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    8 minutes
      BONFIRE TALES - A cinematic excerpt from our large collection, the director's cut, which was filmed especially for you, dear friends!
Decapitation, Beheading, Beheading During Sex

Friends sit by the fire, roast marshmallows and tell each other scary stories to keep warm at night.
You will see one of these scary stories in this movie!
A guy and a girl in love are trying to have sex in the field, but the girl notices an old scary scarecrow. The guy does not pay attention and jokes, they continue to have sex. The girl sits astride the guy and gets an orgasm, when suddenly the scarecrow comes to life and chops off the girl's head with a shovel! Her headless body in agony continues to reflexively jump over the guy ...
    17 minutes
      Babysitter - Custom movie for xj900!
    21 minutes
Starring: Angelina, Max

Prisoner Abuse 2
The Interrogator roughly escorts Angelina.  He wears a dark shirt, cargo pants, and dark shoes/boots (similar to Max’s outfit in “Prisoner Abuse”).  Angelina wears a white tank top, dark shorts, and black high heel boots, her hair in a ponytail, light make up/natural look, and no nail polish unless it’s, clear, white, or black.  Her hands are cuffed behind her back.
As the Interrogator escorts her, Angelina protests, saying things like “You can’t just arrest me like this,” “What did I do?” “I have a right to know,” etc.  The Interrogator ignores her.  He shoves her into the room and sits her in a folding chair.  The room is open with a lot of space and the floor is covered with a tarp or plastic.  (Similar to the room where “Prisoner Abuse” takes place)
Angelina looks up at her Captor.
ANGELINA: Whatever you think I did, you have the wrong person-
The Interrogator suddenly punches her in the head.  Angelina is surprised by the attack.  He grabs her by the hair and leans in close to her.
INTERROGATOR: We know you’re a Spy for the Resistance.  We have proof, so don’t bother denying it.
As he speaks, Angelina glares at him.  The Interrogator lets go of her hair.
INTERROGATOR: I suggest you answer my questions truthfully.  Otherwise…
The Interrogator suddenly punches her in the head again.  Again, Angelina is surprised by the attack, but this time she immediately stares back at him without fear.  He punches her again, and then a third time.  Angelina takes the pain and again stares back at him without fear.
INTERROGATOR: You can take a hit.  Good.  Makes it more fun.
He punches her several more times in the head in a few different ways.  Sometimes he hits her with left and right hooks, other times he holds her with one hand while punching her with the other, and a few times he hits her with straight punches to the face.  One final hook knocks her out of the chair and onto the floor.  She pants and groans in pain.
INTERROGATOR: Come on, get up!
He kicks her in the gut.
With her injuries and her hands cuffed behind her, it’s a struggle, but she manages to get back to her feet.  The Interrogator pulls out a knife and cuts her tank top, so it falls from her body, exposing her naked breasts.  He puts the knife away and punches her in the head again, causing her to stumble back against the wall, but she manages to stay on her feet.  The Interrogator then batters her with several hard punches to the abdomen that knock the wind out of her and make her double over, but every time she is about to fall, he catches her or holds her up (maybe he holds her up by the throat).  He switches and hits her with more rights and lefts to the head.  The final punch knocks her to the floor.  He walks away.  Angelina tries to breathe and fight through the pain.
The Interrogator returns with a baton.  He forces her back to her feet baters her abdomen with the baton many times.  Every time he hits her, it knocks the wind out of her and makes her double over, groaning/moaning in pain, but every time, the Interrogator catches her or holds her up (maybe he holds her up by the throat).  After one final blow, he finally lets her drop to her knees. He grabs her by the hair, sitting her up, and hits her with more punches to the face.  With every punch, Angelina’s eyes become more dazed until she is knocked out.  He shoves her to the floor, and she lands on her side
Angelina’s limp body is now strung up, her hands cuffed/tied above her head (similar to how Xena was strung up in “Prisoner Abuse”).
The Interrogator throws some water in her face to wake her up.
INTERROGATOR: Have a nice nap?
ANGELINA: Are you actually going to ask me some questions this time?
INTERROGATOR: That was just a taste of what waits for you if you don’t cooperate.  Tell me the location of your Cell’s headquarters.  Who is your Commander?  How many soldiers are there?  And what kind of weapons do they have?
Angelina remains silent.  He grabs her by the throat and leans in close to her face.
INTERROGATOR: Go ahead.  Stay silent.  I love hurting people.  Especially pretty rebel bitches like you.  But, if you answer my questions truthfully, I’ll have no choice but to stop.  We’ll treat your wounds and give you a nice meal.  No more pain.  Or you can die slowly.  I would love nothing more than to beat you to death.  It’s your choice.
Angelina takes a moment to consider his words.
ANGELINA: You really enjoy hurting me that much?
INTERROGATOR: More than you can imagine.
ANGELINA: Then you’d better savor every second of it, because soon you’ll be dead as well and your Empire will fall, you sick fuck!
She spits blood in his face.  The Interrogator chuckles as he cleans his face with a rag.
INTERROGATOR: I was hoping you’d say that.
He hits her with a mixture of rights and lefts to the head and body.  Sometimes he throws a few punches quickly.  Other times, he briefly pauses between punches, so she can feel every hit.  After many punches to the head and body, he switches to the baton.  He takes his time as he batters her body with the baton, making her feel every hit and knocking the wind out of her each time.  If not for her hands being strung up, she would have fallen many times.
He grabs a shock-stick (the same one from “Bloody Interrogation” and “Prisoner Abuse” if possible).  As he holds it close to her body, we finally see fear in her eyes.
INTERROGATOR: Answer my questions and it all stops.
Angelina buries her fear and glares at him with resolve.
He shocks her in the belly, then one of her nipples, then the other nipple, and then finally her pussy.  Each time he shocks for several long seconds, causing her eyes roll back as her body spasms (similar to her reactions when she is shocked in “Bloody Interrogation”).  The last shock knocks her out.
The Interrogator uncuffs/unties her hands and her limp body collapses to the floor.  He rolls her onto her back then throws some more water in her face to wake her up.
As she gets her bearings back, he stands between her legs and lifts them.  Realizing what he is about to do, Angelina’s eyes widen in fear.
INTERROGATOR: I’ll give you another chance.  Answer my questions or I’ll destroy your pussy.
After a few deep breaths, Angelina glares at him with resolve.
ANGELINA: I never wanted children anyway.
The Interrogator stomps on her pussy several times, causing her to cry out in agony.  He takes a second or two between each stomp so she can feel every hit.  Eventually the pain causes her to lose consciousness.  The Interrogator continues to stomp on her pussy a few more times for good measure.
He taps her face and shakes her head to wake her up.  Angelina grabs her sore pussy and rolls onto her side groaning/moaning in pain.
INTERROGATOR: Get up!  Come on, get up!
Summoning all of her strength, Angelina slowly stands.
INTEROGATOR: Impressive.  I’ll make you a deal.  If you can get past me, you’re free to go.
ANGELINA: (Exhausted) Liar!
INTERROGATOR: (Chuckles) Maybe.  What do you have to lose?... Unless you’re finally ready to talk.
Angelina puts up her guard, though she can barely lift her arms.  She throws a couple punches.  They are wild and sloppy, and the Interrogator easily dodges them and pretends to applaud her effort.  She throws another punch, and the Interrogator easily blocks and counters with a hard punch to her head.  She is unable to defend herself as he continues to pummel her with several more punches to the head, mostly right and left hooks, a few straight punches to the face, and punches to the body.  Every punch to the head rocks her and some of the body shots double her over.  Every time it looks like she’s about to fall, he catches her and stands her back up.  Sometimes he holds her as he punches her.  A final right hook knocks her to the floor (she lands on her back).  She is barely conscious.
The Interrogator straightens her out and gets on top of her, straddling her.  He taps her face and shakes her head to wake her up.
INTERROGATOR: This is your last chance.  You won’t have another opportunity after this.
ANGELINA: Good.  I’m tired of hearing your stupid voice.
INTERROGATOR: (Chuckles) Defiant till the end.  I like that.
The Interrogator hits her over and over with many brutal ground n pound rights and lefts to the head.  He alternates a few times, sometimes he holds her with one hand while punching her with the other, sometimes he holds her while hitting her with straight punches to the face, sometimes he hits her with hammer-fists, but he always goes back to ground n pound rights and lefts.  After a few minutes, she eventually dies.  The Interrogator doesn’t notice at first and when he does realize that she is dead, he continues to punch her in the head several more times.  This sequence lasts for about 2-3 minutes.
He decides to take a break from punching and decides to brutalize her pussy some more by doing several running soccer (football) kicks to her pussy.
He then straddles her and goes back to hitting her with several more ground n pound rights and lefts for about another 2 minutes. (Similar angles as before)
The Interrogator finally decides to stop, smiling in satisfaction as he looks down at Angelina’s battered body and gets a sip of water.  Suddenly, gunfire is heard off-camera. The Interrogator grabs his gun and goes to investigate.  The camera pans Angelina’s dead body as more gunfire is heard and the Interrogator is killed off-screen.
Possible POV: Another Resistance Fighter enters, gun drawn, (their face doesn't need to be seen) walking past the dead body of the Interrogator, they discover their dead comrade.
RESISTANCE FIGHTER: Commander.  I found her.  We’re too late.  She’s already dead.  Looks like she didn’t tell them anything.
COMMANDER (V.O.): Copy that.  Finish sweeping the area, then bring her home.
RESISTANCE FIGHTER: Yes sir… (To Angelina) You did good soldier… You did good.
Final body pans ending with a close up of Angelina’s face.
The End

    13 minutes

«Just watched it and loved it. The acting was spot on…  Fair enough they did a great job either way and I do have an idea for a sequel to this video».

From Customer’s Review



Bad Girls, Shootout, Gangster-Girls, Gurl With Gun, Shooting, Machine Guunned, Closed eyes death stares, Jeans, Military Outfits, Bodypiles. Soldiers, Battle, Closing eyes to dead girl, Opened eyes Death Stare


Actresses: Helga-Black Bra, Dark Blue Jeans, biker boots, black Leather Jacket and no belly button ring

                   Judi- Black Bra, Black Jeans, Biker Boots, black Leather Jacket and no belly button ring

                   Sally and Bella Lenina- Camo pants, Black Combat boots, and a white belly shirt.

                Helga plays the part of the leader of a biker gang gearing up for a war with a rival biker gang. Judi is the second in command and came with Helga to back her up in case something goes wrong that would involve a gun fight. Sally plays the part of the weapons dealer and Bella is her backup. I would like to have this in English.


Helga and Judi reach the warehouse that they were to meet with the weapons dealer. Helga takes out her phone and calls the dealer

Helga- “Were here. Where are you” After a short pause as if she was getting a response “I’ll be there” She then hangs up the phone.

Helga- “She says to wait by the desk in the warehouse”

Judi- “I don’t like this. It smells like a setup”

Helga- “Ya I feel that to but we need those guns. Just keep your eyes peeled and don’t trust them.”

Judi- “Right”

Helga and Judi enter the warehouse and Helga sits down in the chair and Judi stays standing and scouting the area with her eyes.

After a short while Sally and Bella enters the warehouse.

Sally- “Welcome ladies I heard that you are looking for some weaponry. I have the equipment just for you but it’s not going to be cheap.”

Helga- “Money’s not going to be a problem as long as the weapons perform to our liking”

Sally- “That’s not going to be an issue. These weapons are the best money can buy. And these weapons don’t jam as much.”

Helga- “Let’s see them”

Sally- “You know the price. Let me see the cash first”

Helga- “Judi go get the case”

Judi- “Yes boss” Judi then leaves the warehouse to go get the briefcase. She then reenters the warehouse with briefcase in hand and handcuffed to her wrist. She walks up to Sally and opens the case and shows her the money.

Sally- Looks like everything is in order. Bella go and retrieve the weapons” Bella nods at Sally and leaves to get the weapons. Judi closes the case and then walks back to the table and sits down on it.

Bella then reenters the warehouse with a machinegun in hand and then she open fires shooting Jodi multiple times in the chest. Jodi then falls back on the table with legs hanging down and arm with case hanging down from the side of the table as well.

Helga manages to escape the bullets and finds cover. She takes out her gun and manages to shoot Bella in the chest multiple times killing her. Bella falls flat on her back with legs spread out and belly button perfectly showing and no blood on it with eyes closed and some blood sliding down her mouth and a pool of blood forming from underneath her. Sally runs out of the warehouse. Helga goes over to Jodi seeing that she was still alive.

Helga- “Jodi hang in there. Stay with me”

Jodi- “Forget me go after her. You need those guns. There is nothing you can do I’ll be dead soon just don’t let her get away”

After Jodi says that she then dies with eyes opened. Helga checks her pulse and sees that she is dead. She closes her eyes and then goes to the direction of the door. Sally then barges in the room with a gun and starts shooting. The two then shoots at each other and they both end up taking bullets. Helga takes a few bullets to the chest and still manages to stay standing and Sally falls to her knees and then falls backwards with legs still folded and dead with eyes closed and belly button fully shown and no blood on it. Helga then casually walks back to the chair and pulls it out and then sits down. She slides down the chair to get in a pose I will add to the script and dies with eyes closed and belly button fully shown and not blood on it.  Get lots of pans of the 4 girls playing dead. Get close ups of their faces, belly buttons, full body side view, full body top view, a view with their faces and belly buttons are seen, one where all of them are in the shot and any other sexy pans of them.
    23 minutes

Only here!! New actress available for custom!!

CAST: Demonika, Li, JANINA

Fetish elements: belly stabbing; throat stabbing; foot fetish, especially soles;
a powerful, evil queen losing power and cruelly and painfully defeated; very
dramatic acting, with a lot fear and crying and extreme pain and agony. 
- Demonica as the beautiful, evil and arrogant queen. Nude, hair down, red
lipstick (like in \"Photosession with Cannibals 3\"). She goes from arrogant to
shocked and terrified to terrible agony to utterly defeated.
- Li in a double role, first as an innocent, frightened victim of the queen,
then as the angry twin sister seeking cruel revenge. Nude, hair down.
- A third actress as the queen\'s long-serving guard, who secretly hates her
queen and finally seizes the chance to betray her.
Demonica is the beautiful, evil queen who has ruled her country with an iron
fist and great cruelty. Everyone is afraid of her, but when the queen kills one
too many an innocent victim, the victim\'s twin sister takes gruesome revenge.
The first scene establishes the queen as a powerful, evil and cruel ruler. Then
a short scene shows how the sister and the guard plan the queen\'s betrayal. In
the final and main scene, the queen is at first calm and arrogant, then deflated
and terrified when she realises the tables have been turned on her. The guard is
expressionless until the betrayal becomes clear, then she turns grim and bitter.
The vengeful sister is angry and hateful at first, but eventually also expresses
sadistic enjoyment in killing the queen.  BLOODY FIGHT
    6 minutes
Starring: Nata and Marina
Catfighting to death 
Fetish elements:
Beating, Catfighting, Punching to the pussy, Punching to the belly, beating to face, fountains of blood, pain, changing winner and looser, , knock outs, boxing handcrafting, near to escape, beating to death, female fatale, hitwoman, leather, spies. 
Dynamic fatal femmes fighting to the death! Two spies in sexy leather suits meet in deadly cruel fight. Much blood, much pain! 
Hits to the face with blood, hits to the body, domination, aggressive fighting, victims POV (last moments).
If you have fantasies to kill sexy leather spy in fighting this one is for you!
If you have fantasies to be killed by sexy spy this one is also for you!
    23 minutes
Starring: Scarlett Fandera, Judi, Tim, Max
«Very Good production, Judi is perfect like always, and scarlett is very gorgeous too, i can say her acting is perfect, i want to see her acting again, and want to make movie with this darkroom again and again"»
Customer’s Review
Fetish Elements
Fighting to the death, Beating, Cruel Beating, Blood from month, Comics and Super Heroines, Interesting Plot, Stabbing with a knife, Stabbing with a big spear, Girls kill man, Man kills girls, Bodypile, Death Stare, Long Agony Before Death, Near to Death, Death 
One plot includes different scenes can be interesting:
1.Scarlett is beaten and stabbed by a soldier
2.A male soldier is stabbed by Judi
3.Scarlett is dying but Judy save her by magic
4.Scarlett sees the dream where Judi is stabbed to her death from behind (great emotions and surprised reaction)
5.Scarlett is stabbed and then shot to her stomach by a villain 
6.Judy tries to save her but she can’t
7.Judi and a villain kill each other with stabbings
8.Scarlett and Judi die together

Two brave girls try to save the world and fight against mad professor and his slave who can activate virus to destroy the world…  CATFIGHTING QUEENS
    22 minutes
Starring: Mira Green and Alice Miren 
Fetish Elements: 
Catfighing to the death, Bloody, Boxing, Kicking, Very Well Catfight Perfomance, Leather Outfit, Different Death Scenes Inside, Death Stares, Crashing Heads, From Looser To The Winner, From Winner To The Looser 

Mira is standing in thongs and without a bra in the room. Then he carefully puts on a leather bra, then leather pants, boots. Going to take a gun, but hears sounds ..
Two killers (you can use the same actresses, since they are wearing masks) in masks with pistols walk slowly through the room. One is wearing leather pants and a jacket, the other is wearing a leather skirt and blouse.
Mira stood outside the door and waited. The killers split up. The first, in a leather skirt, went the other way, and in leather pants, towards Mira. A pistol stuck through the door and the killer entered Mira's room.
Mira knocked out the pistol, grabbed the killer by the head and while holding her began to inflict many punches in the face with her fist. The killer fell on her back. Mira sat down on top and began to strike in the face. (here you can show the ass in leather pants sitting on the killer and how she shakes from the blows and the killer's legs twitch (examples in the attachment), so are the frames and ordinary ones, where punches to the face and blood on the face are shown). Mira rips off her mask, looks at her face and stabs a few more times in the face so that the face was even more bloody. He begins to search the killer, finds a phone, gets up and starts digging in it, it turns out to be blocked. A killer sneaks up behind him and begins to strangle. Knocks down the world on the stomach and sitting on top of it, continues to choke, lifting Mira's head up (here you can also have several angles so that the leather priests were in the frame) in the attachment something like). The killer slams his head on the floor to Mira, flips over and punches him in the face. Mira throws off the killer.
Both get up, there is an exchange of blows. And in the face and stomach with a knee. The killer pushes Mira onto the sofa and sits on top, starting to strangle again, Mira throws her off. The killer unsuccessfully falls on his stomach, gets on all fours holding on for the stomach. Mira kicks in the groin from behind. Bypasses the killer, grabs the hair, and says something to her, like you're about to die or something. He puts her on her knees and, holding her hair, hits her in the face. Blood in all directions.
The killer falls to the floor. Mira sits down on top, puts her hands under her feet and punches him in the face until it turns into mush. Stands up and kicks several times in the face. He takes the gun and leaves the room.
The second killer, hearing the noise, goes into the room, sees a mess on the floor and runs away to look for Mira. Both meet in the room with their pistols pointed at each other. Say phrases like let's solve it here without weapons. The killer rips off the mask, Mira sees the twin of the one she just killed. The killer tells Mira that she will answer for what she did and she will kill her with her bare hands. Both throw off their pistols.
The main fight begins here.
Exchange of blows
One opponent sits on top of the other and punches in the face (on both sides)
Less wrestling and choke tricks
When one opponent sits on her knees, and the second holds by the hair and punches in the face with a hand (also on both sides)
Any ultra brutal finishing moves from both rivals
Well, in the end, so that the killer won, it all began with inflicting a lot of punches on the opponent's face, well, and something else, at your discretion, well, at the end, sitting on top of the opponent, the killer turned the opponent's face into a mess with his hands, and then and feet.

     4 Girls and Maniac
    12 minutes
      4 Girls and Maniac - 4 GIRLS AND  MANIAC

Christy, Pola, Annabelle, Nata and Alex


Fetish Elements:

Foot Fetish, Neck Breaks, Toe fetish Toes, death stares, carrying bodies



4 girls are watching TV in bed. We can clearly see their feet. It\'s getting hot and they undress. One of them goes for water, and suddenly a maniac attacks her from behind and breaks her neck.

The other girl does not understand where the girlfriend has gone and is looking for her and at the same time to bring champagne. The maniac attacks her, breaks her neck and takes her body.

The third girl goes to the kitchen, where she is trapped by a maniac and breaks her neck.

The fourth girl falls asleep. The maniac breaks into the bedroom and breaks her neck.

The maniac has laid out four corpses. We see bodies with a priority on foot fetish.  You39re Not My Family
    15 minutes
      You39re Not My Family - This clip has no description.
     Spy Stories 1 2
    15 minutes
      Spy Stories 1  2 - If you like spies, shooting and shot-dead cocktail style
Brand New Clip
Starring: Marianna and Annabelle
Fetish elements:
Dresses: sexy red dresses, high heels, black stockings, body-colour stockings, topless
Killing ways: deadly injections, guns, shoot outs, POV shooting 
Death stares: eyes opened, eyes closes
Death ways: shootings, firefights, duels, POV shooting without blood effects, shot-dead cocktail 
Set of battle scenes between two sexy spies killing each other

15:20 minutes
Death ways: shootings, firefights, duels, POV shooting without blood effects, shot-dead cocktail 
Set of battle scenes between two sexy spies killing each other

15:20 minutes  GAMES OF BITCHES
    10 minutes



Fetish Elements:

FemDom, Girls kill man many times, Foot Fetish, Domination, Female Killers

Two dangerous sexy bitches illuminate male agents to the death!
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    Welcome To The Crime House Studio on Kinky Clips
    Crime House Fantasy Studio (also Crime House & Crime House and Dark Rooms) is independent production company with female death fetish orientation. Crime House does very erotic stuff, but not porn. Why we advice to offer our videos? 1. SEXY VICTIM-ACTRESSES ONLY 2. REALISTIC DEATH SITUATIONS 3. GREAT ACTING 4. CSGFX EFFECTS 5. NEW MODELS EVERY WEEK 6. ALL DEATH FETISH GENRES 7. NOT PORN BUT VERY-VERY EROTIC AND HOT 8.RUSSIAN AND EAST EUROPE HOT MODELS 9. WE DO KNOW HOW TO PLAY SEXY DEATH 10. ALL MOVIES ARE MADE IN VERY HIGH QUALITY

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    BLACK CRANE part 2


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