated, as she spits some blood and recovers her posture. She looks at Luiza and says: “Now you have no sword. It´s my turn.” 
17. Mira grabs her second sword and now has one sword on each hand, since she never dropped the one she had first. Luiza is scared, but she has no place to hide.
18. Mira goes straight for the attack, EVEN WITH A SWORD STUCK INSIDE HER CHEST, that does not slow her down and attacks Luiza.
19. Mira stabs Luiza in the belly, with the sword coming out of her back. Mira twists the sword as Luiza grunts and gasps for breath. (Luiza makes an expression like the picture below) The sword starts dripping the blood of Luiza, as the shirt turns red because of the blood from both sides of the body. The sword is also fully red, full of blood.
20. Mira leaves the sword inside Luiza, punches her in the face, making Luiza turn her back on Mira, who takes advantage and stabs Luiza with her other sword, in the back, with the sword coming out of her chest. (Literally same place where Mira was stabbed) Take good shots of the swords that went through the body of Luiza.
21. Mira whispers to Luiza´s right ear: “I want to see if you can resist as much as I can.” While she says that, Luiza spits blood from her mouth, as some of it falls on her shirt. She is stunned as she has the same expression as the one from the picture below for a few seconds.
22. Mira takes the sword out of Luiza´s back, and leaves the other sword stuck inside her belly.
23. Luiza knows she has no sword, and realizes that her only choice is to use the sword that is stuck inside her belly. Luiza slowly takes out the sword from her body, while she screams in pain and drops blood from her mouth nonstop.
24. Luiza finally takes out the sword, which is dripping blood, as she tells Mira: “I can still fight. No problem at all.”
25. Mira goes for the same attack, and successfully stabs Luiza in the chest, with the sword coming out of Luiza´s back (check picture below to see where I want the stab to be)
26. Luiza opens her arms, and drops her sword as the force of the stab pushes her a little. She coughs even more blood as she looks at Mira´s face in pain.
27. Mira was smiling at Luiza´s suffering face, but her reaction changes instantly, as she notices that Luiza is holding her arm, so she cannot take out the sword. (Take shots of the arms of both models at that moment, also from the sword, the shirts of both models red because of the wounds, as well as a good expression of doubt from Mira, like she does not understand what is going on)
28. Mira asks Luiza: “What did you let me stab you?”
29. Luiza just headbutts Mira, finally takes out the sword that was still stuck inside Mira´s chest, and then takes out the sword from her own chest. Now Luiza has 2 swords in hand and Mira has none. (Mira makes the following expression when Luiza takes the sword out of her body, as she also coughs blood that falls on the floor and her shirt.)
30. Luiza quickly reaches Mira and stabs her in the back, with the sword coming out of the left breast of Mira. (Mira is stunned as her clothes are even more red, full of blood. The sword is dripping blood and she makes the following face when she gets stabbed)
31. Mira tries to walk, but Luiza has a good grip on the sword and does not let Mira get away. Luiza takes the sword out of Mira´s body and Mira turns around.
32. Luiza stabs Mira again, with her 2 swords at the same time. (Check the picture below to see where she gets stabbed). 
Both swords come out of Mira´s back (have a good shot of both swords full of blood going through the back of Mira) Mira makes the following expression when she gets stabbed:
33. Luiza takes both swords out of Mira´s body, and says: “I know that is not enough.” Luiza is heavily injured too, and struggles to breathe, but can still get her job done.
34. Mira struggles to move, and grabs her chest, where she has the VERY FIRST WOUND, as it keeps squirting blood with no end. She tries to cover the wound with her hand, but the blood keeps coming out, dripping now over the hand of Mira. 
35. Mira cries and screams in agony, as she looks to Luiza and begs for mercy: “Okay, you won, you are the best. Please, let me live and I will pay you better than the man who hired you.”
36. Luiza drops the sword from her left hand, puts her hand on Mira´s right cheek, kisses her, smiles at her, and finally stabs her with the other sword right on the heart. 
37. Mira is left with her eyes wide open, as tons of blood flow from her mouth like a waterfall (exaggerate with the blood). Mira gurgles because of the blood.
38. Mira is done, she kneels down, but uses the last of her strength to grab the sword that Luiza dropped and stabs her very well. 
39. Luiza did not see that coming, as she puts an expression showing she is amazed. She did not expect that at all!! She cannot stop the blood that comes out of her mouth like a waterfall.
40. Luiza cannot stop panting and grabbing the wound, as blood cannot stop flowing out of her body. Her eyes are wide open too.
41. Luiza still has some energy left, and pushes Mira, who falls to the ground. By pushing her, the sword comes out of Luiza´s body, as Mira did not drop it.
42. Luiza realizes that she must finish Mira, so she uses one of her swords to stab Mira to death. (Luiza stabs Mira between 10 and 15 times, like the final scene from “Stabbing in the Rain”) 
43. Mira finishes like the picture below. Completely obliterated. (Leave her with much more blood on her mouth at that moment.)
44. Luiza struggles with the pain, drops her swords as she puts her left hand on the wound from her chest, due to the fact that tons of blood keeps coming out of her body.
45. Luiza grabs her phone, and calls the person that hired her to kill Mira. Luiza says: “It´s me. I did it. Mira is dead, let me send you a picture of her dead body. One last thing… I am badly injured and bleeding way too much. I am heading to you place, please have a doctor ready for me or I will die too.”
46. Luiza takes a picture of Mira, as Mira´s dead, bloody and wounded body has already formed a HUGE pool of blood on the floor all around her, as blood keeps squirting out of each and every single one of her wounds. (Please exaggerate with the amount of blood and the size of the pool of blood.) Take a big shot for a lot of seconds of the dead body.
47. Luiza says: “You were one hell of a rival. Sweet dreams.” And finally leaves the room with tons of pain while grabbing her wounds. (Show with the camera her back full of wounds and blood while she prepares to leave, maybe 10 or 15 seconds) Also take a good shot of how her body finished.
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