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    All content on Kinky Clips is Role Playing Fantasy only.
    All content is consensual and is acted out by models of legal age.
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    14 minutes

CAST: Emma, Max

Background: Emma is a policewoman and is tasked to interrogate important criminals.  


Scene 1: At home in her underwear, Emma received a phone call to get information from a target and was sent a picture on her computer. Her boss warned her that the target had many security and possible snipers. She reviews the picture and starts to dress in her professional outfit and gets her gun.  


Scene 2: Emma arrives at the criminal\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'s apartment and opens the door with a universal key. She gets her gun out and enters the room, carefully moves to the bedroom, and sees the target is sleeping. She points the gun and yells at the criminal to wake up, and the criminal is surprised and scared. Emma told him to get up and tell her where is the safe and the passcode. The criminal does not want to tell her, but she threatens to keep him and use the gun to strike his head. The criminal is angry but scared and tells her where the safe is and the passcode.  


Scene 3: Emma holds the criminal at gunpoint, exits the bedroom, and moves toward the safe. The criminal suddenly decides to attack Judi, knocks her gun off, pushes Emma to the ground. Emma is angry and strikes him back in the head, and the man becomes weak. Judi then gets on top and starts strangling the man, and the man begs for life, but Emma says,\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\" you will be dead for violating m.\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\". A sniper scope view appears, and Emma\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'s back is in the crosshair. Then a gunshot goes off twice, and Emma is shot in the back. Two Realistic Bullet holes appear on her back and front, and blood is sprayed on the criminal. Emma is shocked, looks at her wounds, and lets go of the man. While still on top of the man, she starts to vomit blood, and her blood also gets on the criminal. Her body also twitches and writhes in pain. He then pushes Emma off to the ground and stands up. Emma continues to puke out blood. She also agonizes and convulses in pain and arches her back.  


Scene 4: Emma is struggling to breathe on the ground and is in a lot of pain. The man goes back to the room, calls his security, and thanks to them for saving him. During this time, Emma struggles to stand up, retrieve her gun, and move toward the bedroom in pain. Just as Emma was about to fire, the security on the phone told the man to be careful, and he turned around and dodged the bullets. Without aiming, he gets his gun in the drawer and fires in Emma\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'s direction. Only the last shot hit Emma in the neck, and a Realistic Bullet hole appeared on her neck, and a lot of blood came out of it. Emma drops the gun, holds her neck in disbelief, and continuously pukes more blood. The criminal says, \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\"Damn, I am lucky today,\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\" and gets another clip from his drawer and reload the gun. He then aims it at Emma and says,\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\" For a dangerous woman like you, you are better dead.\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\" He then shoots her three times in her chest and belly, and a Realistic Bullet hole appears. Emma falls to the ground, and her hands No longer hold her neck as she is too weak. She struggles on the ground and gasps for air while puking blood. She also arches her back in pain.  


Scene 5: The criminal walks up to Judi and sees her in such pain, and says, \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\"I\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'ll end the struggle for you\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\" and fires two shots at her head, and one Realistic Bullet holes appear on her forehead and left cheek. Brain matter sprayed on the ground. Judi\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'s body twitched a few times and stopped. Her eyes are wide open with a death stare. He then humiliates her, saying,\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\" Oh, so pretty blonde girl does have a brain.\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\" 

    28 minutes


28 Minutes!



Karrie Larson is a beautiful photograph model. She is pretty and is always surrounded by men. But she looks condescending. However, she has her secret: she has two boy friends, Edward and Achiless. Achiless is poor but she likes him as he is young and energetic and always listens to her. Edward is married and rich. She likes him as he can afford expensive staff, and more importantly, she likes to play the strangulation game. In addition, both men like her beautiful feet with pantyhose.

Key fetish points:
Bright room. 
Business attire
Regular makeup before killing, red lip 
White and pale both face and lip, when Achiless came.
Very white and pale (even slightly gray) at CSI 
Eye open
High heel
Stocking, white and nude color, ultra sheer (The one in Lyalya was good. This is very important to me). Sexy lingerie underwear.
Foot view from top with stocking on so we can see her toes.
Both overview and close view
    17 minutes

Custom *

Customer’s Review:

« The long wait has been rewarded by a wonderful work of your stuff!».

MODELS: Pola, Max


Amazon, Knife, Stabbing, Blood, Navel. Belly, Stomach, Belly Button, Stabbed to the belly, Pain, Agony, Death Stare

Important key elements of the custom:

- oiled (sweaty bodies)
- emotional, lustful acting, animalistic, over-the-top
- protruding, clearly visible ribs, heavy breathing, lustful
- death scenes: arching, writhing, moaning, NEVER TOUCH THE WOUND, arms/legs outstretched, visble ribs



The war between the amazons and the brotherhood is raging all over the world. Every country has an amazon tribe and every tribe has a queen. The queen is special. She wears a necklace that protects her. As long as she wears the necklace she cannot be killed. There is only one weapon that is powerful enough to kill a queen. It is a knife with special powers. Like cryptonite will kill Superman, this knife weakens the mind of a queen. If knife and queen are in the same room, the magic will spoil the mind of the queen. A deep desire to be killed grows in her. Tease the queen with the knife over naked body. If you find her weak spot, she will finally remove her necklace. After that she can be killed like every other amazon warrior. This knife is called QUEEN KILLER.

The queen is already dressed as the amazon warrior queen (see above): loincloth, necklace, barefoot, war paint.

She walks through the room, she is clearly excited, like she´s waiting for something. The mobile rings and the queen answers the phone. She listens and finally replies: "Don´t be silly, I am the Queen and I will kill him!" She hangs up.

An agent enters the room. The queen smiles and approaches him. Suddenly she stops, her eyes widen. She looks down and sees the knife (close up on knife). She takes a deep breath, the knife already unleashes its magic. The queen feels so horny! She wants to die!!! She wants to be stabbed with this big knife in her bellybutton!!! She knows it´s a trick from the knife, but she can barely fight her lust to be killed! She won´t remove her necklace! Never!!!

The agent approaches, the queen breathes heavily. Sucking in her belly deep in and out, slowly. Her ribs protrude so clearly with every breath! She stares at the agent as he shows her the knife! Slowly he glides it over her naked body and the queen gets more and more aroused.

The agent starts searching for her weak spot. First he tries her heart. He places it at her left breast and pokes slowly. The queen moans slightly and breathes heavy. In and out her belly, deep, slow! It looks like this is not her weak spot, so he glides down between her ribs. Again the queen moans and we see the tip of the knife right between her gorgeous ribs, which protrude so clearly!!! Her body is so sweat!!!

But still it does not seem to be her weak spot! So he glides it down from between her breasts, slowly down. The queen barely can control her lust now. As the blade glides into her bellybutton she moans loudly. Her breathing becomes faster and deeper. Ohhh, so wants to be stabbed there so badly! She wants to feel the blade in her guts!!! But no, she won´t take her necklace off! The agent teases her more, poking her in the bellybutton. This goes on for some time. The queen is full of lust to die, to get stabbed in her bellybutton. Her body is so sweat!!!

Finally she licks her lips, raises her arms slowly up. She rips off the necklace and throws it away!!! Closeup of necklace on the floor.

She keeps her hands behind her head, like she is offering her bellybutton now to be stabbed! She is totally horny now and wants the blade inside her!!

The agent loves how the amazon queen is offering her naked body to him. He teases her more and pokes only slightly, playing with her lust and her bellybutton. Finally the agent stabs the knife deep inside her bellybutton.

"OOUGHHHH!!!" The queen grunts loud and her eyes open in shock and pain! The agent holds the blade as they look and each other eyes for some seconds. Then he pulls it out. The queen grunts again!! The agent takes some steps back. The queen breathes heavily and looks down her belly. Her bellybutton is bleeding. She stares at the agent in disbelief and finally sinks to her knees. She NOT touches the wound! NEVER!!!

The she falls on her back and starts to writhe, arch and moan in agony. More blood flows from her wound. LONG SCENE of arching, moaning, lustful, squirming, different camera angles, CLEARLY VISIBLE RIBS, NOT TOUCHING THE WOUND, arms and legs outstretched.
After some minutes blood flows from the mouth of the queen from both sides.

Again after some minutes she arches her back very high, screams LOUD and then spits a lot of blood from her mouth. She collapses back, dead.

Some more views of her bloody, dead body. And the necklace on the ground. Then fade to black.




*The script, model choice and fetish elements list were done by customer who donated some funds and got the clip the customer wanted to see!

You can do your custom order too! Inside the video you will find custom-ordering instructions!

THANK YOU!  Office Killer
    17 minutes
      Office Killer - OFFICE KILLER
Starring: Angelina & Luiza
 Great movie with noir atmosphere.
Fetish elements: office clothes, pantyhose, feet (many views of feet of alive and dead females), silencer shooting, head shot, backshots, begging for life, carrying.
NOTE: If you like this style of videos please check out our another shooting video with office style:
Shooting in the office, Crime and Punishment, Divorce.

Two office women are working late at the office. 
 Angelina is in the office with her shoes off working on the computer. The killer enters through the door and orders Angelina to stand up against the wall, yelling at her and inquiring about the whereabouts of a certain computer disk. Angelina is terrified and pleading with the killer that she does not know where it is.
 During this, Luiza casually walks into the office through the door and closes it, not realizing what is happening yet. She is carrying her shoes and some folders. She stops short when she finally sees Angelina and the killer and realizes what is happening. She also becomes terrified asking what is going on. The killer orders Luiza against the wall next to Angelina. He begins again yelling where the computer disk is.
 The camera is stationary behind the killer, at an angle and distance where both Angelina and Luiza can be seen head to toe.
 The killer now orders both women to turn and face the wall. He shoots Luiza twice with a silencer pistols. She lets out an "Ugh" with each hit. She arches her back slightly and drops her shoes and the folders she is still holding on to. She slumps down the wall  down to her knees and then her upper torso collapses sideways to the floor (legs bent and soles of feet facing out towards camera). She is dead before she even hits the floor. Open-eyed death stare.
 Angelina seeing this is terrified out of her mind. She now turns around and faces the killer begging for her life. In mid-sentence, the killer shoots her once in the head, showing a single forehead bullet hole with a blank stare. She falls back against the wall and slides down the wall and crumbles very limply onto the floor next to Luiza. She is dead before she hits the floor with open-eyed death stare.
 The killer drags Angelina out of the room by her ankles. The camera remains fixed on Luiza as she still lays dead on the ground. After dragging Angelina into another room, the killer returns and drags Luiza out of the room by her hands or wrists.
Both women are laying side by side on their backs in another room. The camera is stationary at a low angle/position, back far enough where both women are in view, with pantyhosed soles of feet facing the camera. The killer removes both women's clothing except for their pantyhose and bra. He lifts up their upper torso to remove their blouse shirts (still with open-eyed death stare and ***** visible from mouth and forehead bullet-hole). The killer inspects the clothes for the computer disk but cannot find it. He places the clothes inside a bag.
The killer now drags both bodies by their arms/wrists (very limply) down a long office hallway. The camera is stationary at one end of the hallway at a low angle, capturing the soles of the pantyhosed feet as they are dragged away. In this scene, the bodies are actually being dragged further away from the camera as the camera is stationary and does not follow the dragging. 
 Both bodies are then seen being dragged into the bathroom. Both bodies are placed into a single stall to conceal them. 
Run Time: 17:00 minutes
File Size: 700 MB	Format: .MP4
Category: Shooting
    52 minutes
      LASER GUN STYLE - LASER GUN STYLE (50 minutes!)








Fetish Elements:

Many times shot, Topless. Laser Guns, Bloodless, Without Blood, Multy Death, Agonies, Dead Poses 

All girls die in all scenes, mostly one at a time (not all die at once). They are all shot in the lower belly, just below and around their bellybutton, but sometimes a final shot to their breast for a more instant or quick death (with final gasp and lunge) will work too. 

This will be more similar to the spaceship indigo videos, except they will wear outfits that show their belly and not be to high on their belly, and at least one girl will writhe and squirm and roll around, twisting and contorting (see sample pictures below) and have a very climactic final gasp and lunge or arch back very high (body is tensed up with eyes and mouth wide open), pause, then exhale with a moan as she relaxes down (this was missing from the previous custom). See sample video below.   We like how they were arching their back up high, writhing, squirming, and lunging up in Cold Girlfriend video and the Arina and Annabelle Shot Dead Cocktail, and some of the Amazon videos was pretty good and a good example. We would like some rolling completely over and slow crawling (showing off their ass), and they should spread legs apart often so their crotch and belly is easily visible.


In every scene, a couple girls can die quickly and end up in a variety of poses (see sample pictures below), often in a final pose that gives good views of belly, legs apart, or good views of their ass.  One girl can writhe and squirm for a little while before a climactic final gasp and lunge (or arch back up high), and the last girl can writhe, squirm and roll around for a little longer before their climactic demise.





    10 minutes
Great Strangulation Scene! Man and woman brutally and realistically strangle innocent victim to her cruel death during robbery!
Great Neck Snap Scene!
Yana and Wes live in student community. Yana spent last money they kept for a credit payment for drugs. She persuades her angry boyfriend to steal money from room next door. They come to the room and  a girl was sleeping. They wanted to be quiet and just steal money from a table but sleeping girl suddenly woke up and started to shout about police. Yana rushes to her snd starts to strangle.
Tanya shows GREAT STRANGULATION SHOW with many agony! Boyfriend didn’t know what to do and just helped his girlfriend and hold Tanya’s legs during strangulation. After they killed Tanya they left her body under cover to pretend her to be sleeping. A young man realizes that his girlfriend is a monster and breaks her neck…
    46 minutes
      DEATH MATCH - Elements: MMA, Kicking, Boxing, Fighting to the death, Choking, Blood, Death Stares, Non Fatal Battles, Fatal Battles  


Experienced champions female  fights to the death find themselves powerless against young crazy girl fighters with no pity and no rules...  Julia39s Shotdead Cocktail
    9 minutes
      Julia39s Shotdead Cocktail - Shooting short scenes with our new model julia!

short shootings no ***** stories about different deaths of young pretty julia.

funny and hot poses, super death reactions, surprised before death, death stares and many other hot fetish elements for shooting lovers.
    27 minutes

Starring: Judi, Alice M, Max


I'm suggesting Judi play the two nurses and Alice Miren (if names are spelled right) play the first witness/patient. Also I've had problems with PayPal in the past so would either pay via check, money order, or a credit card. Have no idea as to who should play the thug/perp.

Have one model play the part of twin sisters. She’s dressed as a nurse. If she wears glasses, let this be part of the plot. A top crime leader (unseen) has been shot before being arrested and two women have agreed to testify. One is located here, the other in another place. In the house are twin nurses. To silence the patient, a thug invades the house, finds each nurse and chokes each unconscious. He does this from behind twice lasting about a minute each strangle and then twice from the front lasting about the same time. Since they are the same model but twins, they do not appear on camera at the same time. Bound, the nurses return to consciousness. The thug threatens both baring their breasts and choking each manually in an attempt to find where the second witness is located. He does this before strangling either one. In frustration, he appears to choke one of the nurses to death. Fearing for her life, the other nurse reveals where the second witness/patient is. When he leaves to kill the first patient, first nurse regains consciousness. He kills the patient, returns and chokes one nurse to death.

Have each breath faster and faster. Eyes grow more open and each is frightened. As the perp comes closer to each, have them move their shoulders up and in to form a V trying to protect themselves from strangulation. He threatens each by strangling each from behind a few times. Then he comes in front to strangle each of them. I am attaching a photo of someone to show the fear that should be on the model's face.

First victim would be wearing a negligee and, upon the perp entering, she is terrified and raises up on her elbows. Then she is strangled manually from the front to death. She should be partially off the bed with arms, head, and hair hanging down both during the strangulation and after. Camera should pan her showing eyes open in surprise or horror and mouth open with tongue coming out to the side.

The twins are named Judy and Trudy and the second model/witness is named Linda. The perp then returns to the other ‘two’ and strangles one to death. As he approaches the other one, she says something like, “You’ve killed Linda and Judy. And now you’re going to kill me.” The perp approaches her with hands spread to take her neck. She is breathing faster and faster and becomes more and more terrorized as he approaches. Then she is almost screaming as he strangles her to death. Lower lip should quiver repeatedly as he approaches, if possible.

    62 minutes
      MACHINE GUNNED 6 Fill Clip - 1 hour!
About 180 death scenes!
4 actresses!
Spies, Gangsters & Soldiers - 3 girls in a series of sketches where they portray spies, gangsters, and army chicks.

Scene 1 – Mary sneaks in to steal some papers.  Guards Hass and Tora catch her and as she surrenders they have her face the wall and frisk her, then machine gun her.  She slides down the wall onto the floor and her dead body twitches for several seconds before Hass riddles her some more.  As Hass and Tora stand over the dead body, the cameraman mows both of them down and they fall into a body pile.

Scene 2 – This time Mary makes a run for it and is machine gunned down by the guards.  Her body twitches so Tora stands over her and riddles her over and over again (overkill).  As she finishes, the cameraman mows her and Hass down who fall into a body pile on top of Mary.  This time Hass and Tora's bodies twitch and so the cameraman has to blast them (and hits Mary's body too) again.

Scene 3 – In this version, Mary fights back and shoots it out with Hass and Tora.  Mary hits Hass but is then mowed down by Tora.   Tora really blasts her so she goes down dead.  Hass's body twitches a bit so Tora finishes her off.  Tora drags Mary's body on top of Hass's, then riddles the bodies.  As she does so, the cameraman mows her down (in the back) and she falls onto the body pile as the cameraman continues to fire, which makes all of the bodies shake.

Scene 4 – Mary the spy is caught between the two guards, as they prepare to fire, she suddenly drops down and Hass and Tora accidentally machine gun each other.  Both bodies twitch so Mary riddles them some more, one at a time.  She blasts Hass so that her body rolls across the floor forming a pile with Tora.  The cameraman mows down Mary who falls into the pile.  Mary's body twitches a lot so the cameraman blasts her and the pile some more.

Scene 5 – Mary again surrenders, so Hass and Tora have her face the wall.  As Hass frisks Mary, Tora machine guns them both.  It's important that they bounce around touching against each other much of the time.  As they fall, Tora keeps shooting them.  She finally stops just as the cameraman mows her down.

Scene 6 – Mary is trapped by the guards and as they close in, she raises her gun and machine guns herself to death.  The guards are surprised and a bit disappointed since they wanted to shoot her.  Tora walks over and riddles Mary's body.  Hass mows down Tora, who falls on top of Mary then riddles her body, also hitting Mary's dead body.  The cameraman then mows down Hass who also falls on the body pile.  Hass twitches quite a bit so the cameraman riddles the body, also hitting Tora and Mary's dead bodies.

Scenes 7-12, same as above with girls switching parts, and Tora being the spy.

Scenes 13-18, same as above with Hass being the spy.

Scene 19 – All 3 girls are spies and get caught by the cameraman and shoot it out, all of them going down in a hail of bullets.  The bodies twitch so the cameraman riddles them.

Scene 20 – All 3 girls are spies and this time when caught, they surrender.  The cameraman has them face the wall and then machine guns them in the back.  They fall into a twitching heap, which the cameraman riddles some more.  Mary's body still twitches a little bit so she is blasted one more time, but some of the bullets also hit the other bodies.

Scene 1 – Hass and Tora are sitting playing cards when Mary comes in.  They both stand and raise their hands but Mary mows them both down.  Hass twitches so Mary shoots her some more.  The cameraman then blasts Mary who falls across the bodies forming a pile.  Cameraman riddles body pile.

Scene 2 – Mary and Hass playing cards when Tora comes in.  She makes them stand facing the wall, then executes them by machine gunning them in the back.  They fall in a pile.  Cameraman then mows down Tora.  Mary's body twitches so the cameraman riddles the pile.

Scene 3 – Tora and Mary are playing cards when Hass comes in.  Without even standing, Mary goes for her gun and Hass mows her down.  Distracted by mowing down Mary, Hass is then mowed down by Tora, falling on top of Mary.  Tora is pretty happy at coming out alive, but then the cameraman mows her down and she falls on top of the pile.  She twitches so the cameraman riddles the pile.

Scene 4 – All girls a playing cards, when cameraman makes them face the wall and executes them, and the fall into a pile.  They all twitch so she shoots them some more.

Scene 5 – Mary machine guns Tora and is captured by Hass.  Mary is taken to wall and is machine gunned (executed.)  After the shooting stops she falls and her body twitches a bit so another burst is given.  After that the body is still.  Cameraman then machine guns Hass.

Scene 6 – Tora machine guns Hass and is captured by Mary.  Tora is taken to wall and is machine gunned (executed).  After the shooting stops she falls and her body twitches a bit so another burst is given.  After that the body is still.  Cameraman then machine guns Mary.

Scene 7 – Hass machine guns Mary and is captured by Tora.  Hass is taken to wall and is machine gunned (executed).  After the shooting stops she falls and her body twitches a bit so another burst is given.  After that the body is still.  Cameraman then machine guns Tora.

Scene 8 – All 3 girls are executed one after the other.  The bodies falling to a pile.  Mary gets it first,  then Hass, and finally Tora gets it.  The girls are brought in one at a time, mowed down, and the bodies left to pile together.

Scene 9 – As Hass is getting machine gunned by the cameraman, Mary pushes Tora onto the line of fire, causing her to be machine gunned also.  As she steps closer to get a better look at the shaking bodies, she gets too close and steps into the line of fire.  All 3 girls shake and shudder as the fall into a body pile.

Scene 10 – Mary is about to execute Tora when Hass bursts into the room and machine guns Mary.  Although mortally wounded, as Mary starts to go down she manages to machine gun.  Hass blasts Mary again and Mary dies falling into a heap on top of Hass.  Her dead body convulses in death.  Tora walks over and riddles the bodies, and is then machine gunned by the cameraman.

Forearms - I'd like each scene to be one continuous take with no stops or edits.

Scene 1 – Mary shows her arms and the camera lighting makes the hair glisten.   Suddenly the cameraman machine guns her and dies face down, arms extended.  She can even take off one glove and tug at her arm hair, as long as both gloves are back on when the machine gunning occurs.

Scene 2 - Tora shows her arms and the camera lighting makes the hair glisten.   Suddenly the cameraman machine guns her and dies face down, arms extended.  She can even take off one glove and tug at her arm hair, as long as both gloves are back on when the machine gunning occurs.

Scene 3 - Hass shows her arms and the camera lighting makes the hair glisten.   Suddenly the cameraman machine guns her and dies face down, arms extended.  She can even take off one glove and tug at her arm hair, as long as both gloves are back on when the machine gunning occurs.

Scene 4 – Tora machine guns Mary.  She then takes off one glove and plays with Mary's arm hair.  She puts the glove back on and is then machine gunned by Hass.  Hass then takes off one glove and checks out Tora's arm hair.  She puts her glove back on and is machine gunned by the cameraman.  

Scene 5 – Tora and Mary machine gun Hass.  They then take off one glove and check out Hass's arm hair.  They then check out each other's arms as well as their own arms.  Next they put their gloves back on and promptly shoot each other to death.  The camera gets a nice view of all of their arms.  They twitch a little so the cameraman then riddles the bodies.

Scene 1 – All 3 girls attack the cameraman.  The scene is viewed strictly from the cameraman's point of view.  They hide, duck, crawl but eventually, one by one the girls are all mowed down.

Scene 2-3 – Same as Scene 1, but with some variation.

Scene 4 – Tora and Hass attack Mary.  Hass goes down and Tora uses her body to block the bullets.  As Mary shoots at Tora, the bullets hit Hass's body, which jerks to the impact.  Eventually, Tora makes a break for it and manages to mow down Mary.  The cameraman then mows down Tora.

Scene 5 – Same with Hass and Mary attacking Tora.

Scene 6 – Same with Mary and Tora attacking Hass.

Scene 7 – All three girls are huddled together setting an ambush for the cameraman.  But the cameraman is behind then and she sneaks up on them and machine guns them in the back.  They fall into a body pile and twitch, somewhat excessively, so the cameraman riddles the pile.

Scene 8 – Mary and Hass are walking towards the camera.  Tora is a few steps behind them.  Suddenly Tora opens fire mowing them both down.   They shake and bounce together and fall in a pile.  Tora stands over the pile and riddles it, but is then mowed down by the cameraman, falling into the pile herself.  She twitches so the cameraman riddles the pile.

Scene 9 – Same as above with Hass mowing down Tora and Mary.

Scene 10 – Same as above with Mary mowing down Hass and Tora.

Final Scene.
All girls walk toward the camera, smile and say something nice and are then promptly mowed down by the cameraman.  They twitch and are riddled some more.  First is Hass,  then Tora, and finally Mary.  At the end they are in a body pile.  Lots of lingering forearm close-ups before cameraman riddles the bodies.

•	Gloves in every death scene
•	Everyone dies in every scene
•	Plenty of forearm closeups of both living and dead
•	Lots of shaking, pained expressions, and (moans, groans, grunts, aarrrgghhhh type stuff)
•	Obvious, sometimes excessive dead body twitching
•	Mix of eyes open/eyes closed death stares
•	Lots of in the back shooting
•	Lots of face down final positions
•	Legs and Bellies and Arms
•	Body piles
    11 minutes



Nadya and Maria A

Yearning for hair, strangulation by feet, fisticuffs, women's fights, screaming, biting, kicking, choking with hands, neck break, neck snap, death


A wife goes to her husband’s office to punish his lover and secretary. Great catfighting starts and ends with a death




    13 minutes

Executer hangs nude innocent  captive!

Fetish elements:

Nude Hanging

Bondage, Hands Ties, Helpless, Peril, Hanging ne by one, Bodyview, Postmortem

All fetish elements for hanging clip are included:

Hanging views full-length

Jerking legs above the ground

Close ups of hanging face with eyes wide opened and tongues out if the months



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    Welcome To The Crime House Studio on Kinky Clips
    Crime House Fantasy Studio (also Crime House & Crime House and Dark Rooms) is independent production company with female death fetish orientation. Crime House does very erotic stuff, but not porn. Why we advice to offer our videos? 1. SEXY VICTIM-ACTRESSES ONLY 2. REALISTIC DEATH SITUATIONS 3. GREAT ACTING 4. CSGFX EFFECTS 5. NEW MODELS EVERY WEEK 6. ALL DEATH FETISH GENRES 7. NOT PORN BUT VERY-VERY EROTIC AND HOT 8.RUSSIAN AND EAST EUROPE HOT MODELS 9. WE DO KNOW HOW TO PLAY SEXY DEATH 10. ALL MOVIES ARE MADE IN VERY HIGH QUALITY

    Featuring 976 Clips / 16791 minutes of video!

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      CAPTIVES 3



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      BLACK CRANE part 2

    BLACK CRANE part 2


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