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    18 minutes
Starring: Annabelle, Max, Archie, Actor
Superheroines, Bloody, Gory, PUSSY DISTRUCTION, Beating, Cruel, FemDom, Woman In Peril, Chloroform, Extreme, Fighting

«Hey man, thanks for the video, definitely much better

The action was good, the story was followed, the make up was perfect and the damage to the costume was excellent».
Customer’s Review 
Super Annabelle - Warlord
Supergirl wakes in a sweat, confused by what she just dreamt, was that a vision, or the steak she ate last night acting up on her. She gets up goes to the washroom and washes her face. As she dries her face she gazes the mirror and remembers a dream a long time ago that changed her life forever
Annabelle is naked, floating in white, she can see someone in the distance getting closer. The figure, another woman, also naked is talking, it’s out of focus, she can’t make it out. The women get closer and now she can hear her better
Nata says “My time as Supergirl is coming to an end; I’ve failed, there is a terrible darkness coming to Earth. I tried…I tried to stop it; I wasn’t strong enough; I’ve let everyone down. The Supergirl Mantel is now yours; it will be up to you to succeed where I failed; because if you don’t, no one will survive. “
Nata continues teary eyed “Tell my Dad that Nata loves him very much and will miss him, I wish I could see him one more time…I’m so sorry” and then she was gone. Annabelle was then floating on her own surrounded by the white, then the white became brighter and brighter and surrounded her, she woke up startled. And floating in her room
Flashback ends; she’s still in her washroom. She thinks to herself that dream was true, she was ordained with superpowers and became Super Annabelle. She takes a shower slowly soaping up and washing off her entire body. She then dries herself off expect for her hair, because before she does, she hears (with her super hearing) the police chasing a group of militants that have stolen some top secret weapons
She puts on her black and white poka dot panties,
She then looks herself over in a full-dress mirror and blows a kiss to herself knowing she looks Super hot. She then takes off after the militants going in the direction of the chase that she hears
She lands in the enemy compound and quickly knocks out a guard (not killing them, she doesn’t kill). Two other guards shot at her, she just walks up to them and effortlessly knocks them out. She then goes up some steps and realises that this is just like her dream. As she goes up, she encounters guards in the same location as in her dream. She knocks out all the guards, not breaking a sweat or her stride (she has flash backs to her dream, we see the flash back seen and then see the action in the current film).
She finally reaches the top of the stairs and enters the leader’s room; she expects to see a Super villain; she has a flash back to the dream where the super villain is waiting. She walks into the leader’s room in the current instead she sees a man, a man in a military uniform, an ordinary guy.
The leader pulls out a gun and shots at her, the bullets ricochet of her chest and body. She smirks at the leader and walks in closer to him as he continues to shot at her. She knocks the gun out his hands, he gasps in shock holding his hand.
She grabs him by the collar, he is shocked and worried. He throws him across the room; he slams into the wall and slowly gets up angered and bruised. She walks toward him, strong, powerful. He lungs at him, angry and fearful, his swings are chaotic and don’t even phase Super Annabelle. 
The punches to her stomach don’t even phase Super Annabelle. After a few punches he stops exhausted and with hands that are pounding (hurting like hell). She has a smirk on her face as she looks him straight in the eye and says “Ready to cooperate, tell me where the weapons you stole are”
He gets a sly grin on his face, he shrugs and decides if I’m going to get beaten up, might as well make it count, he grabs her tits and squeezes. She reacts in pain and horror, which he notices and is surprised by. 
Enraged by his violation of her body, he smacks him down to the ground. He lays on the ground, smiling thinking, it was totally worth it. She then stands over him in her power pose (hands on her hips, legs spread apart). She bends down and grabs him by the collar again and lifts him up to hover just off the floor.
She then asks him, this time with a bit of anger in her voice “Listen you pervert, touch me like that again and you won’t have any hands left, now tell me where the weapons are!!” She doesn’t notice that he is making a fist with one hand and with all his strength he hits her in the crotch
Startled, and in more pain then she has ever felt she staggers backwards holding her crotch. He gets to his knees and moves lifts her skirt up to get a clear view of her panties and tights. By moving her skirt he moves her hand protecting her crotch. Her mind races, she can’t think, the pain is incredible.  He then hits her in the crotch again 
Again, she staggers backwards, the pain is incredible. Her eyes water up from the pain. She thinks to herself, no, I must focus I am Super Annabelle, I will not lose this fight. Masking her pain, she puts on a strong and brave façade and takes a few steps forward and gets into a fighting stance
He slowly gets to his feet and realises she’s in pain, he’s hurt her, this changes everything. With a grin he slowly approaches her in a fighting stance. She takes a swing at him, which he dodges. He counters with a jab to the stomach which lands like a pile of bricks which pushes her back.
She coughs and makes a hacking sound; she tries not to throw up. The leader presses his attack, punching her twice more in the gut, both punches causing her to get pushed back and causing bruising to appear on her gut.
The last punch didn’t move her as far back and didn’t hurt her as much; she realises that her powers are beginning to return, she thinks she has to act fast and protect her crotch as best as she can, but the leader also realises that her powers are returning.
She squeezes her thighs together and takes a swing at him; the punch lands square on his jaw and send him back a bit. She follows through with a second punch, which he can dodge. He comes up behind her puts one hand across her chest locking her arms down and drawing her in closer. He then puts his other hand down her skirt, grabs her panties and pulls straight up, giving her a wedgie.
The fabric of her panties wedge into her crotch tearing into her. She screams in pain, her mind races, she can’t think, her defense are down. He then releases her panties and places his hand under her panties and rubs her crotch
She begins to shake, noises that embarrass her and shame her escape her mouth, he rubs faster and faster, suddenly her back arches, she shakes all over and she orgasms and says in a whisper, “no”, then she feels it, she knows, and she says to her regret “my powers are gone”
He releases his hand on her crotch and turns her around. He grabs her by the chest and lifts her skirt up. He sees a wet stain is on her panties. He lets go of her chest, and before she can react, he licks her crotch, and then bites her crotch. 
She screams in pain and horror, she feels violated, no one has ever done this to her before. Her hands caress her violated and abused crotch; she is distracted. Before she can react the leader punches her across the face. The punch sends her across the room slamming into a wall. 
The side of her face, her breast impact the wall; her knee goes through the wall. She stays standing and slowly turns around to face her attacker. She has a gash on the side of her head, and a bloody lip. The costume covering her chest is torn a bit, and she has some minor cuts on her chest. Her knee is cut up and bloody  
She takes a few steps forward and does a front karate kick using her good leg, putting pressure on her banged up knee, which is painful and shows on her face. The leader catches her leg in the middle of her kick and continues to elbow her thigh until bruises appears and her tights tear. He then flips her over and she lands on the ground chest first.
He then comes up behind her and lifts up the back of her skirt to see her awesome ass. He grabs and squeezes her ass while she lies on the ground, she screams out in agony, the pain almost unbearable. He digs his fingers in deep into her butt cheeks tearing her tights and panties. He then stomps kick her in the ass until he can see blood.
He then turns her over onto her front. He lifts up the front over her skirt to see her still wet panties. She moves backwards on the ground, using her elbows to slowly move away from him. He steps down hard or her crotch, she stops moving, he hands go to cover her crotch and she screams in pain. He lifts up his leg, releasing the pressure from her crotch
She moves her hands away from her crotch, her breathing is heavy, her chest heaves up and down, she cannot focus. He steps down on her crotch again, harder this time. This time she doesn’t cover her crotch with her hands; she screams out in more pain. Again he lifts his foot, and again she breaths heavily and tries to catch her breath.
She can’t think what to do next, her mind is flooded with pain. He then steps down on her crotch again, and pushes down on it even harder. She gasps in pain, she tries to sit up and pushes at his foot on her crotch with her hands to try and move his foot, she is unable to budge his foot and he pushes down even harder onto her crotch. 
He finally releases his foot from her crotch and walks down to her exposed mid section. He stops down hard on her stomach causing her to start to cough, grab her waste and move onto her side. She could hear a few ribs break. He then kicks her in the side of her waist until she starts to bleed. 
He picks her up by her hair and throws her to a side wall. He then punches her and kicks her she ricochets from wall to wall. The punches and kicks land all over her mid-section, chest, ass, and legs; the punches feel like lead weights, she can hear and feel bones breaking, bruises forming and blood appearing. 
The kicks impact with such force that it feels like a sledgehammer hitting her. She is kicked on the legs, ass, and mid-section; cuts and bruises appear all over her legs, ass and midsection. He goes out of his way to avoid hitting or kicking her crotch.
The beating also damages her once proud and inspiring costume, the costume now was more like the costumes owner, broken, ripped up, and defeated 
She tries to block the kicks and punches, but even blocking he attack was causing pain. One punch she blocks ends up breaking her arm, which send mind-numbing pain. He finally pins her broken, bloodied and bruised body to a wall and tells her “to beg him to stop”
Super Annabelle in a week, barely audible voice whispers “never”
He lifts her skirt up and with a powerful punch punches her in the crotch; it feels like a semi-truck has hit her crotch. Her knees almost give out, but she stays standing and still whispers “I’ll never beg you”
He hits her again in the crotch, and again, and again, until finally blood appears on her underwear. She still definitely, and in an obvious amount of pain says “no, never, no never” like a broken record
He again hits her in the crotch, and again, and again, and again, and again, the blood stain on her underwear has turned into a gushing stream running down her legs. She, in a defeated voice says, putting her hands to getter in a prayer gesture “no more, please, please stop, no more, make it stop, please I beg you”
He stops, puts her skirt down onto her blood soaked underwear and rubs her skirt into her underwear drenching the skirt in blood. He then lets go of her skirt, and looks her up and down taking in the results of his handy work.
Super Annabelle, once proud and strong has been reduced to a broken violated and torn apart woman praying that she lives to see tomorrow. He then elbows her hard on the top of her head. Her head cracks open and blood pours down onto her hair and down the side of her face.
She drops to her knees and stays frozen. He walks over to his desk, opens it up and takes out a large knife. Annabelle sees this and tries to get up, her flooded and dizzied mind thinks escape.   She gets up off her knees, turns around almost falling and then with great difficulty she takes a step. The pain was almost unbearable, he whole body was like one raw nerve
She fights through the pain and takes another dizzied step. She could see the door out getting closer, she had hope, she can make it she thinks, and then the unimaginable happened, the Leaders knife goes in-between both butt cheeks and out through her crotch.
He removes the knife from her crotch by cutting downwards, parts of her crotch land on the ground. She grabs he crotch and turns around. He carves into her delicate and ravenous breasts, cutting them. He cuts into her bruised and battered mid-section.
Annabelle grabs onto her midsection with her one good hand, barely standing up, the blood pouring down her legs. 
 He then carves into her long luscious legs; the pain forcing her down to her knees.
She looked at him, the life draining from her eyes, unable to move, unable to speak, tears forming in her eyes, she thinks to herself, I don’t want to die, please let this be a dream, let me wake up. She doesn’t wake up, it’s not a dream, she knows it, just as well as she knows she’s about to die.
The Leader does a round house kick that lands squarely across her face. She goes flying onto the ground and comes to a rest on her back unmoving. The leader takes a selfie with the bloodied corpse of Super Annabelle. He then downloads the recording of the fight from the security camera and texts to his villain network that he knows how to take down a super heroine and will provide the information for a price attaching the selfie pic as proof
Super Annabelle comes to on the ground, the lifts are out, she doesn’t know how long she’; s been out for. She’s still in a lot of pain, but her super healing appears to be doing the job; she quickly leaves before anyone notices her

    13 minutes
      Spiritism - GORE EROTIC HORROR
Fetish elements
Blood, gore, cut-throat, blood-smashing, LONG AGONIES, full nude

Three sister decide to play dangerous game and invite Satan to their house. They read in satanic book how to do it. They stripped topless, cut hands and slashed blood to their bodies. Their read special spell but did it incorrectly, so they called not Satan but Evil Spirit who slept all the time in their attic. The spirit of Demon came to them and cut their throated like pigs. It was too late to beg him leave them alone, too late… He killed them with a knife very brutal and stripped full nude to leave their nude bloody corpses on Devil Star. 
If you like this one please also check:
Stabbing in the garden
It is a very High Quality Movie with horror effects of Devils Coming.
    12 minutes


Starring: Bella Lenina, Max  

Sentry Bella is relaxing on the floor instead of patrolling. Her legs are wide open, (reference pictures provided). A sniper takes aim, and shoots her in the crotch. She reacts in shock. Male soldier walks up, finish her with a silenced pistol shot to each nipple. Top lifted over breasts without removing.

Sentry Bella patrolling along wall. Male soldier sneaks up from behind, pins her arms behind her, presses gun against side of her breast and fires. Bullet passes through both breast, exploding out of the other side. Soldier turns her around, pushes her against wall. Grabs throat to pin her as he slips gun up her skirt. Presses gun against crotch and fires several time. Wall slide to floor, legs open. Top lifted over breasts without removing.

Sentry Bella in an elevated position near railing. She is firing down at soldier. Soldier maneuvers underneath her, quickly aims up, and fires several times up her skirt. She is dead before falling backwards onto floor, legs flying open.

Sniper Bella is in an elevated position, scanning for her target with a rifle. One foot is propped up on the rail so that she can rest her support elbow. This means her legs are open and her crotch is exposed. An enemy sniper takes aim and fires several times up into her crotch. Her leg remains propped up until the last shot when she staggers and falls back onto the floor.

Bella moves quickly into frame, turns and starts firing at an invisible enemy. A long machine gun burst tears through her crotch. She staggers back into a wall, the shots continue to pin her against the wall. The shooting stops, she slides down to the floor, legs splayed open. She is finished with a shot to each breast. Head slumps to side.

Bella is running away from enemy. She turns around to shoot in a stable two handed position. She is shot in the right and left breasts, and falls back onto the floor. Her legs fly open, skirt ride up to show panties. She aims down between her open legs and keeps shooting. Finished with several shots to the crotch.

Bella is moving quickly to find soldier. He surprises her from behind. She turns around with her gun, but the soldier grabs it, points it in a safe direction, and thrusts a machete/sword through the front of her skirt, all the way to the hilt. After a few seconds, rips it out, and Bella falls to the floor in pain. She rolls over to her back. He gets down, pushes her legs apart, places hand behind her neck, maneuvers blade to her pussy and pushes slowly up through her body (Like Soldier vs Super Soldier). Top lifted over breasts without removing.



Outfit is important to fantasy

Each death is with legs splayed open wide, eyes open.

All prolonged body pans compiled at end of video  TWO NURSES
    9 minutes

Models: Annabelle,  Angelina, Max



Both are getting ready for work in the clothing listed above. A gunman enters the room and shoots one in the forehead and she drops to the ground dead. The other girl hears this and hides in the shower. The killer finds her and shoots her in the forehaed also. She slumps down dead in the shower.



    10 minutes
Actress: Tatiana
Outfit: Sorority girl
Location: Bar, warehouse
Length: ~20 min

Premise: 2 thugs capture, beat, rape, and murder a sorority girl.

A sorority girl is walking along the sidewalk, when a thug comes up from behind, threatens her with a gun, and kidnaps her. She is dragged inside to a bar or warehouse. Once inside, a second thug shows up. \"You\'ve found a nice one! Let\'s have some fun!\" They tie her hands behind her back and start beating the shit out of her. They toss her back and forth, one thug holding her arms behind her back, the other punching her face and belly. One thug rips open her top, and then takes a moment to admire her breasts. From here, they continue to  punch her, choke her, and fondle her breasts. One thug fondles her breasts from behind, while the other punches her. They also eventually remove her skirt and slap and grope her ass. The beating continues for a while, and she is bruised up and in tears. They also put her in some back stretches (over the knee back breaker, camel clutch, chokeholds, or similar), while the other thug punches her while in the hold. \"Super Agent vs Villains\" (my last custom) is a great reference for this.

Eventually, they untie her hands. \"Do you want to try to escape?\" one thug asks. She futilely tries to fight back. The thugs laugh at her as she throws pathetic punches. One thug punches her square in the chest, making her gasp for air. As she tries to recover, they break one of her arms to disable her. They laugh at her and taunt her, and continue punching her. One thug mounts her for a ground and pound. He repeatedly punches her in the face, causing her to spit up blood. The other thug stops him and asks to have a go at her. He stands aside, and thug 2 strips her panties, now completely naked, then rapes her (simulated). He occasionally punches her face while fucking her. Eventually, he climaxes inside of her. He stands up, and walks over to grab his gun. 

Gun in hand, he walks back to her. He brings her to her knees, and threatens her with the gun to her head. \"Where do you want it?\" He brushes the barrel of the gun against her breasts. \"Here?\" He then moves the gun down to her pussy. \"How about here?\" After a few seconds, he says, \"yes, right here\". He inserts the barrel of the gun into her pussy and fires. Blood spills from her mouth as she twitches and convulses. This scene should be very similar to Juliana\'s scene in \"Execution on the beach\".

He lets her collapse to the floor. The other thug then says, \"I\'m not done\", then mounts her. He doesn\'t care that she is dead, he continues to punch her face over and over. He grabs her by the hair and punches her several times square in the face. The end of \"Prisoner abuse 2\" is a great reference for this post-mortem beating. Once he is satisfied, he stands up. The thug that fucked her stands over her and urinates on her (simulated). They both walk away and the camera pans over her dead body, eyes open in a blank death stare.  DOCTOR APPOINTMENT
    18 minutes
Strangulation movie for pantyhose and stockings lovers fetishes
Original idea by Evil Geek
DEATH BY INJECTION TO THE HEAD: Nude body. Death stare, shock reactions
Other fetish elements:
Medical examinations, mother and daughter situation, confuse, surprise, mother finds dead daughter, long erotic strangulation with lots of pantyhose fetishes, knock out,  strangulation with stockings, foot fetishes, dead poses

A more compliant doctor appointment!
The time came around again for 18 year old April Nylonovia's doctor appointment. Her 40 year old mother Malina Nylonovia went with her so that afterwards they could spend the rest of the day at the mall. April had on black tight leggins with flat shoes and a white tank top. Malina had on a white tank top shirt, grey skirt, black colored pantyhose, black bra, and black strappy heels.  Sadly that day April wasn't going to be getting Dr. Feathria. She was going to have to see Dr. Dickima! Dr. Feathria wasn't able to come in that day. Sadly she was lying on top of her bed. Nude with her legs spread wide. Her tan colored hose wrapped around her throat. Her eyes rolled in the back of her head. He was her boyfriend and he was also a doctor. One day he just snapped I guess.

The doctor’s appointment: April and her mother arrived at the doctor’s office at Carpenter Hosptial. Dr. Dickima came out to the waiting room and called out April's name. He said "hello I'm Dr. Dickima. It’s nice to meet you April." April asked where is Dr. Feathria?" he replied “oh Dr. Feathria came down with the nasty flue. She is sick in bed." Malina said "I’m going to hit the cafeteria for a cup of coffee. Don’t worry you will be in and out before you know it sweetie." When they went inside the exam room, he closed the door and locked it. He told her to put on the exam gown as he went to the computer to look up her medical file. April started to undress till she has just her panties on. Then she put on the exam gown and sat on the exam bed. He then said “just lie down on the exam bed and just relax.” He then said "oh before we begin. I need you to take off your underwear ok? Yes I’m a guy but I’m also a doctor. I have seen a million vaginas. Don’t worry." She then said "ok." She then proceeded to take off her panties. Her young and innocent pussy was now exposed to the sadistic killer. Sadly she was unaware of what had done and was going to do! He then said "ok we are done with this part of the exam He then took out a syringe and replied "sorry my dear. I prefer you necro now. To enjoy posing your nude body! He quickly grabbed hold of her head. Put his hand over mouth just in case she screamed and stuck the needle into her temple and injected an air bubble into her eye. Her death was clean and quick. Her eyes rolled back into her head and there was a couple death twitches in her feet. Then she was limp. He let go of her head. She lied there lifeless. He then said "well time for your hot mom to join us for some more fun. He then went into her purse to grab her cell phone to send a text message to her mom’s phone for her to come to the exam room. The nurses and everyone else was unaware of what was going on in that exam room of horror.

Malina read her daughters text message and left the cafeteria to go to the exam room. When she reached the exam room door it was closed of course. She knocked on the door and then it opened up for her. As she slowly walked into the room she dropped her purse and say there in shock. The door closed from behind.
A half hour later he walked out of the exam room. Malina didn't! He quickly left the hospital and was not heard of till he was caught. A nurse went to go see what was going on in the exam room and when she opened the door she immediately fainted onto the floor. April was lying on the floor nude with her sexy Mexican legs spread. Eyes rolled back into her head. Malina was lying on the floor next to her daughter. With just her tan colored pantyhose on.  His belt was tightly wrapped around her throat! Her eyes rolled back into her head. Dried up tear drops that smudged up her eye shadow. Scratch marks from her black strappy heels was also visible on the floor from the struggle that she gave when he wrapped his belt around her soft beautiful throat. If her heels didn't have straps then it's a safe bet that the heels would have gotten flung off during the strangulation and he would have gotten a view of her sexy black painted to nailed feet invaded in tan pantyhose sooner. He enjoyed both those sexy Latina women. He enjoyed them more than his girlfriend that he strangled and raped.
    10 minutes


Voiceover: “I was dragged from my house by one of the men in an angry mob, wearing only a sheer nightie, and taken to a room with a crowd of angry men. I struggled trying to get away but this only increased the mob’s lust. The man holding me called me a stuck up prick tease and punched me knocking me down. I was pushed into the mob of men who groped my body.  The mob cheered and yelled for me to be beaten. I was punched, kicked, and beaten with clubs. Then when I attempted to crawl away members of the mob thrust cattle prods into my body while other men in the mob whipped me. They forced me to give them blow jobs and raped me and then beat me unconscious with clubs.”

A man is behind her forcing her to walk toward the camera. She struggles saying “let me go you filthy pig!” He replies: “you need to be taught a lesson for teasing all the men in town.” The camera views her bouncing breasts from a front, side, and worm’s eye view.

She gets away from him and runs toward the camera.

As she runs a hand reaches out and fondles her breast. More hands reach out and pull down the bodice of her nightgown and she struggles repeatedly to cover her breasts  up. 
Hands reach out and pull up her nightie and fondle her pussy.

She struggles and says get your filthy hands off me you stupid trailer trash.”

Voices say: “beat that stuck up prick tease..punch her pretty face…beat her to a pulp.”

Fists from the left and right in slow motion (and fast motion) punch her breasts while the nightgown covers her breasts and then with the nightgown pulled down. Fists from the right and left in slow and fast motion punch her in the mouth, knocking her down. 

As she falls her legs go up and the nightie falls down exposing her pussy. Sounds of the crowd cheering.

She scoots backward to try to get away but she is pulled up and beaten with a club (in slow motion) on her head and breasts (with the club digging in), knocking her down.

(Off camera fake blood is applied to her scalp and mouth.

She crawls on hands and knees as the camera views her from the front, side, and back (worms eye view). Whips hit her in slow motion on her back. A cattle prod zaps her and her body shakes wildly. Her breasts bounce out from the nightie. 

She then crawls on her stomach as the camera views from the front and rear as the cattle prod zaps her.

She rolls over and the whip hits the front of her body (with the whip digging into her breasts (first covered with the nightie and then with the nightie pulled down). (One person holds the handle of the whip off camera while another person brings the whip over the camera to press into her breasts.) The cattle prod zaps her body and she shakes wildly. The camera pans in on shaking breasts,

She is pulled up and a man says: “Now you snooty prick tease you are going to dance to get our dicks hard and then suck the cocks off all these men or we will break every bone in your body with our clubs and smash in that pretty face.”

She says “please don’t hurt me anymore. I will give all of you the best blow jobs you ever had.”

She begins to move her body in a sexy dance, shaking  her breasts and doing a bump and grind. She gets on hands and knees shaking her breasts until they bounce out from the nightie. She turns around and wiggles her ass and spreads her pussy lips.

Man’s voice: “That’s enough. My dick is plenty hard now. Get over here and suck it. She crawls toward the dick and sucks it briefly and fake cum squirts on her face. 

A fist punches her, knocking her over and a man’s voice says: “You stupid cunt. You made me cum too fast.”

She crawls to another dick and sucks it briefly and more cum is sprayed on her face. Man’s voice: That was the worst blow job ever. We need to beat this bitch with our clubs.

She gets up and runs. From off camera a club hits her in the stomach in slow motion. Another club hits her across her breasts in slow motion. A hand reaches out and pulls down the bodice of the nightie and a club hits her breasts.

She staggers and a club from off camera hits her on the top of her head and, as she sinks to her knees, another club hits her across her mouth in slow motion.

(Off camera blood is applied to her scalp so it runs down her face) Blood streams out of her mouth.

She collapses unconscious. The nightie is pulled off and clubs continue to hit her body and head. A man lifts her body and carries it away.

Words on screen: “The Next Day”

She is wearing only a small (2” by 2”) loincloth made with cloth and pieces of string.

She is still unconscious and a man rapes her and shoots his semen on her face. He throws water on her to revive her and drags her up and drags her toward the camera. 

He says: “Here she is, boys. I don’t think she has learned her lesson. There is only one solution for stuck up rich bitches and that is to shoot them.”

Voices: “Yeah, shoot the snooty cunt.”

She says: “Please don’t kill me. I will be a good slut and learn how to give good blow jobs. Wouldn’t you rather fuck my tight pussy and asshole? I will lick all of your assholes before I suck you off.” (As she is saying this she gets on her knees, fondles her breasts, and shakes them. Then she gets on her back and thrusts her hips up and down as the camera pans in on her pussy.

Voices: “shoot her…shoot her.”

She gets up and struggles to walk toward the camera saying please don’t shoot me.

A rifle appears from off camera and automatic shots are heard. Her body spasms wildly as the loin cloth drops off.  (Off camera blood spots are placed on her body) She continues to be shot and then drops to the floor. The camera views from above as she continues to be shot and she continues to shake wildly.

The camera pans over her bloody body.  HOSTEL
    16 minutes

Psycho remake. Great Erotic Horror with 3 victims. For stabbing fans.

3 nude girls were stabbed in the shower

Many multi stabs, realistic tricks

Great nude bodypile in the shower


Starring: Juliana, Pola, Angelina, Kit



It’s cheap hostel for rent. Great offer for students and travelers   - you can visit country and won’t pay much. But it’s one «But» nobody knows: the owner of hostel is a maniac who killed his mother and saved her corpse and now he kills young woman for sacrifice for his dead mother.

Juliana is a student who chose that hostel. She came in, relaxed, took off her clothes and went to the shower. The owner came to her, opened a shower, surprised her and stabbed many time to her stomach. She lost many blood and died.

Later two girls, lesbian lover, went to the hostel for one night. They stripped nude, went to the shower and saw dead new Juliana in blood. They cried for help and the owner rushed to them and stabbed them many times.

He put bodies to the bodipile in that small shower like meat.  His mummy would be glad – he thought.
    10 minutes
Starring: Nata 
Fetish Elements: 
Spy Theme, Nudity, Stockings, Black Stockings, Shock Reaction, Low Navel Shot, Naver Shot, Belly Shot, Breasts Shot, Breasts Agony, Head Shot, Death Stare 
Like She stole the flash memory card from Mafia, this flash memory has secret information.
The Mafia hired the Hitman to kill her and returned this flash memory.
After he killed her he will search her dead body and find the flash memory on above her right lige on the stocking and he a complete the mission.
    30 minutes

Custom Movie

Remake of 1996 movie according customer’s original idea

30 minutes fetish horror movie

Starring: Luiza, Annabelle



Much boot-fetishes (putting on boots, putting off boots, dancing with boots, talking about boot-fetish, teasing with sexy boots)


Bellybutton torture

Bondage to trees

Bellybutton terror

Arrowings to bellybutton

Great Pain and panic

Agonic deaths


Putting off arrows from bloody bellies


Two young sexy dancers drive to the forest for picnic. They wear swimsuits and take boots for some outside dancing for each other in boots. Both girls like boots. They don’t know the forest is very dangerous for them because strange archer hunts for people in this deep places. He sees young girls and decides to play his game.

He catches them one by one, chloroforms them, bondages to trees, tortures their bellybuttons with finger and arrow and then shoots by bow to them.
    57 minutes

Poisoning, body spasms, urinary incontinence, dismemberment, cutting off arms, cutting off legs, internal organs, torture, sawing, stabbing, massive amounts of blood
A policewoman is investigating a maniac case. She arrives at a remote house and a man opens the door for her. She wants to ask him some questions and he invites her in and offers her tea. The girl turns out to be very careless: noticing suspicious things and blood stains in the house, she still drinks this ill-fated tea, remaining alone with the stranger in his mansion. She immediately feels body spasms. The man says he tested his new poison on her, which causes convulsions, urinary incontinence and loss of consciousness. The girl pees in disgrace, twitches and loses consciousness.
She finds herself exhausted on the operating table. The maniac applies terrible inhuman torture to her and dismembers her alive. He cuts off both her legs and both arms, and she, or rather the bleeding stump that remains of her, watches her terrible death.
In the evening, three female police officers in a car come to the same house to look for their missing colleague. Another policewoman enters the house, and she is close to catching the killer, but he turns out to be stronger and hits her with a knife. The same terrible fate awaits her as the first victim.
The remaining two policewomen go into battle, but the maniac planted an explosive device. One of the girls is torn apart by the explosion and the maniac also shoots her three times with a shotgun. The girl falls into pieces: her intestines, liver, kidneys, and spleen fall out, but unfortunately for her, she is still alive. She does not immediately understand, in painful shock, what happened to her, and at first she thinks that she is wounded and loses consciousness. when she comes to her senses, she sees all her internal organs and cannot believe in such a terrible, shameful end. She tries in vain to shove her intestines back into her stomach, picks up her organs, screams piercingly and slowly dies painfully.
The last policewoman was stunned and stripped on the operating table, dismembered, left without arms and legs, and all her internal organs were pulled out of her...
After the work is finished, the maniac drags the dismembered bodies into the yard and burns them, peering into the flames as parts of young female bodies burn out...
It was his lucky day of sadism.

This Movie is TOP 10 of our Horrors From All the History!
Welcome with your Summer Season 2024 Custom Orders if you want the same custom or Something Else!  WRONG PLACE WRONG TIME 3
    20 minutes
{Special thanks to you, Ugine, for the perfect implementation of my script! The music, the elaborate editing, very well done!
And of course also to the whole crew! The special effects are very good. The new silencer sound is great!
The bullet hole wounds, everything perfect! I also really like the torture scenes with the fingers and pliers, amazingly authentic!}
Review of Customer
Film By Ugine T!

Unique soundtrack by Workenoizedren
CAST: Sonya Krueger, Ksusha Zaichik, Di Revee, Max
Elements: Strangulation, Killing husband and wife together, Garrota, Breaking Fingers, Tortures, Bagging, Interrogation, Shooting, Girls With Guns, Fem Dom, Realistic Crime Movie
Another chapter of terrible sisters-in-crime who attack people in their homes after they know about big cash. This time they clinically torture and kill family couple ! Ufff , very scary and great acted movie with great professional actors , Ugine T directing and editing and arty soundtrack !

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    Welcome To The Crime House Studio on Kinky Clips
    Crime House Fantasy Studio (also Crime House & Crime House and Dark Rooms) is independent production company with female death fetish orientation. Crime House does very erotic stuff, but not porn. Why we advice to offer our videos? 1. SEXY VICTIM-ACTRESSES ONLY 2. REALISTIC DEATH SITUATIONS 3. GREAT ACTING 4. CSGFX EFFECTS 5. NEW MODELS EVERY WEEK 6. ALL DEATH FETISH GENRES 7. NOT PORN BUT VERY-VERY EROTIC AND HOT 8.RUSSIAN AND EAST EUROPE HOT MODELS 9. WE DO KNOW HOW TO PLAY SEXY DEATH 10. ALL MOVIES ARE MADE IN VERY HIGH QUALITY

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