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    10 minutes

Custom *

Customer’s Review:

«Thank you this is exactly what I wanted. Very well done video».

MODELS: Angelina, Alex


Foot Fetish, Manual Strangulation, Strangling, Choking, Death Stare, Leg Fetish, Topless, Gasping


The girl (Angelina) was strangled from behind by intruder. The video has many foot fetish elements

*The script, model choice and fetish elements list were done by customer who donated some funds and got the clip the customer wanted to see!

You can do your custom order too! Inside the video you will find custom-ordering instructions!

    38 minutes


CAST: Tatiana, Max, Annabelle

The theme of this story is that Tatiana is called to the office to be punished for naughty things she has done against Christmas.  She is insolent and defiant, but wants to keep her job, so she admits to some sins, willing to take a little punishment, never thinking that Max the enforcer knows all the bad things she has done, or what her ultimate punishment is. 

The enforcer begins to list her sins, and with each sin, gives her a punishment. 

I will leave it to your creative genius to use as many offenses and punishments as you can, till we get closer to the climax. 

Some transgressions she has committed: Misaddressing Christmas cards, hiding presents, badly wrapping presents, putting the wrong presents in the wrong packages, keeping toys for herself, not singing Christmas carols, using the wrong words in carols, not being happy with children on Santa’s lap, showing her cleavage to little boys, denying reindeer can fly—whatever you and your crew can think of. 

Each offense is punished by progressive harder, sexier, more sadistic punishments, such as slapping her hand, spanking her bottom (hand and/or ruler), face slapping, stomach punch, breast slap, hair pull, whipping her bottom, face punch, choking (one or both hands).

It is IMPERATIVE that T’s elf take these punishments with amusement, surprise, and pleasure (mixed with pain), willingly submitting even while showing some resentment at the abuse.  The harder they get, the more pleased surprise she shows—wide eyes, open mouth, with some pain but also delight.

As the list of sins goes on and on, however, and the punishments get harder, though, she beings to regret her willingness to accept them.

Two essential punishments for moderately severe offenses against Christmas: 

One:  T is forced to kneel on the ground and bend over at the waist, face shoved forward into the carpet, her bottom in the air.   Her feet are tied together and her hands are tied behind her back.  Her short dress is pulled up to expose her almost bare bottom, and she is paddled with something like a ping-pong paddle.  She gasps and cries with pain and struggles, and cries insults at the enforcer, but doesn’t really try get away or stop him.

Two:  T, still being insolent, runs and sits in the enforcer’s large, luxurious armchair, being impishly disobedient, having fun and mocking the enforcer’s seriousness, and what she regards as minor offenses.

T (sitting the chair like a queen):  This could be mine!  I could do your job!  You think you can keep me in line?  You hit like a girl!  Sissy!  Poor little boy, trying to be mean!  Come her—at my feet!

M (slowly approaches the chair, and pulls up the ottoman so he can sit close to T):  Little elf, I have not even begun to give you what you deserve.  (Suddenly, punches her breast (close up) hard enough to bounce her off the back of the chair.)

T (Gasps and shrieks a little, but lies back, wide eyed, looking at M with astonishment):  Wow!

M:  You were saying?  (Punches her other breast, just as hard (close up)).

T:  Owww! (Eyes even wider, mouth open with utter surprise, both at what M is doing and at her enjoyment of it.  She touches her breasts, then looks wantingly at M, and puts her hands back against the back of the chair, by her head, inviting more hits).

M (punches her breast even harder (close up).

T:  Uhhhhh!  (Head bouncing forward then back, then head leaning back, eyes almost closed, lips parted, in obvious pleasure.  She stays in her previous position, exposed.)

M (laughs a little, then punches her other breast, again bouncing her off the chair back).

T:  Oooph!   (slumps in the chair, overwhelmed with the pleasure of being hit so erotically)

M (stands, grabs the front of T’s dress and pulls her up, into the middle of the room.  She wobbles on her feet.  M grabs her breasts and pulls her toward him, her head and arms flying behind her.  He then spins in a tight circle, swing T by her breasts in front of him.  After two circles (her eyes wide, gasping and crying), he flings her by her breasts across the room.  She hits the floor and rolls under the Christmas tree.  As she lies there still, M goes to his desk to see what else T must be punished for.  She crawls timidly out from under the tree, unsure if she likes this game anymore.)

(T decides to try to seduce the enforcer, so she comes to him and tries to hug and caress him, rubbing her body against him, enticing him with her eyes, showing him her cleavage.  He lets her do what she wants for a while, then shoves her away.)

After being rejected and shoved the floor, she continues to try to seduce him, by preening, stretching, raising her stockinged legs, spreading her legs, rolling about, showing off her body in various inviting poses.  He ignores her at first, but finally exasperated, goes to the large armchair and sits.  He pats his lap and says, “Come sit on my lap.â€

Tatiana (thinking she was won the battle): “On your lap?  I’d love to.â€

Max:  Yes.  Come here.  I want to beat you.

Tatiana (surprised, but liking the idea):  You want to beat me?

Max:  Yes, I want to beat you.  You need to be beaten.

T (get up off the floor and sits on M’s lap, wraps her arm around him):  You can beat me, but wouldn’t you rather do something else?

M (laughs and begins nuzzling and caressing T all over, quickly getting an excited response from her.  He lets her hair down, and when she is breathing heavy, he stops caressing her.  “Ready?â€

T:  Yes!  Yes!  Ready for what?

M (takes her by the hair):  This!  (hit her hard twice in one breast with the side of his hand (the thumb side), like the edge of a knife or axe, knocking the wind out of T)  [we must see these hits close up to know what’s happening]

T (responds to hits with even more excitement)

M (caresses her some more, then moves her around and hits her other breast on the nipple four times with the side of his hand;  T jerks and gasps with each hit)

T (moaning with pleasure):  Oh, my God!

M (to himself):  Yes, you’ll meet him soon enough! (hits her breast twice more, as she gasps)  You’ve been so bad, trying to seduce Father Christmas’s enforcer!  How hard should I hit you for that?

T:  As hard as you want!

M (hits her four more times in the breast)

T (gasps and twists with each hit, but doesn’t try to stop M or protect herself)

M (after a pause, hits her breast twice more):  This is good.  How many times should I hit you for this new offense?

T (breathless, knowing she will be hit again):  As many times as I deserve!

M (shifts her around again and hits her other breast six times, fast and hard (close ups); T jerks and gasps with each hit).

T:  Oh! Oh! Oh! Oh! Oh! Oh!

M:  Naughty elf!  You don’t deserve your elf costume!  Take it off!

T (stand, strips off her dress, sits back on M’s lap):  Yes, I’ve been so naughty!

M (holding her by the hair, still using the edge of his hand, hit each of T’s breasts several times)

T:  Beat me!  Hurt me!

M:  You want to be hurt?  Take off your bra!

T (eagerly takes off bra and throws it away)

M (grabs one breast and holds it tightly (close up) while, using his palm now, slams his hand into each breast (close up) half a dozen times (fully shot to show holding her by the breast while hitting her, her arms spread wide, defenseless); T is becoming delirious with joyful/pain). 

M (shoves her off his lap and onto the floor):  On your knees!  Hands behind you!  Head back!  Lean back!

T (crawls to the middle of the rug on the floor and does as instructed)

M (kneels on the floor in front of T and punches her in each breast a number of times with his fist; T responds with little shrieks.  M hits her again, very hard, sprawling her on her floor, face down.  He slips his hand under her, grabs her breast and pulls her by her breast onto her back (close up of this action).   She lies, arms spread wide, breathing hard.  He straddles her, grabs her breasts, and pulls her up till she is bent at the waist.  She hangs by her breasts in his hands, arms limp, head hanging back.)

M:  You think you were going to get away with all your sins?  (Shakes T up and down)  Did you?  (shakes her up and down more, pushing and pulling her by her breasts; view sides and from above as he does)  Did you think you could seduce me and escape your punishment?  (shakes her) Did you?

T (finally trying to remove his hands, without success):  No, no!  I didn’t mean anything!  I know I deserve what’s happening!

M (shoves her to the floor and sits again at his desk, consulting his papers):  That beating was just for trying to avoid being disciplined for your worst sins against Christmas.  Do you understand that?

T (Still on the floor): Yes.  I’m sorry.  I won’t do that again!  I promise!  I’ll take what’s coming to me.

M:  You certainly will.  (Consults papers)  I’m coming to the end of the list, and I see here, you have two of the worst possible sins.  The second worst sin is, you have told children that Father Christmas doesn’t exist!

T:  But—but—I’ve never seen him!  I might be working all day for someone’s imagination!

M:  And you compound the sin to me!  Stand up!  By the fire, face me and take your punishment!

T (stands, feet together, in front of the fire)

M:  Deny Father Christmas, will you?  (slaps her face hard, a dozen times)

T (astonished, after the last slap):  Show him to me!

M:  You’re just making it worse for yourself!  (slaps her breasts a dozen times)

T (crying): I’ve done nothing wrong!  He’s not real!

M:  Hands behind your head!

T (clasps hands behind her head, staring at M, knowing she is going to be hit): Do it!

M (punches T hard in left breast four times (close up!)

T (at fourth hit, staggers backward)

M:  What are you doing?  I’m not done!

T (resumes her position, hands behind her head)

M (punches each breast several times on the nipple, and sideways (close ups), total six hits)

T (doubles over, hands over her chest)

M: Stand up!  You’re not finished!

T (resumes position, hands behind her head)

M:  Father Christmas does exist! (punches each breast three times, hard than ever, finishes with one more vicious breast punch that sends T to the floor; she lies on her side, arms stretched above her head)

M: Some elf you were! (Kicks her in the breasts, rolling her across the floor several times, then returns to desk)

T (slowly recovers, gathering her clothes (bra, dress, gloves, cap)as M returns to his desk; as he checks off items, she starts to stumble toward the door)

M:  Wait!  There’s just one more thing.

T (actually frightened now):  I haven’t done anything else!

M:  Yes, you have.  (Leaves desk and pulls T by her hair back into the room, to the large chair.  He pulls the ottoman into the middle of room while still holding T). 

M (holding T by the hair) You’ve told children THERE’S NO SUCH THING AS CHRISTMAS!!!  That is an offense worthy of death!

T: Nooooo!

M (sits on ottoman, pulling T down backward  so she is lying across his legs, on her back)

M:  There is no greater offense, and no greater punishment!  (Wraps a red stocking around T’s neck and tightens it.  As T struggles against the beginning of the strangulation):  Choose between being beaten to death (punches her breast on the nipple) or being strangled! (tightens stocking)

T (Speechless, terrified)

(For the next several minutes, T alternately tries to stop the strangulation and stop the beating.  When her hands try to pull the stocking away, M punches her breasts until T tries to protect her breasts with her hands.  When she tries to protect herself, he tightens the stocking a little more, edging her closer to asphyxiation.  This process repeats itself 3-4 times (distance shots and close ups).  Finally, T realizes she being strangled and death is near, so she stops trying to protect her breasts.  She claws at the stocking while M repeated punches each breast, harder and harder, trying to distract her; T lets him hit her, because she’s just trying to survive.  But it’s too late.  Slowly, even as M continues to hit her, her arms fall back behind her head.  M cinches the stocking down and punches her breasts until T shows no signs of life, and hangs limply across his lap.  He lifts her head by the stocking and shakes it, then pulls it back down and punches her breasts several more times (clearly seen).  Finally, he rolls her off his lap onto the floor, and kicks her onto her back.)

M (kneels and straddles her, grabs her breasts and pulls her up into a sitting position; she hangs by her breasts, dead, in his hands (mandatory: (1) side view, (2) close up, (3) camera moving from behind T, seeing her face, up and over her to look down on her breasts in M’s hands) and (4) view from high up above):  Naughty, naughty elf!  Father Christmas is the nicest old man in the world, and there’s no place for tarts like you, who question his existence and ruin children’s dreams!  (Drops her, stands and stomps on each breast several times hard enough to bounce her off the floor, saying “Bad elf!†with each stomp).

M (returns to desk, consults papers):  So much to do, so much to do!  (He works for a while, until his eyes stray and he sees a boy’s toy still unwrapped—a toy pistol that shoots rubber suction cup darts [e.g. by the Dreidel Company Detective Set, less than USD $10 on Amazon].  He looks at T’s body, and has an idea.

He props T’s body up against a wall (using whatever means you like to keep her upright), then takes some women’s lipsticks and draws round targets on her breasts, with her nipples as the bullseyes, then amuses himself for a while shooting the suction cup darts against her breasts (2x the 10-11 darts).  She stands passively, restrained up against the wall, head to one side, eyes open, lips slightly parted, as the darts hit her breasts and nipples (close ups), though they simply indent her breasts but don’t stick.  He enjoys this at first, but quickly tires of it.  He looks at T, looks around the room, and decides it needs more decoration.  He ties her hands behind her back and her arms to each other (she is limp, so he has to continually manhandle her, pushing her up against a wall and holding her there alternately by her neck, her hair, and just one breast), and then ties her feet together and, ties her thighs together, then wraps her body in a string of lighted Christmas lights (including wrapping some tightly around her breasts), puts her red stocking cap on her head, and hangs her by the neck from the ceiling. )

M (pours himself a drink and works at his desk as T dangles in the background):  So much to do!  So much to do! 

(The clock ticks by the hours, till it is near midnight.  M finally lowers T and takes off all the lights and wrappings.  He then makes out a label:  “Return to workshop.  Defective elf merchandise.† He then pulls out a large cardboard box and stuffs T into it, then stuffs packing papers around her, seals it up, put on the label and has it carted off by more helpers.

M (back at his desk): So much to do, so much to do!

(There’s a knock at his door, and another beautiful, sexily clad elf comes in and says): “Is this where I come to be punished for my sins?â€

Max winks at the camera.
     Deadly Home Invasion4
    18 minutes
Plot. A woman is home alone. She is wearing socks  and smoking cigarette. Her neighbor hates cigarette smell and smoking *****. He decides to punish sexy bad bitch who always smokes to the window. 
She invites her friend – a sexy blonde, manager. She is in sexy shirt, office short black skirt, black stockings and high heels shoes. They ***** tea and a guest decides to go to the shop for some chocolate and wine. Neighbor in black mask attacks the ****.  We see her surprised reaction, trying to escape, panic, legs kicking, feet in the socks, After she is dead, he strips her body. Her guest comes back. The **** cries and dropes her mobile phone to the floor. He grabes her and strangkes too. Out new model makes great ******* reactions woth her face, kicking legs, She scratches killer’s arms in her agony. She dies with great opened-eyes death stare. He strips her too and she shows her dead big tits. Her corpse is in black stockings, her friend’s body is in dirty fe,ale socks, they are in dead ****’s bodypile!

Fetish elements: smoking *****, home alone, *************, *******, foot fetish, bare legs, socks, dirty socks, black stockings, double murder, bodypile, death fetish, boobs, playing with bodies, sexy poses.  GOOD COP IN THE HEAVEN
    13 minutes
NATA as a good cop
TIM as a bad cop
JUDI as a gang-girl
MAX as a gangster with a bat
MERCY as a mafia boss (New Model! Available For Custom!)
MIRA GREEN as a striptease-girl (New Model! Available For Custom!)

1.Nata is hit in her hand during firefight  - great pain!
2.A sexy dancer with her gun was shot in her chest during firefight! Great Reaction, Death Stare and Death Pose. The scene is shown from different angles and in slow-motion!
3.Judi was hit to head and fall dead with great death stare during fighting 
4.Nata was very near to be strangled to death during fighting with a gangster
5.Female Mafia Boss was shot to her back when she was trying to escape – great actress reaction, pose and death stare 
6.Gangster was shot to his back and fall dead (male death scene)
7.Nata was  shot to her back by betrayer (surprise reaction, dramatic conversation)
8.Nata was shot to her chest, long agony before her death

	The lair of the bandits who control the drug trade of the city. A corrupt cop is involved in their gang and receives a bribe from the mafia boss. Nata, a police officer from the department who is used to working alone, quietly enters the den. In order not to make a lot of noise, she takes off her boots and sneaks on tiptoe. She sees the bandits and sends a weapon at them: “You are arrested!” The corrupt cop manages to disappear into the darkness, and Nata does not notice her colleague recruited into the mafia. Shootouts and fights to the death begin. First, her colleague, appearing out of nowhere, helps her defeat the bandits. Nata wants to deliver the case with the mafia’s money to the police department, but her colleague says that you need to take money and leave the city. Nata replies that she will never become a corrupt cop, goes to a case with money, trustingly turning her back to her colleague, but gets a shot in the back, and then a shot in the body.
 	 She dies and sees how the vile cop collects bloody bundles of money on the floor, preparing to escape.
 	 “You will be a good cop in heaven!” Says the corrupt policeman and goes into the darkness of the city. 

     NINJA ATTACKS Bonus Scenes
    6 minutes
«AMAZING Ugine!!! the custom is perfect. many thanks.
Customer’s Review
Three different scenes about ninja was attacked by intruder: she was shot, she was choked ans she had her neck broken and stripped for lingere. 

    15 minutes




4 Girls are kidnapped at home party by terrorists


Panic, begging for life

Walking to the noose

Forced stripping

Hanging 4 Girls  together: panic before execution, last begging for life  

Hanging: dying faces with eyes wide opened  and tongues out close-ups, front twitching  body views, back twitching body-views, agony

Putting dead bodies from nooses

Making dead nude girls’ bodypile

Much foot fetish postmortem views
     NINJA 4
    8 minutes
      NINJA 4 - CUSTOM
CAST: Judi and Scarlett Fandera

Short scenes:


Ninja stumbles into the clearing to find himself face to face with Fighter.

Ninja immediately strikes the side of fighter’s neck with all his fingers held straight and tightly together. fighter responds by using the heel of his palm to strike up under ninja’s nose,

In pain, the ninja takes out the mask to breath (and maybe some small bleeding in the nose – or mouth),... then, the fighter attacks again, with a stronger punch on ninja’s nose (face). Making the ninja to cry out in pain as his nasal bones CRACK.

Fighter, give some time to see the ninja in pain and crying – fighter enjoys to see the ninja in pain, then rallies and brings up his knee and swiftly turns his hip over, snapping his right leg outwards from the knee to deliver a strike to Ninja’s head with her foot…

Ninja falls into the floor, stunned... then try to stand up, and sit

Ninja partially recovers the conscience, then fighter give several kicks on her belly while the ninja still stands on the floor.

Then fighter sits on her back, and opens ninja's mouth then puts her in a mandible claw

until ninja is ko'd lying down on her back. After she is ko'd fighter holds the claw for a few seconds before breaking her neck and letting go. ninja then falls to the floor.

(ending scene)
- fighter picks ninja up and puts her in a stunner. ninja staggers a bit on her knees before fighter puts a sleeperhold, ninja struggles but right before she is ko'd by the sleeperhold fighter delivers a sleeper necksnap ko.

Ninja let's out a yelp and gasp before she is ko'd and falls to floor. Fighter then picks her up and kill her (leave this one opened to Ugine to decide how to finish her)

Parallel scene...

- Ninja comes from behind and sleeper holds fighter until she is ko'd while standing up. After she is ko'd ninja holds the fighter for a few seconds before breaking her neck and letting go. Fighter then falls to the floor.

    22 minutes

Interesting plot
Neck break
Much postmortem necro erotica
Much pantyhose fetishes
+ bones scene  - Strangling

Fetish elements: 
Evil girl, domanation, forced to strip, punishment, begging for life, choosing the way of execution, neck break, body twitching after death, necro striping, putting off pantyhose from dead body and putting on them. beheading, twrowing head way like a rubbish, strangulation.


Nice to meet you Mrs. Necro Rat

Present Time: In New York there was the Vicaflo Mob Family. The head of that crime family was Max Vicaflo. The crime family was involved in gambling and a dozen murders. Max was married to Debra. They had two children. Debra was a elegant and confident wife. However she grew a conciounce and asked for a divorce from Max. Max was 44 and Debra was 42 at the time. She didnt want to be married to a murderer and to a person that was into other illegal doings. She did break his heart and that made his blood boil but it wasn't something he would get revenge over. He was a mob boss of the modern times. He even helped her get a legit job and a house. End of story. Ya right.

A month later Debra's conciounce grew more and she decided to go to talk to the Feds. Max found out that she became a rat. That was something that he couldn't forgive her for. He asked his associates/henchmen to take her out. They wouldn't take the order. He had to get some outside help. Through some channels he got a hold of a company that takes care of these type of issues. He mentioned to them that he had a couple special requests too. A young yet cold hearted hit girl nicknamed Blood Heel was chosen for this job. They assured him that she would be perfect for this assignment. Max actually got a chuckle while thinking to himself "hmm a 24 year old hit girl offing my ex wife." The nickname sounded familiar to him too. She was known for taking care of certain jobs and was sadistic at it. Blood Heel recieved a goverment secured email on her iphone of her newest assignment. She didnt question any of it. Had no remorse over who the target was either. The following morning she got on a private plane to new york.

On the morning that debra was going to go talk to the Feds, she was in the shower. Shaving her sexy legs. She painted her toes red the night before. Her outfit was laying on the bed. A business attire type outfit. Black hose and black heels.  When she got out of the shower. She wrapped a towel over her wet mature looking nude body and walked out of her bathroom. When she walked out of her bathroom. She walked no further. She let out a loud shreak. Blood Heel was sitting on her bed. Legs crossed in her black tight leggins. Sitting with no remorse on her face. A silencer in her hand. Which was pointed towards Debra's forehead. Debra replied well I knew Max wasnt going to live with me becoming a rat. regardless if we have children. I just didnt think he was going to hire a young woman like you to do the dirty deed. Im mean come on. You look about the same age as my son." Blood Heel replied. now its my turn to speak. Im not hear to chit chat with you. Im not here to negotiate. I dont care who you are. you are just a assignment to me. Also believe me. I may be 24. But Im still a cold hearted bitch and good at my job." Debra replied. Well I see you dont lack confidence. So you are going to a bullet in between my forehead with that silencer? Blood Heel replied "get the fuck dressed and we will be taking a walk to your living room couch." Debra pretty knew her fate was sealed and obeyed. A part of her thought maybe she could plea for her life with his sweet looking yet sadistic young woman. Debra got dress and they walked down stairs to the living room couch. Debra sat down. Then she said now between us to adults and women. Do you really want to do this? Im a mother of two. my ex husband is a evil man and deserves to be in jail. Im doin what is right for me and my kids. Please I ask you to reconsider." Blood Heel replied as she was standing in front of her "I will give you a choice of death. I can either strangle you with your hose. Or snap your neck. You pick. My client prefers that your death be a clean kill. Also if it means anything. I will be taking a pic of your black hosed feet for my personal trophy pic album and a copy will be going to my client. So what kill method did you pick?"

Debra didnt want to die but atleast she was giving a choice of which kill method to be used. Atleast the kill method would be a clean kill. She was also flattered that her feet would be considered a trophy for a professional hit girl and a pic would be given to her ex husband. He had a thing for her sexy feet. Especially in hose. She replies I want you to snap my neck. Blood Heel replied "you got it." She walked behind the couch and stood right behind Debra. Blood Heel then said "do you have any last words before you show me your death stare?" Debra then said out loud with tears dripping down from her eyes  "good bye Timmy. Good bye Sarah. Mommy loved you.  Well I'm going to be one sexy necro mom." Blood Heel then grabbed Debra's neck tight and twisted Debra's neck till there was the sound of Debra's neck bone snapping.  Her eyes instantly roll back into her head. There is a couple death twitches and then she went limp. Blood Heel then said "you know you never get tired of hearing the sound of a target's neck breaking. Well time to finish up with the special requests that my client gave me to do." Blood Heel took a pic of Debra's lifeless eyes. The dried tear drops Blood Heel enjoyed looking at. She had a thing for the repose of her targets and the emotions that were shown on their faces. She then took a pic of Debra's dead red painted toe nailed black pantyhose incased feet in heels. Then took off the heels and took a pic of her hosed feet. Then peeled down her black hose and took a pic of her bare smooth sexy red painted toe nailed feet. She got a chuckle as she thought to herself. "The Black Crane if she was still alive would have enjoyed these feet for sure. Would have even got wet from the whiff from the scent of her heels and hosed feet." It was known in the underworld of the Black Cranes sadistic and sexual cravings. Then she took a jar and sharp knife out of her back pack and cut off Debra's head from her elegant body and put the severed head into the glass jar. Max wanted her severed head in a jar besides the pic of her dead feet in hose and bare. Then she posed Debra's headless corpse in a elegant pose on her couch and made her secure phone calls to who she needed to contact. Then left. The kids were picked up from school by Max's maid. The severed head in the jar and the pics discreetly were sent to Max. Max went to trial but no evidence was supportive enough to put him in jail. The children were told that their mother was killed by a up ax murderer. One that didnt exist of course. Well define didnt exist.

Price is 19$ only this weekend. 

If you like this video please visit our another studio
and check out:

My wife is vampire
Black Crane
    13 minutes
      Spiritism - GORE EROTIC HORROR
Fetish elements
Blood, gore, cut-throat, blood-smashing, LONG AGONIES, full nude

Three sister decide to play dangerous game and invite Satan to their house. They read in satanic book how to do it. They stripped topless, cut hands and slashed blood to their bodies. Their read special spell but did it incorrectly, so they called not Satan but Evil Spirit who slept all the time in their attic. The spirit of Demon came to them and cut their throated like pigs. It was too late to beg him leave them alone, too late… He killed them with a knife very brutal and stripped full nude to leave their nude bloody corpses on Devil Star. 
If you like this one please also check:
Stabbing in the garden
It is a very High Quality Movie with horror effects of Devils Coming.  ADULTERY
    33 minutes
Custom Movie
Starring: Billy Brag, Tatiana, Scarlett Fandera, Sonya Krueger

Gloves, Bagging, Choking, Strangulation, FemDon, Trapping, Thriller

Tony is a successful businessman. He does an excellent commerce at his own firm. Someone will say: here he is - an ideal boss, friend, husband. Only Tony's wife disagrees. She knows that this moron betrays her every time when he climbs under next skirt on the side. Well, today the wife will punish the shameless husband. And she will do this not by getting her hands dirty, but using the services of professional killers. Those who know their job - will do it quickly, stylishly, efficiently, and they will also provide a discount. Well, how can anyone refuse such a lucrative offer?


    12 minutes

«That was AMAZING. Mira was a great choice, and her long drawn-out mortal agony was super sexy. And you were as good as your word. There was lots of blood»
Customer’s Review

CAST: Mira Green, Den

Fetish Elements
Wedding Dress, Stabbing, Much Blood, White Stockings, Stripping Body

The model in front of the mirror, just putting the final touches on her make-up. There is a knock at the door.

"Come in," she says.

The door opens and she sees the reflection of the male actor in the mirror. Her face registers shock - she knows this guy. She turns around.

"What are you doing here?" she asks.

The killer shows a knife.

"You know," he says.

She laughs. "Are you crazy or something?"

"You left me for David," he says [use whatever name you like]

"Yes I did. David is worth ten of you. And I am marrying him today."

"David is dead."

She laughs again. "You really are crazy."

"Ring him if you want."

Just at that moment her phone, which is on the table in front of the mirror, rings. She recognises the number and takes the call, looking worried.

"Yes?" she says. Then, as she listens her face registers extreme shock. She lets the phone fall.

"You killed him?" she says in a whisper.

"Yes, I killed him. And now I am going to kill you."

She struggles successfully to control her emotion, and then she faces him squarely. "All right then," she says, "go ahead and do it."

He lunges at her and stabs her in the belly. Her face registers pain and she cries out. He twists the knife and cuts upwards, while she grunts in pain. Then he takes out the knife. She looks down at your belly and clutches it, with blood oozing through her fingers and a stain spreading on the dress. [I'd like lots of blood, please!] She totters forward a few steps. Then she coughs blood and collapses to the floor.

As she lies on her back on the floor writhing in pain he stabs her in her right breast, then in her left breast. She coughs up more blood, then shudders and dies. [Lots of blood on the dress now please!] And a slow pan over your clothed "corpse".

"You're not marrying anyone," he says. He rolls her over onto your front and unzips the dress. Then, moving her around as necessary he takes off the dress and throws it to one side. Then he removes the lingerie, piece by piece, leaving only the stockings. And then another slow pan. 

    12 minutes
Important key elements of the custom:
- protruding, clearly visible ribs, belly sucked in, heavy breathing, 
- death/dying scenes: writhing, moaning, NEVER TOUCH THE WOUND, arms/legs outstretched, visible ribs, BREATHING SOUNDS IMPORTANT!!!
- oiled (sweaty body, throughout)
- NEVER showing fear
Costumes and props: exactly like in the last custom Queen Killer Sally: only this loincloth, no slip beneath, , barefoot, war paint in face, body oiled, swords, NO NECKLACE THIS TIME!
Sally is already dressed as an amazon warrior (see above): loincloth, barefoot, war paint, body sweating. She has is waiting for her dule and carries a sword. She is breathing heavily, excited for the coming swordfight, plays with the sword over her body, stretching, showing her ribs. 
An agent enters the room, sword in hand. Without saying a word the opponents take position, facing each other. Immediately Sally yells and attacks, swords clash and both pressing their swords together, each trying to push the other back. Sally grunts. Finally she can push the agent back, she attacks with sword over her head and strikes down but misses.
Immediately she goes up again, sword over her head her head, yelling her war cry.
The Agent moves forward and stabs Sally right in her navel. Sally’s war cry is stopped and she grunts: URK!
Closeup her face, totally surprised:
Cut to sword in her belly:
The agent pushes the sword deeper inside her and Sally gurgles blood. 

The agent pulls the sword out and Sally collapse on the floor.
Fade to black.
Fade in again: Dally has been laid out by the agent for his killing ritual.
Sally is laid out, arms and legs outstretched, under her back is a pillow to enhance her arch, chest and ribs.
Sally is already deadly wounded. She is lying still but breathing heavily and her breath/grunt is clearly audible. Her eyes and mouth are open wide. She is in shock, staring just above, not at the agent, only above… paralyzed by the agony.
Long scene! Shots of this scene with Sally breathing and grunting loudly and staring in shock from many angles! Her belly is bloody, two thin lines of blood run down her sides (see below)
I especially angles that highlight her visible ribs, like below from behind (please include this!) and more.
After some time the agent kneels next to her, watching the dying beauty. Almost gently he touches her navel wound. Sally reacts by a lustful moan, sucking in her belly, exposing her ribs 
The agent repeats that some more times (always from a different angle, but please also the one from pic above).
Then the agent reveals a long needle (can be a screwdriver, should be a thing with the long thin blade). Sally is back to breathing like in the JACK.mp4 again.
He stabs the needle under left tit slowly and Sally’s eyes widen more… then fine line(s) of blood run down her ribs:
Long shot of this!!!
The agent touches her visible ribs (but not touch the blood line!!!) as Sally moans again and writhes.
Finally the agent grabs the needle again and searches with a finger around Sally’s chest for her heart.
When he finds it right between her breasts, WE HEAR HER HEARTBEAT!!! Boom – boom – boom
Slowly he pushes the needle in and Sally’s eyes widen again. 
Agent: “I can feel your heart on my blade!” He waits a little. Finally he pushes it in and we hear a SLASHING SOUND AND THE HEARTBEAT STOPS!!! Blood oozes from the heartwound.
A HUGE  mount of blood splashes from Sally’s mouth!
Now Sally arches her back up, making breathing suffocated 
Again from many angles, from the side, behind below is my favorite:
Finally Sally collapses dead. Agent: “You died beautifully, Amazon!” walks away
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    Welcome To The Crime House Studio on Kinky Clips
    Crime House Fantasy Studio (also Crime House & Crime House and Dark Rooms) is independent production company with female death fetish orientation. Crime House does very erotic stuff, but not porn. Why we advice to offer our videos? 1. SEXY VICTIM-ACTRESSES ONLY 2. REALISTIC DEATH SITUATIONS 3. GREAT ACTING 4. CSGFX EFFECTS 5. NEW MODELS EVERY WEEK 6. ALL DEATH FETISH GENRES 7. NOT PORN BUT VERY-VERY EROTIC AND HOT 8.RUSSIAN AND EAST EUROPE HOT MODELS 9. WE DO KNOW HOW TO PLAY SEXY DEATH 10. ALL MOVIES ARE MADE IN VERY HIGH QUALITY

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